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Attribute Name













Unit of the quantity credited and debited from the balance.
Time period during wich the LoyaltyEarn can be burnt through LoyaltyBurn.
The quantity of burn.
The quantity of earn.
Unambiguously distinguishes different object instances.
This is a string, and defines a textual free-form description of the object. Notes: This attribute doesn’t exist in M.3100. The CIM has two attributes
for this purpose, Caption (a short description) and Description.
Represents a user-friendly identifier of an object. It is a (possibly ambiguous) name by which the object is commonly known in some limited
scope (such as an organization) and conforms to the naming conventions of the country or culture with which it is associated. It is NOT used as
a naming attribute (i.e., to uniquely identify an instance of the object).

A LoyaltyProgramMember is defined on each LoyaltyAccount. A LoyaltyProgramMember is a type of PartyRole and is granted with the rights on
the LoyaltyAccount such as to execute LoyaltyBurn used to realize a CustomerPayment.
Unique identifier for PartyRoles
A word, term, or phrase by which the PartyRole is known and distinguished from other PartyRoles.
Used to track the lifecycle status, e.g. existing, prospective or former customers.
The time period that the PartyRole is valid for
A LoyaltyProgramProduct is a type of ProductComponent. It is described by a LoyaltyProgramProdSpec.
The condition of the product, such as planned, designed, activated, disconnected.
The period during which the product is applicable.
Represents a user-friendly identifier of an object. It is a (possibly ambiguous) name by which the object is commonly known in some limited
scope (such as an organization) and conforms to the naming conventions of the country or culture with which it is associated. It is NOT used as
a naming attribute (i.e., to uniquely identify an instance of the object).
If TRUE, a LoyaltyAccount is needed for each LoyaltyProgramProduct created according to the LoyaltyProgramProdSpec.
The manufacturer or trademark of the specification.
The condition of the product specification, such as active, inactive, planned.
The period for which the product specification is valid.
Represents a user-friendly identifier of an object. It is a (possibly ambiguous) name by which the object is commonly known in some limited
scope (such as an organization) and conforms to the naming conventions of the country or culture with which it is associated. It is NOT used as
a naming attribute (i.e., to uniquely identify an instance of the object).

This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, signifies that this PolicyRule has one or more sub-rules. Sub-rules are used to enforce a hierarchical
nesting of rules, so that parent rules may control the execution and other semantics of sub-rules that they contain.

This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, defines the condition clause of this rule to be represented in Conjunctive Normal Form (e.g., an AND of
ORs). If the value of this attribute is FALSE, then the condition clause will be represented in Disjunctive Normal Form (e.g., an OR of ANDs).
This attribute controls the setting of how multiple condition clauses (as represented by multiple PolicyConditionComposite objects) are treated in
the PolicyRule. As such, it is different from the attribute PolicyConditionComposite.IsCNF, which controls how multiple PolicyConditionAtomic
objects are treated in a (single) PolicyConditionComposite object.

This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, signifies that evaluation (and possibly action execution) of this entity is mandatory and must be
attempted. If the Mandatory property value of this entity is FALSE, then the evaluation of this entity is considered to be "best effort" and may be
ignored. Notes: Not present in the ITU or CIM specs.
This is a free-form string attribute that recommends how this policy object should be used. Notes: Not present in the ITU or CIM specs.

This is a string attribute that defines a set of one or more keywords that a policy administrator may use to assist in characterizing or categorizing
a policy object to facilitate search operations. The following keywords are pre-defined: Permitted Values: Unknown InstallPermissions
ConfigChange InstallMethod Default Error Usage InternalError Security ExternalError Authentication Notification Authorization Publish
Accounting Subscribe Auditing Publish-Subscribe Service Exception CustomerFacingService ResourceFacingService Notes: Not present in the
ITU specs; the CIM defines a PolicyKeyword attribute, but its semantics are very different.

This is a generic naming attribute that can be used to identify different policy entities. This enables commonName to be used to enforce
enterprise or service provider generic naming and this attribute to be used to fine tune the naming of policy entities. Thus, commonName is
public in scope and policyName is private to policy. Notes: Not present in the ITU specs or CIM specs.
Represents a user-friendly identifier of an object. It is a (possibly ambiguous) name by which the object is commonly known in some limited
scope (such as an organization) and conforms to the naming conventions of the country or culture with which it is associated. It is NOT used as
a naming attribute (i.e., to uniquely identify an instance of the object).
Unique identifier
Descriptionthat can be given to the PaymentMethod by the owner.
Name that can be given to the PaymentMethod by the owner.
Valid period for the PaymentMethod.

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