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M asteri ng the M o d er n

Benon i and the B e n ko

Gam b it

Robert Bellin and Pietro Ponzetto

B. T. Batsford Ltd, London

First published 1990

© Robert Bellin, Pietro Ponzetto 1990

ISBN 0 7134 6288 4

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, by any means, with,
prior permission of the Publisher.

Typeset by Lasertext Ltd., Stretford, Manchester

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Dotesios (Printers) Ltd, Trowbridge, Wilts

for the Publishers,

B. T. Batsford Ltd,
4 Fitzhardinge Street,
London W1HOAH


Adviser: R. D. Keene GM, OBE
Technical Editor: Ian Kingston

Preface Vll

Part One: The Modern Benoni

1 The Classical Centre 5
2 The Fianchetto Centre 54
3 The Restricted Centre 73

Part Two: The Benko Gambit

4 The Standard Centre 95
5 The Modern Centre 1 24
6 The Anti-Benko Centre 143
Table of Variations 163

This work has been written with Having established our starting
one major aim in mind: to teach point the continuation follows log­
understanding of the opening. Of ically: we divide the opening not
course, this cannot be achieved according to vanatlons but
by cataloguing variations, and we according to 'type of centre'
have sought instead to explain the (normally retaining the name of
key ideas and plans of each player, the principal variation), which
and to do so quickly and easily means that different lines of the
with our special Read and Play same variation may be examined
method which permits the reader in one or other type of centre
to follow the greater part of the according to the pawn structure
text without a chessboard. which arises. Each type of centre
Our guiding principle for ach­ is treated in three parts: a full
ieving this ambitious goal is the exposition of the strategic ideas
fact that once the central pawns (paying particular attention to the
have stabilized there is a greater most modern), an overview of the
strategic and tactical affinity recurring tactical themes, and fin­
between diverse variations with ally some illustrative games with
the same central pawn structure particularly deep annotations in
than between different lines of the the opening. In examining these
same variation which lead to games (and for this it is necessary
different pawn structures. This to use a chessboard) the reader
simple approach instantly enables will find not only a practical corre­
us to understand the essential spondence with the two theoreti­
ideas of any position whatsoever. cal parts, but also some additional
This is in marked contrast to what exemplifying variations. A close
happens in ordinary books of open­ reading of the illustrative games is
ing theory, where the exigencies of indispensable for full comprehen­
systematization make the process sion of the strategic concepts pre­
of understanding very difficult. viously expounded.


Whilst it has not been feasible mentals of the opening, right up

to include every single type of to experts who want to familiarize
centre which can arise, we have themselves quickly with different
covered all the most important variations or to acquire the essen­
and common structures, which tial grounding for an entirely new
comprise at least 85 per cent of all addition to their opening reper­
cases. The few possibilities not toire. Naturally, top competitive
covered (which all derive from players, and others who require a
minor byways) can be referred to more detailed knowledge of the
in traditional monographs. variations and all the latest
We have tried to be as objective wrinkles, must use this work in
as possible in our approach to the conjunction with a systematic text.
subject and have aimed for an We hope that readers will find
impartial exposition of the ideas our exposition clear, learn soundly
in each type of centre, so that and enjoyably, and above all
the work will be equally useful increase their understanding and
whichever side the reader intends thereby improve their playing
playing. standard : only then will our Read
This oeuvre can be used in vari­ and Play method have hit the
ous ways by a wide range of mark.
players, from beginners and club Robert Bellin
players seeking to learn the funda- Pietro Ponzetto

Introductio n

This book looks at two defences, Chapter 2

the Modern Benoni ( I d4 lLlf6 2 The Fianchetto Centre : White
c4 cS 3 dS e6 4 lLlc3 exdS S cxdS fianchettoes his KB, including
d6) and the Benko Gambit (I d4 games where he takes this decision
lLlf6 2 c4 cS 3 dS bS). As the before developing his QN to c3.
material is not divided according
to the traditional subdivisions of II

variations but on the basis of the

'type of centre', the reader might
find it useful to have an overview
of the topics that will be examined.
The first part, in three chapters,
considers the Modern Benoni.

Chapter 1
The Classical Centre: This chapter
analyses lines of play in which
White makes the advance e2-e4 Chapter 3
giving rise to the following type of The Restricted Centre : The third
centre: chapter brings together all those


lines in which White opts for a Chapter 6

more restricted centre with e3. The Anti-Benko Centre : Methods
The second part of the book is whereby white declines the gambit
also split into three chapters and are considered.
is devoted to the Benko Gambit.

Chapter 4
The Standard Centre : Examines
the most classical developments
after White gobbles up the gambit
pawns, taking first on b5 and then
on a6.


Which v a r i a t i on shou l d
I play?

To help you decide which vari­

ation is most appropriate for your
style we have compiled a table of
Chapter 5 variations (see pages 1 63-5) which
The Modern Centre : Deals with indicates their level of strategic
those variations in which White and tactical complexity. In
accepts the gambit pawn on b5 addition, we have used a survey
but does not take on a6. of nearly 1 000 games played in
tournaments of FIDE category 7
and above to extract statistical
data concerning the frequency and
results percentage of each vari­
ation so as to provide a useful
overview of their level of risk. Thus
you are given all the information
necessary to make the most suit­
able selection according to your
Part O n e

The M od er n B e no n i
1 The Classical Centre

After the moves 1 d4 l2Jf6 2 c4 c5 Penrose Variation

3 d5 e6 4 ltJc3 exd5 5 cxd5 d6 6 7 Ji..d 3 Ji.. g7 8 ltJge2
e4 g6 ( l )
Saemisch System
7 f3
Queen Check Variation
7 l2Jf3 !iLg7 8 ii'a4 +

Uhlmann System
7 l2Jf3 Ji.. g7 8 Ji..e2 (or 8 Ji.. g5)
8 . 0-0 9 !iLg5
. .

Main Variation
7 l2Jf3 !iLg7 8 Ji..e 2 0-0 9 0-0
we obtain the basic position for
1 Strateg i c Ideas
this type of centre, which branches
out into many of the most In order to understand the basic
important variations of the strategic elements common to all
Modern Benoni : the variations listed above we shall
first of all consider the pawn struc­
Mikenas Variation ture of the Classical Centre on its
7 f4 Ji.. g7 8 e5 own (2).
The following elements are
Bishop Check Variation immediately apparent:
7 f4 Ji..g7 8 Ji..b 5 + ( 1 ) The respective pawn majori­
ties (White's in the centre
Standard Four Pawns Variation and Black's on the queen­
7 f4 Ji..g7 8 l2Jf3 0-0 9 Ji..e 2 side).
The Classical Centre

square can serve to transfer pieces

(lZlc3-e4); (2) if Black captures with
. . . d6xe5 then the recapture f4xe5
gives White not only an open f­
file but also a dangerous passed
pawn on d5; (3) if Black refrains
from capturing by . . . d6xe5 White
can push on with e5-e6 or f4-f5.
On Black's side, the advance of
his queenside majority has two
(2) The fixed weakness of the contrasting consequences : ( 1 ) the
pawn on d6. advance . . . c5-c4 frees the
(3) The weakness of the d4 important c5 square, emphasizes
square. White's weakness on d3 and
(4) The dynamism of the pawns opens the a7-g 1 diagonal against
on e4 and c5. White's king, all of which contri­
bute to the organization of active
The pawn majorities piece play on the kingside; (2)
should an ending arise, Black is
The mobilization of the respective immediately poised to create a
pawn majorities based on the passed pawn.
dynamism of the pawns on e4 and
c5 is a fundamentally important The weakness of the d6
strategic idea (3). pawn a n d the d4 square
3 The attempt to exploit the respec­
tive structural weaknesses is
another very basic strategic aim

White's breakthrough in the

centre with e4-e5 can facilitate an
attack on the kingside in various
ways : ( 1 ) the clearing of the e4
The Classical Centre

White can pressurize the d6 5

pawn by placing his QB on f4 and
a knight on c4. Almost invariably
it is the KN which goes to c4
(tZJgl -f3-d2-c4) as the QN finds
a natural square on c3 where it
both protects the e-pawn and
helps to prevent Black's queenside
expansion by . . . bS. The plan
of pressurizing d6 is not entirely
incompatible with the mobiliz­
ation of the kingside majority, as
manoeuvre tDg I -f3-d2-c4 before
White can always move the QB
developing the QB, Black may be
and follow up with f4. Clearly,
obliged to defend his d-pawn by
however, the placing of a bishop
. . . tDf6-e8 ( 6 ).
on f4 and a knight on c4 can also
lead to the central e4-eS
breakthrough without need of the (,
f-pawn. In this latter case White's
main aim is to create a passed
pawn on dS.
For his part, Black can seek to
establish a knight (or even the KB)
on d4. It can easily be seen that
in order to reach d4 Black's knight
will have to travel via c7 and
bS. Both knights are capable of
reaching c7 : . . . tZJb8-a6-c7 or . . .
When White has developed the Clearly, with such a defensive
QB to f4 and threatens to augment reaction Black risks falling into
the pressure on d6 by tZJd2-c4 passivity to such an extent that
Black normally pre-empts the Black sometimes even sacrifices
attack by chasing the QB off the the pawn in order to achieve a
h2-b8 diagonal with . . . tZJf6-hS rapid and active development, as
(5 ). we shall see further on in the
Sometimes, however, especially case of the Restricted Centre (see
when White has carried out the Chapter 3).
The Classical Centre

The wea kness of the e4 The c5 sq u a re

Another method of increasing
A simple examination of diagram pressure against e4 is to free the
3 will reveal that after f4 the pawn c5 square for occupation by the
on e4 is weakened since it is lDd7. Black may be able to achieve
deprived of its natural support this by playing . . , b5 and . . . c4,
by f2-f3. One thematic and very but given that White will oppose
important idea for Black is to exert this plan he sometimes has
pressure against e4 by occupying recourse to the pseudo-sacrifice or
the semi-open e-file. This aims to even sacrifice of his c-pawn (8 J.
tie White's forces to the defence of
his e-pawn and also impedes the
advance e4-e5 (7 J. Ii

The diagram shows an example

Black can indirectly increase the of the pseudo-sacrifice, where if
pressure on e4 by trying to drive White captures with ..td3xc4 then
away the lDc3 with the advance Black plays . . . lDf6xe4, regaining
. . . b5-b4, always being careful to the pawn and destroying the
bear in mind that this advance enemy centre. On the other hand,
cedes irrevocable control of c4 to if White retreats with, say, ..td3-
the opponent. c2 then Black can augment the
In contrast to the key role pressure against e4 by occupying
played by Black's use of the semi­ the c5 square with the lDd7. It
open e-file it is worth noting that should be observed, however, that
White's semi-open c-file invariably the advance . . . c5-c410ses control
plays no part in his plans. of d4.

The Classical Centre

The e5 square ..tfl-e2. In such cases Black must

be careful not to occupy e5
To avoid problems with his e­
without taking precautions as
pawn in the opening phase White
otherwise he may be chased away
may decide to protect it by 13. This
by f4 allowing White to revert
does not necessarily mean that
profitably to a central break­
White renounces the mobilization
through pl an . Thus Black must
of his majority, as he can always
preface occupation of e5 with
play f4 later on, albeit at the cost
prophylactic measures of which
of a tempo.
there are two types:
An important consequence of
( 1 ) Protecting the position of the
safeguarding the e-pawn with 13 is
piece that occupies e5 by playing
that Black obtains the possibility
. . . g5 ( 1 0).
of utilizing the e5 square (9).

I) 10

The occupation of e5 now Now if White wishes to drive

becomes central to Black's plans, off the knight on e5 he will have
whether it be to commence a to weaken his own king position
build-up on the kingside or to by playing g3. Note that the
seek simplification. For example, if advance . . . g5 weakens the f5
White has carried out the thematic square and thus is not to be rec­
manoeuvre tDgl-f3 -d2-c4 Black ommended if White is in a position
can exchange knights by . . . tDd7- to exploit this weakness.
e5xc4. Consequently, when White (2) Playing . . . f5 before occupy­
plays 13 he often opts for a piece ing the e5 square (11 ).
set-up aimed at avoiding such This advance signals the start
simplification, e.g. tDgl -e2-g3 of active kingside operations by
and i.f1 -e2, or tDg I-f3-d2 and Black whilst at the same time
The Classical Centre

Again i t must b e noted that the
advance . . . f5 also has its own
positional drawback in that it
weakens e6. Thus Black must be
careful to make sure that the
opponent is not in a position to
exploit this weakness.

The advance 92-g4

As White is scarcely able to escape

securing e5 for occupation by unscathed from a spatial disad­
eliminating the possibility of f4, vantage such as that shown in
which can be achieved either by diagram 1 3, when he plays f3 he
. . . fxe4 ( 1 2), sometimes fights for space with
g2-g4 ( 1 4).


or by . . . f4 (J 3 ), and Black has

achieved his aim in both cases.
Although the main aim of this
13 advance is to avoid being squeezed
on the kingside it can also lead to
the opening of lines of attack if
Black insists on playing . . . f5.

The positi o n a l sacrifice of

the e-pawn

From the preceding examples it is

clear that the occupation of the e5
The Classical Centre

square is of major importance to In this type of situation Black

Black whether it be to hold up frequently decides to give back the
White's central play or to launch pawn by . . . e4, but even then the
a kingside offensive. It follows, initiative may well stay in White's
therefore, that it is in White's inter­ hands.
est to oblige Black to block e5 (2) White plays e5 without f4 in
with a pawn which would close order, after . . . dxe5, to drive a
both the e-file and the h8-al diag­ troublesome thorn into Black's
onal at a stroke, thus considerably flesh with the advance d6 ( 1 6).
diminishing Black's dynamic
possibilities. To this end White 16

occasionally resorts to a positional

sacrifice of his e-pawn which is
normally seen in two forms :
( 1 ) after f4 White continues with
e5 and, after . . . dxe5, pushes on
with f5, thus leaving e5 blocked
by a black pawn (15 ).


Here White is banking on using

the freeing of the e4 and d5 squares
plus the control of c7 and e7 to
force Black into a cramped and
defensive position.

The p i n on Black's KN

White's attacking chances on the

kingside become more promising
The clearance of e4, together if Black can be persuaded by some
with the mobility of the passed d­ means or other to weaken his
pawn and pending opening of the kingside pawn structure. With this
f-file, infuses White's attack with in mind White sometimes decides
considerable vigour in contrast to to pin Black's KN (17 ) .
the black pieces whose activity is It is quite normal in this type of
markedly reduced by the obstruc­ position for Black to rid himself
tive presence of the pawn <? n e5. of the annoying pin by playing . . .
The Classical Centre

lose his d-pawn, i s obliged to move
his king and lose his castling rights
(19 ).


h6 and . . . gS. However, once the

bishop has retreated to g3 its
action on the h2-b8 diagonal can
also be troublesome, especially in In such positions, White fre­
view of the possibility of increasing quently has recourse to the pos­
the pressure on d6 by playing ltJf3- itional sacrifice eS in order to
d2-c4. It behoves Black, therefore, exploit to the utmost Black's king­
to complete his unpinning side weaknesses on the white
manoeuvre by preparing to elim­ squares, e.g., e5 l2Jxg3, fxg3 dxe5,
inate the enemy bishop with . . . l2Jd2 etc.
l2Jf6-hS before White has time to
play l2Jf3-d2 ( 1 8 ) . The prophylactic . .. a7-a6

Black can avoid all the foregoing

complications by interposing the
prophylactic . . . a6 after the initial
advance . . . h6 ( 20).


Here, however, White can gain

the advantage by playing .i. bS +
after which Black, in order not to

The Classical Centre

This advance threatens to The fight for the initiative is so

mobilize the queenside pawn maj­ important that Black may decide
ority and if White wants to prevent to occupy d4 even at the cost
the subsequent 000 b5 he must play of compromising his own pawn
a4 in which case Black has gained structure (22)0
the time to complete his unpinning
manoeuvre (000 g5 followed by 000
It:Jf6-h5xg3) whilst avoiding the
awkward check on b50
The ope n i n g of the c-fi le

Whereas White can open lines in

the centre and on the kingside
relatively easily the same is not
true for Black on the queensideo
Given Black's technical difficulties
in activating his rooks on the
Evidently, Black is only likely
queenside he sometimes resorts to
to implement this idea when he is
an artificial method of opening a confident of obtaining meaningful
file either by means of the sacrifice pressure along the c-fileo
or pseudo-sacrifice of his c-pawn,
as already mentioned, or by imple­
The advance a2-a4 (-as)
menting the strategic idea of occu­
pying d40 White will naturally do Black's queenside expansion is
his best to oppose such occupation based on the advance 000 b5, which
and keep d4 under control, a task is normally prepared by 000 a60
normally performed by the devel­ White almost always opposes this
opment of the QB to e3 (21)0 play by playing a4 (23)0

21 23

The Classical Centre

If White has played the KN 25

to c4 this advance also has the
important effect of safeguarding
the knight's position. The reader
will recall that the presence of this
knight on c4 is useful not only for
pressurizing Black's d-pawn but
also for supporting the central e5
After a4 Black is generally
unable to play . . . bS since that a6 and b2, plus the half-open a­
square is also normally controlled and b-files enriches the position
by White's QN. He must therefore with new strategic elements.
support the b-pawn's advance Speaking generally, we may say
with a piece and this can be that this queenside situation is
achieved either by placing the QR favourable for Black, but it must
on b8 and the Q B on d7, or not be forgotten that the main aim
manoeuvring a knight to c7. How­ of the moves a4 and as is simply
ever, White can further oppose to slow down Black's counterplay
Black's plans by playing as (24 ). in order to gain the precious time
necessary to effect a central
When White has played an early
a4 and Black decides that he wants
to go for . . . bS even at the cost of
a tempo he may first play . . . b6
before . . . a6 in order to prevent
the restraining as ( 26).


After this advance Black has the

possibility of effecting the thematic
manoeuvre . . . tLlc7-bS-d4 or,
thanks to the tLld7, of playing . . .
bS anyway. After White captures
en passant we obtain the following
pawn structure (25).
The appearance of weak pawns on
The Classical Centre

Only at the price of moving his a6. At this point if White takes on
b-pawn twice can Black guarantee a6 Black can expand normally
getting it to b5. on the queenside with . . . b5 and
The move . . . b6 also contains recapture the a-pawn later on.
the possibility of serving as a fian­
chetto for Black, which he may Th e b2-b4 counter
use to reduce the pressure Qn his
Another way to meet Black's
d-pawn by exchanging White's
queenside expansion is to counter
knight on c4 by the manoeuvre . . .
. . . b5 with b4 (28) .
.i.c8-a6xc4. This may s,ometimes
lead to the white-squared bishops :?Ii
being exchanged on the a6-fl
diagonal (27).

This idea can also be carried

out in the absence of the a-pawns
which may have been exchanged
If White has already played a4 following the moves . . . a6 and a4.
he can answer . . . olta6 with ltJ b5, White will generally support the
thus discouraging simplification advance of the b-pawn with his
since the exchange . . . .i.xb5, axb5 QR (in order to remove it from
is normally very favourable to the long dagonal) or perhaps the
White on account of the back­ queen (ifd2). The aim is to press­
ward, fixed weakness on a 7 and urize Black's pawns on b5 and c5
the pressure on the a-file. It should and oblige him either to capture
be noted, however, that there are on b4 or play . . . c4 (29).
exceptions to this assessment This blockading manoeuvre is
which arise when Black has a most effective when White's KN
knight on c7 in which case after is still on f3 from where, after . . .
. . . .i.a6, ltJb5 he may capture with c4, it can go to d4 and observe c6.
' " .i.xb5 and after axb5 play . . . It is worth noting, however, that

The Classical Centre

29 which case the idea is not to con­

tain the opponent's initiative but
rather to take control on the
queenside (3/ ) .


even if White's knight has gone to

c4 it can still reach c6 via a5.
We also observe, in passing, that
here Black can evidently no longer
make use of c5.
Should Black exchange by . . . In such positions White has
cxb4 then here too White can turn excellent chances of over-running
the tables on the queenside (30 J. the opponent on the queenside
since the inevitable exchange of
the pawns on b4 and c5 is funda­
mentally very much in his favour.
Let us see a further example of
this type of plan (32).


White exerts strong pressure on

b5 and the ttJf3 can go to d4. If
this knight manages to establish
itself on c6 it could stifle any
counterplay along the c-file. The When . . . b6 has been played,
b4 advance may also be effected the tension between the pawns on
before Black has played . . . b5 in b4 and c5 is favourable to White

The Classical Centre

since Black dare not capture on constantly bear in mind the possi­
b4 on pain of ceding d4 (and bility of the opponent exploiting
thereby c6) whereas White may the weakness of f5. On the other
either capture on c5 when he hand if White insists on playing
pleases or push to b5, occupy c4 f4 regardless then both structures
with a knight, and then open the will be weakened after the disap­
a-file and weaken b6 by as. pearance of the pawns on f4 and
Faced with the kind of strategic g5 and consequently both king's
suffocation illustrated in the last posItions will become more
two examples it is quite clear that exposed (the kings invariably
Black must develop counterplay castle short) (34).
on the kingside at almost any
price. 34

The advance . . . 96-95

Just as White can try to nip Black's

queenside play in the bud as in
the previous examples, so Black
can take similar measures against
White's ambitions in the centre.
As we have already seen with
regard to occupying e5, one means
of impeding f4 is to play . . . g5
(33 ). In such positions of mutual
weakness everything depends on
33 whose pieces are the more active
and effective.

The . . . f7-f5 counter

Waiting until f4 has been played

and then countering with . . . f5
is another method of challenging
White's central pawn advance,
thereby breaking up the enemy
centre (35 ).
It will be recalled that in situ- To effect this plan it is essential
ations of this type Black must for Black to have control of e5 in

The Classical Centre

The defensive . . . f7-f6

We have seen above that in play­

ing either . . . g5 or . . . fS Black does
not limit himself just to containing
the enemy centre, but also actively
seeks counterplay on the kingside.
By contrast, the defensive . . . f6
constitutes a pure holding strategy
(37 )"

order to prevent White simply
The aim of the . . . f5 counter is
to exchange the pawns on f5 and
e4 and thus simultaneously
weaken d5 and increase the possi­
bilities for the major pieces on the
e- and f-files (36).


Here Black must seize the

initiative on the queenside at any
price in order not to get trapped
in the cul-de-sac of passive defence.
Although the e6 square is also
weakened, in this type of set-up it
is not so easy for White to take
advantage of it since the pawn on
f6 denies a white knight access to
White's pawn structure has been
weakened and Black can use the
e-file to penetrate enemy territory.
Pressure a g a i nst d 5
It must be remembered, however,
that the advance . . . f5 weakens e6 Another way of containing the
and Black must always be on advance e4-eS is to exert strong
guard against the adversary mak­ pressure against White's d-pawn
ing capital out of this weakness. ( 38).

The C lassical Centre

immediately regained by means of
a fork. In order to carry out this
pseudo-sacrifice there must be a
black knight on f6 and White must
have sufficient control of e5 to be
able to follow up with the fork
(39 J.


Black's pieces are effectively

placed and White is not able to
push on with e5 as that would
cost the d-pawn. In such positions,
however, Black must always be
alert to the possibility of a pos­
itional sacrifice of the e-pawn fol­
lowed by the thrust d6.
Here White cannot simply play
e5 since he would lose the d-pawn
2 Tact i ca l ideas
after . . . dxe5. He can however play
This type of centre contains many i.xd6 ..wxd6, e5 forking queen and
thematic and recurring tactical knight (40 J.
ideas which can crop up in various
positions and different lines. In 4()
fact, this classical centre highlights
the tactical and dynamic aspects
of the game to such an extent that
the result is frequently decided
by combinative motifs. We will
examine those tactical ideas which
occur most frequently in practice.

The pseudo-sacrifice on d 6

One recurring theme, generally Generally speaking, White

favourable to White, is the tem­ regains the piece with advantage
porary sacrifice of a piece on d6 since the clearing of e4 and cre-

The Classical Centre

ation of a passed pawn on dS 4]

usually work in his favour. Nat­
urally, this theme can also arise in
different forms, e.g. the sacrifice
on d6 may be made by a knight
on c4 and the fork eS may be
supported by a rook on e l .

The skewer o n the h2-b8

d i agonal

Black often places his Q R on b8

to support the advance . . . bS. Ope n i ng the h 1 -a8 d i agonal
In some circumstances White can
Another fairly common tactical
exploit the position of this rook
motif arises when White has a
with a tactical idea based on luring
bishop placed on [3 and Black's
the black queen to eS (41).
b-pawn is unprotected, elements
41 which generally occur after Black
has carried out the simplifying
manoeuvre . . . .tc8-g4xf3 (43).


At first sight it seems that Black

has eS under control but in fact
White can break through with e5
since . . . dxe5, fxeS 'W'xe5 would
allow the skewer .tf4 (42 J. White can play e5 and regain
This theme is sometimes seen the pawn by opening the long
even when Black can capture on diagonal after, for example, . . .
e5 with a knight as he may find it dxe5, d6 'tWe6, �e l .!2Jbd7, .ltxb7
rather difficult to extricate himself (44 J.
from the pin after .tf4 without Black's queenside pawns have
incurring damage. been shattered and the eS pawn is

The Classical Centre

whilst the alternative .i.xb5
would be met by . . . t2Jxe4, t2Jxe4
'ilfaS + (46 ),


under fire. Moreover, with the d6

thrust White has obtained all the
advantages of the positional sacri­
fice of the e-pawn mentioned
above at no material cost.
recovering the piece, since the
parry t2Jc3 is answered by . . .
The pseudo-sacrifice . . . b7-
..Itxc3 + followed by . . , 'ilfxbS.

Black can sometimes utilize tacti­ The a7-g1 d iagonal

cal means to speed through the
Black often uses the a7-g 1 diag­
thematic . . , b5 thrust especially
onal to set up various types of
in variations where White delays
combination many of which are
castling (45 ) .
based on threatening to get a
45 knight to f2 (47 ).
The diagram gives a skeleton
example designed to show the

Here Black can play . . . bS, after

which the capture tiJxbS would
leave the e-pawn unprotected,

The Classical Centre

dangers associated with a rapid 49

opening of the a 7 -g 1 diagonal.
Black makes the forcing sacrifice
. . . c4 and after ..txc4 there follows
. . . 'iWb6 + , � h l tZlg4 (48).

as otherwise it could cost him the

This theme, in conjunction with
the preceding one, can produce
quite sophisticated combinations
Faced with both the classic (50).
smothered mate in four ( . . . tZlf2 + ,
�gl tZlh3 + , � h l 'iWg l + !, lhgl 50
tZl12) and the fork on 12, White is
in trouble.
Sometimes Black can get his
KB to the a7-g1 diagonal and this
introduces various combinative
pinning possibilities as we will see
later on.

P ressure on the e-file

One very basic tactical theme is White's pieces are very naturally
the pinning of White's e-pawn, placed, but nevertheless Black can
which can render the d-pawn make a combination involving a
insufficiently protected (49 ). double sacrifice: . . . tZlfxd5!, tZlxd5
Whenever Black is exerting tZlxd5, exd5 l:I.xe3!, 'ilVxe3, and
pressure with the heavy pieces Black finishes off by winning the
along the c-file, White must pay queen with the pin . . . ..td4 (5 1 ).
particular attention not to leave Such unpleasant surprises can
any pieces unprotected or in­ be avoided by taking simple pre­
sufficiently protected on this file cautionary measures. Here, for

The Classical Centre

51 System (7 f3, see Game 5) and the

Penrose Variation (7 .td3, see
Game 6).
The text move does not necess­
arily mean that White will leave
his f-pawn untouched as he will
be able to decide later on, after
the thematic retreat l2lf3-d2,
whether to play f3 or f4.
7 .tg7

example, if White's king were on

8 .t e2
hI or his KB on e2 Black would The bishop is usually developed
not have been able to carry out on this square because after 8
his combination. .td3 White would be more
exposed both to the pin . . . .tg4
3 I l l ustrat ive G a mes and sudden . . . c4 advances.
Game 1 In addition to the text move
Portisch-Nunn White could transpose into the
London 1 982 Queen Check Variation by 8
Main Variation 'l!Va4 + (see the note to Black's 7th
move in Game 2) or the Uhlmann
1 d4 l2lf6
System by 8 .tg5. In this latter
2 c4 c5
case Black must be careful how he
3 d5 e6
goes about unpinning his KN and
4 l2l c3 exd5
exchanging the enemy QB. For
5 cxd5 d6
example, 8 . . . h6 9 .th4 a6!
6 e4 g6
(threatening . . . b5) 10 a4 g5 1 1
7 l2lf3
.tg3 l2lh5 (this move is played
The most important alternative before White has time to prevent
at this point is 7 f4, after which it by l2lf3-d2) 1 2 .te2 0-0 1 3
White may choose between the l2ld2 l2lxg3 1 4 hxg3 l2ld7 with
Mikenas Variation (see the note approximately balanced chances.
to White's 8th move in Game 3), Should Black forget to interpose
the Standard Four Pawns Vari­ the important prophylactic ninth
ation (see Game 3), or the Bishop move, however, he will be plunged
Check Variation (see Game 4). into much sharper variations fol­
Other possibilities are the Siimisch lowing 9 . g5 10 .tg3 tLlh5 (not
. .

The Classical Centre

1 0 . . . O-O? 1 1 ttJd2 and Black can 10 ttJd2 (52)

no longer exchange off White's
bishop) 1 1 �b5 + �f8 ( 1 1 . . . 52
.id7 1 2 �xd7 + 'ii x d7 fails on B
account of 1 3 ttJe5! with clear
advantage to White) 1 2 e5!? ttJxg3
1 3 fxg3 and now Black must
defend himself with great pre­
cision, e.g. 1 3 ' " a6 (after 1 3 . . .
dxe5 1 4 0-0 followed by ttJd2
White has a clear positional super­
iority in return for the pawn) 1 4
.id3 c4 1 5 .ixc4 b5 1 6 �b3
'ii b 6 17 'iie2 g4!? 18 ttJh4 .ixe5 10 'ii c2 would expose the queen
19 n fl >t>e8 with a double-edged to attack by . . . ttJb8-a6-b4, e.g.
position. 1 0 ' " ttJa6 1 1 �f4 ttJb4 1 2 '!!Vb l
ttJh5 1 3 .i.g5 f6 1 4 .ie3 f5 1 5 a3
8 0-0
fxe4 and Black has nothing much
9 0-0
to worry about.
Here too it is possible to trans­ The knight retreat protects the
pose into the Uhlmann System by e-pawn, prepares the transfer to
9 �g5. c4, and frees the way for the f­
9 n e8
At this point Black must decide
Alternatively, Black may begin how to mobilize his queenside
the development of his queenside, forces. Basically, he has two plans :
the most important possibility . . . ttJ b8-a6-c7 followed by . . . b7-
being 9 . . . a6 1 0 a4 .ig4, for b6 (as we will see in the game), or
which see Game 2. Another play­ . . . ttJ bd7-e5 - unless of course
able variation is 9 ttJa6 10
' " White transposes to the Standard
ttJd2 ttJc7 1 1 a4 b6 whereby Black Four Pawns by f4 - followed by
attempts to save the tempo . . . n e8 . . . g6-g5. Here is an example of
in comparison with the present this last line: 10 . . . ttJ bd7 ( 1 0 . . .
game. a6 1 1 a4 ttJbd7 is much the same)
The text move implements one 1 1 a4 (for 1 1 f4 see Game 3) 1 1 . . .
of the basic themes of the Modern ttJe5 1 2 'iic2 ( 1 2 f4? is bad on
Benoni : pressure against the pawn account of 1 2 . . . ttJeg4 and Black
on e4. obtains the advantage after either

The Classical Centre

1 3 ttJ c4 ttJxe4 1 4 i/.xg4 .1(.xg4 1 5 ways: in pressure against d6 by

Yixg4 ..td4 + o r 1 3 J::!: f3 ttJh5 1 4 ttJc4 and .1(.f4, in restricting the
'!We I f5 1 5 h3 ..td4 + 1 6 �hl opponent by ttJc4, ..tg5 and 'ilt'd2,
ttJgf6 17 exf5 ..txf5) 1 2 . . . g5 1 3 or in a queenside demonstration
J::!: a3 a6 1 4 ttJd 1 ttJg6 1 5 ttJe3 ttJf4 by J::!: b l and b4.
1 6 �d 1 b6 1 7 f3 J::!: b8 1 8 g3 ttJh3 + F or his part, Black will try to
1 9 � hi b5, with a position rich expand either on the queenside by
in possibilities for both players. . . . a6 and . . . b5 or on the kingside
with . . . f5. White sometimes plays
10 ttJa6
the double-edged advance g2-g4,
II f3
simultaneously discouraging and
For 1 1 f4 see the note to White's challenging Black to advance his
tenth move in Game 3. f-pawn. Here, then, we have a
very rich position open to various
II ttJc7
interpretations by both players.
12 a4 b6 (53 )
13 �hl

53 White may also continue more

energetically with 1 3 ttJc4, e.g. 1 3
. . . ..ta6 1 4 ..tg5 h6 1 5 .1(.e3
..txc4 1 6 .txc4 a6 1 7 'ilfd2 'it>h7
18 n ab l 'iWd7 19 b4 b5 20 ..te2
c4 2 1 J::!: be 1 with quite a promising
13 J::!: b8
14 ttJc4 .1t.. a6

Black is ready to meet .tf4 by

.1t.. xc4.
It goes without saying that
15 .1t..g 5 'iWd7
when White plays f3 in place of
f4 he has fewer possibilities of This brings extra control to b5
breaking through in the centre, and prepares . . . .1t.. xc4 followed
but in compensation his pieces by . . . a6 and . . . b5. The immediate
obtain greater mobility through attempt to mobilize the pawn maj­
being relieved of the task of pro­ ority by 1 5 . . . .txc4 1 6 ..txc4 a6
tecting e4. This greater activity would be frustrated by 1 7 'iWd3
may manifest itself in various �c8 18 ..tf4 .tfS 19 J::!: a b l , and

The Classical Centre

after b4 White would have the obtain a dangerous initiative on

preferable game. the kingside by . . . f4.
16 b3 19 g4

A strategic choice whereby A thematic attempt to wrest

White dampens Black's queenside the initiative on the kingside by
play by giving himself the possi­ opening up the f-file which White
bility of recapturing on c4 with hopes to be the first to exploit. To
a pawn, which would definitively realize the classic plan of a central
rule out enemy expansion. breakthrough White would have
Another option was 1 6 n b 1 ..Itxc4 to be prepared to sacrifice a pawn,
1 7 .i.xc4 a6 1 8 b4 b5 1 9 �d3 c4 e.g. 19 f4 �xc4 20 bxc4 lLlf6 2 1
20 .i.c2 bxa4! 21 ..txa4 lLlb5 with e 5 dxe5, with a very complicated
equal chances. and unclear position where the
dynamism of the passed d-pawn,
16 lLlh5
plus the possibility of opening up
Recognizing that his queenside the h2-b8 diagonal by fxe5, pro­
play has been stymied, Black vides a lot of compensation.
changes strategy radically and
19 .i.xe4
frees the path for his f-pawn in
preparation for counterplay on the 1 9 . . . f4? would cost Black a
kingside. The discovered attack pawn after the simple retreat 20
on White's QN gains Black an �d2.
important tempo.
20 bxe4 fxg4
17 nel 21 fxg4 lLlf6

1 7 � d 2 would have led t o a Note that if Black had not

very complicated position after 1 7 driven away White's Q B o n the
. . . .i.xc3!? 1 8 'it' xc3 lLlxd5. 1 7th move his knight would now
be trapped.
17 f6
22 .i.f3
Black takes advantage of the
opportunity to chase away the White has successfully fought
enemy bishop. for space on the kingside and
stopped Black's queenside play,
18 .i.e3 f5
but these gains have been made at
A fairly typical position : Black the cost of a considerable weaken­
threatens to gain control of e5 and ing of his pawn structure since a4,

The C lassical Centre

c4 and e4 are all weak to varying 54

degrees. Black has obtained con­
trol of eS and has the sounder
pawn structure.
22 iie7

Putting pressure on e4 and free­

ing d7 for the manoeuvre . . . ltJf6-
23 .tg5! h6
24 .th4! g5 easily show the knights off to
25 .tel advantage; for example if now 29
lZJg3 .txg3! and the knights will
Concluding a very important prove more effective than the bish­
bishop manoeuvre aimed at weak­ ops. Nor can White clear the way
ening fS. for his knight by first playing 29
25 .lU8 .tg3, because after 29 . . . .tf4! 30
26 .tg2 ltJd7 .txf4?! gxf4! the knight would still
27 l:!xfS +? be denied access to g3 and Black's
position is obviously advanta­
With this exchange White geous. Equally 29 i.c3 .tf4!
begins a plan which cannot, in fact, would be to no avail. These vari­
be completed, namely to occupy f5 ations demonstrate exactly why
with his knight by ltJc3-e2-g3-fS. White's 27th move was mistaken.
The f5 weakness should have been
29 iid3 ltJe8
exploited immediately by 27 1:tr5!
after which 27 . , . l:1xfS 28 exfS Bringing the QN back into play.
would have produced a position
30 .td2 iig7
where any result would be poss­
31 l:1fl l:1xfl +
32 .txfl 'lJif7
After the text move White will
33 '>t>g2?
no longer be able to rid himself of
the weakness on e4. In trying to prevent the black
queen getting to f2 White makes
27 l:1xfS
a mistake which costs a pawn
28 ltJe2 .te5! (54)
since now the .tn can no longer
The position has something of protect the e-pawn from g2. It was
a blocked character, which can better to play 33 .tg2 allowing

The Classical Centre

33 . . . 'Wf2 with a slight advantage 38 tLle5

to Black. 39 ..te2 �f7
40 i.f3
33 tLlef6
White's last real hope of making
Not 33 . . . ..txh2? 34 'Wh3! sim-
a draw lies in exchanging his bad
ultaneously threatening the
bishop and the h-pawn.
40 lllf6
34 h3 'Wg6
41 ..te2 lllg6
Sealing the fate of the e-pawn 42 .in
since 35 �D? .ia I! would be
After 42 �f3? lllh4 + 43 .to>f2
llle4 + 44 .to>e3 (44 .to>gl wf6
35 tLlc3 ii.xc3 permits the entry of the black king
36 .ixc3 'W xe4 + via e5) 44 . . . lllg2 + 45 wxe4
37 'W xe4 lll xe4 lllxe 1 and the good knight versus
38 (55) bad bishop ending is won for
42 h5!
The correct strategy as it
favours the knights to reduce the
pawns to one wing only.
43 gxh5

White would be reduced to

zugzwang after 43 .to>g3? hxg4 44
hxg4 llle 5 45 ..te2 llle4 + 46 .to>g2
�f6 47 ..tD lllxD 48 �xD �f5
On 38 ..tb2? there would follow 49 �e3 a5!
38 . . . llle 5 and the threat of . . . llld2
43 lll xh5
would oblige White to capture on
e5 giving Black an easily won 44 �f3 llle5 +
45 >t>e4 >t>g6
46 ..te2 tLlf6 +
An instructive endgame where
47 >t>e3 ..t;>f5
the bishop pair appears
48 ..tc3 a6
insufficient to offset the pawn
minus; Black has excellent win­
ning chances. Allowing Black to liquidate the
The Classical Centre

kingside pawns. The best chance Delaying the advance . . . c5 for

was to prevent the . . . g4 advance a move can be useful in limiting the
by 49 .i. b2, after which Black opponent's choice of variations.
would have had to play . . . lLle8- This order of moves, in fact, allows
c7 with . . . b5 to follow. Black to avoid facing the aggress­
49 g4! ive lines involving f4 and also gives
50 hxg4+ Black the choice of playing, say,
the Nimzo-Indian after 3 lLlc3 and
After 50 h4 the pawn would be the Benoni after 3 lLlf3.
very weak. 3 lLlf3 c5
50 lLlfxg4 + 4 d5 exd5
5 cxd5 d6
Now the knights trample every-
6 lLlc3 g6
thing in their path.
7 .i.f4
51 'ito>d2 we4
White postpones declaring his
52 'ito>c3 'ito>e3
central structure. After the text
53 .i.dl lLlf3
move, as also after both 7 .i.g5
54 .llI..g3
or 7 lLld2, White may continue
White would also be lost after either with e4 (which will result
54 .i.xf3 'ito>xf3 55 .llI.. h4 'ito>e2 56 in a simple transposition to the
.id8 lLlf2 57 .ixb6 lLle4 + 58 classical Centre) or with e3
'ito>c2 we3 59 .i.a5 'ito>d4 60 'ito> b3 establishing the Restricted Centre
'ito>d3 followed by . . . lLld2 + . (for which see Chapter 3).
It may be observed that when
54 lLlf2
White plays .i.f4 combined with
55 .i.c2 lLlg5
e4 he has two basic plans in mind :
56 'ito>b2 lLlge4
to try to exploit the weakness of
57 .ih4 'ito>d4
d6 and to effect a rapid central
58 .i.b3 lLld3+
breakthrough with e5.
59 'ito>a3 lLle5
0-1 7 a6
Game 2
By this means Black avoids the
Queen Check Variation although
Moscow 1 981
the delay in castling leaves Black
Main Variation
somewhat more vulnerable to a
1 d4 lLlf6 quick e5 break. The standard 7 . . .
2 c4 e6 .i.g7, on the other hand, enables

The Classical Centre

White to try and exploit the weak­ 'lie7 + �g8 1 7 tle8 + �f8 1 8
ness of d6: 8 'it'a4 + �d7 9 'it'b3 'lixc8 with a decisive advantage,
tlc7 (for the dynamic continuation or 9 . . . 'lie7? 1 0 .i.xd6! 'it'xd6 1 1
9 . . b5!?, whereby Black offers his
. e5 tle7 1 2 exf6 with a marked
d-pawn, see the note to White's advantage to White. Nor would 9
7th move in Game 9) 1 0 e4 (it is . . ltJbd7? 1 0 e5 be any great

worth noting that this position improvement.

can also be reached by the move Black does better to answer 9
order 1 d4 ltJf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 'lie2 with 9 . . . �e7 (9 . . . ltJh5
ltJc3 exd5 5 cxd5 d6 6 e4 g6 7 ltJf3 also comes into consideration), e.g.
�g7 8 tla4 + .ltd7 9 tlb3 tlc7 10 0-0-0 0-0 1 1 e5!? ttJg4 1 2 ttJe4
1 0 �f4) 1 0 . . . 0-0 1 1 ltJd2 ltJh5 dxe5 1 3 ttJxe5 ltJxe5 1 4 .i.xe5 ttJd7
1 2 �e3 f5 (12 . . . �d4!? is worth 1 5 .i.f4 n e8, with a double-edged
attention) 1 3 exf5 gxf5 1 4 �e2 position in a variation which is
�e8 1 5 0-0 ltJd7 with a slight pull clearly open to improvement.
for White.
8 .i.g7
8 a4 9 e4
White has an interesting altern­ Establishing the Classical Cen­
ative in 8 e4!? b5 (on 8 . . . �g7 tre. For Black, the unique problem
White can transpose to a favour­ associated with this order of
able version of the Queen Check moves is that he has been deprived
Variation by 9 tla4 + .ltd7 1 0 of the possibility of playing lines
'it'b3, and in comparison with the with . . . ttJb8-a6 as we examined
preceding note Black has played in the previous game. White has
the passive . . . a6 in place of . . . not achieved this gratis, however,
0-0 which can lead to difficulties, as he has been forced to declare
e.g. 1 0 . . . b5?! - White is also his plans for his QB at an early
better after 1 0 ... tI c7 1 1 e5! or stage.
1 0 . . . 'it'e7 1 1 �e2! - 1 1 .i.xd6
9 .i.g4
b4 1 2 ltJd 1 ! ltJxe4 1 3 'it'e3 .i.f5 1 4
..Itxc5 tlxd5 1 5 n c l with clear
After the move . . . a6 it is clear
advantage to White) 9 'it'e2 threat­
that this is the only sensible devel­
ening to rupture the centre with a
opment for Black's QB, just as
thematic pseudo-sacrifice on d6,
equally the QN will go to d7.
e.g. 9 . . . .i.g7? 1 0 �xd6! 'it' xd6
1 1 e5 tle7 1 2 d6 tle6 1 3 ltJg5 'it'g4 10 .i.e2 0-0
1 4 f3! 'lixg5 1 5 exf6 + �f8 1 6 11 0-0 (56)

The Classical Centre

. . . ..\txf3 1 2 �xf3 which can lead

to great complications if Black
continues with 1 2 . . . ike7. Let's
take a look : 1 3 eS!? (of course
White can also continue position­
ally with 1 3 n e t , e.g. 1 3 . . . ttJbd7
14 ..\tgS ! h6 I S ..th4 ttJeS 1 6
..\te2 gS 1 7 ..\tg3 ttJfd7 1 8 ikb3!
intending to continue with the
manoeuvre ttJd l -e3-fS) 1 3 . . . dxeS
14 d6 ike6 I S .!:tel ttJbd7 16 ..txb7
We have transposed to a line where it appears that Black can
of the Main Variation normally defend himself satisfactorily by 1 6
reached by the move order 1 d4 . .. l:t a 7! in a rather difficult pos­
ttJf6 2 c4 cS 3 dS e6 4 ttJc3 exdS S ition to evaluate.
cxdS d6 6 e4 g6 7 ttJf3 �g7 8 With the text move - or the
..te2 0-0 9 0-0 a6 1 0 a4 �g4 analogous 1 1 . . . "iKe7 - Black
1 1 ..\tf4. If we imagine that the encourages the opponent to pro­
diagrammed position had been tect his e-pawn by ttJf3-d2 so as
reached by this move order then to exchange his QB for the enemy
it is clear that at this point White counterpart instead of a knight.
could well choose an alternative
12 ttJd2
to 1 1 Ji.f4. The main possibility is
1 1 .i.gS, e.g. 1 1 . . . ..txf3 ( 1 1 . . . White can also play 1 2 "iKc2 in
ttJbd7 is also possible as is I I . . . order to force Black to capture the
h6 1 2 ..th4 ttJbd7, either in case KN, e.g. 1 2 . . . "iKc7 1 3 h3 ..txf3 1 4
waiting for White to move his KN ..\txf3 with approximately equal
in order to be able to exchange chances.
the QB for White's K B rather than
12 ..\txe2
the KN) 1 2 . .\txf3 ttJbd7 1 3 "Wd2
13 "iKxe2
n e8 14 as c4 I S n a4 ikc7 1 6
ikf4 and White stands better since Now White threatens 1 4 ttJc4
Black is tied not only to the with awkward pressure against d6.
defence of the ttJf6 but also to the
13 ttJh5
pawns on d6 and c4.
The usual method of forcing the
11 .!:te8
enemy QB to abandon the h2-b8
The major alternative here is 1 1 diagonal.

The Classical Centre

14 .i.e3 t2Jd7 develop counterplay on the queen­

side as soon as possible. Let's see
14 . . . .i.d41? is an interesting
various possibilities : ( 1 ) 1 6 . . . "fJ/Ic7
way of seeking further simpli­
1 7 as bS 1 8 axb6 t2Jxb6 (Black now
fication since if White captures on
threatens a typical combination,
d4 the t2Jc3 has no good square to
namely 19 . . . t2JfxdS! 20 exd5 .!:!. xe3
go to.
2 1 tfxe3 �d4 winning the queen)
15 g4 1 9 � h l "fJ/I b7 20 .!:!. a3 (to protect
the knight on its journey to a5 via
A thematic advance, in this case
b3) 20 . . . t2Jfd7 2 1 t2Jb31 t2JeS 22
achieved with gain of tempo. A
t2JaS 'lic8 with chances for both
frequently seen alternative is I S
sides; (2) 1 6 . . , bS 1 7 axbS axbS
1 8 .!:!. xa8 "fJ/Ixa8 19 tfxbS (not 1 9
15 t2Jhf6 t2Jxb5? t2Jxd5! 20 exd5 ii.d4 2 1
16 f3 (5 7 ) t2Jc4 iYa6 22 t2Jc7 .!:!. xe3! with
advantage to Black) 19 . . . t2Je5
White could also have prepared with a position where it is difficult
the advance f4 by playing 1 6 h3 to establish the extent of Black's
( 1 6 f4 hS 1 7 gS t2Jg4 is good for compensation for the pawn.
Black) e.g. 1 6 . . . hS 1 7 gS t2Jh7
16 h6?!
1 8 f4 when White has a more
aggressive but also more exposed This move indicates that in con­
position than that which he trast to the preceding examples
obtains in the present game. Black wishes to hold up White's
kingside play and secure the pos­
57 ition of the knight on e5 by . . . gS.
B Black soon realizes, however, that
queenside activity is vital for his
17 �hl t2Je5
18 .!:!. gl
If now 1 8 . , . gS?! then White
can choose between an immediate
breakthrough by f4 or the slower,
A critical moment. Since Black is more positional approach of man­
unable to challenge White's pawns oeuvring a knight to f5 before
with . . . fS, he normally seeks to commencing direct action.

The Classical Centre

18 b5! 22 .l:!. xa8 'i'xa8

23 t2Jxb5 'i'b8
Black has twigged that it is not
24 t2Ja3 'i'xb2
possible merely to restrain White
25 t2Jaxc4 t2Jxc4
by playing . . . g5 and begins his
26 -.wxc4 t2Jh5! (58)
queenside counterplay in the nick
of time. 51'!

19 g5! w

The most energetic continu­

ation. Other lines promise White
little, e.g. 19 f4 t2Jc4 20 t2Jxc4
bxc4 2 1 'iW xc4 .l:!. b8 with sufficient
compensation for the sacrificed
pawn, or 1 9 axb5 axb5 20 t2Jxb5
(not 20 J:t xa8 'ii xa8 21 t2Jxb5 'it'a6
22 t2Jc3 � xe2 23 t2Jxe2 t2Jxf3! 24
Following this virtually forced
t2Jxf3 .l:!. xe4 with advantage to
sequence Black remains a pawn
Black) 20 . . . 'it'b6 and here too
down, but his pieces are very active
Black has satisfactory play for the
and White's king is rather vulner­
19 hxg5
27 'it' c6
20 il..xg5 c4
Seeking to increase his material
Now White is faced with the
advantage since the single pawn
difficult choice of whether to con­
plus is not guaranteed to secure
t �nue with the attack on the king­
victory, e.g. 27 -.w b3 �xb3 28 t2Jxb3
side or to win a pawn on the
f5 29 exf5 gxf5 30 il.. h 6 J:t e5 3 1
queenside. He opts for the latter
t2Jd4 <;t>f7 and Black will in fact
but it turns out that Black is able
regain his pawn.
�o. :,h�p up a surprisingly strong
lllittattve. 27 J:t b8

21 axb5 Black is unable to protect his d­

pawn, e.g. 27 . . . 'it'e5 28 t2Jc4 or
2 1 f4 t2Jd3 22 f5 b4 would have
27 . . . � b8 28 J:t b l .
plunged the game into a mael­
strom of complications. 28 'it'xd6

21 axb5 Acknowledging that winning

The Classical Centre

the queen by 28 l:t b l 'ii x bl + Simplification by 38 .td4

29 l2lxb l l:t xb l + 30 .t>g2 i.e5 Axd4 39 'ii xd4 + <;t>h7 would not
would not necessarily win the have solved all White's problems,
game. but 38 "iW g2 would have been more
precise. The natural-looking text
28 .te 5
move permits Black to play an
Even though he is now two astonishing drawing combination.
pawns down Black is still not lost
38 ..tc3
thanks to the activity and co­
39 ..td4+ ..txd4
ordination of his pieces.
40 ..wxd4 + <;t>h7
29 'ii d7 ifd4 41 J:t g l
30 'ifg4 .!::!. b2
After 4 1 'itf2? ltJf6! Black's
31 .!::!. d l
initiative would be too dangerous.
Black would meet 3 1 'itxh5 with
41 <;t>g8!
3 1 . . . ifxg l + 32 .t>xgl gxh5, after
which White too would have to Not 41 ' " l2lxf4? 42 iff2 and
be careful. Black would be in trouble. This
31 ifd3 retreat is the key to Black's idea.
32 'ir'c8+ .t>g7
33 ifc4 if a3 42 d6
34 'ife2 'ita4?! White can do nothing to avoid
An inaccuracy in time-trouble. the opponent's next move since 42
It was indeed necessary to avoid .!::!. g2? ltJxf4 43 .!::!. f2 ltJh5 would
34 . . . l2lf4? 35 .txf4 .txf4 36 l2lc4 simply lose a pawn without dimin­
winning, but 34 . . . 'it a2! was a ishing Black's initiative one jot.
better way, c.g. 35 i.e3 ltJf4 36 Now some magic touches the
'ii fl (not 36 ifc4? l hd2 etc.) 36 chessboard.
. . . .!::!. c2 and White is unable to 42 .!::!. xd2!
disentangle himself. 43 ..w xd2 if f3 +
35 .!::!. b l ! .!::!. a2 44 'i!t'g2 ltJg3+ !
36 J.. e3 'itd7! 45 hxg3 'ii h5 +
46 'i!t'h2 'ii f3+
The black queen switches 47 .!::!. g2 "iWdl +
attacking fronts. 48 'ir'g l ifh5 +
37 'i!t'f2 ifh3 49 .!::!. h2 iff3 +
.l .l
38 f4?! 2-2

The Classical Centre

Game 3 is advantageous for Black - 1 5

Ritov-Ta1 . . . wxf7 1 6 .i.c4 + �f8 1 7 f5
Tallin 1 979 lDc6 does not seem to give White
Standard Four Pawns Variation sufficient attack for the piece) 1 2
. . . l:t e8 1 3 .ltc4 ( 1 3 fxe5 is an
1 d4 lDf6
important alternative, e.g. 1 3 ' "
2 c4 c5
lDxe5 1 4 �b5 lDbd7 1 5 0-0 wf8
3 d5 e6
1 6 lDxe5 l:t xeS 1 7 .i.f4 c4! and
4 lDc3 exd5
now after 1 8 .i.xd7 'ifc5 + 1 9
5 cxd5 d6
� h l l:t xd5 20 'ilfg4 f5 Black
6 e4 g6
emerges with a material advan­
7 f4
tage, and 1 8 .i.xe5 lDxe5 1 9 <.t>h 1
This move is evidently the most 'ilfc5 20 .i.a4 l:t d8 is also good for
direct way of mobilizing the pawn Black, whilst 1 8 'ifd4 l:t f5 1 9 'ilfxc4
majority, and moreover denies lDb6 is approximately equal) 1 3 . . .
Black use of e5. White's basic plan <.t>f8 1 4 0-0 e4 1 5 lDg5 lDb6 1 6
is to force through e4-e5, thus �b5 J:t d8 1 7 lDxh7+ <;tg8 1 8
opening up attacking possibilities lDg5 c4! and Black's position is
against the opponent's king and preferable.
also obtaining a passed pawn on The most important alternative
d5. Whilst the text move energizes to the text move is the Bishop
White's kingside majority it has Check Variation, 8 .i. b5 + , for
the drawback of somewhat weak­ which see Game 4.
ening both the e-pawn and the
8 0-0
king's position.
9 .i.e2
7 �g7
It is worth noting that in this
8 lDf3
variation White develops his
The Mikenas Variation, 8 e5, is pieces in the same way as in the
not as dangerous as it appears at Main Variation, the only differ­
first sight, but the defence must be ence being that here he has played
conducted with a sang-froid that f4 whereas there White usually
does not balk at losing the right plays f3. It should also be observed
to castle. For example, 8 ' " lDfd7 that this position is frequently
9 lD b5 dxe5 10 lDd6 + 'it;e7 1 1 reached by a transposition of
lDxc8 + 'ifxc8 1 2 lDf3 ( 1 2 d6 + moves from the Four Pawns Vari­
wf8 1 3 lDf3 e4 1 4 lDg5 h6 1 5 ation of the King's Indian
lDxf7 - 1 5 lDxe4 'ilfe8 1 6 'ife2 lDc6 Defence : 1 d4 lDf6 2 c4 g6 3 lDc3

The Classical Centre

�g7 4 e4 d6 S f4 0-0 6 �e2 cS 7 Variation which may usefully be

d5 e6 8 lDf3 exd5 9 cxd5. compared with the parallel pos­
ition in the Main Variation (see
9 ne8
diagram S2). Black has three prin­
Black can use the tactical fea­ cipal continuations : 10 . . . lDbd7,
tures of the position to play 9 10 . . . tUa6 - both of which, after
. . . b5 as the pawn cannot be 1 1 0-0, produce positions which
advantageously captured because could also be obtained via trans­
of 1 0 lDxb5 lDxe4 or 10 .txb5 position in the Main Variation ­
lDxe4 1 1 lDxe4 'iWa5 + etc. How­ and 1 0 . . . c4, which, in contrast,
ever, this continuation must can only arise from this move
reckon with the immediate central order. The first of these is exam­
breakthrough 10 e5 dxe5 1 1 fxe5 ined in the game and here we give
lDg4 12 �gS with a position some brief analysis of the other
which practice has shown to con­ two :
tain considerable difficulties for ( 1 ) 1 0 . . . tUa6 1 1 0-0 lDc7 1 2 a4
Black. a6 ( 1 2 . . . b6 followed by . . . �a6
is also possible) 1 3 �f3 n b8 1 4
10 lDd2 (59)
ltJc4 b 5 I S axb5 axbS 1 6 lDa5
10 e5!? dxe5 1 1 fxe5 lDg4 1 2 (or 1 6 ltJxd6!? 'ili'xd6 1 7 e5 with
�gS i s a very complicated possi­ complicated play) 1 6 . . . Ad7 1 7
bility, but here, in comparison eS dxe5 1 8 d6 and White has
with the preceding note, Black has sufficient dynamic compensation
made the useful move . . . n e8 in for the sacrificed pawn.
place of . . . bS. (2) 1 0 . . , c4 1 1 a4 (if 1 1 �xc4?
tUxe4 with advantage to Black,
59 whilst if 1 1 0-0 b5! and of course
B the pawn cannot be captured
because of the check on b6) 1 1 . . .
lDbd7 1 2 0-0 ltJc5 1 3 �f3 b6 (this
line has similarities with that in
the present game; Black could also
play 1 3 . . , �h6) 14 e5 dxe5 1 5
fxeS n xe5 1 6 ltJxc4 n fS (compare
this position with that in the fea­
tured game after White's 1 6th
This is the basic starting pos­ move) 1 7 d6 n b8 1 8 lDbS! �e6
ition of the Standard Four Pawns 1 9 ltJe3 �b3 20 tUxf5! �xd 1 2 1

The Classical Centre

lLle7 + Iith8 22 l:t xd l and White as to make the e5 break a real

has sufficient compensation for the possibility, and this it achieves by
queen. quickly introducing tactical ele­
ments by freeing cS for the knight
10 lLlbd7
so as to increase the pressure on
11 0-0
e4 before White has completed his
It may be interesting to note development. The strategic ideal
that the actual move order of the for Black would be to exchange
present game was as follows: 1 his c-pawn for White's e-pawn as
lLlf3 lLlf6 2 d4 e6 3 c4 c5 4 d5 exd5 would be the case in the variation
5 cxd5 g6 6 lLlc3 iLg7 7 e4 0-0 8 1 2 lLlxc4? lLlxe4 after which Whi­
..te2 d6 9 0-0 l:t e8 1 0 lLld2 lLlbd7 te's centre is destroyed ( 1 3 lLlxe4
1 1 f4. l:t xe4 1 4 lLlxd6?? is unplayable
because of 14 . . . 'lW b6 + ).
11 c 4 (60)
12 �hl

The simplistic 12 Af3? is unsat­
isfactory because the opening of
the a7-g 1 diagonal permits Black
the riposte 1 2 . . . b5! In addition,
the attempt to accept the sacrifice
and hang on to the pawn would
allow Black various tactical possi­
bilities, e.g. 1 2 iLxc4?! lLlc5 l 3 'it'f3
iLg4 and now on 14 'lWg3 there
would follow 14 . . . lLlcxe4 1 5
A pawn sacrifice quite in the lLlcxe4 lLlxe4 1 6 lLlxe4 (the weak­
spirit of the Modern Benoni. After ness of White's back rank would
White has played f4, the weakest be fatal after 1 6 'lWxg4 'it' b6 + 1 7
point in his position - and at the ..t> h l lLlf2 + 1 8 l:t xf2 'lWxf2) 1 6 . . .
same time the strongest - is the l:t xe4 1 7 Ad3 1V b6 + 1 8 � h l
pawn on e4 : weak, because it can iLe2 and Black stands better.
no longer be protected by the
12 lLlc5
natural f3, and strong because of
its constant threat to advance. The 13 e5
text move is designed to prevent The pawn cannot be defended
White from simply protecting e4 by 1 3 'it'c2? because of 1 3 . . . lLlfxe4!
and developing in such a way 14 lLlcxe4 Af5 1 5 iLf3 'it'e7 1 6

The Classical Centre

lle 1 i.xe4 1 7 .txe4 f5 regaining lLlce4 18 tLlxe4 tLlxe4 19 iLf3 tLlf6

the piece with advantage. Since it 20 d6 g4 and Black has somewhat
would be disadvantageous for him the better of it.
to accept a simple static exchange
16 tLlg4
of e-pawn for c-pawn White
decides to force a dynamic change Black alertly seizes the tactical
in the pawn structure. opportunity to open the d8-h4
and h8-a 1 diagonals to create
13 dxe5
attacking chances. The immediate
14 fxe5
threat is 1 7 . . . lLlxh2 1 8 �xh2
On 1 4 lLlxc4 the best continu­ -wh4 + .
ation appears to be 14 . . . exf4 ( 1 4
17 tLle3
. . . e4 has been tried) 1 5 .txf4
lLlce41 with a complicated position After 1 7 .txg4 l hfl + 1 8 -Wxfl
rich in possibilities for both play­ iLxg4 White would constantly
ers. have to bear in mind the possi­
bility of Black winning the d-pawn
14 It xeS
following the capture . , . iLxc3.
15 lLlxc4
With the move played White gets
Both sides have achieved their on with his queenside develop­
objectives to some extent. White ment in order to connect the rooks
has obtained a mobile passed as quickly as possible and thereby,
pawn and the half-open f-file while hopefully, regain control of the f­
Black has largely destroyed the file should a pair of rooks be
enemy centre and can try to build exchanged.
an attack against White's king.
17 tLlxe3
15 1::tf5 18 i.xe3
Immediately seeking to neutral­ It looks as though White has
ize White's pressure along the f­ advantageously enhanced his
file. Black could also play 1 5 . . . development and that the passed
lle8 1 6 .tg5 h6 1 7 iLh4 lLlce4 d-pawn is more dangerous than
with chances for both sides. Black's nebulous attacking pros­
16 iLf3
18 b6 (61 )
It seems that 1 6 .tf4 is well met
by 1 6 . . . g5! (but not 1 6 . . . lLlxd5? With this little move Black har­
1 7 lLle3 and wins), e.g. 1 7 iLe3 monizes the action of all his forces

The Classical Centre

wxg7 then 2 1 b4 with the idea 2 1

. . . inn 2 2 bxc5 i.. a6 2 3 c6 i t is
difficult to imagine that Black will
be able to cope with the connected
passed pawns. Still, who knows
what Tal would have come up
with if he had had to face this
19 i.. a6
20 lHd1 iLe5
which up to this point had seemed Signals the beginning of the
somewhat disjointed. Now Black kingside attack.
can develop the QB on a6 from
21 ..td4 'ilih4
where it can collaborate with the
22 AxeS .lheS
tLlc5 to take control of d3 and with
the .lU5 to control fl and thus White is clearly in considerable
potentially the f-file. Of course, it trouble given Black's threats to
would be mistaken now for White double on the e-file and to play . . .
to cede the bishop pair and the tLld3.
dark squares by 1 9 iLxc5? bxc5;
23 g3
nor would 19 d6? do any good on
account of 1 9 . . . i.. a 6! and the This natural-looking move
pin on White's KB gives the black seems to be necessary, but now
QR time to move to c8. the ..tD can no longer blockade
the f-file.
19 'iWc2?
23 'ilif6
White does not realize the
24 iLg2 J:t ae8
danger he is in and makes a
25 'iWd2
natural move freeing d 1 for the
KR in order to reinforce the d­ Seeking to relieve the pressure
pawn and keep d3 under control. through exchanges on the e-file. It
Subsequently, it was found that is interesting that White has never
White's best line here is 1 9 i.d4! been able to find the time to make
intending to answer 1 9 . . . i.a6 something of his passed d-pawn,
with 20 i.. xg7 and now if 20 . . . and here too the advance would
J.. xfl then 2 1 'ili d4 with excellent be useless because of 25 d6 ..td3
attacking chances, and if 20 . . . 26 'lWd2 'ilixd6 27 b4 tLla6 28 .tfl

The Classical Centre

(if 28 'ii x d3? n e l + 29 ..tfl �xd3 For a long time it was thought
and wins) 28 'i!r'c6 + 29 i.,g2 that both of the natural replies to
'i!r'c4 etc. this check - 8 . . . i.d7 and 8
. . . tZl bd7 - were unplayable on
25 n f5
account of allowing White to
26 n el n xel +
break through advantageously in
27 n xel tZld3
the centre with 9 e5. Consequently,
28 n e8 + rJ;; g7
the most artificial response - 8
29 <;t>gl
. . . tZlfd7 - was deemed obligatory
Parrying the threatened mate and this originally constituted the
on fl and hoping for the trap 29 raison d'Ctre of the whole vari­
. . , �d4 + 30 'tINe3 'tIN xe3 + 3 1 n xe3 ation. Indeed, as we will see in the
tZlxb2 32 d6 ..tc8 33 ..th3 n c5 game, faced with White's latest
34 d7. However, Black can now refinements Black does not find
decide the game with a simple it easy to develop his queenside
combination exploiting the con­ satisfactorily after playing 8 . . .
vergence of his pieces on f1 . tZlfd7.
Recently, therefore, Black has
29 tZlxb2!
dusted off the 8 . . . tZlbd7 line
30 h3 tZlc4
and White has encountered much
31 'tINel 'i!r'd4 +
greater difficulty than expected in
32 <;t>h2 tZle5
demonstrating an advantage.
33 tZle2 �b2
After 9 e5 dxe5 10 fxe5 tZlh5 1 1 e6
34 tZlgl ..Hl
¥Wh4 + 1 2 g3 tZlxg3 1 3 hxg3 'i!r'xh l
(on 1 3 . . . ¥Wxg3 + 1 4 <;t>d2
..txc3 + 1 5 bxc3 � g2 + 1 6 tZle2
Game 4
�xd5 + 1 7 �c2 White's extra
Kasparov-N unn
piece plays a more important role
Lucerne O lympiad 1982
than Black's pawns) White has
Bishop Check Variation
tried two possibilities :
I d4 tZlf6 ( 1 ) 1 4 exd7 + il.xd7 1 5 .txd7 +
2 c4 e6 <;t>xd7 1 6 ¥Wg4 + f5 1 7 'lWa4 +
3 tZlc3 c5 <;t>c8 1 8 .te3 .txc3 + 1 9 bxc3
4 d5 exd5 �xd5 20 n d l �c6! with approxi­
5 cxd5 d6 mately balanced chances in a
6 e4 g6 difficult position.
7 f4 ..tg7 (2) 14 i.e3 ..txc3 + IS bxc3
8 ..tbS + 'i!r'e4 1 6 'iWf3 ¥Wxf3 1 7 tZlxf3 fxe6 1 8

T h e Classical Centre

dxe6 0-0 1 9 exd7 i.xd7 20 i.xd7 lDe2 a5 intending to continue with

l: xf3 with an ending where Black . . . .1a6) 14 -ie3 lDf6 15 ..td4
should be able to maintain the Ag4 ( 1 5 . . . b4? 1 6 lDa4 lDxe4 1 7
. balance with precise play. lD b6 costs Black material) 1 6 a3
Only further practical tests will lDbd7 1 7 "lWd2 ..txf3 1 8 J:t xf3 J:t c8
be able to determine whether this with a position possibly somewhat
variation is really playable. in White's favour.
The text move is the most logi­
8 lDfd7
cal continuation as it contains
The normal reply with which Black's queenside counterplay and
Black increases his control of e5 keeps his pieces on that wing
and threatens to chase off the bottled up. Generally speaking,
bishop and expand on the queen­ White wants to delay the retreat
side with gain of tempo by . . . a6 of the ..tb5 until Black forces
and . . . b5. it by . . . a6 as this impedes the
9 a4 (62) development of the QN on that
square and obliges Black to lose
a tempo by moving his KN again
B in order to get his queenside pieces
out. For example, 9 . . . 0-0 1 0 lDf3
a6 1 1 ..te2 lDf6?! and we have
transposed into a version of the
Four Pawns Variation where
White has gained a tempo since
Black has lost two moves with his
KN whereas the manoeuvre of
the KB has cost White only one
White can also consider allow- tempo.
ing Black to realize his ambitions In addition to the text continu­
for queenside expansion in a simi- ation, Black has experimented
lar fashion to analogous lines in with various other moves from the
the Penrose Variation (see Game above diagrammed position which
6), e.g. 9 lDf3 a6 10 i.d3 b5 1 1 we summarize as follows :
0-0 0-0 1 2 w h l J:t e8 1 3 -ic2 { l 3 ( 1 ) 9 . . . 0-0 1 0 lDf3 a6 1 1 .\te2
e5!? dxe5 1 4 f5 is an interesting J:t e8 1 2 0-0 lDf8 1 3 e5 Jtg4 ( 1 3 . . .
thematic sacrifice of the e-pawn lDbd7 1 4 lDg5 dxe5 1 5 f5 lDf6 1 6
which gives sufficient com pen- g4! gives White the slightly better
sation) 1 3 . . . c4 (or 1 3 . . . b4 1 4 chances) 14 lDg5 i.xe2 1 5 -Wxe2

The Classical Centre

dxe5 16 f5 e4! and Black has 9 lLla6

guaranteed his pieces some free­
Given that the most dangerous
dom and should be able to avoid
lines are those in which White
incurring any great disadvantage.
achieves the e5 breakthrough,
(2) 9 ' " "it'h4 + 10 g3 "*Ie7 1 1
lLlf3! 0-0 ( 1 1 " .ixc3 + ? 1 2 bxc3
�lack constructs a plan spe­
Cifically designed to counter this
"it'xe4 + 1 3 'it>f2 is good for White)
possibility. The idea behind the
1 2 0-0 lLla6 1 3 e5 (White can also
text move is to bring the QN to
go for an attacking position by 1 3
b4 in order to discourage White's
n e l lLlb4 1 4 e 5 a6 1 5 .i n dxe5
KB from retreating to d3 after
1 6 d6 "it'e8 1 7 fxeS) 1 3 . . . lLlb4 1 4
the subsequent . . . a6 and thereby
lLle4 lLlb6 1 5 lLlxd6 lLl6xdS 1 6 .id2
persuade it to go to e2 where
.ig4 1 7 "*I b3 n ad8 1 8 .tc4 and
it obstructs the pressure which
White's advantage is evident.
White will try to exert along the
(3) 9 . . . a6 1 0 .te2 ( 1 0 .td3 is
e-file by ll e I . With the hindsight
also possible, e.g. 1 0 . . , "it'c7 1 1
of the present game it may be
lLlf3 c4 1 2 .tc2 lLlc5 1 3 0-0 .tg4
observed that this plan is dubious
1 4 .te3 0-0 1 5 .td4 with prob­
as it obliges Black to fatally delay
ably somewhat the better chances
for White, or here 10 . . . "it'h4 +
1 1 g3 "it'd8 with similar play to the 10 lLlf3 lLlb4
line under consideration) 1 0 . , .
The knight could also go to
"it' h4 + 1 1 g3 'iWd8 ( 1 1 . . . "it'e7?! 1 2
c7 in order to put prophylactic
lLl f3 .txc3 + 1 3 bxc3 "it'xe4 1 4 0-
pressure on dS directed against
o is too dangerous for Black) 1 2
White's central breakthrough. For
lLl f3 0-0 1 3 0-0 II e8 and Black
example, 1 0 . . . 0-0 1 1 0-0 II b8 1 2
prepares the tortuous unravelling
ll e l lLlc7 1 3 .tfl J:t e8 1 4 .lie3
of his queenside, e.g. 14 lI e I lLlfS
.ixc3!? 1 5 bxc3 lLlf6!? ( 1 5 . . .
1 5 .tfl .tg4 16 h3 .txf3 1 7 "it' xf3
ll xe4?! would cost time and
lLlbd7 1 8 .lid2 ll c8 1 9 b3 and
expose Black to a powerful king­
White has an obvious spatial
side attack) 1 6 e5 lLlfxd5 1 7 .tf2
advantage and the better chances.
dxe5 18 fxe5 b6 1 9 .th4 "it'd7 and
It is essential to bear in mind
it is dear that White has promising
that these variations are merely .
attackmg chances in return for his
examples of possible develop­
sacrificed pawn and compromised
ments and are almost certainly
pawn structure.
open to improvement on both
sides. 11 0-0 a6?!

The Classical Centre

In order to implement his plan 63

consistently Black is obliged to
play this move immediately, since
after 1 1 . . . 0-0 White can prepare
an ideal retreat for the KB on f1
by playing 1 2 n e l ! To develop
this line a bit further, after 1 2 . . .
a6 1 3 Aft n e8 1 4 h3 it is by no
means easy to find a satisfactory
plan of defence for Black, e.g. 1 4
. . . "¥Iic7 1 5 jf b3 f5 1 6 Ad2 ttJf8
1 7 e5 with a pronounced superior­ castled and this prevents Black
ity for White, or 14 . . . b6 1 5 .1Le3 from thinking in terms of counter­
Ab7 1 6 Af2 n c8 1 7 jfd2 c4 1 8 attack, e.g. 1 3 ' " c4 14 j.g5
e5 dxe5 1 9 ttJe4 and White will "¥Ii b6 + 1 5 � h l ttJd3 1 6 f6 -tf8
win material. To sum up, the over­ 1 7 a5! ttJf2 + 1 8 ll xf2 jfxf2 1 9
riding impression is that the entire ttJa4! and White has ample pos­
plan with . . . ttJa6-b4 is dubious. itional compensation for the
After the move played it seems exchange given that 1 9 . . . j.xa4
that Black's plan has succeeded 20 jf xa4 + �d8 2 1 e5! would
since the KB would not be well be crushing. Nor dare Black risk
placed on c4 either, e.g. 1 2 .ltc4 breaking up his kingside structure
0-0 1 3 .lte3 ttJb6! and Black solves by 1 3 . . . gxf5, e.g. 1 4 .1Lg5 .ltf6
the problem of the development (after 14 ' " f6?! 1 5 .il.f4 jfc7 1 6
of his queenside. However, White ttJd2! ttJ d 3 1 7 i.xd6! jf xd6 1 8
finds an unexpected alternative ttJc4 White regains the piece with
which introduces a violent attack. a winning position) 1 5 .1Lf4 0-0 1 6
e5! (but not 1 6 .1Lxd6? .1Lxa4!)
12 Axd7 + ! .ltxd7
1 6 . . , dxe5 1 7 ttJxe5 and White
13 f5! (63)
dominates the board.
This initially strange-looking
13 0-0
method of pursuing the attack
renounces the central e5 The best and - given the vari­
breakthrough but opens the c 1 - ations in the preceding note -
h 6 diagonal for the QB and max­ perhaps only chance to survive.
imizes the activity of all the white
14 Ag5 f6
pieces. The key to the attack lies
in the fact that Black has not yet If Black moves the queen White

The Classical Centre

plays £6, whilst on 14 . . . .tf6 there Black is now hoping for 1 7 n xa4
comes 1 5 'ifd2! after which the 'iW xd6 1 8 exf5 which would give
exchange of dark-squared bishops him a breathing space to coordi­
seriously weakens Black's position nate his pieces, but a rude surprise
and White's advantage becomes awaits him.
still clearer, e.g. 1 5 . . . .txg5 1 6
17 n xa4 'iWxd6
lLlxg5 f6 (Black i s paralysed after
18 tDh4! (64 )
1 6 . . . h6? 1 7 f6!) 1 7 lLle6 .txe6 1 8
15 i/..f4 gxf5?
Fearing suffocation Black
resorts to a radical means of pro­
curing a measure of simplification.
The move played undoubtedly
aggravates matters, but it seems
that Black's position is already
seriously compromised and the
alternatives would probably do
little more than postpone the
inevitable. For example: ( 1 ) 1 5 . . . This move starkly highlights the
'ife7 1 6 fxg6 ( 1 6 n e l is a convinc­ weakest point in Black's position,
ing alternative positional namely f5. The arrival of a white
approach) 1 6 . . . hxg6 1 7 lLlh4 knight on that square makes
�h7 1 8 .ltg3! and now on 1 8 . . . defence impossible as it not only
b5?! would come 1 9 't!t' b I! c4 20 creates major threats against the
lLlxg6! � xg6 2 1 .txd6 winning; king but also forces Black to relin­
(2) 1 5 . . . g5 1 6 .txd6 .txa4 1 7 quish his blockade of the d-pawn .
.!:!. xa4 'iWxd6 1 8 e5! fxe5 1 9 lLlxg5
18 fxe4
b5 and now White could obtain a
19 lLlf5 'iWd7
crushing advantage with either 20
.!:!. xb4 lLlxb4 2 1 lLlce4 or 20 .!:!. a3. 19 ' " 'ife5 is hopeless after 20
'ifg4 n f7 (the queen is lost after
16 .ltxd6 .txa4
either 20 . . . 'iWc7 2 1 d6 'ifd7 - or
1 6 . . . .!:!. e8 1 7 .i.xc5 fxe4 1 8 21 . . . 'iWf7 - 22 lLlh6 + ) 2 1 lLlh6 + .
lLld4 lLld3 1 9 lLl xe4 tDxb2 was
20 lLlxe4 �h8
better although White would keep
a marked advantage. In the game, On 20 . . . .!:!. ae8 comes 21 'lWg4

The Classical Centre

wh8 (forced because of the threat­ possible set-ups : ( 1 ) ti:Jgl -e2-g3

ened ti:Jh6 + ) 22 ti:Jxc5 and the (or c l ) and .tfl -e2; (2) ti:Jgl -h3-
ti:J b4 falls. f2 and ..tfl -e2; (3) .tfl -d3 and
1-0 ti:Jg l -e2. White will normally
21 ti:JxcS
castle short as the queenside is too
After 21 . . if xd5 22 'lW xd5
. exposed.
ti:Jxd5 23 ti:Je6 White wins the
7 .tg7
exchange and the rest is a matter
8 .tgS (65 )
of technique.

Game 5 B
USSR 1 98 1
Siimisch System

1 d4 ti:Jf6
2 c4 e6
3 ti:Jc3 cS
4 d5 exd5
5 cxdS d6
6 e4 g6
This is the basic starting pos­
7 f3
ition of the Samisch System, from
One evident effect of playing which there develops an intricate
this move early on is that White network of complicated variations
can no longer play the standard where Black normally castles
manoeuvre ti:Jgl -f3-d2, and quickly and gets out of the pin on
indeed the deployment of virtually the KN by playing either . . . h6 or
all the white pieces is different . . . 'lWa5. Here and in the following
from that which we have seen so note we give a few examples of the
far. White intends to develop the many possibilities : .
QB and queen on the cl -h6 diag­ ( 1 ) 8 . . . 0-0 9 'tIfd2 ..td7 1 0
onal, either by .te3 and 'lWd2 or, .t d 3 ti:Ja6 1 1 ti:Jge2 .: b 8 1 2 0-0
more commonly, .tg5 and 'iWd2, ( 1 2 a4 ti:Jb4 1 3 Ac4 a6 1 4 a5
thereby obtaining the possibility b5 1 5 axb6 'it'xb6 also leads to
of exchanging the opponent's complicated play) 1 2 . . . b5 1 3 ti:Jg3
fianchettoed bishop. As for the c4 14 .te2 ti:Jc5 with a double­
kingside, there are basically three edged position.

The Classical Centre

(2) 8 . . . h6 9 .i.e3 0-0 1 0 'iWd2 f4 lbf7 with an extremely rich

h5 1 1 lbge2 lb bd7 1 2 lb c l lbe5 1 3 position.
.i.e2 lbh7 1 4 0-0 We7 with roughly (2) 9 . . . 0-0 1 0 'iWd2 'iWa5 (threat­
balanced chances. ening . , . b5) 1 1 n a3 'iWc7 1 2 lbge2
Let us note in passing that lb bd7 1 3 lbg3 c4 1 4 1J..e2 lbe5 1 5
almost all of these and the follow­ ..Ite3! h 5 1 6 0-0 .i.d7 1 7 a5 .l:tfe8
ing variations can occur via the 1 8 i.b6 'iWc8 19 ..Itd4 with the
King's Indian Defence : 1 d4 lbf6 better prospects for White.
2 c4 g6 3 lbc3 1J.. g7 4 e4 d6 5 f3
10 lbh3
0-0 6 1J.. g5 c5 7 d5 e6 8 Wd2 exd5
9 cxd5 etc. We remind the reader that
normally, as we have seen in the
8 a6
preceding notes, the KN is devel­
9 a4 lbbd7
oped to g3 via e2, after which
Black here deliberately delays Black is discouraged from follow­
castling as he has conceived the ing up . . . h6 with . . , g5 because
idea of placing a knight on e5 and of the easily exploitable weak­
securing it by . . . h6 and . . . g5 and nesses on f5 and h5. Instead, even
wants to avoid his king coming though he has castled, Black will
under attack by h4. This is a novel seek to harass the knight by . . . h5-
plan and it is much more usual h4 as illustrated in the foregoing
for Black to continue as indicated examples.
in the preceding note. Some The text move, made possible
further examples : through the blocking of the ..tc8,
( 1 ) 9 . . , h6 1 0 i.e3 0-0 1 1 "ii' d 2 aims to place the knight on f2
l:!. e8 (or 1 1 ' " lbh7 1 2 lbge2 - 1 2 from where it can both j oin in
it.xh6?? Wh4 + - 1 2 . . . lbd7 1 3 a kingside attack and cover the
lbg3 h 5 1 4 it.e2 h4 1 5 lbrt f5 potentially weak square d3.
with mutual chances) 1 2 lbge2 ( 1 2
10 h6
1J.. xh6? lbxe4! and after . . . W h4 +
Black regains the piece advanta­ Now that White has committed
geously) 1 2 . . . lb bd7 1 3 lbcl (after his KN Black implements his plan
1 3 i.xh6?! lbxe4! 1 4 lbxe4 'iWh4 + of occupying e5.
1 5 g3 "ii x h6 1 6 "ii x h6 1J..xh6 1 7
11 i.. e3 lbe5
lbxd6 l:!.e3 Black has a lot of
12 lbf2 1J.. d7
compensation for the pawn) 1 3 . . .
13 i.e2
h5 1 4 1J.. e2 lbh7 1 5 lbd3 lbe5 1 6
lb f 2 ..Itd7 1 7 0-0 l:!. c8 1 8 h3 f5 1 9 Threatening f4.

The Classical Centre

13 g 5 (66) by cramping the opponent's que­

enside with tZlc3-a4-b6 in prep­
66 aration for the opening of lines by
W b2-b4.
15 n b8
16 tZla4 tZlh5?!

With this nervous reaction,

seeking quick counterplay with . . .
f5 but abandoning the queenside,
White reaps the first fruits of his
subtle strategy of also delaying
castling. Faced with the prospect
Now the importance of Black's of slow strangulation on the que­
delaying castling can be appreci­ enside (of course, capturing the
ated : if he were already castled in equine intruder by . . . il.. xa4
this position then White would be would not only cede the bishop
able to launch a ferocious attack pair and weaken the white squares
by 'iW d2 and h4. Given that 1 4 f4 but also help White play b4) and
gxf4 1 5 .i.xf4 'iWe7 is no cause for unable to castle, it is understand­
concern for Black, White turns his able that Black panics and tries to
attention to the queenside. lash out. The best solution to
Black's difficulties lay in 1 6 . . .
14 -Wd2
.i.b5 intending to meet 1 7 tZl b6
This move obviously prevents by 1 7 . . . tZlfd7, although even here
the opponent castling kingside White could obtain somewhat the
and also, less obviously, prepares better of it by playing 1 7 0-0
queenside action as will become intending to exploit the weakness
apparent over the next few moves. on f5 by the manoeuvre tZlh 1!-g3.
14 "We7 17 tZlb6 il.. b5
18 0-0 0-0
Given the weakening of his
19 b4! ( 6 7 )
kingside Black sensibly keeps the
queen centralized. This thrust poses Black dreadful
problems as the opening up of the
15 a5
queenside clearly favours White,
White aims to profit from the e.g. 19 . . . il.. xe2 20 'iWxe2 tZld7 (or
absence of a black knight on d7 20 . . . cxb4 2 1 n ab l and White

The Classical Centre

hxg3 liJxg3 26 lHc l fxe4 Black
would at least have regained his
23 fxg4

A critical moment : Black threa­

tens to dangerously expose Whi­
te's king by . . . g3.
24 liJ h l ! 'it h4 (68 )

will recapture the pawn with an

enduring positional advantage) 2 1
� acl liJxb6 2 2 axb6 and Black
cannot maintain the pawn on c5
by, say, 22 . . . � bc8 because of 23
bxc5 dxc5 24 'itc4 and the pawn
falls. Black therefore decides to
keep the queenside as closed as
possible by leaving the c-pawn to
its fate with . . . c4 and throwing
everything into a kingside coun­ Black has conjured up a con­
ter-attack. siderable attack but White refuses
to panic and defends precisely.
19 c4
20 � acl f5 25 J£.e2! g3
21 liJxc4 26 liJxg3

White, having won a pawn, has A voiding the trappy 26 hxg3?

now the task of fending off Black's � xfl + 27 .lhfl "iVxe4! 28 J.. x h5
initiative on the kingside. liJc4 and Black regains the piece
and keeps his attack.
21 J£.xc4
22 J£.xc4 g4! 26 liJxg3
27 hxg3 'itxe4
Here 22 . . . f4? 23 J£.d4 would
28 � xf8 + � xf8
be too slow.
29 .H4!
23 fxg4
This defensive move seals
After 23 f4 liJxc4 24 � xc4 g3 25 Black's fate at a stroke: the f-file

The Classical Centre

is blocked and Black's knight is 2 c4 c5

denied access to g4 and tied 3 d5 e6
against the d-pawn. Now White is 4 tZJc3 exd5
ready to turn his control of the c­ 5 cxd5 d6
file to account. 6 e4 g6
7 �d3
29 hS
30 n c7 This placing of the KB on d3 is
Looking not only at the b-pawn rarely seen in the Modern Benoni,
but also at Black's king. except in the Penrose Variation,
where it plays a specific role in
30 'tibl +
White's attacking plans.
31 "iWcl "iWg6
32 "iWc2 "lie8 7 iLg7
8 tZJge2 0-0
Black is forced to give ground
9 0-0 (69)
as only by keeping the queens on
the board can he maintain a last In the actual game this position
flicker of hope. was reached by a different move
order : 1 d4 tZJf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 g6 4
33 "iWe4 h4
tZJc3 d6 5 e4 JLg7 6 iLd3 0-0 7
34 gxh4 'lid8
tZJge2 e6 8 0-0 exd5 9 cxd5.
On 34 ' " tZJg6 White wins by
35 � xe8 n xe8 36 �h5. 0<)

35 n xb7 'tic8

Realizing that 35 . , . "iWxh4

would be met by 36 n xg7 + ! wh8
(36 . . . wxg7 37 lLxe5 + and
wins) 37 g3 and wins.
36 J:t e7 "iWd8
37 �g5
1 -0
This is the basic starting pos­
Game 6 ition of the Penrose Variation in
which White deploys his pieces
DDR v USSR, 1 982 with the intention of launching an
Penrose Variation attack on the kingside.
1 d4 tZJf6 White's build-up begins with the

The Classical Centre

thematic moves f4 and tll g 3 and 1 7 e5 and Black's queenside play

culminates in the positional sacri­ balances White's central action.
fice of the e-pawn by eS followed, (2) 9 . . . ::t e8 1 0 h3 tll a6 1 1 tll g 3
after . . . dxe5, by the thrust f5. tll c7 1 2 a4 b6 1 3 n e l iLa6 14 f4
In such cases White can use the �xd3 1 5 "WIxd3 a6 and Black has
important central blockading reduced the opponent's attacking
square e4 together with the possi­ potential at the cost of delaying
bilities along the f-file to work up his own counterplay.
an attack which can easily become (3) 9 . , . tll a6 1 0 f3 (Here we
overwhelming. The f4 advance give an example of an alternative
normally requires a degree of care interpretation of the Penrose Vari­
in its preparation, notably by h3 ation which has been developed
which not only prevents the sim- recently and obviously has many
plifying . . . �g4 but also the similarities with the Samisch Sys­
attacking . . . tll g4 in conjunction tem. A similar interesting possi­
with a sudden . . . c4 and . . . W'b6 + . bility is 10 a3, e.g. 10 . . . tll c7?! 1 1
From Black's point of view, the b4! tll d 7 1 2 f3 b6 1 3 .!l b i tll e 5 1 4
absence of the annoying enemy iLc2 and White stands better. Of
knight on c4 means that he can course, White may also play the
develop his queenside counterplay original plan based on f4.) 10 . . .
more easily without having to tll c7 ( 1 0 . . . tll b4!? also comes into
worry about pressure on d6. Bas­ consideration) 1 1 iLg5 a6 1 2 a4
ically, he may choose either to .,td7 1 3 a5 ::t b8 1 4 tll a4 iLxa4
simply try and activate his pawn 1 5 .!l xa4 b5 1 6 axb6 .!l xb6 1 7 b3
majority or to counter White's W'b8 18 �c2 with perhaps a slight
threatened e5 by pressurizing the advantage to White.
d5 point by developing the QN to (4) 9 . . , tll g4 10 h3 tll e 5 1 1 .tc2
either c7 or b4 via a6. Alterna­ tll a6 1 2 f4 tll c4 1 3 b3 ( 1 3 .td3
tively, Black may opt for rapid tll a 5 14 tll g3 c4 1 5 ..te2 tll c5 is
occupation of e5 by . . . tll f6-g4- also interesting) 13 . . . tll a5 1 4
e5. iLe3 b 5 with chances for both
From the vast nexus of vari­ sides.
ations possible from the position
in diagram 69 we present the fol­ 9 b6
Intending to challenge White's
( 1 ) 9 . . . a6 10 a4 "WIc7 1 1 h3
bishop by . . . .ta6.
tll bd7 1 2 tll g 3 c4 1 3 iLc2 n b8 1 4
iLe3 tll c 5 1 5 f4 b5 1 6 axb5 axb5 10 a4

The Classical Centre

White does not want to allow and it will no longer be possible

the exchange of bishops and there­ to chase away the bishop.
by reduce his attacking potential
so he prepares to answer 10 . , . 14 .i.h4!
.i.a6 with 1 1 lbb5! after which 1 1
After 14 .i.e3 Black can success­
. . . .i.xb5 1 2 axbS would leave
fully counter White's plans by tac­
White with a clear positional
tical means, e.g. 1 4 . . . .i.a6 I S
superiority. The text move, which
1fd2 ( 1 5 f4? lLlfxd5! 1 6 lLlxd5 lbxd5
noticeably weakens the b4 square,
1 7 'iil' x d5 .1i.xe2 etc.) 1 5 . " �h7
indicates that White intends to go
16 � e l (on 16 f4?! comes 16 . . .
all out for a kingside attack. It is
lLlxe4! 1 7 .txe4 i,xe2 1 8 'iil' xe2
also possible to follow an entirely
f5 and Black regains the piece as
different strategy, similar to the
the KB dare not retreat on pain of
Saemisch System, by 1 0 f3 .i.a6
. . . %l xe3) 1 6 . . . � e7 with balanced
1 1 .1i.xa6 lbxa6 1 2 .i.gS.
prospects. The maintenance of the
10 lLla6 pin and threat of f4 causes Black
far more problems.
Intending " . lbb4 obliging the
KB to retreat to b l where it inter­ 14 i,a6?
feres with the communication
An automatic move which fails
between the heavy pieces.
to appreciate the positional
lb b4 advantage White has after playing
%l e8 f4. The radical 14 . . . g5 was
In anticipation of White's f4
advance Black puts e4 under 15 f4 ( 70 )
pressure and seeks control of eS.
13 .i.g5
This pin, which can play a vital
role in White's subsequent attack,
is aimed at provoking . . . h6 there­
by weakening g6 and giving added
force to his basic idea of the pos­
itional sacrifice eS followed by f5.
13 h6

Otherwise White will play .. d2

The Classical Centre

Now that White has succeeded 71

in playing f4 and maintaining the
annoying pin Black will have to
constantly be on his guard against
e5 breakthroughs.
15 "it'd7

Black is understandably anxi­

ous to get out of the pin and is
banking on his pressure against
d5 preventing White from playing
e5, e.g. 1 6 e5 dxe5 1 7 f5? g5 fol­
The culmination of the attack :
lowed by capturing the d-pawn.
Black's extra pawn is merely a
White's next move, which is per­
hindrance to the defence and the
fectly consistent with his 1 4th,
threats against g6 pose significant
highlights the strategic defects of
danger to the black monarch. The
Black's position with deadly clar­
extent of Black's problems is such
that he cannot even try to give
16 �xf6! back the pawn by 1 8 . . . e4 because
of the following fine variation : 1 9
Simultaneously reducing the
fxg6 Jid4 + 20 l2Jxd4 .txfl 2 1
pressure on d5 and the efficacy of
l2Jxe4! l2Jxd5 22 �xfl cxd4 23
a . . . g5 response to a subsequent
Jia2!! with a decisive attack, e.g.
23 . . . l:. xe4 24 � xf7 + "it' xf7 25
gxf7 + �f8 26 i.xd5.
16 �xf6
17 e5! 18 il.xe2

The thematic positional sacri­ Hoping to improve on the pre­

fice of the e-pawn. ceding variation by obtaining d4
for the K B, e.g. 1 9 � xe2 e4 20
17 dxe5
fxg6 il.d4 + 2 1 '" h 1 fxg6 22
After 1 7 . . . Jig7 White would iLxe4 <3;g7 with balanced
have the pleasant choice between chances in a complicated position.
a violent continuation of the
19 l2J xe2!
attack by 1 8 e6 or the less hurried
1 8 1 H2. Scotching Black's hopes.
18 f5 ( 7 1 ) 19 ", g7

The Classical Centre

Black is understandably reluct­ quickly after 2 1 ' " .1(.d8 22 f6 + )

ant to defend the clearly inferior 22 d6! J:t b8 23 d7! J:t f8 (or 23 . . .
ending arising after 1 9 . . . 'iWxd5 J:t e7 24 tLlh5 + etc.) 24 'iWd6! and
20 'iWxd5 tt:J xd5 21 .>ta2 J:t ad8 (not wins. This variation illu�trates
21 . . . tt:Je3 22 fxg6) 22 fxg6 <liJg7 very clearly that in fact Black faces
23 gxf7 when 23 ' " �xf7 loses a two major problems, the pressure
piece to 24 .!:t ad l . The passive text against his king and the mobility
move, however, permits White to of the passed d-pawn.
establish a crushing blockade and
20 .>tg5
retain the attack.
20 . . . J:t ad8 would be answered
20 .1(.e4 ( 72 )
by 2 1 J:t a3 and Black cannot cap­
ture the d-pawn.
21 J:t a3 ..H4
22 tLl xf4

22 f6 + followed by g3 would
also win.
22 exf4
23 J:t xf4 J:t xe4

24 f6 + 'itf8
The strategic objectives o f Whi­ 25 J:t xe4 tDxd5
te's positional pawn sacrifice have 26 'iWd2 tLl xf6
been realized to perfection: the
Nor would 26 . . . g5 help : 27
blockade of the e5 pawn paralyses
J:t d3 ir'f5 28 J:t e l tDxf6 29 J:t fl and
the black pieces and the pressure
the subsequent J:t df3 would force
against his king's position can eas­
a decisive penetration on the [-file.
ily be i ncreased. Black is totally
without counterplay and more­ 27 ir' xh6 + 'itg8
over cannot seek refuge in closing 28 J:t h4 tDh5
the position by 20 . . . g5 because 29 J:t g3!
after 2 1 tLlg3 1fd8 (White wins 1 -0

2 The Fianchetto

Main Variation: Fianchetto Vari­ lizing his kingside majority but

ation simply that he intends first of all
1 d4 4:Jf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 4:Jc3 to secure his king's position before
exd5 5 cxd5 d6 6 g3 g6 ( 73 ) . expanding in the centre by the
usual advances e4 and f4 ( 74 J.

HI 74

The same basic strategic out­

lines apply when White plays the Most of the ideas for both play­
fianchetto before developing the ers examined in the preceding
QN, e.g. I d4 ttJ f6 2 c4 c5 3 dS e6 chapter also apply here, and there­
and now : fore in what follows we will con­
centrate on the principal strategic
Accelerated Fianchetto Variation differences brought about by Whi­
4 g3 exd5 5 cxd5 b5 6 .tg2 d6 te's fianchetto.

1 Strateg i c I d eas The red uced control of b5

Fianchettoing does not mean that The development of White's KB

White has given up ideas of mobi- on g2 facilitates the mobilization
The Fianchetto Centre

of Black's queenside pawn major­ 7{)

ity since White has less control
over b5 than in the variations
where the KB is developed on the
fl -a6 diagonal (75).

obliged to try to cope with rapid

queenside expansion by the
opponent, the effects of which can
be particularly unpleasant in those
variations where the KN has been
In such situations it is usually played to c4. In order to avoid
sufficient for Black to prepare the having simply to retreat the ttJc4,
. . . b5 advance with the thematic and to make something of the
moves . . . a6 and ' " n b8 as it is control exercised over c6 by the
difficult for White to hold things KB, White often provokes the . . .
up successfully by 'it'd3 or 'ii' b 3. b5 advance at a suitable moment
In the first case White's queen is when he can obtain specific pos­
exposed to attack by . . , ttJe5, and itional compensation.
in the second Black will probably White begins with the thematic
be able to play ' " b5 anyway, advance a5 ( 77).
since the capture axb5 axb5, ttJxb5
would leave White in a nasty pin.
To regain control of b5 White will
have to play e4 and retreat the
KB to fl ( 76).
It is obvious, however, that this
manoeuvre is rather artificial and
difficult to carry out if Black takes
suitable measures in time.

The c6 square
Clearly, Black cannot allow his
Usually, therefore, White is queenside play to be stifled and
The Fianchetto Centre

therefore plays . . . b5 anyway. 71)

After axb6 ttJxb6 - in such cir­
cumstances a knight on d7 is indis­
pensable in order to play . . . b5 -
White avoids exchanging knights
and tries instead to exploit the
weakness of c6 by the manoeuvre
ttJc4-a5-c6 ( 78 J.


ettoed, the advance b4 takes on

particular significance in so far as
White wants to uproot the black
c-pawn (forcing . . . c4 or . . . cxb4)
in order to gain d4 for his KN and
plant it on c6.
The reader will recall that this
strategy can be applied whether
or not there are pawns on a2 and
White's fianchettoed bishop
a7, the exchange of which can
allows him to occupy c6 even if
easily occur after the moves . . . a6
Black contests it by . . . Bd7 since
and a4.
the exchange on c6 would give
White a passed pawn there, access
to d5, the open d-file against the Chal leng i ng the ttJc4
weak pawn on d6, and increased
Given that Black must almost
activity for the KB along the long
always play his QN to d7 in order
diagonal, all of which elements
to neutralize the effects of the
render White's position consider­
cramping a4-a5 (cf. diagram 77),
ably more dynamic.
it often happens that White's KN
White also has another method
occupies c4 with an immediate
of meeting Black's pawn advance
attack on the d6 pawn (80 J.
which we have already encoun­
In this type of position it is not
tered, namely to allow . . . b5 to be
possible to defend the d-pawn by
played and then to counter it by
. . . ttJe8, and . . . JLf8 is too passive,
b4 ( 79 J.
whilst . . . "We7 is often not the
When the KB has been fianch- best square for the black queen.

The Fianchetto Centre

and organizes his pieces in such a
way as to retain the possibility
of queenside expansion. If White
pushes on with a5 and lLlc4 then
the lLlc8 protects d6 and Black is
ready to eliminate the lLlc4 by . . .
..tb5 (82).

,, �

Consequently, Black usually

defends his pawn by moving the
lLld7 to either b6 or eS which also
has the advantage of challenging
the lLlc4. In either case, however,
White can retreat to a3 which
gives greater control of bS. Black
thus finds it impossible to expand
immediately and instead, accord­ The . . . b5 advance is still
ing to whether he has played . . . unplayable at the moment because
lLlb6 or . . . lLleS, employs one of the lLlc8 is tied to the defence of
two plans ( 8 1 ) . the d-pawn but, after . . . .i.b5xc4,
expansion becomes possible and
81 the lLlcS can get back into play via
a7 and b5.
When Black defends the d-pawn
by . . . lLle5 on the other hand, there
arises a situation after the retreat
lLla3 where subsequent strategic
developments are determined by
the black knight's presence on e5
(83 ).
White has held up . . . b5 and is
White threatens as followed on the point of mobilising his own
anew by lLlc4 re-establishing the pawns by e4 and f4 with gain of
pressure against d6. By playing . . . tempo. This obliges Black to alter
ii.d7 Black vacates c8 for the QN his strategy radically and suspend

The Fianchetto Centre

example, White's kingside fianch­

etto does not rule out the imple­
mentation of the basic plan of a
central breakthrough. However if
White plays e4 early on, without
taking any precautions, Black can
seize the right moment to pin the
tt.Jf3 by . . . �g4 (85 ).


queenside play in favour of prepar­

ing to meet White's pawn advance
by . . . f5, and to this end he plays
. . . tt.Jh5 (84) .


In the variations where White

develops his KB on e2 he can
easily meet this pin by tt.Jd2, but
here it is much more awkward
since Black can try to get a knight
to e5 and, besides, even if the
Given that Black has switched
simple exchange ' " �xf3 proves
his counterplay to the kingside a
necessary, neither the queen nor
head-on confrontation is almost
the bishop would be well placed
inevitable. The advances e4 and f4
on f3.
increase White's dynamic possi­
Black can also make use of g4
bilities but, as we shall see, permit
by means of the manoeuvre . . .
Black to whip up tactical chances
tt.Jf6-g4-e5 which often leads to
against the weakened enemy
the exchange of White's KN
king's position.
whether it is on f3 or c4 (86).
Should White now try to avoid
The prophylactic h2-h3
the exchange of knights by answer­
As we have seen from the previous ing . " tt.Je5 by tt.Jd2, Black is able

The Fianchetto Centre

86 h3, Black sometimes undertakes a

rather lively offensive on the king­
side based on pushing the
g-pawn with the support of the
h-pawn (88).


to gain the two bishops by playing

. . . lDd3 exploiting the weakness of
d3 caused by the fianchetto of the
In view of the foregoing
examples we can understand why
It goes without saying that such
White normally protects g4 with
a plan is not always playable as it
the prophylactic h3 before playing
seriously weakens the king, but
e4 (87).
when Black is able to bring his
forces to bear on the kingside this
87 possibility must certainly not be

The e4 square

Since, as we have seen, the e4

advance is often delayed or some­
times even dispensed with in the
fianchetto variation, White can try
to use the fact that e4 is free to
increase the pressure on d6 by
It is quite clear that the capacity bringing the QN to e4 to augment
of the black pieces to manoeuvre the action of the KN on c4 (89).
is considerably reduced. This idea can only be
In order to regain control of implemented when Black has both
g4 and exploit the weakening of moved his KN and failed to chal­
White's king's position caused by lenge the lDc4. I t is difficult, of

The Fianchetto Centre

increases the scope of his KB and

in particular the pressure against
b2. This can be enhanced by the
intervention of the KR, especially
when White has played a4 (91 ).


course, for these conditions to be

fulfilled in the opening, but in the
middlegame, or even the ending,
it can happen that White can profit
from the absence of the advance
The rook finds a natural base
Black can also try to make use
on b4 where it hampers the devel­
of the e4 square in order to
opment of White's queens ide.
exchange a pair of knights by
playing . . . J:[ e8 in conjunction
P ressure a g a i nst e2
with . . . lDe4. This possibility arises
most frequently in the early part Black can also try to exploit the
of the game when the lDf3 omission of e4 by creating pressure
obstructs the KB's control of e4 against the pawn on e2 by doub­
(90). ling heavy pieces on the e-file ( 92).
By exchanging knights Black

90 92

The Fianchetto Centre

To carry out his plan success­ In such situations Black must

fully Black must manage to beware of playing automatically,
remove the lbc3 either by playing since even thematic moves can
. . . lbe4 or achieving the thematic sometimes meet with a simple
queenside expansion . . . bS-b4. refutation : . . . lbb6?, lbxd6! 'it'xd6,
i.. f4 ( 94).
2 Tact i ca l Ideas
I n the absence of the e4 advance,
and with the greater king safety
afforded by the fianchetto, tactics
are considerably reduced and the
game assumes a mostly positional
character. Similar tactical themes
to those examined in the first
chapter, however, can arise in the
middle game if White plays e4 and
To neutralize this possibility it is
The pseud o -sacrifice lbxd6 sufficient for Black to have his KR
on e8. If this were the case in
Since Black usually posts his QR diagram 94 then Black would be
on b8 and QN on d7, it often able to interpose the rook on e5
happens, as we have already and although White could restore
observed, that the manoeuvre theoretical material parity the
lbf3-d2-c4 results in a direct minor pieces are undoubtedly
attack on the d-pawn (93 ). superior to the rook and pawn in
the early part of the game.

93 Attacking the wh ite k i n g

In the variation where Black plays

. . . lbe5 (see diagrams 83 and 84)
White can try to profit from the
position of this knight to advance
his pawns with gain of tempo.
However, such advances, in con­
junction with the thematic h3,
leave White's kingside very loose

The Fianchetto Centre

and open to typical combinative not recapture with the pawn

possibilities ( 95). because of the ttJhS. After . . . �xfS
instead, White can fork Black's
95 pieces by g4 but there follows . . .
�xg4, hxg4 'ilf h4 leaving the ttJhS
en prise (97).


Black can answer f4 by leaving

the knight en prise, taking advan­
tage of the weakness of the b8-
h2 diagonal aggravated by h3. If After gxhS ttJg4 White has to
White accepts the sacrifice by fxeS give up his queen to avoid mate.
�xeS then the pressure on g3 and Nor does it help White to decline
the possible intervention of the the second piece by playing f3
queen ( . . . 'iWh4) can easily lead to because of . . . ttJxg4, fxg4 �d4+ .
an overwhelming attack.
In analogous situations Black
3 I l l ustrat i ve Games
can play . . . fS himself, before
White has played f4, thereby offer­ Game 7
ing the opponent a fork (96). Liberzon-Yusupov
White plays exfS and Black can- Lone Pine 1 98 1
Fianchetto Variation
1 d4 ttJf6
2 c4 c5
3 d5 e6
4 ttJc3 exd5
5 cxd5 d6
6 g3 g6
7 �g2 �g 7
8 ttJf3 0-0
9 0-0 ( 98 )

The Fianchetto Centre

c4 with the immediate . . . lLlb8-
d7-e5) 10 lLld2 lLlbd7 1 1 lLlc4 lLle5
1 2 lLlxe5 'if xeS 1 3 a4 a6 14 il.f4
'ife7 1 5 'i!fd2 n b8 1 6 i.h6 i.xh6
1 7 'i!f xh6 bS 18 'if d2 b4 and Black
has succeeded in mobilizing his
queenside pawns, but the
exchange of his KB considerably
reduces his dynamic possibilities.
(2) 9 . . n eS (with the idea of

playing . . . lLle4 if White does not

This is the basic position of the play 1 0 lLld2) 1 0 i.f4 a6 (obliging
Fianchetto Variation. In broad a weakening of b4) 1 1 a4 lLle4 1 2
outline, White's plan is to transfer lLlxe4 n xe4 1 3 lLld2 n b4 1 4 lLle4
the K N to c4 and then prepare to h6 1 5 il.d2 ll xb2 1 6 'if c l n xd2
mobilize his kingside pawns with 1 7 'if xd2 and White stands better
a view to breaking through in the as Black is seriously behind in
centre. He relies on the thematic development and can only regain
moves a4 and lLlc4-a3 to contain the exchange at the cost of endang­
Black's ambitions on the queen­ ering his king.
side and the prophylactic h3 to
9 a6
reduce the scope of the il.cS and
lLlf6 on the kingside. With this move Black indirectly
As usual, Black's counterplay declares his plans for the QN. The
stems from his queenside pawns alternative development is 9 . . .

and the dynamic possibilities off­ lLla6, e.g. 1 0 h3 il.d7 (or 1 0 . . . lLlc7
ered by the e-file and the long 1 1 e4 tZld7 1 2 J:t e l with mutual
diagonal hS-a 1 . Black has two chances) 1 1 e4 'ifc8 1 2 \t>h2 J:t e8
basic methods of seeking to mobil­ 1 3 ll e l c4 1 4 .,tf4 lLlc5 1 5 'i!fc2
ize his queenside pawns according tbd3 1 6 il.xd6 lLlxe 1 1 7 II xe 1 and
to how the QN is developed: the White has sufficient compensation
manoeuvre . . . lLla6-c7 followed for the exchange.
by . . . a6, or the simple . . . lLlbd7
10 a4 lLlbd7
followed by . . . a6 and . . . n bS.
11 lLld2
Other more experimental ideas
are also worth mentioning: Black can parry the direct
( 1 ) 9 . . . 'ife7 (intending to attack on his d-pawn by il.f4
counter the manoeuvre lLlf3-d2- (hoping to follow up with a quick

The Fianchetto Centre

e4-e5) by protecting d6 with the getting to c6 via a5) 14 . . . lZJc4 1 5

queen and using g4 to establish a n a4 lZJb6 1 6 .: a2 lZJc4 1 7 'iWd3
knight on e5. For example, 1 1 n b8! 18 'iWxc4 n b4 1 9 'iW d3 n xb3.
..tf4 "jIe7 (or 1 1 . . . "jIc7 1 2 e4 n e8
12 h3
1 3 n e l lZJg4 14 h3 lZJge5 with
balanced prospects) 12 n e 1 ( 1 2 a5 Much the most common con­
is better with the idea of meeting tinuation.
1 2 . . . lZJg4 by 1 3 lZJa4) 1 2 . . . .r:. b8
12 n bS
1 3 e4 lZJg4 14 lZJd2 lZJde5 1 5 1ZJf1
13 lZJc4 (99 )
lZJc4 1 6 'iWe2 b5 1 7 axb5 axb5 1 8
h 3 lZJge5 with equal chances. This
example illustrates the possibilities
Black has when White omits the
prophylactic move h3.
11 n eS
The alternative is 1 1 . . . n b8 in
order to leave e8 free for the KN,
e.g. 12 lZJc4 lZJe8 ( 1 2 . . . 1ZJ b6? is
bad because of 1 3 lZJxd6! "jIxd6 1 4
..tf4) 1 3 a 5 lZJe5 (on 1 3 . . . b 5 1 4
axb6 lZJxb6 1 5 lZJa5 and White will Now Black has the choice
exploit c6) 14 1ZJ b6 lZJc7 1 5 h3 between two very different ways
lZJb5 1 6 ..td2 n e8 with balanced of protecting his d-pawn : 1 3 . . .
prospects in a complicated pos­ lZJb6 or 1 3 . . . lZJe5. The former ­
ition. which we shall see in the present
After the text move, the major game - commences long-term
continuation for a long time was strategic operations on the queen­
1 2 a5, intending to split Black's side, whereas the latter generally
pawns after the subsequent . . . b5 presages violent turmoil on the
and en passant capture and then kingside. After 1 3 . . . lZJe5 the pre­
mobilize the white pawns. It used sence of the knight in the centre
to be thought that this plan was of the board challenges the white
favourable for White until it was pawns to drive it away and this
discovered that Black can hold the invariably produces a fierce tacti­
balance by making the most of the cal confrontation, e.g. 1 4 1ZJa3 lZJh5
open b-file, e.g. 1 2 a5 b5 't3 axb6 1 5 e4 (Black gains the upper hand
lZJxb6 14 lZJb3 (with the idea of after 1 5 >t> h2 g5! 1 6 e4?! g4!) 1 5

The Fianchetto Centre

. . . J:!. f8 ( 1 S . . . fS!? creates massive liJc4 and White saves the knights.
complications, e.g. 16 exfS .txfS
15 a5
1 7 g4 Axg4 1 8 hxg4 'it'h4 1 9 gxhS
J:!. f8 - preventing .tf4 in reply In a way, this move facilitates
to . . . liJg4 - 20 h6 .th8 2 1 liJe4 the unravelling of Black's queen­
liJg4 22 'it'xg4 'iWxg4 with a totally side. I S e4 sets greater problems
unclear position) 1 6 �h2 f5 1 7 f4 for the defence, e.g. I S ' " liJc8 1 6
bS 1 8 axbS (Black gets a ferocious 'iWd3 'iWc7 ( 1 6 . . . b5!? 1 7 axb5 axb5
attack after 1 8 fxeS?! liJxg3! 1 9 1 8 liJaxb5 Axb5 1 9 liJxb5 liJd7
�xg3 .txeS + ) 1 8 . . . axbS 1 9 20 liJc3 liJe5 probably gives Black
liJaxbS fxe4 20 .txe4 with a com­ sufficient compensation for the
plex position which theory con­ pawn) 1 7 Ae3 liJa7 1 8 J:!. fc l b5
siders to be in White's favour. 19 b4 c4 20 'iW fl bxa4! (otherwise
White stands better after 2 1 a5) 2 1
liJxc4 J:!. xb4 with chances for both
This move protects the d-pawn, sides.
challenges the liJc4, and prepares
15 liJc8
to complete development by ' "
16 liJc4 ( 1 00 )
14 liJa3
1 4 liJxd6? does not work here B
because of 1 4 . . . 'it' xd6 I S .tf4
J:!. eS. The move played is only a
temporary retreat as White in-
tends to chase away the liJb6 by
as and then return to c4.
14 .td 7

Completing development and

freeing c8 for the liJb6. This move
also contains a tactical threat: I S White has secured his liJc4
. . . liJxa4 1 6 liJxa4 bS regaining the against the . . . b5 advance at the
piece with a good game. It is not cost of relinquishing control of bS.
possible to implement this idea Black is well placed to exploit this
immediately because of the unpro­ factor, first with the bishop in
tected position of the J:!. b8 : 14 . . . order to eliminate the irritating
liJxa4? I S 'it'xa4 bS 1 6 'iWb3 b4 1 7 liJc4 ( . . . .tb5xc4), and then to

The Fianchetto Centre

bring the lZJc8 back into play (. . . 21 lZJb5

lZJa7-b5). 22 12Jxb5

16 ..Iib5 Not wishing to submit himself

17 'W b3 ..Iixc4 to the humble advance e3, White
18 'W xc4 tDd7 accepts the positional inferiority
following the exchange of knights
Black would be left with a weak
hoping to be able to contain the
a-pawn after 1 8 . . b5?! 1 9 axb6
phalanx of black pawns.
lZJxb6 20 'ilt'h4 and White would
also obtain play on the kingside. 22 axb5
23 'ilt'b3 'Wd7
19 'W d3?!
23 . . . b4 was more direct but
In view of . . . lZJe5 White decides
Black wants to retain the possi­
to retreat the queen to c2, but this
bility of playing . . . 12Jc4 and press­
not only cedes control of b5, it
urizing the pawns on a5 and b2.
also costs an important tempo
which should have been used to 24 ..lift
mobilize his pawn centre. After 1 9
Threatening e4.
e4 White would be able t o meet
1 9 . , . lZJe5 by 20 'We2, and f4 24 12Jc4
would be in the air. 25 e3

19 lZJe5 Now this move is practically

20 'Wc2 tDa7! forced, since White must be able
to capture on c4 if he is to develop
Black exploits the opponent's
his pieces.
inaccuracy and introduces the
positional threat . . . lZJb5-d4. It 25 l:[ a8
would have been counter-pro­ 26 ",g2
ductive to go hunting the a-pawn
The immediate 26 ..Iixc4 bxc4
by 20 . . . lZJc4? as after 2 1 lZJe4
27 'ilt'xc4 'ilt'xh3 would clearly be
12Jxa5 22 ..Iig5 White would obtain
advantageous to Black.
awkward threats.
26 l:[ a7!
21 ndl

White has run out o f useful Beginning a very subtle plan

moves as he no longer dares to aimed at exchanging the b5 pawn
permanently weaken d4 by play­ for that on as so as to open the
ing e4. a-file in such a way as to be

The Fianchetto Centre

able to use it to penetrate the pieces from penetrating his pos­

opponent's territory. The simplis­ ition. In addition, the advance of
tic 26 . . . �xa5 27 'iWxb5 'iVxb5 28 Black's pawns has produced an
i.xb5 �b3 would have run up obvious difference in the value of
against the clever reply 29 .:t a3 ! the bishops.
obliging Black t o exchange rooks
31 e4 n xa5
and close the a-file, and in the
32 :t xa5 n xa5
absence of lines of penetration the
33 i.f4
game would probably end in a
draw. After the text move, how­ Seeking to keep the black queen
ever, things develop very differ­ tied down to the defence of the
ently. d-pawn.
27 i.xc4 bxc4 33 'iVe7
28 'iWxc4 .:t ea8
After 33 . . . n a2 Whi te would
29 i.d2
have been able to muddy matters
Hoping for 29 . . . i.xb2? 30 by playing 34 e5!? dxe5 35 i.e3.
.:t ab l and White stands better.
34 b3
29 b5!
Sooner or later this advance is
30 'iWc2 b4 ( JOI )
forced in order to prevent the
further advance of Black's pawns.
Now Black has absolute control
of the a-file thanks to the K B.
34 .i.d4
35 :t el (6
36 n e2 n al
37 h4 cj; g7
38 .i.e3 iLc3
39 .i.d2 .i.e5
40 (4?

Black's last two moves consti­ In a difficult position and in bad

tute the point of the manoeuvre time-trouble, White fatally weak­
begun by 26 . . . n a 7! After the ens his second rank and the a7-
a-pawn falls White can no longer gl diagonal, which Black exploits
prevent the opponent's heavy in impeccable fashion.

The Fianchetto Centre

40 .td4 Here and o n the previous move

41 -te3 -txe3 White has explored other paths
42 J:t xe3 'lWa7! (e4 and a4), but the line chosen is
43 J:t e2 e4 the most logical from the strategic
point of view.
The opening of the diagonal
seals White's fate.
44 'lWxe4 'lWg l +
45 c;t.oh3 :t e l !
46 'lWxb4

Or 46 'ifb5 'if £ 1 + and wins.

46 'lW n +
47 J:t g2 J:t c2

The objective of this advance,

Game 8
as we have already seen, is to put
pressure on c5 so as to force Black
London 1983
to clarify the situation either by
Accelerated Fianchetto Variation
advancing or capturing, both of
1 d4 ltJ f6 which give White access to d4.
2 c4 e6 This strategy is particularly effec­
3 g3 tive with the KB fianchettoed as
it supports the further invasion of
This order of moves permits
c6 following ltJd4.
Black to transpose to a Benoni
where White has played g3 in 7 ltJa6!?
place of the standard ltJc3.
Of course Black will not play
3 c5 ' " c4, either now or later, as this
4 d5 exd5 would simply make White a gift
5 exd5 b5 of d4. Acceptance of the pawn by
7 . cxb4 would allow White to
. .
This immediate expansion is
open lines against Black's queen­
made possible by the absence of
side pawns by 8 a3 bxa3 9 ltJxa3,
the 1tJc3.
after which it would be difficult
6 .tg2 d6 for Black to hang on to the pawn,
7 b4! ( 1 02 ) as protection by . . . a6 is imposs-

The Fianchetto Centre

ible. At the time of writing, how­ along the a 1 -h8 diagonal. In the
ever, this gambit has not been diagrammed position, by contrast,
played sufficiently to be able to White has still to develop any
make a definitive evaluation. queenside pieces and the n a 1 IS
With the text move Korchnoi dangerously exposed.
obliges his opponent to capture
II O-O?!
on c5 hoping that the c5 square
thus obtained for his knight will A natural but slow move which
balance White's on d4. gives White time to develop his
queenside. Black would have done
8 bxc5 lbxc5
better to attack the pawn on dS
9 lbf3 g6
immediately by 1 1 . . . .t b7, e.g.
10 0-0 .t g7
1 2 lbxb5 lbfe4 1 3 lbd4 i.xd5
11 lbd4 ( 1 03)
with a position where the static
weakness on d6 is offset by the
dynamism of the black pieces.
12 lbc3

White sensibly gets on with his

development and refuses the off­
ered pawn on d5 the acceptance
of which would have given Black
an enormous lead in development
after 1 2 lbxb5 l2lfe4.
12 a6?
The effects of the plan initiated
But this is really too passive and
by White with the thrust b4 now
allows White to have things all his
become clear: the disappearance
own way. It was essential to play
of the c5 pawn enables White to
1 2 . . . b4 in order to increase the
occupy d4 and thus the weakness
action of the i.g7 along the long
of c6 can easily be exploited.
diagonal and to seek correspond­
Normally - that is to say when
ing compensation for c6 in the
White plays 3 lbc3 in place of 3
square c3, e.g. 1 3 l2lc6 "jjf d 7 1 4
g3 - the advance b4 does not
l2lb5 �fe4 1 5 l2l bd4 � c 3 with
happen as quickly as in this game
balanced chances.
and thus White usually does not
experience any great problems 13 l2lc6!

The Fianchetto Centre

The plan of occupying c6, initi­ 16 bxa4

ated by the advance b4, has been
An unpleasant decision, but
completed. This advanced outpost
practically forced, as shown by the
cramps Black's queenside and
alternatives. If 1 6 ' " .i.. xc6?! 1 7
allows White to begin operations
dxc6 b4 1 8 .i.. xf6! bxc3 1 9 .i.. xg7
there with the advance a4.
wxg7 20 fld4 + �g8 2 1 tt a2!
13 flc7 and the pawn on c3 cannot be
14 ..te3 saved; on the other hand if 1 6 . . .
tLlxa4 1 7 liJxa4 bxa4 1 8 .I:t xa4
Preparing to neutralize the
with a clear advantage since 1 8 . . .
..tg7 completely by a subsequent
tLlxd5? 1 9 .i.. xd5 �xc6 20 .l:t c4
14 ..tb7
17 1Lxc5

White's tLlc6 almost totally

1 7 tLlxa4?! would not be good
paralyses Black's ability to under­
since Black's position after 1 7 . . .
take anything worthwhile since it
liJxd5! 1 8 J..x g7 'i!i'xc6 would be
controls almost all of Black's key
much more defensible than
squares for counterplay in the
appears at first sight. With the text
Modern Benoni : b4, d4, e5, and
move White pursues his queenside
b8. Thus, with the text move
ambitions with extreme single­
Korchnoi sensibly decides to give
mindedness even to the extent of
himself the option of eliminating
exchanging his magnificent dark­
this powerful intruder at the right
squared bishop. The idea is to
recapture on a4 with the queen
15 ..td4 .!:t fe8 in order to reinforce the tLlc6 -
which otherwise is constantly vul­
Black's sole remaining active nerable to the tactical blow . . .
move. 1 5 ' " tLlfd7 would be met tLlxd5 should the QN ever move ­
by 1 6 .i.. xg7 <t;xg7 1 7 a4 with a and afterwards to attack Black's
clear advantage. weak c-pawn.
16 a4 17 dxc5
18 'iW xa4
Having placed his pieces on
their ideal squares, Kasparov Once again, on 1 8 tLlxa4? tLlxd5!
commences operations on the 1 9 'ifxd5 ..txa l 20 tt xa l .l:t ac8
queen's wing. and Black wins material. On the

The Fianchetto Centre

other hand, if 1 8 l:!.xa4 Black can that square's weakness. Neverthe­

drive away the tLlc6, e.g. 1 8 . . . less, even at this late moment, if
tLld7 1 9 n a3 tLle5 20 tLla5 n ad8! Black had found the right way it
and Black has also activated all would have been difficult for the
his pieces. passed pawn by itself to guarantee
The text move connects the victory.
rooks which are ready to occupy
20 tLlb6
the b- and c-files.
Not 20 . . . tLle5? as Black must
18 tLld7
control the d5 square.
19 W' b3?
21 n abl
An inaccuracy which risks for­
( 1 04 )
feiting all of White's advantage. At
first sight it seems that the tactical 104
threats based on the advance d6
are crushing, but Black does have
a way out which White has over­
looked. The correct move was 1 9
W' a3!, keeping the black knight
tied down to the defence of the c­
pawn, after which 1 9 . . . c4? would
lose because of 20 d6.
19 .lixc6!

Black seizes the opportunity to The critical point. Now the cor­
get rid of the embarrassing tLlc6. rect line is 2 1 . . . c4! 22 "ira3 (22
Other possibilities would have W'xb6 'ifxb6 23 J:!. xb6 .lixc3 gives
been inferior, e.g. 19 . . . tLle5? 20 a drawn ending) 22 . . . 'ife5! with
d6 and wins or 1 9 . . . .lixc3 20 the idea of bringing the K B to the
W' xc3 l:!. xe2 2 1 n ab l ! (threaten­ aid of the queenside, e.g. 23 lHc 1
ing d6) 2 1 . . . .lixc6 22 dxc6 and .lif8! followed b y . . . .lic5 and
after the fall of the c-pawn White even if White retains a certain
has a winning position. structural advantage, Black's pos­
ition has become much more
20 dxc6
dynamic and aggressive.
The passed pawn on c6 embod­
21 n abS?!
ies the logical consequence ofWhi­
te's strategy directed at exploiting This natural but inexact move

The Fianchetto Centre

enables White to correct the error 27 n bd 1 and although Black is

of his 1 9th move and regain the clearly in dire straits he can still
initiative. resist.
22 "lj'a3! 26 n b5

The attack against Black's que­ Preparing to double on the

enside pawns is as effective as it is b-file with gain of tempo.
26 a4
22 c4 27 ..tf3

22 . . . .ltd4 23 e3 tLlc4 24 tLld5! Played in order to free g2 for

tLlxa3 25 tLlxc7 lLl xb I 26 lLlxe8 the king as will become clear in
.!:t xe8 (or 26 . . . tLld2 27 lLld6! and the following variation.
wins) 27 exd4 tLlc3 28 d5 would
27 n ee8
give White a won ending.
Or 27 . . . n e6 28 .!:I. cb l a3 29
23 .!:t rel ..txc3
n xb6 n xb6 30 l!i xb6 a2 3 1
Black seizes the chance to win � b8 + ! 'ii' x b8 (if 3 1 . . . 1;g7 32
White's e-pawn. 'ii' b2 + etc.) 32 .Ihb8 + 1;g7 3 3
.!:t a8 .!:I. e l + 34 1;g2 (the crucial
24 �xc3
difference: if the bishop was on g2
Black would have obtained real Black would win) 34 . . . a l (Q) 3 5
chances of counterplay after 24 n xa l n xa l 36 c7 and wins.
.!:t xc3 .!:t xe2 25 "lj'xa6 'ii' e 5!
28 �c5
24 .!:t xe2
Preventing . . , a3 and threaten­
25 'ii' d 4!
ing n cb I . Black can resist no
Centralizing the queen and longer.
tying Black's pieces to the protec­
28 l!ie7
tion of the lLl b6.
29 c7 'i' xc5
25 a5? 30 n xc5 n bc8
31 ..tb7 lLld7
The final mistake which allows
32 .!:t 5xc4
White to increase the pressure on
1 -0
the b-file decisively. It was essen­
tial to play 25 . . . .!:t e5 26 .!:t e l n b5

3 The R est ricted
Ce ntre

Main Line: Knight Tour Variation Uhlmann System

1 d4 ttJf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 ttJc3 7 .,tg5 .,tg7 8 e3
exd5 5 cxd5 d6 6 ttJf3 g6 7 ttJd2
The same type of centre can
J.. g7 8 ttJc4 0-0 9 J.. g 5 'iif e7 10 e3
also arise in the Queen Check
( 1 05 ).
Variation (7 �f4 .,tg7 8 'iif a4 + ).

B 1 St rateg i c I d eas
Since the advance e4 somewhat
weakens the d4 square and also
gives Black a target on the e-file,
White may choose an alternative
strategy of first developing his
pieces (in particular the QB) before
deciding whether to play e3 or e4.
If White plays e4 then we obtain
White can also employ a restric­ the type of structure examined in
ted centre in other situations. For the first chapter and so we will
example, 1 d4 ttJf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 concentrate here on the strategic
.4 ttJc3 exd5 5 cxd5 d6 6 ttJf3 g6 implications of the Restricted Cen­
and now : tre with e3.
After this advance the pawn
Knight Tour Variation structure is as follows ( 106 J.
7 ttJd2 iL.g7 8 ttJc4 0-0 9 iL.f4 As noted previously, White's
(or 9 .tg5 h6 1 0 �f4 ttJe8 1 1 main intention is to keep control
'iif c l ) 9 . . . ttJe8 (or 9 . . . b6) 10 'lWd2 of d4 and try not to expose the
b6 1 1 e3 e-pawn to attack. But in the fol-

The Restricted Centre

1 ()6
must not be underestimated in the
middlegame or even the ending.
Black can use the e4 square to
pursue simplification by . . , tZle4
( 1 08 ).


lowing examination of the pawn

structure other considerations will
also become apparent.

The e4 squa re

As in the Fianchetto Variation, As in the analogous variations

the fact that the e4 square is free where White has fianchettoed the
can be useful to both players. KB, here too Black's manoeuvre
White can make use of it by the will generally be prepared by
QN to increase pressure on d6 moves such as . . , ne8 and/or . . .
( 1 07 ). .if5.

The v u l n e ra b i l ity of d 5

The lack of a pawn on e4 or a

bishop on g2 in the Restricted
Centre increases the vulnerability
of the pawn on d5. Consequently,
in these positions Black quite often
tries to put pressure on d5 by
manoeuvres such as . . . tZlb8-a6-
c7 ( 1 09).
The pressure on d5 can be
As we already remarked in the increased by the placing of the QB
preceding chapter, it is rare for on b7 after either . . . b6 or . . . b5.
this kind of situation to occur in Sometimes Black's QN will go to
the opening, but the possibility b4 via a6 with the same intention.

The Restricted Centre

Obviously, the advance of the

J 09
kingside pawns is a double-edged
weapon and favourable conditions
are generally necessary for its

The b 1 -h7 d iagonal

A further strategic element which

is apparent from a consideration
ofthe pawn structure ofthe restric­
ted centre is that the b l -h7 diag­
As we will see later on, the absence
onal is relatively free. Either player
of a pawn on e4 may also suggest
may take possession of the diag­
to Black the idea of sacrificing his
onal with their bishop ( 1 1 1 ).
d�pawn thereby opening the file
and enabling the heavy pieces to
join in the attack on d5.

The m ob , l ity of B lack's

k i ngside pawns

Another appreciable difference

between the Classical and Restric­
ted Centres is White's complete
lack of control of f5 in the latter,
a factor which enhances the mobil­
ity of Black's kingside pawns
( 1 1 0). As we will see later on, White is
particularly interested in control­
ling the diagonal when Black has
weakened his kingside pawns by
. . . h6 and . . . gS.

The development of
White's OB

Given that White may play e3, he

needs to develop the QB and it
will go to either f4 or gS as can be

The Restricted Centre

seen from the variations listed at i.d7. The queen then retreats to
the beginning of this chapter. The b3 leaving Black's pawns on d6
position takes on different stra­ and b7 simultaneously undei'
tegic characteristics according to attack ( 1 1 3 ).
whether or not the bishop's devel­
opment is preceded by the
manoeuvre t2Jf3-d2-c4.

The i mmed i ate id4

Clearly, this development is logi­

cally connected with a plan of
creating pressure against Black's
d-pawn. However, we have
already seen (cf. diagram 5) that
when White first plays .Jtf4 and
then follows up with t2Jf3-d2 Black
White wants to force ' " flc7,
can neutralize the intended attack
which will cause Black some prob­
on d6 by playing . . . t2Jh5 before
lems in the development of his
White has time to complete his
queenside since the obstruction of
knight manoeuvre. Thus when
d7 and c7 makes things awkward
White plays an immediate ..tf4
for the QN. In addition, if Black's
he generally tries to increase the
queen goes to the h2-b8 diagonal
pressure on d6 by means of a
White will try to exploit the oppo­
queen manoeuvre ( 1 1 2 J.
sition of queen and bishop with a
quick e4-e5 breakthrough. Gener­
ally, in such lines where e4 is
played the game broadly takes
on the strategic outlines of the
Classical centre.
Things develop very differently
if Black decides to sacrifice his
d-pawn. This he can do in the
above diagrammed position by
immediately advancing his queen­
side pawns by . . . b5 intending,
White plays 'iW a4 + essentially after .i.xd6, to gain precious time
forcing Black to reply with . . . driving off the enemy pieces by . . .

The Restricted Centre

'if b6 and . . . c4. In such lines White Protect i n g the d - pawn

will normally opt for a Restricted
The only way of protecting the
Centre since the advance e4 is
d-pawn is by playing ' " ttJe8
risky in view of Black's develop­
( 1 1 5 ).
ment advantage.

The delayed i.. f4

If White wants to link the develop­

ment of the QB to f4 with an
attack on d6 by the manoeuvre
tDf3-d2-c4, then he must transfer
the knight first in order to avoid
the defence . . . tDh5 in reply to
.i.f4 ( 1 1 4 ).

We can make some general

observations about this type of
position :
( l ) Increasing the pressure on
d6 by tDe4 or ttJb5 fails for tactical
reasons (see below, 'Queenside
(2) Black is ready to profit from
the absence of a pawn on e4 and
chase the bishop by . . . g5 and . . .
(3) To prevent this threat, and
It would be mistaken for Black
to increase the possibility of tDe4
to stop the threatened .tf4 by
or ttJb5, White plays 'ifd2.
playing . . . tDh5 since White would
(4) To reduce the pressure on
then instantly switch plans and
d6 Black generally has recourse
play e4 followed by .te2 and
to the manoeuvre . . . b6 and
Black would have to lose time
retreating the knight. It is clear,
therefore, that Black cannot avoid
Sac rificing the d - pawn
the impending attack on his d­
pawn and can only choose Instead of defending his d-pawn
whether to defend or sacrifice it. Black may choose to sacrifice it,

The Restricted Centre

obtaining the initiative as a conse­ Black's undeveloped QN. After

quence of the time lost by White i.g3 Black continues with . . . tZJe4
in accepting (116). and White can hardly avoid
exchanging knights. The arrival of
the rook on e4 forces White to
play e3 in view of the double threat
. . . n xc4 and . . . :t d4 and at this
point Black confirms his initiative
with . . . b5 ( 1 1 8) .


Black can ignore the attack on

his d-pawn by playing, for exam-
ple, . . . b6 intending to continue
with . . . Jta6. White cannot cap-
ture on d6 with the knight because
after tZJxd6 tZJh5, tZJxc8 tZJxf4, the
tZJc8 would be trapped. Thus White i s a pawn up, but his lack
White is obliged to capture on d6 of development and the pressure
with the bishop, but after Jtxd6 against the pawns on b2 and d5
n e8 ( 1 1 7) make it anything but easy for him
to keep his material advantage.

The i m med iate .tg5

The basic idea behind the immedi­

ate Jtg5 is to encourage Black to
weaken his kingside by . . . h6 and
. . . g5 in order to get out of the
annoying pin. Sooner or later,
Black normally decides to play . . .
h6 ( 1 1 9).
the threat of . . . Jta6 forces White After White retreats the bishop
to retreat his bishop if he wants to h4, Black is obliged to follow
to avoid having to exchange it for up with . . . g5 in order to free
The Restrictea Centre

ready to increase the pressure on

d6 by lbc4 and take control of the
b l -h7 diagonal by .ltd3.
However, if Black frees himself
from the pin at the right moment
White cannot obtain such a posi­
tion, as he cannot avoid the simpli­
fying manoeuvre . . . lbf6-h5xg3
( 1 21 ) .

himself from the pin. White then

retreats anew to g3 reinstating
the thematic pressure on d6 which
can be augmented by tDf3-d2-c4
and secured by e3 ( 1 20).

In this kind o f position White

exerts a certain amount of pressure
along the h-file, but the major
strategic theme centres around the
battle for control of the white
squares, particularly f5.

The delayed .lt g 5

The point of the move e3 is to
control the square h 5 and prevent White has attempted to improve
Black eliminating the .ltg3 by his pin's effect by carrying out
means of . . . lbf6-h5. The above the lbf3-d2-c4 manoeuvre before
diagram shows the ideal effects playing .ltg5 ( 1 22).
from White's point of view of his Now Black can no longer get
pinning manoeuvre: Black has out of the pin and exchange the
weakened his king's position QB by . . . h6, . . . g5 and . . . lbh5
without succeeding in eliminating because after the bishop retreats
the enemy QB whereas White is to g3 it attacks d6. Consequently,

The Restricted Centre

retreats the bishop to d2 after . . .

g5 ( 1 24 ).

in place of . , . lbh5 Black would

be obliged to defend by . . . lbe8.
In addition, after the advance To exploit the weakening of the
. . . h6 White has the option of kingside thus induced it is logical
retreating to f4 obtaining an here for White to open up lines by
identical position to that reached playing h4.
in the postponed Jtf4 variation
except for the presence of Black's
C h a l l en g i n g the lbc4
h-pawn on h6 ( 1 23 ) .
Black can avoid all these com­
plications in the line where White
delays the development of the QB
to g5 by challenging the lbc4
instead of compromising his king­
side by . . . h6 and . . . g5. One
method is to enlist the help of the
.i.c8 : in a position of the type
illustrated in diagram 1 22 Black
plays . . . 'iWe7, . . . b6, and . . . .ta6
( 1 25 ).
The move . . . 'iWe7 aims to pre­
Here, too, Black has the choice vent lbe4 and allows Black to
between defending or sacrificing defend d6 by . . . J:[ d8 if White
his d-pawn. If he opts for defence manages to increase the pressure
by . . . lbe8 then White can use the on d6 by manoeuvres such as
pawn on h6 to introduce a new 'iWd2-f4. Alternatively, Black can
attacking idea : he plays 'iWcl and challenge the lbc4 by calling up

The Restricted Centre

d6 pawn by .tf4. Normally, the

recurring tactical ideas in these
lines are based either on the subse­
quent exploitation of the weakness
of Black's king's position or on
the indirect defence of the d-pawn.

Attacki n g the black k i n g

When Black gets himself out of

the pin and exchanges White's QB
by playing . . . h6, . . . gS, and . . .
the ttJb8: Black plays . . . 'lJie7 fol­
ttJhSxg3, a dangerous situation
lowed by . . . ttJd7-eS ( 1 26).
can arise ( 1 27 ) .

Here the move . . . 'WIe7 is indis­ White profits from the threat of
pensable as it not only prepares mate on h7 by playing ttJxgS. This
the knight's path by protecting d6 theme can also occur when White
but also enables Black to recap­ has his KB on the b I -h7 diagonal
ture on eS with the queen should instead ofthe queen, in which case,
White exchange knights. in favourable circumstances, after
ttJxg5 hxg5, .th7 + <;t;h8, the
2 Tact ica l I d eas · .th7 will be able to deliver a
dangerous discovered check.
White has two basic plans avail­
able in the restricted centre : to pin
Queenside traps
the K N by �gS, trying thereby
to induce the opponent to weaken When White plays the immediate
his kingside, or to pressurize the .tf4 in conjunction with the

The Restricted Centre

manoeuvre 'ii' a4 + -b3 in order to development of the QB to f4 and

attack both b7 and d6, the follow­ Black protects his d-pawn by . . ,
ing position can arise ( 1 28). tZle8 ( 1 30).

White cannot force matters by

..txd6 'ii' xd6, 'ii' x b7 because after White dare not try to win the
. . . 'ii' b 6, 'ii' x a8 'ii' x b2 ( 1 29) . . . d-pawn by playing tZle4 because
after ' " b5, tZlcxd6 tZlxd6, ..txd6
129 lI e8 Black obtains a winning posi­
tion. Neither does tZl b5 work as
after ' " ..td7, tZl bxd6 b5, tZlxe8
..txe8, tZle5 'ii' d6, tZld3 'ii' x d5
(131) . . ,

. . . Black obtains a winning pos­

ition, e.g. tZl d l 'ii' b4 + , tZld2 tZle4.
In similar situations, as we have
already seen, Black may decide to
sacrifice his d-pawn, and some­
times, in fact, this sacrifice actually
becomes a trap. For example, the
following position can arise in the . . . Black obtains a clear advan­
variation where White delays the tage.

The Restricted Centre

3 I l l ustrative G a mes For 7 lLId2 see Game 1 0.

Game 9 7 .tg7
Black can also try the immedi­
Baku 1 980
ate 7 . . . h6, but in this case he
Uhlmann System
must be careful since after 8 .th4
1 d4 lLIf6 g5 9 .tg3 lLIh5 10 "it' a4 + the
2 c4 cS ripost 1 0 . . . .td7, for example,
3 dS e6 must take the following interesting
4 lLIc3 exdS sacrifice into account: 1 1 "it'e4 +
5 cxd5 d6 "it'e7 1 2 .txd6 "it'xe4 1 3 lLIxe4 f5
6 lLIf3 g6 1 4 .txf8 fxe4 1 5 .txc5 exf3 1 6
7 .tg S gxf3 with compensation for the
By developing his pieces before piece.
committing his pawns White 8 e3
keeps Black guessing about his
intentions concerning the central For 8 e4 see the note to White's
formation. As we already know, 8th move in Game I .
White's basic idea with the text 8 h6
move is to encourage Black to
loosen his kingside by . . . h6 and Black reacts at the right
. . . g5. Alternatively, White may moment not only to get out of the
opt for 7 .tf4 hoping to disorgan­ pin but also to make sure of getting
ize Black's set-up by means of the rid of the enemy QB. Delaying . . .
following queen manoeuvre : 7 . . . h6 would allow White to retain
.tg7 8 "it' a4 + .td7 9 "ifb3 and the bishop, e.g. 8 . . . 0-0 9 lLId2
now the most modern line - in and White's control of h5 prevents
place of 9 . . . "ifc7 1 0 e4 for which Black playing . . . lLIh5 as in the
see the note to Black's 7th move game.
in Game 2 - is 9 . . . b5!?, e.g. 1 0
9 .th4 g5
.txd6 (after 1 0 lLIxb5 .txb5! 1 1
10 .tg3 lLIh5 ( 1 32)
"ifxb5 + lLIbd7 1 2 .txd6 lLIe4 1 3
.te5 0-0 1 4 .txg7 cj;xg7 Black If White had played 8 e4 then
has tremendous compensation for he would now have the possibility
the sacrificed material) 1 0 . . . "it'b6 of playing the sharp 1 1 .tb5 +
1 1 .te5 0-0 1 2 e3 c4 1 3 "it' d 1 cj;f8 1 2 e5!? which we have
lLIa6 1 4 a3 lLIc5 with sufficient already indicated in White's 8th
compensation for the pawn. move in Game 1 . In the diag-

The Restricted Centre

( 1 ) 1 3 . . . �e7 1 4 tLld2 ltJe5 1 5

.t. f5 iL.xf5 1 6 'it' xf5 c4 1 7 we2
O-O? 1 8 ltJce4 b5? 19 : xh6! with
a winning attack.
(2) 1 3 . . . a6 14 a4 �e7 1 5 .t.f5
tLle5 1 6 a5 .t.xf5 1 7 'it'xf5 �d7 1 8
'W c2 O-O? 1 9 tLl xg5! etc.

11 ltJ xg3
12 hxg3 a6
13 g4
Hoping to control the white
rammed positlon, on the other squares on the kingside. Neverthe­
hand, White has no sharp continu­ less, 1 3 .t.d3 would have been a
ation available after 1 1 .Jtb5 + better means to the same end.
\tof8, and by itself the fact that
13 tLld7
Black has lost the right to castle
has no great importance especially 14 a4? ( 1 33)
as after . . . tLlxg3, hxg3 the II. h8 is
quite usefully placed.
11 tLld2

It is worth noting that in the

variations where White forgoes e4
the manoeuvre tLlf3-d2-c4 con­
tains the additional threat of a
rapid strike at d6 by tLle4. In place
of the text move White can also
try to exploit Black's kingside
weaknesses by means of the simple
developing move 1 1 iLd3. The An illogical follow-up to the
control of the b I -h7 diagonal in previous move which allows Black
conj unction with the coming to turn the g-pawn into a target
opening of the h-file can easily and thereby assume the initiative.
spell tactical dangcr for Black. White ought to have continued his
Two rather specific examples : 1 1 plan by 1 4 .t.d3, as the critical
.t.d3 tLlxg3 1 2 hxg3 tLld7 1 3 'it'c2 continuation 1 4 . . . tLle5 1 5 .t.f5
and now : iL.xf5 1 6 gxf5 tLld3 + 1 7 we2 is

The Restricted Centre

not good for Black since on 1 7 ' " enables the queen to join in the
lUxb2 comes 1 8 'iW b3. attack at the right moment.
14 lUeS 19 tLlg3 h5!?
15 ..te2
Kasparov dreams up a fantastic
White cannot bring himself to
variation based on the sacrifice of
play f3 but the move played con­
his h-pawn in order to penetrate
demns his queen and KB to the
with his major pieces down the
protection of the g-pawn.
h-file. If now 20 tLlxh5 there fol­
15 0-0 lows 20 . . . "ilfh4 2 1 tLlf4 1:H6 22 g3
16 0-0 f5 'lWh7 23 cJi>g2 .i.c2! 24 n h l (if 24
'Wd2 n h6 25 n h l .i.e4 + and
Simple and good; the text move
wins) 24 . . . .1i.xd l 25 n xh7 .i.xe2
considerably increases the activity
26 n xg7 + �xg7 27 tLlcxe2 n h8
of Black's pieces.
with a winning position.
17 gxf5 .i.xf5
18 lUde4 g4! ( 1 3 4 ) 20 tLlxf5

Otherwise Black plays . . . .i.g6

after which the lOg3 becomes a
target for the further advance of
the h-pawn.
20 n xf5
21 tLle4 n f7?

A mistake which lets White

back into the game. To prevent the
game continuation Black should
have played 2 1 . . . .i.h6!, e.g. 22
Black emerges victorious from lUg3 n f7 23 e4 'Wh4 24 n a3 (or
the opening phase. White's plan 24 lOf5 n xf5 25 g3 - or 25 exf5
to control the light squares on the g3 with a winning attack - 25 . . .
kingside has completely backfired 'Wh3 26 exfS .i.e3!! and because
and the black pieces are poised to of the threat of ' " 'lWxg3 + Black
initiate a violent attack against the wins, e.g. 27 fxe3 'Wxg3 + 28 cJi> h l
enemy king. The opening of the 'i+' h 3+ 2 9 <;t> g l g3 etc.) 2 4 . . . ..tf4
d8-h4 diagonal by the text move and Black retains the advantage.

The Restricted Centre

22 f4! 26 1:[ e8?

Forcing the capture en passant Black continues to play on the

as otherwise after 22 . . . lbg6? 23 opponent's time trouble and this
lbg5! the tables would be com­ could well have cost him the game.
pletely turned. The rook move plans an incorrect
combination which White proves
22 gxf3
incapable of refuting in the limited
23 i.xf3
time available. Black's immediate
With the disappearance of the threat is . . , lbxf3 + winning the
cramping g4 pawn White has lbe4.
gained vital space for defence.
27 .i.g2 1:[ xg3
23 .i.h6
Forced in view of lbf6 + .
24 "it'e2 "it' h4
25 g3! 28 lbxg3 lbg4 ( 1 35 )

Much better than 25 lbxd6 1:tf6

26 lbe4 lbxf3 27 J:1 xf3 1:[ xf3 28
ifxf3 (not 28 gxf3? �h8 etc.) 28
' " 1:[ f8 29 ifg3 + ifxg3 30 lbxg3
.i.xe3 + 3 1 <;f;>h2 (3 1 <,t>h1? 1:[ [4!
and wins) with a slightly advanta­
geous ending for Black.
25 1:[ g7?!

Black keeps the position as

complicated as possible in order
to profit from the opponent's time In all likelihood both players
trouble. The objectively correct had overestimated the dangers of
continuation was 25 . . . lbxf3 + 26 the black knight's arrival on g4
ifxf3 with equal chances. and the consequent threats against
1:[ f2!
e3 and h2. In reality, White could
have defended in the diagrammed
White avoids 26 .i.g2?! 1:[ xg3 position and retained a winning
27 lbxg3 ifxg3 28 1:[ xa3 (not 28 material advantage. The correct
"it'xh5? .i.xe3 + 29 <,t>h l <,t>g7 continuation was 29 lbf5 if h2 +
etc.) 28 . . . lbg4 29 1:[ f3 ifh2 + 30 30 �fl .i.xe3 3 1 :r a3 ! and the
<,t>fl .t:[ e8 etc. pin on Black's bishop would have

The Restricted Centre

been fatal. In the game, however, (after . . . lLlb6 the knight would be
with his flag hanging, White makes exposed to the advance a4-aS) 9
a natural but losing move. lLlc4 lLlb6 1 0 lLle3! This position
was reached in the game Nimzow­
29 lLlf1?? ..txe3
itsch-Marshall, New York 1 927,
30 lLlxe3 'it' h2 +
in which the M odern Benoni made
its debut. There, however, the
White loses the queen after 3 1 order of moves was 7 . . . lLlbd7 8
c;t>fl lLlxe3 + 3 2 c;t>e 1 lLlc2 + etc. lLlc4 lLlb6 9 e4 ..tg7?! (the consist­
ent capture 9 . . . lLlxc4 would have
Game 1 0 given Black equal chances) 1 0
Petrosian-Nunn lLle3!
Hastings 1 97 7/78
8 lLlc4 0-0 ( 1 36)
Knight Tour Variation

1 d4 lLlf6
2 c4 c5
3 d5 e6
4 lLlc3 exd5
5 cxd5 d6
6 lLln g6
7 lLl d2
By carrying out the thematic
transfer of the KN to c4 first White
reserves all his options concerning
the QB's development and the
placing of the e-pawn. In this vari­ Here White has the choice
ation, therefore, Black must be between 9 .H4 and 9 ..tgS. In
ready to cope with an attack on both cases the fact that White has
his d-pawn. already transferred the KN to c4
represents an attempt to improve
7 ..t g7 on the immediate development of
The attempt to challenge the the QB on the 7th move. Now
lLlc4 by means of . . . lLlb8-d7-b6 Black is unable to counter ..tf4
can be well met by White with a with the thematic . . . lLlhS and
precise order of moves : 7 . . . lLlbd7 similarly on ..tgS, Black cannot
8 e4! (but not 8 lLlc4 lLl b6 and follow up . . . h6 and . . . gS with . . .
Black's idea succeeds) 8 . . . ..tg7 ltlhS, as we saw in the preceding

The Restricted Centre

game, because of the tempo gained ence that Black's h-pawn is on

by the attack on d6 when White h6. Should Black now decide to
retreats to g3. protect his pawn by 10 ' " lbe8,
White can try to exploit this factor
9 iLg5
by seeking a kingside attack by
After 9 iLf4 Black must choose means of 1 1 'ii' c 1 g5 (on 1 1 . . . �h7
between defending the pawn by 9 comes 1 2 lbb5 with advantage) 1 2
. . . 4:Je8 or sacrificing it with moves .t.d2 followed by h4.
like 9 . . b6 (the most explored

10 b6
path), 9 . . . lbbd7 or 9 ' lba6.

Nunn prefers to avoid the

9 h6
defensive line indicated above and
The modern tendency is to leave decides instead to sacrifice the d­
the kingside pawns intact and con­ pawn. In the game continuation
centrate on the removal of the 4:Jc4 it makes virtually no difference
by 9 . . "fie7 followed by . . . lbbd7-
. whatsoever whether Black's h­
e5 or ' " b6 and . . . iLa6, e.g. pawn is on h7 or h6.
1 0 e3 (Black has no particular
11 iLxd6
problems after 1 0 'ii' d2 b6 1 1 "fif4
J:!. d8) 1 0 . . . lbbd7 (or 1 0 . . . b6 1 1 1 1 lbxd6? lbh5 1 2 lbxc8 lbxf4
a4 iLa6 with more or less equal would cost White a piece.
chances) 1 1 .t.e2 lbe5 1 2 4:Jxe5
11 J:!. e8
"fixe5 with about equal prospects.
The idea of Black's sacrifice is
10 .t.f4
based essentially on two factors.
After 1 0 .t.h4 Black can try the Firstly, that the capture of the
interesting 1 0 . . . "fid7!? with the pawn and retreat of the bishop
twin ideas of . . . 'ii' g4 and . . . b5, costs White two tempi which
e.g. 1 1 iLg3 (or 1 1 a4 "fig4 1 2 Black can use to activate his king­
.t.xf6 "fixc4 1 3 .t.xg7 �xg7 1 4 a5 side pieces, and secondly that the
.i..d 7 1 5 e3 'lWb4 with a balanced disappearance of the d6 pawn
position) 1 1 . . . b5 1 2 lbxd6 b4 1 3 leaves White's d-pawn open to
4:Ja4 lbh5 with a sharp position attack down the file.
where Black appears to have
12 iLg3
sufficient compensation for the
pawn. Eschewing 1 2 .i.. xb8? J:!. xb8,
The text move transposes back which would leave Black with a
into the 9 .tf4 line with the differ- massive advantage in develop-

The Restricted Centre

ment, and parrying the threatened IS It b4 ( 1 3 7 )

12 "2Je4

The key to Black's sacrifice.

White is practically forced to
exchange knights, thereby opening
up pressure on b2 from Black's
KB which can be augmented by
the transfer of the rook to b4.

13 "2Jxe4 J:!. xe4

14 e3

The only way both to protect

One o f the most critical pos­
the knight and avoid 1 4 ' " J:!. d4.
itions in this variation, which at
14 b5 various times has been assessed as
15 "2Jd2 favourable to both players. In view
of the threats against b2 and d5,
Alternatively, White can play 1 5 White can hardly hope to preserve
"2Jd6 J:!. b4 1 6 .te2 (but not 1 6 his material advantage but he is
i.xb5? Af8! 1 7 .i.c6 .ta6 1 8 no longer so much behind in devel­
"tII' d2 - 1 8 .txa8 J:!. xb2 wins - opment and, moreover, Black's
1 8 . . . "2Jxc6 1 9 dxc6 "li' f6 20 "iWc3 rook is rather awkwardly placed
"iWe6 with clear advantage to on the fifth rank.
Black) 1 6 . . . .i.xb2 and now The theoretical dispute over this
White can choose between 1 7 0-0, position is still in progress. The
since 1 7 . . . .txa l ?! 1 8 "tII' xa l great merit of Petrosian's conduct
would clearly be promising for of the present game is in the persu­
White on account of Black's vul­ asive simplicity with which he
nerable kingside, and 1 7 J:!. b 1 demonstrates how White can
.i.c3 + 1 8 <ot>fl .! h b l 1 9 "iWxbl a6 return the material in order to
20 h4 with a very sharp and break Black's initiative.
unclear position. The text move is
16 b3!
the most common, perhaps
because White's position looks Merely a temporary sacrifice, in
more compact with the knight on fact, as with the subsequent devel­
d2. opment of his KB White snares

The Restricted Centre

the n b4 and obliges Black to

return the exchange.
16 �xal?

This produces a chronic weak­

ening of Black's kingside which
White exploits with a truly mas­
terly orchestration of his pieces.
Later on it was discovered that
Black's correct path is 1 6 . . . c4!
1 7 bxc4 ( 1 7 a3? J:t xb3 1 8 tLlxb3
cxb3 is very good for Black) 1 7 . . . 23 f3! 'if e6
bxc4 1 8 ..txc4 ..txa I 1 9 'it'xa 1 24 tLle4 n d8
�e6 when the position is unclear 25 tLlxc5! "iWxe3 +
and offers chances to both players. 26 �f2 "iWe7
27 n el 'ifc7
17 �xal �xd5
28 h4 h5
18 a3 J:t g4
29 tLle4
1 8 . . n xb3 is met by 1 9 Ji.e2.
Threatening 30 tLlf6 + <;1;[8 3 1

19 ..te2 tLlc6 .,tc5 + . Black's reply, as with

20 .H3! most of the preceding moves, is
A finesse which forces Black to
29 tLle7
recapture on g4 with the queen.
30 tLlf6 + <;t>fS
20 �e6 31 b4! ( 1 39 )
21 �xg4 � xg4
22 0-0 �b7 ( 1 38)
The position has clarified in B
White's favour largely due to the
presence of opposite-coloured
bishops which accentuates the
weakness of Black's king's pos­
ition. It takes Petrosian just thir­
teen powerful and artistic moves
to convert this advantage into vic­

The Restricted Centre

To all intents and purposes the 32 tbxhS! gxhS

coup de grace, setting up the con­ 33 'il'h8 + lZJg8
cluding combination which Black 34 .li.. cS + .l:[ d6
is powerless to avoid. 35 'i¥e5
1 -0
31 .tc8
So as to meet 32 iLc5 with 32
' " .i.e6.

Part Two

The B enko G a m bit

4 The Sta n dard Ce ntre

After 1 d4 lLlf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5 4 ( 1 ) Black's advantage in devel­

cxb5 a6 5 bxa6 ..txa6 ( 1 40) . . . opment.
(2) The vulnerability of White's
pawns on a2 and b2 which can be
attacked along the a- and b-files
and along the diagonals h8-a 1
and g8-a2.
(3) White's difficulties in devel­
oping given the pressure along the
a6-ft diagonal which discourages
e4 and the inevitable pressure
against b2 which ties down the .
These factors make it very
. . . we obtain the basic position difficult, if not impossible, for
of the Benko Gambit Accepted, White to carry out his natural
where Black has positional com­ plan of the central advance e4-e5.
pensation in return for the sacri­ The difficulty White encounters in
ficed pawn. The two most finding a harmonious plan which
important variations now are : is not merely defensive is in stark
contrast to the ease with which
King's Walk Variation Black can purposefully develop his
6 lLlc3 d6 7 e4 ..txfl 8 �xfl forces.

Fianchetto System B lack's p l a n of

6 g3 development

From the position in diagram 1 40

1 Strateg i c I d eas
Black's basic plan of development,
Black's compensation can be sum­ as efficient as it is direct, is as
marized as follows: follows : the fianchetto of the KB

The Standard Centre

(. . . g6 and . . . Ag7) followed by this latter case, too, it may even

castling, the placing of the QN happen that the knights switch
on d7 ( . . . d6 and . . . t2Jbd7), the roles : . . . t2J b8-a6-c7 and . . . t2Jf6-
development of the queen along d7.
the d8-a5 diagonal (on c7, b6, or The possibility of the advance
a5) and the transfer of the KR to . . . c4 also features constantly in
b8 ( 1 4 1 ). Black's plans. This may be useful
simply for freeing c5 and exploit­
ing a possible weakness on d3, or
alternatively for breaking up a
defensive structure where White
has played b3. Finally, a doubling
of the rooks on either the a- or b­
file may be conclusive in winning
back one of the white pawns.

Favo u rable e n d i ngs for

Here Black generally has
If Black regains his pawn he can
recourse to the manoeuvre . . .
invariably count on obtaining a
t2Jf6-e8-c7-b5 in order to activate
very favourable ending since
the Jt.. g7 and increase his pressure
White's remaining queenside pawn
on the queenside, but not infre­
will be a real weakness ( 1 42).
quently - especially when White
has weakened d3 by the advance
e4 - this knight also goes to e5
via either g4 or d7. As for the QN,
from d7 it can join in the pressure
on the enemy queenside pawns by
means of the manoeuvre . . . t2Jd7-
b6-c4 (or -a4). It should also be
noted that in the variation where
the white-squared bishops are
exchanged early on after e4 and . . .
Axfl , Black may decide instead to The diagram illustrates a hypo­
develop the QN on a6 in order to thetical skeleton of an ending
pressurize both the pawn on a2 where Black has regained the b­
and the square d3 by . . . t2J b4. In pawn. Both sides have passed

The Standard Centre

pawns, but whereas White's, on ize his kingside as his queenside,

a2, � despite being an outside but logically the most pressing
passed pawn -- is isolated and problem is that concerning the
therefore weak, Black's on c5 � tension on the a6�f1 diagonal. He
despite being quite central � is must choose between following
protected and therefore strong. the natural plan of central expan­
Similar considerations apply when sion (ttJc3 and e4) and thereby
White has lost the a-pawn instead giving up castling, or forgoing �

and remains with the b-pawn. or at least considerably delay­

More surprisingly, it should be ing � the e4 advance, opting
observed that Black can also usu­ instead to prepare castling by
ally be happy to enter an ending fianchettoing the KB. In addition
where White retains his extra to these two methods, which are
pawn but has been induced to much the most common in prac­
weaken his queenside structure by tice, there exists a conceptual
a3 ( 1 43 ). hybrid which we will examine later
As far as the mobilization of the
queenside is concerned, to a large
extent White's options are linked
to the decisions taken on the king­
side and we will therefore examine
them both together.

Wh ite g ives up cast l i ng

When White plays e4 and permits

Normally the weakness on b3 the exchange of light-squared
is sufficient for Black to immobil­ bishops, thereby losing the right
ize the b-pawn and, in fact, an to castle, he is obliged to find a
exchange of queens fails to way to castle artificially in order
diminish Black's pressure in the to activate the J:!. h r ( 1 44 ) .
slightest. By far the most common system
is to play ttJf3 in conjunction with
The mob i l izat i o n of Wh ite's g3 thus freeing g2 for the king
kingside ( 1 45 ).
As we have already remarked, White's idea is to get the KR
White finds it as difficult to mobil- into play on el as quickly as

The Standard Centre

1 44
and the examples given below are
valid for both.
One other possibility for White
in the type of position outlined in
diagram 144 is to make way for
the king by g4 in which case the
KR may be used quite differently
( 1 46).



Should Black castle prema­

turely, White intends to blitz the
black king by storming the king­
side with his pawns, after which
possible in order to try to make the
there are possibilities of bringing
central break e5. The drawback of
the queen to the h-file via g4 or
this plan, however, is that it further
£3, and developing the KN on g3
weakens the white squares. Conse­
via e2. It should be noted that
quently, White has even tried play­
this plan has not yet been played
ing h3 instead of g3 and continuing
sufficiently to reliably assess its
with 'it;>gl -h2 with the same idea
of playing n e l as soon as possible.
However, this manoeuvre costs an
The central b reakthrough
extra tempo which, at this stage
of the game, and given that White
is already behind in development, When White plays his KR to e t ,
is probably more of a problem the intention i s t o try and effect
than the defects of g3. In any case, the central breakthrough e4-e5
these lines follow the same strategy ( 1 4 7 ).

The Standard Centre

147 The struggle for control of


In view of the preceding ideas, it

is not surprising that both players
pay particular attention to the
control of e5. White may develop
the QB on f4 or g5, in the latter
case pinning the tDf6 against the
e-pawn should it be undefended,
whilst Black may manoeuvre his
knights to converge on e5 or at
It should not be thought that least move the KN thereby
the execution ofthis plan automat­ uncovering the KB ( 1 48).
ically constitutes a success for
White, however, as the efficacy of
the e5 advance is directly pro­
portional to the solidity of the
The central breakthrough is
best seen as a means of re-estab­
lishing positional parity rather
than the beginning of a violent
assault on the black king. In other
words, the aim is to weaken the
opponent's pawn structure, hop­ Black is ready, after .ltg5, to
ing thereby to be able to distract defend his e-pawn passively with
him from his incessant pounding the KR, if needs be, to enable
of the a- and b-pawns. Once White his KN to move. Similarly, White
has played e5, Black cannot avoid often decides to sacrifice a tempo
a downgrading of his pawn struc­ in playing h3 in order to keep e5
ture since capturing by . . . dxe5 from falling into Black's hands.
leaves the pawns on e7 and c5 In addition to the way indicated
weak, whilst not capturing leaves in the diagram, it should be
d6 weak after exd6 exd6. In the remembered that Black's knights
latter case, White also obtains the can also converge on e5 in rather
open e-file which is useful for more elaborate fashion by
exchanging the heavy pieces. tDd7-b6-c4 and . . . tDf6-d7.

The Standard Centre

The weakness of the 1 5()

squa res d 3 a n d d4

If Black establishes a knight on e5

it can serve as a springboard to
exploit the sensitive square d3
( 1 49 J.


course the KB also plays its part

in the occupation of d4. White will
not normally allow a black knight
to install itself on d4 and will
exchange it in transit on b5. This
simplification, however, lays bare
the vulnerable b2 pawn.
Here Black can either fix the d3 It will be observed that the
square with his pawn by . . . c4 weakness of the d4 and d3 squares
(which may also be useful for free­ is a direct result of White's
ing c5 for a lLId7), or use the queen decision to pursue the plan of
to converge on it with his pieces. central expansion with e4.
As can easily be imagined, the
conquest of d3 nearly always rep­
The ma noeuvre J:r h1 -e1 -e2
resents a great strategic success
and the mobi l i zation of the
for Black, whether simply from the
q ueenside
positional point of view or because
of the extra pressure exerted on White's biggest problem on the
the b-pawn. queenside is the defence of the b­
Another weakness which Black pawn which usually cannot be
can try to exploit is the d4 square, advanced because of discovered
to occupy which he generally uses attacks on the long diagonal
the manoeuvre . . . lLIf6-e8-c7- against the J:!. a 1 . Faced with
b5-d4 ( 1 50 J. Black's pressure down the b-file
In addition, the QN can carry and the necessity of mobilizing
out a very similar manoeuvre by his queenside, White is obliged to
lLIb8-a6-c7-b5-d4 and of protect his b-pawn and the most

1 00
The Standard Centre

usual way of doing this is to con­

tinue the manoeuvre of the KR
with 1: e2 ( 1 5 1 ).

Black can prepare to double

rooks by playing . . . 1: b4, which
also puts pressure on e4 and
Thus White is able to develop increases the possibilities of occu­
the QB and at the same time frees pying d4. The two possible destin­
a safe square (e l ) for possible use ations of the knight contain
by the queen which in turn would different subsidiary ideas: when
enable the QR to be centralized. the knight goes to c4 it may also
Of course, this rook manoeuvre is have designs on e5, and when it
not the only way for White to goes to a4 it can also serve to
unravel his queenside. Sometimes, undermine the tDc3. In fact, White
for example, he may defend the b­ usually answers . . . tDa4 by tDc3-
pawn by placing the queen on e2 d 1 so as not to help the opponent
or c2, or even by simply playing double his rooks. This also not
1: b l . only enables White to use Black's
own knight as a shield on the a­
P ressure a g a i nst the pawns file, but also prepares a possible
on b2 a n d e4 transfer to e3 from where the
knight may prove useful either on
Black will naturally do all he can
the queenside (c4) or the kingside
to keep White tied down to the
defence of his pawns so as to
prevent him from completing his
Pressure a g a i nst the pawns
development. There are two basic
on a2 and d 5
methods of increasing the pressure
against b2 : doubling the rooks on Black can also organize pressure
the b-file, or bringing a knight to simultaneously against the pawns
c4 or a4 ( 1 52). on a2 and d5 by playing . . . 1: a8-

The Standard Centre

a7 and . . . 'ilt'd8-a8 ( 1 53 ). by means of the advances b3 and

a4 coupled with 1lJ b5 ( 1 54).


The object of the pressure on

a2 is self-evident, whereas that on It should not be thought, how­
d5 acts more subtly as a prophy­ ever, that this defensive formation
lactic against White's central e5 by itself automatically resolves all
breakthrough and also creates a White's problems. Black still has
favourable opposition of queen the possibility of undermining the
and king on the long diagonal. blockade by means of . . . c4, and
Black can sometimes increase his therefore White's set-up only
pressure on the a8-h1 diagonal in becomes really solid when he also
general, and on d5 in particular, has c4 or a4 under control.
by playing either . . . e6 or . . . f5 at
the right moment. It should be Wh ite fia nchettoes
noted that the black queen may on the kingside
also exert pressure on the long
Returning to diagram 1 40, the
diagonal from b7.
simplest way for White to get
castled is to fianchetto the K B
Blockad i ng the a- and b­
( 1 55 ) .
f i les
Whilst the fianchetto success­
The ideal way for White to escape fully solves White's most immedi­
from Black's constant pressure ate problems, it implies giving up
down the a- and b-files is by setting the natural plan of central expan­
up a blockade. This possibility sion, as this would weaken the
normally arises at a later stage of white squares. Having given the
the game when it may be achieved a6-fl diagonal to Black, the d3

1 02
The Standard Centre

Given that White himself is in
no hurry to play e4 after fianchet­
toing, Black will try to force him
to do so by pressurizing d5.

P ressu re a g a i nst d5

Black can bring pressure to bear

on d5 with various standard
manoeuvres which simultaneously
pursue other important objectives
( 1 57 ).
square would he particularly weak
and easily exploited by a knight
on e5 ( 1 56).


For example, ' " ll a7 combined

with ' " "!Was also puts pressure
on a2. The same applies to the
It should not be forgotten that provocative . . . J/.c4, whilst the
the advance e4 also permanently posting of a knight on b6 may
weakens d4 which can be reached prelude the occupation of c4 with
by Black's KB and knights via c7 consequent pressure on h2. In
and b5. addition, should the thematic
Thus it is not surprising that it manoeuvre . . . lLlf6-e8-c7 (-b5) be
is quite exceptional for White to halted on c7, the protection of d5
implement this plan, and if he does may be diminished by the radical
it will need to be prepared very . . . .txc3. Despite the obvious
carefully with moves such as h3 positional drawbacks of this cap­
trying to keep Black from getting ture, it is sometimes possible for
a knight to e5. Black to regain the gambited pawn

1 03
The Standard Centre

in this way without necessarily and n fd 1 i f the prospects for the

losing all his initiative. rook on e l do not look too good.
The vulnerability of d5 is greater
when White develops his KN on Queenside development
the natural f3 square instead of combi ned with b2-b3
h3, which is more artificial but
As we saw in diagram 1 57, Black's
better suited to the protection of
manoeuvres are not solely directed
at encouraging White to protect
d5 by playing e4 but also fulfil the
Protect i ng d 5 after lbf3
function of pressurizing the queen­
When White has played lbf3 he side pawns. Naturally, White is
will generally follow up with lbd2 not going to stand idly by while
in order to protect d5 with the all this is going on.
KB. Having blocked the defensive Assuming that sooner or later
action of the queen, however, he Black will need to uncover the
may be obliged to continue his action of his heavy pieces down
defensive manoeuvre further by, the a- and/or b-files by removing
for example, n e l and lbfl (-e3) the i.. a6 and/or lbb6, it is readily
according to the amount of press­ understandable that their most
ure on d5 ( 1 58). suitable destination is c4. In view
of this, the potentially paralysing
effect of the simple advance b3 is
clear ( 1 59).

1 59

In optimal conditions White

can sometimes use the rook on e 1
to revert to his basic plan of a
central breakthrough with e4-e5. In preparation of the b3
Alternatively, White may some­ advance, White naturally needs to
times opt for the placement 'it'c2 take the commonsense precaution

1 04
The Standard Centre

of removing his QR from the long and sometimes it is possible to

diagonal in order to avoid various play . . . i.. x c3 followed by . . .
discovered attacks. The basic idea 'tWxa2.
is to contest the long black diag­ No matter where Black has
onal and develop the queenside by placed his queen, he should always
means of �b2 followed by .tal if bear in mind the possibility of
necessary (see below : The pseudo­ playing . . . c4 as long as White is
sacrifice . . . .l:r xb2'). Although the not able to block the queenside
control of c4 afforded by b3 with b4.
reduces Black's options, he still
has plenty of strategic weapons in The b4 adva nce
his arsenal such as . . . tZ:le8-c7-b5
The accomplishment of the b4
or . . . i.c8-f5 (this latter especially
advance can generally be consid­
when White has played "lWc2 and
ered a strategic success for White
.l:r fd l ).
even if it does not close up the
Black will of course try to pre­
queenside. Thus there are basically
vent the formation of the defensive
two types of structure which are
structure shown in the above diag­
favourable to White ( 1 6 1 ).
ram, for example by playing ' "

'tW a5 in order to prevent b3 ( 1 60 ).

This kind of position is norm-

In this kind of position White ally very promising, and if White
can try to play b3 by first protect- succeeds in securely blockading
ing the tZ:lc3 by .i.d2, retreating Black's c-pawn whilst at the same
to e I if necessary. Even here, how- time retaining the mobility of his
ever, Black may continue with own a-pawn, then Black will be
the manoeuvre . . . tZ:le8-c7-b5, strategically lost.

1 05
The Standard Centre

The more fluid situation in the is to manoeuvre his bishop to c3

next diagram is also strategically as quickly as possible. This can
favourable for White ( 1 62). only be achieved by forgoing the
natural development of the QN
and answering Black's kingside
fianchetto with an immediate
queenside fianchetto followed, at
the appropriate moment, by �c3
( 1 63 ) .

White has already favourably

altered the pawn structure to
avoid the dangers indicated earlier
(see 'Favourable endings for
Black') and no matter how Black
reacts White is well placed to con­
vert his extra pawn.
Once the QB reaches c 3 White
It goes without saying that these
will be ready to meet any . . . c4
concepts are merely a general
advance with b4. With this rapid
guide and it must always be
manoeuvre White establishes a
remembered that specific situ­
favourable tension on the long
ations demand concrete analysis.
diagonal, in contrast to that which
obtains in situations of the type
The manoeuvre �c1 -b2-c3
illustrated in diagram 1 59. How­
As was made clear in diagram 1 6 1 , ever, the active placing of the QB
when White plays b 3 h e should has some negative repercussions,
ideally be ready to meet . . . c4 with not only for the QN, which is
b4. Not surprisingly, however, this obliged to find a less active devel­
is not always possible as Black opment, but also for the d-pawn
often has b4 under control (see, which lacks the QN's support. To
for example, diagram 1 60). The remedy this latter problem, White
best way for White to try and must resort to a somewhat arti­
ensure that things will go his way ficial development of the KN.

The Standard Centre

The ma noeuvre tLlg1 -h3-f4 Although it is difficult for White

to transfer the queen to the h­
As has just been indicated, the
file, he can nevertheless usefully
basic idea behind this manoeuvre,
increase the pressure on the enemy
when it is linked with the fian­
king by placing it on the b 1 -
chetto of the Q B, is to protect d5
h 7 diagonal. He can also weaken
( 1 64).
Black's king's position in general,
1 64
and h7 in particular, by exchang­
ing his QN for the tLlf6. Black's
king will also be weakened if he
decides either to answer h5 by . . .
g5 or to prevent h5 by playing . . .
h5 himself. In this latter case, as
also after the opening of the h-file,
White will constantly be looking
at a possible tLlf4-e6 sacrifice after
which, according to circum­
stances, he may either simply cap­
In such positions, the tLlf4 can ture on g6 with the queen or on
easily be secured by meallS of e6 with the pawn thereby opening
h4 if necessary. White can also the long white diagonal.
manoeuvre his KN to f4 without These attacking ideas are
fianchettoing the QB, in which necessarily general and are there­
case he may also try to use the fore by no means assured of suc­
advance of the h-pawn to weaken cess. Nevertheless, Black must not
g6 and develop an attack on the h­ underestimate the potential
file by means of h4-h5xg6 ( 1 65 ) . danger and the need to defend
with care, using little finesses like
1 65 the rapid centralization of the QN
on e5 - taking advantage of the
fact that the placing of White's tLlf4
makes it safe - and/or delaying

The hybrid attempt

Returning once more to the pos­

ition in diagram 1 40, another

1 07
The Standard Centre

attempt by White to solve the given that he has sacrificed a pawn

problem of the tension on the a6- in order to increase the dynamism
f1 diagonal should also be noted. of his position.
This is a hybrid conception where­ It goes almost without saying
by White tries to carry out his that in the middlegame the tactical
natural plan of central expansion ideas multiply exponentially -
(by tZJc3 and e4) and at the same assuming in this case very specific
time maintain the possibility of characteristics - and in what fol­
castling. The idea is to first play lows we necessarily restrict our­
tZJgl -f3-d2 and only then play selves to those themes which recur
e2-e4 ( 1 66). and are applicable in various situ­

The pseudo -sacrifice

. . . n xb2
The most common tactical theme.
It can arise in various ways either
in the lines where White gives up
castling or in those where White
fianchettoes his KB. Here are
some examples ( 1 6 7 ).

The intention is to recapture on

fl with the knight and then play
tZJe3 so as to be able to castle. The
game would then basically follow
the same strategy as in the lines
where White plays e4. The whole
manoeuvre is clearly rather tortu­
ous and time-consuming, how­
ever, and thus little played.

2 Tact i c a l I d eas
As one can well imagine, the The diagram shows the theme in
majority of the tactical themes in one of its most elementary forms :
the Standard Centre come from Black plays . . . n xb2! and after
Black, which is not surprising n xb2 there comes . . . .i.xc3 ( 1 68).

The Standard Centre

1 68
Black, but it may well also be
playable with the bishop on a
different square) and Black has
placed his queen on a5. From the
diagram, Black plays . . . n xb2!,
"iWxb2 tLlxe4 ( 1 70) . . .

1 70

In this case Black merely regains

his pawn, but, as we have already
seen, the majority of endings are
very favourable for him.
It is worth noting, in passing,
that this combination can also
work with different placements of . . . and at the very least Black
White's rooks (for example, .l:I. b 1 regains the sacrificed material.
and n e 1 ), and can even be carried This combination can also
out when b2 is protected by appear in a slightly modified form
White's queen if the tLlc3 is when White has fianchettoed
attacked sufficiently ( 1 69). queenside ( 1 71 ).


White must be particularly care­ Black can weaken the

ful when he has played .tg5 (this opponent's defensive shield by
makes the combination good for playing . . . c4 since bxc4? is not

1 09
The Standard Centre

possible on account of . . . .tr xb2, Preventi ng the centra l

1Wxb2 .lixc3 with a positionally breakt h ro u g h
favourable simplification for
Another tactical theme arises
when Black simultaneously exerts
pressure on both long diagonals
I n d i rect defence
( 1 73 ).
of the e 7 pawn

White sometimes tries to take

advantage of the lack of protection
cf the e7 pawn by playing .lig5.
He must be careful, however, as if
the d6 pawn is protected by a
piece the e-pawn can be defended
indirectly ( 1 72 ) .

1 72

In such conditions White must

be careful not to proceed too hast­
ily with his central breakthrough
with e5? dxe5, tDxe5 tDxe5, .tr xe5,
having decided that he has nothing
to fear from a discovered attack on
the long black diagonal, because in
fact after . . . ti:Jxd5! White loses the
exchange, e.g. .tr xd5 e6 ( 1 74 ) . . .
In this type of position, for
example, Black can answer 1 74
White's attack on e7 by ' " h6 as
after .lixe7 .tr e8, 3I.h4 g5 White
is forced to give up a piece for
three pawns. Even though in the
end there may be equality from
the material point of view, pos­
itionally it is clear that in the initial
phase of the game the piece is
qualitatively superior.

1 10
The Standard Centre

·. . and the pin on the long white But things boomerang spec­
diagonal condemns the rook. tacularly after . . . �xe2!, "ii xe2
l ha2 ( 1 77).
The boomerang trap

When White fianchettoes the KB

there sometimes arises the appar­
ently attractive possibility of lur­
ing the black queen into a trap by
using the QN as bait ( 1 75 ).

The tactical sequence finishes

with White two pawns down.

I n d i rect defence
of the d 5 pawn

White's most common tactical

In order to develop the QB on themes are defensive traps aimed
b2 as quickly as possible, White at protecting this or that pawn.
may be tempted by the possibility These mostly occur when White
of playing b3? expecting to trap has fianchettoed kingside ( 1 78).
the queen after . , . it'xc3, �d2
( 1 76 ). 1 78

At first sight it seems that Black

can win a pawn with . . , �c4, but

The Standard Centre

in fact White can protect both J IiO

pawns by playing a3. Now . . .
ttJxd5? would cost a piece after
ttJd2! ( 1 79 ) . . .

g6, the opening of the long diag­

onal, and the dangerous pawn on

3 I l l u strative G a m es
Game II
. . . and . . . �xd5?!, ttJxd5 ttJxd5
would allow White to exploit the
Linares 1 985
awkward pin on the long diagonal
King's Walk Variation
by, for example, ttJd2 e6, ttJc4
followed by e4, regaining the pawn 1 d4 ttJf6
advantageously. 2 c4 c5
3 d5 b5
The sacrifice lLJe6 4 cxb5 a6
5 bxa6 .ltxa6
The preconditions for a typical
knight sacrifice are fulfilled when From time to time Black has
White fianchettoes the K B and experimented with the attempt to
follows up with the manoeuvre totally destroy the enemy centre
ttJg l -h3-f4 ( 1 80). by 5 . . . e6. One possible continu­
This idea occurs quite fre­ ation is 6 ttJc3 ttJxd5 7 ttJxd5 exd5
quently in various situations and 8 'iW xd5 lLJc6 9 ttJf3 .fie7 10 ttJe5!?
therefore it is impossible to ident­ 0-0 1 1 ttJxc6 bxc6 1 2 "tW xd8 .:: xd8
ify a standard combination. With 1 3 e3 .ltf6 14 .fic4 .fixa6 1 5
this example, therefore, we have .ltxa6 n xa6 1 6 <i;>e2 c4! and
simply sought to illustrate the despite the pawn minus and
compensation White obtains after doubled pawns it seems that Black
ttJe6 fxe6, dxe6 : the weakness on can hold the position.

1 12
The Standard Centre

Black can also consider post­ with 9 f3) 9 e4 "txfl (simply 9 . . .

poning the capture on a6 by play­ 0-0 is also playable, e.g. t o "txa6

ing . . . g6, which not only reserves lLlxa6 1 1 0-0 ti:\d7 1 2 ti:\c4 ti:\c7 1 3
the possibility of taking on a6 with 'iYe2 'Wb8 1 4 "td2 ti:\ b5) 1 0 ti:\xfl
the knight, but also, more subtly, 0-0 1 1 ti:\e3 ti:\bd7 1 2 0-0 'ir' b6 1 3
seeks to outwit White concerning 'ir'c2 .l:t fb8 1 4 .Il b l lLle8 1 5 "td2
the move order. The main idea is 'tWa6 1 6 b3 ti:\c7 with balanced
to avoid one of White's possible chances.
set-ups in the Fianchetto System, White has also experimented
and therefore we consider the with 7 f4, aimed at trying to speed
implications of this variation in up a central breakthrough, e.g. 7
the note to Black's fifth move in . . . g6 8 ti:\f3 "tg7 9 e4 "txfl 1 0
Game 1 2. In this game we will .l:t xfl 0-0 ( t o . . . 'ir' b6 would cut
concentrate on the variations across White's plans somewhat
where White quickly plays e4, and make it more difficult for him
thereby losing the right to castle to carry out his artificial castling)
and sending his king for a walk. 1 1 wf2 ti:\bd7 1 2 �gl with a
double-edged position.
6 lLlc3 d6
7 e4 7 "txfl
8 c;.t>xfl g6
As we have already pointed out,
White can also try to have it both White's most sensible plan here
ways (playing e4 and retaining is to get his king into safety with
castling rights) by playing lLlg l ­ 9 g3 as soon as possible so as to be
f3-d2 i n order to be able to recap­ able to implement the manoeuvre
ture on f1 with the knight after .l:t h l -e 1 -e2 and see to his queen­
playing e4, thus keeping the right side development. A more aggress­
to castle. This plan is not popular, ive version of this plan, aimed at
however, partly because White's making use of the KR on its
manoeuvre is a bit tortuous, and original square, has also been
partly because Black has more tried: 9 g4 "tg7 1 0 �g2 ( 1 0 g5 is
than one satisfactory reply. For premature as it weakens the c8-
example, 7 lLlf3 g6 8 lLld2 Jt.. g7 h3 diagonal, e.g. 1 0 . . . ti:\h5 1 1
(Black can also throw a spanner lLlge2 'lWc8! 1 2 �g2 �g4 + 1 3
in the works with 8 . . . 'ir'a5, pre­ ti:\ g3 ti:\f4 + 1 4 "txf4 'ir'xf4 1 5 h4
venting e4, and obliging White 0-0 1 6 .l:t h3 "txc3! 1 7 bxc3 f6! and
either to transpose to the Fianch­ White's exposed king comes under
etto System or lose even more time attack) 1 0 . . . O-O? (Black under-

1 13
The Standard Centre

estimates the danger of White's (threatening . . . 'iW b3) 1 4 b3 e6 1 5

rustic attack and castles into big 'fid3 with chances for both sides.
trouble) 1 1 g5! tbfd7 (here Black
11 lbbd7 ( 1 81 )
does not have time to make good
use of the c8-h3 diagonal, e.g. 1 1
. . . tbh5 1 2 tbge2 'iWc8 1 3 tbg3 etc.)
1 2 h4 tba6 1 3 h5 'fic7 1 4 'fi g4
l:!. fb8 1 5 hxg6 hxg6 1 6 'iW h4 and
Black is unlikely to survive.

9 g3

A possibly rather unjustly

neglected alternative is to shelter
the king on h2 instead, e.g. 9 tbf3
�g7 10 h3 0-0 1 1 'iit g l tbbd7 1 2
'ito>h2 'iWa5 1 3 l:!. e l l:!. fb8 1 4 l:!. e2
l:!. b4 1 5 'ito>gl tbe8 and here White This move aims to get a knight
has tried the interesting idea 1 6 on e5 by following up with . . .
l:!. c2 (which can equally well occur tbf6-g4-e5 and thus White often
in the main line), freeing e2 for the replies with 1 2 h3. The alternative
queen, and Black dare not reply development of the QN on a6
1 6 . . . �xc3 1 7 bxc3 l:!. xe4 1 8 c4! enables White to dispense with
because of the exposed position of this prophylaxis since Black no
the black rook. longer threatens to get a knight to
9 � g7
10 'ito>g2 0-0
Now White must decide
whether or not to allow Black to
proceed with his intended knight
The alternative development I I manoeuvre.
tbge2!?, protecting the tbc3 in
12 l:!. e 1
order to be able to continue with
l:!. b l , a3 and b4, may deserve more Spassky decides against pre­
attention than it has hitherto venting the manoeuvre. After the
received. One possible continu­ alternative 1 2 h3 Black has several
ation : 1 I . . , 'iWb6 1 2 l:!. b l tba6 ( 1 2 very different plans available:
. . . tbbd7?! 1 3 a3 etc. allows White ( 1 ) 1 2 . . . 'fia5 1 3 l:!. e l l:!. fb8 ( 1 3
to carry out his plan) 1 3 a3 l:!. ab8 . . . ttJb6 allows White to push on

1 14
The Standard Centre

in the centre with 1 4 e5 tLJfd7 1 5 followed, if possible, by a4 and

.i.g5 lUe8 1 6 e6!?) 1 4 e5 dxe5 1 5 tLJb5; another possibility is 14 a4)
tLJxe5 tLJxe5 1 6 l:t xe5 l:t a 7! and 1 4 . . . "ifb7 with a very similar
despite the fact that White has position to that seen in variation
achieved his central breakthrough, 3.
Black can still bring pressure to (5) 12 . . . l:t a7 13 l:tel "if a8 1 4
bear on White's weak pawns (by l:t e2 ( 1 4 e5? fails here because of
. . . J:t d7, . . . l:t bd8 and . . . "ifa8 in the thematic tactical riposte 1 4
the case of the d-pawn) and thus . . . dxe5 1 5 tLJxe5 tLJxe5 1 6 l he5
chances remain approximately tLJxd5! etc.) 14 . . . tLJb6 with typical
equal. counterplay.
(2) 1 2 . . . "ifb6 1 3 :t e l tLJe8 1 4
12 tLJg4
"ifc2 tLJc7 1 5 l:t b l l:t ib8 1 6 JL.g5
h6! and the weakening of the king­ Black continues consistently. It
side following the piece sacrifice is, however, by no means clear
1 7 .i.xe7?! l:t e8 1 8 �h4 g5 1 9 what is Black's best line at this
.\txg5 hxg5 20 tLJxg5 does not point and many other moves have
particularly trouble Black, e.g. 20 been played, generally transposing
. . . tLJb5 2 1 e5!? dxe5! and the into the above variations since
black queen can join in the defence White sooner or later usually finds
horizontally. it necessary to play h3.
(3) 1 2 . . . 'lWb8 1 3 J:l. e l "ifb7 14
13 l:t e2
l:t e2 tLJb6 1 5 l:t b l tLJfd7 16 .\tf4
(on 1 6 "ifc2 f5! 1 7 exf5 J:l. xf5 1 8 The attempt to turn the tLJe5
l:t xe7 l:t xf3! 1 9 <;t;>xf3 tLJe5 + 20 into a target means of gaining time
l:t xe5 .txe5 and the white king's and space appears too loosening,
exposed position on the long diag­ e.g. 1 3 "ife2 tLJge5 14 tLJd2?! tLJb6
onal gives Black ample compens­ 1 5 f4 tLJed7 16 tLJf3 tLJa4 1 7 tLJ d 1
ation for the material) 1 6 . . . tLJc4 l:t a7! 1 8 J:l. b l 'lia8 1 9 "ifc2 tLJab6
1 7 b3 tLJce5 with equal chances. 20 a3 e6 and White's centre comes
(4) 1 2 . . . tLJb6 (one basic idea under attack.
behind this move is to secure the
13 "ifa5
exchange of the tLJc3 by . . . 'lWd7
and . . . tLJa4) 1 3 l:t e l "ifd7 1 4 There is no need for Black to
"ifc2 (this i s directed against 1 4 . . . hurry to complete the knight
tLJa4?! which can now be answered manoeuvre and he would rather
by 1 5 tLJd I ! intending to mobilize wait until White expends a tempo
the queenside by J:l. b l , b3, tLJc3 on h3.

1 15
The Standard Centre

14 .Jig5 pIe, 1 5 . . . "Wa6! 1 6 b3 tLlge5 1 7

tLlxe5 tLlxe5 1 8 tLla4 J:t ab8 1 9 .Jtd2
Developing the queenside with
c4! with a strong initiative.
gain of tempo, since d6 is not
protected by a piece and therefore 16 h3!
Black cannot reply with 14 . . . h6.
Spassky seizes his opportunity
14 lUe8 to simplify the position advan­
15 J:t c 1 ( 1 82 ) tageously.
16 tLle5
17 tLlxe5 .Jtxe5

In contrast to the knight, the

presence of a bishop on e5 does
nothing to further Black's plans.

18 ir'd3 't'k b4

Here 1 8 . . . tLla4?! 19 tLlxa4!

'iWxa4 20 b3 would leave Black
with very little indeed to show for
the pawn.
White intends to complete the 19 a3 'iWa5
mobilization of his queenside and 20 tLl d l ! c4?!
connect his rooks by J:t cc2,
thereby keeping everything well Black sees his imtIatlve dissi­
defended and enabling the QB to pating in view of the threatened
retreat to c l if necessary. regrouping .Jtd2-c3 and therefore
feels it necessary to try to do
15 tLlb6?! something, even at the cost of
It may seem strange for this compromising his pawn structure.
move to be dubious, as it is after
21 "lWd2
all a normal idea in this type of
centre, but it fits ill with Black's Any ending would favour White
1 2th and breaks the coordination because of the weakness on c4.
of the knights. The logical continu­ Black is therefore obliged to avoid
ation was to concentrate on the the exchange of queens. Now
weakest point in White's fortified Spassky gradually improves his
position, the d3 square. For exam- position.

1 16
The Standard Centre

21 'ii' a 6 32 'ii' d2 tZJc5

22 tZJe3 .i.g7 33 J:!. c3 'ilib5
23 tZJg4 tZJd7 34 'ii' c2
24 �h6 �h8
Now the c-pawn disappears and
25 .i.e3 J:!. ab8
with it Black's last hopes.
26 �d4
34 f5
With the challenge to Black's
35 J:!. xc4
control of the long black diagonal,
White's advantage assumes decis­ Here all roads lead to Rome
ive proportions. The simple threat and Spassky chooses one of the
now is 27 tZJh6 + . quickest.
26 .i.f6 35 tZJxe4
27 J:!. c3 'ilia4 36 f3 tZJf6
28 .i.xf6 exf6 37 J:!. b4 'ii' e8
29 'ilid4 ri;; g7 38 J:!. xb8 'ii' xb8
30 J:!. f3 ( 1 83 ) 39 'iWc3

1 -0
J li3

B Game 1 2
Moscow 1 982
Fianchetto System

1 d4 tZJf6
2 c4 c5
3 d5 b5
4 cxb5 a6
5 bxa6 .i.xa6

White inexorably increases the As we will see in the present

pressure and Black is forced to game, this natural move permits
give up material. White to implement a very specific
plan based on the fianchetto of
30 J:!. e5
both bishops, the development of
31 tZJxe5
the KN on h3, and the bishop
3 1 . . . tZJxe5 32 J:!. c3 would be manoeuvre .i.b2-c3. The precise
equally hopeless. move order is as follows : 6 g3 g6

1 17
The Standard Centre

7 .tg2 (threatening d6) 7 . . . d6 8 184

b3 and White is able to oppose
bishops on the a I -h8 diagonal.
Since this variation has proved
rather awkward to meet, Black has
also tried avoiding it by changing
move order: S . . . g6 (on S . . . d6
White can play 6 e4 without losing
his right to castle, 6 . . . lbxe4?,? of
course losing to 7 "ilfa4 + ) 6 g3 (on
6 b3 Black can continue 6 . . . .tg7
7 i.. b 2 lbxa6 crossing White's
plans in view of the threatened is developed on D or h3. The latter
. . . tZlb4) 6 . . . .tg7 7 .tg2 (the development occurs in the game
interesting attempt to punish and we shall examine the strategic
Black's move order by 7 d6 is well implications of this choice further
answered by 7 . . . 1:t xa6! 8 dxe7 on. With the knight on 0, we may
"xe7 9 i.. g2 dS with obvious observe that the protection of the
compensation) 7 . . . d6 8 lbh3 d-pawn is carried out by the QN,
i..x a6 and Black has prevented the queen, and the KB. The KB's
White's intended QB manoeuvre. action, however, is veiled by the
Another option afforded by KN and thus White may make
Black's move order is the possi­ the manoeuvre lbD-d2-f1(-e3) if
bility of capturing on a6 with the necessary. For Black's part, he will
knight, e.g. 5 . . . g6 6 g3 i..g7 7 increase the pressure against d5
.tg2 d6 8 lbh3 lbxa6!? 9 0-0 "iW b6 with the typical manoeuvre . . .
1 0 tZlc3 0-0 1 1 lbf4 lbg4 (not 1 1 lbb8-d7-b6, coupled with the
. . . lbd7? permitting the typical transfer of the queen to the a8-hi
pseudo-sacrifice 1 2 tZle6! with diagonal ( . . . l1 a7 and . . . "iWa8 or
advantage) 1 2 h4 i.d7 1 3 lbe4 . . . "ilfc7-b7), and/or . . . .tc4 at the
(intending hS) 1 3 . . . l1 fb8 with right moment.
sufficient compensation for the Let's see some concrete
pawn. examples. 6 . . . g6 7 i.g2 d6 8 lbD
.tg7 9 lbc3 lbbd7 (other move
6 g3 ( 184 )
orders are possible of course) 1 0
White has two basic methods of 0-0 and now :
interpreting the Fianchetto Sys­ ( 1 ) 10 . . . 0-0 1 1 'iVc2 with the
tem according to whether the KN further divergence :
1 18
The Standard Centre

( l a) 1 1 . . . n a7 1 2 n d l 'i!fa8 .i.g5 h6 14 .i.d2 ttJc4 etc.) 1 3 'i!fc1

1 3 h3 (if 1 3 e4? lLlg4! and Black "iIt' a5
(but here 13 . . . lLlh5?! is not
obtains control of d3 after . . . lLlge5 as good, e.g. 14 .i. h6 .i.xh6 1 5
and . . . c4) 1 3 . . . .i.c4?! 14 a3! 'ifxh6 ttJxb2? 1 6 lLlg5 lLlf6 1 7 lLlce4
n b8 (on 1 4 . . . lLlxd5?? 1 5 lLld2 etc.) 1 4 lLld2 nfb8 1 5 lLlxc4 .i.xc4
wins a piece; whilst if 14 . . . Axd5? 1 6 .td2 with a slight advantage
1 5 ttJxd5 lLlxd5 16 ttJd2! followed to White.
by lLlc4 regaining the pawn with
a clear advantage) 1 5 lLld2 .i.a6 6 g6
16 b3 lLle8 1 7 .i. b2 lLlc7 1 8 a4 7 .i.g2
'i!f b7 1 9 n ab 1 'i!fc8 20 A a l and
White having untangled his When White develops the KN
queenside, has preferable chances. on h3 instead of f3 (as seen in the
( l b) 1 1 . . . 'i!fb6 1 2 n b l n fb8 1 3 foregoing analyses), he basically
b3 lLle8 1 4 lLld2 'it'a5 1 5 Ab2 c4 has two fundamentally different
1 6 n fc 1 lLle5 1 7 and again plans available according to
White stands well. whether the manoeuvre lLlgl �h3�
( l c) 1 1 . . . 'lJfa5 12 Ad2 n fb8 f4 is linked with a queenside fian­
1 3 n fd 1 lLle8 14 Ah3 .i.c8 1 5 chetto or attacking ideas based on
Ael and again, having unravelled advancing the h-pawn. Of course,
his pieces with another typical there are various other possibili­
manoeuvre, White has the edge. ties and myriad vanatIOns
(2) to . . ttJb6 (by putting press­
. thereafter; thus, here, we restrict
ure on d5 immediately Black ourselves to outlining the main
reduces White's options) 1 1 nel alternatives to the fianchetto of
0-0 and now : the QB. After 7 lLlh3 d6 8 lLlc3
(2a) 1 2 ttJd2 'i!fc7 1 3 n b 1 'ifb7! .i.g7 9 lLlf4 (Black must be careful
1 4 b3 lLlfxd5 1 5 lLlxd5 lLlxd5 1 6 how he meets the simple develop­
lLle4 ( 1 6 lLlfl? meets with a surpris­ ment 9 .i.g2 0-0 10 0-0 lLlbd7 1 1
ing refutation : 16 . . . lLlc3! 1 7 Ag5 n b8 - 1 1 . . . h6 seems more
Axb7 Axb7! 1 8 'lJfd3 Ae4 1 9 natural - 1 2 "ilt'd2 intending to
'lJfe3 .i.d4 20 'i!f h6 .i.xb 1 2 1 a3 meet 12 . . . lLlb6 with 1 3 b3 c4 14
.i.a2 22 lLld2 n fb8 with excellent b4 with advantage, and 12 . . . lLle5
chances for Black) 1 6 . . . n ad8! 1 7 1 3 b3 c4 with 14 .i.h6! with some
.i.b2 .>txb2 1 8 n xb2 'it'b4 with advantage) 9 . . . lLlbd7 10 h4 h6
approximately level prospects. (to . . . 0-0 1 1 h5 lLle5 12 hxg6 hxg6
(2b) 1 2 .i.f4 lLlc4 ( 1 2 . . . lLlh5!? White obtains real possibilities on
is an important alternative, e.g. 1 3 the kingside) 1 1 'it'c2 ttJe5 12 .i.g2
The Standard Centre

0-0 1 3 0-0 n bS with roughly bal­ tLlf4 and �c3. If Black wants to
anced chances. activate his KN he is forced to
We note also that if White accept the exchange of his KB
intends to employ the plan in the which obviously reduces the poten­
present game he may also play tial dynamism of his position.
immediately 7 b3.
11 n a7
7 d6
The most logical reply. The
8 b3
absence of White's QN on c3
Only now does White reveal diminishes the protection of the
that he intends to oppose bishops pawns on d5 and a2 and Belyavsky
on the a I -h8 diagonal and forgo therefore prepares to pressurize
the natural development lZlc3. The these points by playing . . . 'iWaS.
c3 square, in fact, is earmarked for A typical error would be for
the QB in order to be able to meet Black to permit White to set up a
a future . . . c4 by b4. As we have queens ide blockade, e.g. 1 1 . . 1.1 bS

already learnt, the d-pawn will be 1 2 iL.c3 (essential in order to take

secured by means of the control of b4) 1 2 . . . lZle5 1 3 n e l
manoeuvre lZlg I -h3-f4. c4? 1 4 b4 and, essentially, from the
positional point of view Black is
8 �g7
lost, e.g. 1 4 . . . tLlfg4 1 5 a4 e6 1 6
9 �b2 0-0
'iWd2 and with a subsequent tLla3-
10 lZlh3 lZlbd7
c2 Black's fate would be sealed.
11 0-0 ( 1 8 5 )
12 n et

White now prepares to play e4,

confident that any weakening of
d3 can be sufficiently offset by
means of tLlf4.
12 'iWa8
13 e4 n b8

Threatening . . . c4.
14 i.e3 tLle8

This is the critical position of Black has a more dynamic con­

the variation, where White is ready tinuation available in 14 . . . tLle5!?
to complete his intended set-up by 1 5 lZlf4 (after 1 5 �xe5?! dxe5

1 20
The Standard Centre

Black continues with . . . ltJe8-d6 eliminate the pressure on d3, but

with fine chances; similarly, if 1 5 now he becomes tied down to the
f4 ltJd3 1 6 J:!. e3 c4 Black has the protection of b3.
initiative) 1 5 . . . .lth6! and all of
19 ltJxf3 +
Black's pieces are very active and
20 'ii xf3 J:!. b4
White's d3 is weak.
21 h4 J:!. ab7
15 .i.xg1 ltJxg1 22 II e3 'Ii b8
16 ltJd2 ltJe5 23 J:!. a3 ( 1 86)
11 ltJ f4

As in the game, Black would 186

also have obtained sufficient com- B

pensation for the pawn after 1 7 f4
ltJd3 1 8 J:!. e3 .ltb5! 1 9 a4 (or 1 9
.i.f1 ltJb4 20 ii.xb5 J:!. xb5 2 1 a4
f5! and Black undermines d5) 1 9
11 .ltb5!

Provoking a weakening of the

queenside pawns.
A very instructive moment. The
18 a4
chances of White converting his
1 8 'ii c2? would be met by 1 8 . . . extra pawn are reduced to nothing
g5 and . . . ltJd3-b4. and in fact he is now obliged to
begin thinking in terms of how to
18 .i.a6
save the game.
Obtaining the first tangible
fruits of the plan initiated with 23 ltJe8
the 1 1 th and 1 2th moves : Black's 24 �f1 .ltxfl
threats have caused a permanent 25 wxfl ltJf6
structural weakness on b3 and the 26 wg2 h5
problems with d3 remain to be 27 a5
With nothing else available,
19 ltJf3
White plays his trump card in
Faced with the threat of . . . order to distract Black even at the
J:!. b4-d4 White decides at least to cost of returning the extra pawn.
The Standard Centre

27 tbg4 . . . but this is in fact a serious

28 n e3 n a7 mistake, putting White in a critical
29 'it'e2 lW a8 position.
30 tbd3 n b8
31 f3 ll xa5 39 Jl b8

32 l ha5 'it'xa5 40 ll b2
33 ll e4 tb f6
Now it becomes clear that 40
34 b4!
tbc6? would lose after 40 . . , Jl b 1 .
Seizing a tactical opportunity to The best chance was 40 tbd3, e.g.
get rid of the structural weakness 40 . . . ll b3 4 1 lLl c 1 J:. b l 42 l:I. c2
in the position. 'ifb5 43 'it'e2 'it'b6 44 l:t f2 tbc5!,
although here too it is clear that
34 cxb4
Black retains much the more
35 'it'd2 tbd7
active position.
36 n xb4
40 tbe5
White has defended himself as
41 tDa2 l:t xb2
best he can, but the problems
42 'it'xb2 'it'd3
deriving from the somewhat
43 111' 12 lWa3!
exposed position of his king will
endure even into an ending. With With this move Black's dynamic
accurate defence White ought just advantage, patiently built up over
to be able to hold the position, the last twenty-odd moves, finally
but in practice it is far from easy. translates into material gain due
36 to the threat of 44 . . , tDxf3.
n e8
37 n b2 'it'a4
44 f4 tDg4
38 n a2 'ife4
45 lWd2?
Although the worst is over for
White it is clear that Black's Losing quickly. White could
domination of the c-file still makes have put up stiffer resistance by
things rather awkward. If only 45 'ife2, although even here he
White could get his knight to c6 would lose a pawn after 45 . . . tbf6
there would be nothing left to threatening . . . lll xe4.
fear and so, in time-trouble, White 45 tbe3 +
plays . . . 46 'Ot>I2
39 tb b4? Or 46 � g l tDc4 47 'iff2 'it'd3

1 22
The Standard Centre

with a winning advantage, e.g. 48

'Wg2 lLld2 etc.
46 lLlc4
47 -We2 lLlb2!
On 48 lLlcl comes 48 . . . 'Wc5 +
49 -We3 -W xc 1 !

5 The M odern Centre

Main Line: Modern Variation 1 Strateg i c I d eas

1 d4 lLlf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5 4 cxb5
Put simply, White's idea here is to
a6 5 e3 ( 1 87).
avoid any pressure on the a6-fl
187 diagonal in order to be able to
develop his kingside naturally
without losing the right to castle.
The basic strategic situation which
arises is as follows ( 1 88).

1 88

Fundamentally similar strategic

situations can arise in other vari­
ations, e.g. 1 d4 l2Jf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5
b5 and now :
Anti-Benko Variation
4 lLlf3 g6 5 'iWc2 �g7 6 e4 d6 7
Having solved the most pressing
Other Variations problem by freeing the action of
his KB on the fl -a6 diagonal,
4 cxb5 a6 5 f3
White intends to reinforce the b5
The idea of postponing the cap­ and d5 points by means of the
ture on a6 is to make it less easy advances a4 and e4 in order, with
for the opponent to develop the the former, to keep Black bottled
queenside, and especially to avoid up on the queenside, and with the
Black setting up favourable press­ latter to commence the natural
ure on the a6-fl diagonal. plan of central expansion.

1 24
The Modern Centre

The ideas beh i n d However, given that Black is not

the sta b i l izing adva nces always in a hurry to play either
a4 a n d e4 . . . a6xb5 or . . . e6xd5, the structure
shown in the above diagram can
The following explanations and
actually arise in practice and is
examples will help us understand
generally strategically favourable
exactly what we mean by the term
to White as long as the cramping
'stabilizing' .
effect of the pawns on b5 and
If we try to imagine that after 1
d5 is more important than their
d4 lLlf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5 4 cxb5
weakness. One must not forget,
Black proved unable to remove
however, that the moves a4 and
the pawn on b5 and/or d5, then it
e4 are useful even if White is
is easy to understand that his
obliged to recapture with a piece
queenside pieces would have great
on b5 or d5, after . . . a6xb5 and/or
difficulty in getting into play
. . . e6xd5 ( 1 90).
because the b5 pawn controls both
a6 and c6 and the d-pawn blocks
the a8-h i diagonal. The long term
idea behind White's stabilizing
advances is to be able to recapture
with a pawn in answer to the
possible captures . . . a6xb5 and . . .
e6xd5 so as to maintain the status
quo ( 1 89).


In this situation, the partnership

a4-b5 is useful for blocking
Black's thematic pressure on the
a- and b-files, whilst the corres­
ponding e4-d5 duo keeps Black's
central pawns under lock and key.
Of the two 'partnerships' noted
above, only that on a4-b5 occurs
It is clear that White's plan in practice with any frequency as
requires a lot of preparation in Black is nearly always in a position
order to achieve these results. to prevent the second.

The Modern Centre

W h ite's undefended Q R B lack's plans

Once e4 has been played, the Black essentially has three ways
d-pawn is well and truly supported of countering White's idea of stabi­
without any problem, whereas lization, the extremes of which are
White's undefended QR can prove diametrically opposed:
a handicap and provide Black with Plan 1: To allow White to play
a pin on the a-file when White both stabilizing advances.
plays a4. This problem can be Plan 2: To allow White to play
dealt with either by defending the a4 but prevent e4 by means of
rook or moving it off the file ( 1 91 ) . rapid central counterplay with . . .
191 Plan 3: To play . . . axb5 before
White plays a4 at the same time
reserving the possibility of coun­
tering in the centre with . . . e6.

P l a n 1 : W hite plays both

sta b i l izing adva nces

When Black allows White to play

both stabilizing advances, he
develops his kingside ( . . . g6, . . .
Normally White would like to .i.g7, . . . 0-0) in conj unction with
be able to answer . . . axb5 with . . . d6 to hold up the further
axb5 in order to be able to estab­ advance of White's e-pawn ( 1 92 J.
lish a queenside pawn structure of
the type shown in diagram 1 89
rather than that shown in diagram
1 90. It should be noted that the
move 1:[ a3 is particularly well
suited for solidifying the queenside
(even the a4-b5 partnership
shown in diagram 1 90 is reinforced
if White's QR is protected), and/or
entering the game via the third
rank, in which case Black is likely
to find a possible . . . axb5 an- In the kind of situation shown
swered by lLlxb5. in the diagram, Black can solve

1 26
The Modern Centre

the problem of the mobilization of In this type of situation Black's

his queenside by the capture . . . main aim, generally speaking, is
axbS followed, for example, by . . . to remove the pawn on d5 so as
Jl.. a6 and . . . ttJbd7, or by . . . ttJa6- to make subsequent occupation of
b4 and . . . i.. a6. Black can also the centre by . . . d5 possible. The
try to remove White's blockade ideal for Black would be to force
on bS with manoeuvres like . , . White to play dxe6, recapture with
ttJe8-c7 or . . . ttJa6-c7 together . . . fxe6, and be able to follow up
with . . . i.. a6. with . . . d5 thus obtaining ample
Black should also keep an eye positional compensation for the
on the possibility of a central pawn ( 1 94 ).
break with . . . e6 especially when
there is sufficient pressure on dS 1 94

to oblige White to play dxe6 and

after recapturing to follow up with
. . . dS. It should be noted that if
Black has recaptured on e6 by . . .
fxe6 he must be on his guard
against a possible eS advance
which would destroy his plans.

P l a n 2: Wh ite plays a4,

B l ack counters with . . . e6
Basically, White has two differ­
Black's plan here is to allow White ent methods of countering this
to play a4 and then counter type of plan : to defend the pawn
rapidly in the centre with . . . e6 on d5 (with a further divergence
( 1 93) . according to whether White does
so by e4 or i.. c4), or to exchange
1 93 the d-pawn by dxe6 and then seek
to prevent . . . d5.

Wh ite p lays e4 and B lack

opens the e-file

As previously noted, from the con­

ceptual point of view the best way
of neutralizing Black's central . . .
e6 break is to support the pawn

1 27
The Modern Centre

on d5 with the stabilizing advance It should also be noted that in

e4. However, White has bought this kind of position the pawn on
the stabilization of the queenside d5 can easily become more of a
at the cost of time (e3, tt:Jc3, a4) weakness than a strength as Black
and the detriment of his kingside has no difficulty in developing his
development ( 1 95). queenside and attacking d5, e.g.
. . . �c8-b7, . . . d6, and . . . tt:Jb8-

Wh ite p lays .tc4

White can also protect his d-pawn

by playing .tc4 instead of e4
( 1 97 ).

In this type of position White

has some difficulty in developing
his kingside. He is reluctant to
simply play �e2 because this
would cost him time and also
allow Black to take control of the
e-file with gain of tempo after . . .
axb5, �xb5 exd5, exd5 ne8 + , White generally links this devel­
�e2 ( 1 96). opment with the placing of the
KN on e2 where it is useful both
1 96 for covering the e-file (should
White play e4 at some stage) and
for possibly reinforcing a piece on
d5. Naturally, Black cannot wait
too long before making the cap­
tures . . . axb5 and . . . exd5, and
although White will generally be
able to maintain a blockade on
one of the two white squares (b5
and d5) the active development of

1 28
The Modem Centre

Black's queenside pieces will still up the skewer . . . j.f8 if Whitt;

guarantee him dynamic compens­ captures cS. This defence, how­
ation. ever, rarely discourages the cap­
ture of the c-pawn because the
The exchange dxe6 a nd the weakening of Black's kingside fol­
blockad i ng move W'd6 lowing the loss of his black­
squared bishop, plus the fact that
White has also sought to scotch
White has gained a second pawn,
the opponent's plans by means of
clearly offers White good chances.
the capture dxe6 followed by '4!fd6,
Finally, we note that Black has
blockading the advance of Black's
possibilities of counter-attack
d-pawn ( 1 98).
against f3 by means of . . . ltJe8 or
. . . ltJe4, ltJxe4 j. xe4.
It is clear that the success of
White's plan depends on how long
he can keep up the blockade
and/or the price Black has to pay
to get rid of the queen.

P l a n 3: B l ack plays . . . axb5

before a4

This third plan (again with refer­

This blockading idea crops up ence to diagram 1 88) is the most
in various positions. The above radical way of preventing White's
diagram is of course merely sche­ stabilization strategy. Black's idea
matic and seeks to show the most is to dispense with the moves . . .
typical dynamic elements follow­ g6 and . . . j.g7 and use the time
ing the implementation of this saved to eradicate White's pawns
plan. on bS and dS. With this type of
The first point to observe here plan, where time is of the essence
is that the W'd6 attacks the pawn and forcing moves are the norm,
on cS. This can only be defended it is impractical to consider themes
by . . . W'c8 when Black has already out of context and we need to
developed his QB. Alternatively, if examine the actual variation.
White has played the thematic The plan under discussion is
n a3, then Black has an indirect introduced by the moves 1 d4 ltJf6
defence available in . . . n e8 setting 2 c4 cS 3 dS bS 4 cxbS a6 S e3

1 29
The Modern Centre

axb5 6 i.xb5 'iWa5 + 7 lLlc3 i.b7

( 1 99 ).

1 99

The attack on d5, activated by

castling, gains White even more
time. The planned e4 advance is
White has two fundamentally useful not only for developing the
different ways of dealing with the
QB but also for restraining the
threat to his d-pawn : either to try enemy centre. It is worth mention­
and conserve his material advan­
ing that if Black tries to prevent
tage, or to return the pawn in e4 White can sometimes play it
order to gain an advantage in anyway, continuing the basic idea
development. of trading material for time, and
If White wants to try to hold
going for the jugular. These ideas
on to his pawn then he is obliged are illustrated in the analyses to
to play 8 i.d2 which leads him
be found in game 1 4.
inexorably into a forced variation
of great complexity which is exam­
2 Tact i c a l I d eas
ined in detail below (see Game 1 4).
The alternative idea of returning Despite, or perhaps because, of the
the pawn can occur at various fact that the Modern type of centre
stages after the same introductory is tactically very rich, it is difficult
move 8 i.d2, but is perhaps seen to identify many recurring tactical
in its clearest form after 8 lLle2. As themes. This is because the fluidity
well as gaining an advantage in of the centre naturally tends to
development White hopes to be produce specific and particular
able to play e4, e.g. 8 . . . lLlxd5 (the tactics in very diverse situations.
basic strategy remains the same Only the examples below occur
after the alternative 8 . . i.xdS) 9
. with some frequency and in vari­
0-0 ( 200). ous positions.

1 30
The M odern Centre

I n d i rect defence
of the d5 pawn

The following type of position can

easily arise ( 201 ).

Black now threatens to play . . .

t2Jxf2, �xf2 � h4 + and White
cannot avoid the danger by means
of the natural 0-0 because of the
other capture . . . tZlxh2, �xh2
� h4 + ( 203 ).
Although this theme is very sim­
ple it is worth pointing out because
of the very natural placing of both
sides' pieces. Black cannot capture
on d5 because after . . . tZlfxd5,
tZlxd5 tZlxd5 White wins material
by means of the double attack

The exposed position

of the ..tc4

When White places his KB on c4

in order to protect the d-pawn In other circumstances the
it may become vulnerable to the bishop may be exposed to a fork
following type of tactical ideas ( 204 ).
(202) . Here, for example, White may
Here Black can play . . . tZlg4 try to support d5 by means of the
which in addition to the simple advance e4, but Black has the
possibility of continuing with . . . riposte . . . t2Jxe4!, t2Jxe4 exd5 (205 )
tZle5 also creates tactical threats . . . regaining the piece and re­
against the unprotected bishop. establishing material parity.

The Modern Centre

other fifth move possibilities are
examined in Game 1 4.
5 g6
5 ' " axb5 will also be analyzed
in Game 1 4.
6 LtJc3 � g7 (206)

When Black develops his king­

side first, as here, he gives White
a wide choice of possibilities but
3 I l l ustrative G a mes
at the same time reserves a flex­
Game 1 3 ibility for himself in being able to
Torre- Vaganian play setups with . . . d6 or . . , e6
London 1 984 according to circumstances.
Modem Variation
7 !Df3
1 d4 !Df6
The other possibilities are as
2 c4 c5
follows :
3 d5 b5
( 1 ) 7 e4 (the idea of this advance
4 cxb5 a6
is to force Black to play . . . d6
5 e3
because of the threat of e5) 7 . . .
Much the most important alter­ d6 (Black can also, in fact, ignore
native to the standard continu­ the threat by playing 7 . . . 0-0, e.g.
ation 5 bxa6 which we considered 8 a4 - after 8 e5 LtJe8 9 LtJf3 d6
in the preceding chapter. White's 10 �f4 �g4 the pressure on e5

1 32
The Modern Centre

is too great - 8 . . . .i.b7 9 e5 tbe8 2U7

10 tbf3 e5 1 1 �f4 dxe5 12 .i.xe5
tb f6 with strong pressure against
d5) 8 a4 0-0 9 tbf3 axb5 10 �xb5
ii.a6 1 1 .i.d2 tbe8 1 2 0-0 tbc7 1 3
'iWe2 with an edge for White.
(2) 7 a4 (this move can either
transpose back into the game con­
tinuation after 7 . . . 0-0 8 tbf3 or
develop independent significance
. with 8 .i.c4 followed by tbge2) 7
. . . 0-0 8 .tc4 e6 (White can meet
8 . . . d6 with the interesting to the fact that if White protects
manoeuvre 9 tbge2 tbbd7 1 0 :L a3 the rook or moves it off the a-file
tbb6 1 1 .i.a2, e.g. 1 1 . . . axb5 1 2 he will be able to recapture on b5
tbxb5 �d7 1 3 tbbc3 e 6 14 dxe6 with the pawn thus making the
�xe6 1 5 tb f4 �xa2 1 6 :L xa2 'iWd7 development of Black's queenside
1 7 0-0 J:!. fd8 18 e4 'iWc6 19 J:!. e 1 rather difficult.
with advantage) 9 tbge2 axb5, and The relative value of these
after either 1 0 tbxb5 exd5 1 1 options depends on various fac­
.i.xd5 or 1 0 .txb5 exd5 1 1 tbxdS tors and makes a comparative
Black will try to remove the block­ assessment well nigh impossible.
ade on bS and dS. As a very general guide, however,
(3) 7 bxa6 0-0 8 tbf3 d6 9 �e2 we would say that Black can con­
�xa6 10 0-0 tbbd7 1 1 .txa6 sider it a success ifhe can delay this
J:!. xa6 12 'We2 'iWa8 with typical capture until White has moved his
compensation for the pawn. KB (even if White recaptures with
his QN) as long as White cannot
7 0-0
recapture with the a-pawn.
8 a4 (207)
In the above diagram Black
The exact moment when Black must decide whether to choose a
should play . . . axbS is a charac­ set-up with . . . d6 or . . . e6. In
teristic problem of many of the the first case the game assumes a
vanattons examined in this manoeuvring, positional charac­
chapter. On the one hand, he ter, whereas in the second it
would rather not capture until becomes tactical and dynamic.
White has moved his KB, but on We shall take a look here at
the other, he must pay attention some examples of the first possi-

The Modern Centre

bility as the second occurs in the d6 1 6 it'd2 'lifa8 1 7 l:t ad l with

game: 8 . . . d6 9 l:t a3 (even though advantage.
this move defends the rook, White (3) 9 �c4 lbe8 (9 . . e6 1 0 bxa6

does not intend answering 9 . . . ..txd5 1 1 lbxd5 exd5 1 2 .i.xd5

axb5 with 1 0 axb5 since after 1 0 lbxd5 1 3 Wxd5 lbxa6 1 4 0-0 it'e7
. . . l:t xa3 1 1 bxa3 W a 5 he would 1 5 e4 l:t fe8 16 e5 leaves White
be forced to play 1 2 �d2 thus somewhat better) 10 bxa6 lbxa6 1 1
giving back the pawn on a3) 9 . . . 0-0 lbd6 1 2 i.e2 f5 with sufficient
axb5 (9 . . . lbbd7 1 0 e4 axb5 1 1 compensation for the pawn.
.i.xb5 .i.a6 1 2 'life2 .i.xb5 1 3 (4) 9 ll b l e6 10 dxe6 fxe6 1 1
lbxb5 lbe8 1 4 0-0 lbc7 1 5 b3 leaves .i.e2 axb5 1 2 axb5 d5 1 3 0-0 lbbd7
White some advantage) 1 0 ..txb5 14 b4 c4 1 5 lbd4 'life7 16 e4! lbxe4
lba6 1 1 0-0 lbb4 1 2 lbd2 �b7 1 7 lbxe4 dxe4 1 8 lbc6 i.. xc6 1 9
(not 12 . . . lbfxd5? 13 lbxd5 lbxd5 bxc6 lb e 5 2 0 Wc2 and White
14 ..tc6 etc.) 1 3 e4 e6 14 dxe6 fxe6 stands better.
and it is debatable whether Black (5) 9 l:t a3 e6 1 0 d6 lbd5! 1 1 lbe4
has sufficient compensation for the axb5 1 2 lbxc5 b4 1 3 : d3 ..tc6
pawn. with chances for both sides in a
complicated position.
8 e6
The reader must not forget that
It is more usual to preface this these lines are essentially illustra­
move with 8 . . . ..tb7 which may tive and that - especially in such
simply transpose but can also lead dynamic variations - it is always
to totally independent paths. For possible for improvements to be
example : discovered by both sides.
( 1 ) 9 e4?! (this move does not
9 dxe6 fxe6
appear to be satisfactory here) 9
to 'lifd6 (208)
. . . e6 1 0 l:t b l exd5 1 1 exd5 axb5
1 2 axb5 d6 13 .i.c4 l:t e8 + 1 4
<;t>fl lbbd7 1 5 h3 lb b 6 1 6 b3 l:t a7
1 7 ..tb2 'lifa8 and Black regains
the pawn with a superior position.
(2) 9 bxa6 lbxa6 10 lbc4 e6 1 1
0-0 lbb4 1 2 e4 (having stabilized
the central position White stands
better) 1 2 . . . exd5 (not 1 2 . . . lbxe4?
1 3 lbxe4 exd5 1 4 lbd6) 1 3 exd5
..ta6 1 4 ..txa6 l:t xa6 1 5 .i.e 3

1 34
The Modern Centre

By blocking the enemy d-pawn and Black has similar compensa­

in this way White prevents Black tion to that in the game.
obtaining control of the centre.
11 axb5
The presence of the white queen
12 .i.xb5 'i'c8
is particularly awkward for Black
13 0-0 lLle8
as he can only get rid of it by
14 'i'g3 �xf3
playing his KN or KB backward.
15 gxf3 d5
In addition, the attack on the
c-pawn complicates things even Black has improved his position
more. by getting rid of the white queen
and obtaining control of the centre
10 �b7
without excessive simplification.
11 �e2
16 e4!
A quiet move which allows
Black to capture on b5 with a White must undertake some
typical gain of tempo. The follow­ positive action as otherwise Black
ing lines are more combative but will be able to mass his pieces at
also riskier: leisure.
( 1 ) 1 1 'ifxc5 lLle4 1 2 lLlxe4 �xe4
16 lLlc6
1 3 'if b4 �b7 (not 1 3 . . . .i.xf3 1 4
gxf3 n xf3? 1 5 JLg2) 1 4 bxa6 JLxf3 After 1 6 ' " d4 1 7 lLle2 Black is
1 5 gxf3 lLlxa6 1 6 'i'd6 with bal­ obliged to accept a weakening of
anced chances. his white squares since, for exam­
(2) 1 1 l:. a3 axb5 (three other ple, 1 7 . . . c4?! runs up against 1 8
possibilities: 1 1 . . . ne8 1 2 'i!fxc5! e5 and now 1 8 . . . n f5? 1 9 lLlxd4
.i.f8 13 'ifd4 �xa3 14 bxa3 and .i.xe5 20 lLlxf5 would win for
thanks to his bishops and attack­ White.
ing chances White's prospects are
17 exd5 lLld4
preferable; 1 1 . . . lLle4 1 2 lLlxe4
18 .i.e3!
�xe4 1 3 .i.d3! is good for White;
1 1 . . . 'i'c8 1 2 .i.e2 lLle8 1 3 'i'g3 White wisely completes his
d5 14 0-0 lLlf6 1 5 'i'h3! intending development and keeps the h l -a8
to continue with lLlg5 and �g4 diagonal closed. The attempt to
with advantage) 1 2 JLxb5 'i'c8 get more, for example by 1 8 d6?
(another possibility is 1 2 . . . lLle4 'i'b7!, would be very dangerous
1 3 lLlxe4 .i.xe4 1 4 0-0 n f5 1 5 n d 1 for White.
'ilff6) 1 3 0-0 lLle8 1 4 'i' g3 .i.xf3 1 5
gxf3 d5 1 6 �e2 lLlc6 1 7 f4 lLld6 18 lLlf5

1 35
The Modern Centre

After 1 8 . . . �xf3 + 1 9 � h l through a minefield of complexi­

White has the advantage. ties, only to throw away the fruits
of all his hard work with one lapse
19 'l/r' g4 �xc3
of concentration! Here White is
The only way to regain the too absorbed in his own idea of
d-pawn. playing .i.h3 and misses the
ulterior motive of Black's last
20 bxc3 exdS
move. The prophylactic 23 <t>h l
21 n fd l
would have left chances for both
White has managed t o weaken sides.
the opponent's pawn centre whilst
23 gS!
maintaining both his extra pawn
and the bishop pair but his pawns
Trapping the white queen in a
are very weak. All in all, these
fatal net.
factors leave the position substan­
tially equal. 24 'l/r'eS 'fJ. e7
21 �f6 25 II xdS II xeS

22 'lIr'f4 ll a7! 26 ll xeS

A cunning little move setting Although the remainder is

a big trap which White fails to merely a question of technique,
perceive. Black does well not to consider
his task to be a simple formality.
23 .i.f1?? (209)
Due attention is still necessary to
26 �d7
27 �c4 + �g7
28 �e6 tZlxe5!

Simplification is the safest way.

29 i.xc8 �xf3 +
30 �g2 �xe3 +
31 fxe3 �h4 +
32 'it>gl

How often we see a player If 32 �g3 ll f3 + 33 �g4 �g6

thread his way successfully followed by mate.

1 36
The M odern Centre

32 1: xc8 Game 1 4
33 a5 <;t>f6 Plaskett-Barlov
34 �f2 <;t> e5 Bor 1 985
35 c4 ll a8 Modern Variation
36 a6 li:Jf5
d4 li:J f6
37 a7 li:Jd6
2 c4 c5
38 ll a5 li:Je4 +
3 d5 b5
39 �f3 h5
4 cxb5 a6
5 e3
While the rooks cancel each
, other out on one side of the board, Other less well-trodden paths
Black has no trouble converting are:
his advantage on the other. ( 1 ) 5 f3 (with the idea of playing
e4 without losing a tempo) 5 . . .
40 h3 <;t>f5 e6 (after 5 ' " axb5?! there would
41 <;t>g2 g4 follow 6 e4 with the twofold threat
42 hxg4 hxg4 of �xb5 and e5) 6 e4 exd5 (also
43 1: a6 <;t>e 5 possible is 6 . . . �b7, e.g. : 7 li:Jc3
44 <;t>h2 li:Jd6 exd5 8 e5!? li:Jh5 9 li:Jxd5 'iV h4 +
45 ll c6 li:Jb7 1 0 g3 li:Jxg3 1 1 hxg3 'iW xg3 + 1 2
46 .l:t c7 'it>e2 'iWxe5 + 1 3 li:Je3 axb5 with a
sharp position) 7 exd5 (or 7 e5
White gives up his a-pawn and 'iWe7 8 'iWe2 li:Jg8 9 li:Jc3 �b7 1 0
for a few more moves pursues the li:Jh3 'iVd8! 1 1 li:Jf4 li:Je7 with a
forlorn hope of reaching a drawn complex position) 7 . . . 'iWe7 + ?! 8
endgame of king, rook and knight <;t>f2 c4 9 li:Jc3 axb5 10 .i.e3 with
against king and rook. the idea of continuing with 'iWd2
and II e 1, with advantage to White.
46 1: xa7 (2) 5 li:Jc3 (here too the idea is
47 �g3 <;t>d6 to play e4 in one tempo only, but
48 ll g7 <;t>c6 if he does not want to lose control
49 �f4 1: a8 of the diagonal fl -a6, White has
50 ll g6 + li:Jd6 no choice but to return the pawn
51 e4 1: i8 + forthwith) 5 . . . axb5 (5 . . . • a5!?
52 <;t>xg4 It>d7 deserves attention, e.g. : 6 �d2
53 .l:t g5 li:J xe4 axb5 7 e4 b4 8 e5 bxc3 9 �xc3
54 ll e5 ll e8 'iWa4 1 0 .xa4 ll xa4 1 1 exf6 gxf6
0-1 with chances for both sides) 6 e4
1 37
The Modern Centre

(if 6 ttJxbS WaS + 7 ttJc3 i.. a6 This move anticipates the stabi­
with adequate compensation for lizing a4 and impresses a forcing
the pawn) 6 . b4 7 ttJbS d6 (if 7
, , character on the game.
' " ttJxe4? 8 'iWe2 with a decisive
6 i.. xb5 Wa5 +
advantage thanks to the threat of
7 ttJc3 i.. b7 (210)
smothered mate on d6) 8 i..f4
ttJbd7 (the game can take an even
sharper tactical turn after 8 . . ,

gS!?, e,g. 9 i.. xgS ttJxe4 10 i.. f4

WaS 1 1 i.. c4 i..g7 1 2 We2 b3 +
1 3 <;t;>fl fS with obscure play) 9
ttJf3 J.a6 1 0 eS WaS 1 1 a4 ttJhS
12 i.. gS h6 with an extremely
complex position.
(3) S b6 (here the idea is to
return the pawn so as to attract the
black queen to a square exposed to
the manoeuvre ttJgl -f3-d2-c4) S
' " Wxb6 (S . . . d6 is of course
possible, intending to follow up If White now decides to defend
with . . . ttJbd7xb6. Black has also his dS pawn then play is practically
tried S . . . e6!?, e.g. : 6 ttJc3 Wxb6 forced along the line we will see
7 e4 i.. b 7 8 ttJf3 g6 9 i..c4 i..g7 in the game. The alternative, here
10 0-0 0-0 1 1 i..b 3 - preparing as in later moves, is to return the
ttJf3-d2-c4 - II ' " Wc7 1 2 ttJd2 material in order to achieve an
as 1 3 a3 - if 1 3 ttJc4? ttJxe4 - advantage in development. For
1 3 . . , c4! 1 4 i..xc4 ttJxe4 and, this purpose the most thoroughly
by simplifying the centre, Black investigated line is 8 ttJe2 with the
attains a substantially balanced following possible developments:
position) 6 ttJc3 d6 7 ttJf3 g6 8 ttJd2 (1) 8 ' " e6 9 O-O! exd5 10 'ii b 3
i.. g7 9 e4 0-0 10 ttJc4 W c7 1 1 a4 i.. c6 1 1 i.. xc6 dxc6 12 e4! where
ttJbd7 1 2 i.. e2 ttJb6 1 3 ttJa3 i.. b 7 White has a clear advantage.
1 4 0-0 e6 IS a5 ttJ bd7 16 ttJc4 exd5 (2) 8 . . ttJxd5 9 0-0 ttJxc3 (White

with a position where the rough realizes his idea in the event of
parity derives from mutual struc­ both 9 . . . ttJc7 10 i.. c4 i.. a6 1 1
tural weaknesses. i..xa6 'ii' xa6 1 2 e4 e6 1 3 i..f4 d6
14 a4! with the idea of ttJb5, and
5 axb5 in that of 9 . , . ttJf6 1 0 e4! ttJxe4 1 1

1 38
The Modern Centre

..tf4 with some advantage in both 9 'lifb3

cases) 10 lZJxc3 e6 (or 10 . . . g6 1 1
Here too, as at the previous
e4 ..tg7 1 2 a4 0-0 1 3 ..tg5 e6
move, White can return the pawn
14 'lifd6 with a slightly superior
with the intention of gaining an
position) 1 1 e4 ..te7 1 2 a4 0-0 1 3
advantage in development, e.g. :
..tf4 d6 1 4 ..txd6 l:t d8 1 5 e5 (one
( 1 ) 9 tDf3!? tDxd5 1 0 tDxd5
rather swashbuckling idea is 1 5
..txd5 1 1 a4 'lifg6 1 2 0-0 e6 1 3
..txe7 l: xd l 1 6 ll fxd l lZJa6 1 7
..tc3 ..te7 with a balanced game.
ll d7 with sufficient compensation
(2) 9 ..tc4 e6 10 e4 (for 1 0 'fib3
for the queen) 1 5 . . . ..txd6 1 6
see the note to White's 1 0th move
exd6 'lifb6 with equality.
of the present game) 10 . . . lZJxe4
(3) 8 . . . ..txd5 9 0-0 ..tc6 1 0 a4
1 1 lZJf3 (Black stands better after
e6 (after 10 . . . g6 then 1 1 e4!? is
1 1 lZJxe4 exd5) 1 1 . . . tDf6 1 2 0-0
interesting with the idea of meet­
exd5 1 3 J:!. e t + $.. e7 1 4 ..tb3 c4
ing 1 1 . . . lZJxe4 with 1 2 lZJxe4
1 5 ..tc2 tDc6 1 6 ..tg5 0-0 with
followed by the manoeuvre ..td2-
chances for both sides.
c3) 1 1 tDg3 ..te7 1 2 e4 0-0 1 3 e5
(3) 9 lZJge2 lZJxd5 1 0 0-0 lZJc7 1 1
lZJd5 14 ..td2 'lifc7 1 5 tDxd5 ..txd5
a4 lZJxb5 (if 1 1 . . . e6? 1 2 a5 and
1 6 iLc3 with White rather better.
1 2 . . . 1:txa5? is ruled out by 1 3
8 ..td2 ll xa5 'fixa5 1 4 lZJd5 and wins) 1 2
tDxb5 e6 1 3 e4 ..te7 1 4 ..tf4 0-0
This position can also crop up
1 5 tDec3 'lifc6 1 6 lZJd6 and White
by inversion of moves if Black
is preferable.
adopts the continuation 5 . . . ..tb7
6 tDc3 'iWa5 7 ..td2 axb5 8 ..txb5; 9 e6
however in this case White can
deviate from the text by playing 7 As the d5 pawn continues to
bxa6, e.g. : 7 . . . ..txd5 (if 7 . . . take a hammering, White has to
..txa6 8 ..txa6 lZJxa6 9 tDge2 with keep deciding whether to defend
a sound position) 8 ..td2 ..tc6 9 it or give it back.
lZJf3 'fi c7 (if 9 . . lZJxa6?! 10 tDe5
10 e4
..tb7? 1 1 'lif b3 and wins) 10 lZJb5
..txb5 1 1 ..txb5 lZJxa6 1 2 a4 and The commonest continuation,
White is slightly preferable. but here too White can return the
pawn with 10 ..tc4, e.g. : 10 . . .
8 'fib6
'lifxb3 1 1 .i.xb3 exd5 (perhaps 1 1
Once again attacking the d5 . . . lZJa6 is strongest, with the idea
pawn. of meeting 1 2 lZJf3 by 1 2 . . . exd5

1 39
The Modern Centre

with advantage because White's idea and the fact that he can
KN cannot move to f4, and of immediately recover some
meeting 1 2 lbge2 by 1 2 . . . lb b4 1 3 material by 1 2 . . . f5 followed by
dxe6 lbd3 + 1 4 'iit f 1 fxe6 with . . . .txg2 guarantees him sufficient
compensation for the pawn) 1 2 compensation for the piece.
lbge2 lba6 1 3 0-0 .te7 1 4 l:!. fd 1
12 f5
0-0 1 5 .te l with chances for both
sides. This is the most belligerent con­
tinuation, offering chances to both
10 lb xe4
sides. Note that it looks hard for
The sacrifice that is typical of White to retain any advantage
this line born of the fact that Black after 1 2 . . . 'i'b7 which paves the
cannot allow his opponent to way for the tactical idea of the
occupy the centre without protest previous note, e.g. : 1 3 f3 c4 1 4
because his position would then .txc4 .txc4 1 5 'i'xc4 d5 1 6 �c2
inexorably become inferior. dxe4 1 7 �xe4 'i'xe4 1 8 fxe4 lbd7!
19 lbe2 lbc5 20 lbc3 lbd3 + 2 1
11 lbxe4 .txd5
'iit e2 lbxb2 2 2 lbb5 l:t a4 2 3 lbc3
12 'iVd3 ( 2 1 1 )
n a8 with equality.
13 lbg3 .txg2
14 lb le2

White has also tried 14 a4 with

the idea of blocking the a- and b­
files and possibly castling long,
e.g. : 14 . . . � b7 (or 14 . . . i.e7 1 5
lbfJ .txh 1 1 6 lbxh 1 .tf6 1 7 lbg3
0-0 1 8 'iitfl ! d5 1 9 n e 1 with
advantage to White) 1 5 fJ .te7
1 6 lb l e2 .txh l 17 lbxh l 0-0 1 8
0-0-0 lbc6 1 9 'iit b l lbe5 20 'iVe3
The key position in this sharp
lbxfJ 21 .tc3 .tg5 22 'i' xc5
variation. It is worth noting that
�e4 + 23 'iit a 2! .te3! (if 23 . . .
Black cannot get his piece back
n xa4 + ? 24 'iit b 3 l:!. b8 25 n xd7
immediately by 12 . . . c4 1 3 .txc4
and wins) with an extremely com­
.txc4 1 4 'i'xc4 d5 because of
plex position.
the check on c8. It is obvious,
however, that this latent tactical 14 .txhl

The Modern Centre

15 lbxhl .i.e7 happen after the sacrifice on the

16 lbhg3 1 0th move in the way the central
mass of black pawns threatens
After 1 6 .i.c3 0-0 the position
to strangle the action of White's
is a difficult one and offers mutual
minor pieces with the further
chances, but White must avoid the
advances . . . d4 and . . . e5.
trap 1 7 .i.xd7? because of 1 7 . . .
J:l d8 1 8 'it' g3 .i.f8 and Black wins 19 'it'e3
the bishop.
Practically forced.
16 0-0
19 e5?!
17 a4
With this pawn sacrifice, Black
Or 1 7 lbh5, e.g. : 1 7 ' " lbc6 1 8
hopes to activate his rooks on the
.i.c3 J:l f7 1 9 lbef4 .i.f8 (after 1 9
e-file. However, sounder was 1 9
. . . d5 2 0 .i.xg7! J:l xg7 2 1 lbxg7
. . . lbd8, e.g. : 20 .i.xg7?! wxg7 2 1
wxg7 22 lbxe6 + wf6 23 lbf4
lbh5 + wf7 (not 2 1 . . . wh8 22
White is better) 20 a4 d5!? with
'iWe5 + .i.f6 23 lbxf6 with a clear
chances for both players.
advantage, nor 2 1 . . . wg6 22
17 lbe6 'it'g3 + �xhS 23 'iW g7 ! with a
18 .i.e3 d5 (212) violent attack compensating for
the material sacrificed) 22 'iW h6
'iW xb5! (but not 22 . . . J:t g8 23
'it'xh7 + wf8 24 'iWh6 + wf7 25
lbef4! with a decisive attack) and
Black remains with a clear advan­
20 .i.xe5 .i.g5
21 f4 J:t ae8

Threatening . . . .i.xf4
22 .i.xc6 'iWxe6
Probably the soundest continu­ 23 J:l c l
ation for Black is 1 8 . . . .i.f6, e.g. :
After 23 fxgS 'ilfe6 Black reco­
1 9 lbh5 .i.xc3 20 'it' xc3 l H7 21
vers his piece and the position is
0-0-0 with a double-edged pos­
open to any result.
ition. The text, however, offers a
very good illustration of what can 23 .i.e7

The Modern Centre

24 b4! ..td6 It is now only a question of

25 .l:t xc5! technique, as Black cannot play
3 1 . . . l:t xe5 32 fxe5 r:. f7 owing to
White counts the exchange a
33 ltJd4 g6 34 e6 and wins.
small price to pay in order to
maintain the linchpin of his pos­ 31 r:. b7
ition on e5. Black would become
Another error induced by time-
much more active after 25 bxc5
..txe5 26 fxe5 'ii' xa4 with a com­
plex position. 32 ltJd6 r:. ebS
33 ltJxb7 r:. xb7
25 .i.xe5
34 ..te 3 'it>,8
26 'ii' xc5 'ii' x a4
35 ltJd4 'it>f7
The exchange of queens would 36 b5 'it>e7
offer no hope for Black. 37 ..t b4 + <Jo>d7
38 c;te3
27 'ii' xd5 + 'it>h8
28 'llf d 4 .l:t f7 The king's intervention is decis-
29 ..t>f2 -Wd7? ive in supporting the progress of
the b-pawn.
Pressed for time, Black goes
into an inexorably lost ending. He 38 r:. b8
should have played 29 . . . 'ii' c6 39 c;td 3 g6
after which White, to continue the 40 i.. e5 r:. a8
attack, would have had to resort 41 b6 'it>e8
to 30 ltJh5!? 'llf h 1 3 1 ltJeg3 'ii' x h2 + 42 ..t>e4 'it>b7
32 c;tf3, giving a position in which 43 c;t b5 r:. a2
the last word remains to be said. 44 ltJe6 l:t b2 +
45 ..tb4 'it>e8
30 'ii' x d7 .l:t xd7
46 ltJc5
31 ltJxf5
1 -0

1 42
6 The Anti - B enko

Main Line: Anti-Benko Variation 1 Strateg i c i d eas

1 d4 lZlf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5 4 lZlf3
To focus clearly on the typical
( 2 1 3 J.
ideas behind this type of centre we
should remember that after 1 d4
lZlf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5, White's most
basic plan is to support the
advance e4 by means ofthe natural
development of his QN to c3.
Refusal of the Benko Gambit,
however, makes it impossible to
follow this plan because Black can
answer lZlc3 with . . . b4, diverting
the knight from its control over
the e4 square. This, of course, does
In this chapter we will examine not happen when White accepts
those variations where White re­ the gambit because the elimin­
fuses the gambit pawn without ation of the b5 pawn allows the
resolving the tension between the unmolested development of the
c4 and b5 pawns. Similar strategic tLl b l . When White declines the
positions may occur after 1 d4 lZlf6 gambit a situation arises in which
2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5 and now: the development of the tLlbl is to a
large extent linked to the decision
Other Variations
Black takes as regards his b5 pawn
4 'iWc2 ( 2 1 4 ).
As we have said, White cannot
4 a4
prepare the advance e4 by lZlc3
4 lZld2 because of . . . b4; on the other
1 43
The Anti-Benko Centre

players might to force the other t o
announce h i s intentions first.

Black vol u nta rily plays

'" bxc4

In this hypothesis, Black decides

to play . . . bxc4 when the white
QN is still at b l without being
induced to do so by his opponent.
In this case White can continue
with his natural plan (tLJc3 and e4),
hand tLJ b l -d2 is not ideal either
preparing to retake the c4 pawn
because Black could reply with . . .
with his KB and follow up with a
bxc4, trying to divert the knight
rapid central breakthrough by e4-
from its control over e4 and having
e5. To counter this plan, Black
in any case diverted it from its
has to set up a pawn structure
best development square at c3.
with . . . d6 (21 5 ) .
These quite straightforward con­
siderations help us to understand
the theme that typically underlies
this type of centre: White is disin­
clined to develop his QN until Black
has taken a decision about his b5
pawn (namely : on . . . bxc4 the
continuation might be tLJc3 but on
. . . b4, tLJd2 is necessary); Black,
for his part, wants to postpone
taking a decision about his b5 pawn
until White has developed his tLJbl I f White wants t o gain a march
(so as to be able to answer tLJc3 on his opponent, he has to be
with . . . b4 and tLJd2 . . . with bxc4). quick about it for otherwise Black
These opposing interests may can hold up the e4-e5 advance by
sort themselves out in the normal . . . tLJbd7 and try to simplify the
course of events in the sense that position by the manoeuvre . . .
one of the two players might take tLJf6-g4-e5 or ' " tLJd7- b6 fol­
a decision without waiting to see lowed by . . . tLJf6-d7-e5, slowing
his opponent's intentions, or arti­ the pace of the game to a more
ficially, in the sense that one of the measured mood not conducive to

1 44
The Anti-Benko Centre

the exploitation of fast develop­ develop his QN to d2 and achieve

ment. the advance e4 ( 2 1 7).
When White carries out his plan
of .tfl xc4 and e4-e5 his 217

opponent has to play . . , dxe5

in order to prevent the further
advance e5-e6. Even though
Black is able to castle after the
subsequent lLlxe5 ( 2 1 6 ) . . .

Generally speaking, white

retains the idea of a central
breakthrough by preparing the
further advance e4-e5, while
Black, as an alternative to the plan
of a central break with . . , e7-
. . . White retains the possibility of e6xd5, can look to implement a
violently opening up the diagonal blockading strategy by making the
a2-g8 by means of the sacrifice advance . . . e7-e5 when the time
lLlxf7 followed by d6 as well as is ripe - namely when the reply
taking advantage of the support d5xe6 need no longer be feared -
of the d5 pawn so as to occupy and checking attempts at queen­
the advanced weak square c6. In side breaks (e.g. a2-a3) with the
such situations the game takes prophylactic . . . a7-a5 (218).
on a decidedly tactical hue and,
although Black has everything he
needs to defend, it is hard to deny
White the advantage of the initiat­

B l ack vol u nta r i ly plays

' " b4

When, on the other hand, Black

voluntarily plays . . . b4, White can

1 45
The Anti-Benko Centre

In such cases a situation arises 220

in which Black can organize a
kingside demonstration based on
the advance . . . f5, whereas White's
attacking prospects on the queen­
side are considerably reduced.
If White wants to prevent the
position in the diagram, he has to
act quickly after . . . b4 by breaking
on the queenside with a2-a3
before Black has time to play the
advance . . . a7-a5 and when the It is obvious that under such
: as is still undefended (21 9). circumstances White is confronted
with the possibility of a promising
]1 blockading plan involving . . , d6
and . . . tZJd7-c5, so he may decide
to sacrifice his c-pawn by advanc­
ing it to c5 even after Black has
played . . . d6. In this event, after
. . . dxc5, White finds dynamic
compensation in the freeing of
his d- and e-pawns and in the
clearance of the c4 square where
he can actively place either his KB
or QN.
The important point is that after It should be mentioned that the
either . . . bxa3, l:t xa3, or . , . tZJa6, strategies shown in diagrams 2 1 7
axb4 tZJxb4, White wins c3 for his and 2 1 9 are the extremes o f Whi­
QN. Further, the weakening of the te's possible reactions in the face
a7 pawn is more serious than that of . . . b4: in the first case he hopes
of b2 as the latter can be defended to be able to converge his forces
by centralized minor pieces (e.g. a undisturbed on the kingside after
bishop on c3 or a knight on d3). blocking the queenside; in the
Otherwise, the idea is to free the second he takes immediate
c4 pawn through the exchange countermeasures to weaken the
axb4 cxb4 so as to increase the queenside blockade because he
dynamism of the central pawns considers it a limitation on his
(220). chances. Obviously, in practice

1 46
The Anti-Benko Centre

White can adopt a whole range White's poorer piece coordi­

of intermediate attitudes such as nation compared to diagram 2 1 5
preparing to open up a queenside (same situation but with the QN
file with a2-a3 in a situation like developed at c3) is fairly evident :
the one shown in diagram 2 1 7, here White's set-up is much less
ready to act in this sector only if harmonious because the QN and
Black freezes the centre with . . . QB do not occupy natural pos­
e7-e5 at a moment when it is not itions. A demonstration of this fact
convenient to reply with d5xe6. is that with the QB on b2 the e4-
e5 advance can be refuted by Black
White d evelops the ON by simply underlining the weak­
vol u ntari ly ness of the long diagonal hS-a 1
with the reply . . . lbf6-g4.
This eventuality is very rare and
Alternatively, when White
we mention it not so much to note
develops his QN voluntarily to c3,
its existence as to underline the
matters are even worse : after . . .
fact that it represents a strategic
b4, the move lbb5 would cost a
success for Black although, of
piece through . . . a6, so the knight
course, far from a decisive one.
has to be satisfied with decentraliz­
In the event of White playing
ation on a4 (222).
lD b l -d2, after . . . bxc4 the lbd2
has to stay where it is to act as a
support for the advance e2-e4 and
the recovery of the c4 pawn will
be entrusted to the Jtfl . As for
the QB, it has to be fianchettoed,
so that we have a situation of the
kind shown below ( 221 ).


Here we need only make a quick

comparison with diagrams 2 1 7
and 2 1 9 (same situation, but with
the white QN on bI or d2) to
appreciate the tangible difference
in favour of Black. It is not just

1 47
The Anti-Benko Centre

that White has not yet succeeded Black to take a decision, or by

in achieving the advance e4, but organizing the e2-e4 advance with
he cannot even open up the way no support from his QN, thus
for the c4 pawn by a3 followed by pursuing his natural plan despite
axb4 because the interference of the presence of the black pawn on
the tZla4 on the a-file allows Black b5.
to answer a3 with . . . a5.
The a2-a4 adva nce

Dea l i ng with the tension The most immediate, and by far

between the b 5 and c4 the most common, method for
pawns assaulting the b5 pawn is by play­
ing a4, after which Black can reply
The foregoing observations have
either with . . . bxc4 or . . . b4 (223 ).
helped to explain why both sides
have an interest in trying to force
their opponent to act first concern­
ing, respectively, the destiny of the
b5 pawn and the development of
the tZl b l . It should be understood
that from Black's point of view the
prolonging of the tension in a
situation like the one shown in
diagram 2 1 4 is in itself an advan­
tage. The point is that if White
fails to address the question of the
tZl b 1 then he will find it hard to
pursue his development, whereas The results of these moves are
Black is less affected by the unre­ shown in diagrams 2 1 5 and 2 1 7,
solved queenside confrontation with the difference that White has
and can carry serenely on with employed a tempo in advancing
many useful moves (e.g. . . . g6, . . . a2-a4. This difference makes it
d6, . . . JL.g7, . . 0-0, . . JL.b7).
. . impossible to apply the strategies
It is logical, therefore, that it illustrated in diagrams 2 1 6 and
should be White who should try 2 1 9, so White cannot force the
to wriggle out of the impasse pace in either case but has to play
shown in diagram 2 1 4. He can do a manoeuvring game. This is the
this in two ways : by attacking price that has to be paid for forcing
the b5 pawn directly, thus forcing Black to declare himself first.

1 48
The Anti-Benko Centre

Referring to the last diagram, it support from the lLI b l . Speci­

should be noticed that in lines in fically, he can prepare the advance
which the Il a8 is defended (e.g. e2-e4 by developing his queen to
after . . . .Jt. b7), Black can also try c2 ( 225 ) . . .
to maintain the status quo with . . .
a6, but in that case White can
exchange pawns on the a-file and
gain b5 for his QN. This is useful
as after . . . a6, axb5 axb5, Il xa8
j,xa8, lLIc3 b4, he is no longer
forced to decentralize his knight
unattractively to a4, but can play
lLIb5 ( 224).


. . . or by means of the manoeuvre

lLI g l -tJ-d2 ( 226).

The white knight is deployed

safely and, although its move­
ments are limited, it can play a
useful role in the pressure on the
queenside that pivots around the
conquest of the a-file.
The idea is to embarrass his
S u pport i ng e2-e4 w ithout
opponent: the advance . . . b4 can
the ON
give rise to situations of the kind
As we have said, White can also shown in diagram 2 1 9, while the
try to force his opponent's hand alternative . . . bxc4 - above all in
by going ahead with his natural diagram 226 - would appear to
plan of central expansion without suggest that White's stratagem is

The Anti-Benko Centre

the right one. Black, who clearly with e4. At this point, instead of
must not forget the possibility of retaking the c4 pawn with his KB
a sudden cxb5, generally reacts he can change his knights round
with . . . bxc4 in situations of the by means of the manoeuvre !Dgl �

type shown in diagram 225, and e2�c3 ( 22 7).

with . . . b4 in those like 226.
Although these differ�nt continu­ 227
ations respond to their own logic
(the move 'tWc2 is rather a tempo
lost after . . . bxc4, while the retreat
!Dfd2 snarls up the development
of the queenside after . . . b4), it
should not be thought that other
continuations cannot be played,
as will be clear later.

The i nterchanging
Once he has completed this
of k n i g hts
plan, he will find himself in the
If, in diagram 226, Black were to situation hypothesised above,
continue with . . . bxc4, then after namely the one we would see if
!Dc3 the white knights would be in diagram 226 Black were to
effectively and harmoniously continue with . . . bxc4.
placed : the QN (!Dc3) protects the It is very interesting to note that
d5 pawn and prepares the advance the same result could be achieved
e4, while the KN (!Dd2) prepares in diagram 2 1 5 if White were to
to retake the c4 pawn and so continue more positionally with
assume a blockading position !Df3�d2xc4 rather than the text.
typical of the Modern Benoni. All this undoubtedly looks rather
Since, however, as we have said, strange at first sight, but in fact it
Black generally continues with . . . is very logical.
b4, none of this appears to be a This possibility of interchanging
practical proposition. knights means that even after first
To get round this, White has playing, for example, !Dbd2, White
come up with an interesting inter­ can manage to turn the tables and
change of knights : he can play make it seem (at least to some
!Dbd2 to begin with and, after the extent) as though Black had volun­
logical . . . bxc4, carry on normally tarily played . . . bxc4.

The Anti-Benko Centre

2 Tact i ca l ideas 228

The fluidity of the central situation

in the Anti-Benko Centre, as in the
Modern Centre, prevents us from
identifying many recurring tactical
points. This does not mean that
on occasion play may not take a
decidedly tactical bent. Individual
variations, however, lead to con­
ditions that are too different one
from the other for it to be possible
to isolate common tactical themes.
We will confine ourselves here to
mentioning those ideas that it is as
well to know about, even though
they are mainly specific.

The weakness of the a4-e8


This is probably the most general

tactical point of this type of centre
because it is seen in lines in which
Black plays . . . b4 as well as in
cxb4? there would follow 1:txa6,
those in which he goes for . . . bxc4.
.txa6, �a4 + winning two pieces
Any exploitation of the a4-e8
for the rook.
diagonal is usually elementary and
based on a straightforward double
The danger of the lLlb5
attack (228).
In the diagram, for instance, One specific theme, which can
Black cannot play . . . ii.a6? sometimes also be linked to the
because after .ltxa6 lLlxa6, there previous one, occurs in variations
follows 'iWa4 + winning a piece. in which White wins the b5 square
Another version, just a little for his QN (230).
more sophisticated, is the follow­ Here, after 'l!i'a4, Black cannot
ing (229). wriggle out of the double threat of
After axb4, Black has to retake 'Wxa8 and lLlxd6 + even by . . .
with his knight because on . . . lLld7, because in that case White
The Anti-Benko Centre

tarily develops his QN quickly to

d2, Black may choose to prevent
e4 by the pin . . . "i/i'a5 (232).

can answer with '!Wxa8! 'ilixa8,

tiJc7 + (23 J ) . . .

In such circumstances White
can, in fact, still play e4 because
. . . tiJxe4? is refuted by b4! 'iWxb4,
n b I 'iWc3 (if . . . tiJc3, n xb4 tiJxd l ,
J:t b3 and White wins the knight),
n b3 '!Wa5, J:t xb5 'iWc3, Ab2 (233)


. . . recovering the queen and win­

ning a piece. It should be pointed
out that the white knight might
be trapped after . . . c;t?d8, tiJxa8.
However, even in such cases White
usually manages to obtain
maximum advantage from the
tempi his opponent has to spend
to recover the piece.
. . . and Black ends up losing his
Tra p p i ng the black q ueen
queen through trying not to lose
Sometimes, when White vol un- his knight.

1 52
The Anti-Benko Centre

3 I l l ust rative g a mes White to prepare e4) 4 . . . bxc4

(an interesting possibility is 4 . . .
Game 1 5
lLla6!?, with the idea of meeting 5
Browne-P. Wolff
e4? with 5 . . . lLlb4 6 "iVe2 bxc4
USA 1 985
with advantage; in the event of 5
Anti-Benko Variation
cxb5 lLlb4 6 "ilfxc5 lLlfxd5 7 .td2
1 d4 lLlf6 .i.b7 8 'ir' c 1 J:!. c8 9 lLlc3 Black's
2 c4 c5 compensation for the pawn would
3 d5 b5 seem adequate) 5 e4 e6 (for 5 . . .
4 lLlf3 d6 6 .txc4 g6 7 tZJf3 see the second
line in the note to Black's 4th
This is much the most common move of Game 1 6) 6 .i.xc4 exd5 7
and most flexible way to decline exd5 d6 8 lLlc3 .te7 9 lLlge2 0-0
the Benko Gambit. Other indi­ 10 0-0 lLlbd7 1 1 a3 lLlb6 1 2 .ta2
vidual paths are: J:!. e8 and the weakness of the d5
( 1 ) 4 lLld2 (taking an immediate pawn is compensated for by Whi­
decision on the development of te's greater attacking possibilities.
the lLl b l ; White retains the option (3) 4 a4 (playing this before
of interchanging knights) 4 . . . bxc4 developing the KN has individual
(it is clear that the alternative 4 . . . insignificance only if White aims
b4 is out of the question) 5 e4 d6 to exploit the mobility of his f­
6 .txc4 (here 6 lLle2 is possible, pawn) 4 . . . bxc4 (Black can also
e.g. : 6 . . . g6 7 lLlc3 .tg7 8 lLlxc4 inaugurate a blockading strategy
and, by switching the knights, by means of 4 . . . b4, e.g. : 5 g3 e5!?
White manages to clear the way 6 dxe6 fxe6 7 .tg2 d5 with equal
for the development of his QB that chances) 5 lLlc3 d6 6 e4 g6 (6 . . .
had been shut in by his 4th move) .ta6 does not create any particu­
6 . . . g6 7 b3 (White has time lar problems for White, e.g. : 7 [4
to fianchetto the bishop, but the lLlbd7 8 tZJf3 g6 9 a5! .tg7 1 0 e5
position of his pieces is not ideal) dxe5 1 1 fxe5 lLlg4 1 2 e6! lLlde5 1 3
7 . . . .tg7 8 .t b2 0-0 9 lLlgf3 "ilfa4 + 'iit f8 1 4 .te2 with the
lLlbd7 (9 . . e5!? has also been better prospects) 7 .txc4 .i.g7 8

tried, but this seems to favour f4 (for 8 lLlf3 see the third line in
White after 10 dxe6 fxe6 1 1 O-O!, the note to Black's 4th move of
e.g. : 1 1 . . . d5?! 1 2 .td3 with a Game 1 6) 8 . . . 0-0 9 tZJf3 .ta6
clear advantage) 10 0-0 lLlb6 and with balanced prospects.
Black is ready for action. (4) 4 .tg5 (a continuation that
(2) 4 "ilfc2 (another way for has so far had few takers) 4 . . .

1 53
The Anti-Benko Centre

lDe4 (against 4 . . . g6 White has tactical, method of dealing with

succeeded in giving his QN some this latter continuation (4 . . . g6)
of the glory with 5 d6!?, e.g. 5 . . . following delayed capture of the
i-b7 6 lDc3 a6?! 7 i-xf6 exf6 8 gambit pawn : 5 cxb5 a6 6 lDc3
'Wd2 with the threat of 'We3 + and axb5 7 d6!? i-g7 (7 . . . 'Wa5 is an
better prospects, or 5 . . . exd6 6 important alternative after which
lDc3 with the idea of either lDxb5 White may break the pin by 8
or lDe4, e.g. 6 ' " a6?! 7 lDe4 lDd2, e.g. 8 . . . i-b7-8 . . . b4 9
"li'a5 + ? 8 i.d2 'Wd8 9 lDxf6 + lDc4-9 e4 lDxe4 1 0 lDdxe4 i-xe4
'Wxf6 1 0 i-c3 and wins) 5 i-f4 1 1 i.xb5 i-g7 1 2 0-0 i-xc3 1 3
'Wa5 + (5 . . . e6 6 'Wc2 lDxf2!? 'We2! i-f6 1 4 iJ.. d2 'W b6 1 5 'Wxe4
7 wxf2 'Wf6 is a controversial and White emerges advanta­
variation) 6 lDd2 bxc4 7 f3 lDf6 8 geously from the complications) 8
e4 i-a6 9 lDe2! d6 10 lDc3 and e4!? (the most ambitious move; 8
White has a harmonious position. dxe7 'Wxe7 9 lDxb5 0-0 1 0 e3 d5
1 1 i-e2 lDc6 1 2 0-0 i.f5 gives
4 bxc4
Black easy development and good
With this capture, as with 4 . . . central control in return for the
b4 (for which see Game 1 6), Black pawn) 8 . . . b4 9 lDb5 0-0 10 e5
voluntarily renounces the queen­ lDg4 with a very wild and unclear
side tension. Naturally, there is a position.
strong case for simply putting the It is not possible here to play
ball back in White's court, for either 5 lDbd2 or 5 'Wc2, because
example by 4 . . . i-b7 (noted of 5 . . . bxc4 6 e4 e6 with a clear
below, diagram 234) or 4 . . . g6 advantage for Black because
(for which see the note to Black's White cannot satisfactorily meet
fourth move in Game 1 6). the assault on his d5 pawn. There
We note here an additional, are, however, other methods for
forcing the opponent to climb
down off the fence. Let us have a
look at all the possibilities :
( 1 ) 5 lDc3 (a rather over­
ambitious try) 5 . . . b4 6 lDa4 e6 7
i-g5 d6 8 e4 i-e7 and Black has
a more centralized position, e.g.
9 e5?! dxe5 10 dxe6 'Wc7! 1 1 exf7 +
�xf7 1 2 i-e3 J:!. d8 with some

1 54
The Anti-Benko Centre

(2) 5 a4 bxc4 (after 5 . . . a6 White 'iWa5 - with the idea of undermin­

can gain b5 for his QN, e.g. 6 ing the white centre with . . . e6 -
axb5 axb5 7 Ir xa8 .i.xa8 8 lZJc3 8 lZJd2! e6 9 e4 and White keeps
Wa5 9 .i.f4! d6 10 lZJd2 b4 1 1 the centre blocked) 8 "ifc2 d6 9 a3
lZJb5! g6 - if 1 1 . , . lZJxd5?! 1 2 a5 and Black has no problems.
cxd5! "iWxb5 1 3 e4 with a strong (4) 5 lZJfd2 b4 (Black can also
initiative - 1 2 e4 lZJbd7 1 3 lZJb3 opt to destroy the opposing centre
"iW b6 14 Wal .i.b7 1 5 "iWa5 with with 5 . . . bxc4 6 e4 e6!, e.g. 7 dxe6
better prospects) 6 lZJc3 g6 7 e4 d6 dxe6 - not 7 . . . fxe6!? 8 e5 lZJd5
8, i.xc4 .i.g7 9 0-0 0-0 10 e5 dxe5 9 lZlxc4 lZlc6 10 lZJc3 lZJd4 1 1 lZJe4
1 1 lZJxe5 (it is useful to compare with a clear advantage -- 8 lZJc3
this position with the very similar lZJc6 9 .i.xc4 il.. e7 10 0-0 0-0
one that occurs after the 1 1 th and Black has better development
move of the present game where although his pawn structure is a
the tempo White has expended on little weakened) 6 e4 d6 7 a3 lZJa6
a2-a4 is deployed more actively (after 7 . , . lZJbd7 8 axb4 cxb4 9
to play II fl -e 1 ; this is the price "iWa4! White is better; instead 7 . . .
White has to pay for forcing his a5! seems to be more suitable for
opponent to take a decision at the keeping the lZJbl bottled up) 8
5th move) 1 1 . . lZJfd7! (after 1 1 . . .
. axb4 lZJxb4 (not 8 . . . cxb4 because
lZJbd7 1 2 lZJc6 .i.xc6 1 3 dxc6 lZJe5 of 9 ll xa6) 9 .te2 g6 10 0-0 .tg7
14 "iW xd8 ll axd8 1 5 i.b5 White 1 1 lZJc3 0-0 1 2 lZJ b3 "if b6 1 3 i.e3
has the better chances) 1 2 lZJd3 II ab8 14 n a3 and White's position
lZJ b6 1 3 �a2 (not 1 3 lZJxc5? lZJxc4 is preferable because of the weak­
1 4 lZJxb7 Wc7 and the White ness of the a7 pawn and the passiv­
knight is trapped) 1 3 . . . lZJa6 1 4 ity of the .tb7.
lZlf4 lZlb4 1 5 a5 with equal chances.
(3) 5 Wb3 (it is obvious that 5 lZJc3 (235 )
this move only makes sense when
The immediate consequence of
Black has played . , . .tb7) 5 . . .
the exchange . . . bxc4 is that White
'lWb6 6 lZJc3 b4 (or 6 . . . bxc4 7
can develop his Q N and prepare
"iW xb6 axb6 8 e4 e6 9 lZle5!
the advance e2-e4 in a perfectly
lZJxe4!? - White is better after 9
natural way.
. . , exd5 1 0 exd5 lZJxd5 1 1 i.xc4
lZlxc3 1 2 .i.xf7 + Iot>d8 1 3 bxc3 - - 5 d6
1 0 lZJxe4 exd5 with an unclear
position that requires further It is evident that Black must
practical tests) 7 lZJa4 "ii c7 (if 7 ' " curb the possibility of an immedi-

1 55
The Anti-Benko Centre

7 dxe5
8 ltJxe5 .i.g7
9 iLxc4 0-0
10 0-0 .i.b7

Here Black can simplify play

by 10 . . . ltJfd7!?, although the
position resulting from 1 1 ltJc6 ( 1 1
ltJxf7!? J::t xf7 1 2 d6 is a sacrifice
that deserves attention) 1 1 . . .
ltJxc6 1 2 dxc6 ltJb6 1 3 'ii' x d8 J::t xd8
14 .i.e2 (if 14 .i.b5 a6!) is by no
ate central expansion, e.g. 5 . . . g6 means clear.
6 e4 iLg7?! 7 e5 ltJg4 S .i.f4 with
11 J:!. el
a decided advantage for White.
Another possibility is 1 1 'ii' b 3,
6 e4 g6
e.g. 1 1 . . . 'ii' b6 1 2 J::t e 1 ltJa6 1 3
Supporters have also been .i.g5 'iW xb3 1 4 i.xb3 J::t acS?! ( 14
found for 6 . . . ltJbd7 to prevent . . . ltJb4 is better, but 14 . . . J::t fdS?
White's next. loses because of 1 5 ltJxf7! <;txf7
1 6 d6 + e6 1 7 l:txe6 etc.) 1 5 ltJc4!
7 e5!
ltJxd5 1 6 ltJxd5 iLxd5 1 7 .i.xe7
This seems to be the most direct J::t feS 1 8 ltJd6 and White wins
line because it upsets the pawn material with advantage.
chain e7-d6-c5 by considerably
11 ltJe8
weakening the e7 and c5 points.
With less forceful moves the game Now 1 1 . . . ltJfd7? 1 2 ltJxf7! J:!. xf7
takes a more meandering turn and 1 3 d6 ltJe5 14 J::t xe5 .i.xe5 1 5
White can no longer hope for iLxf7 + leaves White clearly
any substantial initiative in the ahead because after 1 5 . . . <;txf7
opening, e.g. : 7 .i.xc4 .i.g7 (or 7 there follows 1 6 'ii' b3 + etc.
. . . ltJbd7, along the lines of the
12 .i.f4 ltJd6
idea mentioned in the previous
13 .i.b3
note) S 0-0 (S e5! takes us back to
the game) S . . . J.. g4 9 h3 J.. xG By blockading the d5 pawn
10 'iW xG 0-0 1 1 'iWe2 ltJbd7 1 2 .i.d2 Black has consolidated his pos­
'iWc7 with more or less balanced ition, but the weakness of the e7
prospects. and c5 pawns remains and White

1 56
The Anti-Benko Centre

may take advantage of it either material with interest; (2) 1 5 . . .

strategically or tactically, e.g. 1 3 lZJxd6 1 6 .i.xd6 'ii' xd6 1 7 .i.xf7 +
. . . 'ilc7 1 4 l:!. c 1 with the idea of �xf7 1 8 'ilb3 + is similar to the
applying pressure against c5, or previous variation; (3) 1 5 . . . i.c6
1 3 . . . lZJd7? 1 4 lZJc6 .i.xc6 1 5 16 dxe7! 'ile8 (if 1 6 . . . 'ilxd l 1 7
dxc6 lZJb6 1 6 J:t xe7! with a clear l:t axd l .i.e8, then 1 8 l:t d8 wins)
advantage. 1 7 .i.xf7 + "i!ixf7 (if 1 7 . . . 'itxf7
18 'ii' b 3 + �f6 19 "i!ie6 mate) 1 8
13 lZJf5? (236)
e8 (Q) + ! .i.xe8 1 9 'ild8 wf8 20
i.xb8 and White is the exchange
up with a decisive attack.

16 .i.xe6 i.c6

Once again there is no way out,

e.g. 1 6 . . . 'il f8 1 7 lZJe4! i.xe4 1 8
l:!. xe4 lZJa6 (if 1 8 . . . lZJc6 1 9 'ild5
and wins) 19 'ild5 l:t d8 20 d7 1ZJe7
(if 20 . . . lZJb4 2 1 .i.xf7 + 'ilxf7 22
ll e8 + and wins) 21 'ii' d6 1ZJb4 22
.i.xf7 + and White wins (if 22 . . .
'itxf7 23 'iif e6 mate).
Eager to reach d4, Black does
not pay due attention to the the­ 17 lZJe4! lZJd4
matic tactical possibilities that
After 1 7 . . . .i.d4 White wins
White can deploy in this variation
with 1 8 .i.xf7 + wxf7 19 lZJg5 +
and permits a brilliant denoue­
wg8 20 'il b3 + etc.
18 .i.xf7 + �xf7
14 lZJxf7! l:t xf7
19 lZJxc5
Or if 14 . . . �xf7 1 5 d6 + �e8
Apart from the fact that by
1 6 lZJb5 lZJa6 1 7 dxe7 with a decis­
capturing a third pawn White has
ive attack.
redressed the material balance,
15 d6 e6 Black's exposed king and poor
piece coordination leave him with
Black has no satisfactory
no hope.
defence, e.g. ( 1 ) 1 5 . . . exd6 1 6
.i.xf7 + �xf7 1 7 'iW b3 + and 19 'itg8
White recovers his sacrificed 20 llet i.d5

1 57
The Anti-Benko Centre

21 �b3 J.xb3 instead of prolonging it by 4 . . .

22 axb3 �d7 J.b7 (for which see the note to
Black's 4th in Game I S) or 4 . . .
If 22 . . . �bc6 23 n xc6 �xc6 24
g6 (237).
"WdS + and wins.
23 n e7 J. f6
24 iLe3! �f5 w
25 ifd5 +
1 -0

After 25 . . . wh8 there would

follow 26 n xd7.

Game 1 6
Seira wan-Gurevich
USA 1 986 In this position, in addition to
Anti-Benko Variation the delayed capture of the gambit
pawn (see note to Black's fourth
1 d4 �f6
move in game 1 5), White can either
2 c4 c5
develop his QN forthwith or keep
3 d5 b5
the tension going by the usual
4 �f3
means. Let's have a look :
One of the advantages of this ( 1 ) 5 �bd2 (this idea looks even
move compared to the other conti­ more passive here than on the
nuations is that in some variations previous move : see the first line in
White can return to the lines the note to White's 4th in Game
examined in the previous chapter. 1 5) 5 ' " J.g7 (or 5 . . . "Wa5 6 e4
If, for example, he wanted to avoid J.g7 - not 6 . . . �xe4? 7 b4!
the variation of Game 1 4, in the "Wxb4 8 n bl and White wins, as
event of 4 ' " g6 he could return shown in the comment to diagram
to the line of Game 1 3 by playing 232 - 7 eS �g4 8 "We2 bxc4 9 h3
5 cxb5. �h6 1 0 ife4 0-0 1 1 J.xc4 d6 1 2
e6 �a6 1 3 0-0 fxe6 1 4 �b3 "it' a4
4 b4
with superior prospects for Black)
In this continuation too - as 6 e4 0-0 7 J.d3 bxc4 8 �xc4 J.a6
in that of the previous game - and Black has no problems.
Black voluntarily breaks the ten­ (2) 5 "it'c2 bxc4 6 e4 d6 7 J.xc4
sion triggered by the gambit (another possible plan is 7 �c3

1 58
The Anti-Benko Centre

i.g7 8 ltJd2 with the idea of

retaking on c4 with the knight) 7
. . . i.g7 8 0-0 0-0 9 h3 i.a6 1 0
ltJa3 "it'c8 1 1 .i.f4 ltJbd7 1 2 ll ab l
.i.xc4 1 3 ltJxc4 W'a6 1 4 b 3 ltJb6
1 5 ltJfd2 ltJfd7 with approximately
equal chances.
(3) 5 a4 bxc4 6 ltJc3 d6 7 e4
i.g7 8 i.xc4 0-0 9 0-0 (after 9 e5
dxe5 10 ltJxe5 .i.b7 1 1 0-0 we are
back in the second line following before Black has time to defend
from diagram 234) 9 . . . i.a6 1 0 his l:t a8 and support his b4 pawn
.i.b5 .i.xb5 1 1 axb5 ltJbd7 1 2 by . . . a5, so as to force Black to
"it'e2 ltJe8 1 3 l:t d 1 ltJc7 1 4 .i.f4 retake with his c5 pawn. Other
W'b8 1 5 e5 dxe5 (if 1 5 . . . ne8 1 6 continuations are, of course, poss­
exd6 exd6 1 7 "it'd3 with a slight ible against which, however, Black
advantage for White) 1 6 ltJxe5 has better chances of setting up a
ltJxe5 1 7 i.xe5 i.xe5 1 8 "it'xe5 blockading strategy than in diag­
ltJxb5 with equality. ram 2 1 8. Let's see :
(4) 5 ltJ fd2 "it' a5 (compared to ( 1 ) 5 .tg5 d6 6 ltJbd2 g6 7 e4
the similar variation deriving from (after 7 .txf6 exf6 8 e3 Black -
4 . . . i.b7 5 ltJfd2, here Black by pursuing the plan . . . i.g7, . . .
is reluctant to play . . . b4 because f5, . . . 0-0 - has at least equal
after a3 he would not be able to prospects) 7 ' " i.g7 8 .i.d3 0-0
maintain the blockade with . . . a5) 9 O-O?! (9 a3 is better, although
6 a3 i.g7 7 ltJc3 b4 8 ltJb3 W' d8 here the freeing action is rather
9 axb4 cxb4 1 0 ltJb5 a5 1 1 d6 0-0 late and Black can retain his hold
1 2 ltJc7 n a7 1 3 i.e3 l:t xc7 1 4 over c5 by 9 . . . ltJbd7 as well as
dxc7 "it'xc7 1 5 ll xa5 ltJg4! 1 6 by 9 ' " ltJa6) 9 . . . a5! 1 0 W'c2 e5!
ltJxh2 with a position in which and Black has no problems.
Black probably has adequate com­ (2) 5 ltJbd2 g6 (5 . . . d6 is inaccur­
pensation for the sacrificed ate because of 6 a3! bxa3 7 J:t xa3
material. and White's prospects are slightly
better, e.g . : 7 ' " e5?! 8 dxe6! fxe6
5 a3! (238)
9 g3 lLlc6 1 0 .i.g2 "it' c7 1 1 lLlg5
With this freeing move, White i.e7 1 2 W'a4 d5 1 3 ll e3! with
aims to increase the dynamism of advantage to White) 6 b3 (better
his central pawns by taking on b4 is 6 e4 d6 7 a3! which falls back

1 59
The Anti-Benko Centre

into a pattern similar to the one which is apparently blocked, an

we wi11 encounter in the game) 6 unexpected tactical-dynamic char­
. . . .i-g7 7 Ab2 0-0 8 e4 d6 9 'ii' c2 acter that makes the time factor
eS with a good game for Black. extremely important. So, from this
(3) S b3 d6 6 tLJbd2 e5! (after 6 point of view, the text move is a
. . . e6? 7 e4 exdS 8 cxdS White is serious mistake because it does
better) 7 e4 g6 8 a3 tLJbd7 9 .i-e2 nothing to promote piece develop­
Ah6 10 0-0 0-0 1 1 �c2 tLJhS! 1 2 g3 ment nor does it do anything to
tLJg7 and Black has an advantage. safeguard the king.
Black had to play S . . . g6!,
S as?
so readying himself to castle as
At this point some clarification quickly as possible or facilitate his
is called for. As we have said, with development with a small material
his previous move White is trying sacrifice, e.g. : 6 tLJ bd2 .i-g7 7 e4
to force his opponent, after axb4, d6!? 8 g3 (after 8 axb4 cxb4 9
to retake with . . . cxb4. Now, we 'ii' a4 + tLJfd7 1 0 'ii' xb4 tLJa6, Black
are certainly not saying that the has enough compensation for his
resulting pawn configuration is pawn, e.g. 1 1 �aS J:l. b8 1 2
strategically inferior for Black. 'ii' xd8 + ct>xd8 1 3 ll b l tLJdcS 1 4
Quite the contrary : if he is able .i-e2 fS! with the initiative) 8 . . .
to set up a blockade on cS (for 0-0 9 .i-g2 tLJbd7 1 0 0-0 (at this
example by . . . d6 and . . . tLJbd7- point it is against White's interest
cS) and advance his queenside to play axb4 because his opponent
pawns (with . . . as-a4) he will has prepared the blockade of cS)
unquestionably obtain a prefer­ 10 . . . tLJg4 1 1 tLJ e l tLJb6 1 2 'ii' c2
able position. From this point of (not 1 2 axb4?! cxb4 1 3 tLJd3 as 14
view, then, the text move cannot cS dxcS IS tLJxcS 'ii' c 7! 16 tLJa4 -
be considered wrong and to find after 1 6 tLJd3 .i-a6 Black's advan-
the reason for the mistake we have tage is marked - 1 6 . . . tLJeS! and
to dig deeper. Black is preferable) 1 2 . . . as 1 3 h3
Essentially, White wants to tLJeS 14 f4 tLJed7 I S tLJd3 'Wc7 1 6
force . . . cxb4 so as to free his ct>h 2 bxa3 1 7 J:t xa3 a4 with equal
cS pawn and thus introduce two chances.
centre rams (the c- and e-pawns)
6 tLJbd2 g6
into the equation ready to antici­
pate or unhinge all of his It would be folly to concentrate
opponent's attempts to block the solely on mobilizing his queenside,
position. This gives the position, e.g. 6 . . . .i-b7?! 7 e4 d6 8 axb4

1 60
The Anti-Benko Centre

axb4 9 ll xa8 .txa8 1 0 e5 dxe5 1 1 9 . . . .tg7 10 .tb5 + ,.pf8 (if

'iWa4 + lZJbd7 1 2 lZJxe5 with a clear 10 . . . .td7 1 1 c6 wins) is unplay-
plus for White; or 6 . . . lZJa6? 7 e4 able for Black.
d6 8 e5 lZJg4 9 axb4 axb4 1 0 e6!
10 .tb5 + .td7
dxe6 I 1 lZJg5 with a decisive attack
11 .tc4 e6
e.g. : 1 1 . . . exd5 1 2 cxd5 lZJc7 1 3
II xa8 lZJxa8 14 lZJe6 and wins. Desperately trying to curb
enemy aggression. On 1 1 . . .
7 e4 d6
.tg7?! 1 2 e5 lZJg4 1 3 'tie2 White
8 axb4 cxb4 ( 239)
would have had a crushing posi­
12 0-0 exd5
13 exd5 .t h6?!

It would have been useless to

try to castle after 1 3 . . . .te7?
because after 14 d6! .txd6 1 5
ll e l + .te7 1 6 lZJg5 0-0 1 7 lZJxf7
ll xf7 18 lZJf3 White would have
had a winning position.
Black might have provided
stiffer opposition by blocking the
The defects of Black's 5th are
d5 pawn with 1 3 . . . .td6,
clearly in evidence : the delay in
although after 14 ll e l + ,.pf8 1 5
development, the imperfect block­
lZJe4 lZJxe4 1 6 .th6 + ,.pg8 1 7
ade of c5 and e5 and the weakness
1:!.xe4 White's advantage would
of the diagonal a4-e8 are all ele­
have been more than evident.
ments that bode no good.
14 ll el + ,.pf8
9 c5!
15 lZJe5 ,.pg7
A sacrifice that forms part of
Black tries to perform a make­
the logic of the position : White
shift castling operation, but the
clears the fl -a6 diagonal to allow
manoeuvre is cut short tactically.
his KB a fast lane into the action
1 5 . . . .te8 would have prevented
and gains a further tempo by forc­
the sacrificial conclusion of the
ing his opponent to accept the
game, but White would have
retained all his advantage by the
9 dxc5 straightforward 16 lZJb3.

The Anti-Benko Centre

16 lbxf7! �xf7 23 l:t xf7 +

17 d6 + �f8 1 -0
18 l:t e7 .ie8
A memorable demolition job
19 lbe4 .ixc1
and paradigm of the dangers of
20 lbxf6 .ixb2
delaying castling.
21 lbxh7 + l:t xh7
22 "0 + .if7

Table of Var iat i ons

This is a rather special table of and wins for Black, in that order.
variations, for which some expla­ (As these statistics have in some
nation will be helpful. cases been compiled from
On the left-hand side we have additional related variations to
given the variations in their tra­ those alongside which the figures
ditional divisions, sub-divided into appear, they are meant as no more
minor variations. While these than a useful guide.) The next
minor variations may be grouped column gives the level of complex­
here under one main variation, ity of the variation from the point
they will often be found in different of view of strategy first, tactics
chapters, according to their com­ second. The scale ranges from one
mon type of centre. to five. Finally there comes the
The first percentage column percentage frequency with which
gives victories for White, draws, the variations are played.

1 63
Modern Benoni
� ::r
% % >
+ Strategy Tactics frequency Chapter S.
1 d4 liJf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 liJc3 exd5 5 cxd5 d6 Cc
Fianchetto Variation 34 39 27 ••• o. o. o. 1 7.6 2 :-;'
6 g3 g6 34 39 27 ••• o. o. * 1 7.6 2
Knight Tour Variation 45 37 18 ••• o. * * 2.9 3 (l>

6 liJf3 g6 7 IZld2 i.. g7 8 liJc4 45 37 18 ••• o. o. * 2.9 3 g

Queen Check Variation 58 23 19 •• .*** 4.1 1-3
(a) 6 1Zlf3 g6 7 i.. f4 i.. g7 8 'li'a4 + (with e2-e4) 55 26 19 •• **** 3.6 1
(b) 6 1Zlf3 g6 7 i..f4 i.. g7 8 'li'a4 + (with e2-e3) 0.5 3
Uhlmann System 39 39 22 ••• o. o. * 7.4 1-3
(a) 6 liJf3 g6 7 i.. g5 (with e2-e4) 30 35 35 •• **** 2.6 1
(b) 6 liJf3 g6 7 i.. g5 (with e2-e3) 44 42 14 ••• o.o. 4.8 3
Siimisch System 33 44 23 ••• * * o. 12.7
6 e4 g6 7 f3 33 44 23 ••• o.** 1 2.7
Penrose Variation 53 17 30 •• **** 4 1
6 e4 g6 7 i..d3 i.. g7 8 IZlge2 53 17 30 •• **** 4 1
Bishop Check Variation 56 20 24 ••• . _ .. 5.5 1
6 e4 g6 7 f4 i.. g7 8 i.. b 5 + 56 20 24 ••• . * •• 5.5 1
Standard Four Pawns Variation 40 36 24 •• **** 6.2
6 e4 g6 7 f4 i.. g7 8 1Zlf3 0-0 9 i.. e2 40 36 24 •• **** 6.2
Main Variation 40 38 22 •••• o.** 30.6 1
6 e4 g6 7 liJf3 i.. g7 8 i.. e2 0-0 9 0-0 40 38 22 •••• *** 30.6 1
Unusual lines 34 38 28 9.0 1 -2-3
(a) with e2-e4 32 44 24 6.6 1
(b) with e2-e3 0.5 3
(c) with g2-g3 1 .9 2
TOTAL 40 36 24 ••• ***. 100 1 00 1-2-3
Benko Gambit

% %
+ Strategy Tactics frequency Chapter

1 d4 tDf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5

King's Walk Variation 36 41 23 ••• **** 20.7 4

(a) 4 cxb5 a6 5 bxa6 .txa6 6 tDc3 d6 7 e4 .txfl 8 wxfl 36 41 23 ••• **** 20,2 4
(b) Other lines 0,5 4

Fianchetto System 43 32 2S •••• *** 13.2 4

4 cxb5 a6 5 bxa6 .txa6 6 g3 43 32 25 •••• *** 1 3,2 4

Modern Variation 38 41 21 •• **** 36.6 5

(a) 4 cxb5 a6 5 e3 34 43 23 •• **** 26,3 5
(b) Other lines 50 36 14 .5. *** 10,3 5

Anti-Benko Variation 35 36 29 ••• *** 29.5 6

(a) 4 tDf3 26 23,9 ...,
33 41 ••• *** 6 ::r
(b) Other lines 5,6 6
TOTAL 38 38 24 ••• **.* 100 1 00 4-� 2.

- a
0- ...
V. <l>

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