Reclaiming Pakistaniat: Sadia Bajwa

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[Work in progress] Error iii, Graphite on paper, 22 x 30 inches, Imran Channa, 2015, Lahore.

Reclaiming Pakistaniat
Sadia Bajwa

In October 2014, the Higher

Education Commission (HEC)
to the heads of institution of all Universities
issued1 a letter
directly or indirectly hosted or sponsored by”
these universities and institutes were “contrary
to the Ideology and principles of Pakistan.”
and Degree Awarding Institutes in Pakistan,
“In view of the above,” the letter ended, “we
the subject line reading: “Adherence to
would solicit your kind support to remain very
Ideology and the Principles of Pakistan.” The
vigilant and forestall any activity that in any
letter “observed that a few activities that are

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 138

manner challenge the ideology and history-writing have become excellent
1 Find a link to the letter here: https:// and principles of Pakistan, and/or avenues to study the official imagination of the
perspective of the Government of state: an imagination that delineates national
Pakistan thereof.” history and collective identity. In Pakistan, K.K.
Aziz, has lamented the Murder of History,
The letter brought into limelight how the site
Mubarak Ali has put History On Trial, while
of official knowledge
production has been
working in over-drive
to create a sanitized
and one-dimensional
image of Pakistan
and its citizen. This
image allows for no
nuances of identity
and political
expression. Instead,
it is the Pakistan that
students in schools
across the country
learn about in their
Pakistan Studies
classes, popularly
dubbed Pak
S t u d i e s – a [Final Work] Error iii, Eraser on paper, 22 x 30 inches, Imran Channa, 2015, Lahore.
compulsory subject
2 For example
which was M.N. Qureshi has asked Whither History?.
Jalal, Ayesha.
“Conjuring introduced during Ayub Khan’s era to replace Along with several other historians2 they have
Pakistan: History
history. highlighted the flagrant instrumentalization
as Official
and twisting of history for the purposes of
International Since 1947, the state machinery of producing
Journal of Middle state ideology in an independent Pakistan.
myths of origin, and images of “us” and “them”
East Studies 27.1
(1995): 73–89. has been chugging away, disseminating, with This article traces both the state’s construction
varying degrees of success, a fabricated, of an imagined Pakistan, and the critical
distorted and, at times, absurd version of academic’s attempt to take this imagination
history which “promotes” the “Ideology of apart. States like
Pakistan.” For the historian trying to Pakistan try to 3 A phrase borrowed from Jalal, Ayesha. “Conjuring Pakistan: History as

understand the processes and discourses conjure3 a Official Imagining.” International Journal of Middle East Studies 27.1
(1995): 73–89.
behind nationalism, Pakistani history textbooks homeland with a

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 139

unique and bounded history and identity. To This applies with special
do so, they draw lines around what it means force to Muslims for their
to be, and not be, Pakistani. This helps roots not only go deep into
produce the citizen who, schooled in the the past but extend as far as
history and identity of Pakistan, identifies with Spain on the one side and
the state. In turn, the critical academic tries to Indonesia and China on the
question these boundaries of Pakistaniat. other. … Of special relevance
to us is the study of
A close look at official and academic
movements in the world of 4 Pakistan Advisory
discourses and practices reveals that one
Islam, of the causes of their Board of
cannot speak of a straightforward success Education.
rise and fall as also the cause Proceedings of the
story of an all-pervasive national dogma. Even
of our present state of Sixth Meeting of
after Pakistan became a concrete entity, there the Advisory Board
decline and disorganisation of Education for
was little agreement on e.g. Pakistan’s Pakistan, Held at
and continued
relationship to Islam, or the multiplicity of Peshawar on the
backwardness4 2nd to 5th March,
languages and ethnic identities. The debates 1954: 8.
continue today, as much in formal politics, as The history of Pakistan in textbooks, but also
in the arenas of history and culture. It is these in state-sponsored academic works, was thus
debates and their particular engagements with to be traced back out of the Indian
Pakistan that constitute one of the strongest subcontinent, distancing itself from an
arguments for retaining, rather than discarding, ostensibly separate Hindu or Indian history to
Pakistan Studies as a field. create the notion of a distinct Indo-Muslim
culture. I.H. Qureshi, nationalist historian par
Imagining Pakistan excellence, wrote in 1962 in his book The
Muslim Community in the Indo-Pakistan Sub-
A new nation needs a new history. Mr. Fazlur continent (610-1947):
Rehman, the minister of education, made this
clear at the second meeting of the Advisory Whatever the degree of
Board of Education in Peshawar in February toleration developed
1949. He stated that it was of paramount between the communities,
importance to focus on correcting the the Indo-Muslim culture 5 Qureshi, Ishtiaq

Husain. The Muslim

perspective on the history of Muslims in the remained mostly Islamic and Community of the
Central Asian in spirit [...] In Indo-Pakistan
Subcontinent. According to Rehman, this
history had been distorted by British colonial view of the great assimilative 610-1947: A Brief
qualities of Hinduism, which Historical Analysis.
historiography. The boundaries of the new Renaissance Pub.
nation’s history, however, were not to be has absorbed within its House, 1985:
confined to any “narrow national-framework”: bosom many a foreign
community, this needed
constant vigilance and effort5

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 140

Harking back to the glorious past of Islam In an analysis of textbook history, Rubina
outside the borders of India had a longer Saigol shows how these projects were
historiographical tradition. This was not least characterized in the 1950s and early 1960s
due to the influence of the Orientalism of by a “futuristic and modernist” nationalism that
British rule, which played its part in the depended on a developmentalist image of the
construction of a timeless and “authentic” hardworking, industrious, upright and patriotic 7 Saigol, Rubina:

Hindu India, in which the Muslim featured as citizen, unbridled by narrow ethnic loyalties “Ideology and
Curriculum in India
foreign invaders. Muslim foreignness and the and parochialism.7 It was not until the 1965
and Pakistan” in Imtiaz
attendant pan-Islamic conception of a war, and especially after 1971, that the Alam (Ed.): History and
Education in South
historical community became a core idiom in subject-matter took on a more aggressively Asia. SAPANA. 2006.
the Muslim historiography of the late exclusivist and homogenizing turn, reaching its Lahore, p. 184.

nineteenth century, which postulated Muslim full bigoted form under the Islamization drive
distinctiveness, historically and culturally, in a of the Zia years. Henceforth, there was an
time of ever-increasing politicization of increased jingoistic preoccupation with the
religious identities. The following lines by Altaf enemies within and without. Internally, the
Husain Hali’s (1837-1914) reflect this room for cultural, linguistic and religious
sentiment in Shikwa-e-Hind: pluralism shrunk, while externally, the Hindu/
Indian became the epitome of the “Other”–
F a r e w e l l ,
reduced to a one-dimensional caricature that
Hindusthan, land of eternal
only existed in history as the conspirator,
spring, for long have we,
manipulator and conniver against the Muslim/
foreign guests, Pakistani.
stayed here and enjoyed
6 “Shikwa-E-Hind.” Rekhta. N.p.,

n.d. Web. Nov.9, 2015.

your hospitality.6 Challenging Pakistaniat
Even with the achievement of a distinct Challenges to the official narrative are as old
territory carved out for Indian Muslims, the as Pakistan itself. The history of political
ideological frontiers of Pakistan remained contestation that the centralizing state has
much more expansive than could be easily faced since its inception is mirrored in
contained within the limits of a territorially intellectual and popular milieus. These
bound nation-state. The two-winged form it challenges have come from Left-oriented
took thwarted any easy cultural-geographic ethnic groups, labour and peasant
legitimation. It is clear at every turn that state movements, and, even, religious and Islamist
efforts to create a coherent narrative and forge groups–all of whom reflect the heterogeneity
a national identity were faced with of life in Pakistani society. The story of
contradictions and tensions within the nation- contestation is the story of movements and
state project of Pakistan. political struggles led by people like Khan
Abdul Ghaffar Khan  in what was the North

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 141

Western Frontier Province (NWFP), Maulana Pakistan’s academic landscape, this has to do
Bhashani  in East Bengal, and G.M. Syed  in with the increased promotion of higher
Sindh. The on-going struggle in Balochistan, education that began under Musharraf’s
too, has a long history that goes back to regime. It has allowed departments of
1947. The political writings, treatises, humanities and social sciences at Pakistani
histories, poetry and literature inspired by universities to look beyond established
movements such as these represent an entire ideological boundaries. There has been a stark
alternate production of knowledge. increase in funding, international collaboration
and opportunities for Pakistani academics from
Similarly, the official narrative simply ignores
diverse social backgrounds to study and work
female voices unless they fit neatly into
at universities in Europe and the United
patriarchal categories: for instance, Fatima
States. These changes have opened up the
Jinnah has a mono-dimensional role in
field to those without privileged biographies of
Pakistan’s history as a loyal sister and as the
private English-medium schooling. Pakistani
mother of the nation (Mader-e-Millat). Such
universities, state-run as well as private ones,
established tropes of female agency have,
have entered networks of global academic
however, been challenged by a strong
debate and exchange, and are more
tradition of feminist literature by writers like
integrated in the international political
Kishwar Naheed, Zaheda Hina, Fehmida Riaz
economy of academia. In my conversations
and Ishrat Afreen. While these alternate visions
with academics, I am beginning to discern a
certainly flourished and informed people's
greater willingness to go back to Pakistan. It
lives, they, sadly, remained marginal when it
seems it is becoming more attractive and
came to informing scholarly engagement with
financially feasible for western-trained
Pakistan, be it within the country or elsewhere.
Pakistani and Pakistani diaspora researchers
The reasons are manifold: state repression,
to work in Pakistan–they see opportunities to
neglect of serious academic scholarship in
bring change in their home country without
Pakistan, and the marginality of vernacular
having to compromise on their academic
languages, to name a few.
careers. Furthermore, there has been an
The long history of multiple narratives and opening up of public spaces for debate (which
subaltern identities, and the rich corpus of also has its sensationalist downsides) with the
sources that these present, are among the proliferation of electronic media, a revival of
new avenues that emerging scholarship on the civil society, and the spread of the internet, to
Pakistani context have begun to draw into the name a few factors.
limelight. It is only in the last decade or so that
It is from within this context that critical
Pakistan Studies has been taking on a new,
scholarly engagements with Pakistan emerges.
academic connotation, especially within the
Within the academy, Pakistan is situated within
country, gradually freeing itself from the
the multidisciplinary field of Area Studies, more
shackles of nationalist dogma. Within

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 142

specifically South Asian Studies, which has its rationale that governed their founding years,
own history of motivations, biases and there is a need to study the extent and nature
exigencies, as explored by David Szanton in of US influence on the directions and fields of
his book Politics of Knowledge (2002). The Pakistan Studies. Ainslie T. Embree has written
boundaries of ‘areas’ as academic disciplines a brief survey of The Discovery of Pakistan in
are a product of history. That is not to say that American Academia (2007) which traces this
these boundaries cannot be intellectually history and raises questions in this regard.
productive, but it is nevertheless vital to be
Since its inception, Pakistan has been the
aware of their limitations as well as their
subject of research in the humanities and
potential. Just as Pakistan Studies within
social sciences within Area Studies institutes,
Pakistan has been shaped by state-control, so
departments, research centers and think tanks
has international academic inquiry into
across the West. The ‘areas’ covered range
Pakistan been delineated by the framework of
from South Asia to the more expansive Asia or
South Asian–and Area–Studies.
the Orient. Not seldom, Pakistan is even to be
Within the institutional set up of Area Studies found in the Middle East, as with the Center
in the West, multiple factors have influenced for Pakistan Studies in the think tank Middle
the specific trajectories and disciplinary East Institute in Washington DC. As a field of
concentrations that define the study of knowledge production on the global stage, it
Pakistan: Developments in international remains fairly disjointed and poorly
relations and global security concerns; ever- institutionalized, unless we talk about the
changing public and private funding interests; trope of Pakistan as a ‘crisis state’ which has
the transpiring of serious events or conflicts; inspired a consolidated field of inquiry in
8 Ali Usman Qasmi has
the interests of the Pakistani diaspora; the political science, security and policy studies, in
written about the larger shifts of theory and method within the particular from a US foreign policy perspective.
potential and challenges
of working in archives in
disciplines dominating research on Pakistan;
Pakistan. Qasmi, Ali and, of course, simply the question of access The lens of crisis
Usman. “Three Archives in
Pakistan.” Dissertation to the field and archives.8
Reviews. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 At the forefront of the crisis discourse today
Nov. 2015. [LINK: http:// Most scholarship on Pakistan is concentrated are studies that feed into the post 9/11
archives/12520 in the United Kingdom and the United States. international mainstream narrative, in
The tradition of studying South Asia in the UK journalistic accounts as well as academia, of
is of course embedded in colonial history. In Pakistan as a land caught in a perpetual circle
the US, it is related to the fact that this is of violence and radicalism, always on the brink
where Area Studies emerged as a multi- of failing as a state. For instance, Stephen P.
disciplinary field, motivated by US-hegemonic Cohen, a political scientist and senior fellow at
aspirations during the Cold War. While Area Foreign Policy at Brookings Institution in
Studies have grown and asserted their spaces Washington, in his last edited volume on
of independence from the real political Pakistan, Future of Pakistan (2011),

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 143

approaches the existential dilemma of view of Pakistan as struggling for survival on
Pakistan, identifying problems and proposing various fronts (ideological, political,
solutions that could bring about a kind of international) has manifested itself over the
Pakistan that would be in the interest of a years in “evaluations of crisis” such as the
stable world order and, more so, in the failure of nationalism, of the state or of
interest of the USA. security and sovereignty, as identified by
Naveeda Khan in the edited volume Beyond
The shelves of English-language bookstores in
Crisis. Re-evaluating Pakistan.10
Pakistan are overwhelmed with titles such as
Descent into Chaos, Pakistan at the Brink, or Already in the 10 See my review here:

Avoiding Armageddon. These view Pakistan 1960s, scholars PDF/271.pdf

exclusively through the security lens, focusing were looking at

on radical Islam, the ‘Af-Pak’ region, and India- the shaky foundations of nationalism and the
Pakistan relations. And while these studies structural weaknesses of the state. For
certainly do not all tow a unified line–many, instance, in the 1967 The Making of Pakistan:
like Ahmed Rashid’s Descent into Chaos, are A Study in Nationalism, K. K. Aziz writes about
critical of US-Imperialist foreign policy–they the multiplicity of imaginings and politics that
nevertheless tell “a single story” of Pakistan, to underlay the idea of Pakistan, pointing to the
use Chimamanda Adichie's most succinct myths of origin that make up Pakistani
phrase.9 nationalism. Meanwhile sociologist Hamza
Alavi’s works on the post-colonial state located
9 See Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie speak about the “single story” here: The single story
in the Marxist tradition of the 1960s and of Pakistan is one
chimamanda_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story 1970s, point to “the over-developed” post-
of crisis, and it is
colonial state.
a story that has a
longer historiographical tradition that goes The events of 1971 present a break, in history
back to its nascent years, but especially came and historiography, in terms of the “failure”
into its own after 1971. At the core of the that was now no longer avoidable but had
academic discourse on Pakistan, characterized come to pass. Immediate evaluations following
by the disciplines of political history and the crisis of 1971 analyzed the failure of
political science, is the concern with why Pakistan in maintaining its sovereignty against
Pakistan faces the problems it does–its Indian and Hindu interferences, its failure in
identity crisis, its authoritarian tendencies, its building a viable state and its failure in nation-
place in global cold-war and post-cold war building. The debunking of the Two-Nation
politics. The question, Can Pakistan Survive? Theory brought about a more intensive
which is also the title of Tariq Ali’s book engagement with what Pakistan’s relationship
published in 1983, has been framing to Islam was: There emerged a concern with
academic inquiry much before Pakistan the tenuousness of Pakistan’s very origins.
became a front-line in the ‘War on Terror’. This These evaluations point to the crisis of

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 144

nationalism and the state. Ayesha Jalal’s emerged. For instance the collection of essays
Jinnah: The Sole Spokesman (1985) or in Dispatches from Pakistan wants to “account
Hamza Alavi’s (1983; 1988) theory of the for the voices of the multitude” that negotiate
“salariat” identify the origins of the crisis in the in their day-to-day lives through the violence of
Muslim League’s lack of rootedness in the the political, economic, gender
new territory. In contrast to such socio-political and social hierarchies that they 13 Tahir, Madiha R., Vijay Prashad and Qalandar

Bux Memon, eds. Dispatches from Pakistan.

arguments, historian Farzana Shaikh in her are embedded in.13 Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
book Making Sense of Pakistan (2009) 2014: xiv.
In these works, day-to-day life is
represents an approach which emphasizes the
not some realm where crisis is
realm of ideas and identity. She propounds
overcome by the force of “daily-ness” and
that at the heart of Pakistan's many crises lies
habit, as if what is normal and usual can offset
one national identity crisis that is rooted in a
the negativity of Pakistan’s conditions of crisis.
historical “lack of consensus” on the role of
Rather, by looking for the “everyday”
Islam in the state.
experience of crisis they contribute to a more
holistic and differentiated picture of what
Pushing boundaries informs the many conditions of Pakistan’s
Saadia Toor in her analysis of the role of the many subjectivities. It gives us an insight into
Left in the contestation of ‘national culture’ in h o w P a k i s t a n i s c o n s t a n t l y r e - d e fi n e
11 Toor, Saadia. The
Pakistan11 flips Shaikh’s analysis of the crisis themselves, their communities, their
State of Islam:
Culture and Cold War of nationalism around to view such debates as aspirations, their fears, and their enemies. The
Politics in Pakistan. everyday dimension, as theorized by scholars
London!: New York:
signs of a lively public political field rather than
Pluto Press!; of ideological uncertainty. Similarly, Kamran such as Michel de Carteau (1984) among
Distributed by
Asdar Ali, in documenting the history of others, allows the scholar to see the range of
Palgrave Macmillan,
2011: 2. Communism in Pakistan (2015) in his new possible trajectories at every turn and makes it
book, is concerned with reframing “Pakistan's possible to move away from treating
social and cultural history by presenting other outcomes through the retrospective lens.
possible imaginations for Pakistan's future that
Studies like the edited volume Islam and
12 Communism in Pakistan: were available in the country's formative
Society in Pakistan. Anthropological
Politics and Class Activism years.”12 Such a perspective on uncertainty
1947-1972. I. B. Tauris, Perspectives (2010) use the lens of the
2015: 2. and contestation uncovers new spaces and
everyday to study the countless social,
actors central to Pakistan’s history.
economic, religious or literary facets of lived
This flip in perspective is representative of a Islam, trying to balance the disproportionate
trend in recent works on Pakistan which have focus on the “high” politics of Islam and the
been pushing boundaries of disciplines and state. In contrast, the contributions in Beyond
thought. There has been a spate of Crisis. Re-evaluating Pakistan, as well as other
scholarship concerned with “alternative recent literature especially in the field of
politics” and “politics on the margins” that has anthropology, employ the everyday to think

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 145

about topics to do with the state, nation and periodization of history which need more
questions of sovereignty. These are topics attention. This is true for topics such as
which have till recently been squarely within Partition, environmental histories, migration,
the purview of the crisis discourse and high media, popular culture and many more, which
politics. For instance, they ask: how does the have been limited by caesura such as 1947 or 16 Zamindar, Vazira

state operate in relation to society? How is it 1971. For instance, Vazira Zamindar’s book Fazila-Yacoobali. The
Long Partition and
experienced in the everyday? Matthew Hull’s The Long Partition that sits at the threshold of the Making of
14 Speaking of the Modern South Asia:
contribution to the volume is about the 1947 and “sutures severed histories” trying to
urban, it is encouraging Refugees,
to see something of an everyday workings of the state in Islamabad’s overcome the region's nation-bound Boundaries,
embryonic field of urban Histories. Columbia
Capital Development Authority.14 historiographies.16
studies developing University Press,
around a core of 2007: 4-7.
excellent ethnographic, Such works are different from optimistic
sociological and For a critical Pakistan studies
evaluations of Pakistan, such as Maliha Lodhi’s
historical works on the
many facets of Karachi: Pakistan. Beyond the Crisis State (2011). This The developments in Pakistan studies at home
Laura Ring’s Zenana:
genre of publications underscores the and abroad exhibit a slow but steady
Everyday Peace in a
Karachi Apartment “strength and stability of its underlying social diversification of disciplines and fields within
Building and Huma
structure which enable the country to weather the study of Pakistan. In Pakistan much
Yusuf’s City of Lights:
Nostalgia, Violence and national and regional storms and rebound needed spaces of critical engagement are
Karachi’s Competing
Imaginaries, are two
from disasters–natural and manmade [sic.]”. emerging at universities, in cultural centers
examples. Also see While these are refreshing rays of hope in the and online. Themes of local, urban, and
Tanqeed’s regular blog,
Invisible Cities, curated gloom-filled narrative scapes of Pakistanis, people’s histories and cultures dot the
by Fizzah Sajjad and they do not actually “go beyond” the landscape of academic and cultural events.
Hala Bashir Malik.
established repertoire of questions. They look The last conference held by the Lahore-based
to “explore the path to a post-crisis state” and five-year old forum THAAP was dedicated to
thus approach contemporary Pakistan and its the “Culture, Art and Architecture of the
history from a macro-problem-solving Marginalized and the Poor” and this year the
perspective.15 It needs to be asked whether theme is “People's History of Pakistan.” This
15 Lodhi, the predominance of this perspective is not focus on margins and peripheries was also
Maleeha, ed.
foreclosing a more diverse and multi-layered central to the academic conference “Locally
Pakistan Beyond
the “Crisis State.” inquiry into Pakistan’s state and society? Sourced in Pakistan: Recovering the Local in
New York:
Columbia History, Culture, and Politics” that took place
Another way that scholarship has begun
University Press, this August, 2015, in Islamabad.
2011: 2. overcoming boundaries is on the temporal
front. Many studies have highlighted the Similarly, academic events abroad are also
continuities across 1947 in terms of the critiquing the academic and journalistic
legacies of colonial rule (like Ayesha Jalal and discourses on Pakistan that view the country
Ian Talbot). But aside from institutional and through the lens of Islamic fundamentalism
structural continuities, there other areas that and the “War on Terror.” The conference
straddle the conventional nationalized “Pakistan Beyond Tremors and Terror” from

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 146

which the contributions have been published programs of a workshop or a conference
in a previous Tanqeed issue, “Issue 7: Beyond cannot be too specific or else filling the ranks
Tremors and Terror,” critically engage with of presenters and chairs becomes difficult, a
political, economic and cultural change by state of affairs that does not do justice to the
analyzing regimes of power as well as sites of complexities of a country of almost 200
resistance and subversion. What is million. It reflects the need of Pakistan studies
conspicuous is the moving in of cultural and for more institutionalized space where focused
social history and anthropology from the and critical conversations about Pakistan can
take place that

v e r c o m e t his are at the same

t h e a i m to o t i m e
It is, in fac

o r l d ” a n d “Third integrated with

t w e e n “ F i r st W social science

division be
and humanities.

c o r e o f t he
This can be

l i e s a t t h e
World” that
places such as

the Centre for

m o t i o n o f
e pro
the Study of

b e h i n d t h
Pakistan at

o n t h e fo r mer School of

s e x p l i c i t f o cus Oriental and

i t
Studies and
Asian Studies

t i e s o f t he
a n d soci e ( S O A S ) ,

eg i o n s
colonized r
London which
was founded in
2011, the older
A m e r i c a n
world. Institute for
P a k i s t a n
Studies, or the
disciplinary fringes of Pakistan studies, which
many Pakistan Studies centers at universities
had been overwhelmingly informed by political
in Pakistan that are cautiously exerting their
science and political history.
independence from the ideological imperatives
But there remains a lack of consolidated fields of state institutions.
within Pakistan studies with the potential to
Such a promotion of Pakistan studies is not a
contribute more than mere empirical data and
“parochial” call opposed to the frame of South
insular narratives. It is often the case that

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 147

Asian Studies or one which seeks to insulate self-reflexive Pakistan studies can help the
Pakistan in its specificity from larger emergence of a positive sense of identity and
disciplinary and theoretical debates. Rather it citizenship imbued with a sense for Pakistan’s
is a call to recognize that this might currently heterogeneity–religious, cultural, and socio-
be the most useful route in terms of advancing economic.
the study of Pakistan within South Asian
And last but not least, like Postcolonial Studies
Studies and in established theories and
and the overarching Area Studies, Pakistan
disciplines, specifically, by the setting up of
Studies carries a responsibility to challenge the
more distinct Pakistan Studies centers, forums
inequitable global realities through activism on
and study programs. There is a need for
the battle field of knowledge production,
assertion in the face of South Asian Studies
empirical as well as theoretical. For Area
being dominated–by virtue of sheer size but
Studies and the study of Pakistan within it,
more so because of its vibrant academic
scholarship is intrinsically political and activist
terrain and the international interest in India as
in its initial motivation: it is about counter-
an “emerging economic power”–by scholars
balancing the skewed power relations that
working on independent India. This applies
define the conversations we are having. One
especially to scholars in Pakistan and the kind
of the critiques of Area Studies has been that
of access they have to and audibility they have
it reproduces the exoticization that lies in
in the academic circles of South Asian studies
colonial and imperial roots. Why do Area
on the global stage.
Studies only refer to the regions of the Global
Of course, India and Pakistan share a history South, formerly known as the “Third World”?
and no amount of institutional boundary- Are Europe and North America not regions like
drawing can or should separate the two. But the rest? It is, in fact, the aim to overcome this
Pakistan is no longer a nascent state. It has division between “First World” and “Third
been a fact on the world map for almost World” that lies at the very core of the
seventy years and has, since 1947, lived and motivation behind the promotion of Area
generated its own distinct history, which Studies and its explicit focus on the former
desperately needs to come into its own. It is in colonized regions and societies of the world.
my view necessary to create a space for
cultivating critical scholarship on Pakistan, in Even today, theory in the social sciences and
the country and abroad. humanities overwhelmingly draws on the
empirical contexts in the West. Meanwhile, the
There is also another motivation which I
study of the “Third World” was for a long time
believe should drive us towards promoting
relegated to the exotic and particularistic
Pakistan Studies. Pakistan Studies needs to
peripheries of authoritative Western
find its place as a critical multidisciplinary field
academics. In the context of the rising Global
to correct the harm that has been done by its
South and the post-Cold War emergent multi-
misuse for politics and ideology. A critical and

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 148

centric world, this state of the art becomes
untenable. As Rehbein and Houben (2010)
have argued, area studies have the potential
to expand their theoretical horizons, while the
social sciences need to do the same for their
empirical frontiers.

At a different scale, Pakistan Studies is fighting

the same battle: to be taken seriously in
producing theory.

Sadia Bajwa is a Ph.D candidate in history of

South Asia and research associate at the
Humboldt University, Berlin. She is currently
working on the history of student politics in
Pakistan's early decades.

Winter 2015 Tanqeed 149

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