The Building of Luna Park - The Coney Island of Texas by Henry Chavez

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The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

Henry Chavez
December 22, 2010
The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

The Ingersolls

The year was 1924, and the population in Houston had swelled to over 200,000. Houston

was well on its way to surpassing both San Antonio and Dallas as the largest city in Texas.

In the 1920s, Houston was a good place to do business. There was opportunity and

growth fostered by an eager municipal government that encouraged businesses to settle here.

Such was the case when a couple of Yankee brothers decided to invest their money in this

semi-tropical Texas nook. Le Forest (Bob) and Audley Ingersoll were two of five siblings who

specialized in building and managing amusement parks throughout the country. Their father,

Legrand G. Ingersoll, started the family business by opening some of the first profitable

amusement parks on both the eastern and western coasts of the United States.

The venture in Houston would be limited to Bob and Audley Ingersoll. However, it is

important to note that their brother Frederick was the first to use the Luna Park title. The

quintessential amusement park on New York's Coney Island would be the prototype for the

Ingersoll business of building rides and parks throughout the world and now Houston.

Before Houston, the Ingersolls built parks in Santa Monica, Calif.; St. Joseph, Mo.;

Detroit; Cleveland; Melbourne, Australia; and Pittsburgh to name a few. The Ingersolls had

even opened an amusement beach in Galveston and a large scenic railway in Spanish Fort in

New Orleans. The new Houston park used the successful Luna Park franchise formula and

name, but this time they would add, "The Coney Island of Texas" to their moniker.

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

The Houston Amusement Park Company

The Ingersolls organized and went public with Houston Amusement Park Inc. on Oct. 18,

1923. The initial capital stock was $200,000. The eventual investment rose to over $325,000

($4.46 million in today’s dollars). The park would have a mile and a quarter of wooden roller

coasters and a miniature railway. There would be a state-of-the-art dance hall, a seaplane swing,

a baby airplane swing, a mechanical caterpillar, a merry-go-round, a picnic grove and perhaps

best of all, free parking. Visitors would be encouraged to bring a picnic and stay for the day.

Before construction started, the business began operating from Suite 918 in the Bankers

Mortgage building located at 708 Main. The process for staging the opening of these parks was

a schedule Le Forest and Audley were all too familiar with, and there was much to be done.

Although much of what was planned was already under construction at various sites throughout

the country, there was still the question of hiring locals, obtaining permits and purchasing the

necessary property.

Some newspapers at the time reported that Le Forest was the company president and

project manager; however, official documents listed the younger Audley Ingersoll as company

president and project manager. The confusion arose from the fact that the elder Le Forest was

the president of the company back in St. Joseph, Mo., where he ran the Lake Contrary

Amusement Park and where the some of the rides were built. As to the manager positions, this

was a hat the brothers tossed around as needed to build the new park in Houston. Le Forest was

very prominent at the start of the new park, but his presence faded as the park came closer to

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

completion. In the end it would be Audley who would live out his life in Houston, while Le

Forest would stay in St. Joseph, Mo.

Location, Location, Location!

There has been much confusion today as to where the amusement park was actually

located. The address listed in the 1925 Houston Business Directory was 2200 Houston Ave. in

the First Ward. The property chosen was from the John Austin Second League Survey,

Beauchamp Springs Tract, Bartels addition. The tracts were situated south of White Oak Bayou,

east of Houston Avenue, north of Ovid Street and somewhat west of Goliad. At the time of

negotiations, this property had yet to be developed, but it had been parsed out into lots. The

same was true for the streets; they were identified and listed on maps, but not yet constructed.

Fortunately for the Ingersolls there were only four owners to contend with for the desired

land and one of them was the City of Houston. As incentive for bringing the park to Houston,

Mayor Oscar F. Holcombe sold the associated city streets to the men for a mere $10. The

remaining owners, Fred and Pearl Bartels, Trustee Philip Tharp (for the deceased Julia Bartel

estate) and Julia Sonet (listed as feme sole) were much shrewder and got the princely sums of

$25,000, $12,000 and $19,500 respectively. The total cost for the properties was $56,500.

The Houston Amusement Park company put up a combined $4,951.21 as down payment.

The remaining $51,548.79 was mortgaged with each of the sellers for five years at 8 percent

interest, compounded biannually. The deeds were signed and filed by the last day of February

1924. In December, a small section of gully was purchased on the northwest quadrant of the

existing property. The cost for this small strip was $10.

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

Construction Begins

One can imagine the curious thoughts and gossip around town once the construction

began. First, truck loads of lumber appeared; according to Le Forest, some $1 million feet of

lumber was delivered by April 17, 1924. Le Forest told reporters that 100 workmen would begin

work subsequent to all the materials arriving. So ordained, the first fruits of their labor began to

sprout the following day. What appeared to be an oil derrick rose over the neighboring

residential rooftops.

Derricks were not an uncommon sight in Texas, especially surrounding Houston. There

must have been some confusion once the derrick was raised. Eventually it was obvious, the

tower was for lifting, not drilling. Instead of using an expensive crane, this derrick, along with

block and tackle, were used for hoisting the giant arches that would create the steep drops of the

roller coaster and the dance casino roof.

Roller Coaster

The coaster, an "in-and-back” style, was to be built at a cost of $75,000. It was designed

and fabricated in Lake Contrary Park in St. Joseph, Mo., by the Ingersolls and was then packed

and shipped to Houston for assembly. The coaster would be called The Giant Skyrocket. The

highest point of the roller coaster was 110 feet off the ground. The roller coaster would climb

close to 90 feet and drop the same length at terrifying speeds. This would be the first roller

coaster in Houston and the anticipation was great for “youngsters” of all ages.

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

Mechanical Caterpillar

I think I would have to say that my favorite ride would have been the Mechanical

Caterpillar. It’s small and not nearly as imposing as the Giant Skyrocket. It looks harmless,

almost like an adult merry-go-round. The Caterpillar was a series of some 20 connected coaster-

type cars arranged in a circle. They were motorized and traveled on an undulating circular

platform. The speed of the cars would build slowly, but eventually the increased speed would

generate enough centrifugal force to squeeze couples together. At that point a canvas cocoon

would rise over and encapsulate the whole of the ride. This is where the name of the ride comes

from as this covering gave the ride the appearance of a caterpillar. Once enclosed, one of the

cars would randomly get a blast of high speed air from a hidden fan below the platform.


This was no ordinary merry-go-round. These boys understood Texas and, like the roller

coaster and dance casino, this merry-go-round was big.

“The device has four horses abreast and is one of the largest now in operation anywhere,”

according to one description.

This ride was used as a way to babysit children. It was staffed with “Attendants long

trained in the care of children. . .” I don’t think you could get away with this today, but this

same ad went on to conclude with, “It is safe to put the kiddies on the merry-go-round and forget

them for a time.” Times certainly have changed.

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

Airplane Swings

There were two, the Baby Airplane Swing and the larger Seaplane Swing, the latter being

a downsized version of the former and held fewer passengers. The airplane-shaped gondolas

were individually attached to a tall central pole via an assembly of cables. Passengers would sit

in these individual airplanes. The apex point where the cables were attached to the pole would

begin to spin and increase in speed. Thus, the centrifugal force created by this spinning would

magically induce the airplanes to rise and fly high above the park.

According to an advertisement:

“Brilliantly lighted, this ride gives one the impression of soaring in an airplane high

above the clouds where the light of the sun pours down as only it does above the fancy clouds.”

Miniature Railway

I have long been fascinated with locomotives. Like most kids, an opportunity to catch a

ride on a real steamer was rare. Well, in 1924 you could ride one as many times as you liked at

Luna Park. The mini-railroad was “. . .the little brother of the Big Baldwins. . .” once found

throughout the country belching black smoke and steam. Just as any little train enthusiast would

expect, “It ha[d] a throttle, smokestack, boiler, tender and everything like the big ones.” The ride

traversed over one thousand feet of track around the park.

Dance Casino

Indeed, folks of all ages were targeted for their entertainment dollar. Young adults, for

example, could look forward to a new dance floor. The dance hall was said to be so great, that

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

one could dance all night long and not get tired. From a distance, the dance hall resembled a big-

top circus tent. In fact it was more like a dome, built with a combination of arches. As a result,

the weight of the roof was carried on said arches, which in turn negated the use of internal


According to the June 26, 1924, Houston Chronicle:

“Luna Park’s dancing casino is the last word in modern architecture. So

constructed as to eliminate all posts, both on the dance floor and that section of

the structure reserved for spectators, this casino ranks far ahead of any in the

Southwest. More than 5,000 electric lights will cast radiance over the merry

dancers when the first soft strains of the orchestra start the ball. The floor is a

spring floor and is constructed independently of that portion of the gigantic

building set aside for those who would watch the dancers. This method of

construction eliminates all vibration and makes dancing on this floor a novelty

and a real pleasure.”

The hall could hold over 5,000 people. The idea of hosting dance-a-thons was part of the

long-term plan to generate business.

Horse Diving

Perhaps the most sensational entertainment was free – that is once you had paid for

admission into the park. The renowned Dr. William Frank Carver and his high-diving horses

performed twice a day at Luna Park. The good doctor was a dentist by trade but certainly not by

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

notoriety. Instead, when he was young, he fashioned himself into a frontiersman and joined what

he thought would be the likes of the great showman Buffalo Bill.

He was a recognized marksman and self proclaimed “Indian killer.” He won many

shooting contests and performed feats of amazing accuracy; however the “Indian killer” portion

of his lore is suspect at best. The photograph of Dr. Carver shows him wearing his award for

breaking 885 glass balls out of 1000 at San Francisco on Feb. 22, 1878. The badge was

inscribed with “Champion Rifle Shot of the World.” Despite all that, it was his diving horses

that brought him his much sought-after fame, not to mention a steady income.

The Carver and Ingersoll families were longtime business associates. Their success

together went back to the original Luna Park in Coney Island. Carver’s business grew with the

building of amusement parks throughout the country as his services were used throughout those

parks. It was only logical that the two families would continue this association in Houston.

The act was advertised as the "somersault horse in novel high dive." The poor creature

was billed as Lightning and used by the "Intrepid Girl Rider!" There was also Lorena the

"premier woman high diver." Lorena Carver was Carver’s young daughter and the first woman

to do the horse diving stunt. The horse diving show would begin when Lorena would appear at

the top of a 40 foot perch where she would remove her capelike robe revealing her modest, dark,

one piece bathing suit and white swimming cap. Soon the horse would trot up to the platform

and meet the curvaceous beauty. Lorena would climb upon her steed, and after a tension-

building pause, they would dive head-first into a pool of water below the platform.

For a woman to perform such a feat was amazing for the time. The show continued with

another horse climbing to the 40 foot platform and not only diving but also somersaulting and

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

splashing head-first into the same tank. The newspapers reported that the amusement park

management would not permit the somersault act to be performed with a rider as the danger was

unacceptable; yet, the public reaction to these shows centered on the horse and not the girl.

Soon after arriving to Houston, there were outcries of animal cruelty and the Harris

County Humane Society sent a Mrs. Berly to investigate the accusations. The investigation must

not have amounted to much as the show went on for years, not only in Houston, but throughout

the country.


Everything was going according to plan and by mid April 1924, the newspapers

announced the park would open by the end of May. However, in these parts, winter often refuses

to quietly recede to the north where it belongs. This was the case on May 7, 1924, on the ending

crest of the early morning hours. At approximately 9:00 a.m., a cold front smacked into the

moisture-dense 68 degree climate, and, like tossing water onto a grease fire, the resulting storm

exploded with thunder, hail and destructive wind.

The construction site at the would-be park quickly turned into a dust-bowl as a tornado

formed and cut across the park. The wind brought down some 200 feet of the highest section of

recently constructed roller coaster tracks. Several carpenters working on a trestle some 75 feet in

the air held on for their lives as 27 sections of the roller coaster came apart under the weight of

the tremendous winds. By the grace of God, the carpenters’ sections were spared destruction and

all survived without a scratch. The same could not be said for one worker who sustained a

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

serious head and shoulder injury from a flying beam; six other men on the ground also received

minor cuts and bruises.

The cyclone left behind destruction, debris, rain and cooler temperatures; a calling card

Houstonians are all too familiar with. The grounds were covered with ambulances as the injured

were cared for. Some had to be taken to St. Joseph’s Infirmary. Audley Ingersoll, who kept an

apartment on the park grounds, was quickly on the scene, shouting commands and talking to

reporters. Workers were quickly mobilized to clean up debris and secure beams and guy lines.

Reporters were quick to question the safety of the roller coaster’s construction and the

likelihood it would fall again under similar circumstances. Audley Ingersoll explained that the

portion that actually fell had not been secured yet and was only held up with guy ropes. He said

all that heavy steel guy wires and concrete blocks were yet to be set into the ground and assured

everyone that, “Never in the history of the roller coaster has one fallen after it was completed.

There will be absolutely no danger of that, for this one will be of more than ordinary strength.”

He closed by saying the delay in opening the park would only be three days and cost a

mere $3,000.

In a business, the cost of delay can never be recovered. Just as time passes into eternity,

so does the potential for profit during that lost time. The plan to open Luna Park by the end of

May was designed to include the summer from beginning to end. Audley Ingersoll had

downplayed the destruction of May 7th, but the fact of the matter was that the first note of

$2,848.79 on the property was due in June. The cost would be significantly more than $3,000.00

and the delay more than a month.

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

To add to these problems, it seemed like every attempt at constructing a water-tight tank

for the diving horse was proving a failure. Whatever they tried, water leaked out of the 10-foot-

deep contraption.

Opening Day Press

On Thursday, June 26, 1924, the newspapers were jam-packed with stories and

advertisements announcing the formal opening of Luna Park. If you didn’t know about Luna

Park by that Thursday morning, you were certainly going to read about it in that day’s

newspaper. Each yarn was carefully crocheted into a clean and wholesome tale of entertainment

that was as inviting as a warm sweater in the chill of winter.

The following is one such quasi-story written by Luna Park Management and titled,

“Story of Luna Reveals Grit of Houstonian’s . . . a monument to the endeavor and vision of a

band of Houston men who, in the face of almost unsurmountable [sic] obstacles made Luna Park

possible --- brought to this city, attractions of a character never before introduced --- gave

employment to those who were out of work --- brought a haven of pleasure within reach of

Houston’s 200,000 men, women and children.”

The story described the vision and investment for a neglected populace that had been

lacking a proper venue for entertainment. The gallant efforts by the, “. . . veterans of the world

of make believe. . .” to “. . . bring a park that would rival the nation’s greatest.”

The whole family was encouraged to attend as, “There will be fun --- only clean,

wholesome fun --- and in large quantities. . . . One may bring his mother, sister, wife or

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

sweetheart to Luna Park knowing that nothing to be seen or heard within the 36-acre enclosure

would in any manner offend their delicate sensibilities.”

Finally, the ad concluded with a comparison that was a stretch at best according to an

item in the Houston Post on June 26, 1924.

“Luna Park is here as a permanent institution --- even as is Rice Institute, the

public library. It is here to entertain Houstonians during every month of the year.

Follow the crowds to Houston’s own the Coney Island of Texas.”

In addition to these faux-stories, there were also obvious advertisements paid for by

management. The paper carried a half-page ad with the heading:

“Let’s Go!



The Coney Island of Texas

Formal Opening Today June 26th 1:30 p.m.”

Congratulatory Adverts

It was the custom at the time to congratulate new companies who brought your company

new business. This was done by purchasing a congratulatory advertisement honoring the

newcomer and at the same time getting your company’s name published and associated with the

new firm. Companies in the June 26, 1924, edition of the Houston Post included such

advertising from Burkhart’s Laundry and Dye Works:

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

“Burkhart Extends Congratulations to the men who have made it possible for

Houston to have high class, clean and healthy recreation, In the magnificent new

amusement center --- LUNA PARK”

Still a larger ad from Branard and Son Plumbers was a bit more self serving:

“We take considerable pride in saying we installed all the plumbing, sewerage,

water and gas lines in LUNA PARK We say this for we feel they have had us

install every possible convenience along the lines of sanitation, comfort and

protection for the public. A complete system of sewerage, water and gas lines run

under the ground from one end of the park to the other, serving it completely.

Large or Small Jobs Solicited Branard & Son PLUMBERS”

More Delays

The published enthusiasm belied the reality of Luna Park on that opening day. Carver’s

diving horse act had to be canceled as the 40,000 gallon water-tank had yet to hold water. The

Giant Skyrocket roller coaster and Seaplane Swing were not ready for guests and it seemed that

the crowds all chose to drive to the park from Washington Avenue to Houston Avenue, which

caused a massive traffic jam. Even though the Woodland Trolley ran every hour and stopped at

the gates of Luna Park it appeared that folks decided to take advantage of the “well policed” free


Of course none of these problems were reported until days after the opening. Folks

arrived in droves, just to be the first to get in when the park opened on Thursday at 1:30 p.m.,

according to the June 27, 1924, edition of the Houston Post.

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

“Luna Park on Houston Avenue, known locally as ‘Texas Coney Island’ opened

its gates to the tune of more than 500 paid admissions, which figure was [sic]

swelled by thousands during the evening hours. . . Houston folk took to the big

$350,000.00 playground much as a baby takes to a milk bottle.”

. . . and on the third day . . .

Really, it was on the third day, a Sunday no less, when the park rose to its full potential.

The roller coaster was completed on Friday, June 28, 1924. Workmen were recruited to take the

first ride. Hats flew and unsecured tools fell to the ground as the Giant Skyrocket did its thing

for the very first time. Without exception, the workmen praised the ride, “as the greatest thrill in

their lives . . . and they tested its safety for all those who are to follow.”

As to Carver’s leaky diving tank, a heavy tarpaulin was obtained; it was covered with

pitch and attached to the bottom of the tank. This finally provided a water-tight solution. Carver

would put two shows on Sunday, one at 4 p.m. and one at 10 p.m.

It is unclear what delayed the Seaplane from flying. However, according to newspaper

reports, by Sunday afternoon it was ready to whirl.

Folks were encouraged to take the Woodland Trolley and streets like North Main to enter

the park from the north as well as the south from Houston Avenue. This was a vast improvement

to the congestion of opening day. Houstonians finally were able to enjoy the full breadth of

entertainment that Luna Park had to offer.

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

The Beginning of the End

In the early 1920s, Luna Park looked like it would become a permanent fixture in

Houston. Sadly, that would not be the case. The first signs of decline were reported March 18,

1927, in the Houston Post. Audley Ingersoll sold the park for $600,000 to a Houston attorney by

the name of Abe W. Wagner. It seems that the Ingersolls could see that the years leading up to

the next decade did not favor them. The sale of the park would see them survive the turbulent

economic times that would soon grip the country.

Wagner, on the other hand, told reporters he was investing one million dollars to enhance

the park. With the help of the local newspapers, he organized a contest to rename the park. On

Memorial Day, May 30, 1927, the name Venice Park was unveiled. A new address also was

bestowed, 2212 Houston Ave. This is why there is confusion concerning the correct address of

Luna Park. I can only guess that Mr. Wagner wanted to distinguish his new place from the

original. Alas, the country’s troubling financial waves were building and Venice Park would

soon be swamped, new name and address not withstanding.

Sydney Van Ulm, a prominent cartoonist, photographer, reviewer and reporter for the

Houston Post was well acquainted with Mr. Wagner and years later recalled the following in an

interview with Louis J. Marachiafava at the Houston Metropolitan Research Center:

“ We had a man that was sort of an oddball in Houston here, a lawyer. I won’t

tell you his name [Abe Wagner]. But over on Houston Avenue, there was a park,

and Buffalo Bayou [White Oak Bayou] trickled by there. This man—I don’t

know how he did it, but he contracted [he bought it] with the authorities of this

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

park his idea he was going to have Buffalo Bayou dredged so big ships could

come up as far down to Houston Avenue to this park, and he’d get the benefit of

the traffic that came off of these ships. And on the opening night, he had a band

of Indians in their brilliant feathers and costumes and everything, and there was

this lovely building he had erected. I went over there with some of my friends to

the opening, and he invited me to come over and see this building. We walked in,

and one of the first things I saw was a door with my name on it — Public

Relations, Sid Van Ulm. I said, ‘Heck, I don’t know anything about this. You

never told me anything about this.’ He says, ‘This is a surprise.’ We opened the

door, and there was beautiful furniture in there, a filing cabinet, a typewriter. I

never went over there at all. The thing flopped, of course. The man had an idea,

and it was one of the craziest things that I’d ever heard of.”

The End

For all of Abe’s efforts, the park went out of business at the dawn of the 1930s. The

city’s economy simply could not sustain such a park during those trying times.

Sadly, Audley Ingersoll fared worse. After selling the park, he opened a “shooting

gallery” at 506 Fannin. He lived at the Texas State Hotel, two blocks away and appeared to be

doing fine financially. Although, he had survived the crash, tragically, on June 11, 1931, he was

accidentally shot in the chest by a customer who was ignorantly loading his pistol in the wrong

direction. He was transported to St. Josephs Infirmary where he died nine hours later. He was

only 50.

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

You will not find a trace of Luna Park today. Instead, Mathesan Tri-Gas Company and

the Katy Freeway occupy the same tract of land once used to entertain Houstonians. Like a lot

of things in Houston it blossomed, faded and died. But in all things there is rebirth and the city

would once again beget other parks, each with their own memories. Just as Luna Park once was,

so shall others be, in their time.

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

Althoff jr., David, “The Roller Coaster Almanac”, May 15, 2002,, (accessed August 30, 2010).

Audley Ingersoll, Death Certificate, Texas State Department of Health, Houston, Harris County,
July 11, 1931, Registrar’s No. 1877.

City of Houston, “Quit-Claim Deed”, Harris County Clerk Record, January 1, 1924, File 137828,
Vol. 559: page 471.

“Construction of Amusement Park Will be Rushed”, The Houston Chronicle, April 18, 1924:
page 16.

Consumer Price Index Inflation Calculator, (accessed

September 8, 2010)

Debevec, Jeff, “Historic District Designation Report for Norhill Neighborhood”, Houston,
Texas, The Houston Archaeological and Historical Commission, Planning and
Development Department, November 12, 1999: “History and Significance”, page 1.

“Diving Horses Will Thrill Crowds at New Park”, The Houston Post, June 26, 1924: page 13.

Franklin, Charles, PW, “1927--Houston Chronology of Events - Houston Post-Dispatch”,

Houston Metropolitan Research Center, March 18, 1927: page 6.

Franklin, Charles, PW, “1927--Houston Chronology of Events - Houston Post-Dispatch”,

Houston Metropolitan Research Center, April 20, 1927: page 8.

Fred W. Bartels et ux, “General Warranty Deed”, Harris County Clerk Record, February 4, 1924,
File 139935, Vol. 564: page 124.

“Giant Skyrocket Is Real Thriller at Luna Park”, The Houston Post, June 26, 1924: page 13.

Gogan, Art, “A ‘Doc’ Carver Gun”, Man at Arms, Mowbray Publishing, Vol. 23, No. 1,
January/February 2001; pages 31 thru 34.

Handbook of Texas Online, s.v. "San Antonio, Texas" (accessed August 30,

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

“Hats, Hearts Leap as Luna Park Men Take Coaster Ride”, The Houston Chronicle, June 28,
1924: page 4.

Houston Amusement Park, Inc., “Insurance Notice”, Harris County Clerk Record, February 8,
1924, File 140368, Vol. 564: page 191.

Houston City Directory - 1923 to 1924, Morrison and Fourmy Directory Company: pages 62 and
248 (Suite 918).

Ingersoll, Luther A., “Ingersoll’s Century History, Santa Monica Bay Cities”, Los Angeles 1908:
pages 468 and 469.

Jim Waltzer and Tom Wilk, “Tales of South Jersey: Profiles and Personalities”, Rutgers
University Press, 2001: page 10

Johnson, Joseph, PW, “1924--Houston Chronology of Events - Houston Chronicle and Herald”,
Houston Metropolitan Research Center, July 18, 1924: page 54.

Julie, PonyGirl, “Diving Horses”, Christian Cowgirls, December 1, 2009,
diving-horses, (accessed August 30, 2010)

Julia Sonet, “General Warranty Deed”, Harris County Clerk Record, File 139934, Vol. 568: page

“Let’s Go! LUNA PARK”, The Houston Chronicle, June 26, 1924: page 13.

“Luna Park is Ready for Big Crowd Sunday”, The Houston Chronicle, June 29, 1924: page 8.

“Park Name to Be Announced”, The Houston Press, May 30, 1927: page 2.

Phillip Tharp, Trustee, et al, “Trustee’s Deed”, Harris County Clerk Record, Vol 566: page 442.

Pitz, Marylynne, “Luna Park's luminary: Entrepreneur/roller coaster designer deserves his due”,
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 1, 2008, (accessed August 30, 2010).

“Proprietor of Shooting Hall Shot To Death”, The Houston Chronicle, June 11, 1931: page 1.

Robert L. Cole, “Special Warranty Deed”, Harris County Record, File 175798, Vol. 600: page

“Small Cyclone Wreaks Havoc at Luna Park”, The Houston Press, May 7, 1924: page 1.

The Building of Luna Park – The Coney Island of Texas

“Story of Luna Reveals Grit of Houstonian’s”, “Branard and Son Plumbing”, “Burkhart’s
Laundry and Dye Works”, The Houston Post, June 26, 1924: page 13.

Styer, Joel W., “The Caterpillar”, Ride Zone, January 13, 2004,, (accessed August 30, 2010)

United States Census 1870, page 144, 17th Ward, Kings County, New York, July 20th 1870,
lines 11 thru 16.

United States Census 1900, Schedule No. 1 - Population, Pennsylvania, Allegheny County,
Allegheny City, 2nd Ward, June 7th 1900, lines 62 thru 65.

Van Ulm, Sidney, Houston Metropolitan Research Center Oral Histories, Marchiafava, Louis J.,
interviewer, No. OH184, date unknown.


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