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Lesson Plan for Blended Learning (2020-2021) India

School Name

Name of teacher: Ms Subject: Semester / Term: 1 Unit: 1 Daterbs:

Mubaraka English 21/07/2020

Grade: 5

Lesson Title: Tense- Simple and Continuous

Learning Objectives: Refer to Blooms taxonomy.; maximum of four objectives including a minimum of
two from the higher levels (application, analysis, synthesis)
1. To identify and recall verbs as actions words in a sentence.
2. To identify the simple present, past and future tenses.
3. To select the correct form of verb and apply in sentences.
4. To choose the correct simple tenses .
No. of classes 6 Offline asynchronous tasks: Number of assessments taken:

Online synchronous classes:3

Mode of assessments:
Online asynchronous classes:3

Differentiation / Scaffolding
Differentiation for teaching: Differentiation for Differentiation for assessments:

Visual-Auditory Learning
Visual- Verbal Learning Activity

Teacher Name: Grade: Date:

Session 1 - Online synchronous class Total Duration: Max 45 minutes

I. Gain attention: (Hook) Duration: 5 minutes

Teacher will share a few Verbs in a box and ask the students to unscramble them. The students will
unscramble and come to know that the words are action words.
Note: After this activity, introduce or recap the Online classroom norms, where a word or a picture of the
norms or the rules to be followed in the classroom can be put up. Like ‘raise hand’ and a picture of the
ICON for raise hand.
II. Inform learner of objectives: (Lesson objective) Duration: 3 minutes
To revise Simple present and past tense.
To use the verbs in sentences and understand the use of verbs in Simple past tense sentences.
To use the tenses correctly in sentences.

III.Stimulate recall of prior learning: (Prior Knowledge) Duration: 3 minutes

Teacher will ask students to use the unscramble words to form sentences of their own. She will ask them if
the action is done in future ,what would the word be?
This is how the teacher will introduce simple future tense.
Materials Required :
1) PPT: links
2) You tube videos
3) pen and paper

IV. Present the content: (Teach) Duration: 15-20 minutes

Teacher will explain with the help of PPT and her voice note the simple future tense and how to use verbs
in sentences.
She will also explain the use of will be and shall be in a sentence with example.

V. Provide “learning guidance”: (Guided/Teacher-led Practice) Duration: 0-5 minutes

Teacher will share a story ‘The Wise Little Girl’ and ask the students to read the story. From the story
teacher will give clues of verb tense. Children will have to complete the table by putting the Tense of the
verb in the correct column.
(For example: Simple past tense: (rode) teacher will give as a clue and children have to complete the
table but writing the correct simple Present tense and Simple future tense. (rides and will ride)

VI. Elicit performance (practice): (Independent Practice) Duration: 0-5 minutes

_Teacher will ask the students to complete the exercises in the Grammar Gear book.
Pages 40 , Ex A B and C.

Teacher Name: Grade: Date:

Teacher will share the correct answers with the students later.

VII.Provide feedback: Duration: 0-5 minutes

VIII. Assess performance: Duration: 0-5 minutes

IX. Enhance retention and transfer: Duration: 0-5 minutes

Teacher’s Section head’s Vice Principal’s Principals’ Signature & Date

Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date


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