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a brute-man into a godly one. So we should think, how much

beneficial this practice of Mudras is to the human society, how
Mudras can do a world o f good to the human race.
All created things are made o f Prana or the vital force. So,
Prana is also the creator, conductor and the preserver o f our body-
universe. The process, by which expansion of this Prana or vital
force is managed, is called Pranavama. So Pranayama ensures
vitality and victory over diseases and untimely death. Pranayama
specially invigorates the activity of the lungs and the heart.
All the books on the Hatha-yoga and Raja-yoga advised
Kumbhak Pranayama (Breathing exercise with retention), but by
our experiment w'e have found Kumbhak Pranayama is harmful
for the sick and for the general public. This is why we have
introduced Sahaj Pranayama and Bhraman Pranayama etc. for
patients and for people in general. Kumbhak Pranayama is for
Sadhakas only. 5 to 15 seconds Kumbhak is not harmful for an
ordinary healthy person. Long Kumbhak has binding special rules,
regulations and diet. So this Long Kumbhak is not for common
Hatha-yoga was used by Indian monks only for prevention of
disease. We have already said— we have partly modified this
system and also we have invented some easy new Yogic processes.
On application o f these, we have found that all kinds of diseases
can easily be cured by Yogic processes. Hundreds of patients
who are attacked with diseases like Heart disease, Blood Pressure,
Coronary-Thrombosis, Diabetes, Asthma, Gastric Ulcer, Cancer
(if not in very advanced stage). Dysentery' and also other chronic
diseases, are cured by this Yogic method. It is needless to say
patients while giving up the hope of life, seek yogic treatment
as the last resort. They arc treated and cured. It is strange
to note, it is interesting to note that where all the methods of
modern treatment fail, the yogic treatment succeeds.
Yoga has a great message for mankind— a message of a
healthy body, a message of a beautiful body, a message for
mental upliftment, a message for spiritual progress. Our aim
is to organise with the help o f Yoga a godly type o f mankind
through individual regeneration.

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