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The practice of these simple exercises together with a planned

diet and living will ensure keeping intact youthfulness upto old
age. This book has been published with the distinct aim that this
wonderful Yogic art should capture the minds of all the citizens
of the world so that they may be free from diseases and untimely
deaths and live a godly life.
Swarodaya-yoga — Another important Branch of the Hatha-
yoga is the Swarodaya Yoga (wtH-M ^Vt). Swarodaya-yoga reveals
to us the science of our breathing system, rules and regulations
of our breathing system. With the six divisions of Hatha-yoga we
can save ourselves from dangerous diseases and we can control
untimely death, but we cannot save ourselves from accidents.
Swarodaya-yoga can save us from accidents also.
An irregular breathing system foretells of dangerous diseases
attacking our body, foretells when an accident will take place so
that we may be careful of an impending danger of falling a
victim to an accident while on board a train or an aeroplane etc.
With thorough mastery of this Swarodaya-yoga married couple
can give birth to accomplished children of their own liking.
Swarodaya deals with other beneficial subjects also; so this
Swarodaya-yoga is a wonderful and a very useful branch of the
llatha-yoga. We have amplified upon this Swarodaya-yoga in
our book—“Bibidha Pranayama & Neti-Dhouti.”

Swami Shivananda Saraswati

U m achal Y ogashram
1374 B.S.
July 10, 1968
Kamakhya, Gauhati-10
Assam, Bharat.

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