My Life Expectations Kim: Empieza Saludando: Andrea: What Have You Been Thinking?

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My life expectations

Kim: empieza saludando

Moises: My life expectations are very important since the lifestyle that I will have

depends on it. For example, when I was a child, I wanted to be a professional

soccer player but due to school problems I didn’t have time. Now I have many

plans for when I finish my bachelor.

Andrea: What have you been thinking?

Moises: I recently sent some documents to my university to study the master in

Sweden. I’m not sure but I chose two universities, The KTH Institute and the
University of Chalmers. I have many possibilities but, in the end, everything will
depend on my effort. This could be considered as a medium-term plan. In the short
term, I´m planning enter to the Navy with my career to support myself. The
universities which I elected will start taking the entrance exams next year.

Moises : What do you plan to do in your future?

Kim :

Well, I start talking about my professional career, I want to get the Bachelor
Degree, I put back the MBA many times but I`m going to get it next year, I`m
thinking to take the MBA out of the country.

A few years later I`m going to work for a manufacturer company in the USA or
Canada, I have some related who live there so I guess It`s going to be easy to get
used to living in those countries.

I will work there as an industrial engineer, leading people to achieve the company’s

Kim : Andrea Tell me , what`s your dream job ?

Andrea: People have a different expectation about the dream job. I've always
thought that your dream job should be something you really love to do. In
the future I want to finish my professional career that is tourism. And one of
my expectations is to be able to get a good job, in some world famous hotel
or in some airport.

My dad's cousin, who studies the same degree as me, has a good job and
offered me help to get one. There are many jobs in high-end hotels, the hours
are rotating, one important thing is that they give you the opportunity to
travel and see other countries

Would you like to travel and get to know another country

Moises: These days I have fewer problems than I used to. I would like to take my
parents on a trip. I saw a great new French Museum and my parents want to visit
my uncles who live there so I think we will travel to France when the quarantine
ends. Tell me Kim, Would you like to travel somewhere?

Kim :

I would like to travel around the world and visit the new seven wonders, so far I just

visited two of them, which are Machu Picchu and Chichen Itza in Mexico, I like it a

lot, in fact, on my next vacation, I`m going to travel to Brazil in order to know Christ

the Redeemer statue. I`ve already traveled to Brazil but just for business, I didn`t

have the time to do some tourism. I only visited Iguazu`s fall because the plane

made a stopped there.

Andrea, do you want to live in another country?

Andrea: Having a wonderful job, I would like to move to another country. I wil
met an interesting young man I have always lived alone with my mom, so I
would like to take her with me everywhere. My big dream is to travel around
the world with her. First I would like to travel to Italy, so I would like to see
many places in Italy with her. I think Italy is the most interesting country , I
love it .
With respect to the family, I would like to have two beautiful daughters, buy a
beautiful house and live with my husband ,my daughters and my mother.

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