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The Pakatan Harapan (PH) party had use lots of strategy in order to win in the GE-
14 but the best strategy used was the psychological warfare strategy. The strategy
was very successful and effective since the result of the GE-14 had give them the
majority to form a new government and get the trust from the people for the next five

What is Psychological Warfare?

Psychological warfare (psywar) is the use of propaganda, threats, and other

psychological means to mislead, scare or otherwise to influence the mind or
behavior of an opponent. Psychological warfare is also a way of "conditioning" or
public mind preparation to accept something that is not true as true. This is in terms
of facts or conclusions or decisions.

Psychological warfare is a campaign that takes quite a while as it is time to change

or shape a person's perception. Psywar's way is aimed at two groups, one of which
is unrelated to political parties, such as those who are considered voters. Another
target group is BN supporters who are neither hardcore nor new supporters with BN.

The PH psywar way can be divided into 3 phases.

1. Initial Phase - Start-Up Allegations.

In this first phase, many strategies are used to raise questions about Barisan
Nasional (BN) leaders and iconic icons. The way this is done is to make accusations
allegations. The allegations made must question the morals and honesty of leaders
and governments. The police questioned from a brief point of view.

1.1 Strategy to Drop BN Leader Image

The main strategy used is to overthrow the government's leadership by questioning

their honesty.The worst attacked by this strategy is Dato’ Seri Najib (DSN) privately
and as Prime Minister (PM). This is coupled with the attack on Datin Seri Rosmah
(DSR) who was the wife of the Prime Minister.

This method includes 2.6 Billion and 1MDB cases. and DS Rosmah with defamation
about the 21 million ring and haircut worth Rm1,200. PERMATA was also attacked
to drop Datin Seri Rosmah's image. Apart from DSN, other leaders were also
attacked like Khairy Jamaluddin and Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad
Zahid Hamidi.
1.2 Strategy dropping the Icon of Icon Government

This strategy is used to attack government institutions and institutions built by the
government to administer public funds such as Tabung Haji, FELDA, MARA and
PTPTN.The way is by attacking the leaders of institutions and the question of how
they are governed, including the way in which the institution is invested.This attack
does not matter if the accusation made is true or not, which is important, these
institutions are in question.

1.3 Misleading Strategy of People

The trick is done by questioning something with a question that does not mean
anything but aims to mislead. An example of this can be seen when selling Proton
shares by DRB Hicom to Geely company. Outside this country is not an issue but in
Malaysia, he deliberately warms. The question of questioning does not bring any

This method also applies to the sale of Edra and TRX. Misleading is also used as a
weapon in psywar PH. The trick is to confuse people about government policies.
This is also the way to try to thwart the GST implemented by the government in

To date, many still do not know how the GST is calculated. This opportunity is taken
to give the wrong way to GST estimates where the price of one item will double. In
addition, things like the season, rising cost of production, rent and so on are not
taken into account in price increases. Price of goods rose due to GST - that's an anti-
GST PH campaign.

People are charged by the GST because the poor also have to pay it. This is also a
"tagline" of the Anti-GST campaign although almost all basic needs items are not
subject to GST and before the GST is 6% SST 15%.Consequently many believe in
the PH campaign.

In addition to the Anti-GST campaign as mentioned above, BR1M is labeled as a

bribe, bumiputra policy is labeled as racist and investment policy labeled as wrong
policy.Many article articles will be written supporting PH behavior and views by
media and pro PH portal in this phase. This is to convince the public that what is
allegedly true and what PH is doing is moral.

2. Intermediate Phase

In the intermediate phase, issue issues and allegations are repeated many times and
made in pictures. This is done so that the perceptions designed can be illustrated by
the public and this can reinforce the public's trust in PH that "unravel" the
disadvantages of government and institutional institutions above.

The DSN and wife photos were targeted to release the hatred by the people who had
imputed PH's sedition in the first phase. This phase is also to change the public's
view of the position of DSN, other leaders including the above-mentioned institutional
leaders that BN leaders need not be respected.

Attacks made to PDRM with bribery recorded by video and the courage to fight
PDRM deliberately made. Small mistakes are enlarged and transmitted in social
media. This is considered a "conditioning" for the public that PDRM also conspires
with corrupt leaders and PDRM itself is not clean and does not need to be respected.

Apart from PDRM, other agency agencies have also been criticized including
medical services and immigration departments. This is done for people who are
dissatisfied. The cost of living continues to play because this is the closest issue to
many voters.

At the same time, in Parliament, experts of the PH will be noisy and there are times
when the tongue will be disrespectful to show they are "hero" and to attract the
public. They will build the image of PH as a courageous party to fight for the people
with what they do. At the end of this phase, the issue of the old issue will be reused
or what many consider as "recycling". Posting posts, articles and old writing posts
will be published and reused. It will be transmitted and repeated over time. This
purpose is to prepare for the final phase.

3.0 Final Phase

This last phase was done by repeating that in PRU14, Pakatan Harapan will and
should win. This was done so that the people believed that it was supposed to be for
the 14th GE decision. More effective if people believe that PH is entitled to win. To
achieve this, Invoke has begun to release their survey data that BN and PAS will be
weaker when facing the 14th General Election. The cyber campaign has started
where cybertroopers PH has begun spreading victory to take sides with PH.

Although there is an opinion from a member of the political analysis expert that BN
will win with an increased seat, the PH will not ignore this analysis. Just as with the
real fact that will not be taken into account in the last phase of the PH mindset for
example, that the PH figures of DSAI and Rafizi will not contest, without PAS PH will
diminish voters, Mahathir is ineffective as expected by PH, PH has no direction and
direction in planning of national administration, the scandalous scandal involving two
PH chiefs, failure to fulfill the promise of GE13, declining popularity of Wan Azizah,
Nurul Izzah and many PH leaders, Mahathir's FOREX scandal, the steady economic
situation and the increase in national reserves and the increasing number of people's
help. Importantly, victory for PH will be repeated many times.

In the language of propaganda and psychological warfare "If something untrue is

repeated many times, the hearer will believe that what is repeated is true." This is
why more cybertroopers PH will return the forecast of PH's victory in GE14 in the
present time until the GE.



News of a remarkable political bombshell for Barisan Nasional came through

gradually after surveys for Malaysia's fourteenth General Election (GE14)
closed.Mahathir Mohamad, pioneer of the Pakatan Harapan coalition, guaranteed
triumph for Anwar Parti Keadilan Rakyat, under whose banner the Pakatan Harapan
coalition parties challenged under. Where numerous have called the win a "stun
triumph", actually, there were early indications of voter worries that Pakatan gave
careful consideration to and buckled down at tending to pick up the discretionary
favourable position.


Acknowledgment must go to Rafizi Ramli's research organization Invoke Malaysia

for being among the first to sparkle a focus on the quiet lion's share longing for
change and foreseeing the BN's collapse. Amid enormous wariness, Invoke had
picked up acknowledgment with their studies of enlisted voters, and got major
crowdfunding from numerous conventional Malaysians.

Those slanted toward information would have sat up and seen these as early
signals of a hesitant yet disappointed lion's share - a sign that Pakatan obviously
gave careful consideration to. Many different gatherings of information had long
recommended that Malaysians have been feeling the financial squeeze. In spite of
feel-great feature GDP figures, a more nuanced energy about different figures
exhibited an alternate picture.

Bread-and-spread stresses had weighed vigorously on voters' brains, earnings were

slacking the average cost for basic items, and housing moderateness had
intensified, including in Johor. Bank Negara Malaysia had been vocal on these
issues. Official information additionally demonstrated that Malaysians' livelihoods
had been becoming slower contrasted with that of outside specialists. The middle
wage of Malaysians rose 5.9 for each penny while non-residents delighted in a 8.5
for each penny pay development as of late.
Worries about high-obligation China ventures and the stresses over an obligation
loaded future confronting youthful Malaysians were straightforwardly discussed
at the campaign held by Pakatan Harapan. Pakatan Harapan likewise associated
with Malaysians in running a crusade vigorously centred around evacuating the GST
and disposing of debasement, a system that has paid off abundantly.


Where opening Malay votes which make up 70 for every penny of the populace was
vital to winning this race, the Mahathir Mohamad factor conveyed Pakatan Harapan
access to FELDA and rustic seats, even to some degree Sarawak and Sabah,
regardless of his delicate history with them.

Numerous recall him for the formative state approaches executed amid his
opportunity as Prime Minister and the advantages these brought the places where
they grew up. The civil benefit additionally regards him. Pakatan Harapan likewise
made a goodness out of need when Mahathir's gathering was deregistered. The
coalition's choice to utilize the PKR logo to challenge all coalition seats - a choice
ascribed to Mahathir - opened up access to Malay voters worried about "DAP

The capacity of the reformist nonagenarian to interest a more extensive Malay vote
additionally appeared to have pushed displeased urban voters. They turned out in
large numbers as volunteers to supervise the surveying procedure, and supported
Singapore and even Australia-based Malaysians to venture out back to make their
choice. Nobody had an pardon for latency when somebody so significantly more
established appeared to be working so hard.


The BN's quick discharge shower firearm constituent strategies unsettled Malaysian
voter conclusions. There was outrage and dissatisfaction at what appeared like voter
concealment and slippery tactics. Gerrymandering, constituent standards reported
post-assignment day, the exclusion of hopefuls - every one of these issues finished
in voters' discernments that BN was endeavouring to fix the race to support its.

Voter outrage was at that point fed when a Wednesday surveying day was declared.
This had an effect on voter turnout, which at around 75 for every penny takes us
back to 2008 levels as foreseen.

Voters who needed to make a trip back to the places where they grew up to vote
likewise persevered through longer voyaging spans. Movement streams crosswise
over primary courses associating urban inhabitants to the places where they grew
up, for example, Klang Valley to Ipoh (blue), to Penang (dark), to Kota Bharu
(orange), to Kuala Terengganu (green) and Singapore to Johor (purple),
showed spikes as high as 60 for every penny additional time expected to movement
along a similar course. Yet this did little to hose Malaysians' excitement to practice
their vote.


Two decades back, I was among a bunch of non-Malays who one evening went to
the home of Anwar Ibrahim. Malay voters at that point were pining for change,
however Chinese voters clung to BN in the midst of worries about the Asian
Financial Crisis and across the board road exhibitions in Malaysia and racial uproars
in Indonesia. Their votes counterbalanced each other, purchasing the BN additional

The tide swung in 2008, and again in 2013 where the mainstream vote went to the
resistance. This moved the ground for political elites inside BN, and assembled the
quiet greater part enduring monetarily including those among East Malaysian people


Both Mahathir and Najib Razak tended to the country on the night of  Tuesday (May
8), hours before surveys opened.While Mahathir depended on talk and talked about
tending to sexism, segregation, and ensuring human rights and free discourse, Najib
spent this communicate promising voters extra "treats" to sweeten BN's

In any case, the guarantees of duty exceptions for 26-year-olds and beneath, the
multiplying of BR1M gifts, and sans toll streets amid Hari Raya did not appear to awe
voters where numerous saw these as a final desperate attempt by BN to
buy votes.BN additionally lost control over the story. Commonness of web based life,
expanded access to dependable information on cell phones, and broad utilization of
Facebook inside the nation implies BN can never again depend on its typical mix of
state-possessed media stations - Bernama, TV1, TV3, Astro Awani - to control the
account and informing around key decision issues.
In examination, profiting by the blast in internet based life use by Malaysian voters,
up from 15 for each penny of the populace in GE13 to 60 for every penny this
general race, Pakatan Harapan livestreamed all its real energizes and battle
addresses on platforms, for example, Facebook Live and

Voters around the nation could share or watch the recordings after they were shot.
This enabled Pakatan to contact a more extensive gathering of people, past the
individuals who physically attended their rallies.Pakatan delighted in super strength
in urban-modern regions subsequently. There were fantastic 83 for every penny vote
wins in Subang and comparative outcomes in Bangi and Damansara.

Johor urban focuses larger parts likewise went to Pakatan with overwhelming leads
with 40 to 50 for each penny greater parts in Iskandar Puteri and Tebrau. In Penang,
Pakatan trounced BN, asserting 37 out of 40 state seats.

References :

1. Cara, Strategi Perang Saraf Pakatan Harapan. (2017, December 29).

Retrieved from

2. Leng, K. Y. (2018, May 11). Commentary: Pakatan Harapan's successful

campaign strategy, informed by data, powered by people. Retrieved from

3. Rahman, S. (2018, May 10). Commentary: Malaysia reborn? Does GE14 spell
an end to racial politics? Retrieved from

4. 10 Cara Berkempen Ini Buktikan Parti Bertanding Sanggup Berbelanja Untuk

Menang. (2018, May 09). Retrieved from

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