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C r a n i o f a c i a l M i c ro s o m i a

Craig Birgfeld, MDa,*, Carrie Heike, MD, MSb

 Craniofacial microsomia  Hemifacial microsomia  Goldenhar syndrome
 Oculoauriculovertebral syndrome  Virtual surgical planning  Orthognathic surgery
 Distraction osteogenesis  Phenotypic assessment tool – craniofacial microsomia (PAT-CFM)

 Patients with craniofacial microsomia display a wide spectrum of phenotypic severity.
 Multiple clinical classification systems exist for the facial features in craniofacial microsomia.
 Treatment algorithms should be individualized for the patient’s phenotype, functional needs, and
 Further research is required to evaluate optimal timing and type of treatments.
 The patients’ complex needs are best treated by a multidisciplinary craniofacial team.

INTRODUCTION development and give rise to the structures of

the face innervated by cranial nerves V and VII.
Clinicians use different diagnostic terms for patients The first branchial arch gives rise to the maxilla,
with underdevelopment of facial features arising mandible, zygoma, trigeminal nerve, muscles of
from the embryonic first and second pharyngeal mastication, and the anterior portion of the ear
arches,1–4 including first and second branchial (tragus, root, and superior helix) as well as the mal-
arch syndrome, otomandibular dysostosis, ocu- leolus and incus. The second branchial arch gives
loauriculovertebral syndrome,5 and hemifacial rise to the hyoid bone, the styloid process and
microsomia. Recently, craniofacial microsomia facial nerve, the facial muscles and most of the
(CFM) has been the preferred term, and encom- ear (helix, antihelix, antitragus, and lobule), as
passes the wide variety of phenotypic presentation. well as the stapes. For these structures to fully
Although no diagnostic criteria for CFM exist, most form, the mesenchymal cells of the arches must
patients have a degree of underdevelopment of the maintain continuous tissue-to-tissue communica-
mandible, maxilla, ear, orbit, facial soft tissue, and/ tion to support the development of the skeletal,
or facial nerve. These anomalies can affect feeding, muscular, and neural components.8–10 Disruption
compromise the airway, alter facial movement, of this communication can result in hypoplasia or
disrupt hearing, and alter facial appearance. Chil- aplasia of the affected structure.11
dren with CFM are best cared for by a multidisci- CFM may result from disruption of this cellular
plinary team. In fact, CFM occurs in as many as communication by vascular injury, teratogen
1:3000 to 1:5000 live births6,7 and it is the second exposure, or genetic causes. Poswillo12 conduct-
most common congenital disorder of the face ed a series of experiments in which he caused a
treated by craniofacial teams.1,3 hematoma of the stapedial artery in mice by
administering a teratogen (trazine) in the sixth
PATHOGENESIS week of gestation. Affected mice exhibited facial
The first and second pharyngeal arches form features similar to those seen in CFM. The stape-

around the fourth week of embryologic dial artery supplies blood to the first and second

The authors have nothing to disclose.

Pediatric Plastic and Craniofacial Surgery, Seattle Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way, M/S OB.9.520, PO
Box 5371, Seattle, WA 98105, USA; b Craniofacial Pediatrics, Seattle Children’s Hospital, 4800 Sand Point Way,
M/S OB.9.528, PO Box 5371, Seattle, WA 98105, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Clin Plastic Surg 46 (2019) 207–221
0094-1298/19/Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
208 Birgfeld & Heike

pharyngeal arches, and the authors concluded with severe micrognathia often present with upper
that a vascular insult to the developing arches airway obstruction and failure to thrive. In this
could be the cause of CFM, and that the pheno- instance, the mandibular hypoplasia associated
typic variation in CFM may reflect the degree of with CFM, which is often asymmetric, should be
vascular disruption. Recent studies have identified distinguished from the hypoplasia observed in Robin
associations with other maternal risk factors, such sequence (RS). There is growth potential in RS32 and
as the use of vasoactive medications, smoking treatments such as prone positioning, nasopharyn-
during the second trimester, diabetes, and the geal airways, and tongue lip adhesions may serve
use of reproductive technology.13,14 Additional ev- as effective temporizing measures in early infancy.33
idence exists for a genetic cause.15–18 Inheritance However, these interventions are not typically effec-
patterns consistent with autosomal dominance tive in infants with CFM, because the mandible does
with incomplete penetrance have been described not display catch up growth and studies have not
in families19–22 and, in a large series of cases, demonstrated that neonatal distraction osteogene-
50% had a positive family history.23,24 Several sis is effective in children with CFM.
chromosomal abnormalities have been detected
in CFM.25–30 Etiologic heterogeneity combined CLASSIFICATION
with incomplete penetrance and variable expres-
sion may account for the diverse phenotypic spec- The initial phenotypic classifications schemes in
trum observed in CFM. CFM focused on the mandible. The Pruzansky
classification system34 organized the underdevel-
PRESENTATION AND DIFFERENTIAL oped mandible into 3 groups (Table 1) based on
DIAGNOSIS radiographic features. Kaban and associates35,36
later modified this system to describe the position
Most physicians agree that the diagnosis of CFM of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ; Table 2). In
requires the underdevelopment of 1 or more of this system, the IIA mandible displays a short
the facial structures emanating from the first and ramus, but the glenoid fossa is in a normal position,
second branchial arches; however, no established whereas the IIB mandible has a malpositioned gle-
diagnostic criteria exist. Should patients with iso- noid fossa that is typically anterior. They felt that
lated microtia be included in the CFM spectrum? the IIB mandible required reconstruction of the
How should we classify patients with isolated TMJ whereas the IIA mandible did not. This classi-
macrostomia? Do patients with bilateral branchial fication system, as well as others that incorporate
remnants and no other facial features have 3-dimensional mandible images,37–40 are widely
CFM? A lack of consensus on the diagnostic used, and can be helpful guides to treatment of
criteria greatly impacts our ability to study the the mandibular deformity in CFM.
prevalence and critically evaluate existing treat- Other classification systems have been created
ment protocols. When comparing the SAT and to better describe the phenotype of all components
OMENS systems, Cousley31 recommended the of the face.41–44 The SAT system, created by David
following minimal diagnostic criteria: and colleagues,45 described the severity of skeletal,
auricle, and soft tissue features in CFM, and is
1. Ipsilateral mandibular and ear defects.
based on the approach used in the TNM classifica-
2. Asymmetrical mandibular or ear defects in as-
tion system for tumors. Recommendations for sur-
sociation with:
gical interventions are based on severity of SAT
a. Two or more indirectly associated anoma-
lies, and
b. A positive family history of CFM.
Table 1
Anomalies such as microtia and mandibular hy- Pruzansky classification 1969
poplasia are associated with many established
Grade Characteristics
syndromes with overlapping features of CFM. It
is important to evaluate for features of CHARGE I Smaller than preserved normal
(coloboma, heart defect, atresia choanae [also side
known as choanal atresia], restricted growth and II Condyle, ramus, and sigmoid
development, genital abnormality, and ear abnor- notch identifiable, but grossly
mality), Treacher–Collins, Nager, and other syn- distorted in size and shape
dromes, given that these diagnoses will greatly III Grossly distorted ramus with loss
influence treatment recommendations. of landmarks or agenesis
Patients with CFM present with signs and symp- From Pruzansky S. Not all dwarfed mandibles are alike.
toms that result from their phenotype. Neonates Birth Defects 1969;1:120–9; with permission.
Craniofacial Microsomia 209

Table 2
of 755 individuals with CFM, obstructive sleep ap-
Kaban modification of the Pruzansky nea was identified in 17.6% of patients as
classification compared with 2% to 4% of the general popula-
tion and was correlated with worsening Pruzansky
Grade Characteristics score.54 In the same cohort, 13.5% of patients dis-
I Small mandible
played oral and pharyngeal swallowing difficulty
that correlated with increasing severity of Pruzan-
IIA Short mandibular ramus of
sky classification.55 The authors attributed this dif-
abnormal shape; glenoid
fossa in satisfactory position ficulty to functional or structural deficits in the
pharynx, larynx, or esophagus56; mandibular hy-
IIB Temporomandibular joint
abnormally placed
poplasia; and/or decreased innervation of the
inferiorly, medially and masticatory and pharyngeal muscles.57–59 Addi-
anteriorly tionally, the presence of a cleft lip and/or palate
III Absent temporomandibular (present in 15.9% of patients with CFM)60 and ab-
joint normalities in the tongue61–63 could contribute to
feeding challenges. Therefore, additional evalua-
From Kaban LB, Moses MH, Mulliken JB. Surgical correc-
tions for individuals with CFM often include an
tion of hemifacial microsomia in the growing child. Plast
Reconstr Surg 1988;82:9–19; with permission airway evaluation and/or polysomnography and,
in patients with micrognathia and obstructive
The most inclusive31 and likely the most sleep symptoms, feeding evaluations in those at
widely used, classification system is Vento’s risk for dysphagia.
O.M.E.N.S.,46 later modified to O.M.E.N.S1 to In addition to airway and feeding challenges, a
include extracranial mainfestations.47 The large percentage of patients with CFM (35%)
acronym stands for orbit, mandible, ear, nerve, demonstrate extracranial involvement, and the
soft tissue, and each component is assigned a likelihood increases in those with more severe
score from 0 to 3 based on severity. A pictorial phenotypes and with bilateral facial involvement.64
representation was created48 and modified to Historically, patients with CFM, epibulbar der-
the PAT-CFM49 to improve ease of use. The pur- moids, and vertebral anomalies were considered
pose of these classification systems is to create to have Goldenhar syndrome65 (Fig. 2). Yet, the
a shared vocabulary to describe complex extracranial findings are not limited to this classic
phenotypic variation in patients with CFM to triad,47 and many clinicians have recommended
facilitate communication, evaluation of treat- discontinuing the use of this term.64,66,67
ments and research.50
Surgical treatment of patients with CFM varies and
Evaluations and interventions should be timed with no single surgical protocol exists for this condition.
craniofacial growth and tailored to the individual Functional impacts of CFM anomalies, such as up-
based on clinical characteristics and patient pref- per airway obstruction, takes precedence and
erences. We include our previously published should be managed first if compromise exists.
timeline as a general guide for practitioners and Although some investigators report success with
patients to consider options and timing of evalua- neonatal mandible distraction osteogenesis
tions and treatments (Fig. 1). (MDO), patients with CFM should be differentiated
General screening recommendations include from those with RS because outcomes are gener-
audiologic evaluation to identify the presence ally less favorable in CFM than RS. In severe
and degree of hearing loss, along with cervical cases, tracheostomy may be required to secure
spine films and a renal ultrasound examination to the airway and was necessary in 35 of 755 patients
detect common extracranial manifestations asso- treated in a multicenter study.54
ciated with CFM. Iterative, multidisciplinary as- In patients with airway obstruction, dysphagia,
sessments should continue throughout childhood or both, a gastrostomy tube may be needed to
for developmental surveillance51 and assessment provide the necessary nutrition requirements for
of psychosocial52,53 health, hearing status, a growing infant. These requirements are
speech, and other common health considerations. increased in patients with respiratory compromise
Additional evaluations are based on individual owing to their increased work of breathing.
needs. For example, infants with CFM may Correction of macrostomia and excision of
demonstrate failure to thrive owing to symptoms branchial remnants is generally performed once
of obstructive sleep apnea. In a multicenter study the patient is felt safe for general anesthesia (6–
210 Birgfeld & Heike

Fig. 1. Timeline for care of patients with craniofacial microsomia (CFM). a When indicated. b Although these are
common craniofacial surgeries in CFM, not all children will require every procedure.

12 months). Branchial remnants range from simple any cartilaginous stalk at the remnant’s base or
to complex and may be associated with the native this cartilage will continue to grow after excision
underlying cartilage of the ear (Fig. 3). When of the superficial component. Macrostomia repair
excising these vestiges, it is important to remove involves correction of the cleft within the mucosa

Fig. 2. Computed tomography scan displaying cervical spine anomalies of a patient with Goldenhar’s variant of
craniofacial microsomia (A) as compared with a normal control (B). Notice the fusion of C2 and C3 and dysmor-
phic dens.
Craniofacial Microsomia 211

Concern over ankylosis has led many investigators

to stage this reconstruction, whereas others have
used MDO to lengthen the mandible ramus while
using the skull base as a pseudo-TMJ without
formal reconstruction. For Pruzansky III mandi-
bles, a complete absence of mandible angle,
ramus, and condyle require the addition of bony
stock. Although some providers report success
with MDO alone, other investigators recommend
grafting before MDO.78 A long history of success
has been reported with costochondral bone graft-
ing (Fig. 5), although the growth of this neoramus
is variable.79 More recently, vascularized free tis-
sue transfer, typically a fibula free flap (Fig. 6),
has been used to bring more robust bone and
soft tissue to the deficient mandible,80–83 although
this too has been associated with ankylosis84 and
lacks growth potential.85 No matter the technique,
the goal of reconstruction is to create an adequate
Fig. 3. Cheek and preauricular branchial remnants. posterior ramus height and a functioning TMJ.
External ear reconstruction is another point of
and cheek skin, but most important, recreation of controversy. Although many surgical techniques
the muscular sphincter of the mouth (Fig. 4). exist for reconstructing grade 2 microtia, many
Correction of orbital malposition generally in- surgeons prefer treating grades 2 and 3 microtic
volves elevating an orbit that is inferiorly displaced. ears with a total ear reconstruction.86 Options
Box osteotomies can be performed after the age include prosthesis with an osseointegrated
of 6, once the orbital growth is complete. implant,87,88 autologous rib graft reconstruction,
Approaches to correction of the underdevel- and porous polyethylene.
oped mandible in CFM are various and controver- Autologous reconstruction involves elevation of
sial. In general, Pruzansky I mandibles are a skin flap, creation of a cartilage framework,
managed with orthodontics and may not require lobule transposition, and creation of a postauricu-
surgical intervention. Divergence emerges with lar sulcus. Generally, the surgery is performed be-
treatment of the Pruzansky IIa mandible. Some in- tween ages 6 and 10, once the ear has nearly
vestigators report success of lengthening the reached adult size and the patient has enough
shortened ramus with MDO with orthodontic man- costal cartilage to create an adult-sized
agement of the maxillary cant.68–74 Others pro- framework. Various techniques have been
viders prefer awaiting skeletal maturity to described,89–98 but most are grouped into either
perform bimaxillary orthognathic surgery.75,76 For the Brent 3 stage approach99,100 or the Nagata 2
Pruzansky IIb mandibles, consideration of the stage approach.101 The Brent technique requires
TMJ dictates surgical approach. Classic descrip- less cartilage and can be performed any time after
tions involved simultaneous creation of a zygo- age 6. The contralateral synchondrosis of ribs 6
matic arch and glenoid fossa with cranial bone and 7 and cartilage of the eighth rib are used to
grafts and conchal cartilage with ramus recon- create a construct similar to a template traced
struction using costochondral bone grafts.77 from the unaffected ear. Once carved, the

Fig. 4. Left-sided macrostomia preoperatively (A), intraoperatively with surgical markings including W-plasty (B),
and after repair (C).
212 Birgfeld & Heike

Fig. 5. Reconstruction of mandibular ramus in a pa-

tient with craniofacial microsomia and a Pruzansky
III mandible using costochondral rib graft. The neo- Fig. 7. Use of template for positioning of rib cartilage
glenoid fossa is marked with an X based on preoper- ear construct using the Nagata technique for microtia
ative planning and navigation. reconstruction.

construct is placed beneath the skin flap such that placed beneath and behind the framework to proj-
it lies symmetrically with the contralateral ear. A ect the ear and create a sulcus. This fascia is then
second stage involves lobule transposition and covered with either a split-thickness skin graft
removal of any branchial vestiges, and the ear is from the scalp or a full-thickness skin graft from
then elevated in a third stage using a full- the groin.
thickness skin graft to create a sulcus. The Nagata Although numerous materials have been used
technique requires a larger cartilage construct and for alloplastic ear reconstruction,102–106 porous
therefore is performed at an older age: generally polyethylene currently provides the best safety
age 10 or a chest circumference of at least profile and is most widely used. Initial reports of
60 cm. With this technique, a standardized tem- extrusion, infection, and fracture slowed the
plate is aligned with the superior and inferior orbital acceptance of this technique, but more recent,
rims and cheek to locate the simultaneous skin long-term results seem to be favorable and have
flap elevation and lobule transposition (Fig. 7). led to a greater acceptance.107,108 Currently, 2
The framework is carved from the cartilage of prefabricated constructs are available depending
ribs 6, 7, 8 and 9 and is placed beneath the skin on patient characteristics, stability needs, and sur-
flap and around an attached area of skin, which geon preference (Fig. 9). The construct is covered
will serve as the conchal bowl (Fig. 8). In a second with a thin temporoparietal fascia flap and full-
stage, the framework is elevated from a postauric-
ular incision and a temporoparietal fascia flap is
wrapped around a wedge of banked cartilage

Fig. 8. Intraoperative view of curling the rib cartilage

Fig. 6. Free fibula flap for reconstruction of the ear construct around the neoconchal bowl using the
mandible ramus. Nagata technique.
Craniofacial Microsomia 213

first consider the patient’s ability to protect the

cornea from dryness, which can lead to ulceration
and blindness. Daily drops and nightly ointment
may suffice, but some patients prefer a surgical
solution. Although tarsorrhaphies can be effec-
tive,112 they are unsightly. The combination of a
gold113 or platinum114 weight to the upper eyelid
and a lower eyelid sling has been shown to be
effective115 (Fig. 11). Although the brow will even-
tually descend with age and force of gravity, treat-
ment generally is not necessary in the pediatric
patient with CFM, but is more likely reserved for
adults with frontal branch palsy. Similarly,
although static procedures with alloplastic116 or
autogenous slings117 are common in adults, the
pediatric patient with CFM will generally benefit
more from dynamic reanimation procedures.
The most common dynamic procedure per-
formed in patients with CFM and unilateral facial
palsy is the 2-stage facial reanimation procedure.
In this procedure, a cross-face nerve graft using
Fig. 9. MedPor ear implant after custom tailoring
the sural nerve as a donor is placed from a redun-
with strengthening buttresses.
dant buccal branch of the normative side and
strung across the face to the affected side, where
thickness skin graft (Fig. 10). The advantages of its distal end is placed in the upper lip (Fig. 12).
alloplastic reconstruction include a lack of costal There, it is connected to a sensory branch of the
donor site, a single stage surgery, and the ability infraorbital nerve to promote growth. After await-
to perform the surgery at an earlier age, which ing ingrowth (3–6 months), a biopsy is performed
may improve psychosocial acceptance.109 Some to confirm axonal ingrowth and stage 2 proceeds
centers are performing simultaneous external ear with a microvascular muscle transfer. Although
reconstruction with porous polyethylene and aural many donor muscles have been described, the
atresia reconstruction or placement of bone- gracilis is favored owing to its predictable anat-
anchored hearing aid,110 and it seems to be an omy, length of neurovascular pedicle, and ability
effective technique after aural atresia repair.111 to use a 2-team approach.118 The advantage of
Facial nerve palsy in CFM can be bilateral, but is the 2-stage reanimation procedure is the ability
more commonly unilateral and partial. When to create a spontaneous smile. The disadvantages
considering facial reanimation surgery, one must are the need for 2 stages separated by many
months, placement of scar on the unaffected
side, and weaker smile generated. For this reason,
some surgeons prefer alternate approaches.
Locoregional muscle flaps such as the
masseter119 and temporalis120–122 share the
benefit of single-side surgery with no delay for dy-
namic function. However, although improved
static tone is seen, the lack of dynamic strength
and temporal hollowing123 are among criticisms
for this technique. Postoperative measurements
of facial movement124 have indicated good overall
results and newer technologies are being devel-
oped to document this return of function.125
Although a great deal of emphasis has been
placed on bony reconstruction in CFM, the soft tis-
sue deficiency is an important component of CFM
and should be addressed in conjunction to any
Fig. 10. Intraoperative view of a skin graft placed bony work. Orofacial clefts at the philtrum are un-
over the temporoparietal fascia flap in MedPor ear common and can be treated following the protocol
reconstruction. of typical cleft care. More commonly, lateral facial
214 Birgfeld & Heike

Fig. 11. (A) Palmaris longus lower eyelid sling for correction of lower lid malposition in a patient with facial palsy.
(B) Gold weight placement to upper eyelid for treatment of lagophthalmos in a patient with facial palsy.

clefts at the commissure (Tessier VII clefts of individually for patient-specific needs.129 Howev-
mascrostomia) are present in CFM and require er, many patients will require soft tissue augmen-
treatment with commissuroplasty. Numerous tation with local flaps, distant flaps, dermal fat
techniques exist, but the goals include (1) normal- grafts, or structural fat grafting. Local flaps are
izing the commissure position, (2) repairing the limited in availability, but dermal fat grafts and
mucosa with a local flap, (3) reconstructing the free flaps can be designed all over the body where
orbicularis oris muscle in a vest over pants fashion, blood supply is adequate and donor scarring will
and (4) minimizing facial scarring.126 be less conspicuous. Numerous free flaps have
Soft tissue deficiency can be camouflaged with been described for treatment of CFM130–134 and
alloplastic implants such as porous polyeth- are generally reserved for more severe cases.80,135
ylene,127,128 some of which can be designed Owing to the robust blood supply brought with the
free flap, revisions tend to involve debulking pro-
cedures (Fig. 13). Dermal fat grafts are not limited
by blood supply, but tend to resorb and revisions
tend to require additional augmentation.136 In
many ways, structural fat grafting has supplanted
these techniques for soft tissue augmentation in
CFM.137,138 The benefit of microfat injections is
the limited scarring, minimal donor site morbidity,
ability to attain precise augmentation, and the
preservation of the retaining ligaments of the
face. It can be performed as a brief outpatient pro-
cedure or combined with other procedures such
as microtia reconstruction or dental work.
Many patients with CFM will benefit from
orthognathic surgery to level their occlusal cant
and improve their skeletal asymmetry. Ideally,
this definitive orthognathic surgery is postponed
Fig. 12. Intraoral view of an upper gingiva–buccal sul- until skeletal maturity to decrease the need for
cus approach during the first stage of a facial reani-
repeat surgery. Often, orthognathic surgery in
mation procedure (cross-face nerve graft). A
this patient population involves both jaws, the
neurorrhaphy is performed to a buccal branch and
the distal end of the sural nerve graft is tunneled to movement of which is more complex than straight-
the contralateral lip. Here, a vessel loop identifies a forward advancements or setbacks (Fig. 14). For
branch of the infraorbital nerve in the lip to which this reason, precise preoperative planning is
an additional neurorrhaphy is performed to improve crucial. Conventional planning with cephalometric
axonal ingrowth. tracings, stone model surgery, and an articulator
Craniofacial Microsomia 215

Fig. 13. Soft tissue reconstruction in craniofacial microsomia with free flaps often require debulking revisions.
Preoperative photo of patient with right lower face deficiency (A). Postoperative photo after soft tissue augmen-
tation with free groin flap (B). Postoperative photo after debulking of free flap displaying improved contour and
symmetry (C).

remains the gold standard. However, many sur- In 2009, the Facial Asymmetry Collaborative for
geons prefer virtual surgical planning for these Interdisciplinary Assessment and Learning
complex cases.139–143 Its benefits include ease (FACIAL) was formed to develop a multicenter
of manipulating the segments, ability to trial multi- research infrastructure to facilitate research in
ple surgical techniques, detection of areas of inter- CFM. The FACIAL network established research
ference, and postoperative measurements at eligibility criteria that required participants to
various points that can be correlated intraopera- have at least one of the features described in
tively (Table 3). Box 1 and, in addition, an absence of other char-
acteristics associated with established syndromes
RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES with overlapping features of CFM. The network
continues to expand, and goals include further
We have little evidence for many of the current rec- investigation of the genetic contributions to CFM
ommendations for care in individuals with CFM. A through Dr Luquetti’s partnership with the National
lack of understanding about etiology, the absence Institutes of Health Gabriella Miller Kids First Pro-
of consensus on diagnostic criteria, and a paucity gram and interdisciplinary collaboration to investi-
of large population studies have hampered our gate patient preferences and clinical outcomes.
ability to make significant advances in the requisite The International Consortium for Health
research required to provide robust, evidence- Outcome Metrics working group for CFM
based treatment guidelines. (
ofacial-microsomia/) developed a set of outcome
metrics related to the following domains: func-
tioning, appearance, psychosocial, and treatment
burden. Recent publications provide a call to

Box 1
Minimal inclusion criteria for clinical research
proposed by the Facial Asymmetry
Collaborative for Interdisciplinary Assessment
and Learning research network

∙ Microtia/anotia
∙ Facial asymmetry 1 preauricular tag(s)
∙ Facial asymmetry 1 facial tag(s)
∙ Facial asymmetry 1 epibulbar dermoid
∙ Facial asymmetry 1 macrostomia
∙ Preauricular tag 1 epibulbar dermoid
∙ Preauricular tag 1 macrostomia
Fig. 14. Virtual surgical plan for 2-jaw surgery in pa- ∙ Facial tag 1 epibulbar dermoid
tient with skeletal asymmetry and occlusal cant sec- ∙ Macrostomia 1 epibulbar dermoid
ondary to craniofacial microsomia.
216 Birgfeld & Heike

Table 3
Predicted surgical movement at facial landmarks based on virtual surgical planning

Point Name Anterior/Posterior Left/Right Up/Down

ANS Anterior nasal spine 5.40 mm anterior 0.02 mm right 1.86 mm up
A A point 5.11 mm anterior 1.66 mm right 1.98 mm up
ISU1 Midline of upper incisor 5.00 mm anterior 3.00 mm right 2.00 mm up
U3L Upper left canine 7.13 mm anterior 1.30 mm right 0.64 mm up
U6L Upper left anterior molar 7.79 mm anterior 0.66 mm left 0.28 mm up
(mesiobuccal cusp)
U3R Upper right canine 2.24 mm anterior 1.15 mm right 3.93 mm up
U6R Upper right anterior molar 1.52 mm anterior 0.69 mm left 4.49 mm up
(mesiobuccal cusp)
ISL1 Midline of lower incisor 1.95 mm anterior 5.55 mm left 3.38 mm up
L6L Lower left anterior molar 1.02 mm anterior 5.18 mm left 2.14 mm up
(mesiobuccal cusp)
L6R Lower right anterior molar 2.86 mm anterior 4.77 mm left 3.94 mm up
(mesiobuccal cusp)
B B point 2.54 mm anterior 4.10 mm left 3.19 mm up
Pog Pogonion 2.86 mm anterior 3.64 mm left 3.28 mm up

Intraoperative measurements at these points can be made to confirm appropriate surgical movement.

action for further investigation of the psychosocial surgical interventions and remains sensitive to pa-
needs of individuals with CFM,53,144–146 and iden- tients’ social and self-confidence needs is one that
tification of optimal screening tools and interven- best serves the patient with CFM.
tion strategies, when indicated.
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