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Reinforced Concrete II Hashemite University

The Hashemite University

Department of Civil Engineering

Lecture 6 – Analysis and

Design for Torsion

Dr Hazim Dwairi

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Torsion in Plain Concrete

• Torsion in circular members

T : Applied Torque
ρ : Radial Distance
I p : Polar Moment of Inertia

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Dr. Hazim Dwairi 1

Reinforced Concrete II Hashemite University

Torsion in Plain Concrete

• Torsion in rectangular members
– The largest stress occurs at the middle of the wide face “a” a.
– The stress at the corners is zero.
– Stress distribution at any other location is less than that at the
middle and
– greater than zero.

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Torsion in Plain Concrete

• Torsion in rectangular members

τ max =
αb 2 a

a/b 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 ∞

α 0.208 0.219 0.246 0.267 0.290 1/3

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

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Cracking Strength

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Thin Walled Tube Analogy

• The design for torsion is based on a thin walled

tube space truss analogy
tube, analogy. A beam subjected to
torsion is idealized as a thin-
thin-walled tube with the
core concrete cross section in a solid beam is

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Thin Walled Tube Analogy

V1=V3, V2=V4

According to thin walled theory:

q = V1/xo=V2/yo=V2/xo=V4/yo
q = shear force/unit length
q = shear flow = constant

Î q = τ.
τ = shear stress
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Thin Walled Tube Analogy

Take moment about centroid

T = (V1+VV3)yo/2 + (V2+V
) o/2
T = 2V1yo/2 + 2V2xo/2
Recall: V1 = q.xo & V2 = q.yo
T = 2V1xoyo/2 + 2V2yoxo/2
T = 2qA
q o

Î τ = T/(2Aot)

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Threshold Torsion

• Torques that do not exceed approximately one one--

quarter of the cracking torque Tcr will not cause a
structurally significant reduction in either the
flexural or shear strength and can be ignored.
• Cracking is assumed to occur when the principal
tensile stress reaches 0.33 f c' . In a nonprestressed
beam loaded with torsion alone
alone, the principal
tensile stress is equal to the torsional shear stress,
τ . Recall that: T
2 Aot
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Threshold Torsion

According to ACI - R11.6.1

2 3 Acp
Ao = Acp ; t =
3 4 pcp
where : Acp = xy ; pcp = 2( x + y )
Substituting values of Ao and t
⎛ Acp2 ⎞
∴Tcr = 0.33 f ⎜ ⎟ '
⎜p ⎟ c
⎝ cp ⎠
Neglect Torsion when Tu ≤
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Torsion in

xo & yo distance from

CL to CL of stirrup
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Reinforcement Requirement for

RC Members in Torsion
• Reinforcement is determined using space truss
• In space truss analogy, the concrete compression
diagonals (struts), vertical stirrups in tension (ties),
and longitudinal reinforcement (tension chords)
act together as shown in figure on the next slide.
• The analogy derives that torsional shear stress will
be resisted by the vertical stirrups as well as by
the longitudinal steel

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Reinforcement Requirement for

RC Members in Torsion

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Vertical Stirrup Reinforcement

Recall : q = τt =
2 Ao
T y cot θ
V4 = qyo = yo = nAt f yv = o At f yv
2 Ao s n = number of stirrups
p crossingg
yo cot θ 2A diagonal crack
T= At f yv o At = Area of one leg stirrup
s yo
f yv = Yield strength of shear
At f yv At f yv
Tn = 2 xo yo cot θ = 2 Aoh cot θ reinforcement
s s
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Vertical Stirrup Reinforcement

• For No failure,
failure, i.e., torsion capacity greater than
of equal to torsion demand:
φTn > Tu ; φ = 0.75
• For torsion capacity equal to or greater than
torsion demand, we have at the limit state:
At f yv
Tu = 2φ Aoh cot θ
• Therefore steel area in one leg stirrup is:
Tu s
At =
2φf yv Aoh cot θ
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Vertical Stirrup Reinforcement

• ACI 6.3.6 assumes θ = 45o for nonprestressed

members and replaces Aoh by Ao where:
Ao = 0.85Aoh.
• Therefore:
Tu s
At =
2φf yv Ao

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Longitudinal Steel Reinforcement

Diagonal Compression Struts

Axial Force due to Torsion :

ΔN 4 = V4 cot θ = yo f yv cot 2 θ
ΔN 4 = ΔN 2
Similarly :
ΔN1 = V1 cot θ = xo f yv cot 2 θ
Dr. Hazim Dwairi
ΔN1 = ΔN 3 The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Longitudinal Steel Reinforcement

Total axial force is:
N total = ΔN1 + ΔN 2 + ΔN 3 + ΔN 4
At A
N total = 2 yo f yv cot 2 θ + 2 t xo f yv cot 2 θ
s s
N total = 2( xo + yo ) t f yv cot 2 θ = t ph f yv cot 2 θ
s s
Longitudinal Steel Force:
At ph = permimeter of stirrup
N total = Al f y = ph f yv cott 2 θ
s Al = Total area of longitudinal
reinforcement to resist torsion
A f yv
Al = t ph cot 2 θ f y = Yield strength of longitudinal
s fy reinforcement
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Longitudinal Steel Reinforcement

At f yv
Al = ph cot 2 θ
s f yl
Recall :
Tu s
At =
2φf yv Ao
Substitute At in Al , and for φ = 45o
Tu s
2φf yv Ao f yv
Al = ph
s fy

Tu ph
Al =
2φAo f y
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Combined Shear and Torsion

Shear Stress : τ v = V / bw d
Torsional Stress : τ t = T /(2 Aot )
F cracked
For ti : Ao = 0.85 Aoh , t = Aoh / ph
k d section

V Tph V 2 Tph 2
τ = τ v +τ t = + τ= ( ) +( )
bw d 1.7 Aoh2 bw d 1.7 Aoh2
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Equilibrium and Compatibility

• Equilibrium Torsion:
Torsion: torsion moment is required for
equilibrium of the structure (cannot be reduced by
internal forces redistribution).
• Compatibility Torsion:
Torsion: torsional moment results
from the compatibility of deformations between members
meeting at a joint (torsional
(torsional moment can be reduced by
redistribution of internal forces after cracking if the
torsion arises from the member twisting to maintain
compatibility of deformations). The reduction in Tu is of
the magnitude:

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Equilibrium Torsion

The torsion in the beams

in Figs (a) & (b) must be
resisted by the structural
system if the beam is to
remain in equilibrium. If
the applied torsion is not
resisted, the beam will
rotate about its axis until
the structure collapses.

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Equilibrium Torsion


The canopy applies a torsional moment to the beam A-B.

For this structure to stand, the beam must resist the
torsional moment, and the columns must resist the
resulting bending moments.
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Compatibility Torsion

If joint A is monolithically built

with cross beam C-D then
beam A can only develop end
slope at A if beam C-D twists
about its own axis. If ends C
and D are restrained against
rotation, a torsional moment T
will be applied to beam C-D. if
C and D are free to rotate
about axis C-D then T would
be zero.

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Compatibility Torsion


Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

ACI Requirements for Torsion

Torsion: design for full Tu
Equilibrium Torsion:

Torsion: reduce Tu to the following

Compatibility Torsion:
• Nonprestressed member without axial force:

• Nonprestressed member with an axial force:

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ACI Requirements for Torsion

It shall be permitted to neglect torsion effects if
the factored torsional moment Tu is less than:

• Nonprestressed members without axial force:

• Nonprestressed members with an axial force:

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

ACI Requirements for Torsion

• The cross
cross--sectional dimensions shall be such


• If NOT
NOT,, increase section dimensions.
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ACI Requirements for Torsion

• Reinforcement for torsion
R ll ACI Eq.
E (11-
At Tu
= ; 30o ≤ θ ≤ 60o
s 2φf yv Ao cot θ
• Combined shear and torsion reinforcement
(for closed stirrup)

Av +t Av 2 At
= +
s s s
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

ACI Requirements for Torsion

• Maximum spacing of torsion reinforcement
⎧ ph

smax = smaller of ⎨ 8
⎪⎩300 mm
• Spacing is limited to ensure the development of
the ultimate torsional strength of the beam, to
prevent excessive loss of torsional stiffness after
cracking, and to control crack widths.

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ACI Requirements for Torsion

• Minimum area of closed stirrups
⎧ 0.35bw s
⎪ f yv

( Av + 2 At ) = larger of ⎨ '
⎪ 0.062 f c bw s
⎪ f yv

• Minimum area of longitudinal torsional
reinforcement 1- shall be distributed around the perimeter
off the
th closed
l d stirrups
ti with
ith a maximum
0.42 f c' Acp ⎛A ⎞ f spacing of 300 mm.
Al ,min = − ⎜ t ⎟ ph vt
fy ⎝ s ⎠ fy 2- The longitudinal bars shall be inside the
At b 3- shall have a diameter at least 0.042
where : ≥ 0.175 w times the stirrup spacing, but not less than
s f yv
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

ACI Requirements for Torsion

• Torsion reinforcement shall be provided for a
distance of at least (b
(bw + d) beyond the point
where Tu is less than ΦTcr/4.

• Stirrup Detailing

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ACI Requirements for Torsion


Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example: Equilibrium Torsion

A cantilever beam supports its own weight plus a
concentrated load. The beam is 1400mm long, g
and the concentrated load acts at 150mm from the
end of the beam and 150mm away from the
centroidal axis of the beam.
The unfactored concentrated load consists of a 90
kN dead and 90 kN live load. The beam also
supports an unfactored axial compression dead
load of 180 kN
Use normal weight concrete with f’c = 21 MPa and
both fy and fvy = 420 MPa
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Example: Equilibrium Torsion

600 mm
180 kN
350 mm
80 kN

According to ACI - Table 9.5(a)

l 1400
hmin = = = 175mm
8 8
USE h = 600 mm and b = 350mm
d = 600 − 50 − 10 − 25 / 2 ≈ 525mm
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example: Equilibrium Torsion

⎛ 350 × 600 ⎞
Factored beam self weight = 1.2 × ⎜ ⎟ × (25) = 6.3kN / m
⎝ 10 ⎠

Factored concetrated load = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL

= 1.2 × 80 + 1.6 × 80 = 224kN
Factored axial load (N u ) = 1.2 ×180 = 216kN

Structural Analysis leads to :

Vu = 232.82kN
Vu @ d = 232.82 − 6.3 × 0.525 = 229.51kN
M u = 286.17kN .m
Tu = 33.6kN .m
N u = 216kN
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Example: Equilibrium Torsion

check if N u ≥ 0.1 f c' Ag
N u = 216kN
0.1 f c' Ag = 0.1× 21× (0.35 × 0.60) ×1000 = 441kN
⇒ N u ≥ 0.1 f c' Ag
Therefore axial force affect can be neglected in flexure design.
Otherwise, member shall be designed for bending and axial load


600 mm
Design for Flexure :
By trial and error A s = 1610mm2
use 4φ 25 = 1960mm2
φM n = 342.5kN .m > M u O.K . 350 mm
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example: Equilibrium Torsion

Design for Both Shear and Torsion :
Acp = bw h = 350 × 600 = 210,000mm 2
pcp = 2bw + 2h = 2 × 350 + 2 × 600 = 1,900mm
Assume cover to center of stirrup = 50 + 5 = 55mm
xo = 350 − 2 × 55 = 240mm
yo = 600 − 2 × 55 = 490mm
Aoh = xo yo = 240 × 490 = 117,600mm 2
Ao = 0.85 Aoh = 99,960mm 2
ph = 2( xo + yo ) = 1,460mm

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Example: Equilibrium Torsion

Check for size of beam :

2 2
⎛ Vu ⎞ ⎛ Tu ph ⎞ ⎛ Vc ' ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ ⎟
2 ⎟
≤ φ ⎜
⎜b d + 0.66 f c
⎝ w ⎠ ⎝
b d 1.7 Aoh ⎠ ⎝ w ⎠

( )
2 2
⎛ 229.5 ×103 ⎞ ⎛ 33.6 ×106 ×1460 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ≤ 0.75 0.17 21 + 0.66 21
⎝ 350 × 525 ⎠ ⎝ 1176002 ⎠

2.260 ≤ 2.853

⇒ Beam size is okay

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example: Equilibrium Torsion

Check for critical torsion φTc :
⎛ A2 ⎞ N
φTc = φ 0.083 f c' ⎜⎜ cpp ⎟⎟ 1 + u

⎝ pcp ⎠ 0.33 Ag f c'

⎛ 2100002 ⎞ 216 ×103

φTc = 0.75 × 0.083 21⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ 1 +
⎝ 1900 ⎠ 0.33 × 350 × 600 28
φTc = 9.640kN .m < Tu ⇒ Torsion must be considered

(a) Torsion Reinforcement

At Tu 33.6 ×106
= = = 0.534mm 2 / mm
s 2φAo f yv 2 × 0.75 × 99960 × 420

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Example: Equilibrium Torsion

(b) Shear Reinforcement
⎛ ⎞ ' Nu
φVc = 0.17⎜⎜1 + ⎟ f c bw d

⎝ ⎠ 14 Ag
⎛ 216 ×103 ⎞
φVc = 0.17⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ 21 × 350 × 525 = 153.7kN
⎝ 14(350 × 600) ⎠
Vu 229.51
Vs = − Vc = − 153.7 = 152.3kN
φ 0.75
Av V 152.3 ×103
= s = = 0.691mm 2 / mm
s f yv d 420 × 525

Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example: Equilibrium Torsion

(c) Add shear reinforcement and select stirrups
Av +t Av 2 At
= + = 1.759mm 2 / mm
s s s
Check minimum stirrups
⎧ 0.35 × 350
⎪⎪ = 0.292
Av +t 420
≥ larger of ⎨
s ⎪ 0.062 21 × 350 = 0.237
⎪⎩ 420
Assume φ12 stirrups : Av +t = 226mm 2
s = 226 / 1.759 = 128.6mm ⇒ smax = 1460 / 8 = 182.5mm OK

⇒ USE φ12@125mm Closed Stirrups

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Example: Equilibrium Torsion

(d) Design longitudinal reinforcement for torsion
⎛A ⎞ f
Al = ⎜ t ⎟ ph vt = (0.534)(1460)
= 780mm 2
⎝ s ⎠ fy 420
0.42 f c' Acp ⎛A ⎞ f
Al ,min = − ⎜ t ⎟ ph vt
fy ⎝ s ⎠ fy
0.42 21 × 210000
− (0.534)(1460)
Al ,min = = 182.3mm 2
420 420
⇒ Al = 780mm 2

Max. spacing = 300mm ⇒ use 6 bars :

2 at top, 2 at middle and 2 at bottom
min. bar diameter = 0.042 ×125 = 5.25mm or 10 mm
Dr. Hazim Dwairi The Hashemite University Reinforced Concrete II

Example: Equilibrium Torsion

Use 4φ14 = 616mm 2 in bottom half of the beam
add to flexural reinforcement 780 - 616 = 164mm 2
⇒ Flexural Reinforcement = 1610 + 164 = 1774mm2 < 4φ 25

4φ25 φ12@125mm
600 mm



350 mm

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