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Case study and Team Report

(Real-life case study based on Design Thinking)

Weight: 40% Team Report

10% Online (Chat Room) Presentation in Zoom

Due Date: Presentations will begin from Week 8 until week 11.
Team Report Due Week 8

Content: Group Report = 3,500 words (+/- 10%)


Students will be given a real-life case study to analyse and redesign the business into the future. Students will
form teams of five to work on the case. The five team members will work as the company’s executive team to
reposition the company into the next decade. This assessment requires originality of thought and what you think
the future of the chosen organisation will look like. Using IDEO principles of design thinking, the groups are to
analysis, discuss and debate the pros and cons before redesigning and transforming the organisation.

The future of organisations depends to a large extent on their ability to redesign and refocus their core business
to meet future challenges of 4th industrial revolution and the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. The real life case
provides students with opportunity to think outside the square and push their own boundaries.

In doing this assessment, you are to demonstrate deep learning, ability to conduct critical analysis, and leading
the transformative change.

The teams will present their newly redesigned organization from week 8-week 11 via Zoom Chatroom. Students
are to make PPT presentations and will have 15 minutes to present and 10 minutes Q&A. The presentation must
be made in a professional manner as though you are presenting to a Board of Directors to get their approval and
buy-in to your newly redesigned organization. The team will also provide a written Report that details the newly
redesigned organization. If you haven’t used Zoom before, can you please familiarize yourself with it. Zoom is
available on your VUC.

The group must submit a statement of one page describing which sections were completed by each person and
an assessment of contribution by % for each person to the preparation and completion of the case study report –
marks will be allocated according to this percentage.

Your group will evaluate the group performance collectively and provide a summary of lessons learned.

 The selected HBR case study is Lego. The case is already uploaded on your VUC.
 Your team will present a summary report of the Lego case study.
 In presenting your group case study, please follow the structure of your report.
 Critical to the success of your presentation will be: the story the group is telling and how well the story is
told. So as a group, you will need to practice your presentation, making sure the key elements such as:
introduction and background of the case is succinct and clear; discuss the “need for change” and what
transformation changes are you making to the company as the company executives and why; how have
you come to this decision’ what is your new vision/mission (with your new product design); how will you
redesign your organization (Lego) to introduce the changes and lead a successful change
transformation. Who will be the key players that will champion this change?

 Do not remain descriptive – you are expected to show analytical and conceptual skill, as well as strong
integrative capacity.


1 Team assignment (Session 11), that includes a one-page summary by each group member detailing
their individual contributions to the group assignment (attach this to the assignment);
 A copy of your Team Charter (no more than 200 words and not included in the case study group
report word count);
 Copies of any meeting agenda, emails, minutes and notes.
2 Please ensure you attached the official Victoria University assignment coversheet to your assignment.
This must be signed by everyone and include all team members’ names and student numbers. You
should be able to download the coversheet from the VU Collaborate/Learning Management System.
3 Please submit a final copy of your Team Report on VUC assessment dropbox.

Case Study Format

Teams can discuss drafts for developmental feedback at a time agreed with you lecturer and this can be via chat
room in Zoom. Feedback will be provided on scope of literature covered, clarity of case study approach and
evidence of teamwork. Late drafts will not be accepted (within two Sessions of the due date).

Criteria for final submission

Your mark will be determined by the extent to which you have presented a coherent and analytical case study
report. For a marking criteria guide see Appendix 3,. Points to consider include:
 Introduction (including your understanding of the case study topic being addressed and how well you have
introduced the significant issues of the case to the reader)
 Literature (evidence of wide reading and research) on the case study topic. You need to have referred to at least
10 or more different references either academic books or refereed journal articles.
 Case Description (the extent to which you coherently describe the processes of change in the case study)
 Case Analysis (the extent to which you have analysed the processes of change in the case study)
 Case redesign (the extent to which you have redesigned/transformed and refocus the organisation to the next
decade using design thinking principles.
 Be clear on how this will work Recommendations and
 Conclusion
 Organisation, writing and presentation (including proof-reading, grammar, spelling and punctuation)
 Accurate and adequate citation of references using the Harvard System or American Psychological Association of
referencing (and reference list of a minimum of 10 different sources)
SECTION CONTENT REQUIRED (please see the marking guide for more details)
SECTION 1: Introduction Keep the introduction brief and to the point.
1.1 Type of Change and Briefly identify the type of change (how it involves people, process,
Impact of Change structure, technology – or a combination of these);
Briefly identify the impact of change (on individuals, groups and/or the
organisation as a whole).

1.2 Background Information Briefly describe the background of your organisation, for example:
and why the change was Financial situation; history; size and structure (before and after the
introduced change where appropriate); industry; competitive environment etc.
Discuss why the change was introduced.

SECTION 2: Describe in detail the major change processes undertaken, and why these
Description of change process processes were chosen. Focus on the need for change and the
implementation of the change(s), for example:
1 What processes and change interventions were used (that is the
HOW of Change)?
2 Who managed the change process?
3 Were external and/or internal consultants used and how?
4 What were the obstacles?
5 What cultural aspects of the organisation are relevant to the case?
6 Were there any politics or power issues?
7 How resistance to change was managed?
8 Any other relevant issues?

SECTION 3: Analyse the success or otherwise of the change processes that took
Analysis of change process place within Lego and lead a discussion on their change and
transformation process using relevant theory from refereed journal papers
and reference books.
Remember critical interpretation and analysis must be sustained by
reference to relevant theory.

SECTION 4: Transform and redesign the Lego company and discuss the new form of
Redesign the new organisation that you think will be the most suitable to refocus Lego into
organisational form the next decade. What will be your new vision/mission, what type of
leader will be best suited, what will the new organisation structure look
(major section)
like…… In doing this section, you can use Mckinsey’s
reports/articles/watch their videos/or other sources including YouTube to
get ideas on design thinking. Please also weave in theoretical
frameworks from your readings to make a strong sell.

SECTION 5: Be clear on how this will work/Suggest recommendations for future action.
Recommendations and

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