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Weighting: 45%
Word length: 2,500w
Report paper:

You are to develop a Social Change Strategy for your chosen initiative outlined and scoped in
Assessment 1. In developing your strategy, you will leverage knowledge harnessed from the Scoping
Report, as well as additional insight you need to gather to refine your Strategy. Remember the DEVIL IS
IN THE DETAIL indicating that your strategy needs to provide specific details of intervention planning. If
the strategy is too broad, vague and unspecific you are in jeopardy of failing this assessment.

The strategy is designed to implement a 3 month pilot trial of your initiative.

Report structure:

Cover page: list the following:

 Brand name & social issue & 3-month time period of the initiative
 Your name and student number

Your report will comprise of the following headings:

1) Social issue overview (100-200w summary, no marks, summarise from Scoping analysis)
a. Problem overview, including specification of the geographic location
b. Social change purpose + Behavioural focus
c. Target audience analysis + demographic & psychographic profile
d. SMART OBJECTIVES (knowledge, attitude/belief/behaviour)
e. Theoretical lens

2) Positioning Strategy (15%, 200w)

3) Partnership Strategy (10%, 100W)
4) Product Strategy (15%, 400w)
5) Pricing Strategy (15%, 400w)
6) Place strategy (15%, 400w)
7) Promotion Strategy (15%, 400w)
8) Evaluation and Monitoring Strategy (15%, 300w)
9) Referencing – no marks, yet relevant referencing style to be utilised.

Remember that behavioural change is at the heart of social marketing. You are influencing consumption
behaviour. Do not develop a government information/awareness, social media and/or a communication
only initiative – as you are required to demonstrate behavioural change not only awareness. An
assignment that directs majority focus to developing information only, or a social media only and/or a
communication only strategy will fail this assignment!

Section 2: Define the market position

Defining the market position provides a compelling picture of how you want your target audience to
perceive your social brand. Every product and marketing decision you make regarding your social brand
has to align with and support your positioning statement. A good positioning statement is a guidepost for
your social change planning and design, and it helps to maintain focus on your brand & its value
proposition (ie. exchange offer) while you work on the market strategy.

For Assessment 3 you are to complete the following:

A. Define and justify the positioning strategy to be integrated into the social change strategy (see
positioning strategy lecture)

B. Identify the value exchange offer on which the social change strategy will be based (ie: what is the
positive behaviour, knowledge, attitudes that you want the target audience to engage). Essentially
you are wanting to brand your social change initiative to ensure that you provide unique value.
 Write a short paragraph explaining where you want to be in the consumer’s mind and which
elaborates/justifies the positioning statement below.

For example:
How To Drink Properly leverages an alternate social brand within the alcohol change marketplace
advocating the value exchange entity of ‘drinking properly’ within a frame of ‘doing it better’, ‘doing it
classy’, ‘doing it more maturely’ as opposed to ‘getting shitfaced’, ‘drinking sloppily’, or having a
‘vomit beard’. This value exchange offer aims to resonate with the target audience as opposed to
talking ‘to’ the target audience, and to empower young adults to reconsider their drinking choices by
taking control of their drinking patterns.

C. Develop a positioning statement that will guide your strategy approach. You will use the following
framing and insert key content in parentheses – of course adjust if required. This sub-section simply
requires the statement only!

“We want (insert Target Market) to view (insert Social Brand) as the (insert Point of Differentiation)
amongst all (insert frame of reference or competition ) because (insert Reason to believe).”

 The point of differentiation describes how your brand or social product benefits customers in
ways that set this social brand apart from competitors; use 3-4 adjectives or descriptive phrase
or identify the set of benefits
 The frame of reference is the segment or category in which your brand competes
 The reason to believe is just what it says – this is a statement providing compelling evidence
and reasons why customers in your target market can have confidence in your differentiation

The wording of your positioning statement doesn’t have to match this template exactly, but to be
effective it must contain the 5 main components in brackets above. Above all, the point of
differentiation, frame of reference and reason to believe must be meaningful, important, convincing
and credible to your target audience – not just replicate what other social change initiatives have
For example: HTDP
We want 18-24 year olds to view ‘How to Drink Properly’ as drinking more maturely rather than
getting shitfaced, drinking sloppily or having a vomit beard. ‘How to Drink Properly’ offers the

opportunity to have a good time and make it to the end of the night without crossing the line and
ruining the night out for friends.

Refer to your exchange analysis of barriers and benefits in Assessment 1 to harness insight for
writing this section.

Section 3: Partnership strategy

Build partnerships with key allies: Just as the power of a choir derives from its union of many voices, a
powerful social change initiative requires groups throughout the community to come together in a
coordinated effort. Organizations concerned with your issue can sing the melody along with you, while
other groups-- schools, businesses, government agencies--can provide the harmony, complementing
your efforts through their involvement. By pooling resources with other organizations working toward the
same goal, you can have a greater impact and build more bang for your buck.

Build connections with key people and organizations who have the potential to bring attention and
credibility to your social change initiative. Think about who the key allies maybe and consider the links –
for example local councils, businesses, government, professional associations (e.g., Kiwanis, Rotary
Club), religious groups and existing community coalitions.

For Assessment 3 you are to complete the following:

 Identify a key partner (one partnership only) and justify the value they bring to the social change

Section 4: Product Strategy

Having a clear understanding of what is the social product is critical to ensure that consumers
understand the social change initiative. Simply telling people not to do something just doesn’t work! You
are required to provide a detailed overview of the social change product. As the product entity is
intangible (e.g.: drinking less) the product entity comprises of the brand strategy and logo, as well as
supporting goods, merchandising and services that will be used to support the core value exchange
entity. Of course, the social change FOCUS is at the heart of the product entity which will tangibilise the
‘idea’ behaviour for consumers. What is the main message that the brand name and tagline target –
does this link to the FOCUS of the social change initiative? What is the style and tone of the brand

Remember: link the chosen theory – I chose Cognitive Behavioural Theory

For Assessment 3 you are to complete the following:

 Explicate the actual, core and augmented elements of the social product entity

 Develop and justify the brand name that will ‘tangibilise’ the product entity

Section 5: Pricing Strategy

In social marketing, our products are often hard to promote because of their high "price." Products like
behaviours and attitudes require long term commitments and do not sell as easily as a bar of soap or a
car. The cost of a social marketing product often includes a person's time and effort (to attend a class or
use services), giving up things he likes (high fat food), embarrassment or inconvenience (buying and
using condoms), or social disapproval (resisting peer pressure to smoke).

If the costs outweigh the benefits for an individual, the perceived value of the offering will be low and it
will be unlikely to be adopted. However, if the benefits are perceived as greater than their costs,
chances of trial and adoption of the product is much greater. To counteract factors working against
adoption of the social product, we need to acknowledge these potential problems and address them.

As such the pricing strategy is a detailed overview of the monetary and non-monetary risks in adopting
the advocated social product - psychological risks and the time, effort and energy related to your
advocated behaviour. How will your strategy address any limitations!

Remember, the pricing strategy may include both incentive and disincentive strategies to motivate

For Assessment 3 you are to complete the following:

 Identify the social price strategy (incentive or disincentive).

 Identify the monetary and non-monetary components of the price strategy and discuss how
these will motivate the advocated ‘good’ behaviour and/ or decrease the ‘bad’ behaviour.

Section 6: Place Strategy

Social marketers think of place as where and when the target population will perform the desired
behavior, purchase or obtain a tangible product, and/or receive associated services.

For Assessment 3 you are to complete the following:

 Identify and justify the place strategies that aim to make the social change product more
convenient and accessible to adopt.

Section 7: Promotion Strategy

In the Product Strategy, you developed the brand image and tagline. In this section identify the
communications media plan for a 3 month period. In reality the communications plan will
comprehensively overall all elements of image development, however for this assignment focus the
promotion strategy on developing the media plan. Be comprehensive and use the table below as a

For Assessment 3 you are to complete the following:

 Develop and justify the creative strategy including:
o Brand logo and tagline/USP specifying font and colour
o Creative imagery & appeal type (with draft advertising)

o Messenger details

 Develop a 3 month media plan schedule, justifying media channels and timing of media to meet
objectives. Use the table below as a guide; adapt accordingly.
o Note: the media plan must link to PRODUCT & PLACE strategy activations

Media category & vehicle Month 1 – specify Month 2 – specify Month 3 – specify
Wk1 Wk 2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk1 Wk 2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk1 Wk 2 Wk3 Wk4
Identify radio station

Social Media
Continue linking media channels with objectives and product/place activations.
Use different colours for media plan schedule to 1) create differentiation and 2) illustrate the link between the media vehicle and knowledge, awareness,
behavioural actions.

Media channel justification:

Radio station XYZ is conscious minded and has high credibility with the target audience evidenced by content which targets critical issues relevant for young
people, and engages young people to ring up and discuss ‘at heart’ issues. Radio is initially used to create awareness in Month 1, and in Month 3 will engage
people to discuss the XXX issue.

Section 8: Evaluation Strategy

Monitoring and evaluation of the social change strategy is critical to its success. Monitoring is about
regularly measuring and assessing what is going on during the lifetime of your campaign against your
campaign objectives, learning from the findings and adapting your campaign strategy. Evaluation looks
back at certain points at your overall campaign to draw out learning outcomes that can be fed into your
future campaign work and involves process, outcome and impact evaluation analysis.

The big question, though, is: Did the social change initiative make a difference? There are two ways this
can be answered. One way is to see whether members of the target audience engaged in the desired
behavior as a result of the program. This can be determined quantitatively through survey research with
the people who participated in the program or who were exposed to the message.
A second way requires a longer-term perspective, investigating whether performing the behaviour
induced the desired change (e.g., a reduction in related mortality and/or morbidity).

Due to word length constraints this assessment will focus on outcome and impact evaluation analysis

For outcome evaluation, you will need to think about the objectives set and the elements of the social
change strategy that you have developed to engage the TA with the initiative. You now need to develop
a strategy to measure outcome effectiveness of the initiative.

For impact evaluation, you will need to consider the long term effects of the social change initiative and
its impact on national reduction of the social issue. You will need to search how data related to your
social issue is collected at a meta-level (eg. national level) to demonstrate long-term change. You will
also need to justify how the social change initiative contributes to the meta-data evidence.

For Assessment 3 you are to complete the following:

A. Develop an ‘Outcome evaluation’ strategy & justify how the social change initiative links to this
data evidence

B. Develop an ‘Impact evaluation’ strategy – at least 2 impact measures must be identified. Justify
how the social change initiative links to this data evidence.

Use the tables below as a guide.

Outcome measures table should comprehensively measure all aspects of strategy performance. The
table below is a guideline only, adapt if required.

Outcome Evaluation strategy

Social change Metric Data collection process How it will be measured
Insert Identify the Each time a person accesses the Number times service
objective measure service details will be recorded using accessed/number of times they
Eg customer a client ID number. could potentially access the
loyalty service

strategy to
identify other
elements to
As above
Continue to add rows ensuring all elements of the initiative are measured

Identify at least 2 impact measures

Impact Evaluation Strategy
Social measure Metric How will it be measured
Lives saved Hospitalisation data Monthly national data collection

Social Change Strategy Report (Overall):
This assignment requires you to use your words wisely. Importantly, the assignment requires you to
engage in a process of editing to ensure you articulate yourself clearly and concisely.

You are also require to:

 Present the report format using the required headings.
 A maximum of 2,500 words.
 Referencing style to be used is APA – guidelines are at Resource Bank on Navigation Menu at
 Include a cover page detailing chosen social issue, brand name, student name & ID
 Writing quality is important, so please edit and revise your writing for careless spelling,
formatting and poor grammar as these give the reader the impression of carelessness and a
lack of regard for the assignment. Also, good sentence and paragraph construction helps with
the presentation and flow of your ideas and arguments.
 DO NOT reference lecture notes – go directly to the source!!!! Also the text is not an academic
journal article – go directly to the source of the theory, concept etc
 Prior to submission your report must meet these requirements: 1.5 spacing; 2.5cm margins;
single sided; 12 font.
 Do not PDF your submission.
 Submit documents with only .doc or .docx file extensions
 Name your assignment as per the following requirement:
Lastname_Firstname_snumber_AssignmentName (eg Smith_Jane_s123456_Assign1)

 Submission via Learning@Griffith by 4.00pm on due date.

 Please consult your marking rubric as a guide.

 It is not necessary to identify definitions – you are expected to apply theory to practice.

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