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Q1) Based on the trade-offs to be made, how would customers choose a


Due to the depleting resources of fossil fuels leading to its fluctuating prices, increased taxation and
pollution (caused by burning of fossil fuels), there is a drive for the auto-mobile manufacturers,
consumers and the government to find alternatives to the dependency on fossil fuels for

To address the same, consumers have the option to choose between PHEV, HEV and EV.

DEFINITION 1) Hybrid Electric vehicles are It has similar technology like HEV A true emission-free vehicle
powered by both electricity and but uses a lithium-ion battery that runs completely on
gas with easy transition from rather than Ni-Cad batteries that electrical charge.
gas to electric power. allows greater range and speedier
2) Mild hybrids used gas power recharge that can be charged by
only to move the car from a plugging into an electric outlet.
BENEFITS 1) Provided better fuel economy 1) It runs mainly on electricity 1) Roadster EVs could be
compared to the traditional fuel until the battery runs out of recharged in just 4 hours with
run vehicles power thus reducing the cost 220-volt outlet and can run for
2) Premium Lexus brands spent on fuel. 240 miles on one charge.
provided high end customers 2) It has fast charging options. 2) The Leaf had a 100-mile
the guarantee of both 3) Recharging Chevy PHEV would range with a price tag of
performance and environment cost as low as getting a cup of around $30,000
consciousness. coffee and driving it solely on 3) Charging of the vehicles in
3) It provided the option of electricity would cost $0.02. the right time slots could
Chevrolet Tahoe SUV 7-seater 4) It can generate its own reduce the electricity
for bigger families and small car electricity using a gasoline consumption bill of certain
options as well (affordable generator and run hundreds of households.
options) miles on a single tank of gas. 4) The electricity will be
4) Third generation Prius 5) The plug-in Prius could travel generated by lower-emitting
offered lower emissions with 12 miles per charge processes
greater fuel efficiency with 6)Fisker Automative developed 5)It would encourage
harmony installations that “green- luxury” sports car investments in renewable
provided flower sculptures, energy sources.
seating, electrical outlets and 6) Free parking for EVs
free Wi-Fi spots 7)Subscription service for EV
5) 2010 Ford Fusion was an batteries.
affordable mid-sized car with
good features.
DISADVANTAGE Features like air conditioning 1) A way to include the added 1) Trips exceeding the range of
could shut off while being strain on power grids had to be the electric capacity would
operated on battery. found to avoid having to limit the become inconvenient
number of rechargeable vehicles 2) A person owning one car
to 1 per 5 or 6 houses. might find it difficult to travel
2)The hassle of operating a daily long distances using an EV.
plug in vehicle. 3) EVs might end up as race
3) Low durability of batteries in cars but not a family car for
cold or hot climates. long trips especially.
4) In case of complete battery
drain, there is no alternative way
to charge it.
5) Since EVs were not launched
much after PHEV, people might
just wait for EV to be launched.
PSYCHOGRAPHIC Environmental effects Environmental effects concerned Environmental effects
NEEDS concerned customers would customers would prefer concerned customers would
prefer completely emission-free completely emission-free vehicle prefer completely emission-
vehicle (EV) over HEV (EV) over PHEV, but it still uses free vehicle (EV) over HEV and
more electric energy than fuel to PHEV
run. 2) Customers highly
influenced by high technology
products might not be
concerned by prices.
COST TO THE 1) Since HEV are partly run by 1)The cost to the customer for 1) The cost to the customer
CUSTOMER fuel, the cost of using an HEV is charging the battery would differ for charging the battery would
uncertain as it depends on the according to local electric cost differ according to local
fluctuating fuel prices. during different timelines. electric cost during different
2) There are different models timelines.
with different price range to 2) Some of them might even
cater to different customer take advantage low night-time
budgets. prices in some places and rely
on public charging could save
the drivers some amount.
3) It encourages charging of
the EVs during low charges
shift, making charging pretty
low for certain households in
their monthly consumption
and for climate zones where
the house is located.
SEATING Different size availability 5-seater cars The sizes ranged from 2
CAPACITY ranging from 7-seater to small seaters to 5 seaters cars.
sized cars.
TECH - N.A. N.A. Tech-enthusiasts are ready to
ENTHUSIASTS buy high-tech/latest
technology products even
before its quality or reliability
is proved
DEMOGRAPHIC Caters to families with multiple Caters to people of the age group 1) It might cater to the age
NEEDS members and has segments to with medium distance travelling segment that are tech-savvy
cater to active lifestyle age requirements. and don’t take much time to
group as well adapt to new technologies
2) It would appeal to
customers who drove less
than 62 miles per day.
INFRASTRUCTUR No added plug-in charging 1)Added plug-in charging facility 1)Might have to install 220-
E NEEDS facility. 2)Might have to put 220-volt volt charging slot in their
The Prius used a gasoline engine charging slots in their garages. garages.
and the application of brakes to 3)Recharging stations for longer 2) Recharging stations for
charge its nickel metal while the trips are required longer trips are required
car was running unlike in PHEV.

AT HOME N.A. Charging stations have be Charging stations have be

CHARGING installed in home garages installed in home garages
BATTERY LIFE 1)Uses lithium-ion battery that 1) Uses a lithium-ion battery 1)Charging of full electrical
(RELIABILITY takes more time to charge as rather than Ni-Cad batteries that capacity required which will
AND compared to the lithium-ion allows greater range and speedier last for around 240 miles.
DURABILITY) batteries used by PHEV. recharge that can be charged by
2)The HEV version of the Fusion plugging into an electric outlet.
could travel 47mph in electric- 2) Most models near the
powered mode, had a fuel introduction stage could be fully
efficiency of 41mpg in city charged in 6-8 hours using a 110-
traffic & could travel more than volt line & a 220-volt line could
700 miles on a single fill-up. charge as fast as in two-four
3) Low durability of batteries in
cold or hot climates
TECHNOLOGY 1)It changes slightly from the 1)It changes slightly from the 1)It is completely run on
CHANGES traditional vehicle system by traditional vehicle system by electric power with no fuel
providing a combination of both providing a combination of both requirement
electric and gas requirement electric and gas requirement
along with plug-in charging
LEASING N.A. N.A. In mid 90s Toyota had
OPPORTUNITY developed an EV for lease and
GM had leased its EV1 before
it stopped its production in
TAX INCENTIVES Policies are set in place to Policies are set in place to Policies are set in place to
encourage energy efficiency, by encourage energy efficiency, by encourage energy efficiency,
setting high gas taxes. setting high gas taxes. by setting high gas taxes.
CO2 taxes and penalties CO2 taxes and penalties CO2 taxes and penalties
GOVERNMENT Subsidies and rebates offered Car Allowance Rebate System Car Allowance Rebate System
REGULATIONS by government. Tax credit on purchase of EV
Car Allowance Rebate System such as GM’
BASIC USAGE It can be used for both short It can be used for distances till Trips exceeding the range of
FOR CAR and long distances when the battery lasts and then the electric capacity would
(AVERAGE require charging post usage of become inconvenient
NUMBER OF A person owning multiple cars N.A. A person owning one car
OWNED can get a HEV for long distances might find it difficult to travel
VEHICLES OR long distances using an EV.
TESTDRIVES Difficult to analyse the charging Difficult to test the availability of Difficult to test certain
station availability and other mechanics that understand the features, charging station
facilities simply in a test drive working of PHEV and availability availability or lasting of battery
of plug in chargers in a test drive in just a test drive.
ENVIRONMENTAL It gives out lesser emissions It gives out lesser emissions than It is the most environmentally
FACTORS than traditional cars but not as a traditional fuel run car but not friendly as compared to HEV
less as EVs as less as EVs and PHEV

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