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Subaltern is postcolonialism term for,

The lower or colonized classes who have little access to their own means of
expression and are thus dependent upon the language and methods of the
ruling class to express themselves.
The term subaltern exists in many forms, like language, culture, history,
music, literature and poertry.

Cultural subaltern was that the culuture of the dominant forces was considerd
great and superior and the indiginous culture of the that area were neglected,
suppresed and graduallay erased.
We have lost indigenous cultures for ever.

Language: indigenous languages were also neglected and the colonized

forces languages were considerd prestigous. One the example is English
after the British colonialism in Asia.
literature was one victime of the that.the indigenous and local literacture was
not given that Importance like the colonial literature.the burger class of todays
world also make fune of the indigenous literature as a result slave

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