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Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338

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Spontaneous organic cocoa bean box fermentations in Brazil are characterized

by a restricted species diversity of lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteriaq
Zoi Papalexandratou a, Gino Vrancken a, Katrien De Bruyne b, Peter Vandamme b, Luc De Vuyst a, *
Research Group of Industrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology (IMDO), Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2,
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Laboratory of Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, Ghent University, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Spontaneous organic cocoa bean box fermentations were carried out on two different farms in Brazil.
Received 1 February 2011 Physical parameters, microbial growth, bacterial species diversity [mainly lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and
Received in revised form acetic acid bacteria (AAB)], and metabolite kinetics were monitored, and chocolates were produced from
19 May 2011
the fermented dry cocoa beans. The main end-products of the catabolism of the pulp substrates (glucose,
Accepted 1 June 2011
Available online 12 June 2011
fructose, and citric acid) by yeasts, LAB, and AAB were ethanol, lactic acid, mannitol, and/or acetic acid.
Lactobacillus fermentum and Acetobacter pasteurianus were the predominating bacterial species of the
fermentations as revealed through (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting of isolates and PCR-DGGE of 16S rRNA gene
Organic cocoa
PCR amplicons of DNA directly extracted from fermentation samples. Fructobacillus pseudoficulneus,
Fermentation Lactobacillus plantarum, and Acetobacter senegalensis were among the prevailing species during the initial
Diversity phase of the fermentations. Also, three novel LAB species were found. This study emphasized the
(GTG)5-PCR possible participation of Enterobacteriaceae in the cocoa bean fermentation process. Tatumella ptyseos
16S rRNA gene-PCR-DGGE and Tatumella citrea were the prevailing enterobacterial species in the beginning of the fermentations as
Chocolate revealed by 16S rRNA gene-PCR-DGGE. Finally, it turned out that control over a restricted bacterial
species diversity during fermentation through an ideal post-harvest handling of the cocoa beans will
allow the production of high-quality cocoa and chocolates produced thereof, independent of the
fermentation method or farm.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction De Vuyst et al., 2010). The spontaneous cocoa bean fermentation

process differs from country to country, as it is often carried out
Nowadays, high-quality cocoa beans are of special interest, as according to typical local ways, differing in fermentation method,
new consumer trends require chocolates with unique characteris- duration of the fermentation, and other operational practices on the
tics and beneficial health effects (Ding et al., 2006; Nebesny et al., farm (pod/bean selection, periodical mixing, etc.), which may all
2007; Beckett, 2009). Therefore, current research focuses on the impact the quality of the final products (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003;
development of new products by trying to understand and control Lagunes-Gálvez et al., 2007; Nielsen et al., 2005, 2007b; Camu
all factors that could affect the quality of chocolate, in particular the et al., 2007, 2008a,b; Kostinek et al., 2008). In general, the seeds
cocoa bean fermentation process (Holm et al., 1993; Schwan, 1998; of the cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao L., are manually removed out of
Afoakwa et al., 2008; Hii et al., 2009; De Vuyst et al., 2010). the freshly harvested cocoa pods, upon which fermentation starts,
Development of the organoleptic properties of chocolate already as the carbohydrate-rich pulp that surrounds the beans is imme-
starts during post-harvest processing of the cocoa beans (Schwan diately contaminated with the microbiota from the environment
and Wheals, 2004; Afoakwa et al., 2008). Traditional fermentation (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Schwan and Wheals, 2004; Jespersen
of cocoa beans followed by natural sun-drying represents the first et al., 2005; Thompson et al., 2007; De Vuyst et al., 2010).
step of cocoa bean curing and hence of chocolate production Complex biochemical reactions outside and inside the beans are the
(Fowler et al., 1998; Wood and Lass, 2001; Thompson et al., 2007; main consequence of microbial activities. Yeasts and lactic acid
bacteria (LAB) are the predominating microbial species at the initial
phases of the fermentation process (Schwan and Wheals, 2004;
q All the authors are partners of the Flanders Research Consortium on Fermented
Daniel et al., 2009; De Vuyst et al., 2010). The major constituents
Foods and Beverages.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ32 2 6293245; fax: þ32 2 6292720. of the fresh pulp, namely glucose, fructose, and citric acid, are fer-
E-mail address: (L. De Vuyst). mented into mainly ethanol and lactic acid. As a consequence, the

0740-0020/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Papalexandratou et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338 1327

microenvironment of the fermenting substrate changes, allowing 2. Materials and methods

activities by obligate aerobic acetic acid bacteria (AAB) that are able
to grow through oxidation of the ethanol produced by the yeasts 2.1. Field experiments
into acetic acid (Schwan and Wheals, 2004; De Vuyst et al., 2010).
During fermentation, ethanol and acetic acid diffuse into the beans, During the main crop of 2007 (November 2007), two six-day
and this, in combination with the heat produced, causes the death spontaneous cocoa bean box fermentations were performed in
of the seed embryo. Consequently, the internal structure of the Ilhéus (Bahia, Brazil) on two different farms, approximately 10 km
cocoa beans breaks down, releasing all compounds of the storage from each other. High-quality organic cocoa from the well-
and pigment cells that can now interact through biochemical maintained ‘Hawaii’ (Box 1 fermentation) and ‘Leão De Ouro’ (Box
reactions of activated endogenous hydrolases to develop flavor and 2 fermentation) plantations was used. Cocoa pods of hybrids of
color precursors. Criollo and Forastero were collected and opened manually at the
Today, Brazil represents the main cocoa producer of Latin fields with clean machetes. A strict separation of healthy and
America, which corresponds to 4% of the global cocoa production infected pods was made to avoid undesirable contamination of the
( In the early 1990s, a fungal fermenting cocoa pulp-bean masses, and the placenta was removed
infection (i.e., witches’ broom disease) destroyed large cocoa as well. All workers wore gloves. Fresh, selected cocoa beans were
plantations (de Arruda et al., 2003; Griffith et al., 2003; Scarpari placed into washed wooden containers with a capacity of 75 kg or
et al., 2005). Today, cocoa manufacturers use witches’ broom- into baskets layered with clean sacks, before being transferred to
resistant clones of the cocoa tree and cultivate organic cocoa the final pre-washed wooden fermentation boxes. In the case of the
(Pereira et al., 1996; Anonymous, 2000; Faleiro et al., 2004; Box 1 fermentation, 1500 kg of cocoa beans were weighed and put
Mondego et al., 2008). Unfortunately, Brazilian cocoa possesses into a box of 1.2 m  1.2 m  1.0 m, which was placed under a metal
strongly acidic flavor, which is an undesirable characteristic for roof to protect the fermentation from bad weather conditions. The
chocolate making (Passos and Passos, 1985; Wood and Lass, 2001). fermenting cocoa pulp-bean mass was mixed after 54, 76, 96, and
In the past, most of the microbiological studies of the cocoa bean 120 h of fermentation by transfer of the contents from one box to
fermentation process worldwide were based on traditional plating, another identical box. In the case of the Box 2 fermentation, 1850 kg
isolation, and identification of the microbial colonies (Passos et al., of cocoa beans were placed into a box of 1.85 m  1.35 m  1.00 m,
1984a,b; Schwan et al., 1986; Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Lagunes- which was standing inside a fermentary room. Mixing of the fer-
Gálvez et al., 2007). In particular, investigations of the microbiota menting cocoa pulp-bean mass by transfer to another identical box
of Brazilian cocoa bean fermentations have been restricted mainly took place after 48, 72, 96, and 120 h. The sweatings produced
to box fermentations and the isolation of yeasts and bacteria for during both fermentations could drain away through a false bottom
their phenotypic characterization (Passos et al., 1984a,b; Passos and of the boxes. After fermentation, the beans were sun-dried on
Passos, 1985; Schwan et al., 1986, 1995). Also, the impact of a starter a wooden platform, which could be covered with a roof on wheels
culture consisting of essential yeast and cocoa-specific LAB and AAB in the case of rainfall. After two days of natural sun-drying, the
species on the course of Brazilian cocoa bean box fermentations has fermented cocoa beans of the Box 1 fermentation were artificially
been reported (Schwan, 1998). All these studies have emphasized dried at 60  C for 18 h, because of heavy rainfall and increased
the acidity of Brazilian cocoa. Further, they have revealed that the humidity during sun-drying. Five days of sun-drying were suc-
initial phases of Brazilian cocoa bean box fermentations are ceeded by 10 h of controlled artificial drying at 60  C in the case of
dominated by Lactobacillus plantarum, while Lactobacillus del- the fermented cocoa beans of the Box 2 fermentation.
brueckii, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and Pediococcus acidilactici are Samples of 500 g were collected in sterile bags after 0, 6, 12, 24,
present at the end of the fermentations (Passos et al., 1984b). 30, 36, 48, 54, 60, 72, 84, 96, 120, and 144 h of fermentation and
Acetobacter aceti and Acetobacter pasteurianus are the main AAB stored at 20  C; an aliquot was used for immediate culture-
species (Passos and Passos, 1985). Additional studies have revealed dependent microbiological analysis. Additional samples were
the involvement of Bacillus species in the later phases of Brazilian taken immediately after mixing the cocoa pulp-bean mass to
cocoa bean fermentations, when the temperature in the boxes is determine its influence on the microbiota. Sampling was always
>50  C (Schwan et al., 1986). Recent sequencing data of 16S rRNA done once per time point at the same depth of the fermenting
gene clone libraries obtained from Brazilian cocoa bean fermenta- cocoa pulp-bean mass (approximately 40 cm from the upper
tion samples have suggested a restricted bacterial species diversity, surface) but in different points of the boxes, as the periodical
including Lactobacillus fermentum and A. pasteurianus, during cocoa mixing of the fermenting cocoa pulp-bean mass allowed its
bean box fermentations carried out with raw material of high homogenization. Also, swab samples corresponding to a surface of
quality, clean equipment, and regular mixing (Garcia-Armisen 25 cm2 were taken from the environment (pod surfaces; leafs;
et al., 2010). workers’ hands; machetes; shovels used for mixing; transport and
Recent studies of the LAB and AAB communities involved in fermentation boxes; and sacks). Environmental temperatures were
Ghanaian cocoa bean fermentations employed a multiphasic measured with online temperature recorders (DeltaTRAK, Pleas-
approach, encompassing culture-dependent and -independent anton, CA, USA). Temperature and pH inside the fermenting cocoa
methods as well as metabolite target analyses (Nielsen et al., 2005, pulp-bean mass were monitored online with a digital pH 340i
2007b; Camu et al., 2007, 2008b). Also, the study of Brazilian cocoa sensor (WTW GmbH, Weilheim, Germany). Also, samples were
bean fermentations requires further investigation as, in particular, collected at the end of the drying process.
the role of LAB and AAB to get fermented dry cocoa beans of high-
quality needs to be clarified. Therefore, the aim of the present study 2.2. Culture-dependent microbiological analysis
was to investigate microbial growth and bacterial species diversity
of traditional Brazilian organic cocoa bean box fermentations Freshly taken samples, including swab samples, were trans-
culture-dependently and eindependently, as well as by analyzing ported to the laboratory for immediate plating on selective agar
overall metabolism throughout fermentation and evaluating media after appropriate dilution to enable cell count enumeration
impact on fermented dry cocoa bean and chocolate quality. Organic [expressed as colony forming units (CFU) per gram], as described
cocoa was used as being representative for sustainable cocoa crop previously (Camu et al., 2008b). The media used were the
cultivation. following: malt extract agar (MEA, yeasts; Oxoid, Basingstoke,
1328 Z. Papalexandratou et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338

Hamphsire, UK), plate count agar (PCA, total aerobic bacteria; (Camu et al., 2007). The aqueous extracts of the pulp samples were
Oxoid), de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe agar (MRS, LAB; Oxoid), deoxy- centrifuged at 17,000  g at 4  C for 15 min to remove solids. During
cholate mannitol sorbitol agar (DMS, AAB; Guiraud, 1998), and the preparation of the bean samples, the centrifugation step was
acetic acid medium agar (AAM, AAB; Lisdiyanti et al., 2003). All agar omitted. To quantify metabolites, a standard addition protocol was
media were incubated at 37  C for 2e4 days. For a statistically used; therefore, aqueous extracts were further prepared prior to
relevant investigation of the species diversity, 35% of the colonies chromatographic analysis for removal of proteins and addition of
were picked up from MRS, DMS, and AAM agar of an appropriate internal standards, as described by Vrancken et al. (2008), except
dilution, transferred into tubes containing 10 ml of the corre- that proteins were removed with 600 ml of acetonitrile.
sponding medium, and grown at 37  C for another 2e4 days. This To measure the concentrations of acetic acid, citric acid, gluconic
resulted in a total of 1594 isolates: 632 from MRS agar, 452 from acid, and lactic acid in the aqueous extracts, high performance
DMS agar, and 510 from AAM agar. All isolates were stored in anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC) with conductivity under
cryovials containing the appropriate medium supplemented with ion suppression (CIS) was applied, using an ICS 3000 chromato-
25% (vol/vol) of glycerol as a cryoprotectant. In addition, colonies graph (Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA, USA), equipped with an AS-19
were washed off from MRS agar of a low sample dilution (100- to column (Dionex). The concentrations of glucose, fructose, sucrose,
1000-fold dilution) with 10 ml of saline (0.85%, wt/vol, NaCl) for and mannitol in the aqueous extracts were determined by HPAEC
DNA extraction and analysis through denaturing gradient gel with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD; Dionex), using an ICS
electrophoresis (DGGE). 3000 chromatograph equipped with a CarboPacÔ PA10 column
For classification and preliminary identification of these isolates, (Dionex). Aqueous extracts were run under the same conditions as
their purity was checked, a catalase test was performed, and colony described previously (Camu et al., 2007).
morphology was examined (Camu et al., 2007). Total genomic DNA The concentrations of ethanol present in the aqueous extracts
was extracted from stock cultures that were propagated twice in were measured using a gas chromatograph (Focus GC; Interscience,
the appropriate medium and subjected to (GTG)5-PCR finger- Breda, The Netherlands), equipped with a Stabilwax-DA column
printing and numerical cluster analysis (with the Pearson correla- (Restek, Bellefonte, PA, USA) and a flame ionization detector (FID),
tion coefficient), following the protocol described previously (Camu as described previously (Lefeber et al., 2011). Sample preparations
et al., 2007; Papalexandratou et al., 2009). Representative isolates and ethanol analyses were performed in triplicate and the mean
of each (GTG)5-PCR cluster were subjected to further polyphasic values  standard deviations are presented.
identification through partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis
(LAB and AAB) (Camu et al., 2007) and/or full 16S rRNA, pheS, atpA, 2.5. Quality assessment of fermented dry cocoa beans
and rpoA gene sequence analysis (only LAB) (De Bruyne et al.,
2007). A cut test was performed on the fermented dry cocoa beans by
Barry Callebaut Brasil (Ilhéus, Brazil) to estimate their quality
2.3. Culture-independent microbiological analysis (Camu et al., 2008a) and categorize them as grade I (maximum 3%
of moldy, slaty, insect damaged, germinated, or flat beans), grade II
2.3.1. Extraction of DNA from cocoa bean fermentation samples (maximum 4% of moldy beans; maximum 8% of slaty beans;
Direct extraction of DNA from fermenting cocoa pulp-bean maximum 6% of insect-damaged, germinated, and flat beans), or
samples was performed as follows. Collection and lysis of the sub-grade (if the percentage of defective cocoa beans was higher;
cells and phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol extraction of their Also, their moisture content was
DNA were performed according to the protocol of Camu et al. determined (ISO 2291:1980).
(2007) with minor modifications (Lefeber et al., 2011). Briefly, to
get rid of cocoa pulp compounds potentially inhibiting polymerase 2.6. Chocolate production and sensory analysis
chain reactions (PCR), such as polysaccharides, proteins, enzymes,
and polyphenols, a NucleoSpin column (Macherey Nagel GmbH, Thirty kilograms of fermented dry cocoa beans of each
Düren, Germany) was used for further purification of the DNA- fermentation were converted into chocolate by Barry Callebaut
containing aqueous phase, following the manufacturer’s instruc- France (Louviers, France). The recipe and the procedure followed
tions. All DNA samples were diluted to a final concentration of for dark chocolate making have been described in detail previously
50 ng/ml (Garcia-Armisen et al., 2010). (Camu et al., 2008a). The chocolates produced were subjected to
a sensory analysis performed by a trained tasting panel of 17
2.3.2. 16S rRNA gene-PCR-DGGE members of Barry Callebaut France (Camu et al., 2008a). The flavor
A pair of primers that targets the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA descriptors were cocoa, sweet, fruity, aroma, roasted, sour, bitter,
gene was used to amplify DNA from LAB species (LAC1-LAC2; and general appreciation, expressed as numerical values between
Walter et al., 2001) and a pair of universal primers (357f-518r; 0 and 6. The chocolates were compared with a reference sample
Ercolini et al., 2001) was used to amplify DNA of the V3 region of the with standard flavor descriptors to indicate flavor and taste
16S rRNA gene of bacteria in general (Vasilopoulos et al., 2008). PCR differences.
conditions, DGGE analyses, gel processing, DGGE band pattern
cluster analysis (with the band-based Dice coefficient), control of 3. Results
the purity of DNA from excised bands, DNA band sequencing, and
BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) analysis of the nucleotide 3.1. Physical changes
sequences in the GenBank database (
BLAST) were performed as described previously (Camu et al., 2007). The environmental temperature during the two Brazilian cocoa
bean box fermentations varied between 27e29  C and 22e23  C
2.4. Metabolite target analysis during day and night, respectively (Fig. 1A and B). The temperature
inside the fermentary room of the Box 2 fermentation was always
Cocoa bean fermentation samples, both from pulp and beans, as 2e3  C higher than the environmental temperature (Fig. 1B). The
well as fermented dry cocoa beans were used to prepare aqueous temperature inside the fermenting cocoa pulp-bean mass increased
extracts for metabolite target analysis as described previously throughout the two fermentations, reaching a maximum value of
Z. Papalexandratou et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338 1329

Fig. 1. Course of the environmental temperature (B), the temperature inside the fermentary room (-), the temperature of the fermenting cocoa pulp-bean mass (continuous line,
left axis), and the pH (A, right axis) during the Box 1 (A) and Box 2 (B) organic cocoa bean fermentations carried out in Brazil. The arrows indicate mixing of the fermenting cocoa
pulp-bean mass during fermentation.

48.8  C (after 94 h) and 50.9  C (after 126 h) in the Box 1 and Box 2 found on DMS agar, although both media were used to count AAB.
fermentations, respectively. Mixing of the fermenting cocoa pulp- AAM counts followed approximately those of MRS, indicating the
bean mass had an immediate impact on its temperature, causing presence of both AAB and LAB.
a drop of 3e6  C (Fig. 1A and B). The pH of the fresh pulp was 3.5 The plating of swab samples showed that yeast and bacterial
and remained stable during the first 36 h of fermentation in the counts were higher on the surface of the equipment used [boxes,
case of Box 2 (Fig. 1B), whereas it reached a value of 4.0 after 24 h, shovels, sacks; approximately 4.3e6.9 log (CFU/g)] than on the
followed by a slight drop to pH 3.8, during the Box 1 fermentation surface of the plant materials [pods, leaves; approximately < 1.0e4.4
(Fig. 1A). Afterwards, the pH increased to a final value of 4.3 in both log (CFU/g)]. Low DMS [  2.0 log (CFU/g)], AAM [z3.0 log (CFU/g)],
box fermentations (Fig. 1A and B). MRS [z3.0 log (CFU/g)], and PCA [z4.0 log (CFU/g)] counts were
found on machetes and workers’ hands.
3.2. Culture-dependent microbiological analysis
3.2.2. Identification of the bacterial isolates
3.2.1. Microbial growth Of the total of 1594 bacterial colonies isolated from fermenta-
The application of a culture-dependent microbiological tion and swab samples, 134 isolates could not be recovered after
approach by means of cultivation on selective agar media revealed transport from Brazil to Belgium. With the help of the catalase test,
the succession of yeasts, LAB, and AAB during the two Brazilian in combination with visual examination of the colony morphology,
cocoa bean box fermentations (Fig. 2). The PCA counts increased a fast exclusion from further analysis of non-target bacteria could
during the first 36 h and 54 h of the Box 1 and Box 2 fermentations be achieved. Almost 50% of the MRS isolates from swab samples
[initially 6.5 log (CFU/g) and 5.5 log (CFU/g), respectively] to were catalase-positive, while only 11% of the MRS isolates from
a maximum of 8.5 log (CFU/g). Yeasts (MEA counts) were prevailing fermentation samples were catalase-positive; those catalase-
during the first 24 h of the fermentations. During the first 12 h of positive isolates represented non-LAB species that were not
the Box 2 fermentation, the MEA counts increased from an initial further identified. Among the isolates picked up from the AAM agar,
population of 5.5 log (CFU/g) to 7.2 log (CFU/g). Their population mostly from fermentation samples, 50% were catalase-negative;
decreased from a maximum of 7.0 log (CFU/g) at the start and 7.2 they were identified as Lb. plantarum and Lb. fermentum (see
log (CFU/g) after 12 h of fermentation in the Box 1 and Box 2 below). This explains the higher total counts [z2.0 log (CFU/g)] on
fermentations, respectively, to 2.0 log (CFU/g) and 2.8 log (CFU/g) AAM agar, compared to DMS agar, as mentioned above. Conse-
after 144 h of fermentation, respectively. LAB counts (MRS agar) quently, purification and preliminary characterization of all
reached their peak [z 9.0 log (CFU/g)] 24 h and 54 h into collected isolates resulted in a total of 1003 pure isolates: 473
fermentation in the Box 1 and Box 2 fermentations, respectively. potential LAB (MRS agar) and 530 potential AAB (287 isolates from
The AAB counts (DMS agar) increased as a function of time and DMS agar and 243 isolates from AAM agar).
reached approximately 8.0 log (CFU/g) at the later stage of both Cluster analysis of the (GTG)5-PCR fingerprints of the 473 LAB
fermentations (96e122 h). During both fermentations, colony isolates and sequence analysis of selected genes of representative
counts on AAM agar were higher [z2.0 log (CFU/g)] than those isolates of each cluster showed that Lb. fermentum was by far the

10 10
9 A 9 B
8 8
7 7
log (CFU/g)

log (CFU/g)

6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Time (h) Time (h)

Fig. 2. Microbial succession of yeasts (MEA counts, -), LAB (MRS counts, C), AAB (DMS counts, :; AAM counts, ,) and total aerobic bacteria (PCA counts, 6) during the Box 1 (A)
and Box 2 (B) organic cocoa bean fermentations carried out in Brazil. The arrows indicate mixing of the fermenting cocoa pulp-bean mass during fermentation.
1330 Z. Papalexandratou et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338

most prevalent species during both box fermentations, represent- Acetobacter peroxydans was only present in the Box 1 fermentation,
ing 91.5% of all LAB isolates (Table 1). Most of the other LAB species whereas Acetobacter indonesiensis and Acetobacter orleanensis
were only present at the beginning of the fermentations or were originated from the Box 2 fermentation. Besides good growth of
isolated from swab samples. Few isolates were identified as Lb. LAB on AAM agar, this medium allowed the occasional isolation of
plantarum and Fructobacillus pseudoficulneus. Combination of 16S non-Acetobacter species, including Gluconobacter oxydans and
rRNA, pheS, rpoA, and atpA gene sequencing data revealed the Gluconacetobacter saccharivorans. Only few differences were
isolation of three potentially novel LAB species, a Lactobacillus sp. observed between the AAB species found on AAM agar of the Box 1
nov., a Weissella sp. nov., and a Fructobacillus sp. nov. These LAB and Box 2 fermentations (Table 2).
species probably did not play a key role during the fermentations,
as they represented only one (isolate M425), one (isolate M75), and 3.3. Culture-independent microbiological analysis
two (isolates M56 and M622) isolate(s), respectively. Isolate M425
was picked up during the fourth day of the Box 1 fermentation. It 16S rRNA gene-PCR-DGGE with LAC primers allowed a fast
showed low similarity (96.4%) in its 16S rRNA gene with that of monitoring of the prevailing LAB communities throughout the
Lactobacillus jensenii ATCC 25258 (GenBank accession number entire Brazilian cocoa bean box fermentations. Lb. fermentum was
AF243176). Further multiple gene sequence analysis resulted in definitely the most prevalent LAB species during both box
82.3% pheS gene sequence similarity with Lactobacillus amylolyticus fermentations, as revealed through sequencing of the very intense
LMG 18796T (GenBank accession number AM087724), 83.9% rpoA DGGE band migrating approximately to the middle of the DGGE
gene sequence similarity with Lactobacillus crispatus LMG 18200, gels (Fig. 4A and B). Some other LAB species could only be detected
and 86.5% atpA gene sequence similarity with Lactobacillus intesti- during the first hours of the fermentations. No differences in LAB
nalis LMG 14196T. Isolate M75, present at the beginning of the Box 1 species diversity were found between the two box fermentations,
fermentation, showed 99.4% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity although they were carried out at two different farms. L. plantarum
with Weissella ghanensis LMG 24287 (GenBank accession number was detected during the first 30 h of Box 1, but it remained visible
AM882998) as well as high similarity in the pheS gene (89.0%) with for 92 h during the Box 2 fermentation. A DGGE band of low
W. ghanensis LMG 24286T (GenBank accession number FM202095) intensity, corresponding with Weissella sp., was visible during the
and Weissella fabaria LMG 24289T (GenBank accession number first 12 h of the Box 1 and Box 2 fermentations, as well as a band of
FM202097). However, the pheS gene sequence difference was too stronger intensity of Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides in the case of
large to attribute this isolate to one of the two former described Box 1. F. pseudoficulneus was mainly present at the beginning of the
Weissella species. The M56 and M622 isolates, coming from initial Box 2 fermentation (first 30 h). A band at the bottom of the DGGE
samples of the Box 2 fermentation, showed 99.2% 16S rRNA gene gel of Box 2 at 96 h into fermentation corresponded with Lacto-
sequence similarity and 94% atpA gene sequence similarity with bacillus reuteri (Fig. 4B).
F. pseudoficulneus LC51 (GenBank accession number AY169967) and The DGGE pattern (LAC primers) of the DNAs extracted from the
LMG 23899 (GenBank accession number AM711274), respectively. bulk cells harvested from MRS agar confirmed the results of both
Classification and identification of the 287 DMS isolates through culture-dependent and culture-independent analyses described
(GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene of above (data not shown). Lb. fermentum gave a strong band in all
representative isolates revealed two main groups, namely DGGE fingerprints, underlining the prevalence of this species.
A. pasteurianus (cluster I) and Acetobacter senegalensis (cluster II), F. pseudoficulneus was detected in plate washes at 6 and 144 h into
representing 73% and 27% of all DMS isolates, respectively (Fig. 3). the Box 2 fermentation and Lb. plantarum was more visible in plate
The latter species was mostly isolated from the initial phases of washes of the first 30 h of this fermentation.
both box fermentations. A wider AAB species diversity was found The use of universal primers offered additional information
among the isolates from AAM agar, but with A. pasteurianus as the concerning the diversity of non-LAB species, in particular Enter-
main representative (z73%) for the two cocoa bean box fermen- obacteriaceae and AAB. Concerning LAB species, only the prevailing
tations. AAB species isolated during the first hours of both box Lb. fermentum could be retrieved. During the first 30 h of both box
fermentations were A. senegalensis and Acetobacter fabarum. fermentations, an intense band was seen in the middle of the DGGE

Table 1
Species diversity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from MRS agar and their isolation source during the Box 1 (231 isolates) and Box 2 (242 isolates) organic cocoa bean
fermentations carried out in Brazil, as revealed by (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting classification and 16S rRNA, pheS, atpA, and/or rpoA gene sequencing of representative isolates of
each (GTG)5-PCR cluster.

LAB species Number of isolates

Box 1 Box 2

Fermentation samples Swab samples Fermentation samples Swab samples

Enterococcus casseliflavus e e e 1 (leaf)
Lactobacillus amylovorus 2 (end) e e e
Lactobacillus fermentum 188 (throughout) 16 (leaf, pod, hand, boxes, 187 (throughout) 38 (leaf, pod, hand, boxes,
sack, shovel) sack, shovel)
Lactobacillus pentosus e 2 (hand) e e
Lactobacillus plantarum 4 (throughout) 6 (pod, hand, box) 4 (throughout) 1 (leaf)
Lactobacillus sp. nov. 1 (end) e e e
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis e 2 (sack) e e
Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides e 1 (sack) e 2 (machete)
Fructobacillus pseudoficulneus 5 (beginning) e e e
Fructobacillus sp. nov. e e 1 (beginning) 1 (shovel)
Pediococcus acidilactici e e 4 (end) 1 (leaf)
Streptococcus salivarius 2 (beginning) e 1 (beginning) 1 (pod)
Streptococcus sp. 1 (beginning) e e e
Weissella sp. nov. 1 (beginning) e e e
Z. Papalexandratou et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338 1331

Fig. 3. Cluster analysis of the generated and digitized (GTG)5-PCR fingerprints of the 287 potential acetic acid bacterial isolates from DMS agar. Banding patterns were clustered
together with reference strains by using the unweighted-pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) clustering algorithm, with correlation levels expressed as
percentage values of the Pearson correlation coefficient. Species validation of representative strains of each cluster was carried out by partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis
(indicated by *).

gels that corresponded with an enterobacterial species, Tatumella 100% similarity with more than one AAB species. This band most
ptyseos (Fig. 4C and D). Also, at the same time a band corresponding likely corresponded with A. pasteurianus, based on the results of the
with Tatumella citrea was present in the DGGE gel of the Box 2 culture-dependent analysis.
fermentation. A band corresponding with chloroplast DNA that Mixing of the fermenting cocoa pulp-bean mass did not cause
could be amplified with these primers too was visible during the any direct influence on the bacterial species diversity. Neither did
first 30 h of both fermentations. Band (x) in Fig. 4C and D, visible cluster analysis of the DGGE patterns with the LAC primers of the
after 54 and 60 h of the Box 1 and Box 2 fermentations, respec- samples of the Box 1 and Box 2 fermentations reveal an influence of
tively, and migrating to the same height as the type strain of the farm on the LAB species diversity (Fig. 4E). Some differences
A. pasteurianus, could only be revealed at genus level, as it showed were only detected during the first hours of the fermentations
1332 Z. Papalexandratou et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338

Table 2
Species diversity of acetic acid bacteria isolated from AAM agar and their isolation source during the Box 1 (108 isolates) and Box 2 (135 isolates) organic cocoa bean
fermentations carried out in Brazil, as revealed by (GTG)5-PCR fingerprinting classification and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing of representative isolates of each (GTG)5-PCR

AAB species Number of isolates

Box 1 Box 2

Fermentation samples Swab samples Fermentation samples Swab samples

Acetobacter fabarum 1 (beginning) e 1 (beginning) e
Acetobacter ghanensis e 1 (transport box) e e
Acetobacter indonesiensis e e 1 (beginning) e
Acetobacter indonesiensis/malorum/cerevisiae e 1 (sack) 2 (beginning) 1 (sack)
Acetobacter lovaniensis/fabarum e e e 1 (sack)
Acetobacter malorum/cerevisiae e 3 (box/machete) 4 (beginning) 9 (sack)
Acetobacter orientalis e e 1 (beginning) 1 (sack)
Acetobacter pasteurianus 39 (throughout) 51 (leaf, pod, hand, 63 (throughout) 24 (leaf, pod, hand,
boxes, sack, shovel) boxes, sack, shovel)
Acetobacter peroxydans 1 (beginning) e e e
Acetobacter pomorum e 1 (box) e e
Acetobacter senegalensis 4 (beginning) 5 (box) 19 (beginning) 5 (hand, leaf, pod, sack)
Gluconacetobacter saccharivorans 1 (beginning) e 1 (beginning) 1 (sack)
Gluconobacter oxydans e e 1 (beginning) e

(Fig. 4E: Box 1, Ia; Box 2, Ib), indicating that the LAB species diversity pulp of the Box 2 fermentation were found; it was produced at the
stabilized after one day of fermentation, being represented by Lb. very beginning of that fermentation, then dropped to zero, and
fermentum (Fig. 4E, II). Cluster analysis of the DGGE patterns in the finally formed again upon mixing of the fermenting cocoa pulp-
case of the use of universal primers showed bacterial shifts during bean mass (Fig. 5F). Maximum ethanol concentrations were
the cocoa bean box fermentations, reflected in the presence of reached after 54 h of fermentation (6.0  0.1 mg/g in Box 1;
three clusters representing the beginning (I), the middle (II), and 7.1  0.1 mg/g in Box 2) (Fig. 5G and H). Acetic acid was present in
the end (III) of the box fermentations (Fig. 4F). the pulp from the beginning of the fermentations and its
concentration increased to 12.0  0.4 mg/g (96 h) and
18.7  0.1 mg/g (120 h) in the Box 1 and Box 2 fermentations,
3.4. Metabolites respectively (Fig. 5G and H). A decrease of the lactic acid and acetic
acid concentrations of the pulp later into the fermentations was
3.4.1. Cocoa bean fermentation samples seen, indicating overoxidation of these organic acids into carbon
With respect to the microbial succession of yeasts, LAB, and AAB dioxide and water by AAB
during the two Brazilian cocoa bean box fermentations, microbial Beans. Approximately 28.0 mg/g of sucrose was present in the
growth resulted in consumption or conversion of the main fresh cocoa beans of both box fermentations and it was converted
components of the fresh pulp. Figs. 5 and 6 include representative into glucose and fructose upon fermentation (Fig. 5C and D). Lactic
graphs of the course of the main metabolites present in the pulp acid in the beans of both fermentations remained at low concen-
and in the cocoa beans during the two box fermentations studied. trations (approximately 1.0 mg/g). No gluconic acid was found in
Pulp. The composition of the fresh pulp of the cocoa pods the beans. Higher concentrations of ethanol were measured in the
collected at the two separate plantations differed. The fresh pulp beans in comparison with the pulp, indicating its immediate
of the Box 1 fermentation consisted of 55.7  0.1 mg/g glucose, diffusion into the beans or its direct evaporation from the pulp
50.5  0.1 mg/g fructose, and 8.1  0.1 mg/g citric acid (Fig. 5A and during fermentation. The concentration of acetic acid in the beans
E), while the fresh pulp of the Box 2 fermentation contained rose simultaneously with that produced in the pulp, because of
42.8  0.1 mg/g glucose, 67.2  0.1 mg/g fructose, and diffusion of acetic acid from the pulp into the beans.
11.2  0.1 mg/g citric acid (Fig. 5B and F). No sucrose was found in
the pulps. A faster assimilation of both glucose and fructose was 3.4.2. Fermented dry cocoa beans
seen in the case of the Box 2 fermentation compared to Box 1, as No sucrose was found in the beans (Fig. 6), indicating
these carbohydrates were almost exhausted after 30 h of a successful and complete fermentation. In addition, ethanol as the
fermentation (Fig. 5B). Citric acid was consumed after two days of main volatile present in the beans evaporated during drying. A
both fermentations, but it increased again to final concentrations concentration effect of lactic acid and citric acid was found, because
of 2.3  0.1 mg/g and 3.5  0.1 mg/g at the end of the Box 1 and of a decrease of the moisture content of the beans. The concen-
Box 2 fermentations, respectively, because of drying effects tration of acetic acid in the fermented dry beans was rather low
(Fig. 5E and F). A higher mannitol production was found during (approximately 7.5 mg/g), corresponding with a weak sour taste of
the Box 1 fermentation, compared to the Box 2 fermentation, the beans (Fig. 6).
which started after 24 h and reached a peak after 84 h of
fermentation (24.7  0.3 mg/g). Lactic acid was slightly produced
during the first 36 h of the Box 1 fermentation, followed by an 3.5. Quality assessment of fermented dry cocoa beans
increase to 4.7  0.1 mg/g when glucose and fructose were
consumed completely (Fig. 5E). For the first 72 h of the Box 2 The fermented dry cocoa beans of the Box 1 fermentation were
fermentation, the formation of lactic acid was slow and finally classified as grade I, indicating that the quality of these beans was
increased to 4.1  0.1 mg/g (Fig. 5F). Gluconic acid was produced excellent and ideal for chocolate production. The low percentage of
after 48 h of the Box 1 fermentation, reaching a concentration of violet beans (3%) showed that the fermentation process was
3.1  0.1 mg/g, indicating oxidation of the remaining pulp glucose finished. The final moisture of the beans was 5.2% and 100 g of beans
(Fig. 5E). Fluctuations in the concentrations of gluconic acid in the corresponded with a total of 88 beans, indicating an individual mass
Z. Papalexandratou et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338 1333

> 1 g. Unfortunately, the fermented cocoa beans of the Box 2 maize-based fermented foods, vegetable fermentations, and cas-
fermentation were smoke-contaminated during the artificial drying sava fermentations, and A. pasteurianus from wine, vinegar, and rice
step. The moisture content (4.4%), which was lower than required, fermentations (Hammes and Vogel, 1995; Kersters et al., 2006).
together with the overall characterization of the beans as smoked, Strictly heterofermentative Lb. fermentum (converting citric acid,
indicated a serious impact of an inappropriate treatment of the fermenting glucose, and using fructose as alternative external
beans during drying. The beans were obviously over-dried and were electron acceptor to convert it into mannitol) and ethanol-oxidizing
irretrievably damaged by the poorly maintained equipment used for A. pasteurianus are desirable during cocoa bean fermentation to
artificial drying. Ten percent of the beans tested were still violet. obtain volatile acetic acid out of carbohydrates and/or citric acid
Therefore, they were classified as sub-grade. and ethanol, respectively (De Vuyst et al., 2010).
During the initial stage of both fermentations of the present
3.6. Sensory analysis of chocolate study, a wider LAB and AAB species diversity was found than upon
further fermentation, encompassing mainly Lb. plantarum,
The trained tasting panel could observe a significant difference F. pseudoficulneus, and A. senegalensis. A. senegalensis has been found
between the dark chocolates made from the fermented dry cocoa for the first time during Ghanaian spontaneous cocoa bean heap
beans of the two Brazilian box fermentations (Fig. 7). None of the fermentations (Camu et al., 2007, 2008b), but was originally isolated
chocolates were characterized as sour. The chocolate coming from from mango fruit in Senegal (Ndoye et al., 2007). It is not as
cocoa of the Box 1 fermentation was highly appreciated and was competitive as A. pasteurianus (Camu et al., 2007). L. plantarum has
characterized as a good example of high-quality dark chocolate. been reported in several studies of cocoa bean fermentations around
Also, this product received high marks for fruitiness and aroma. the world (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Schwan and Wheals, 2004;
Although the dark chocolate made from fermented dry cocoa beans Camu et al., 2007; Kostinek et al., 2008), but it seems to be less
of the Box 2 fermentation received positive values concerning adapted than Lb. fermentum with respect to ethanol and heat toler-
aroma and sweetness, this product was not appreciated because of ance (Camu et al., 2008b). F. pseudoficulneus has been first isolated
the strong smoky taste that dominated all other flavors. from a ripe fig in the Alentejo region of Portugal (Chambel et al.,
2006). Although not considered a common cocoa-related LAB
4. Discussion species before, it has been detected by 16S rRNA gene-PCR-DGGE
with universal primers during cocoa bean fermentations per-
Up to now, only the Ghanaian cocoa bean fermentation process formed in Ghana (Nielsen et al., 2007b). It represents a later
has been studied with both culture-dependent and culture- synonym of Leuconostoc pseudoficulneum (Endo and Okada, 2008),
independent techniques, whether or not in combination with which is in turn phylogenetically related to Leuc. pseudomesenter-
a metabolite target analysis, in heaps (Jespersen et al., 2005; Nielsen oides and, therefore, it may have been misidentified before. The new
et al., 2005, 2007b; Camu et al., 2007, 2008a,b) and trays (Jespersen name is in accordance with its fructose-loving character (Endo et al.,
et al., 2005; Nielsen et al., 2005, 2007b). The present study reports on 2009), a property explaining its occurrence in the beginning of the
such a multiphasic approach applied on Brazilian organic cocoa bean cocoa bean fermentation process, which is characterized by the
box fermentations. Unraveling the microbial species diversity of formation of ethanol from glucose by yeasts and co-assimilation of
cocoa bean fermentations worldwide is required to understand this fructose and citric acid by LAB species as well as fructose catabolism
complex process and eventually allow its control by adapting agri- by fructose-loving LAB species. Although the heterofermentative
cultural and operational practices on the farm and/or by adding Leuc. pseudomesenteroides was not among the prevailing LAB
starter cultures (Schwan, 1998; Garcia-Armisen et al., 2010; Lefeber isolates at the beginning of the Brazilian box fermentations per-
et al., 2011; Papalexandratou et al., 2011). formed during this study, it was occasionally represented as a clear
In general, a succession of yeast, enterobacterial, LAB, and AAB band in the DGGE gels of samples of both fermentations carried out,
activities took place, which was accompanied with a temperature indicating its presence in and hence accidental contamination from
and pH increase as a result of carbohydrate fermentation, citric acid the environment. However, it was not as competitive as other LAB
assimilation, and ethanol oxidation. These microorganisms origi- species, in particular Lb. fermentum. Random contaminants such as
nated from the environment, in particular boxes, shovels, and sacks, Lb. reuteri do not play a role in the cocoa bean fermentation process.
which seemed to be contaminated, despite their washing after each Finally, three novel species could be isolated from the initial pool of
use. The potential involvement of Enterobacteriaceae in cocoa bean the LAB communities, namely a Lactobacillus sp., a Weissella sp., and
fermentation has been suggested recently and was confirmed a Fructobacillus sp., which need further investigation with respect to
during the present study (Garcia-Armisen et al., 2010; Lefeber et al., their identity. The finding of these new species confirms that fer-
2011; Papalexandratou et al., 2011). menting cocoa beans are a chest of novel microbial species
A restricted number of prevailing species of LAB and AAB was (Cleenwerck et al., 2007, 2008; De Bruyne et al., 2008, 2009; Nielsen
found, as revealed through 16S rRNA gene-PCR-DGGE and (GTG)5- et al., 2007a, 2010).
PCR identification of 473 LAB and 530 AAB isolates, namely Lb. Enterobacteriaceae seemed to participate in the cocoa bean
fermentum (main strong DGGE band in the case of LAC and fermentation process as well. Among them, Tatumella spp.
universal primers; 91.5% of all cultivable LAB) and A. pasteurianus (T. ptyseos, T. citrea) seemed to be the main representatives during
(DGGE band in the case of universal primers corresponding with the first 30 h of fermentation, as revealed by their intense DGGE
AAB species; 73% of all cultivable AAB), respectively. Both species bands. Similarly, during the early stages of successful heap and
have been isolated from cocoa bean fermentations, often as box fermentations carried out in Ivory Coast in 2006, Erwinia
dominating species, before (Nielsen et al., 2007b; Camu et al., 2007, spp. (Erwinia soli, Erwinia tasmaniensis) and Pantoea sp. were
2008b; Kostinek et al., 2008). Despite their mesophilic character, detected culture-independently (Papalexandratou et al., 2011).
these species show close adaptation to the microenvironment of Also, Garcia-Armisen et al. (2010) have found that 2.8e3.3% of the
the fermenting cocoa pulp-bean mass, allowing their isolation even clones obtained from Ghanaian (60 h) and Brazilian (48 h)
at high temperatures (>40  C) and low pH (3.9e4.5). This can be fermentation samples represent enterobacterial species, showing
ascribed to an adapted substrate catabolism and ethanol, acid, and their decline upon fermentation. Whether they play a determining
heat tolerance (Ardhana and Fleet, 2003; Ndoye et al., 2006; Camu role in the course of the cocoa bean fermentation is not known,
et al., 2007). In the past, Lb. fermentum has been isolated from although they should be capable to perform pectin degradation
1334 Z. Papalexandratou et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338

Fig. 4. PCR-DGGE patterns with the LAC1-LAC2 primers (35e60% denaturing gradients; A,B) and the universal 357f-518r primers (35e70% denaturing gradients; C,D) of the
amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments of DNA from the respective LAB and bacterial species present in the cocoa bean samples of the Box 1 (A,C) and Box 2 (B,D) organic cocoa bean
fermentations carried out in Brazil. The reference ladders (L) consisted of (a) Lactobacillus plantarum LMG 6907T; (b) Lactobacillus fermentum LMG 6902T; (c) Leuconostoc pseu-
domesenteroides 274 (Camu et al., 2007); (d) Pediococcus acidilactici LMG 11384T; (e) Lactobacillus casei LMG 6904T; (f) Acetobacter pasteurianus LMG 1262T; (g) Gluconacetobacter
europaeus LMG 18890T; and (h) Acetobacter senegalensis LMG 23690T. The lane numbers represent the time (h) of sampling during fermentation. The closest relatives of the
80 80

A 70

Concentration (mg/g)
Concentration (mg/g)
60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Time (h) Time (h)
40 40
C 35

Concentration (mg/g)
Concentration (mg/g)

30 30
25 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Time (h) Time (h)
12 12
Concentration (mg/g)
Concentration (mg/g)

9 9

6 6

3 3

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Time (h) Time (h)
20 20
16 16
Concentration (mg/g)

Concentration (mg/g)

12 12

8 8

4 4

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Time (h) Time (h)

Fig. 5. Course of sucrose (A), glucose (C), fructose (:), and mannitol (-) in the pulp (A,B) and beans (C,D) during the Box 1 (A,C) and Box 2 (B,D) organic cocoa bean fermentations
carried out in Brazil, respectively. Course of citric acid (C), lactic acid (:), gluconic acid (-), acetic acid (6), and ethanol (B) in the pulp during the Box 1 (E,G) and the Box 2 (F,H)
organic cocoa bean fermentations, respectively.

fragments sequenced (% of identical nucleotides compared to sequences retrieved from the GenBank database and accession numbers between brackets) were: (i) Lb. plantarum
(100%; EU637402.1); (ii) Weissella sp. (100%; AM882997.1); (iii) Lb. fermentum (100%; EU688978.1); (iv) Leuc. pseudomesenteroides (100%; DQ523483.1); (v) Fructobacillus pseudo-
ficulneus (100%; AY169967.1); (vi) Lactobacillus reuteri (100%; EU626022.1); (vii) Tatumella ptyseos (100%; EU344770.1); (viii) chloroplast DNA (100%; HQ244500.1); (ix) Tatumella
citrea (100%; EU344769.1); and () AAB species (100%; GQ246703.1, HM190252.1, AB485746.1). The arrows indicate points of mixing of the fermenting cocoa pulp-bean mass.
Dendrograms were derived from the cluster analysis of the PCR-DGGE patterns (LAC primers, E; universal primers, F) of the bacterial communities associated with the Box 1 and Box
2 organic cocoa bean fermentations carried out in Brazil, based on the Dice coefficient of similarity (weighted) and obtained with the UPGMA clustering algorithm. (E) Ia and Ib
represent the initial LAB communities during the Box 1 and Box 2 fermentations, respectively, and II the main LAB communities during both fermentations. (F) Shifts at the bacterial
communities during the (I) beginning, (II) middle, and (III) end of the Box 2 fermentation.
1336 Z. Papalexandratou et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338


Concentration (mg/g)

Box 1 fermentation Box 2 fermentation

glucose fructose mannitol lactic acid acetic acid citric acid gluconic acid

Fig. 6. Residual carbohydrates, mannitol, and organic acids in the fermented dry cocoa beans of the Box 1 and Box 2 organic cocoa bean fermentations carried out in Brazil.

(together with certain yeasts and perhaps Bacillus species although The use of two different agar media for the isolation of AAB,
the optimal pH and temperature for pectinolytic activity by the namely DMS (Guiraud, 1998) and AAM (Lisdiyanti et al., 2003),
latter are rather high), citric acid assimilation (together with Lb. enabled the isolation of Acetobacter as well as Gluconacetobacter
fermentum), and gluconic acid production from glucose during the and Gluconobacter species. While only Acetobacter species have
initial phase of the cocoa bean fermentation process (Pujol and been isolated during Ghanaian cocoa bean heap fermentations
Kado, 2002; Garcia-Armisen et al., 2010; Ouattara et al., 2010). (Camu et al., 2007, 2008b), former studies of cocoa bean box
Enterobacteriaceae are, for instance, involved in spontaneous sour fermentations have reported on the isolation of Gluconobacter
beer fermentation processes (Martens et al.,1991). T. ptyseos has first species as well, making use of non-DMS media (Passos and Passos,
been isolated from clinical sources, mainly sputum specimens 1985; Schwan and Wheals, 2004). However, the latter species does
(Hollis et al., 1981), but recently it has been reported as a causal not seem to play a key role during the main fermentation stage, as it
agent of pink disease of pineapple fruit (Marín-Cevada et al., 2010), was present only at the beginning of the cocoa bean fermentations
a disease mostly associated with T. citrea (Pujol and Kado, 2002). The of this study, perhaps through environmental contamination of the
latter species, also isolated during the initial stage of the cocoa bean freshly harvested cocoa beans. In addition, it prefers glucose
fermentations of the present study, represents a later synonym of instead of ethanol for oxidation and hence it is not competitive
Pantoea citrea, a species that has been isolated from fruit and soil enough toward yeasts and LAB species under the initial micro-
samples in Japan (Kageyama et al., 1992; Brady et al., 2010). aerophilic conditions of the fermenting cocoa pulp-bean mass.
However, it may be responsible for gluconic acid production at the
beginning of the fermentation process as well. Finally, it was shown
that AAM agar was not suitable for AAB enumeration as acid-
tolerant LAB species, such as Lb. fermentum and Lb. plantarum,
could be isolated from this medium too. The presence of ethanol in
and the low pH of AAM agar, in contrast with MRS agar, did not
make the medium suitable for LAB enumeration either. Further-
more, as DMS agar seems to be selective for Acetobacter species
isolation, a combination of the main substrates of the two media
could possibly allow the formulation of an appropriate medium for
AAB enumeration and isolation.
The initial wide bacterial species diversity generally shifts into
the prevalence of a few species upon further fermentation, in
particular Lb. fermentum during the lactic acid fermentation phase
and A. pasteurianus during the acetic acid fermentation phase. Such
a restricted LAB and AAB species diversity during the major part of
the cocoa bean fermentation process seems to be necessary to
obtain well-fermented cocoa beans (Garcia-Armisen et al., 2010;
Lefeber et al., 2011; Papalexandratou et al., 2011), which is reflec-
ted in a homogeneously fermenting cocoa pulp-bean mass,
Fig. 7. Flavor profiles of the chocolates made with fermented dry cocoa beans of the a predictable change of the microbial communities under the pre-
Box 1 and Box 2 organic cocoa bean fermentations carried out in Brazil. The flavor
intensity increases from the center to the perimeter. The results were obtained through
vailing conditions (substrates, pH, temperature, and oxygen
a sensory analysis performed by a trained tasting panel of 17 members. The averages tension), low-acid fermented dry cocoa beans without residual
are presented. sucrose, and flavorsome chocolate, witnessed by the Brazilian
Z. Papalexandratou et al. / Food Microbiology 28 (2011) 1326e1338 1337

organic cocoa bean box fermentations of the present study. A wide References
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bean fermentation processes and hence the quality of fermented De Bruyne, K., Schillinger, U., Caroline, L., Boehringer, B., Cleenwerck, I.,
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