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Music Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Moulee Gupta Class/Course: Symphonic Band Grade Level: 8th

A. National Music Standards (indicate which standards are associated with this lesson)

MU:Cr3.2.T.IIa Share compositions and improvisations that demonstrate an accomplished level of musical and technological
craftsmanship as well as the use of digital and analog tools and resources in developing and organizing musical ideas

MU:Cr2.1.T.IIa Select melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas to develop into a larger work that exhibits unity and variety using
digital and analog tools.

MU:Cn10.0.IIa Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when creating, performing,
and responding to music

Include one or more Core Standards that the lesson focus include:

● Core Music Standards (PK-8 General Music)

● Core Music Standards (Composition/Theory)
● Core Music Standards (Music Technology)
● Core Music Standards (Guitar/Keyboard/Harmonizing Instruments)
● Core Music Standards (Ensemble)

B. Optional:​ ​ List your state standards that are addressed in this lesson

● Illinois Music Standards

C. Indicate the TI:ME Technology Areas of Competency that are addressed in this lesson

1. Music Instruction Software

2. Computer Music Notation
3. Multimedia Development
4. Productivity Tools, Classroom and Lab Resources
5. Electronic Music Production
6. Live Sound Reinforcement

D. Objective(s): ​as a result of this lesson students will know and/or be able to…

Objective 1: Students will be able to transpose the ILMEA Scale Sheet to their instrument using

Lesson plan form page 1

Objective 2: Students will be able to adjust the notes in the ILMEA Scale Sheet to their instrument’s
range using Noteflight.

Objective 3: Students will be able to create a re-mix accompaniment to their ILMEA Scale Sheet
using Soundtrap.

E. Required Prior Knowledge and Skills:

What must the students know or have experienced prior to this lesson?

● Experience transposing notes in Noteflight

● Experience adjusting notes in different octaves in Noteflight
● Experience finding loops in Soundtrap
● Experience navigating through beats in Soundtrap
● Experience fading out tracks in Soundtrap
● Experience exporting track into mp3 in Soundtrap

F. Materials, Repertoire, Equipment needed:

What materials do you need to accomplish this lesson?
● ILMEA Scale Sheet
● Chromebook
● earbuds

G. Modifications/ Accommodations:
(for example: peer partners, visuals, preferential seating, frequent individual check-in)

● Students will be working independently

● Students who will need assistance can sit closer to me

H. Assignments:
What must the students do after the class in preparation for the next class?

● Charge their chromebook

● Continue to explore the Beats in Soundtrap and find ones that you want to use in this assignment

I. Evaluation
How will you evaluate the lesson?

Gupta VCM Rubric

Lesson plan form page 2

J. Lesson Sequence
(indicate the sequence of activities and the estimated time of each; include and screen shots and hyperlinks that you will reference
in the lesson)

1) To add your instrument, click on the "Parts" 1 min
button in the top menu bar and then "Add
Part" and select your instrument.

2) Copy and paste the notes from the Piano 10

ILMEA Scale into your instrument lines. (I min
would do 2 measures at a time).

Lesson plan form page 3

3) Keeping the notes selected, go to the 1 min
"Hamburger" and then "Score" to "Show in
Concert Pitch"

4) Make your part look identical to your 3 min
ILMEA music in your binder. (If you need to
change the octaves, you can do so by selecting
your notes and pressing "Command" up
arrow/down arrow).

Lesson plan form page 4

5) Go back into "Parts" and click the box to 1 min
remove the Piano part from showing, so you
only see your line of music.

6) Add your name to the composer line and 1 min

make sure you add your instrument name, as

7) Save your work. 1 min


Lesson plan form page 5

8) To begin ​Part II​: Go to the "Hamburger", 1 min
then "Score" and click on "Export". Click on
"Open in Soundtrap"

9) Your scales will show up as the first track.

Lesson plan form page 6

10) Click on the purple eighth notes “Loops” 5 min
and find a “Beat” to add to your scales. Spend
about 5 minutes looking through the different
Beat Loop options. Drag the one like best
under your scale track.

11) Layer a total of 3 different Beat Loops 5 min

under your scales. Adjust the lengths so they
all end at the same time.

12) Select all 3 loops (hold down “Shift” and

click on all 3 tracks) and then fade the loop
out on the last note of the scale. (it’s the tiny
“double arrow” that show up when you click
on the very end of the track)

Lesson plan form page 7

13) Rename your project with your Last 1 min
Name and then ILMEA Scale Sheet Remix.
Save your remix.

14) Go to “File” then “Export” and finally to 1 min

“Export to mp3”

15) Submit your Re-Mix into Google 2 min


Lesson plan form page 8

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