Philipe 1

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Explain the differences between self-etch (6th and 7th generations) and total-etch
technique (4th and 5th generations)? (5 mins)

2. Icon infiltrant resin: (6 mins)

a. What is its indication?
b. What is its role?
c. What is the acid used and why?
d. Can it be used as fissure sealant? Why?

3. What is the indication of the open sandwich technique? What are the products
used? (3 mins)

4. What are the 5 reasons that prevent the infiltartion of adhesive system inside
dentin? (5 mins)

5. What are the differences between resin composites and Aag? (3 mins)

6. Quote the steps for the principles of stratification "sandwich technique"(5 mins)

Answer by choosing Right or Wrong (5 mins)

7. Polishing amalgam:
a- Decreases the affinity of the plaque and tarter to the amalgam-tooth interface
 Right  Wrong

b- Diminishes the intensity of the ionic current

 Right  Wrong

c- Causes bleeding of the gum papilla only

 Right  Wrong

d- Is done using a silicone bur for polishing under water irrigation

 Right  Wrong

e- Is done 24 hours after restoring the tooth

 Right  Wrong

8. Burnishing amalgam:
a- Is done only after burnishing
 Right  Wrong

b- Is done using a smooth excavator

 Right  Wrong
c- Ameliorates the tolerance of the enamel at the tooth-restoration interface
 Right  Wrong

d- Decreases the quantity of mercury at the superficial layer

 Right  Wrong

e- Diminishes the resistance to corrosion

 Right  Wrong

9. The ultrasonic condensation:

a- Ameliorates the tooth-amalgam sealing to enamel and dentin
 Right  Wrong

b- Ameliorates the amalgam sealing to the gum

 Right  Wrong

c- Gives less fracture risk and marginal deterioration

 Right  Wrong

d- Increases thermic conduction by increasing the amalgam porosity

 Right  Wrong

e- Decreases the resistance to compression at short term

 Right  Wrong

Choose one correct answer. (1 min/ answer)

10. Triturating amalgam is done:

a- Manually
b- With ultrasonic condenser
c- Mechanically
d- a + c

11. Correcting occlusion is done:

a- Immediately after condensation
b- Immediately after polishing
c- Immediately after triturating
d- a + b
e- None of the above

12. Potential difference:

a- Is responsible of a pulp pain
b- Is responsible of electrolytic corrosion
c- Is responsible of electro-chemical corrosion
d- None of the above
e- a + c
13. The presence in the amalgam of zonings with difference in the chemical composition:
a- Is responsible of chemical corrosion
b- Is responsible of metallic taste in the mouth
c- Is responsible of gingival inflammation
d- None of the above

14. The hiatus at the tooth-amalgam interface is:

a- 16.34µm due to mechanical condensation
b- 16.84µm due to ultrasonic condensation
c- 16.44µm due to ultrasonic condensation
d- 16.84µm due to ultrasonic condensation
e- None of the above

15. Definitive choice of the color, is made:

a-Before making the cavity.
b- Before placing the rubber dam and once the cavity is prepared.
c- After placing the rubber dam and once the cavity is prepared.
d-a + b
e- All answers.

16. The bevel:

a- The bevel is flat and vestibular.
b- The bevel conditions a gradient in the thickness of the restoration improving the
aesthetic appearance.
c- The bevel is always made in the cavities of Cl III and IV on the vestibular and palatal
d- b + c
e- All answers.

17. In the preparation of the cavities of Cl III and VI the occlusion is registered:
a- Before starting the preparation to avoid postoperative occlusion.
b- After finishing the cavity.
c- Always after the polishing of the restoration.
d- a + b
E- All answers.

18. a- the shade is defined by its chromatical intensity

b- the saturation is the basic color
c-luminosity is the quantity of reflected light
d-all of above
e-none of the above

19. a- the shade of a tooth is measured in nanometer

b- the shade A from Vita equal 580 micrometer
c- the 700 micrometer is the red color
d- the 300 micrometer is the blue color
e-all of the above is correct

20. a-The cervical third of a tooth is very translucent

b-the middle third of a tooth is very opaque
c- the occlusal third of a tooth is always translucent
d-none of the above
e- all of the above

21. The reflected incident light gives us:

a- the color of the dentin
b- the color of the enamel
c-the color of the deep dentin
d-the color of the tooth
e-all of the above

22. The surface of stabilization increases :

a- in parallel with an occluso convergent preparation
b-if we decrease the surface of preparation
c- if we increase the surface of preparation
d-none of the above
e- all of the above

23. The oblique force has the tends to displace the inlay if:
a- the hight of the preparation increases
b-the hight of the preparation decreases
c- the surface of stabilization increases
d- the surface of stabilization decreases
e- (a+b)
f- (b+d)

24. The oblique force has the tends to stabilize the inlay if:
a-the hight of the preparation increases
b- the hight of the preparation decreases
c- the surface of stabilization increases
d- the surface of stabilization decreases
e- (c+d)
f- (a+c)

25. Stabilization of an inlay stays valuable if:

a- the width of the preparation is equal to its height
b- The width of the preparation is equal double its height
c- the occlusal convergent angle equal 10 degrees
d-the occlusal convergent angle equal 15 degrees
e- coincidence of (a) and (c) together
f- coincidence of (b) and (d) together

26. The retention of an inlay:

a- increase with the height of the preparation
b- increase with the diminution of the occlusal convergent angle
c- increase with the surgical crown lengthening
d- increase if we add a slot to the wall of the preparation
e- all of the above
f- a+c+d

27. One of the following sentences is not correct:

,The purpose from making a map is to study
a-the general form of the tooth
b-the shade of the tooth
c- the underneath form
d- the enamel structure
e- the superficial form

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