CHAPTER 1 Activity and Ethics

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Direction: Write your responses for the following situational questions below.

Activity no. 1

1. Pick two service organizations, in the same service field, you have patronized recently. Compare
them in terms of the service quality and value you received.

2. Think about the last business establishment of any kind you visited. What were the tangibles of
its service product? What were the intangibles?

3. Discuss what good service is. Mention some organizations that deliver good service.

Activity no. 2


This chapter has emphasized the idea of serving the customer’s needs, and the general notion that
“the guest is always right.” Of course, there are times when the guest goes too far, or wants too
much. As mentioned earlier in the chapter, in such circumstances, “the manager must find ways to let
them be wrong with dignity so that their self- esteem and satisfaction with the guest experience and
the organization are not negatively affected.” So, how would you suggest handling the following

1. A valued client attached a fake property title for his loan application.

2. A long-time customer has drunk a bit too much. He insists for a priority service of his car over
those who placed prior reservations.

3. You are working at Emirates Airlines. The family orders a 1996 Chateau Margeaux (a bottle of
wine that costs roughly US1200) while on board a flight from Dubai to Paris. They want you to
pour “just a taste” for their child, so that he may share in the experience of trying this
exceptional wine. You are unsure what the local laws are, but you think that you are not allowed
to serve alcohol to a minor, even with the parents’ consent. They, however, insist it is just a
taste, and there is no harm.
Ceniza, Romen Khyle M. BSA- 1(Summer) OM 1 Blk-5


Activity no. 1

1. Jollibee and McDonalds here in Cebu are two different type of businesses that offer the same
kind of services. This establishment differ very slightly that one may not be able to compare
them that much, but for someone like me who frequently dine in an establishment like this, I
can say for sure that I can identify the difference in the level of the service quality that they
offer. The last time I availed in Jollibee’s services I found myself packed with a lot of people
standing in line finding a place to seat and dining through their own availed value meal. In
the other hand, McDonalds also is packed with people especially during eating hours or
break time, so the difference between the two here does not differ that greatly for each have
lacking attributes in handling crowd and also both of these “fast-food” establishments really
take pride on the term fast. However, the only thing I see that both of them differ greatly is
that, even though they offer somewhat the same type of food services and value meal, the
plating and use of utensils are somewhat different, and the biggest part of it all is the prices
of the foods greatly differ, as well as the taste. I for one can say that Jollibee’s meal are
priced budget friendly unlike McDonalds, but however McDonalds have treats that you just
want to indulge yourself in, and for my very limited research on m y circle of friends, they
prefer McDonalds more than Jollibee itself.
2. The department store, name Metro Supermarket. The tangibles are the products they offer
namely groceries and all the products that I need to purchase. The intangible in the store are
the services offered by the store clerks, the help they offer and also the security that the
establishment provides.
3. A good service that an employee can give to a customer is all about going the extra mile to
make the experience a positive one that will make them surely go back and be satisfied once
again. An excellent service involves meeting and surpassing the expectation built around the
business, and it also means showing how important a customer is to you and the business by
interacting with them in a friendly and uplifting spirited way.

Activity no. 2


1. I will talk with my valued client properly and professionally and sympathize with him/her
about the situation for in my mind I know for sure that he/she made an honest mistake in
her part and my client which I deemed valuable to be reasonable in this situation and will
also give him the details to whether why this title is fake on the property presented as well as
offer up solution.

2. First, I will acknowledge his presence in the establishment for he is a patron to our services
and hear his concerns. The next thing I would do is find a common ground that both him and
I can stand on, that will not also be unfair to all the customers I have in line. Ill apologize to
him even if it’s not my fault just to let him see that it was also an inconvenience to us that a
patron was inconvenienced in this situation. I will then resolve the issue at hand, by being
friendly and accommodating as well as offering him a beverage to remedy his drunkenness
and to alleviate the irritation of waiting.

3. I will apologize deeply for I am a professional that is bound by an ethical standard that I must
always uphold. They can either give a kid the taste they wanted but I cannot in any way offer
one to a minor without knowing if this is prohibited by law or not.

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