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Motivating person: ELION MUSK

Elon Musk: South African engineer, physicist and businessman, one of the richest men on the
planet. Elon Musk was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. At age 10, with his first
computer, he began learning programming on his own. In 1992, thanks to a scholarship, he
was able to study Business Administration and Physics at the University of Pennsylvania.

After obtaining his degrees, he decided to dedicate himself to the Internet, renewable energy
and the conquest of space.

1._ How many companies do you do you create?

R. I created three companies. They are Solar City, SpaceX and Tesla Motors.

2._ How much time do you dedícate to each of your companies?

R. I dedícate a lot time. I dont have especific time for each one

3._What do you do in SpaceX?

R. I create satélites that provide internet to the entire planet

4._have you worked in other Companies?

R. d Yes i worked at IBM

5._ Is SpaceX better than NASA?

R.Yes, because NASA joined spaceX and mate contributions together

6._Is Tesla the most important company in the world?

R: Yes it is the most important company in the world.

7._ Shoud you have more social life Elon?

R: No, i shouldn’t because i dont like it

8._ Could you take some vacation days?

R. No, i couldn’t because i love work

9. What is your present job?

R: I'm CEO in SpaceX and Tesla Motors

10._ How many books do you written?

R: i haven’t written any books

11._ Do you visit your family everyday?

R: No, i dont. Because i dont have time

12._ What are your planes for the future?

R: I am going to generate free energy for the world

13._ Are you going to créate artificial intelligent?

R: Yes, its my plan, but i not working on that.

14. Are you going to colonize Mars?

R: Yes, its one of my biggest purposes

15._ Hehehe.. So… and are you going to take vacations someday? Mr.Musk?

R: Hehehehe…. No, because i want to take advantage of my time in my projects.

What do I contribute to my Electrical Engineering


He revealed what the ten essential rules of success are for him:

1. Never give up

2. You are passionate about what you really do

3. Don't listen to little people who haven't been successful

4. Take risks

5. Do something important

6. Focus on the signal, not the noise

7. Find people who solve problems

8. Get together with the best professionals

9. Make a great product

10. And finally work hard to achieve success

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