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1. The DEFINITION of a Christian marriage.

Four elements are critical to

the definition of marriage. They all begin with the letter C.

a) Marriage is a COVENANT (Mal 2:14; Prov 2:17). A covenant is a formal, solemn and
binding agreement. The following elements are true about this agreement:
i) It is between a man and a woman (Gen 2:24)
ii) It is legally consummated via vows and promises
iii) It is an agreement for the couple to become husband and wife.
iv) It is witnessed to by God (Matt 2:14), Parents (Gen 2:24), Legal witnesses and, if it’s a
Christian marriage, the church.
v) It is usually signified by a ring.
b) Marriage is COMPANIONSHIP. (Genesis 2:18). The idea of marriage was born because
God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone. Every other creature in the Garden of
Eden had a companion, Adam however, was alone. He had no one to relate to as an equal and
in God’s estimation, this was not good. So he decided to create someone who would help to
take away his loneliness. He created a woman out of his body (rib). She was to become his
friend, his helper, his co-worker in the various tasks that God had given to him, namely to
subdue the earth, to multiply and fill the earth and have to have dominion over the creatures
of the Earth, Sky and Sea.
c) Marriage is a form of COMPLETENESS. (Gen 2:24). Assuming that it is a biblical
marriage, it has within it, all it needs to be happy and fulfilling. In Proverbs 5:15-20, the
Wiseman uses various figures to suggest this. Marriage is compared to water, running water.
Suggesting that it does not only take away thirst, it also refreshes. It is also compared to a
fountain-suggesting that its supply of refreshment is perpetual. In addition to this, it must be a
source of deep Joy. All of this is meant to show that marriage provides complete satisfaction
is meant to be permanent. This being the case, divorce is not encouraged. Matt 19:1-6. As a
matter of fact God hates it (Mal 2:14).
d) Marriage is COITUS (sex). Genesis 2:24, states that when marriage has taken place, a
man and his wife become one flesh. This is largely a reference to the sexual union. That this
is the case is also confirmed in 1Cor 6:16 which equate sexual union with a harlot to a
becoming one flesh. God ordained marriage to keep us from sexual immorality & to cater for
our sexual satisfaction and fulfillment and for procreation (1Cor 7:1-7).
Marriage can therefore be defined from three perspectives, namely, the legal, the social and
the physical. A complete definition of biblical marriage must embrace all of these ideas.

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