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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

 Evidence: Consolidation activity / Evidencia: Actividad de consolidación

Stage 2: “My checklist” / Etapa 2: “Mi lista de chequeo”

Fuente: SENA

Fuente: SENA

Hey! My name is Mary. I’m an enthusiast about animals. I’m planning a trip to
Kenya (Africa) for a Safari experience. Have a look to the checklist for my trip!

Checklist: African safari / Lista de chequeo: Safari africano

Vaccination and Immunization
Visit the doctor to check my vaccines.
Plan my vaccination schedule - At least three month prior to my trip.
Get a vaccine certificate.
Arrange a meet-and-great service – Location: The Jomo Kenyatta
International Airport.
Get tennis shoes.
Get light clothes like, shorts and T-shirts.
Get a mosquito net.
Money and payment
Authorize credit cards for international use.
Exchange money – I need Dollars or Euros.
Get familiar with the Kenyan currency.
Animal behavior
Do not interfere with animal behaviour.
Do not get out of the vehicle without consulting a guide.

Now, it is time to write your own checklist. It will help you to record your audio. /
Ahora es momento de escribir su propia lista de chequeo. Esta le ayudará en el
momento de grabar su audio.

Fuente: SENA

Hears! My name is Paula. I am an enthusiast of marine life. I am planning a trip

to Cartagena
Script / Guión (Colombia) for a beach experience. Take a look at the checklist for
my trip! African safari
Vaccination and Immunization
Visit the doctor to check my vaccines.
Plan my vaccination schedule - At least three month prior to my trip.
Get a vaccine certificate and buy life insurance by boat
Arrange a meet-and-great service – Location: Rafael Núñez International
Get sandals
get swimwear, cool dresses, shorts, sunscreen, moisturizers, hats,
glasses. etc.
get a mosquito net and repellent
Money and payment
Authorize credit cards for international use.
Exchange money – I need Dollars or Euros.
Get familiar with the Kenyan currency.
find tourist beaches and places
Check prices of tourist places and attractions, meals, etc.
Hello, there! I’m going to Africa soon! Let me describe my “African safari”
checklist to you.

My checklist includes five important aspects. The first, and most important
one, is Vaccination and immunization. The Kenyan Government says I can’t
enter the country without proof that I got a vaccine against the yellow fever. I
also need to check that I have all the common vaccines (the ones you
usually get as a child). For that reason, I have to visit the doctor to check my
record and plan a vaccination schedule (in case I need it) at least three
months before my departure.

The second point on my list is the arrival. The hotel is not close to the airport
so I need to arrange a meet-and-greet service. The people from the hotel
can pick me up at The Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi. I have
to speak with them soon to let them know about my time of arrival and flight

In addition, I need to make sure I have the appropriate clothing for Africa.
Kenya is a tropical country so days are hot and there is a lot of humidity. For
that reason, I need to buy several T-shirts and shorts for the hot weather.
There are quite a lot of mosquitos in Kenya too. I need to get a mosquito net
and an insect repellent to take with me at all times.

The fourth point on my list is money. The official currency in Kenya is the
Kenya Shilling. Although there are several ATMs in the country now, I need
to make sure I have enough cash with me in case I don’t find one. To
exchange money, it is good to have dollars or euros so I need to buy some
before my trip. I can pay for the hotel and buy souvenirs with a credit card so
I have to call my bank to authorize the use of my credits cards in Kenya. An
extra task is to find out about the Shilling: its coin and bill denominations and
to familiarize with them.

Finally, there is one important thing to consider. That is the contact with
animals during the Safari. I cannot interfere with their natural behavior. It can
be very dangerous. Also, I have to consult my guide before getting out of the
vehicles. There are usually lots of wild animals around and it is better to
prevent attacks.

That’s all friends. See you in Africa!


Criterios de evaluación
 Describe la existencia y ubicación de algo o alguien con la estructura y el
vocabulario requeridos.

 Describe los preparativos para un viaje teniendo en cuenta la estructura, el

vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

 Expresa deberes y obligaciones, teniendo en cuenta la estructura

gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

 Describe experiencias de vacaciones haciendo uso de la estructura

gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

 Describe lugares, ciudades y personas con la estructura gramatical,

vocabulario y contexto requeridos.

Hello, my names are Paula Rangel, this is my family. In this photo they were
on the beach in Cartagena, where the weather is always hot and sunny, and
we had a lot to cover.

In this image we were ready for the sea.

I was wearing a white dress with a hat and sunglasses.
The man is my father, Alfredo, was wearing a blue shirt with a dark blue
shorts with sunglasses. The girl next to my father is my sister, she wears a
blue, white and red strappy shirt with white shorts, with sunglasses,
The rest of the people are my cousins who were accompanying us to the
It was my favorite vacation in 2014.
I traveled by plane, It was an incredible flight.
We stayed in a very large hotel that treated us very well.
We went to many tourist places in Cartagena.
I played ball with my cousins, jumping into the sea, I ate casseroles, fish,
very delicious food.
During the whole trip we took photos so that for a few years we could enjoy
the memories.
In conclusion I can say that I have had a beautiful time with my family, that I
love them, spending a relaxing time, spending time on the beach is very
wonderful, I hope to go again soon.


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