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Scones/Tea Biscuits

Makes 12 @ 85gr or 18 @ 57gr

Flour: 480gr


Milk: 350gr


Butter: 120gr

Salt: 3gr

Dry Yst:

Fresh Yst:

Bkg Pdr: 20gr

Bkg Soda:

Sugar: 60gr


Mix dry ingredients, cut/scrape frozen butter into flour, add milk, fold in fruit if required,
freeze 10 min, fold over floured surface, roll out to 1/2” thick

Cut: 12 pieces @ 85gr or 18 pieces @ 57gr.

Bake for 20min @ 195C to golden brown crust

Most Common Bakers Formula:

Flour: 100%
Liquid: 65%
Salt: 2%
Butter: 6%
Dry Yst: 1%
Fresh Yst: 3%
Sugar: 3%
Makes 1 Loaf / 8 Buns @ 90gr each

Flour: 350gr

Bran/Oats: 50gr


Milk: 230gr

Eggs: 1egg


Salt: 7gr

Dry Yst:

Fresh Yst: 11gr

Bkg Pdr:

Bkg Soda:

Sugar: 28gr


Mix regular bread dough, knead 20-30 min, proof minimum 2 hrs, knead into loaf
shape, proof 1-2 hrs.

Cut: 1 Large loaf or 8 buns @ 90gr each

Bake: in bread mould or dutch oven @ 230C for 20 min w lid on, 5-10 min w lid off, to
golden brown crust

Ciabatta Bread (%)
Makes 2 Loaves

Flour: 1000gr 25 bran/75machica


Water: 800gr




Salt: 16gr

Dry Yst:

Fresh Yst: 14gr

Bkg Pdr:

Bkg Soda:

Sugar: 12gr


Mix regular bread dough, fold 4 times, repeat this process 5 times letting the dough
rest in 20 min intervals, refrigerate 12 hrs, next day remove from fridge, fold over 4
times on floured surface, let rest 1hr, place in preheated Dutch oven


Bake: in dutch oven @ 240C for 25 min w lid on, 5-10 min w lid off to golden brown

Pizza Dough (68%)
Makes 2 14” Crusts

Flour: 400gr


Water: 270gr




Olive Oil: 2gr

Salt: 10gr

Dry Yst:

Fresh Yst: 3gr

Bkg Pdr:

Bkg Soda:

Sugar: 2gr


Mix ingredients into dough, knead 20-30 min, rest 1 hr, knead 2 min, divide, proof
minimum 2 hrs or refrigerate up to 7 days, when ready, stretch into shape on floured

Cut: 2 portions of 240gr each

Bake: with sauce for 7min @ 250C, remove from oven, add ingredients, bake 5-10min 

Harinados 68%
Makes 14 Buns @ 85gr each

Flour: 600gr



Milk: 310gr

Eggs: 2eggs


Salt: 10gr

Dry Yst:

Fresh Yst: 24gr

Bkg Pdr:

Bkg Soda:

Sugar: 90gr


Mix regular bread dough, knead 20-30 min, proof minimum 2 hrs, knead 2 min

Cut: into 1 400/450/500gr loaves or 14 buns @ 85gr each, cover with dry flour, proof 1
hour before placing in oven.

Bake: in bread mould @ 210 for 17 min to golden brown crust

Pizza Dough (Biga)
Makes 2 14” Crusts


Flour: 400gr

Water: 200gr

Dry Yst: 5gr or

Fresh Yst: 10gr

Salt: 8gr

Mix ingredients and place in sealed tall container, rest for 1 hour @ room temp,
refrigerate 48hrs.


Flour: 150gr

Water: 150gr

Dry Yst: 2gr or

Fresh Yst: 5gr

Mix ingredients and place in sealed tall container, rest for 1 hour @ room temp,
refrigerate 24hrs.

Salt slows the fermentation process, otherwise the dough would grow too quick
without fermenting, salt helps to form the gluten, also try using minimum salt because
it makes dough chewy (Max 25gr per 1K of flour)

Mix ingredients into dough, knead 20-30 min, rest 1 hr, knead 2 min, divide, proof
minimum 2 hrs or refrigerate up to 7 days, when ready, stretch into shape on floured

Cut: 2 portions of 240gr each

Bake: with sauce for 7min @ 250C, remove from oven, add ingredients, bake 5-10min

Rustic Bread (75%)
Makes 2 Loaves

Flour: 500gr

Bran/Oats: 70gr

Water: 430gr




Salt: 14gr

Dry Yst:

Fresh Yst: 6gr

Bkg Pdr:

Bkg Soda:

Sugar: 8gr


Mix regular bread dough, fold 4 times, repeat this process 5 times letting the dough
rest in 20 min intervals, refrigerate 12 hrs, next day remove from fridge, fold over 4
times on floured surface, let rest 1hr, place in preheated Dutch oven


Bake: in dutch oven @ 240C for 25 min w lid on, 5-10 min w lid off to golden brown

Sourdough Pancakes

Starter: 300gr

Flour: 50gr


Milk: 110gr

Eggs: 1 Egg

Butter: 1 Tbsp

Salt: 2gr

Dry Yst:

Fresh Yst:

Bkg Pdr: 7gr

Bkg Soda:

Sugar: 8gr


Flour 500 400 300 200

Water 255 204 153 102

Milk 70 56 42 28

Olive Oil 12 10 7 5

Fresh Yeast 5 4 3 2

Salt 15 12 9 6

Dough: 857 686 514 343

Galletas de Chocolate

Harina: 270gr

Maní molido: 130gr

Mantequilla : 150gr

Huevos: 2

Azúcar Bla: 50gr

Azúcar Neg: 125gr

Sal: 4gr

Bicarbonato: 4gr

Vainilla: 2 Cdts

Chocolate: 1Taza

Calentar el horno a 180C

Mezclar Harina y polvo de hornear.

Aparte, batir Mantequilla, Maní, Azúcar hasta que esté 

cremoso (5-10min), agregar sal, vainilla y huevos y

batir 1-2 minutos hasta combinar, agregar la mezcla de harina y

nuevamente combinar (sin batir).

Meter la masa al congelador unos 2 minutos

Dividir con una cuchara y poner en forma de bolitas

de 40-50 gr c/u separadas unos 5-6 cm

Hornear 15 minutos.

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