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guía para el desarrollo de clases virtuales

Student: _________________________________________________________________________________
English III 2 How do you look Questions with OF WORK

Weeks 4 and 5 like? how, what, and 8 hours



● To identify vocabulary concerning clothes, parts of the body and fashion.

● To describe your own style taking into account the previous vocabulary.
● To reflect about perceptions of beauty.
● To participate in every activity and tutorial of this unit.


Dear student, in this guide you will find explanation, exercises and
online tools for you to learn and talk about describing physical
appearance. But specially, we want you to explore your Critical
Thinking when referring to this aspect.

Remember, you’re the character during this process and your teacher
will be available to help, guide and answer any of the doubts you


3.1 Do you know how to write at least 12 body parts?

______________hair___________ ___________foot______________ ________legs_____________
_______________eyes__________ _______nail__________________
____________hand_____________ __________teeth_______________
_____________dick____________ _________arms________________

3.2 Can you describe yourself in ten words?

I have black hair , white skin and brown eyes



Let´s check the vocabulary and grammar rules when talking about physical appearance. Ask your teacher if you have
any doubt!

Present simple To have

To Be
Have got

When you describe a person, you have to follow some steps:

Step 1-"HE / SHE IS..."

Introduce this person: Who is this person?; Where is he from?; What does he look like?,etc.
She is my sister Mary. She is from Paipa.
Step 2-"He / SHE HAS GOT..."
Say something about his or her physical appearance. 
He has got blue eyes, brown hair and small mouth.
Step 3- "HE / SHE IS WEARING..."
Talk about the clothes. 
He is wearing a red T-shirt, blue trousers and green shoes.
Step 4- "HE / SHE FEELS..."
Talk about his feelings. 
He feels very happy because today it´s his birthday... 
Step 5- "HE / SHE LIKES.."    "HE / SHE DOESN´T LIKE..." 
Say if this person likes or dislikes anything. 
He likes eating chocolate and ice cream but he doesn´t like eating cauliflower... 

This is John, my cousin.
He is tall and strong. 
He has got blue eyes, short brown hair and a very big nose.
He is wearing a red T-shirt, blue trousers, black shoes and grey glasses.
He feels very happy because today it´s his birthday.
He likes playing football and eating chocolate.

Questions Forms

Question form Example

HOW ARE YOU? How is your mother?
Para preguntar por la salud de alguien usamos She is fine.
HOW + verb to be + subject?
WHAT ARE YOU LIKE? What is your new teacher like?
This is referring to someone's personality She is friendly and funny.
WHAT+ verb to be + subject + like? She seems friendly.
No usamos LIKE en la respuesta
WHAT DO YOU LOOK LIKE? What does your friend look like?
this is referring to physical appearance. He is tall, thick and handsome.
WHAT + do/does + subject + look like?
No usamos LIKE en la respuesta y contestamos
con el verbo to be
HOW OLD ARE YOU? How old is your dad?
To ask for someone´s age He is about fifty four.
How old + verb to be + subject?
we always use the verb to be to ask and answer
about the age.
HOW TALL ARE YOU? How tall is your mom?
Para preguntar por la altura de alguien She is about average height
HOW TALL + verb to be + subject? She´s 1,65 meters
Responder usando el verbo to be.
WHAT COLOUR ARE YOUR EYES? What colour is your skirt?
It´s purple.
WHAT COLOUR + verb to be + subject?
What colour are her eyes?
They are brown.
Check the explanation again and complete the chart with the words in bold. Classify them
according to the category.






Write the correct words in the boxes bellow the picture

Taken from:

Write the correct words in the boxes bellow the picture
Taken from:

You can keep practicing:
Let´s check the difference

What Does She Look Like? What Is She like?

Appearance Character
In order to answer this question, you In order to answer this question, you
usually use: usually use:
 Blond  hair  Confident
 Blue eyes  Smart/intelligent/clever
 Mustache/beard/goatee  Silly/funny
 Wears glasses  Nice/lovely/cute
 Bald/balding  Sweet
 Long/short hair  Generous
 Straight—curly  Honest
 Shapes: circular, round, square,  Friendly
rectangular, oval, big, small  Shy/quiet
 Tall—short  Outgoing
 Handsome/beautiful/attractive/lovely—  Polite/rude
 Pretty/cute—plain
 Young/old
 Heavy-set (a better option than fat)—

Can you tell what is next people like? Write a sentence to describe their character.

Grandmother She is very smart and moody.

Mother She is sweet an generous
Father He is rude and polite
Best friend He is very friendly
Brother or sister He is funny and friendly

Find or draw an image according to the text.

A. B. C.

Write the questions for the answers about Shakira

● How old is she? She is in her forties.

● how is she physically? She is slim, short and athletic-
● How tall is she? She´s about 1,50 m.
● how is her character? She´s friendly and cheerful.
● How is her hair? Her real hair is dark.
● She have white eyes ? No, she has brown eyes.

Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

1. Aurelia is asking about Hannah’s boyfriend / brother / friend.

2. Hannah’s brother, Jem, has long, brown hair / a girlfriend / a twin sister.
3. Hannah has one brother / two brothers / a brother and a sister.
4. Alex and Jem look different / look the same / have the same hair but different eyes.

Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the gaps with the correct word.

1. That? Er, that’s my brother, Jem.

2. And that’s his girlfriend, Lucy. The pretty girl with the long brown
3. Alex and Jem are my brothers. They’re both fifteen.
4. They’re exactly the same! They’re both _____________________ and _____________________.
5. They’ve both got short brown hair, green eyes and
big ears!
6. They’re not big. I think they’re cute!
7. And, has Alex got a girlfriend?

Answer the next Questions:

What do you look like?

What kind of hair have you got?
What colour eyes have you got?
Are you happy with your appearance? Why? Why not?

Im tall whit ayes brown and white skin and thin.

My hair is short and smooth
My eyes are brown and small
I am happy with my appearance because we must accept ourselves as we are

a) Watch the Short film “Plastic” Then Answer the next questions:
b) What does she look like at the beginning of the film?
She has small eyes blue, short blonde hair, big nose, small lips, big breasts, wide shulders and
c) What does she look like when she transforms?
Whit a slim face, big eyes, wide lips, thin nose and thin waiste
d) What does the man look like?
Hes has black hair short, is tall, black eyes, and rude
e) What is the common idea of beauty?
Model bodies without blemishes
f) What is your opinion about the common idea of beauty?
Exist different tastes for all people, there are things that certain types of people like and others
that not.

8. Record a short video in which you describe your favorite character. Use 10 sentences, pictures and your


Quality indicator Yes No

1. I identify vocabulary about body parts,
cloths and adjectives to describe physical
2. I can describe different people
3. I use complete, coherent and correct
sentences when expressing my opinions.

Task 3:

Quality indicator Yes No

1. I listen and understand when people
describe someone else.
2. I answer the questions according to what
I understood.

The different exercises in this guide were retrieved or adapted from:
What Does She/He Look Like?
To describe someone’s appearance, you will often use adjectives. An adjective is a kind of word
that describes a noun (a person, place or thing).Here are some words and phrases you can use to
describe a person’s appearance.

Some of them are synonyms, or words that mean almost or exactly the same thing. Knowing more
than one way of saying something is very helpful when describing people.

 To describe someone’s height, you can say they are tall or short. Tall people are higher
than short people. Someone who is thin and tall can be called lanky. To say someone is short and
also small, you can say they are petite. If you’re talking about a child, they might be pint-sized.

 Someone who weighs more than average can be curvy, well-built, full-bodied or heavy.

(Curvy is usually only used to describe women.) You might also say someone has some meat on
their bones. This is a casual way of saying they are overweight, and it might seem rude to
someone sensitive. The opposite of overweight can be thin, slim or skinny.

 Light, yellowish hair can be described as blonde. But you can also call a person who has
that kind of hair a blonde. (This means blonde can be used as a noun or an adjective.) A person
with dark hair can be called a brunette. Someone with red hair can be called a redhead. 

 Besides what color someone’s hair is, you also can say they are short-haired or long-
haired. You can say they have curly, straight or wavy hair. Sometimes hair can also be frizzy,
which is when it looks puffy with small, tight curls. If someone has no hair at all on their head,
they are bald.

 Men sometimes have hair on their faces. Hair that covers the chin and cheeks is called
a beard. When there’s hair only above the lips it’s a moustache. A beard that’s only on the chin
can be called a goatee. None of these are adjectives. They are all nouns. To describe someone with
a beard, you would say, “He has a beard.”

 How does a person look overall? If you think a woman is attractive, you can say she
is beautiful, pretty or maybe even gorgeous (very beautiful). You can call an attractive
man handsome. Both men and women can be good-looking. If you’re speaking very casually,
good-looking men or women can be hot. To say someone is not very good-looking, you can say
they are not much to look at. This is not a nice way to describe someone, but it’s better than ugly.

 If someone dresses well, they are smartly dressed or they look smart. You can also just
say they are well-dressed. If someone dresses fashionably, they are stylish or trendy. If someone
has bad taste in clothes, you can say they’re unfashionable. A less nice way to say this is frumpy.

What Is She like?

A person’s character is their personality, who they are on the inside. When you talk about
someone, you might mention what they are like as a person.

Here are some ways to do that:

 We all know people who are nice and kind. They are a pleasure to be with and always
seem to be smiling. These people are usually also friendly and generous. People who are
generous like to help others by giving them things. Someone who is the opposite of nice is mean.
Mean people can be unpleasant, nasty or vicious. Hopefully you don’t know anyone like this!

 Some people always show respect to others, which makes them polite and well-mannered.

Someone who doesn’t care about other’s feelings or rules is rude and impolite. If they use bad
language, you can say they are vulgar or obscene.
 Someone smart is intelligent or clever. If they are smart because of age or experience,
they can be called wise. Someone who is not very intelligent could be dumb or slow, but a slightly
nicer way to say that is that they’re not too bright.

 How does the person you’re describing deal with difficult situations? Some people get
angry easily. They are hot-headed. Others are calm and sensible and look at everything in a
relaxed way. Others go right from being calm to being mad. They are moody.

 To describe a person who does not like to go out or be with people much, you can use the
word introvert. If that person doesn’t talk a lot and doesn’t seem comfortable around others, they
might be shy. People who love company and parties are extroverts. They are often easy-
going, meaning not much bothers them.

 Someone who tries hard to do big things is ambitious. They might also be resourceful.
Resourceful people use everything they can to help them reach a goal. Someone who is happy with
what they have can be called content or fulfilled. None of these are bad things to be.

 If a person is good at making people laugh, they are funny. If they’re funny in a clever

(smart) way, they’re witty. Some people don’t like to laugh a lot, and are very serious instead.
Sometimes serious people can seem boring.
 Arrogant, conceited people are not fun to be around because they act like they are better
than you. They can be show-offs, meaning they try to make you see how great they
are. Modest people don’t show off how great they are, even if they’re awesome!

Can you tell what is next people like? Write a sentence to describe their character.

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