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Chapter 1 & 2 -Univariate data AND Bivariate data


MULTIPLE CHOICE SECTION: Circle correct response.

1 Examine this boxplot.

For the distribution shown in the boxplot it is true to say that:

A the range is 35

B the interquartile range is 15

C the mean is 20

D the interquartile range is 25

E the median = interquartile range

2 James obtains quotes on the price of a return air ticket to Paradiso Resort.
The prices to the nearest 50 dollars were:

650 700 650 1050

1100 1200 1250 1150.

The standard deviation of this set of data, to the nearest whole dollar, is:

A 259

B 258

C 969

D 1075

E 257

3 Examine the stem plot shown.
Stem Leaf
1 1 2 33 4 7
2 1 2 3 4 6
3 6 7 8
4 7 8
Key: 1|1 = 11

The distribution of data shown in the stem plot could be described as:

A negatively skewed

B negatively skewed with one outlier

C positively skewed

D positively skewed with one outlier

E symmetric

4 In a study of the growth of tomatoes conducted in a sealed greenhouse, the

dependent variable was the height of the tomato plants. The independent
variable in the study is most likely to be:

A rainfall

B the music played to the plants

C the number of plants in the study

D the breed of tomato plant used

E the amount of light present

The following boxplot applies to questions 5 and 6.

5 Which company has the largest interquartile range?

A Company A

B Company B

C Company C

D Company D

E Company E

6 Which company has the lowest median?

A Company A

B Company B

C Company C

D Company D

E Company E

7 A back-to-back stem plot is a useful way of displaying the relationship


A a sponsor and the sex of a sports-person

B printer price and printer brand

C shopping bill and store of purchase

D age of car and type of petrol consumed (leaded/unleaded)

E happy meal price and country of comparison

8 Examine the boxplot.

For the distribution shown in the boxplot above it is true to say that:

A the range is 40

B the interquartile range is 15

C the mean is 20

D Q3 is 10

E the median = mean


1 For each of the following, write which is the dependent and which is the
independent variable or whether it is not appropriate to classify the variables
as such.
(i) Foot size and length of eyelashes

(ii) Time spent exercising and heart rate

(iii) Eye colour and height

2 For the following set of data:

11 11 14 16 19 22 24
25 25 27 28 28 36 38
38 39

(a) construct a stem plot

(b) write the:

i) median

ii) interquartile range

iii) and range

(c) construct a boxplot.

3 The ages of the members of a bowls club are shown in the stem plot
below. Describe the shape of the distribution of this data set and comment on
the existence of any outliers.
Stem Leaf
3 1
3 2
3 4 5
3 6 7
3 89 9
4 2 2 333
4 4 4 55
4 6 6 6 7 7 7
4 89 9 9
Key: 3|1 = 31

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