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Name: Marcia Gonzalez

Date: Friday 26th June 2020

Course: 3F2
D FOCUS ON LANGUAGE Find underlined words or phrases in the Photo Story
that have almost the same meaning as the ones below.
1 "I'll pay." it`s me 2 "really don't like" can`t stand
3 "To tell you the truth, " Frankly 4 "a lot of" a bunch of
5 "I didn't see.. " a missed 6 "They say.... " treat
E INFER MEANING With a partner, discuss, find, and underline. ..
1 a noun that has the same meaning as "movie."
movie theater
2 two different adjectives that are related to "fighting" or "killing."
3 an adjective that means "really great."

F THINK AND EXPLAIN First answer each question. Then explain your answer with
a quotation from the Photo Story.
1 What actor does Anna like? Leonardo DiCaprio
How do you know?
Peter says, “Hey, you're a big DiCaprio fan."
2 Did Anna see Gangs of New York? no i haven't done it
How do you know?
Anna: I`ve Heard it`s pretty violent I just can`t take all that fighting
3 What movie does Anna suggest? Ice Age
How do you know?
They say it`s spectacular
4 Who is going to pay for the popcorn? Peter
How do you know?
Peter: it`s a deal! I`ll get the popcorn

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