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Twenty-Fourth Symposium (International) on Combustion/The Combustion Institute, 1992/pp.




Center for Energy and Combustion Research
Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0310 USA

Prometheus has been identified as the mythological deliverer of combustion science to

mankind. 1 Sciences traditionally have been divided into two parts--experiment and theory..
A question therefore arises naturally: Was Prometheus more nearly an experimenter or a
theoretician? My purpose is to attempt to review for you the history of the contribution of
theory to the science of combustion. To do so I need to describe "'theory" and "science"
and to try to trace combustion from antiquity on into the future. A conclusion will be that
today most sciences; and notably that of combustion, must be divided into three rather than
the traditional two parts. But first, let's address that burning question raised above.

Mythology he knew and understood things that not even the

ruling gods could fathom. He exhibited amazing
determination and ability to withstand torture--even
When I was a child, my parents brought my sis-
though he had helped Zeus overthrow the Titans,
ter and me by railroad one day from our home in
as punishment for bringing fire to mankind Zeus
rural New Jersey to New York City, where we mar-
veled at the skyscrapers and visited Rockefeller chained him to a Caucasus mountaintop at the edge
of the world, where (Fig. 1) each day for thirteen
Plaza. There, next to what is now the ice-skating
generations (or, in different accounts, 30 or 30,000
rink, stands a statue, coincidentally erected in the
years) he endured the excruciating pain of an eagle
month that I was born, showing Prometheus with
a baton of fire in his right hand, attractively exe- devouring his liver (which grew back each night),
rather than reveal to Zeus the name of the woman
cuted by Paul Manship. Although my parents in-
with whom Zeus would sire a son who eventually
sisted that we study the statue, I learned only that
would overthrow him. The qualities of Prometheus
he was some sort of Greek god or hero--I was much
must surely be a great aid to anyone in our profes-
more impressed by the train ride, the gigantic
buildings and the spectacular show inside Radio City sion.
Experimenter or theoretician? Assuredly the lat-
Music Hall. What a strange quirk of fate it is that
ter. There is no indication that Prometheus ever
he represents the oldest symbol of what was to be-
built something which he found that he didn't quite
come my chosen profession.
And no mean profession (avocation in Japan) it like, then tried again and improved it, nor did he
is, if we may judge from the qualities of Prome- even need to observe in order to understand the
theus. His name translates as forethought, the op- world about him. On the contrary, he thought things
posite of that of his brother Epimetheus, after- out completely ill advance, and when he took an
thought. They were sons of one of the Titans, who action the result conformed exactly to his theoret-
were the first beings in the world that were not ical conception.
purely destructive and the fathers of the gods, such Mankind created the myths of Prometheus some-
as Zeus, the ruler. In one account, the gods asked time between 1000 and 700 B.('. This seems an ap-
the brothers to create animals and humans, and propriate age in which to begin a narrative of the-
Epimetheus quickly gave the best attributes he could ory in any science, because it is the earliest time
imagine to various animals, then ran out of ideas to which written records of generalized concepts that
for humanity and requested help from Prometheus, ultimately lead to establishment of a science can be
who completed the creation, endowing us with an traced. The Mesopotamian writing, from the cradle
upright, noble stature and presence of mmd.
9 2
of civilization, which dates up to 2000 years earlier,
Wisdom is the most prevalent characteristic of does not appear to exhibit such generalizations. To
Prometheus in mythology. Always a friend to man, satisfy their desire to understand the underlying ra-

Although the principal objective of the alchemist
was to turn base metals into gold, many useful as-
pects of metallurgy were involved in alchemy. The
theory, going back to Aristotle, took the hot-cold
and moist-dry qualities and combined them into the
four elements, earth (cold, dry), water (cold, moist),
air (hot, moist) and fire (hot, dry). Not a science of
combustion you say, and I agree, even though
combustion formed one-quarter of its foundation.
Yet still a science, in that theory suggested exper-
iments and experiment contributed to refinement
of theory. Transmutation was built in from the start,
in that by varying the proportions of the qualities,
the four elements and everything in between could
be obtained. As the science evolved, it also tended
to deteriorate, for about 300 to 900 years, because
theory and experiment went separate ways, with
increasingly esoteric theoretical writings (for ex-
rZ'.. ample, relating gold to the essence of the soul) that
became totally divorced from experiment,
It remained for the Arabs, around A.D. 1000, in
Baghdad and C6rdoba, to reunite these two essen-
tials and to greatly advance the modern science of
alchemy. Books by the Spanish metallurgist Geber
(or Jabir), at the beginning of the Renaissance,
FIG. 1. The punishment of Prometheus for giving around 1310, set forth foundations of the modern
fire to mankind (T. Velasquez). science, for example identifying mercury and sulfur
as providing the melting and burning (rusting)
properties of metals, respectively. Geber's treatises
tionale for their existence, the early Greeks con- established the experimentally based, hard-science
nected theory with experiment by creating special underpinning of alchemy for 300 years. 3 It re-
gods who guided the grand experiments of nature. mained for Antoine Lanrent Lavoisier (France), Jo-
The Greek heritage of mythology surely must have seph Priestley (England) and Karl Wilhelm Scheele
influenced Aristotle, around 350 B.C., in developing (Sweden), in the decade 1770-1780, to finally com-
his theory of matter. Aristotle's theory led to the plete the experiments that would replace alchemy
first science in which combustion played a promi- by a new and better science of chemistry.
nent part.

The First Half-Million Years of Combustion For nearly 100 years of the post-Renaissance pe-
Research riod (including most of the eighteenth century), be-
tween the decline of alchemy and the rise of mod-
Felix Weinberg's entertaining description 1 of ern chemistry, the theory of phlogiston reigned,
mankind's use of fire for 500,000 years, culminating championed largely by the German scientist Georg
in his ability to start fires, beginning about 30,000 Ernst Stahl. Combustion was even more a part of
years ago, demonstrates clearly that experiment held this theory than of alchemy. Fire (phlogiston) was
sway in the field of combustion for more than 99% a fundamental substance, not just a combination of
of its history. The prehistoric Copper, Bronze and two qualities, and during combustion a material lost
Iron Ages also were eras of experiment, without ex- phlogiston. When its phlogiston was completely
ception. Experiment alone does not a science gone, the material could no longer burn.
make--otherwise cookbooks should be treated as This was a semi-quantitative theory in that there
scientific documents. The classic Greek philosophy, was some sort of a concept of conservation of phlo-
associated with Mesopotamian astrology and espe- giston, and it enjoyed considerable success in ex-
cially Egyptian craftsmanship, resulted, in about A.D. plaining experimental observations. However, as
100, in a true science, with both theoretical and measurements of mass changes during combustion
experimental components, the science of alchemy. 3 were refined, the theory encountered increasing

difficulty. Some materials (charcoal) lost weight and bustion science, which impressed me so greatly that
others (iron) gained it in combustion. Although the after 30 years I still have it displayed on the wall
initial experiments that isolated elements such as of my office. I don't know who wrote it, and I would
hydrogen and oxygen ("dephlogisticated air") were be indebted to anyone who can tell me. A slightly
interpreted, for example by Henry Cavendish and paraphrased version of the passage is the following:
by Joseph Priestley, in terms of the theory of phlo- "Although combustion is based on scientific prin-
giston, the quantitative science of chemistry, with ciples, no one is certain exactly what they may be.
its periodic table of elements (finally given by Men- To become knowledgeable about the burning of fuel,
deleyev in 1869) eventually emerged (beginning one must personally observe experiments to reach
around 1800) as a much more useful and self-con- reasonable conclusions about the hows, whats, whys
sistent theory of matter. Alas, with more than 100 and whens of combustion. But in doing so there is
elements, combustion is not even one (small con- always the extreme hazard of misinterpretation,
solation that Promethium, radioactive rare earth, which may lead the observer to errors greater than
atomic number 61, is one). Few if any other profes- those already in the literature." Although there cer-
sions can, have suffered a decline and humiliation tainly is nonnegligible truth in this statement, I
so great as that experienced by ours in the first part subscribe to a less pessimistic view.
of the nineteenth century! The science of combustion stands on four ped-
estals (which do not resemble the four elements of
alchemy). These four supporting structures are
Emergence of the Science of Combustion thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, fluid mechanics
and transport processes, each a mature science in
We did, however, begin to bounce back in the itself. I claim that "to become knowledgeable about
latter half of that century. No longer a building block the burning of fuel" one must not only observe ex-
for theories of matter, combustion could now be periments but also first master these four sci-
studied just for itself. ences-so great a task that it is remarkable so many
It is relevant to distinguish between the science of us are here! Although the main principles of
and the technology of the subject. The march of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, needed in
technology has never hesitated. It uses science combustion, had developed over many centuries and
whenever possible but often, especially in combus- were available early in the nineteenth century, the
tion, forges ahead by trial and error, or fortuitously sciences of chemical kinetics and of molecular
by application of scientific misconception, but with- transport processes, with their essential background
out scientific understanding, as it did during the in the kinetic theory of gases, did not begin to
first half-million years. Steam engines were devel- flourish until the middle of that century. Therefore,
oped while phlogiston was dominant, and the in- the science of combustion, as we know it, cannot
dustrial revolution, with its steamboats and loco- have been born until the last half of the nineteenth
motives, surged forward during the period of century. The experiments of Sir Humphry Davy
disgrace of combustion in science, benefiting from (1815), of Robert Bunsen (1866), of Claude Louis
new sciences such as chemistry. Moreover, at least Berthelot and Paul Marie Eugene Vieille (1881, 1882)
by present-day standards, the contributions of com- and of Ernest Mallard and Henry Louis le Chate-
bustion science to the initial development of the lier (1881, 1883), and the theories of Vladimir Alek-
Diesel and Otto engines, towards the end of the sandrovich Mikhel'son (1890), of David Leonhard
nineteenth century, ranged from pitifully small to Chapman (1899) and of Emile Jouguet (1905) in fact
nonexistent. Especially with the latter, premixed led to the emergence of the science of combustion
flames came into widespread use--Weinberg 1 has around the turn of the century. In tracing the role
emphasized that during most of history only diffu- of theory in the modern science of combustion, the
sion flames were known, although partially pre- starting point should be with these forebears. How-
mixed diffusion flames, including transient heat ever, before moving on to specifics, I would like to
feedback from the condensed phase to the cool in- offer some general comments about the nature of
coming air, date back appreciably, to times when our science itself and about what is good theory.
artisans skillfully blew air into their charcoal fur-
naces to achieve superadiabatic temperatures for
metallurgical processing. My topic is the science, Characteristics of the Science of Combustion
not the technology (however important it may be),
and so no more about applications. Any definition that attempts to completely de-
What are the elements of the science of com- scribe combustion science should encompass its re-
bustion? How and when were they found? Diverse lationship to its four supporting sciences. An aspect
answers have been given to these questions. of many combustion processes is their abrupt changes
Many years ago a student brought to me a type- in space and/or time of various properties, nota-
set paragraph pertaining to the definition of com- bly temperature, and this aspect has often been

suggested as a suitable basis for a definition. For Summerfleld at Princeton in 1954, which two friends
example, Frank-Kamenetskii, in his excellent ex- and I took as undergraduates. He wrote down the
position of the subject, 4 preferred to include self- full equations describing chemically reacting flows,
acceleration in the definition, calling combustion the from the article by von K~trm~in and Penner. ~ I
science of large heat release and of either chain looked at those equations and said to myself: "Surely
branching or large activation energy. However, not there is enough there to occupy me for a lifetime."
all combustion processes are abrupt; homogeneous That observation certainly appears to have been
thermal explosions are not abrupt in space, station- valid.
ary laminar flames not in time, and combustion in Our job is not just to solve--it is also to inter-
rocket plumes, for example, typically is abrupt nei- pret and to understand. In doing so we can be as
ther in space nor in time. For these reasons, 1 pre- inventive as the physicist. We can identify new ap-
fer to call combustion the science of exothermic proximations for solving the Schrodinger equation
chemical reactions in flows with heat and mass to describe chemical-kinetic processes in combus-
transfer, or more briefly, exothermic chemistry in tion. We can call on concepts of chaos to address
flows. So far as I can see, some form of exother- turbulent combustion processes. Our applied sci-
micity, somewhere, is always essential to the sub- ence has as much variety as any pure science. Dull,
ject, except, perhaps, for some endothermic mechanical actions, in either theory or experiment,
branched-chain processes,4 and with "chemistry" this are not what we need. The unexpected experimen-
can draw together the thermodynamics and chem- tal observation and the conceptually new theoreti-
ical kinetics. The "flows" are designed to bring in cal idea are the sources of our advancement.
the fluid mechanics and transport processes, al-
though this clearly is imperfect in that solid-solid
deflagrations involve flow only in a generalized sense, Characteristics of Good Theory
and strictly homogeneous explosions necessitate an
even greater extension of the usual meaning of the
Given the complexity of the conservation equa-
term. The difficulty, of course, stems from trying
tions of combustion, it can be tempting to conclude
to express many aspects in few words. It is impor-
that only detailed numerical treatments c a n pro-
tant to find a definition that does not exclude any
duce good theory. I maintain that this is absolutely
of the attendees at the symposia!
I have often heard combustion described as a false. Expanding a little on ideas that others have
"mature" science. It seems to me that this is in- expressed before, I propose three maxims for com-
appropriate--and not only because of the imma- bustion theory: Theory needn't be right to be good,
turity of its practitioners. It certainly must be less
theory needn't be mathematical to be right, and
mature than the fonr sciences on which it is based.
theory needn't be incomprehensible to be mathe-
Just because combustion itself has been around for
matical. Each of these three statements clearly re-
mankind's half-million years does not mean that its quires some discussion.
science has existed that long or must have been de-
pleted by now. There are plenty of things yet to Theory Needn't be Right to be Good:
be discovered in our field--we are not at the end
of the untraveled road. The main point behind this statement is that the
A more appropriate descriptor of combustion progress in theory that improves human under-
would be an applied science, or a derived science. standing is achieved through simplifications that are
Its foundation is derived from other sciences, and never exactly right. A classical example is the Burke-
it is applied in the sense that the fundamental Schumann theory of diffusion flames. 6 Oxygen as
equations that describe combustion processes are negative fuel? Shades of phlogiston! Not only does
believed to be known. The distinction here is be- the chemical kinetics need to be infinitely fast and
tween pure and applied sciences, since in pure sci- proceed in just one step, but also the diffusion
ences, such as particle physics, the underlying coefficients of fuel and oxygen must be equal. What
equations are not known. The task of the theore- nonsenseT Yet, this is a remarkably useful way to
tician in a pure science is to find the equations, describe diffusion flames and greatly improves our
while in an applied science it is to solve them. understanding of them. Resulting accuracies in pre-
The last description tends to make our job ap- dicted flame shapes and flame heights typically are
pear too mechanical. All we need to do is to solve better than 20%. I remember puzzling time and
equations, but the physicist can invent them--our again over the question of how this theory can be
field should be assigned to the dullards! Well, things so good. The various different ways to arrive at the
are just not all that black and white. We certainly theory, such as postulating full chemical equilib-
know that those equations aren't particularly easy rium or strongly temperature-dependent reaction
to solve. In fact, what brought me into this field rates, shed different lights on its meaning. Fur-
was a graduate combustion course, given by Martin thermore, studies of the ways in which this theory

is not right have greatly improved our understand- the young people in our field, by and large, have
ing of diffusion flames. better mathematical backgrounds than the older
Many excellent theoretical contributions in com- generation. Many forefathers fear being driven to
bustion are not exactly right. Consider, for exam- despair by their inadequacy in adaptive gridding,
ple, activation-energy asymptotics, as applied by asymptotics, and so on, up the mathematical al-
Zel'dovich and Frank-Kamenetskii to laminar flame phabet. The poor old combustion experimenter, in
propagation. 7 This captures essential physics, even his modest laboratory, may begin to feel out of touch
though real combustion chemistry is seldom ever with modern reality. To see why, it is necessary
one-step, and it makes us realize that the burning only to scan the volumes of the combustion sym-
velocity itself is an imprecise quantity, in that its posia for their mathematical content.
value can be expressed only as an asymptotic ex- Of fourteen papers in the first symposium, only
pansion. Another example is provided by the re- that of Burke and Schumann was mathematical--it
cent intense studies of reduced chemical-kinetic involved partial differential equations, fairly ad-
mechanisms. We could go on and on with citations vanced mathematics for the field in 1928 (perhaps
of theories that are not "right," but close enough the trouble has been with us longer than we re-
to being right, and successful enough in providing alize). Back then combustion scientists generally
new viewpoints, to be very good theories. The best knew arithmetic, trigonometry, algebra and some
theories are pretty nearly right for some things, and aspects of calculus and of ordinary differential equa-
a task of the theoretician is to point out what those tions. Most of the earlier advances in combustion
things are. However, even theories that are proven theory, such as the distinction between deflagra-
quite wrong can be good in inspiring research that tions and detonations identified by Chapman and
improves understanding--an example is the excess- Jouguet, had mainly required a thorough knowl-
enthalpy theory, which held that the total enthalpy edge of nonlinear algebraic equations. In the sec-
in a laminar flame must be positive for the flame ond symposium (1937), five out of twenty-five pa-
to propagate. pers involved ordinary or partial differential
The general idea can even be carried to the ex- equations, a whopping 20%, up from less than 10%
treme of claiming that theories that are too nearly in the first. Representative is the second-sympo-
right are not very good in that they do not con- sium paper by Bernard Lewis and Gunther von
tribute to improve understanding. "That theory is Elbe, which addressed deflagration theory, employ-
no good. Why, it's not even wrong!" As a recent ing partial differential equations.
example, we have been interested in axisymmetric Partial differential equations certainly are central
flows in laterally burning cylindrical solid-propel- to combustion science; after all, the conservation
lant rocket chambers, wondering whether the flat- equations, s as finally developed fully, largely through
tening of the radial profiles of axial velocity towards the efforts of Joe Hirschfelder and his collabora-
the downstream end is due to turbulence or com- tors, 9 and of Theodore von K~irm~inand friends, 1~
pressibility. More than one group of investigators around the time of the third symposium (1949), are
has successfully developed and run Navier-Stokes expressed most conveniently in partial differential
codes for this problem, with both k-E modeling and form. Aspects of early advances in the field in-
compressibility included; proudly exhibiting the volved other branches of mathematics, such as or-
flattening but, professing their belief in k-E turbu- dinary differential equations for Cyril Norman Hin-
lence and in its importance to the phenomenon, not shelwood's and Nicolai Nicolayevich Semenov's
being willing to take out one or the other of the seminal developments in chemical kinetics11'12 and
effects to show unquestionably what causes it. The- integral equations for Hoyt Hottel's extensive con-
ory that is exactly right not only will contain too tributions to radiative transfer, 13 but partial differ-
much to comprehend but also ultimately may be- ential equations surely can be said to form the core.
come tautological--devoid of content--testing only They have become a must in the repertoire of the
the practitioner's ability to run the computer. If you combustion scientist.
want to make progress in theory, you've got to make Nowadays, more than one-third of the sympo-
at least a little error (preferably knowingly). sium papers make essential use of mathematics at
the level of differential equations or beyond. And
Theory Needn't be Mathematical to be Right: what a variety of mathematical topics we find! Mod-
eling does not appear in the ten-volume index of
This and the following statement refer to math- the tenth symposium but has numerous entries in
ematics, a word studiously avoided until now. The the ten-volume index of the twentieth. Asymptotic
discussion of mathematical theory will be restricted analysis has begun to creep in, and the twenty-sec-
here to its role in combustion, and "right" now ond even has an entire section on fractals. Is our
means pretty nearly right, but a little wrong, so as mathematics getting out of control? Are we headed
not to be no good. Despite recent apparent de- towards the divorce of theory and experiment ex-
clines in mathematical abilities of undergraduates, perienced by alchemy?

Certainly not. As far back as the Renaissance we plenary lecture, the excellent review given b
learned that theory had to keep in touch with ex- Howard Emmons at the thirteenth symposium, L5
periment to maintain healthy science, and we are marked the end of the era in which computation--
not about to forget. Increase in mathematical con- the numerical solution of differential equations--
tent with increasing time is a characteristic of every could only be considered to be a tool of theory. He
science. Modem chemistry was born from the d e - showed a calculation by G. A. Ball of the shape of
sire to have something more quantitative than the a thin premixed flame traveling along a gravity-free
sciences that preceded it. The march from algebra, channel, obtained by a relaxation method and rep-
through differential equations, to asymptotics, sto- resenting a significant accomplishment of numerical
chastics and fractals is a natural progression of a computation at the time that it was performed. Why
healthy science. But this doesn't mean that we all is the resulting convex shape what was calculated?
need to become mathematicians. We do need to That is a question for theory to address. We know
read to find out something about these concepts, what equations predicted that shape, but we don't
but if we encounter a book based on the "theorem- have a good understanding of why that is what they
proof" format we can put it down and find another
predicted. Suddenly, theory needs not only to try
that speaks a more human language. The essential
to explain experimental observations--it also needs
thing in the theory is the concept, which often can
to explain computational results. With the four-
be exhibited most clearly when stripped of its
teenth symposium we begin to see more and more
equations. Excessively mathematical theories tend
not to be very revealing. numerical solutions of partial differential equations
Moreover, it should not be concluded that in the with high accuracy, and these become dominant
first symposium only the Burke-Schumann paper methods for modeling of combustion processes. Ex-
involved theory. Most of the other papers also in- plosive computer advances have now made the me-
volved good theory, but not mathematical theory. chanics of the Ball computation nearly trivial and
It is true that, as time goes on, mathematical as- have enabled us to include many more phenomena
pects of the theories that are right increase. How- in numerical integrations (although research on the
ever, those aspects needn't dominate--they merely Ball problem continues, mainly concerning appro-
reflect the general progression of human thinking. priate boundary conditions at the wall).
Advanced mathematics is not essential in correct Today it can be said, without controversy, that
theory. there are three significant parts to combustion sci-
ence-experiment, computation and theory. Mu-
Theory Needn't be Incomprehensible to be tual comparisons of all three help to advance the
Mathematical: science. So many phenomena are included in typ-
ical computational results that agreement between
This statement addresses the formidability of too
experiment and computation no longer explains ex-
many mathematically couched papers. There can be
perimental results. Theory is needed to provide un-
a tendency to believe that mathematical content is
directly proportional to the number of symbols or derstanding of the results. Nowadays, advances in
the number of equations. On the contrary, an in- theory are achieved as much by comparison with
verse proportionality usually is more nearly correct. numerical results of computational projects as by
Mathematics is a language that should be written comparison with experimental results obtained in
so that it can be read, with the same type of phras- the laboratory, Computer laboratories provide the
ing and punctuation as any other language, and new dimension, The three branches of the science
obfuscating symbols in excessive number detract are now comparably important and are destined to
from that objective. It is unnecessary to write down remain so.
every little algebraic step. Let's only introduce
symbols that we need and use significantly, and de-
fine them clearly. This usually requires rereading Specific Contributions of Theory
and rewriting each of our papers a few times. Un-
less a mathematical paper is comprehensible, it Up until now, I have not really started to do what
probably does not contain a good mathematical the- was expected of me, and at this point there isn't
ory. One example of a well-written mathematical space to do it--you deserve a combustion theorist's
paper is Graham Dixon-Lewis's invited paper on apology. I wanted to take a long view and to place
structures of laminar flames in the twenty-third some prejudices before you. Having done so, I turn
symposium; 14 many other examples could be cited to the specifics that you had anticipated. My Sa-
from symposium volumes. tanic verse is hereby concluded--on to more tech-
nical topics.
Tripartite Science Even twenty years ago, Emmons 15 was able only
to present a selection of the many contributions of
A revolution in the science of combustion began theory to combustion science. Although I have eased
about twenty years ago. The last theory-oriented my task by dividing the field into three parts, so

that I can exclude modeling and simulation based Such simple algebraic derivations are quick al-
on computation, I am still faced with too many con- though subject to pitfalls identifiable from asymp-
tributions to theory to review in one paper (even totic methods of greater rigor.
had I started from the beginning with specifics). I Fur methane flames, comparable accuracy de-
shall therefore content myself with a few examples, mands a four-step approximation, which through a
asking forgiveness in advance from the many whom similar derivation can be written with
I overlook--would that I could cite you all. At the
end of each topic, I shall try to indicate currently CH4 ~- 2H + H20 ~ CO + 4H2, (5)
outstanding research questions or future directions.
CO + H20 ~- COz + ttz, (6)

Reduced Chemistry added to (1) and (2), the rates of (5) and (6) being
determined, respectively, mainly by the rates of the
At least for problems in no more than one space elementary steps
dimension, computers now enable full chemistry to
be handled routinely in combustion computations. ('tt4 + H ~ CIt3 + He, (7)
However, simplified chemistry is needed for higher
dimensions or for turbulence, as well as for im- CO+ OH~CO2+ H. (8)
proved understanding in one dimension. While
sensitivity analysis and related techniques 16'17 en- The fuel-consumption (5) and oxygen-consumption
able many steps of lesser importance to be identi- (1) steps are different here, with the former re-
fied and discarded, more drastic reductions are moving radicals and the latter producing them. Ex-
needed in advancing theory. These reductions come tensions to higher hydrocarbons and to alcohols are
systematically from steady-state and partial-equilib- in progress; some results for these more compli-
rium approximations, or from generalizations thereof. cated problems already are available, 21'25 and more
Although such approximations have been known for definitive resolutions may be expected in the near
many years, ~ advances in asymptotic analysis now fnture (for example, this week).
place us in a much better position to identify these We may also anticipate extensive development of
approximations and test their accuracy.IS'l~ Impor- reduced chemistry for pollutant production (NO, CO,
tant reduced mechanisms have recently been de- etc.) in combustion. Reduced mechanisms for pro-
veloped for many combustmn . problems. 20 ' 21 ' 22 pellant combustion, especially solid propellants, also
For hydrogen flames, systematic simplifications are progressing. For example, for the propellant-
that result in the one-step approximation 2Ha + 02 related flames of methane with nitrogen dioxide, a
2H20 are of little use, except for correlating main good four-step mechanism composed of (5), (6),
radical concentrations, H, OH and O (not HOz) in
the hottest part of diffusion flames at low strain, 23'24 NO2 + H2 ~ NO + H20, (9)
but the two-step approximation
2NO----> N2 + 02, (10)
3H2 + O2 ~ 2H20 + 2H (1)
has recently been identified, 26 the rates of the last
2H + M ~ H 2 + M, (2) two being controlled, respectively, mainly by the
rates of
with rates determined, respectively, mainly by the
rates of the elementary steps NO2 + H--~ NO + OH, (11)

H+02~OH + O, (3) NO+ H~N + OH. (12)

H +Pc+ M~H()2+ M, (4) The rebirth of reduced chemistry, which occurred

about five years ago, will be fundamental to ad-
has been found to be remarkably good for predict- vances in theory for many years to come, supplant-
ing diffusion-flame extinction and profiles of tem- ing the use of model chemistry not tied to specific
perature, of concentrations of major species and of reactants.
concentrations of all intermediates except HOz and
H202. z~ The two-step description involves steady-
state approximations for O, OII, tlO2 and H20~ and Premixed Laminar Flames
arrives at (1) by adding to (3) rapid shuffle steps to
cancel OIl and O algebraicaily;~" similarly, addition Restricting attention to steady, planar flames, we
of rapid HO2 and shuffle steps to (4) gives (2) whose note truly remarkable advances in theory since the
rate is that of the slowest step (4) in the sequence. review of Emmons.15 The significance of the early
I ;. (),I(,~ VuCp)-- =I
TJ 1 I
\ / X/(~uC0 "1 I ~ i
Y F u ~ y F ~ .~ t'~ Tb
rl~. T "'~:~--------FUEL-C~SUMPTION ZONE!
i L_. ZON
Tu ,i-"~-~'~_~/(o..v.,cn) ~' I ~)./(puVuCp,B)
0 0" x d ,

FIC. 2. Illustration of zone structure and match- Fie,. 3. Illustration of the structure of the laminar
ing for premixed laminar flames according to AEA premixed methane-air flame according to RRA (same
(Y~. = fuel mass fraction, A = thermal conductivity, notation as Fig. 2).
p, = unburnt gas density, v= = burning velocity,
= Zerdovich number defined "after equation 13).
standing the computational (and experimental)
results. Asymptotic methods, applied to real chem-
work of Zel'dovich and Frank-Kamenetskii7 for de- istry, have clarified the structure of the ozone de-
scriptions based on the one-step, Arrhenius ap- composition flame. 32'aa'34 Understanding of the
proximation was not fully appreciated then, al- structure of the methane flame has been obtained
though the general character of the problem and of by such methods, as'a6 as illustrated in Fig. 3. In
the burning-velocity behavior was known. It was not this more recent work, rate-ratio asymptotics (RRA)
realized that their 1938 results7 represent the lead- replaces AEA, the principal small parameters, (5 and
ing term in an asymptotic expansion for the burn- ~, representing the ratio of the rate constant for step
ing velocity. Asymptotic analysis, especially matched (3) to that for step (7) a n d (T/, - T ~ - T,),
asymptotic expansions, now a mainstay of combus- respectively, where Th and Tu are the burnt and
tion theory and the principal mathematics course unburnt gas temperatures, and T O is the tempera-
that graduate students in the field should be en- ture of the fuel-consumption zone, the temperature
couraged to take after partial differential equations, at which the product of the rates of steps (4) and
was virtually unknown to our field at that time. The (7) is effectively equal to the square of the rate of
formal expansion of Bush and Fendell,'27 as further step (3). In RRA the ratio of the rates of two im-
extended and elucidated in textbooks, zs'zg'3~ dem- portant reactions in a critical zone, or the ratio of
onstrated the asymptotic character of the result and the flow rate to the rate of an important reaction,
led to activation-energy asymptotics (AEA). Since is treated as the small parameter in developing the
the value of the small parameter, /3-] of Fig. 2, solution by matched asymptotic expansions. We are
typically is on the order of 0. I, two-term (rather in the midst of an explosion of theoretical expla-
than leading-term) expansions are desirable for pro- nations of flame structures and burning velocities,
ducing accuracy of theoretical predictions compa- on the basis of underlying elementary chemical ki-
rable with experimental accuracy. 3~ The funda- netics, by combinations of AEA and PtBA, for many
mental AEA tool of the combustion theoretician interesting fuels. Figure 4 illustrates buruing-veloc-
9 . 37
revealed the laminar-flame structure ilhlstrated in lty agreements obtained for methane flames.
Fig. 2.
It is especially interesting to read Is from Em-
mon's plenary lecture of 1970 that "for essentially Laminar Diffusion Flames
all interesting fuels, the details of chemical kinetics
are so complex, if known at all, that flame speeds The same array of asymptotic tools that have been
are much easier to measure than to calculate." This applied to premixed flames has been brought to bear
statement embodies in a nutshell how amazingly far on laminar diffusion flames9 AEA has done wonders
we have come in twenty years. Details of chemical for our understanding of planar, laminar diffusion-
kinetics and elementary rates are known, for ex- flame structure and extinction. 39 The S-shaped curve
ample for methanol, well enough to enable planar, of the peak temperature as a fimction of a Damkfhler
adiabatic flame speeds to be calculated more ac- number that is inversely proportional to the exter-
curately than they can be measured, and moreover, nally imposed strain rate was already available more
with today's computers and programs, these cal- than twenty years ago, 15 but the knowledge that four
culations are routine--the opposite of the quoted different regimes (diffusion-flame, premixed-flame,
statement has come true. Although theory was in- partial-burning and ignition regimes) occur along its
volved in developing the numerical methods, pres- branches was not. One or another of these four re-
ent-day theory largely is directed towards under- gimes of AEA reaction-zone structures has been en-

50 I I I I I 2100 i i


40 1900

r Tf(K) tTO0

> 20 .,/,.,%
I/ /
9 \\\\
/~' NUMI~RICAL e '
tS00 I
I I I I o 015 1,0 t .5
4 0.6 0.8 i.O ~-.2 t .4 i.6 ts (s)
FIG. 6. Dependence of the maximum tempera-
FIG. 4. The burning velocity of methane-air flames ture on the effective inverse strain rate for meth-
at 1 atm. and an initial temperature of 300 K, ac- ane-air diffusion flames, according to asymptotic
cording to asymptotic analysis with reduced chem- analysis with a three-step mechanism (curve), nu-
istry, 37 numerical integration with full chemistry, '7 merical integration with a four-step mechanism (tri-
and experiment. 38 angles), and experiment (squares), from Seshadri and
Peters. 4~

countered time and again in widely diverse prob-

lems in combustion theory. Basically, given a fuel consumption zones. The extinction portion of the S-
and oxidizer, there are four different ways in which curve is shown in Fig. 6. Research is in progress
they can burn, three thin-sheet and one not: They to obtain the ignition portion by these techniques
can both be used up in a thin reaction zone, one (which is of interest for application to diesel com-
can be used up there but not the other, neither bustion, for example) and to extend these methods
may be used up, or the reaction may be distributed to other fuels. We may anticipate advances in de-
over a thick region. In many situations, the result- scriptions of structures of many real diffusion flames
ing asymptotic descriptions have done more than by asymptotic methods.
improve our understanding of the phenomena--they
have also given reasonably accurate formulas for ig-
nition and extinction conditions. 4~ Autoignition, Detonation and Explosion
Methods of RRA have been successful for diffu-
sion flames as well. The methane-air diffusion-flame Asymptotic methods are also becoming corre-
structure according to RRA, in the coordinate of spondingly useful for analysis of time-dependent
mixture fraction Z, is illustrated in Fig. 5, which autoignition with real chemical kinetics, not only
shows the separate fuel-consumption and oxygen- for hydrogen 42 but also for hydrocarbons;4z they
clearly define different stages in the ignition pro-
cess. Although empiricism still is involved for hy-
~OXYGEN-CONSUMPTION ZONE drocarbons, further advancement towards funda-
mental descriptions may be expected in the future.
~FUEL-CONSUMPTIONZONE i Progress towards understanding the ZND
T Tcr THICKNESS0(8) (Zerdovich, yon Neumann, D6ring) detonation
structure 44'45'46 and its implications for both trans-
verse and longitudinal exothermic gas-dynamic in-
stabilities in detonations was in full swing twenty
years ago. Consequently we currently have a rea-
sonable knowledge of the omnipresence of cellular
detonationsY However, newer mathematical meth-
ods, based on AEA, bifurcation analysis and mul-
To tiple-scale expansions useful for improved numeri-
10 cal integrations, are leading to further
0 Zc improvements. 4s'49 We need to apply such meth-
ods to address the important questions of detona-
FIG. 5. Illustration of the structure of the meth- tion transmission from one region to another and of
ane-air diffusion flame according to RRA. detonation failure in narrow tubes or in eonfigura-

tions bounded by inerts, for which we currently have mations for the chemistry in each of these zones
qualitative understanding and empirical correla- and treating the liquid-gas interface as planar can
tions. 5~ produce excellent agreement with measured defla-
Development of explosions from autoignition gration rates and their pressure and temperature
processes, in some cases leading eventually to det- sensitivities. 6s Although this ignores bubbling ob-
onation, exhibits complicated dynamics providing served in the liquid layer, study of this two-phase
challenges in advancement of understanding, not flow69 reveals that, despite the necessity of intro-
only with respect to the complex gas-dynamic as- ducing a sublayer of nonequilibrium vaporization and
pects but also in determining where transport and the intrusion of a number of physical phenomena,
chemical-kinetic effects occur, scales of different re- notably Marangoni convection, in influencing the
gions and influences of different chemistry. Theory two-phase behavior, the deflagration rates pre-
in this area continues to progress, 4s'51'52'53again with dicted by the planar-interface model are modified
extensive help from asymptotic analysis. only slightly. Outstanding challenges to theoreti-
clans include development of reduced chemistry to
explain the two-stage gas-phase combustion and to
Ignition Theory identify the source of the values of the energetic
and rate constants that are successful in the one-
Mainly in the decade of the 1970s, AEA was ap- step approximations.
plied extensively to time-dependent ignition prob-
lems, 54'55'56 providing one of the main arenas in
which the power of that technique was demon- Flame Spread
strated. Solutions to many ignition problems are now
available, 3~ illustrating juxtapositions of different Theory has contributed to understanding of pro-
spatial zones and temporal stages in ignition pro- cesses of flame spreading through condensed fuels
cesses. Recent worko~'Ss is applying asymptotic in recent years. Emmons discussed this subject
methods to address influences of more complicated twenty years ago, 15 but further advances have been
chemical kinetics on ignition times and on ignition made. 7~ In particular, for spread along solid fuels
distances in boundary-layer flows. Further research there are improved kernel decompositions, 72-7s ex-
also is needed concerning effects of geometry, such tending the original analysis of John de Ris.76 In-
as sharp corners, 59 on ignition. troducing an Oseen approximation for countercur-
rent gas flow over the surface of a thermally thick
or thermally thin solid fuel, de Ris76 derived a set
Deflagration of Solids and Liquids of linear partial differential equations with constant
coefficients having different boundary conditions in
Although Lewis and Prandtl numbers generally the two semi-infinite domains at the fuel surface
are of order unity for gases, they both tend to be ahead of and behind the point of flame attachment.
large for condensed phases. This and variations of That set is equivalent to a set of integral equations
transport coefficients can affect reaction-zone struc- that is suited for solution through Fourier trans-
tures, 6~ in one limit yielding difffusion-free defla- forms by the Wiener-Hopf technique of kernal
gration. Instabilities and bifurcations, leading to splitting in complex-variable theory. Although he
oscillatory propagation with supera-diabatic temper- split the kernel exactly for his thermally thick fuel,
atures, approaching chaos, and to spinning defla- de Ris76 accomplished this only approximately for
grations, then occur. 61 Understanding of these and thermally thin fuels. Delichatsios 75 was able to split
related phenomena has been developed by theo- the kernel exactly for the thermally thin fuel and
retical analyses. 62-e5 thereby removed a discrepancy of about a factor of
Condensed-phase chemical kinetics generally be- two between theoretical and experimental spread
come important in propellant deflagration, and in- rates. Wichman74 replaced the Oseen approxima-
teractions between chemistry, transport and flow can tion by a linear velocity gradient and succeeded in
be complex. Moreover, different propellants typi- solving the resulting system having variable coeffi-
cally behave differently. ~ Theoretical analyses for cients, again by the Weiner-Hopf technique, thereby
specific propellants provide insights on deflagration obtaining improved correlations of measured rates
mechanisms. of creeping spread along thermally thick fuels. 72
For example, for nitramines melting forms a liq- Integral equations arise in an essential way in
uid layer in which decomposition occurs, but there describing concurrent or upward flame spread. Al-
is also vaporization and further exothermicity in both though approximate solutions have been obtained
a primary and a secondary gas-phase flame zone. that afford reasonable agreement with experimental
Only the chemistry of the condensed phase and spread rates, 77'78 more research is needed, espe-
primary zone affects the deflagration rate appreci- cially concerning behaviors of spread along charring
ably. Analyses applying AEA to one-step approxi- fuels. Further theoretical studies also could be

helpful on spread over surfaces of liquid fuels, on

influences of gravity in flame spread, on spread
~(L-1)~)LSATIN o-P
through porous fuel beds and on spread through
fuel particle clouds, including effects of radiant en-
ergy transfer. Although there have been significant ~I \,.k
recent advances in these areas, appreciable addi-
tional progress may be anticipated in the near fu-

21/2 ~ [ / " ' " ,=k
6 m (7

Flame Instabilities 18/5--

Premixed laminar flames are especially rich in in- i i , ,

t'.2 ~ ~ k
stability phenomena, our theoretical understanding
of which has progressed continually, beginning more
~n (tlF2)
than a half-century ago. The Darrieus-Landau hy-
drodynamic instability 79 of the planar flame, always I
present when the density of the fresh mixture ex-
ceeds that of the burnt gas, necessitates stabilizing FIG. 7. Regions of diffusive-thermal instability in
effects from diffusive-thermal phenomena at short a Lewis-number, heat-loss plane, with dispersion
wavelengths and from body-force (buoyancy) or ap- relations illustrated by insets. 8'
paratus-boundary phenomena at long wavelengths
for the planar flame to exist. Despite excellent ear-
lier work, s~ the final comprehension that enables plications of which are illustrated in Fig. 7, where
this statement to be made definitively stems mainly L is the Lewis number of the deficient reactant (the
from the research of Paul Clavin and his ratio of the thermal diffusivity to its molecular dif-
collaborators 79 in the 1975-85 decade. Those stud- fusion coefficient), /3 = E(Tb - T , ) / ( R T ~ ) i s the
ies succeeded in assimilating earlier theory and in Zel'dovich number, and the horizontal scale (with
developing new theory to arrive at the general con- /x the ratio of the burning velocity of a nonadiabatic
clusion stated above, which self-consistently ex- planar flame to that of the adiabatic planar flame)
plains observed flame instabilities. is a measure of the rate of heat loss. Although the
Diffusive-thermal phenomena and body-force theoretical analysis employed AEA, recent studies
phenomena can be destabilizing (as for fuel-lean hy- by RRA indicate that, with proper interpretation,
drogen flames and upward-propagating flames, re- the AEA results apply well to real flames.
Diffusive-thermal instabilities have been ana-
spectively), in which cases, instead of planar flames, lyzed with variable-density effects, s2's3's4 with in-
cellular or curved flames are observed. When hy- fluences of an upstream flame-holder, sS-s9 and with
drodynamic instability and a body-force effect influences of stretch, 9~ for example. The theory has
through a stabilizing gravitational acceleration g are amassed an extensive body of information in recent
both included, then a dispersion relation for a years. 2s'29,3~ The diverse character of flame in-
wavenumber k and a growth rate proportional to stabilities has, in fact, attracted wide attention be-
e~ is found to be yond the combustion communityb in the general
physics of nonlinear phenomena. 2 Besides poly-
hedral, cellular structures, spinning structures and
oscillations with period doubling, approach to chaos
(13) is observed in certain flames, as described, for ex-
ample, by the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. 91'92
Since flame chaos is simpler than the chaos of Na-
vier-Stokes turbulence in that it can occur (from high
activation energy and unequal diffusion) even in just
where Vu and vb are the velocity with respect to one space dimension, for example, study of flame
the wave in the unburnt and burnt gas, respec- instabilities provides a useful approach to the de-
tively, (the burning velocity), and r is the ratio of velopment of understanding of nonlinear phenom-
the burnt-gas density to the unburnt-gas density. ena. Much more research remains to be performed
Since ~" < 1, (13) shows that o" > 0 when g < 0, on the nonlinear theory of flame instabilities.
which is gravitational instability. Diffusive-thermal
instability is richer and is exhibited most clearly by Flames in Nonuniform Flows
putting ~" = 1 to eliminate the other two instabil-
ities. The result, derived by Joulin and Clavin, sl is A closely related topic concerns the structure and
a more complicated dispersion relation, 3~ the im- dynamics of premixed flames in nonuniform flows.

Strain along a flame sheet modifies the flame struc- z.5 / '
ture, making it thinner. Karlovitz93'94 called this
"flame stretch," and its effect can be measured by
a nondimensional parameter K, often called the z.o~
Karlovitz number. For weak stretch and curvature h ~ SOPERADIABATIC
of a nearly planar flame, the influence of both of t5 ~ /r0f-r~
these perturbations arise through a single parame- ~ H.13~r--~--)
ter, the nondimensional flame stretch, k~
1 f I.o SUBADIABATIC ,.,~'.I--~" - -
K = -- } I)u(V " n) / [.~ EXTINCTION
Vu (14) 05
~ #i\u~176

- ~n" (Vu) + (Vv) r 9n , ~_____.~._~.~..J........

~ lot 1/K t to
where 1 is the undisturbed flame thickness, n is a
unit vector normal to the flame sheet, pointing to- FIG. 8. The ratio /.t of the rate of heat release
wards the fresh mixture, and (Vv) is the d vadic gra- per unit area of a strained premixed flame to that
dient of the local velocity field, with (Vv) its trans- of an unstrained flame as a function of the inverse
pose, the sum being twice the strain-rate tensor. nondimensional strain rate for various nonadiabat-
The first term in (14) defines the stretch due to icity parameters H (/3 = Zel'dovich number).
curvature. Weak stretch corresponds to small K,
moderate stretch to K of order unity and strong
stretch to K large; strain and curvature exert quan- be derived. 3~176176176 Because of the restriction
titatively different influences for moderate or strong to weak stretch, a linear expansion of the exponen-
stretch. tial in (15) is equally accurate and often most con-
AEA analyses have been completed for weak, venient, but in calculations such as simulations that
moderate and strong stretch of planar flames in occasionally produce bK > 1, (15) has the virtue of
counterflows, including influences of variable den- maintaining positive burning velocities.
sity, of Lewis numbers different from unity, of non- Vortices are flow nonuniformities related to tur-
adiabaticity arising from product-gas temperatures bulence, and progress has been made in describing
T~ being different from the adiabatic flame tem- laminar-flame interactions with vortices. Flat flames
perature T,~f, of different strain rates in different or- can be spun into sufficiently strong unstretched
thogonal directions, and of swirl having vorticity vortex cores, resulting in a core of burnt gas with
normal to the plane of the flame. 95-99 Represen- a flame propagating outward from it. lo~ Stretch of
tative results for influences of nonadiabaticity with the vortex can arrest the outward propagation, giv-
Lewis numbers L of unity are shown in Fig. 8, ing cylindrical flames wrapped around vortices that
which demonstrates abrupt extinction for suffi- are good candidates for elements in turbulent com-
ciently subadiabatic conditions. For adiabatic flames, bustion. Also, since the radial pressure field of a
AEA shows abrupt extinction to be achievable only vortex depends on the gas density, if part of the
with difficulty and only for L > 1; at large tr grad- vortex core is fresh mixture and another part burnt
ual extinction occurs for all H and L. The first the- gas, the products will be driven along the core by
oretical analysis of this type of problem was given the pressure gradient at velocities that can greatly
by Klimov,100 who did not use formal AEA expan- exceed the laminar burning velocity.]~ Diffusion
sions but obtained leading-order effects. For suffi- flames also can be wrapped into unstretched vortex
ciently weak stretch, there are indications from RRA cores, although this requires very strong vortices
that AEA results can be made to apply with real seldom encountered in turbulent combustionJ ~
chemistry, but this will not always extend to larger There has been an appreciable amount of recent
stretch, 1~ and more research is needed on this theoretical analysis of flame-vortex interactions, but
question. For weak stretch, the burning velocity can more remains to be done in the future, for example
be approximated as concerning effects of vortex stretching and of real
V = vue -b', (15)

where Vu refers to the unstrained flame, and bl is Turbulent Combustion

a Markstein length, which can be calculated from
the flame structure. 79'83 From these results, for weak Theories for turbulent combustion differ for pre-
stretch, a general equation for flame dynamics can mixed and nonpremixed systems and for reaction-

ties, nS"n6'n7 even more controversial than they were

\ ~ - ~ Equation (16) applies at all scales in the reaction-
sheet regime and for large values of (u'/v,) in this
regime predicts multiple flamelets, enclosing pock-
ets of unburnt gas (but none of burnt gas). The
oV It /I N--~--,4oU ~ wrinkled flame surface in this multiple-sheet sub-
"~ 8o
regime may be described as a fractal, ns having a
fractal dimension of 21, but only for sizes between
FIG. 9. Dependence of the height of a turbulent- the integral scale of turbulence (the large-eddy di-
jet diffusion flame on jet velocity. mension) and the Gibson scale, n9 the eddy size at
which vu equals the eddy turnover velocity. If
Reynolds number is increased at fixed Damk6hler
sheet and distributed-reaction limits. 3~ Figure 9, number until the laminar-flame thickness is com-
based on a diagram first presented by Hottel and parable to the Kolmogorov scale, then the Gibson
Hawthorne in the third symposium, 1~ illustrates a scale becomes equal to the Kolmogorov scale, and
variety of phenomena and problems that have been flamelets begin to quench in the smallest eddies (the
studied theoretically for turbulent diffusion flames. Klimov criterion), giving rise to a broken-flamelet
Although this is a continuing topic of theoretical in- regime. At higher Reynolds numbers in the bro-
vestigation, discussion is restricted here to pre- ken-flamelet regime, (16) can apply only in eddies
mixed turbulent flames. having sizes between the integral scale and the Pe-
In the reaction-sheet regime, a smooth function ters scale, n9 the eddy size below which the strain
G can be introduced, such that G < 0 in fresh mix- rate is too high for laminar flamelets to exist in the
ture, G > 0 in burnt gas, and G = 0 at the flame. eddies. The recent identification of these important
An evolution equation for the flame in the turbu- length scales in premixed turbulent combustion, as
lent flow can then be written as8~176176 well as of others I2~ that are closely related and that
include considerations of hydrodynamic instability,
gG helps to mark the rapid development that the sub-
-- + v - V G = v IVGI, (16) ject has experienced in reeent years.
8t Not all recent developments in theories of pre-
mixed turbulent combustion are based on (16). For
in which (14) and (15) may be used for the laminar example, the Bray-Libby-Moss approach, which
burning velocity V. Theoretical study of (16) is bears some relationship to (16) in presuming that
playing a significant role in attempts to understand primarily only reactants and products are present,
premixed turbulent-flame propagation. Since there employs different equations;121 a more detailed
are no requirements on G beyond those just stated, presentation of these and other approaches soon will
it may be given different physical interpretations; be published. 122 Intense research currently is in
even its units are arbitrary. In one interpretation, progress, for example related to (16), and impor-
its root-mean-square fluctuation gives the turbulent tant, new theoretical results will soon be seen from
flame thickness, u l various groups. Today is a very exciting time in the
For sufficiently weak turbulence, perturbation theory of turbulent combustion.
methods have been employed to obtain burning
velocities and changes in turbulence across the
flame, n~dl3 On the basis of these results, it has
been widely accepted that for small values of the Concluding Comments
ratio of the root-mean-square turbulent fluctuation
velocity u' to vu, the turbulent burning velocity dif- These last few sections clearly have been rushed
fers from Vu by an amount proportional to (u'/Vu) 2. and compressed nearly to the point of incoherence.
However, there has been a recent challenge to this A more leisurely monograph on the subject, of less
result, n4 in effect based on the observation that the than 200 pages, is just now becoming available. 123
Fourier decompositions do not achieve statistical The last chapter of that monograph is entitled "The
stationarity; this study, based on (16), deduces by Future" and offers more extensive speculations on
balancing flame-area growth through turbulent dif- what may lie ahead than can be found in the brief
fusion with its consumption by transverse laminar- comments made in the preceding sections. Not only
flame propagation that the proportionality instead is have I been unable to give thorough citations here--
to (u'/vu) 4/3. This observation makes the inventive I have even had to exclude some entire topics
renormalization methods, which have been ap- (droplets, sprays, combustion chambers, etc.). At
plied to (16) to give intriguing results for turbulent least you cannot help but leave with the sensation
burning velocities at high turbulence intensi- that theory has been, is and will be a significant

part of combustion science. A better presentation ternational) on Combustion, p. 1, The Com-

would have been made by Prometheus. bustion Institute, 1971.
Acknowledgment 11.: J. Chem. Phys. 71, 1794 (1979).
I wish to thank Ed Law for the invitation that M. J.: Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 18, 47
gave me the opportunity to prepare this manuscript (1992).
and also for securing comments on my first draft 18. LAM, S. H.: Recent Advances in the Aero-
from a large n u m b e r of reviewers. My sincere grat- space Sciences (C. Casci, Ed.), p. 3, Plenum
itude goes to the dozen or so reviewers, most of Press, 1985.
whose identities are unknown to me, who returned 19. LAM, S. H.: Using CSP for Complex Chemical
reports for my consideration. The most critical and Kinetics, Rept. 1941-MAE, Princeton Univer-
least kind reports were the most useful and led to sity, May 5, 1992.
many revisions, although I am fully aware that many 20. PETERS, N.: Numerical Simulation of Combus-
still will remain dissatisfied with this final product. tion Phenomena, Lecture Notes in Physics 241,
Thanks also go to the NSF, NASA, DOE and I ) O D 90, 1985.
funding agencies that have supported my research 21. PACZKO, G., LEFI)AL, P. M. AND PETERS, N.:
and to students, whose questioning and enthusiasm Twenty-First Symposium (International) on
help greatly in sharpening ideas. Combustion, p. 739, The Combustion Insti-
tute, 1988.
22. PETERS, N. A~I) ROGG, B., Eds.: Reduced Ki-
netic Mechanisms for Applications in Com-
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Horst-Henning Gortheer, DLR Stuttgart, Ger- the reaction CH3 + O H rate coefficients are used
many. The nearly perfect agreement between ex- according to a theoretical model of Dean and
perimental burning velocities with the simulated Westmoreland z and as much as 0.48 m / s e c (other-
ones (full chemistry) as shown in Fig. 4 might sug- wise the same model) if data according to a theo-
gest that the kinetic data for the reactions in ques- retical model of Pilling and coworkers 3 are used for
tion are essentially known. Actually, the used rate this same reaction. Obviously, the experimental re-
coefficients rest quite often upon estimates a n d / o r sults of Fig. 4 are right in between.
extrapolations due to the lack of direct measure- Another example as mentioned by Prof. Williams
ments. This applies in particular to radical-radical in his oral presentation is the kinetic model for
reactions or to other reactions leaving more than CH3OH oxidation: calculated burning velocities are
one exit channel. The CH4/air flame is a good ex- highly dependent on (among others) the rate coef-
ample: here, for stoichiometric conditions, a burn- ficients for the thermal decomposition of CH2OH
ing velocity of only 0.36 m / s e c is calculated' if for and HCO radicals, respectively. The former reac-

tion has never been directly measured, whereas 2. DEAN, A. M. ANI) WESTMORELAND, P. |~t.: Int. J.
measurements for the latter cover only the tem- Chem. Kin. 19, 207 (1987).
perature regime below 1000K, 4 so that a substantial 3. GSEEN, N. J., PEREI~, A. R., PILLING, M. J.
extrapolation is required. AND ROBESTSON, S. H.: Twenty-Third Sympo-
A third example, which is of general interest for sium (International) on Combustion poster.
the modeling of hydrocarbon flames, the continuing 4. TIMONEN, R. S., I~TAJCZAK, E., GURMAN, D. AND
uncertainty with regard to C2H3 reactions is ad- WAGNES, A. F.: J. Phys. (;hem. 91, 5325 (1987).
dressed: For CztI3 + Oz, direct measurements exist 5. WESTMORELA.'~D, P. a.: this Symposium, Poster
again only at temperatures below 100OK, whereas No. 55.
from theoretical considerations a pronounced fall-off 6. WAI~Naa'Z, J.: this Symposium, Paper No. 2.
behavior has been derived. 5 For the reaction C2H~
+ OH no direct measurements exist at all. 6 Author's Reply. Your comment is worthwhile.
Many unknowns remain in elementary rate param-
eters, and continuing research is needed to reduce
the uncertainties. For the methanol and methane
REFERENCES examples that you cite the uncertainties are much
less than for higher hydrocarbons, which 1 believe
LOSER, tl., STOTHAHt), N. D., IIUMPFER, R. AND need much more study of elementars' rates. The
GROTHEER, II. H.: Direct measurements of CH3 agreement in Fig. 4 is based on best estimates of
+ OH. J. Phys. Chem., in press (1992). See also: elementary kinetic data and could not have been
OSER, H., STOTIIARD, N. D., IIuMPFER, R., GRO- achieved twenty years ago. Great progress has been
TIIEEn, H. H. AND JUST, TU.: This Symposium, made in determining elementary rate parameters,
Paper No. 70. but there is certainly much more to be done.

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