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Chat Log C:\Users\DavidL\Documents\ChatLog Agero_19_1760 2019_11_20 09_33.


Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 6:36 AM: lol

Shirley Perez (to All - Entire Audience): 6:36 AM:

brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 6:37 AM: I don't see the link
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 6:38 AM: i finished
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:38 AM: done and done
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 6:38 AM: 100 % :)
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 6:38 AM: 100%
brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 6:38 AM: I don't see the link. Could someone send the link please
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 6:38 AM: done 100%
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 6:38 AM: still loading
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:38 AM: but ill be honest, i didnt receive the first gift card lol
kimberly Bell (to All - Entire Audience): 6:38 AM: 100! same crystal.
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:39 AM: i thought i just missed something lol
Sarit Haygood (to All - Entire Audience): 6:39 AM: can you send plz
kimberly Bell (to All - Entire Audience): 6:39 AM: no. its actually a few of us that havent
Shirley Perez (to All - Entire Audience): 6:39 AM: Crystal and Kimberly, we will look into your gift cards. When
you get a chance, please email to
Sarit Haygood (to All - Entire Audience): 6:39 AM: i had to reload my chat n i lost everything
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:39 AM: <>

A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:40 AM:

Stanley Webb (to All - Entire Audience): 6:40 AM: Okk done
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 6:39 AM: still loading , just buffering
Danielle Harp (to All - Entire Audience): 6:40 AM: first one i didnt pass ;/
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 6:40 AM: Done
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 6:40 AM: 3/3
Stanley Webb (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: I got 100!
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: im back
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: I was in VMare and now am kicked out an
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: Thank you Shirley, do we just email them and let them know
we didnt receive one from the 1st quiz?
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: and im here
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: Mines was doing that
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: 2/3
Jason astacio (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: mine also
Shirley Perez (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: Crystal - yes please let us know which week you did not
receive the gift card
Jason astacio (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: loading failed
Jason astacio (to All - Entire Audience): 6:41 AM: for the first time ever
Michael Shannon (to All - Entire Audience): 6:42 AM: 3/3
Stanley Webb (to All - Entire Audience): 6:42 AM: The gift card will be sent via email?
Nathaniel Allen (to All - Entire Audience): 6:42 AM: how mqny task do you haverunning
Kimberly Ashley (to All - Entire Audience): 6:42 AM: i was double taping in a hurry and got one wrong and i
knew the answer
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: thanks
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: thank you
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: thank you
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: Nerissa i just did a speed test on my computer here is the test
download is 78.61 upload is 9.94
Stanley Webb (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: Thank youu
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: How much is this one for _
kimberly Bell (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: 20!
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: ?
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 6:42 AM: the quiz was not loading
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: thanks
kimberly Bell (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: np
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: ok
Stanley Webb (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: How much is this gift card for I didnt hear
brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: It would'n teven let me log in
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: i am going to reboot as well
brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: *even
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 6:43 AM: have to reload the vm ware again
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 6:44 AM: no, sorry not sure why my hand was up
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 6:44 AM: Now we at the end with issues..
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:45 AM: good positive behavior
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:46 AM: just watch out for the TRAPS
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:46 AM: lol
KRISTOFER VENANCIO (to All - Entire Audience): 6:46 AM: i getting my computer ready i was having a
problem with my VM ware
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:46 AM: do your deary voice
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:46 AM: omg deary is my fave one ahaha
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 6:46 AM: lol be prepared for the TRAPS....she's Dangerous
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:46 AM: YESSSSSSSSSSSSS
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 6:46 AM: i need to r play too
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:46 AM: love it
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:47 AM: i have you down Stella :D
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:47 AM: Nerissa, I just want you to know Ive shared your deary rp with
like 3 members of my family
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:47 AM: lol lol
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:47 AM: and they could not hold it together lol
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:47 AM: @crystal they must think im cray cray
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:47 AM: good job Quedra, you working that sytem
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:48 AM: system
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 6:48 AM: ok
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 6:48 AM: same here
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:48 AM: Lol, well were all a little weird in my household so they loved
it *shrug*
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:48 AM: does this happen a lot during production Nerissa?
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:48 AM: ive wondered the same
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:49 AM: not really candy but we are on a new system that is just
launched so they still working on the kinks
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 6:49 AM: this what mines was doing
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:49 AM: o ok
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:50 AM: good deal
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:51 AM: ok
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 6:51 AM: dont see the screen
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:51 AM: ooooo
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 6:51 AM: ok
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:51 AM: ok
Debora Joseph (to All - Entire Audience): 6:51 AM: ok
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:51 AM: fr! lol its really long
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 6:52 AM: yaah
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:52 AM: im at 2200
Brittany Morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 6:52 AM: Trying to get one road up. it's giving me attitude today
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:52 AM: aw yay! my wife found out shes lost 45 lbs since starting the
keto diet, two months ago!
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:53 AM: cap letter
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 6:53 AM: thats long
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:53 AM: lower letter
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:53 AM: a special
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:53 AM: number
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:54 AM: Sunshine#412
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:54 AM: Automotice%634
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 6:54 AM: Food%isgoof
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 6:54 AM: how often does the system require password
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 6:56 AM: Rissa , they said the passwork Agero2016 no longer works and
i need to get an updated password
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 6:57 AM: Agero desktop
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 6:57 AM: yes
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 6:57 AM: y
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 6:57 AM: yes
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 6:57 AM: yes
James Overbay III (to All - Entire Audience): 6:57 AM: ok
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:58 AM: lol
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 6:58 AM: got you lol
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 6:58 AM: y
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 6:59 AM: I was with AVA... i missed it all :-(
Debora Joseph (to All - Entire Audience): 6:59 AM: finally im back
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:59 AM: waw
Debora Joseph (to All - Entire Audience): 6:59 AM: my pulse got disconnected and kicked me out
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 6:59 AM: i;ve got prob with my laptop
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 7:00 AM: Debora i had the same issue
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:00 AM: now im back
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:00 AM: wait what do we use for one road
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:00 AM: yes Ma'am
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:01 AM: i was doing new pw
Lau Fretta Riley (to All - Entire Audience): 7:01 AM: please mute
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:01 AM: i logged in with all my old passwords
Alexandria Berry (to All - Entire Audience): 7:01 AM: lol
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:01 AM: my condolences
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 7:01 AM: awwwww i am sorry
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:01 AM: Do i just keep pressing try again?
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:01 AM: Aw, im sorry!
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: sorry for the lost
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: but i do sign in earlier before we log in class so the system
wont be overloaded and i can get in
Stanley Webb (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: So sorry to hear that
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: says loading failed
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: I'm right that with you, my best friends father died last night for
blood and bone cancer.
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: yeah production is loading
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: sorry for your loss Quedra, love & blessings to you and your
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: IM IN!
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: praying for you and your wife
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: im in i thank
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: Naressa can you resend the production information
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 7:03 AM: ok now i need to close it and try to get into train right
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:03 AM: but its black....
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 7:02 AM: ok
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:03 AM: yup just like that
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:03 AM: just went off
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 7:03 AM: i was in training now the screen is just black
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 7:04 AM: am in but the screen only has two icons
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:04 AM: i was logged in mine is doing the same thing
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:04 AM: now that i go back to it
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:04 AM: Black screen O death
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 7:04 AM: itself
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 7:05 AM: not loading train apps
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 7:05 AM: no mine says loading failed
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 7:05 AM: black screen now with training now just close out
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: nope
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: me
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: not now..sorry
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: i was
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: not using the new credentials
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: no
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: no
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: no
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: i was in with the training codes
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: The same thing keeps happening to me
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: when i try to log off now it's telling me remote session is
locked and screen still lack
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: black
Sarit Haygood (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: i can't see any spam messages
Debora Joseph (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: same
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: ouuuf i'm back
Debora Joseph (to All - Entire Audience): 7:06 AM: black screen
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:07 AM: im in
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 7:07 AM: Nerissa can you take a look at my screen please
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:08 AM: its got to be at least 14 charter
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 7:08 AM: i'was rebooting my system
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:08 AM: i'm getting the same thing on my screen also
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 7:09 AM: its not your fault
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:09 AM: yes
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 7:09 AM: Nerissa i got into production but not training
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 7:09 AM: now im wondering was it my internet
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 7:10 AM: right
Nathaniel Allen (to All - Entire Audience): 7:11 AM: had it loaded went out in 3 min
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:11 AM: im can only get in with the training credentials not the new
Quedra Gilbert (to All - Entire Audience): 7:11 AM: i got blue
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:11 AM: mines has been up since the beginning of class
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:12 AM: i got blck screen
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:12 AM: niether did I, my OneRoad is up and running, has been all
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:13 AM: mine is still loading
Quedra Gilbert (to All - Entire Audience): 7:15 AM: can yall hear me
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 7:15 AM: no
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 7:15 AM: im in
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 7:15 AM: well its loading vendors
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:16 AM: sound very low
brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 7:18 AM: lol
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:18 AM: I get stuck at loading vendors, anyone else?
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:18 AM: the first trap she said ....she THINKS IT'S
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:18 AM: noooo
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:18 AM: quedra you sound great
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:18 AM: never tell them you cant find them
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 7:18 AM: YES SHE DO
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:19 AM: :pow:
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:19 AM: Awesome Job on saving yourself....
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:19 AM: she sure did
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 7:19 AM: tyneesha do you understand the calls back
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:19 AM: she recovered quick
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:19 AM: lol... you're doing wonderful Quedra
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:19 AM: you never tell the cx you can not locate their profile
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:19 AM: you just continue
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:19 AM: like nothings wrong
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 7:19 AM: pa
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:23 AM: your doing a great job
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:23 AM: Quedra has some hidden talents! great job
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:24 AM: arizona not PA
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 7:24 AM: az
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:24 AM: Arizona
Michael Shannon (to All - Entire Audience): 7:24 AM: az
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:24 AM: i like how your calm and smooth talking the cx so there's no
panic and you get enough time to complete everything
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 7:24 AM: az
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:24 AM: active listening
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 7:24 AM: ask for a LANDMARK
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:25 AM: arizona
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 7:25 AM: is arizona
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 7:25 AM: you passedit az
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:25 AM: Lol whisper
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:25 AM: lol
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:25 AM: gary with a rico suave voice LOL
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:25 AM: that hidden voice inside your mind lol,
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 7:26 AM: lol
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:27 AM: you were close go back to google maps
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:27 AM: i would try the poi near poi
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:27 AM: yes i believe that would be best
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 7:27 AM: google maps
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:27 AM: just ask which one shes closest to, hide way or butchers
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:27 AM: notate it
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 7:29 AM: yes Tyneesha
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:31 AM: lol arise
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 7:31 AM: zoom in more
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 7:33 AM: shamon send me a email
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:33 AM: your doing good just keep it up don't give up
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:37 AM: brb
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 7:38 AM: waw this call was so cool
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:39 AM: this was awesome Quedra
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:39 AM: those darn traps
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:39 AM: lol
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:39 AM: lol
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:39 AM: got to watch them lol
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:39 AM: well thats awesome
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:40 AM: great motivation
Shamon-Haych Walters (to All - Entire Audience): 7:40 AM: i send it miss nerissa
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 7:42 AM: on theside of the road
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:45 AM: oh sorry bk
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:46 AM: great job Quedra, you were really close a couple of times
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 7:47 AM: me too
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 7:48 AM: yes great job
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:48 AM: luv ya voice gyal
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 7:48 AM: yes
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:48 AM: :-)
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:49 AM: she likes being the
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 7:49 AM: darn mines wont come back up
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:49 AM: mapping sucks
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:50 AM: I need to checkout the mapping huddle sessions
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:50 AM: YES
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 7:50 AM: they are today
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 7:50 AM: yes :)
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:50 AM: mapping is against me
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:50 AM: LOL... that mischievous sound
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:51 AM: me too Ms Stella
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 7:52 AM: you did very well Iris
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 7:52 AM: name policy under
Kimberly Ashley (to All - Entire Audience): 7:53 AM: k4
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 7:54 AM: what's the relationship between you and the policyholder
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:54 AM: :-) ....@ Ms Stella
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:55 AM: thats a good policy number
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:55 AM: i should've captured that
Stanley Webb (to All - Entire Audience): 7:56 AM: hahah that customer is moody lol :D
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:57 AM: She's moving right along
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:57 AM: all wheel
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 7:57 AM: this finna be good
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 7:58 AM: type in the exit
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 8:00 AM: type yellow stone
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 8:01 AM: zoom in more
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 8:02 AM: use the airport
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 8:02 AM: then yellow stone
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 8:02 AM: poi airport
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 8:02 AM: what are you seeing now ask her
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 8:03 AM: leslie she cant see what you type
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 8:03 AM: o my bad
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 8:02 AM: good yes
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 8:08 AM: blue for water
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 8:08 AM: willow creek
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:11 AM: good job Quadra
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 8:14 AM: has anyone had trouble passing the engage and escalate
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:17 AM: yes
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:17 AM: yes
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:17 AM: hwy 26
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 8:17 AM: Candida I can not get the last question right regardless of
how i put it
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 8:19 AM: probing
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 8:19 AM: no dead ear
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:20 AM: Sorry Tyneesha I was answering Nerissa
Lau Fretta Riley (to All - Entire Audience): 8:20 AM: brb
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:21 AM: ROCKSTARZZ DON'T GIVE UP..KEEP GOING
kimberly Bell (to All - Entire Audience): 8:23 AM: brb.
Quedra Gilbert (to All - Entire Audience): 8:23 AM: i'm back but the freeze was vm ware going down
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:24 AM: you did an Outstanding Job Q.....Keep up the Good Work
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:24 AM: phenomenal Quedra
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 8:25 AM: great job
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 8:25 AM: yayyyyyyy good job
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:25 AM: kudos
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 8:25 AM: had to reboot am back
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:25 AM: :clap: :
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:25 AM: you did it QUEDRA
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:25 AM: LOL
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 8:25 AM: GREAT JOB Q
Quedra Gilbert (to All - Entire Audience): 8:26 AM: tahnk you guys
Quedra Gilbert (to All - Entire Audience): 8:26 AM: iris :clap: :heart:
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:26 AM: LOL
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:26 AM: :heart: :
Quedra Gilbert (to All - Entire Audience): 8:26 AM: i knew you'd get it by end of class
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:26 AM: :smile: :
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 8:26 AM: I was in earlier and now it black
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:26 AM: LOL
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 8:26 AM: will try again
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:27 AM: i'll have to stay after class ... i feel so naughty
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:28 AM: Let's hear it Barry White
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:28 AM: I mean Leslie
kimberly Bell (to All - Entire Audience): 8:28 AM: back
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:29 AM: LOL
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:29 AM: what about Liberty Mutua
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 8:29 AM: Im in now Neressa, DAWNIT
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:29 AM: lol my bad that was supposed to go
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 8:30 AM: TO late
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 8:30 AM: back in !
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:30 AM: lol i see now fast typing
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 8:30 AM: oh okay went back out
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 8:30 AM: oh well
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:32 AM: I'm glad you got in Ms Stella
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 8:31 AM: not able to logon Narressa to one road /vmware keep getting"
"connection timed out due to new connection request"
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:33 AM: LOL!!!!!!
Tyneesha Palmer (to All - Entire Audience): 8:33 AM: lol
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:33 AM: lol
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:33 AM: lol
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 8:33 AM: loll
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:33 AM: so authoritative... LOL
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:33 AM: calm down Leslie
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:34 AM: LOL... Candy
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 8:34 AM: LOL yall silly
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:34 AM: Hey Falisha
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 8:34 AM: Hey
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:35 AM: lol
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:35 AM: lol i like how your smooth Leslie
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:35 AM: his voice :smile: :
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:36 AM: ok... i'm gonna pick at myself: So last night i was listening to
the class recording and i went to the bathroom so i heard this voice from the potty and i asked my wife: who is that
with all that base in their voice? And she laughed about 90 sec and then she said that's you LOL
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 8:36 AM: lolllll
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 8:36 AM: He was saying uuuh
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:36 AM: growl RRRRRRRRRR
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 8:36 AM: llol
A.Nerissa Hewitt (to All - Entire Audience): 8:36 AM: lol
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:36 AM: lol to funny
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 8:36 AM: lol
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:37 AM: ROTF
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 8:37 AM: lol
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:38 AM: If i heard Leslie's voice i would tell him anything he wants
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:40 AM: haha IRIS
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:41 AM: Michael... i was soooooo embarassed
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:42 AM: Who is that with all that base in their voice????
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:42 AM: go to the authorize screen
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:42 AM: under resolve coverage
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 8:42 AM: Iris i feel you loll
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 8:43 AM: you are so amazing
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:43 AM: Cool authorization :-)
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 8:43 AM: looolllll
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:43 AM: you would give him the all info even he doe'nt asking you
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: SMOOTH and QUICK
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: supa smooth
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: comments
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: no we can verbally give it
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: LOL
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: lol
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: lol
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: ROTF
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: xlol
Alexandria Berry (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: lol
Michael Shannon (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: lol
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: lol
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: lolll
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 8:44 AM: lol snapped
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:45 AM: She needs to meet Nerrisa
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:45 AM: LOL
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:45 AM: forgot to thank the cst for holding
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 8:46 AM: funny
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:46 AM: sounds negative to the cst
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:46 AM: lol he went str8 for the throat
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:46 AM: hilarious!!!
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 8:46 AM: I come off like that sometimes too lol
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:46 AM: 2 chops
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 8:46 AM: Its the lack of wording on my part.
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:46 AM: Falisha you're amazing
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 8:47 AM: Awe thank you. This type of work is really hard for me.
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 8:47 AM: we can advise them that we can transfer them over to get it added
for the next time there is a problem
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 8:47 AM: I'm a texter lol
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: lol
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: Luv'd it Leslie!!!! definitely interesting
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: honey
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: lol
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: a whole lot of sugar
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: my husband sounds like that
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: lol
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: you're THE MAN LESLIE
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: Nice Denise
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 8:48 AM: prrrrrrrrrrr
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:49 AM: no Claudia GGGRRRRRRRRRR
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:49 AM: LOL
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:49 AM: people with deep voices can sound intimidating
Lau Fretta Riley (to All - Entire Audience): 8:49 AM: My machine experienced some strange issue. may be user
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 8:49 AM: lol
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:49 AM: yeah if I was his cx, I would have asked for his supervisor
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:49 AM: lol
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:49 AM: Candy... LOL
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:49 AM: PITBULL GRRRRRR
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:50 AM: x-tra x-tra butter please
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 8:50 AM: so denise don't let any opportunity to him for sreaming on
you one day lolll
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:50 AM: I can hear your chair Leslie every time you move
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 8:51 AM: lolll
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 8:51 AM: okay
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:51 AM: TOO NOIZZY
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:52 AM: Don't forget to let us know what days and times during the
weekend when we can practice with you too
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 8:52 AM: okay
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 8:52 AM: I would like to role play as well please
Jason astacio (to All - Entire Audience): 8:52 AM: yes
Jason astacio (to All - Entire Audience): 8:52 AM: ready
KRISTOFER VENANCIO (to All - Entire Audience): 8:52 AM: well no prob
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 8:52 AM: mee
Jason astacio (to All - Entire Audience): 8:52 AM: yessss
Jason astacio (to All - Entire Audience): 8:52 AM: weeee
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 8:52 AM: okay
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: Thanks Candida new chair this one is my old goodie
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: ok
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: Ok!
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: one
Candida Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Michael Young (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
kimberly Bell (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Michael Shannon (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: *sends 10*
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Stella Ogunlaja (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Michael Shannon (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: one
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
KRISTOFER VENANCIO (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Michael Shannon (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: uno
Alexandria Berry (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: one email
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: jk
Phillipe Mendoza (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Kimberly Ashley (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: lol
Debora Joseph (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Lau Fretta Riley (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1 email
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Quedra Gilbert (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1
Leslie ROYALL (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: one role play
Sarit Haygood (to All - Entire Audience): 8:53 AM: 1 email
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 8:54 AM: Rissa, I would like to RP too sometime this week
Gary Simmons (to All - Entire Audience): 8:54 AM: where should we be in agero university what day
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 8:54 AM: if thats ok, I know that I did the first one every but def want to
do again
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 8:54 AM: Are you still going to be able to do the 1 on 1 with us?
Kimberly Ashley (to All - Entire Audience): 8:54 AM: i emailed u Rissa
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 8:55 AM: can you help me Rissa, if you don't have time... can i get a new
Crystal Kidd (to All - Entire Audience): 8:55 AM: Cool, thanks i have to go hunt down an ice cream bandit thats
living in my house and confrint them lol everyone have a greadt day!
Helen High (to All - Entire Audience): 8:55 AM: have a great day all
Denise Rice (to All - Entire Audience): 8:55 AM: byeeee....
Sarit Haygood (to All - Entire Audience): 8:55 AM: you too nerissa
William Ranney (to All - Entire Audience): 8:55 AM: mrs nerissa you were talking about the SOW code is it about
the avayay extension?
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 8:56 AM: 16
JOSHUA MANNING (to All - Entire Audience): 8:56 AM: I think
Kimberly Ashley (to All - Entire Audience): 8:56 AM: i need the path to commitment adherence
Milton cook (to All - Entire Audience): 8:56 AM: day 15
brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 8:57 AM: so just day 15 and 16?
brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 8:57 AM: for hw?
Kimberly Ashley (to All - Entire Audience): 8:58 AM: yay
Robert Church (to All - Entire Audience): 8:58 AM: Enjoy your afternoon Mrs. Hewitt see you
tomorrow......Enjoy your day also class
brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 8:58 AM: ok so we stillok
Falisha Binion (to All - Entire Audience): 9:00 AM: Night class maybe?
brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 9:01 AM: My IBO keeps asking me if your'e restarting the
commitment adherence course? He won't leave me alone about it, even when I already told him what you told me
earlier in class.
Diana Renteria (to All - Entire Audience): 9:02 AM: if anyone want to practice role playing with me shoot me an
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 9:04 AM: lol
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 9:13 AM: i've been trying to follow along but i'm not suceeding :-(
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 9:15 AM: e-atrain
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 9:16 AM: e-atrain
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 9:17 AM: lol...YEAH Ms Stella
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 9:17 AM: yes ma'am
Claudia ADAMS (to All - Entire Audience): 9:17 AM: me too
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 9:18 AM: hey now... mysexi
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 9:19 AM: that was hard
Iris Williams (to All - Entire Audience): 9:21 AM: bye Brit
brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 9:21 AM: lol iris
brittany morrison (to All - Entire Audience): 9:21 AM: bye everybody

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