Universal Patterns Music

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Universal patterns in sound amplitudes of songs and music genres

R.S. Mendes,1, 2 H.V. Ribeiro,1, 2, ∗ F.C.M. Freire,1 A.A. Tateishi,1, 2 and E.K. Lenzi1, 2
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Estadual de Maringá,
Av. Colombo 5790, 87020-900, Maringá, PR, Brazil
National Institute of Science and Technology for Complex Systems,
CNPq, Rua Xavier Sigaud 150, 22290-180, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
(Dated: December 2, 2010)
We report a statistical analysis over more than eight thousand songs. Specifically, we investigate
the probability distribution of the normalized sound amplitudes. Our findings seems to suggest
arXiv:1012.0142v1 [physics.data-an] 1 Dec 2010

a universal form of distribution which presents a good agreement with a one-parameter stretched
Gaussian. We also argue that this parameter can give information on music complexity, and conse-
quently it goes towards classifying songs as well as music genres. Additionally, we present statistical
evidences that correlation aspects of the songs are directly related with the non-Gaussian nature of
their sound amplitude distributions.

PACS numbers: 89.90.+n 89.20.-a 43.75.St 05.45.Tp

In recent years, studies of complex systems have be- frequency in Bach’s and Mozart’s compositions, finding
come widespread among the scientific community, spe- self-similarity and fractals structures. In contrast, they
cially in the statistical physics one[1–5]. Many of these report no resemblance to fractal geometry[24] for mod-
investigations deal with data records ordered in time or ern music. Fractal structures have also been reported
space (i.e., time series), trying to extract some features, in the study of sequences of music notes[25], where Su
patterns or laws that may be present in the systems and Wu[26] suggest that the multifractal spectrum can
studied. This approach has been successfully applied be used to distinguish different styles of music. By us-
to a variety of fields, from physics and astronomy[6] to ing sound amplitudes of songs, Bigerelle and Iost[27]
genetics[7] and economy[8]. Moreover, this framework achieved a classification based on fractal dimension us-
has been a trend towards investigating and modeling ing the entire frequency range. However, as raised by Ro
interdisciplinary fields, such as religion[9], elections[10], and Kwon[28], the 1/f analysis in the region below 20 Hz
vehicular traffic[11], tournaments[12], and many others. might not classify music genres. Gündüz and Gündüz[29]
These few examples and social phenomena in general [13] reported analysis of several Turkish songs by using many
illustrate as physicists have gone far from their tradi- techniques. Beltrán del Rı́o et al.[30] evaluated the rank
tional domain of investigations. distribution of music notes of a large selection finding a
Music is a well known worldwide social phenomenon good agreement with a two parameter beta distribution.
linked to the human cognitive habits, modes of conscious- Dagdug et al.[31] investigated a specific piece of Mozart
ness as well as historical developments[14]. In the di- employing detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA)[32]. Ap-
rection of music’s social role, some authors investigated plying DFA in a volatility-like series, Jennings et al.[33]
collective listening habits. For instance, Lambiotte and found quantitative differences in the Hurst exponent de-
Ausloos[15] analyzed data from people music library find- pending on the music genre.
ing audience groups with the size distribution following In this brief literature review, we see that special at-
a power law. They also investigated correlations among tention was paid to the fractal structures of music, cor-
these music groups, reporting non-trivial relations[16]. relations and power spectrum analysis. However, much
In another work, Silva et al.[17] studied the network less attention has been paid to the understanding of the
structure of the song writers and the singers of Brazil- amplitude distribution. This last point has been noted
ian popular music (mpb). There is also an interest in the by Diodati and Piazza[34]. In their work, they inves-
behavior of music sales[18] as well as in the success of tigated the distribution of times and sound amplitudes
musicians[19–21]. larger than a fixed value. By using this kind of return in-
Despite these cultural aspects, songs form a highly or- terval analysis[35], they found Gaussian distributions in
ganized system presenting very complex structures and the amplitude for jazz, pop, and rock music, while non-
long-range correlations. All these features have attracted Gaussians emerge for classical pieces. Here, we directly
the attention of statistical physicists. In a seminal paper, investigate the amplitude distributions of songs of sev-
Voss and Clarke[22] analyzed the power spectrum of ra- eral genres without employing a threshold value as con-
dio stations and observed a 1/f noise like pattern. They sidered by Diodati and Piazza. Moreover, our analysis
also showed that the correlation can extend to longer goes towards finding patterns in the amplitude sound dis-
or shorter time scales, depending on the music genre. tribution by using a suitable one-parameter probability
Hsü and Hsü[23] investigated the changes of acoustic distribution function (pdf). In the following, we present
Tchaikovsky, Sym 5 In E − Allegro moderato
ent time instants t, we focus attention on ut subtracted
8 from its mean value µ and divided by its standard de-
zt 0 viation σ. This corresponds to using zt = (ut − µ)/σ
instead of ut . Figure 1 illustrates the behavior of zt for
two songs, a classical piece and a heavy metal song. This
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 figure is enough to reveal qualitative differences between
t (minutes) these two songs. In the classical piece, we can observe
Metallica − For Whom The Bell Tolls
some kind of bursts giving rise to a non-Gaussian distri-
4 (b) bution. However, for the heavy metal song, the signal is
very similar to a Gaussian noise – no complex structure

is perceptible.
−4 Motivated by these distinct behaviors, we investigate
0 1 2 3 4 the distribution of zt for all the songs in our data set. In
t (minutes) Figure 2, we show the pdf for some representative songs.
As we can verify from this figure, the shape of distribu-
FIG. 1: The normalized sound amplitude of (a) a classical
tions goes from a long tail to Laplace to Gaussian distri-
piece and (b) a heavy metal song (labeled in the figure). Note
that the signals are quite different, the first one presents a bution. A family of functions that has the Gaussian and
more complex structure characterized by “bursts” while the the Laplace distributions as particular case is given by
second resembles a Gaussian noise. the stretched Gaussian[36] p(z) = N exp(−b|z|c ), where
N is the normalization constant, b is directly related to
the standard deviation and c is a positive parameter.
the dataset used in our investigation, the analysis of the Since the distribution p(z) is normalized to unity and the
shape of the resulting distributions and our conclusions. variable z is defined in such way that its standard devi-
Not all sound is music, but certainly music is made by ation is equal to one, the parameters N and b become a
sounds. The sounds that we hear are consequence of pres- function exclusively of c, leading to
sure fluctuations traveling in the air and hitting our ears.  1/2  c/2 !
These audible pressure fluctuations can be converted into c Γ(3/c) Γ(3/c) c
p(z) = exp − |z| , (1)
a voltage signal ut by using a record system and stored, 2 Γ(1/c)3 Γ(1/c)
for instance, in a compact disk (CD). Our analysis is fo-
cused on this time series ut that we call sound amplitude. with Γ[w] being the Euler gamma function. Also in Fig-
In the case of songs stored in CDs, ut has a standard sam- ure 2 the least square fits to the data of the above func-
pling rate of 44.1 kHz and encompasses the full audible tion are shown. Observe that we find a good agreement
human range (approximately between 20 Hz and 20 kHz). between the data and the model for the songs represented
As database we have 8115 songs of nine different in this figure, and a similar agreement have been found
music genres: classical (907), tango (992), jazz (700), for the others (at least in the central part of the distri-
hip-hop (876), mpb (580), flamenco (524), pop (998), bution).
techno (900) and heavy metal (1638). The songs The only model parameter is c and it may give use-
were chosen so as to cover a large amount of com- ful information about music complexity. First note that
posers/singers. For instance, for classical music, we for values of c smaller than one heavy tail distribution
have taken pieces from Bartók, Beethoven, Berlioz, emerge. In some sense, these heavy tails reflect the com-
Brahms, Bruch, Chopin, Dvorak, Fauré, Grieg, Mal- plex structures that we see in Figure 1a, i.e., larger fluc-
her, Marcello, Mozart, Rachmaninov, Strauss, Schuber, tuations. The increasing of c makes the tails shorter and
Schumann, Scriabin, Shostakovich, Sibelius, Stravinsky, recover some known distributions (Laplace for c = 1 and
Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Vivaldi, and others. Gaussian for c = 2). In this context, a shorter tail in-
When a time series is analyzed, a way to view its vari- dicates that larger fluctuations become rare, leading to
ability (complexity) is at least in part by investigating its music signal very similar to a Gaussian noise (see Figure
pdf. In the case of music, the mean amplitude is approx- 1b). From the musical point of view, the word complex-
imately zero since a vibration essentially occurs around ity may be related to several aspects of the song or even
this value. In addition, the mean (global) intensity is not with music taste. In present context, it should be viewed
relevant to the variability (complexity) of a song. Mo- a comparative measurement, i.e., a measure of how the
tivated by these facts, our research is based on the pdf empirical distributions differs from the Gaussian one.
of recorded data regardless of their mean value and their Based on the above discussion, we may use c to sort
real amplitudes. In other words, we are considering that the songs and music genres in a kind of complexity or-
the complexity of a song is not related to its mean inten- der (smaller c is related to a large complexity). In order
sity but with the relative variability of the amplitudes. to construct this rank for music genres, we evaluate the
Thus, instead of employing the amplitude ut in differ- mean value of c over all songs of each music genre consid-

Tchaikovsky, Sym 5 In E − Allegro moderato Astor Piazzola − Allegro Tranquillo Bix Beiderbecke − In A Mist

c=0.57 c=0.95 c=0.92

100 100

10−2 10−2 10−2



10−3 10−4 10−4

10−5 10−6 10−6

−10 −5 0 5 10 −10 −5 0 5 10 −10 −5 0 5 10
zt zt zt

Eric B. & Rakim − Paid In Full Tom Jobim − The Girl From Ipanema Paco de Lucia − Cositas Buenas
0 10 c=1.15
10 c=1.11 c=0.76
10−1 10

10−2 10
−3 −6
10 10
−4 −2 0 2 4 −10 −5 0 5 10 −6 −3 0 3 6
zt zt zt

Madonna − I’ll Remember Ace Of Base − Cruel Summer Metallica − For Whom The Bell Tolls

c=1.11 0 c=2.23 100 c=1.60

100 10

10−1 10−2 10−1



10−2 10−4 10−2

10−3 10−6 10−3

−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
zt zt zt

FIG. 2: (color online) Histograms of some representative songs (labeled in the figure) in comparison with the stretched Gaussian
Eq.(1). The squares (circles) is the right (left) channel of the stereo audio. As we see, the two channels are quite similar in the
sense that the statistical results do not dramatically change when considering the right or left channel.

1.6 2.5
(a) (b) Classic 2.4
Tango (c)
2.0 Jazz
1.2 Mpb 1.8
1.5 Flamenco


0.8 1.0 Metal 1.2







0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1
Music genres c h

FIG. 3: (color online) (a) In ascending order, the mean value of the parameter c corresponding to the stretched Gaussians
employed for each music genre considered here. (b) The distribution of the parameter c for each genre. (c) Scatter plot of the
parameter c versus the Hurst exponent, h, obtained via detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA)[39, 40] of sound intensity zt2 . The
dashed line is a guide for our eyes.

ered here as shown in Figure 3a. Our findings agree with lem we also evaluate the probability distribution of c for
other works in the sense that there is a quantitative dif- each music genre as shown in Figure 3b. We can see that
ference between classic and light/dancing music[33, 34]. there are overlapping regions for all genres, reflecting the
However, it is interesting to emphasize that music gen- fuzzy boundaries existent in the music genre definition.
res are not a well defined concept[38]. Thus, any taxon- Despite the complex situation that emerges in the
omy may be controversial representing an open problem problem of automatic genre classification[41–44], our
of automatic classification like other problems of pattern model is very simple. From the qualitative point of view,
recognition. To take a glance in this complicated prob- the characteristic of songs and music genres is related

with multidimensional aspects like timbre, melody, har- (1992).

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