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4/4/2020 Oyo, Jin Jiang lead Asia-Pacific hotel supply and growth: STR | Hotel Management

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Oyo, Jin Jiang lead Asia-Pacific hotel supply and growth: STR

by Jena Tesse Fox | Oct 21, 2019 12:42pm

As of June, Oyo had 500,000 rooms across 10,000 hotels in China. Photo credit: Oyo Hotels & Homes

According to the latest data from STR, Oyo Hotels & Homes represents the largest hotel-supply count in the Asia-
Pacific region, while Jin Jiang International leads in terms of number of rooms in the development pipeline.

Public financial filings were used to supplement STR data to compile the list of the region’s 100 largest companies,
specifically for companies whose own room counts do not match those of STR, reflecting differences with STR’s
traditional hotel property criteria.

Oyo’s Asia-Pacific portfolio covers 952,495 rooms and as of June, the company had 500,000 rooms across 10,000
hotels in China alone. 1/4
4/4/2020 Oyo, Jin Jiang lead Asia-Pacific hotel supply and growth: STR | Hotel Management

Six additional companies showed more than 200,000 rooms in their existing supply.

In Development

Jin Jiang, with 391,088 rooms under contract, was one of four companies with more than 100,000 rooms in the total
pipeline. (“Under contract” covers the in-construction, final planning and planning phases of the pipeline.)

“The Asia-Pacific region features some of the world’s largest and most popular hospitality destinations,” said Jesper
Palmqvist, STR’s area director, Asia-Pacific. “Much like other parts of the world, the region’s accommodation[s]
landscape is evolving, and that is reflected in the rapid growth of companies such as Oyo. Rapid growth in intra-
APAC travel, solid performance metrics and growing destination popularity continue to position Asia-Pacific for
further development and investment, especially with branded properties, which have grown in presence over the
past decade.”


Development Pipeline Oyo Room Jin Jiang International Asia Pacific STR

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About the Author

Jena Tesse Fox

Associate Editor
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