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Honey S.

Professional Education
Section C | Sat |

1. In the given learning material, create your own version of diagram/illustration that will summarize/showcase the Principles of Good Practice in Assessing Learning
Outcomes. (50 pts.)


Principles of Good Practice in Assessing Learning Outcomes


OBE Core Values Clear



Attention Continuous, ongoing not Clear and exact Multiple

episodic Intelligences

Higher order skills

Tool/instrument Self-Assessment

Instructional cycle

2. Choose a figure or diagram and describe or explain in your own understanding. For example, you want to choose Figure 7- Outcomes
Assessment in the Instructional Cycle (25pts.)

a. (Refer to figure 10)

Product Performance

Product Output Performance tasks

Visual-e.g. graph, collage reflective journal E.g. experiments, oral presentation, dramatization

Explanation: Product and Performance are the 2 types of assessing the student’s grade. Product has two categories output and visual and
Performance has Performance task and Experiments, Oral Presentation, and dramatization.

Figure 13- Multiple Intelligences

b. Considering the learners multiple intelligences once they use a variety of assessment tools and tasks.
c. Learning is infinite cycle. By assessing the Students Learning outcomes this phase is being faced. In this way it will identify the
effectiveness of a student throughout his/her learning.

Learning Outcome

Assessment Task
3. After reading the whole Chapter, what do you like best among all the topics given that you want to share to the class (like portfolio, rubrics,
figures, Assessment of Learning Outcomes in the K to 12 Programs and others)? (25pts.)
Scoring Rubrics
 This part is where we can measure the performance made evident in processes and products. And its serve as our guide where we
evaluate our learner’s performance in different tasks based on a full range of criteria.

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