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Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School


Philip Collins: The Career of a

Distinguished Trumpet Performer and
John Robert Kilgore

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A Treatise submitted to the

College of Music
in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Music


© 2018 John Robert Kilgore

John R. Kilgore defended this treatise on November 2, 2018.
The members of the supervisory committee were:

Christopher Moore
Professor Directing Treatise

Steven Kelly
University Representative

John Drew
Committee Member

Michelle Stebleton
Committee Member

The Graduate School has verified and approved the above-named committee members, and
certifies that the treatise has been approved in accordance with university requirements.


The process of writing this treatise has been one of the most rewarding and challenging

experiences of my academic career. I extend my deepest gratitude and thanks to Philip Collins for

accepting my project idea to document his artistic career, and for his enduring commitment to

work with me throughout the research and writing process. Without his extensive interviews and

enthusiasm, this project would not have been possible.

I also wish to thank my applied trumpet professor and doctoral committee chair, Dr.

Christopher Moore, for his invaluable dedication to assisting with this project, and for his

commitment to guide me toward my artistic goals. I am beyond thankful for his mentorship.

Additionally, I extend my thanks and gratitude to the members of my doctoral committee: Dr.

Steven Kelly, Dr. John Drew and Professor Michelle Stebleton. Their guidance has been essential

throughout the entirety of my doctoral program.

I would also like to thank my former teachers: John Schlabach, Alan Siebert, Philip Collins,

Brian Maskow and Michael Hazlett. Their dedication as educators provided me the opportunity to

reach my current academic and professional achievements. Also, I wish to thank my friends who

have supported me throughout my journey.

Finally, I would like to thank my family for their continuous love and support, which has

been a guiding force throughout my academic career and beyond. I would not have been able to

reach my aspirations without their support.


ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. vii

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................1

Statement of Purpose ...................................................................................................................2

Methods and Procedures .............................................................................................................3
Survey of Literature.....................................................................................................................3
Chapter Organization ..................................................................................................................4

2. BIOGRAPHY: EARLY LIFE ....................................................................................................5

3. BIOGRAPHY: ACADEMIC AND FESTIVAL EDUCATION ................................................9

Eastman School of Music ............................................................................................................9

The Tanglewood Music Center .................................................................................................11


The Cleveland Orchestra ...........................................................................................................13

National Arts Centre Orchestra .................................................................................................14

5. BIOGRAPHY: THE CINCINNATI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA .........................................16


6. PEDAGOGICAL APPROACH ................................................................................................22

Musicianship .............................................................................................................................23
Articulation ................................................................................................................................23
Flexibility ..................................................................................................................................23
Range .........................................................................................................................................24
Transposition .............................................................................................................................24
Endurance ..................................................................................................................................25
Collins’ Favorite General Use Etude Materials ........................................................................25
Additional Pedagogical Topics .................................................................................................26

7. PUBLICATIONS ......................................................................................................................28

In The Singing Style, 1982 .........................................................................................................28

Trumpet 1, Pops Orchestra: 138 Original Compositions in the Style of the Pops Repertoire,
100 Trumpetudes: Performers’ Show Prep, 2007 .....................................................................30
Piccolo Trumpet Studies, 2012 ..................................................................................................30

Classic Style: A Collection of Favorites from the Classical Repertoire, 2018 .........................32
TrumpetMatters: Blog, 2006-present ........................................................................................33

8. AUDITION EXPERIENCES....................................................................................................34

Lessons Learned at Auditions ...................................................................................................36

9. COLLINS’ PRIMARY TEACHERS........................................................................................37

Melvin ‘Mel’ Broiles .................................................................................................................37

William Vacchiano ....................................................................................................................39
Bernard ‘Bernie’ Adelstein .......................................................................................................41
Arnold Jacobs ............................................................................................................................43

10. ORCHESTRAL AUDITIONS.................................................................................................47

On Audition Preparation ...........................................................................................................47

On Serving on Audition Panels .................................................................................................47
On Developing Audition Excerpt Lists .....................................................................................48

11. ADDITIONAL ARTISTIC EXPERIENCES ..........................................................................50

In Chamber Music .....................................................................................................................50

As a Soloist ................................................................................................................................50
On Recording Sessions ..............................................................................................................51


Within the Artistic Workplace ..................................................................................................53

A Single Artistic Characteristic .................................................................................................53
A Typical Lesson.......................................................................................................................54
Influence on Your Career as a Performer ..................................................................................54
Trumpet Lesson Memories ........................................................................................................55
Memorable Experiences ............................................................................................................55

13. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................56

APPENDICES ...............................................................................................................................58

A. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLISHED MATERIALS ......................................58

C. SELECT DISCOGRAPHY: CINCINNATI POPS ORCHESTRA ..........................................79
D. SELECT DISCOGRAPHY: OTHER NOTABLE RECORDINGS .......................................166
E. COLLINS’ EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................................167

APPROVAL .........................................................................................................................168
G. FSU IRB HSC APPROVED SURVEY QUESTIONS...........................................................170

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................172

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH .......................................................................................................175


This treatise will detail the artistic career of world-renowned classical trumpeter Philip R.

Collins (b. 1948). The aim is to provide a clear depiction of his artistic journey by describing his

upbringing, education, professional career experiences and contributions as an educator. The

numerous artistic contributions Collins made throughout his career are substantial and valuable to

document for current and future generations of musicians.

Over a timespan that covered four decades, Collins served as Principal Trumpet of the

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Pops Orchestra. As a member of both orchestras, Collins

amassed a substantial catalog of more than 100 professional recordings in a wide range of

orchestral and pops genres. On several occasions, he soloed with the orchestras in both concerts

and recordings. Prior to his appointment in Cincinnati, he was a member of the Cleveland

Orchestra, National Arts Centre Orchestra and the Eastman Brass Quintet. His pedigree as a

preeminent orchestral musician was guided and developed by world-renowned trumpet and brass

educators and performers Melvin Broiles, William Vacchiano, Bernard Adelstein and Arnold


In addition to a lengthy orchestral career, Collins is the Adjunct Associate Professor of

Trumpet at the College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati. His effectiveness

as an educator has resulted in several of his students attaining professional orchestra, premiere

military band, and collegiate teaching appointments. As an author and composer, he has published

several trumpet books that present unique musical styles and approaches to trumpet practice and

performance, and has published hymn arrangements for trumpet ensemble.

Research for this treatise was done by conducting several e-mail interviews with Philip

Collins. The information from these interviews provided a large foundation of original information

for the treatise. In addition, several audio recordings were referenced to gain further insight into

Collins’ artistry. Further information was gathered through various internet sources, including

newspaper clippings and journal articles. Finally, a survey was sent to former colleagues, students

and friends of Collins with the purpose of providing further insight into his legacy.

Philip Collins is one of the most successful orchestral trumpeters and teachers whose

influence through preeminent musicianship and professionalism has provided a positive impact on

countless aspiring musicians. His exceptional legacy can be heard through hundreds of

professional classical and pops recordings, can be studied from his published materials, and is

remembered by those who worked with him. Collins’ significance to the trumpet and music

communities is important to document and share.



One of the most distinguished orchestral trumpet players is Philip R. Collins (b. 1948), a

preeminent orchestral musician active in the 20th and 21st centuries. He prominently served as

Principal Trumpet of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (CSO) and Pops Orchestra (Pops) from

1975 until his retirement in 2007. Throughout his tenure with the CSO and Pops, the orchestras

produced more than 100 commercial recordings, made multiple Carnegie Hall appearances, and

toured Asia, Europe and the United States. Prior to his appointment in Cincinnati, Collins served

as Principal Trumpet of the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa, Canada, 4th/Utility Trumpet

of the Cleveland Orchestra, and was a member of the Eastman Brass Quintet.

In addition to an orchestral career, Collins is a collegiate music educator. Currently, he

serves as Adjunct Associate Professor of Trumpet at the College-Conservatory of Music (CCM)

at the University of Cincinnati. Many of Collins’ former students hold professional performance

positions and teach at the collegiate level, including positions with the CSO and Pops, Colorado

Symphony, Boise Philharmonic, West Virginia Symphony, Lexington Philharmonic, Pershing’s

Own United States Army Band, the United States Navy Band, the United States Coast Guard Band,

the United States Naval Academy Band, the United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps,

Ball State University, Northern Kentucky University, and Boise State University, among others.

As an author and composer, Collins has written and published several trumpet books and

educational materials including: In the Singing Style (1982), Trumpet I, Pops Orchestra: 138

Original Compositions in the Style of the Pops Repertoire (1995-2006), 100 Trumpetudes:

Performers’ Show Prep (2007), Piccolo Trumpet Studies (2012), and Classic Style: A Collection

of Favorites from the Classical Repertoire (2018) as well as hymn arrangements for trumpet

ensemble. Finally, Collins publishes and maintains the online blog TrumpetMatters, which

provides his personal insight into various trumpet practice, performance and pedagogical topics.

Philip Collins’ distinguished career as a principal trumpet player and educator has

solidified his legacy as a preeminent trumpeter. His artistic influence and contributions are

captured by the length and substance of his orchestral career, his students’ successes, and his

published materials. The significance of Collins’ contributions is important to document and share

for current and future generations of musicians.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this treatise is to provide comprehensive documentation of Philip Collins’

life and artistic career. The biographical chapters detail his early upbringing, collegiate and early

professional experiences, and career with the CSO and Pops Orchestras. The pedagogical chapters

detail his teaching at CCM, approaches to teaching specific components of trumpet performance,

and a description of his published trumpet materials. The second to last chapter is a reflection on

Collins as a musician and person with comments from former colleagues, students and friends.

More specifically, this treatise describes Philip Collins’ journey in becoming one of the

most successful orchestral trumpet players and teachers in the profession. This rare position is

occupied by just a few elite trumpeters whose legacies serve to influence and inspire countless

trumpet players and teachers. While Collins is well known for his extensive body of orchestral and

pops recordings, the aim of this treatise is to provide a thorough description of Collins as a person

and trace the steps that determined his musical journey and effectiveness as an educator.

Collins’ positive impact as an educator is significant and as such worth documenting. His

dedication as an educator is evidenced by his students’ placement in professional ensembles,

university teaching positions, and acceptance into collegiate music programs. Collins’ published

materials serve an important artistic and pedagogical purpose, providing a practical approach to

developing musicianship by employing both familiar and unique artistic styles. Outside of the

collegiate studio, Collins’ online pedagogy blog TrumpetMatters captures his concepts on trumpet

performance and practice; these remain digitally archived for future generations of musicians. The

recognition of Collins’ past and current pursuits to inspire and educate trumpet players is an

important resource that further captures the significance of his career.

Methods and Procedures

The researcher collected information through extensive interviews with Philip Collins,

which was approved by the Florida State University (FSU) Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Human Subjects Committee (HSC). Further information was collected through an FSU IRB HSC

approved Qualtrics survey sent to select former students, colleagues and friends of Collins. The

results from the survey have added depth and insight into the career of Collins as a performer,

educator and mentor. In addition, published trumpet materials by Collins and notable professional

recordings were examined and referenced as part of this project. The combination of interviews,

surveys and an examination of published materials and recordings has been organized and

documented to portray the artistic career of Philip Collins for the reader.

Survey of Literature

The primary sources used to complete this treatise include interviews with Philip Collins

and the surveys from his former professional colleagues, students, and friends. The survey was

conducted through Qualtrics, provided by Florida State University. In addition, Collins’ published

trumpet materials, arrangements and on-line blog TrumpetMatters were examined and referenced.

Further musical information pertaining to Collins as a performer was completed through the

examination of audio recordings.

Chapter Organization

The treatise begins with a four-chapter (chapters two through five) biographical section

describing the life of Philip Collins. These chapters outline his early musical experiences and high

school years; his collegiate studies at the Eastman School of Music and studies at the Tanglewood

Music Center; his first major professional experiences with the Blossom Festival School, the

Cleveland and National Arts Centre Orchestras; then his career with the Cincinnati Symphony

Orchestra and Pops Orchestra. The next two chapters (chapters six and seven) describe Collins as

an educator and his approach to teaching specific trumpet performance-related topics, and

examines his published trumpet materials and their educational purpose. Chapter eight discusses

Collins’ specific experiences at auditions and lessons learned through audition processes. The

ninth chapter describes his primary trumpet teachers and experiences studying with them. Chapter

ten describes specific elements of orchestral auditions beginning with his preparation for auditions,

service on audition panels, and creation of a trumpet audition excerpt list. Collins’ additional

artistic experiences are detailed in chapter eleven, and include chamber music, solo performance,

and recording within a professional orchestra. Chapter twelve presents results from the FSU IRB

HSC-approved Qualtrics survey in which participants provided their insight, thoughts and

reflections on Collins as a musician and person. The final chapter (chapter thirteen) is the

conclusion of the treatise and is followed by appendices.



Philip R. Collins was born on January 3, 1948 in New Jersey and was raised in Summit, a

modestly-sized city approximately thirty minutes outside of New York City, New York. Early in

his life, Collins was immersed in a household filled with music. His parents, Barbara and Richard

Collins, were not musicians, but frequently played music on the radio and stereo, and they were

avid supporters of the arts.1 The Collins’ family lineage is connected to the professional music

world by means of Philip’s great-grandfather, Edward Brodeur, a trombonist in the John Philip

Sousa Band.2 Additionally, Philip’s brother, Ken Collins, was also fond of the arts and became an

accomplished musician working as a pianist, arranger and composer in New York City and Los

Angeles.3 The initial musical exposure provided by their parents gave the young Collins brothers

positive impressions of music and created the foundation for a lifelong artistic journey.

While growing up in Summit, Collins attended the city’s public elementary, junior high

and high schools. From 1954 to 1960, he attended the Brayton Elementary School where in his

third-grade year, students were introduced to musical instruments and encouraged to begin lessons

and participate in band.4 Collins selected the trumpet and began studies on a basic student-model

instrument. Initially, he struggled to make a sound, and as a result, did not enjoy his early

experience. Collins states: “[My] first trauma [occurred when I was] unable to make a sound on

the trumpet [during] the first week of group lessons in the third grade. After the second week, the

rest is history.”5 Following this brief hurdle, his curiosity and enjoyment of playing rapidly

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview messages to author. Received September 5, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 10, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 12, 2018.

developed, as Collins recalls: “I thought [trumpet] was the best instrument ever”…“I couldn’t

hardly wait until it was lesson day.”6 His enthusiasm and interest to learn and play the trumpet was

nearly immediate, and this artistic curiosity continued to grow and develop throughout his youth.

Following grade school, Collins attended Summit Junior High and High School from 1960

until 1966. By this time, trumpet had become a central part of his life and participating in the band

program was his absolute favorite scholastic activity.7 Joseph Loreti, the junior high band director

at Summit, was one of the first musical mentors who recognized Collins’ talent and potential.8

With mentorship and guidance from Loreti, he had numerous opportunities to perform solos with

the band and was asked to play gigs outside of school.9 The environment fostered by Loreti and

other teachers in the Summit High School band program provided Collins a foundation on which

to focus his artistic enthusiasm, develop skills and further cultivate a passion for music, as Collins

remembers: “He [Loreti] was key in nurturing [me] to develop and appreciate music.”10

By the time Collins entered high school, he knew music would be a major part of his life

and future. He was spending summers (1961, 1963 and 1964) studying at the Brevard Music Center

in North Carolina learning music theory and gaining his first substantial experience performing

orchestral music.11 In his sophomore year of high school, his school traveled to attend a matinee

performance of Giacomo Puccini’s La Bohème at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City.

Melvin ‘Mel’ Broiles (d. 2003) was the opera orchestra’s principal trumpet and is still regarded as

an iconic artistic figure in the trumpet world, known for his superb musicianship, lengthy career,

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 12, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received September 5, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 12, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 22, 2018.

influence and publications. The artistic impact of this performance, in particular Broiles’ soaring

artistry, served as a pivotal moment in his life. In that moment, hearing both the opera and Broiles,

Collins decided to pursue becoming a professional orchestral trumpet player.12

Throughout his mid-to-late high school years, Collins undertook private trumpet study

from the leading performers and teachers in New York City. His first private teacher during this

time, ironically, was Mel Broiles, who Collins studied with twice per month from 1964 through

1965.13 When regular lessons with Broiles concluded, he began private studies with William

Vacchiano, Principal Trumpet of the New York Philharmonic and instructor at the Juilliard School.

He studied with Vacchiano from 1965 through 1966 and considers him both an impactful teacher

and a guiding mentor.14 Collins’ artistic enthusiasm, passion and successes during high school

further solidified his pursuit to become a professional orchestral musician. When asked how his

family reacted upon learning of this career path, Collins recalls: “My family knew by then that

some sort of career in music was inevitable and soon [they] became supportive.”15

At the end of his senior year of high school, Collins was presented with the opportunity to

attend college at either the Juilliard School or the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New

York. At Juilliard, he could continue studies under Vacchiano in a familiar environment close to

home. In contrast, Eastman allowed for artistic studies within an unfamiliar environment, new

teachers and unique experiences. Upon graduation from high school in 1966, Collins decided to

study Trumpet Performance at the Eastman School of Music. The decision was made with

guidance from his parents who emphasized the importance of life away from home, as Collins


Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 12, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 30, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 12, 2018.
“My parents thought I would do well not to be in New York City during my college years,
a brilliant bit of advice. Although I preferred to go to Juilliard, I could see soon enough
that Eastman was a good place for me. Eastman afforded me some priceless opportunities
and experiences that I still treasure. I met my wife-to-be [Sandra] before the first day of
classes. That worked out very well (six children and eleven grandchildren).”16

Prior to moving to Rochester, Collins recalled a moment with his teacher Mel Broiles who

told him: “It matters not where you go, but how hard you work.” Collins says: “I never forgot that

challenge, and I [was] determined to work and improve as much as possible no matter where I


Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 13, 2018.


Eastman School of Music

In the fall of 1966 Collins moved to Rochester, New York to begin his freshman year at

the Eastman School of Music. For the most part, he had a typical undergraduate conservatory

experience. As a student musician, Collins performed with the Eastman Philharmonia and recorded

with the Eastman Wind Ensemble under the direction of Donald Hunsberger.18 However, early in

his freshman year, trumpet professor Daniel Patrylak invited Collins to sit in on a rehearsal with

the renowned Eastman Brass Quintet (EBQ). Unbeknownst to him, this experience served as an

audition for the open trumpet spot in the ensemble, and at the age of 18, Collins was invited to join

the faculty ensemble as second trumpet. He remained a member of the EBQ for the entirety of his

time at Eastman.19

Throughout Collins’ time with the quintet, the ensemble remained very active and

frequently toured the United States. During July and August of 1967, under the sponsorship of the

U.S. State Department, the quintet had the unique experience of touring Central and South America

for eight weeks.20 Additionally, in 1967, the EBQ recorded the album German and English Music

of the Late Renaissance for Brass (1969), featuring arrangements for brass quintet by Verne

Reynolds, the quintet’s hornist and the horn professor at Eastman.21 Performing with the EBQ was

one of the most valuable artistic experiences Collins remembers having while at Eastman, and the

level of musicianship expected provided a significant and rewarding challenge, as he recalls:

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 13, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 3, 2018.

“Playing in a professional chamber ensemble of that quality was an education in itself.
Intonation, rhythm, blending, and all of the vital basics were required, as well as consistent,
accurate [and] clean playing. Being able to hang with four adults, however, was a challenge
for an eighteen-year-old. I remember having more problems with that than with intonation,
endurance, etc.” 22

As Collins transitioned to the upperclassman level, his artistic maturation provided

additional musical opportunities. During this time, he gave the premiere performance of Verne

Reynold’s Concertare II, a work for solo trumpet and string ensemble. Collins jokingly recalls:

“The next person to play [Concertare II] I believe, was Allen Vizzutti. Obviously, my premiere

performance was dwarfed and soon forgotten.”23 Additionally, he began to gain professional

orchestral experience outside of school. Throughout his junior and senior years, Collins was

frequently hired to play third trumpet with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra.24 When the

Orchestra held an audition for the third trumpet chair at the end of his senior year, Collins won the

audition, but had to decline the position, as he would move to Cleveland to join the Cleveland

Orchestra and undertake graduate studies at the Cleveland Institute of Music.25

By the time Collins graduated from Eastman in the spring of 1970, he had amassed artistic

experiences like that of a seasoned professional musician. His success during this time can be

traced to the tutelage of his first teachers Mel Broiles and William Vacchiano, who both instilled

in him a work ethic that positioned him for professional success. Additionally, Collins credits the

competitive challenges from the Eastman student-colleagues and the trumpet studio for aiding his

development: “We had a flock of trumpeters in our class, seventeen to be exact; lots of friendly

competition.”26 A few of Collins’ trumpet classmates included Vince DiMartino, international

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 13, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received September 5, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 13, 2018.

trumpet soloist and teacher, and Marvin Perry, retired Principal Trumpet of the Indianapolis

Symphony Orchestra.27 Over the course of four years at Eastman, Collins’ dedication and work

ethic prepared him to take the next step in his career. When recalling his time at Eastman, Collins

suggests a bit of advice:

“Looking back on those years, I wish I had learned sooner that being the best trumpeter
isn’t so important in the big scheme of things. Learning maturity as a person is just as
important as developing musical excellence. Someone has said that becoming a well-
rounded person is as valuable as having a well-rounded sound.”28

The Tanglewood Music Center

One of the world-renowned summer music institutions is the Tanglewood Music Center,

part of the Berkshire Music Center in the Berkshires, Massachusetts. The inaugural 1940 season

was led by Serge Koussevitzky, Boston Symphony Orchestra’s (BSO) Conductor and Music

Director. The purpose of this institution is to provide a music academy where young musicians

can develop their skills under the tutelage of the BSO musicians and other leading artists. In

addition to serving as an institute for young musicians, Tanglewood is the summer home for the

BSO.29 To this day, the combination of academic training and professional orchestral

performances continues to create a lush artistic environment.

In the summers of 1968 and 1969, Collins was selected to participate in the Tanglewood

Music Center Fellowship Program and was one of seven Berkshire Music Center Orchestra

Fellows in 1969.30 For this summer in particular, there were a total of four trumpet fellows.

Unbeknownst to the young trumpeters, each was destined for astounding professional success:

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 13, 2018.
“Tanglewood Music Center History.” Tanglewood Music Center. Boston Symphony Orchestra. Web.
Gustin, Daniel. Report on the Twenty-Seventh Session of the Berkshire Music Center. 1969. Web. 21;
Louis Ranger served as co-Principal Trumpet of the New York Philharmonic and was a member

of the American Brass Quintet; Susan Slaughter served a multi-decade tenure as Principal Trumpet

of the St. Louis Symphony; and Stephen Weger served a multi-decade tenure as Principal Trumpet

of the Ft. Worth Symphony Orchestra.31

Throughout the summer at Tanglewood, Collins had opportunities to work directly with

leading professional musicians, including: Erich Leinsdorf, Music Director of the BSO and

director of Tanglewood; Gunther Schuller, Head of Contemporary Musical Activities; Armando

Ghitalla, Principal Trumpet of the BSO and Teacher of Chamber Music; Rodger Voisin, former

Principal Trumpet of the BSO and Teacher of Chamber Music; and Michael Tilson Thomas, the

future Conductor and Music Director of the San Francisco Symphony.32 Without question, Collins

received many of his most important artistic studies at Tanglewood from the numerous leading

musical minds of the day. Collins fondly remembers summers at Tanglewood offering memories

from his experiences:

“Walking onto the Tanglewood grounds was even more thrilling for me than a little kid
being taken to FAO Schwartz toy store in New York City! Those summers there were
extremely inspiring. Great student colleagues, the world-class Boston Symphony in
residence, private lessons from top performers and teachers, chamber music ensembles,
orchestral playing experience, etc. We were totally immersed in the best musical
environment on the planet! Life could not have been any better. I have returned there
countless times in my mind to draw upon the many things learned and experienced. Years
later it was quite a déjà vu when one of my sons was accepted to the program.”33

Gustin, Daniel. Report on the Twenty-Seventh Session of the Berkshire Music Center. 1969. Web. 21;
Ibid. 5; 19; 154.
Collins, Philip, E-mail interview message to author. Received October 11, 2018.



The Cleveland Orchestra

In the summer of 1970, Philip Collins successfully auditioned for the 4th/Utility Trumpet

position with the Cleveland Orchestra, thus commencing his professional orchestra career.34

Considered one of the most storied orchestras in the world, the Cleveland Orchestra was founded

in 1918 by Pianist Adella Prentiss Hughes and the Russian-American violinist and conductor

Nikolai Skoloff.35 Labeled as one of the ‘Big Five’ American orchestras, the Cleveland Orchestra

is historically regarded as one of the world’s finest orchestral ensembles. By joining the orchestra,

Collins achieved his goal to become an orchestral trumpeter – a goal he had set forth for himself

in high school.

In addition to joining the Cleveland Orchestra, Collins spent the summer, 1970 performing

in the Cleveland area at the Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and began to pursue

graduate studies at the Cleveland Institute of Music (CIM).36 Both Blossom and CIM share a

connection to the Cleveland Orchestra, as Blossom is the summer home of the Orchestra and the

CIM faculty is comprised of members of the Cleveland Orchestra.

While in Cleveland, Collins was under the tutelage of legendary trumpeter Bernard

‘Bernie’ Adelstein, then-Principal Trumpet of the Cleveland Orchestra. Additionally, he had

joined a trumpet section that included two prominent musicians, David Zauder and Charles

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 23, 2018.
Rosenberg, Donald. The Cleveland Orchestra Story: Second to None. 2000. 33-59. Print.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 23, 2018.

‘Charlie’ Schlueter.37 The notoriety of the orchestra attracted many famous conductors including

Pierre Boulez, Eugene Ormandy, Rafael Kubelik, Erich Leinsdorf, Aaron Copland and Lorin

Maazel to name a few.38 The influx of leading musical minds provided Collins with a breadth of

artistic interpretations of orchestral repertoire.

Bernie Adelstein was undoubtedly the most important artistic influence--as a teacher and

colleague--on Collins while he was in Cleveland. Collins credited Adelstein with refining all the

facets of his trumpet abilities: “[He was a] vital influence in strengthening basics: articulation,

control of vibrato, rhythm, projection, flexibility and consistency. Artistry needs secure basics.”39

Collins was a member of the Cleveland Orchestra from 1970 to 1972 while simultaneously

completing graduate coursework at CIM. Inevitably, he never completed his degree, stating: “I

was one essay short of officially getting my MM from CIM. The professor left before we finished

that spring. At that point I was playing in the Cleveland Orchestra, so finishing up was not my

priority.”40 Although Collins did not finish his graduate degree, the experience gained from his

time with the Cleveland Orchestra served as priceless preparation for the next steps in his

professional career.

National Arts Centre Orchestra

In 1972, Collins won the Principal Trumpet position with the National Arts Centre

Orchestra (NACO) in Ottawa, Canada.41 Created in 1969 to celebrate Canada’s Centennial

anniversary (1867), the National Arts Centre (NAC) was designed to be a dual-lingual venue for

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 8, 2018.
Rosenberg, Donald. The Cleveland Orchestra Story: Second to None. 2000. 396-422. Print.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 7, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 3, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 23, 2018.
all types of performing arts. The three unique performance spaces within the Centre allowed for

numerous kinds of performances that included ballet, opera, and orchestra, among others. Within

the first year of the NAC opening, the National Arts Centre Orchestra became the Centre’s resident


Winning this position with the NACO was an important step in his career and was the first

time Collins would serve exclusively as Principal Trumpet of a professional orchestra. The

orchestra was very active at this time and undertook regular recordings sessions for the Canadian

Broadcast Company (CBC) radio network.43 One such recording was the Triple Concerto for

Bassoon, Clarinet and Trumpet by Canadian composer Sophie Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatté,

representing the first substantial recording of Collins as a soloist.44 Collins was a member of the

NACO for three seasons, concluding his tenure in 1975.45 The leadership and artistic experience

Collins gained with the NACO set the foundation for his orchestral development and career, as he


“My three years in Ottawa with the National Arts Centre Orchestra were extremely helpful
to me for musical as well as personal development. Being quite green I badly needed
experience in learning to play as a team player and to relate better with colleagues. Being
an excellent chamber orchestra, NACO gave me a crash course in playing softly and
accurately. The trumpet’s role is much less prominent than in a large orchestra. Refinement
and sensitivity matters. My wife [Sandra] and I both learned a lot there. It afforded us
valuable experiences that I am grateful for to this day.”46

Jennings, Sarah. “About the National Arts Centre.” National Arts Centre, n.d. Web.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received September 5, 2018.
“S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatté 100 – A Centenary Celebration.” Discogs, n.d. Web.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 23, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 3, 2018.



Regarded as one of America’s leading orchestras, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

(CSO) has a significant historical lineage of notable conductors, an extensive recording archive,

and numerous United States and world premieres. One of a handful of full-time American

orchestras, the CSO was founded in 1895 and is the sixth-oldest orchestra in the United States.

The inaugural season of the Cincinnati Orchestra Association Company was made possible by

Helen Herron Taft, the wife of President William Howard Taft, who sponsored nine orchestra

concerts.47 Since then, the orchestra has sustained and expanded its prominence by maintaining

the utmost artistic level.

Since its inception, the CSO has maintained a tradition of hiring some of the world’s most

prominent conductors and music directors. A few examples include Leopold Stokowski, Fritz

Reiner, Max Rudolf, Thomas Schippers, Michael Gielen, Jesús López-Cobos, Paavo Järvi, and

Louis Langrée.48 Under the direction of Fritz Reiner, the CSO made notable artistic achievements,

including American premieres of works by Bartok, Debussy, Mahler, Ravel, and Respighi.

Specifically, the CSO performed the American premiere of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 and

commissioned and premiered Aaron Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man.49 A substantial

addition to the orchestra’s growth was the inception of the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra (Pops) in

1977 led by Music Director Erich Kunzel which utilizes CSO personnel. 50 The CSO and Pops

concerts alternate to provide both patrons and performers a diverse orchestral season. The result

“History, 1895 – Today.” Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, n. d. Web.
“About Us – Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.” Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, n. d. Web.
of the diverse programs, repertoire and recordings enabled Collins to become one of the most

versatile and recorded orchestral trumpet players in the world.

Collins was appointed principal trumpet of the CSO under the direction of Thomas

Schippers in 1975. Regarding his first week on the job, Collins recalls: “[Musio] Clementi[‘s]

Symphony No. 4 was on for week one. I remember saying to myself after my first week in

Cincinnati that I think I can actually do this!”51 As his inaugural season progressed, Collins

proceeded with confidence and a meticulous work ethic. He describes a performance of Richard

Strauss’ Also Spracht Zarathustra: “Later that season was my first crack at Zarathustra. I could

not have been more prepared. It went very well, with NO cracks, nailing it every time!”52

Occasionally, Collins was engaged as a soloist, with his first substantial performance occurring on

November 21, 1977 performing J. S. Bach’s Cantata No. 51 with the Cincinnati Chamber

Orchestra.53 A few years later, in 1979, he had the opportunity to perform Johann Nepomuk

Hummel’s Trumpet Concerto with the CSO.54

The 1980 season began with the appointment of new CSO Music Director Michael Gielen.

The Austrian-born conductor and composer served the CSO from 1980 through 1986.55 Under the

direction of Gielen, the CSO grew its national prominence with premiere performances and annual

tours to Carnegie Hall, including a performance of Mahler’s Symphony No. 7 in 1982.56 Regarding

a performance of the work, Collins describes his former teacher and colleague, Bernie Adelstein’s


Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 8, 2018.
Wyler, Joan. “Cityscape – Music.” Cincinnati Magazine Nov. 1977: 20. Google Books. Web.
Sowder, Fred. “Calendar – Music/Dance.” Cincinnati Magazine Jan. 1979: 24. Google Books. Web.
Elste, Martin, and Schwinger, Wolfram. “Gielen, Michael (Andreas).” Grove Music Online. Oxford
Music Online, January 20, 2001 and February 28, 2002. Web.
“History, 1895 – Today.” Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. Web.

“When we played it [Mahler 7] in Cincinnati and at Carnegie Hall, I still had [Adelstein’s]
nonchalant, highly efficient approach firmly in mind. It was as if he were still sitting there
expecting me to play accurately, in time, and in tune. I always tried.”57

Collins’ solo engagements from this decade contributed to solidifying his prominence as a

leading principal musician. His first notable solo appearance was in 1985, performing

Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 as part of the CSO’s 300-year anniversary celebration of Johann

Sebastian Bach.58 In the following season, Collins performed Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto in Eb

Major59 and, in 1989, he had another opportunity to perform Franz Joseph Hummel’s Trumpet

Concerto in Eb Major.60 For Collins, his first decade as Principal Trumpet of the CSO and Pops

was filled with many fond artistic experiences, including Mahler’s Symphony No. 7 at Carnegie

Hall, recording Mahler’s Symphony No. 9, and recording and performing the trumpet solo on

Jacques Offenbach’s American Eagle Waltz with the Pops.61

Under the direction of newly-appointed Jesús López-Cobos, the CSO further developed its

prominence in the 1990s by continuing to frequently record and tour. Domestically, López-Cobos

continued to lead the orchestra on annual performances at Carnegie Hall.62 Additionally, the CSO

toured both Taiwan and Japan in the fall of 1990. In 1995, the orchestra completed its first

European tour since 1969, performing concerts in the Canary Islands, Switzerland, Germany, and

Austria. Collins enjoyed traveling the world, having the opportunity to experience the cultures of

numerous countries and cities, which included some of his favorite performance venues in

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 7, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 8, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 3, 2018.
Cooper, Catherine. “Calendar: Music/Dance.” Cincinnati Magazine July 1989: 29. Google Books. Web.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 8, 2018.
“Additional Conductors – Jesús López-Cobos.” Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. July 5, 2015. Web.

Barcelona, Tokyo, and Vienna.63 Collins notes that, while he enjoyed visitng the different cities,

his favorite place was the Cincinnati airport upon returning home.64

The 1990s was one the most active decades in Collins’ career, as the CSO and Pops

Orchestras recorded more than 40 albums. Under Erich Kunzel, the Pops recorded Aaron

Copland’s Quiet City that featured Collins as a soloist, and several albums that featured him in the

orchestra with Doc Severinsen. Under López-Cobos, the CSO recorded Bruckner’s Symphonies

No. 7, 8, and 9, as well as Mahler’s Symphony No. 3.65 These recordings, along with others from

this era, represent many of Collins’ most prominent engagements, and provide some of his best

recorded representation. The 1990s was one of the busiest recording and performance decades of

Collin’s career.

During the 2000s, the CSO and Pops continued the longstanding tradition of touring and

recording. Prior to his retirement, López-Cobos led the CSO on another European tour with

concerts in Spain, Poland and Germany. Upon his retirement in 2001, the CSO hired Estonian-

born Music Director Paavo Järvi. Under the direction of Järvi, the CSO undertook national and

international tours throughout North America, Europe, and Japan.66 As a soloist, one of Collins’

most prominent engagements was performing Dmitri Shostakovich’s Concerto for Piano and

Trumpet in 2005.67 Additionally, the CSO and Pops continued to frequently record and produce

albums, often prominently featuring Collins. A few examples include recordings of Béla Bartók’s

Concerto for Orchestra, Igor Stravinsky’s Petroushka (1947), and Sergei Prokofiev’s Romeo and

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 8, 2018.
“History, 1895 – Today.” Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, n. d. Web.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 10, 2018.
Juliet Suites 1, 2 and 3. At the conclusion of the 2006-2007 season, and after 31 seasons as

Principal Trumpet, Collins retired from the CSO and Pops.

Collins’ career with the CSO and Pops spanned four decades--from the fall 1975 until his

retirement in the spring of 2007. Throughout this time, he amassed a body of work that includes

more than 100 recordings, multiple tours of the United States, Europe and Asia, and numerous

performances and recordings as a soloist. His artistic commitment as a musician is eternalized by

an extensive recording archive and in the memories of those who heard him perform. The rare

achievement to hold a principal trumpet position in a full-time orchestra for 31 seasons is a

testament to his enduring dedication. When asked which moment was the most artistically

rewarding in Cincinnati, Collins describes:

“There were many. A standout was my first time playing John Williams’ Summon the
Heroes, the one with the big trumpet solo. After the solo portion of the piece in rehearsal,
I received an impromptu massive foot-stomping from the orchestra. Praise from colleagues
can be a most rewarding and encouraging moment when it happens. Anytime a difficult
piece is successfully performed, it is a treasured moment. All musicians cherish those
wonderful times.”68

After reflecting on the entirety of his Career with the CSO and Pops, he offers the

following reflection on the importance of his faith as a guiding influence:

“I stand in amazement at the staggering amount of repertoire we recorded over the years!
I am grateful to the Lord for granting a little kid from New Jersey so many opportunities
and blessings in the field He has allowed me to love.”69

From his early musical beginnings in New Jersey and New York City, to Eastman, the

Cleveland Institute of Music, summer festivals, the Cleveland Orchestra, the National Arts Centre

Orchestra and the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Pops Orchestra, Philip Collins’ musical

commitment and resulting achievements have solidified his place as a master orchestral musician.

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 8, 2018.
Collins, Philip. Facebook message to author. Received October 11, 2018.
While retirement from the CSO signaled a change from full-time professional playing, new doors

for additional artistic outlets began to develop.



Collins began teaching as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Trumpet at the College-

Conservatory of Music (CCM) at the University of Cincinnati in the fall of 2002, teaching applied

trumpet and occasionally coaching and conducting chamber music ensembles, orchestral repertoire

classes, and trumpet studio class. Years prior to teaching at CCM, Collins was Adjunct Professor

of Trumpet at the University of Ottawa, Canada from 1972-1975 where he taught applied trumpet

and coached brass quintets.70

To complement his teaching, Collins regularly composed melodies comprising much of

the literature in his etude books. Specifically, Trumpet I, Pops Orchestra: 138 Original

Compositions in the Style of the Pops Repertoire (2006), 100 Trumpetudes: Performers’ Show

Prep (2007) and Piccolo Trumpet Studies (2012) feature his original compositions. Additionally,

Collins’ books In The Singing Style (1982) and Classic Style: A Collection of Favorites from the

Classical Repertoire (2018), feature melodies collected from standard orchestral repertoire that he

arranged for trumpet. Collins remains an active private teacher and educator at CCM, and since

the fall of 2018 began serving as Adjunct Associate Professor of Trumpet.71

There are several approaches Collins utilizes to assist students with the improvement of a

specific skill or fundamental trumpet technique. To Collins, the most important aspects of trumpet

performance and pedagogy include: musicianship, articulation, flexibility, range, transposition and

endurance, all augmented with etude materials. In his own words, Collins addresses and describes

his approach to teaching specific trumpet-related topics with suggested materials:

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 22, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received September 5, 2018.

“(I) have the student sing, show phrasing, communicate the appropriate drama. Basically,
get out of the classroom and onto the stage, even in the practice room. There should be a
reason to play music other than note production. Encourage students to create interest as
well as accuracy and ease of playing. Storytelling changes practice into performance. That
approach tends to lessen the boredom of the daily practice routine.”72


“I use music to teach musicianship. Take any good piece of music and let the student
perform it. First in the mind, then singing, and [then] playing it so that it will be appreciated.
It must have dramatic impact of some sort.”73

Arban, J. B. Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet or Cornet;

The Art of Phrasing
Rochut, Joannes 120 Melodious Etudes for Trombone
Various opera arias


“Slow, clean, in-tune notes with a good sound. Remove rough edges from all notes. Copy
the consistency of say, a piano.”74


Arban, J. B. Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet or Cornet;

Interval studies p. 124
Goldman, E. F. Practical Studies for the Trumpet


“For ‘smooth and easy’ in spite of large intervals.”75

“I try to keep internal and external movement to a minimum when connecting large
intervals trying not to lose contact with any notes. The goal is to copy as much as possible
the smoothness of a half step interval. Buzzing helps with this. Avoid too much pressure
on the lips when jumping registers. Copy what you do when you sing a challenging line,

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 1, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.

locating the sweet spot of the pitch immediately. Schlossberg has a great exercise for this
starting on one pitch ascending up and then down, gradually widening the interval.”76


Arban, J. B. Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet;

Arpeggio sections
Irons, E. D. 27 Groups of Exercises for Cornet and Trumpet
Schlossberg, M. Daily Drills and Technical Studies for Trumpet;
Page 11 #37


“I approach it like building a skyscraper, you need to finish one floor at a time. Build
security in the middle range first before going higher. Use scales from [a] comfortable
range gradually ascending, rest, continue. Pause briefly on your top note and listen for good
sound and check for ease. It’s a slow process that cannot be hurried. Maintain good sound
and ease on top notes. As Ernest Williams writes in his chromatic section of Complete
Method, “Do not attempt to play a higher note until the preceding note sounds pure and


Clarke, Herbert L. Technical Studies for the Cornet;

Hold top note as a test for before proceeding upward
Williams, Ernest Complete Modern Method for Trumpet;
Lip slur and lip trill sections
Various 5-note scales Ascending only when tone is clear and easy


“[I] start with scales [teaching] C transposition first. This is an excellent way for the student
to learn intervals. [I may also] have [the] student say the new note [out loud] before playing.
This is more brain work than lip work. In fact, just sit on a park bench somewhere with the
Sachse or Caffarelli 100 Studies and sing/think through each piece. [The] fingers must be
taught to find each note quickly. Easy studies like the Getchell Practical Studies Book 1
are ideal. Take heart, every great classical trumpet player has likewise been reduced to
sounding like a beginner when beginning to learn to transpose. Remember: agonize now
so you won’t be embarrassed on stage! You can do this!”78

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 11, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 3, 2018.

“Some teach transposition by learning a new clef for each key; too much work [as] I prefer
transposing by interval. A couple of new challenges happen when using a C trumpet and
likewise a D trumpet. Good brain work is always a good thing.” 79


Caffarelli, R. Melodic Studies for Transposition (100)

Getchell, R. W. First Book of Practical Studies for Cornet and Trumpet
Sachse, E. 100 Studies for Trumpet


“Like weight-training, you need to increase the weights gradually. Build muscles with a
consistent workout. Push the muscles but not too far. Balance aggressive playing with rest.
Strive for better results with less effort. Don’t forsake soft playing when adding range.
Sensitivity cannot be sacrificed for strength.”80


“[Add] fermatas on notes starting PP crescendo to FF diminuendo back to PP and proceed

upwards. [Gradually] play longer [to avoid] damage; look at clock and play for longer
segments. [Utilize] firm corners with all parts of embouchure contributing. [Eventually]
play higher. Don’t work so hard. Less effort, better product and longer passages. Again,
Clarke had all this figured out decades ago.”81

Collins’ Favorite General Use Etude Materials:82

Caffarelli, R. 100 Melodic Studies for Transposition

Charlier, T. 36 Études Transcendantes
Getchell, R. W. First and Second Books of Practical Studies for Cornet
and Trumpet
Goldman, E. F. Practical Studies for Trumpet
Reynolds, V. 48 Etudes for Trumpet
Sachse, E. 100 Studies for Trumpet
Small, J. L. Twenty-Seven Melodious and Rhythmical Exercises for Trumpet
Voxman, H. Selected Studies for Cornet or Trumpet

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 3, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 1, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
Additional Pedagogical Topics

When asked if there are any unique elements or special characteristics to his pedagogy, Collins


“No. All I’ve learned was given to me from some very great players and very great teachers.
I have found it most helpful in teaching to first emphasize the voice and musical aspects as
a means to develop the technical demands of the instrument. When a firm musical concept
is present, the body tends to find a way to express it. As Bud Herseth was quoted, ‘Man,
you’ve got to know how it’s supposed to sound first!’”83

When asked to describe a common characteristic or trait in his most successful students, Collins


“I’d like to think that my students will be known not only for a great sound, but possessing
the other necessary skills of great rhythm, intonation, ease of playing, a mature sense of
ensemble playing, and that each student is a fine person, easy to work with, and able to
enjoy his/her music making for the rest of their lives. As Myron Bloom told me years ago,
“It’s not enough to have just a good sound.”84

When asked if he believes a notable difference exists between the trumpet pedagogy of today

compared to his youth, Collins describes:

“Yes. [Rodger] Voisin and his generation stressed solfege as a vital skill. Not so much is
that an emphasis today. Likewise, transposition was a major part of Vacchianno’s and
Broiles’ teaching, among others. Today I think that too is not required as much. Another
observation is that in the rush to cover a lot of repertoire, schools can easily shortchange
the students by not insisting on better development of basic fundamental skills. As one
prominent brass player in the Chicago Symphony recently stated, ‘I didn’t attempt to
master orchestra excerpts until my final year of school. I needed to learn how to play the
instrument first.’”85

The overall scope of Philip Collins’ teaching is to provide students with simple and practical

music-first concepts to yield the greatest artistic results. While he believes there is not a special

element to his teaching, the foundation of simplifying trumpet concepts is unique, as it encourages

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
students to develop skills without feeling micromanaged. As Collins states, his approaches are

directly linked to his primary teachers: Mel Broiles, William Vacchiano, Bernie Adelstein and

Arnold Jacobs. These concepts are documented within his published materials placing an

overarching emphasis on developing melodic, dramatic and vocally-inspired trumpet skills, which

may be considered one of Collins’ most important teaching and orchestral performance




In The Singing Style, 1982

The first book published by Collins is In The Singing Style, a collection of melodies

arranged for trumpet and treble clef instruments. The 47 etudes come from orchestral repertoire

melodies and the majority were originally written for instruments other than trumpet. The etudes

are lyrically-based and cover a range of time periods from the Baroque through the early 20th

century. The artistic goal is to develop the nuances of different cantabile and expressivo styles

from various composers and time periods.86

One of Collins’ major influences in writing In The Singing Style was Arnold Jacobs, the

former Principal Tubist of the Chicago Symphony and former Professor at Northwestern

University. Their relationship began in the 1970s and 1980s when he undertook occasional studies

with Jacobs. In developing the book, Collins describes: “[I] collected famous lyrical songs and

excerpts heard in many of Jacob’s lessons with many different students. I made note of them and

added a few of my own findings.”87 Within the forward section Collins further elaborates the use

of cantabile and espressivo styles, emphasizing how they can bring life to unsatisfying and

unproductive practice routines.88 While the artistic challenge is to hone the nuances of lyricism,

he believes the book should be approached for simple enjoyment of playing and states: “Why not

warm-up and practice great melodies that trumpet players never get to play?”89

Collins, Philip. In The Singing Style. Queen City Brass Publications, 1982. 2. Print.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
Collins, Philip. In The Singing Style. Queen City Brass Publications, 1982. 2. Print.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
Trumpet I, Pops Orchestra: 138 Original Compositions in the Style of the Pops Repertoire, 2006

The book Trumpet I, Pops Orchestra: 138 Original Compositions in the Style of the Pops

Repertoire represents a stylistically unique method. While many etude books are connected to the

traditional trumpet pedagogical canon, the focus of this book is to develop contemporary pops

orchestra styles. Trumpet I contains original works composed by Collins between 1995-2006. A

major influence in Collins’ writing was his tenure as Principal Trumpet of the Cincinnati Pops

Orchestra. Specific stylistic influences include movie soundtracks, musicals, symphonies, operas,

operettas, ballets, chamber music and cartoons.90 To give artistic directions, the name of each etude

corresponds to the intended vision or technical purpose, and a brief line of text further describes

the purpose, goal, or an inspirational thought. The etudes range in length from one-half to one page

and are lyrical or technical.91

The primary goal of the book is to develop and realize pops-styled artistic imagination. In

the forward section, Collins describes this type of mindset as hearing a captivating or contagious

piece of music and performing with the corresponding feelings.92 Additionally, he recommends

the performer visualize these etudes within the pops orchestra setting, and to imagine performing

them for an audience. In his own words, Collins discusses Trumpet I:

“The purpose as before is to pour yourself into the drama of the music. They are
programmatic studies with some accompanying movie in mind. The Pops demands all
kinds of styles with prominent solos. This book provides a chance to prepare for that in the
practice room.”93 … “These were written over time on vacations in the sun, bus trips on
tour, hotel lobbies, mountain top hikes, on long walks, etc. Inspired by movie sound tracks.
Totally Hollywood in mind.”94

Collins, Philip. Trumpet 1, Pops Orchestra: 138 Original Composition in the Style of the Pops
Repertoire. Collinsnotes Publications, 2006. Forward. Print.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
100 Trumpetudes: Performers’ Show Prep, 2007

The book 100 Trumpetudes: Perfomers’ Show Prep is a continuation of Trumpet 1 and

contains original compositions by Collins. The 100 etudes cover numerous styles and techniques

a professional orchestral and pops trumpeter can expect to encounter. The book is not designed in

a progressive manner by difficulty, technique or style, rather, the etudes are arranged such that a

player can begin at any point in the book. Each etude is numbered and given text descriptors. The

text written by the etude number provides the ‘name’ and gives an idea of the forthcoming material.

The text at the bottom of each page is an explanatory snippet related to the etude material.

Occasionally, Collins notes a light-hearted twist on tempi markings and occasional pedagogical

phrases in the upper-left corners.95

In the foreward section, Collins states that this book should be utilized as a practical and

fun way to prepare the various orchestral and pops styles. With a complementary relationship to

Trumpet 1, Collins further describes 100 Trumpetudes: “Same [as Trumpet 1] here. [I also]

combined etudes with a corresponding piece of famous music. For instance, a cross between

[Stravinsky’s] Pulcinella and a Brant etude [and] more programmatic content.”96 While the artistic

and technical components of the etudes are important, the underlying goal with this book is to

provide musical enjoyment.

Piccolo Trumpet Studies, 2012

The book Piccolo Trumpet Studies is one of few trumpet materials solely intended for the

piccolo trumpet. The book is organized into two distinct sections. The first section is dedicated to

Collins’ thoughts, concepts and approaches to learning and performing on the piccolo trumpet. He

Collins, Philip. 100 Trumpetudes: Performers’ Show Prep. Collinsnotes Publications, 2007. Print.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
specifically addresses breathing, sound, intonation, trills, transposition, the fourth valve,

mouthpiece, styles, listening and observing. At the end of the first section, a suggested piccolo

trumpet warm-up includes scales patterns, arpeggios, intervals and common ornaments. The

warm-up instructions place focus on sound, intonation, articulation and ease.97 The second section

features 106 etudes generally organized in a progressive manner. Each etude is numbered and

given a ‘title’ related to the influence, intended technique, specific style, or composer. The etudes

are short to moderate length and cover a large breadth of styles and key signatures. For the most

part, the etudes are in the low to middle register of the piccolo trumpet with some extending

through the range common in Baroque-era trumpet works.98

Collins describes the purpose of Piccolo Trumpet Studies as material to provide a student

or professional with easy to moderately difficult practice literature.99 While a trumpeter new to the

piccolo trumpet may first gravitate to more advanced baroque music, Collins asserts that this book

can provide a primary foundation for healthy endurance, range, sound and technique

development.100 The step-by-step design of Piccolo Trumpet Studies can provide a friendly,

approachable introduction to develop healthy piccolo trumpet skills. In his own words, Collins

describes the various elements of the book stating:

“These [etudes] were inspired by the Getchell Practical Studies Books 1 and 2. Each is a
short piece teaching some element of writing, dynamics, articulation, key and style
chances, etc. I like the idea of gradually gaining familiarity with the piccolo trumpet rather
than busting chops right away on Brandenburg. Easy does it a little at a time. Different
keys are introduced too, unlike Bach who works usually in D-major.”101

Collins, Philip. Piccolo Trumpet Studies. Collinsnotes Publications, 2012. 2-6. Print.
Ibid. 7-60.
Ibid. 2-6.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
Classic Style: A Collection of Favorites from the Classical Repertoire, 2018

The newest material published by Collins is Classic Style: A Collection of Favorites from

the Classical Repertoire. Similar to In The Singing Style, the etudes in Classic Style originate from

non-trumpet melodies from the classical music repertoire. There are 109 etudes from 47 different

composers spanning the Baroque through early 20th century periods. The melodies cover a breadth

of music that includes orchestral, operatic and solo repertoire.102 Since much of the orchestral

literature does not feature melodic trumpet writing, this book uniquely presents such melodies for

study on the trumpet.

There are two intended purposes presented in Classic Style. First, it provides an opportunity

to study various lyrical styles in which the trumpet seldom has a significant role. Second, the

material provides an opportunity to utilize lyricism in the development of endurance, range, and

refinement.103 Collins further encourages approaching the book with a soloist’s mindset to aid in

delivering an inspired performance.104 Similar to his other books, he writes brief comments and

quotes throughout Classic Style to help provide inspiration and artistic visions. He gave a simple

description for Classic Style and mentions: “[It’s] a collection of songs that are never played by

trumpet players. Strings, singers, pianists, woodwinds, yes, but us [trumpeters] never. Why not

listen to great singers doing the opera arias and copy that?”105 With the goal to develop lyrical and

sensitive artistry, Classic Style provides trumpeters the means to study and perform familiar


Collins, Philip. Classic Style: A Collection of Favorites from the Classical Repertoire. Collinsnotes
Publications, 2018. 1. Print.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
TrumpetMatters: Blog, 2006-present

Since 2006, Collins has regularly published the online blog TrumpetMatters, a source for

his insights and thoughts on trumpet and brass pedagogy. Through 2018, he has written more than

380 posts, with 2008 being his most active year with 61 posts. The majority contain a few short

paragraphs and are generally kept to the point. The titles are typically light-hearted and connected

to the content in the post. For example, What to Pack for the Audition, published on October 5,

2011, implies a literal assumption of clothing and instruments. However, the post contains a picture

of a suitcase and Collins’ audition packing list: a beautiful sound, clear and correct articulation,

perfect rhythm, great intonation, and direction of the phrase.106 The brevity of the posts leave room

for the reader to make connections to their musical goals and experiences.

Collins began TrumpetMatters to communicate easily with his students, and mentions

much of the information on the blog originated as a thought or answer to questions from the

teaching studio. He believes publishing the blog is the most efficient way to address pedagogical

topics and reach a broader audience.107 As long as TrumpetMatters is maintained, insights into

Collins’ teaching approach will be accessible by musicians for years to come. In his own words,

Collins further described his writing:

“[My inspiration is] students. I observe a need. Think about it. Jot down thoughts on the
subject. Collect them and start writing a remedy or idea on how to approach a conquer the
problem, i.e. nerves, fear, laziness, etc.” … “So many people have written on trumpet
issues, it becomes harder to come up with something that has not already been addressed
by someone else. Rather than just write anything, I sit on an idea and see if it’s worth
posting. I plan to continue as long as I can come up with something cogent.”108

Collins, Philip. “What to Pack for the Audition.” Trumpet Matters. Blogspot, October 5, 2011. Web.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.


Collins first envisioned a professional orchestral career in his sophomore year of high

school. For the remainder of high school and through his collegiate years, he studied under leading

orchestral trumpet players and remained poised to achieve his dream. With a strong work ethic

and professional mentorship, he was positioned for the opportunity to accomplish professional


The first professional audition Collins took was for the 3rd/Assistant Principal Trumpet

position in the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra (PSO) in 1968. Founded in 1896 as the Pittsburgh

Orchestra, the organization became the ‘new’ Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra in 1926 and has

remained a preeminent American orchestra.109 As a Junior at Eastman, Collins’ primary goal was

to gain audition experience. To his surprise, he was selected as the winner. While initially a

resounding success, Collins mentions: “It was my first audition with no realistic expectations, still

a student [who went] for the experience of it. [I] was selected but was passed by as I would have

been an A1 in the [Vietnam War] draft.”110 Although the political climate prevented him from

joining the PSO, the experience served as a positive step. Collins recalled his mindset during this

audition: “[It was] fun times with no worries, just playing all out for the fun of it. Life was good


Collins’ first major professional audition win was for 4th/Utility Trumpet in the Cleveland

Orchestra in 1970. Given his age, experience, and the world-renowned notoriety of the Orchestra,

this was a monumental step forward in his professional career. Collins described his mindset

“A History of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.” Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Web.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received May 5, 2018.
throughout the auditions stating: “[I was] totally confident under the instruction of [Bernard]

Adelstein [Principal Trumpet, Cleveland Orchestra], [and I] played courageously unaware that I

should be very nervous. It worked. They accepted the green rookie.”112 Undoubtedly, the

combination of mental focus, comfort and musical confidence was the foundation for his success

at this audition. He served as the Cleveland Orchestra 4th/Utility Trumpet for two seasons.

Following his time in Cleveland, Collins won the audition for the Principal Trumpet

position with the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa, Canada in 1972. Collins described his

mindset throughout the audition: “[I was] very confident and proud, sad to say, but they went for

it.”113 Collins further detailed his approach throughout the audition day: “[I] sailed through the

audition, [it felt like] a piece of cake [and I] felt unstoppable. As I said, way too proud!”114 His

confident and extroverted approach to the audition was a major factor in his success that day.

Collins’ most significant audition achievement was for Principal Trumpet in the Cincinnati

Symphony Orchestra (CSO) in 1975. His journey to the CSO began with a phone call inquiring if

space was still available for another candidate (himself) at the audition. Collins jokingly recalls

having to make the call because it was almost past the date to receive applications.115 During the

call, a statement of inspiration occurred which Collins recalls: “‘They’re looking to hear you,’ said

someone on the staff when I called. That was all I needed to hear. Now I felt that I had a chance at

this job. It’s amazing what an impact a simple statement can have on one’s confidence level!”116

At the audition, Collins experienced many mental and physical tests. He recalled one

example stating: “Thomas Schippers, the CSO music director, was demanding at my audition. I

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received May 5, 2018.

played a grueling excerpt from [Richard Strauss’] Ein Heldenleben confident that he’d love it. He

called out, ‘play it again!’ They were looking for stamina just like is required for a 3-hour rehearsal.

I managed to get through it again. He nodded.”117 Collins was a member of the CSO from 1975

and the Pops Orchestra from 1977 until his retirement in 2007. His tenure as a principal brass

musician in a prominent American Orchestra remains one of his most outstanding achievements.

Lessons Learned at Auditions

For many musicians, it is uncommon to find audition success right away. Through trial and

error, Collins absorbed his audition successes and challenges to develop a successful formula. In

his own words, he describes some light-hearted audition experiences learned throughout his career:

On auditioning for the Boston Symphony Orchestra:

“I played fantastic the day before the audition in a gym. Unfortunately, the committee was
not in the gym.”118

Collins gave more detail on the BSO audition:

“[I] played excerpts for 3-hours in a gym on tour prior to a Boston [Symphony Orchestra]
audition. Sadly, I left it all right there. All of that wonderful resonant trumpet sound never
made it into Boston’s Symphony Hall!”119

On auditioning for the Philadelphia Orchestra:

“[I] was underprepared [and] took for granted that I’d play ok. Needed to have worked
harder on [Igor Stravinsky’s] Petroushka!”120

On auditioning for the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra:

“[I became] nervous listening to myself as I played; not a good idea. Came across as too
careful and unconvincing. [I] did not prepare well enough, internally and externally.”121

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received May 5, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 22, 2018.


Melvin ‘Mel’ Broiles

In his sophomore year of high school, Collins decided to become a professional orchestral

trumpet player. At this time, he began to study privately with Melvin ‘Mel’ Broiles (d. 2003), who

was serving as Principal Trumpet of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra (Met.) in New York City.

Known for a near half-century tenure with the Met., Broiles is regarded as one of the most

influential trumpet personalities and orchestral musicians. As an educator, he served on the trumpet

faculty at Juilliard (beginning in 1971), composed numerous trumpet methods and various brass

arrangements.122 From 1964 through 1965 Collins studied with Broiles twice a month throughout

his sophomore and junior years of high school.123 He was influential in solidifying Collins’

foundational trumpet skills, and the result opened numerous avenues for artistic growth. Collins

describes the importance of Broiles on his development, stating:

“His influence [was] enormous! He gave his students a clear understanding of the amount
of work required to succeed as a professional trumpet player. He was able to instill a
passion to practice as well as a love for great music.”124

Broiles continually challenged Collins to achieve artistic excellence and hone all facets of

playing the trumpet. To achieve this, the focus in lessons was etude materials and occasionally

trumpet solos. Collins recalls: “[Broiles] was able to bring out all we needed [for trumpet and/or

artistic development] from study books.”125 The primary materials Broiles assigned Collins


Broiles, Karen and Broiles, Thresa and Mortenson, Gary. “Mel Broiles: Biography.” Windsongpress.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 30, 2018.
Arban, J. B. Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet or Cornet
Caffarelli, T. 100 Melodic Studies for Transposition
Charlier, T. 36 Études Transcendantes
Sachse, E. 100 Studies for Trumpet

Regardless of the assignment, Broiles advised him to conceive of the trumpet as a vehicle

to develop artistry and deliver musical drama. To achieve this, Collins specifically remembers:

“[I] always [had] to go home and improve transposition, endurance, sight reading, as well as

confidence, power, and expression.”127 Regarding Broiles’ artistic expectations, Collins states:

“While he made [students] transpose, he also expected [students] to perform. You always had to

use your brain and your heart.”128 The continual demand to deliver musical drama was relentless:

“As he said to me during one lesson when I was just happy to get most of the notes: ‘If you don’t

practice with any pizazz, don’t expect it to be there in the show!’ That was typical Mel!”129

Broiles’ expectation was for all of his students to deliver artistry in every scenario, as

Collins remembers:

“It was not easy to meet his expectations, although I think I was able to pleasantly surprise
him on more than one occasion. He almost never had me play what I was assigned
previously, always delving into new challenges. That kept us humble and continually
challenged, or frustrated.”130

The two years of study with Broiles set the foundation for Collins’ forthcoming artistic

achievements. One of the most important lessons he imparted to Collins was his sound and musical


“What was worth the cost of the lesson ($9.00!), was his [Broiles’] practice of first playing
most of, if not all of the etude before me. He’d put down his trumpet and it was my turn!
‘Simon Says’ worked well! I [never] forget his pizazz comment.”131

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 30, 2018.
The positive influence Broiles had as Collins’ first primary teacher and mentor is profound.

He established a foundation of sound and music with Collins that would be difficult to replicate

elsewhere. Broiles’ larger-than-life bravura has imparted many memories and stories within the

trumpet community, and Collins provides one such example:

“Recollections about [Broiles] abound. One standout was a performance of [Giuseppe

Verdi’s opera] Aida by the Met. on tour in Cleveland. He pivoted his chair in the pit to give
his raised bell a straight shot into the vast audience. Every note counted and could be clearly
heard. It was in my mind a trumpet clinic in projection and energy-charged first trumpet
playing more exciting than I’d ever heard. At the end of Act 2 he stood in place long after
his orchestra colleagues had left the pit. He applauded the singers and at the same time
seemed to be accepting the bravos of the crowd, and rightly so. That mindset was
communicated in every lesson and at every performance. It seemed not to be about himself,
but for an unstoppable passionate commitment to great music. My lessons with him were
pretty much life-changing.”132

William Vacchiano

From 1965 through 1966, Collins studied privately with William Vacchiano (d. 2005) who

was the Principal Trumpet of the New York Philharmonic (NYP).133 Vacchiano taught him on a

semi-regular basis throughout his final two years of high school, and provided invaluable lessons

which guided Collins’ musical development.

Vacchiano’s impact on the trumpet community and prominence as a principal trumpet was

and is still immense. As a student of Vacchiano, Collins felt this sense of occasion in each lesson.

He describes Vacchiano as a teacher, stating: “He had a way of looking at you, sizing you up and

inspiring you at the same time. Many great trumpet players had been there before me. It was awe-

inspiring just to enter his studio.”134 The next challenge was the difficult process required to meet

Vacchiano’s expectations. As Collins recalls:

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 30, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 5, 2018.
“At my first lesson I played a difficult flashy etude after which he had me open my Arban
Book and attempt to play page 124 very slowly and in perfect time. I proceeded to flub
every other note. He told me to go home and practice that and come back in two weeks. I
labored over that assignment and returned much improved. It was the most humiliating but
yet one of the most valuable lessons I ever had. Find a problem and fix it.”135

Throughout Collins’ two years with Vacchiano, he maintained an emphasis on

transposition, steady rhythm, sustaining notes and phrases, and clear immediate articulation.136 He

recalls Vacchiano mentioning: “‘Your notes have to speak just like that!,’ he said as he snapped

his fingers.”137 Additionally, Vacchiano stressed the importance of maintaining and developing

the fundamental elements of playing by telling him: “‘A trumpet player must develop all his

phases,’ he told me. Every basic skill must be addressed regularly.”138 Over the two years Collins

studied under Vacchiano, he worked from:139

Arban, J. B. Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet or Cornet;

Interval patterns
Caffarelli, R. 100 Melodic Studies for Transposition
Sachse, E. 100 Studies for Trumpet
Transposition work

While lessons served to refine and develop Collins’ abilities, hearing Vacchiano perform

with the NYP was equally as important and awe inspiring, and he remembers:

“[The] key influence was his concept of sound. Mr. Vacchiano in his prime and beyond
was a giant role model for how a trumpet ought to sound. His huge warm singing sound
was distinctive and the gold standard for many eager young trumpet students. He was a
force in the back of the orchestra. It was always memorable. I would go home and practice
like a possessed boy.”140

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 5, 2018.
Collins’ course of study with Vacchiano provided a monumental step in his development.

Vacchiano imparted skills and expectations on him that few high school musicians typically

received. When asked to recall a fond memory of Vacchiano, Collins details:

“I remember one lesson while visiting Aspen one summer. He had me play a whole virtual
audition and concluded that all I needed was a good job. He then spoke of the enormous
pressures encountered on a high-paying job. He said, ‘you kids think playing in concerts
here [in Aspen] is pressure. You should play Schumann [Symphony] 2 on tour in Vienna!’
I took from that the necessity of securing a solid dependable technique that would make
you mistake-proof under fire. Secure technique will serve us well when we have to produce
great trumpet playing in high pressure situations.”141

Bernard ‘Bernie’ Adelstein

In 1970, Collins joined the Cleveland Orchestra as the 4th/Utility Trumpet, was a member

of the Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and began to pursue graduate studies at the

Cleveland Institute of Music. At all three institutions the primary trumpet performer and instructor

was Bernard ‘Bernie’ Adelstein (d. 2017). Adelstein is best known for serving as Principal

Trumpet of the Cleveland Orchestra from 1960 until 1988. He is regarded as one of the preeminent

principal trumpets from the 20th century because of his lengthy tenure, artistry and extensive

recording archive with the Cleveland Orchestra.142 Additionally, Adelstein performed on the 1969

Grammy Award-winning record, The Antiphonal Music of Gabrieli, which features the brass

sections from Philadelphia, Chicago and Cleveland Orchestras.143 The album is accepted as one of

the most influential brass recordings ever. Under the academic and professional tutelage of

Adelstein, Collins made substantial strides in preparing to become a future principal trumpet.

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 5, 2018.
Sherman, Rodger. “Cleveland Orchestra & More.” Bernard Adelstein: Virtuoso Trumpeter. The
International Trumpet Guild Journal, Dec. 1988. Web.
Gabrieli, Giovanni. The Antiphonal Music of Gabrieli. 1969. 12. LP and CD.
At the Cleveland Institute of Music, Adelstein served as Collins’ primary trumpet

instructor. In the applied lesson, he addressed developing the basics, which included improving

intonation, articulation, rhythm, projection, flexibility and consistency. Collins recalls: “Bernie

was a tremendous help to me as I was right out of Eastman and needed a crash course in all of the

above.”144 Some notable materials Adelstein utilized with Collins include:145

Charlier, T. 36 Études Transcendantes

Glanz, H. 52 Famous Trumpet Studies
Goldman, E. F. Practical Studies for the Trumpet
Schlossberg, M. Daily Drills and Technical Studies for Trumpet
Orchestral Excerpts

The most valuable aspect of Collins’ education in Cleveland came from sitting next to

Adelstein in the Cleveland Orchestra. For him, absorbing Adelstein’s approach on the job through

performance and leadership was a very impactful aspect of his pedagogy. He recalls Adelstein’s

character and influence in the orchestra:

“Bernie was the best! I learned a lot by sitting next to him in the [Cleveland] Orchestra.
Bernie was a machine. It was always on time and in tune. It was an amazing experience to
sit in that Orchestra. Perfection was all around you every single day. There was no room
for mistakes. What a way to learn! And what a preparation for teaching others.”146

Collins further elaborates on Adelstein’s influence on him as both a student and

professional colleague:

“It was a challenge [to meet his goals], but that’s what we do, and what is expected. He
[Adelstein] was a perfectionist on rhythm, intonation and articulation. There was no
‘almost’, it had to be spot on every time. I loved the challenge, and his high standards
improved my playing immensely.” … “That was another Adelstein trait. He didn’t miss
ever that I remember. He was highly efficient, just seemed to pick up the trumpet at any
given time and play cleanly and accurately. I loved that about him.”147

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 7, 2018.
Being immersed in Adelstein’s pristine and seasoned principal trumpet skills helped

Collins’ preparation for a similar orchestral position in the future. Additionally, his impact as a

teacher shaped several aspects of Collins’ pedagogy. Specific examples include teaching the

expectation of accuracy, consistency and ease of playing. Collins elaborated on these concepts and

states: “How could all of that not become part of who you are? Such a concentrated emphasis on

perfection begins to define your playing, your approach to every day, and the type of person you

are, I would even say.”148

Throughout their two years together, Adelstein was an overwhelmingly positive figure in

Collins’ professional development. When asked to discuss a memorable moment together in

Cleveland, Collins recalls:

“[There are] many. How about this one? I was assisting him on Mahler 7, and he showed
up at the very last minute for one of the rehearsals. I never knew if that was by design or
not, but it was both a moment of sheer panic as well as eagerness to play his part. I think I
could have done ok having sat there and knowing how he approached it, but we’ll never

Arnold Jacobs

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Collins occasionally traveled to Chicago to study with

Arnold Jacobs (d. 1998), the former Principal Tubist of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO)

and former Professor at Northwestern University. Jacobs is considered a pioneer of modern brass

pedagogy and breathing techniques.150 After Jacobs joined the CSO in 1944, he began to teach at

Northwestern and later received a full professorship in 1972--he became Professor of Performance

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 7, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 31, 2018.

Studies Emeritus in 1995.151 Jacobs’ approach to brass pedagogy was transformative for Collins

and countless other musicians.

Like others studying under Jacobs, he generally took a building-block-like approach with

Collins. He began with the simplest studies. As Collins recalls: “Often the lesson would begin by

playing the easiest exercises in the front of the Arban Book, seeking to make absolutely the best

sound and musical line possible, first on the mouthpiece.”152 After beautiful, easy music and tone

production was established, Jacobs took this concept into more involved pieces of music. Collins

recalls this process: “We would then transfer that approach into etudes and to excerpts, always

seeking to relieve embouchure stress and to maximize musical product.”153 In addition to

implementing physical and artistic ease, Jacobs frequently encouraged him to follow artistic

examples set forth by great musicians, as Collins remembers: “[Jacobs] would often reference

famous trumpet players and encourage copying them. Again, a strong concept should be the

motivation for playing.”154

The materials Jacobs assigned Collins were not intended to provide a technical or flashy

challenge. Instead, they were generally simple or lyrically based with the purpose to implement

ease, develop tone, improve wind movement, and artistry. Materials Jacobs used with him


Arban, J.B. Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet or Cornet;

The Art of Phrasing
Concone, G. Lyrical Studies for Trumpet
Rochut J. Melodious Etudes for Trombone
Orchestral Excerpts

Frederiksen, Brian. Arnold Jacobs: Song and Wind. Windsong Press, 1996. 88-89. Print.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 31, 2018.

Collins further describes the pedagogical and artistic goals during lessons with Jacobs:

“For me, his agenda was less on repertoire and more about learning to deliver the most
beautiful trumpet playing no matter what the assignment was. Often we would buzz
Christmas Carols or whatever, and then try to play with the most ease and beauty as
possible. Regardless of the music on the stand, his approach was the same.”156

Jacobs maintained high expectations and never let anything less that excellent pass. He

recalls several Jacobs’ quotes from lessons:

“Better product, less effort!”

“Bigger, fuller sound, more ‘hot’ airflow at the lips.”
“More vowel, less consonant. More ‘ah’, less ‘ee’.”
“Louder, softer, more musical, less stuffy lifeless notes.”157

While these reminders served to both challenge and develop his artistry, Collins jokingly

recalls: “When I was encouraged at how I occasionally was able to do as taught, he smiled and

nodded. It was rare, but it definitely made my day and the long trip to Chicago well worth it!” 158

Similar to his other teachers Jacobs was deeply influential, as Collins describes:

“Profound! Refreshingly freeing from tightness and inhibitions. Mr. Jacobs was able to get
[me] to use air flow efficiently in order to produce the best musical sound possible. The
focus was on music over mechanics.” … “His contention was that when the song in the
brain was paramount, the body would find the easiest way to release it. When I could begin
to incorporate his philosophy into daily playing, it was transformative.”159

Throughout two decades of occasional study, he assimilated many aspects of Jacobs’

technique within his own teaching, such as having a student develop a clear buzz on the

mouthpiece, singing ‘song and wind’ concept, using enough air for each passage, and striving to

discover each student’s unique musical instincts as the means to aid their development. 160 When

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 31, 2018.
recalling a memory or experience with Jacobs that best captures his pedagogy at work, Collins

tells the story:

“I needed his help on the opening of Tchaikovsky’s 4th Symphony. We worked on a couple
of breathing devices followed by singing and buzzing. In a short time that opening high
fortissimo entrance virtually flew out of the bell! I couldn’t believe how easy it was! I
worried however that it would disappear after I left his studio. Before heading to the airport,
I went across Michigan Avenue to the park and unpacked my trumpet to see if it still
worked. To my surprise and that half a dozen passersby, it was just as shockingly great as
I had hoped! Another fabulous lesson with Jake!”161

Throughout all levels of Collins’ career, he was taught by many world-leading brass

pedagogues and performers. His continual drive to remain a student of the instrument and learn,

absorb and develop artistry over the course of many decades directly influenced his professional

successes. The mentorship and education from Broiles, Vacchiano, Adelstein, Jacobs and others

gave Collins the opportunity to achieve a monumental orchestra career.

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received March 31, 2018.


On Audition Preparation

Collins’ success in his musical career can be traced back to his start in high school studying

under Broiles, Vacchiano, and later Adelstein and Jacobs. Even back then, he knew their advice

was crucial if he wanted to succeed in his forthcoming auditions. Collins recalls the importance of

their mentorship: “[I developed] cumulative confidence gained from top teachers [and] players.”162

A substantial aspect of Collins’ audition preparation came from internalizing the music without

the trumpet. He practiced this by singing audition excerpts aloud as musically as possible, as well

as listening to numerous recordings.163 While at an audition, Collins strived to maintain mental

poise by placing complete trust in himself, and his preparation, saying:

“[It’s a challenge] trying to stay ready when we had to hang around for hours waiting to
play again; trying not to get psyched out knowing the competition; remembering not to
over practice the day of and prior to the audition.”164

On Serving on Audition Panels

As a principal musician, Collins served on audition panels and contributed to the selection

of many trumpet players. From his experience, the most viable candidates present a complete

artistic package that includes a high level of accuracy, tone quality, dynamic contrasts, steady

rhythm and artistic drama.165 When asked to pick the most important quality and strength in a

candidate, Collins says:

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received April 23, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received May 2, 2018.

“If I had to pick only one [strength], [I] couldn’t do it. At a high level of competition,
demonstrating only a few good qualities will not get you the job. 166 Again, no single
strength will make you a winner. For starters, however, consistency, especially for a section
job is vital. Can the player be depended upon to be accurate and reliable?”167

Two categories for which an auditionee will be evaluated include 1.) objective elements of

accuracy, pitch, rhythm, etc., and 2.) subjective elements such as tone, interpretation, artistry, etc.

Collins believes the ability to control all aspects required to play the instrument is the most

important quantifiable element.168 Regarding the subjective elements of an audition winner,

Collins states:

“Which one sounds like he/she will fit into the section; which player sounds like he/she
knows the music; who sounds most experienced, mature, and musical; which one captures
[the committee’s] interest; who has something to say; who is not boring.”169

On Developing Audition Excerpt Lists

When developing an audition excerpt list, Collins makes selections that demonstrate a

candidate’s artistic and technical abilities. He details a few notable excerpt choices and their

intended purpose:

“[I like to select] something like [Mussorgsky’s] Pictures [at an Exhibition] Promenade
and [Beethoven’s] Leonore Overture 2 or 3 to let them ‘warm up’ and get a feel for the
hall. Those excerpts also will quickly give the committee a good opportunity to hear if this
is a viable candidate. These brief excerpts show a candidate’s sound, style, articulation,
rhythm, and ability to stay in control. You obviously want to hear low trumpet excerpts for
a 2nd or 3rd trumpet position. You’ll also want to test for high range, multiple tonguing,
very soft and very loud, whether for low or high [trumpet] positions. A good balance of
high/low, loud/soft, short/long, fast/slow, etc.” … “Versatility and accuracy matters. [I]
definitely try to include Mahler, [Richard] Strauss, among others [on the] list. Mahler
symphonies demand every aspect of great trumpet playing. If you can play Mahler, you
can play anything.”170

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received May 2, 2018.
A journey on the orchestral audition circuit can test the fortitude of even the most seasoned

musicians. For those taking auditions, Collins offers the following advice:

“Over prepare! Don’t miss notes! Don’t be boring! Exude confidence! Don’t be distracted
from your mission! As Arnold Jacobs said about winning an audition, “you simply have to
play better than everyone else!” Your love of the music must transcend nerves and

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received May 2, 2018.


In Chamber Music

In addition to performing with the CSO and Pops in Cincinnati, Collins occasionally

performed with the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra (CCO), a professional chamber music

ensemble. The CCO was founded in 1974 and is recognized as one of the leading performing arts

organizations in the region.172 Collins was most active with the CCO in his first few years, and

frequently performed at Memorial Hall adjacent to the CSO’s Music Hall in Cincinnati.173

When preparing and performing chamber music, Collins states that the processes have both

similarities and unique elements when compared to preparing and performing for full orchestra:

“[My] approach to chamber playing is not much different than full orchestra. However,
more finesse is required, softer dynamics, and more expression. In small ensembles
there is nowhere to hide. Accuracy and musicianship are on full display. There is nothing
better than chamber music and recording sessions to vastly improve one’s playing.”174

“A big challenge with small ensemble playing is being comfortable with lower decibels
than trumpet players are used to. Can you blend with woodwinds? Can you be as
expressive and as musically free in pianissimo as in fortissimo? A chamber music
assignment provides an opportunity to add refinement to your playing. I imagine in
preparation that everything will be way too loud. The challenge is to play as quietly as
possible without loosing musical interest. Bottom line: learn to play softly without being
boring. As the conductor’s left hand goes up, your playing quality does as well.”175

As a Soloist

While the primary aspect of Collins’ job was performing in an orchestral trumpet section, on

several occasions he was featured as a soloist. His solo appearances first occurred in high school,

“About.” The Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra. Web.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 8, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 11, 2018.

and continued while at the Eastman School of Music, as a member of the National Arts Centre

Orchestra, and with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Pops Orchestra. Some notable

examples of solo repertoire Collins performed include:176

Bach, Johann Sebastian Brandenburg Concerto No. 2

Bach, Johann Sebastian Cantata No. 51
Copland, Aaron Quiet City
Grammité, Sonja Eckard Triple Concerto for Trumpet, Clarinet, and Bassoon
Handel, George Frederic Let the Bright Seraphim (with Kathleen Battle)
Haydn, Franz Josef Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk Trumpet Concerto in E/E-flat Major
Martin, Frank Concerto for 7 Wind Instruments
Offenbach, Jacques American Eagle Waltz
Reynolds, Verne Concertare II

To prepare for a solo performance, Collins maintained his standard trumpet routine with

additional focus on artistic refinement and nuance, recalling:

“[My preparation was] not much different than for solo work. However, the product must
be more dramatic, subtle, full of contrasts, more expression, better intonation, more
outstanding in general. A perfect performance is not enough. Showmanship and flare must
be natural. It is expected by the audience. They want more than correct notes.”177

On Recording Sessions

One of the most significant aspects of Collins’ career is a vast catalogue of professional

recordings. Beginning in college, he professionally recorded with the Eastman Wind Ensemble,

Eastman Brass Quintet, the National Arts Centre Orchestra, and the Cincinnati Symphony

Orchestra and Pops Orchestra. Additionally, he recorded during the 1980s and 1990s at the Aire

Born recording studio in Indianapolis, Indiana, and also on the soundtrack to Dragon Quest, a

Japanese video game.178 Notably under the Telarc label, Collins is recorded on more than 100

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 8, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
albums with the CSO and Pops spanning the gamut of orchestral and pops repertoire. As a result,

he is archived as one of the world’s most recorded principal trumpet players.

While in Cincinnati, the majority of recordings were done with the Cincinnati Symphony

Pops Orchestra under the direction of Erich Kunzel. Collins fondy recalls a typical Pops recording


“[They were] handled very well! Erich was a master at organizing and thoroughly
preparing music for [the] 3-hour session. Never any wasted time. The issue was not
organization for us, but endurance. He demanded a lot from the brass, and pacing was the
challenge. He often was accommodating so the best results could occur with the least
amount of lip damage. Usually there were 5 rehearsals, 2 or 3 concerts, and 2 3-hour
recording sessions, all in one week.”179

Throughout a week that included recordings sessions, Collins maintained a practical and

sustainable music-first approach. He strived to maintain a healthy physical and artistic pace during

all facets of rehearsals, concerts and recordings. His approach to recording was intense:

“The issue for the brass was eudurance [and] how to sound as good as possible on all takes,
as well as the concerts. Pacing, pacing, and pacing. It was a marathon and you had to win
every race!” … “Instead of freaking over the pressure to get all the notes, I would throw
myself into performance mode, trying to avoid uninspired, average, mediocre playing. I
would listen to every playback when the orchestra took breaks. Hearing what worked and
what didn’t was [an] enormous help.”180 … “I wanted to leave the kind of trumpet playing
on each CD that my kids and grandkids would like. That went a long way towards
eliminating nervousness.”181

From the large catalogue of recordings, Collins recalls several of his favorites: “I like how

we played on many of the Pops albums that featured trumpets. We did some nice Mahler

(Symphony No. 3 and posthorn solo), Bruckner, Respighi, Debussy, Ravel, Offenbach, etc.”182

With a vast library of orchestral and pops recordings to his name, the breadth of Collins’

professional recording experience is among the finest in the world.

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 9, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received October 11, 2018.


Over the course of his orchestral and academic careers, Collins had a monumental impact,

both artistically and personally, on those around him. The following chapter is dedicated to

memories and stories from a number of Collins’ former colleagues, students and friends. The

information in this chapter was collected from an FSU IRB HSC approved Qualtrics Survey with

the corresponding consent information. The aim from the survey and information below is to

provide further description of Collins as a person, performer and teacher.

Within the Artistic Workplace

A true artist. A consistent leader.183 – (Vincent DiMartino, internationally renowned trumpet

performer and pedagogue)

Highest level of integrity and most intense work ethic I have ever worked with.184 – (Douglas
Lindsay, Associate Principal Trumpet, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Pops)

A dedicated practicer, Phil performed at the highest artistic level, and always with remarkable
consistency and accuracy. His musical vision was always communicated eloquently and with
great clarity.185 – (Marie Speziale, Associate Principal Trumpet, Cincinnati Symphony
Orchestra and Pops [retired]; Professor of Trumpet, Rice University [retired])

Phil set and expected an extremely high level of performance. Precision, accuracy and
musicality were all at the forefront.186 – (James Wilt, Associate Principal Trumpet, Los
Angeles Philharmonic; Professor of Trumpet, Colburn School)

A Single Artistic Characteristic

Always strived for beauty in his playing. Never allowed himself to play with less than a
beautiful sound or musical concept.187 – (Douglas Lindsay)

DiMartino, Vincent. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 19, 2018. Web.
Lindsay, Douglas. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 22, 2018. Web.
Speziale, Marie. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 25, 2018. Web.
Wilt, James. Qualtrics survey Interview. Submitted May 11, 2018. Web.
Lindsay, Douglas. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 22, 2018. Web.

If I could point to a single artistic characteristic, it would be Phil's impressive command of
lyrical playing. His lyrical solos were always so beautifully conceived, and communicated
with great colors and tender sentiment. Really exceptional!188 – (Marie Speziale)

In the singing style. You always know when you're listening to Phil - he had a very distinct
and beautiful sound.189 – (James Wilt)

A Typical Lesson

I remember him assigning more music than I could possibly prepare for a lesson. He loved
assigning multiple etudes, technical studies, solos, and excerpts.190 – (Adrienne Doctor,
United States Army Band “Pershing’s Own”)

Phil's teaching was always crystal clear. I never left a lesson wondering what he wanted
from me.191 – (Douglas Lindsay)

Very demanding, but never demeaning. He was very good about making sure all of your
fundamentals were covered, and really put you through your paces. 192 – (Barret Newman,
United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps)

Influence on Your Career as a Performer

My approach to lyrically playing was greatly influenced by Mr. Collins. He taught me to

play like it was easy, and that helped me play lyrical passage with greater freedom. A large
part of my job is playing TAPS in Arlington National Cemetery, and every time I play
TAPS, his influence is heard.193 – (Adrienne Doctor)

No matter what Phil played he treated it with the upmost seriousness. He instilled in me an
almost sacred pride in being a member of the CSO trumpet section. – (Douglas Lindsay)

Humility - he instilled in his students the importance of confidence, not cockiness, and
always emphasized serving the music instead of our own egos.194 – (Barret Newman)

Speziale, Marie. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 25, 2018. Web.
Wilt, James. Qualtrics survey Interview. Submitted May 11, 2018. Web.
Doctor, Adrienne. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 30, 2018. Web.
Lindsay, Douglas. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 22, 2018. Web.
Newman, Barret. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted May 1, 2018. Web.
Doctor, Adrienne. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 30, 2018. Web.
Newman, Barret. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted May 1, 2018. Web.

Trumpet Lesson Memories

I remember him saying that if I played a certain etude without chipping any notes the next
week, he’d give me $20. I have never practiced so hard for one particular etude. I didn't get
the $20.195 – (Adrienne Doctor)

I remember very well my first lesson. It was all about orchestral sound and “opening up”
my sound. I have never been so excited to get home and practice as I was after this first
lesson.196 – (Douglas Lindsay)

Many! Once, when playing through a lyrical solo, I was being far too timid. His response
was to pick up his cell phone as if he had gotten a text and say: “It's from the back of the
hall. They can't hear you.” Another thing he told me is burned in my brain: “You’re a better
trumpet player than you think you are.” Again speaking to the importance of confidence
and demonstrating his positive impact.197 – (Barret Newman)

Phil had photos of many great musicians around his teaching area in his basement, a bit
intimidating to have Arnold Jacobs or Phil Smith watching you! 198 – (Patrick Tillery,
Associate Principal Trumpet, Colorado Symphony)

Memorable Experiences

He was a brilliant cartoonist and helped create a mural that depicted many of the students
and teachers during our era. 1966-1970.199 – (Vincent DiMartino)

After he did a free lesson for me in preparation for an audition, I offered to buy him
breakfast. We went to Panera, and once it was time to pay he jumped ahead of me and
insisted. So he basically did a free lesson with me on a Saturday morning and then bought
me breakfast. After I won my job, I asked if I could take him and his wife out for dinner
before I moved. He agreed, and again, he insisted on paying at the meal. He might be one
of the most dedicated and generous teachers out there.200 – (Adrienne Doctor)

His performances of Mahler 3 posthorn solos and the Church Windows recordings and
performances were absolute perfection every time.201 – (Douglas Lindsay)

I have so many performance memories, I wouldn't know where to begin. Suffice it to say
that we've all been truly blessed in this category.202 – (Marie Speziale)

Doctor, Adrienne. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 30, 2018. Web.
Lindsay, Douglas. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 22, 2018. Web.
Newman, Barret. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted May 1, 2018. Web.
Tillery, Patrick. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 22, 2018. Web.
DiMartino, Vincent. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 19, 2018. Web.
Doctor, Adrienne. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 30, 2018. Web.
Lindsay, Douglas. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 22, 2018. Web.
Speziale, Marie. Qualtrics survey interview. Submitted July 25, 2018. Web.


When examining the entirety of Philip Collins’ artistic career, the significance of his

contributions to the classical music communities place him as a preeminent classical musician.

Collins’ eager attitude toward performing and teaching music has been a driving force propelling

his professional career into the 21st century. His meticulous work ethic and dedication to deliver

world-class artistry is noteworthy, important to share, and important to document for future

generations of musicians.

Throughout a near fifty-year orchestral career, Philip Collins achieved a rare privilege to

hold positions in several of the world’s finest orchestral institutions. His achievements demonstrate

an enduring dedication and commitment to attaining preeminent artistry. In particular, Collins’

most noteworthy accomplishment was his tenure as principal trumpet of the CSO and Pops. In

Cincinnati, he honed and maintained world-class artistry within a world-renowned orchestra for

more than 30 seasons; this achievement is impressive in its rarity. Throughout this period, the

orchestras were incredibly active and produced more than 100 albums. As a result, Collins is one

of the most recorded principal trumpet players in the world with representative recordings covering

a range of classical, pops, commercial and jazz styles.

Impressively, the majority of Collins’ teaching achievements began when he retired from

the CSO and Pops in 2007. He currently teaches as Adjunct Associate Professor of Trumpet at the

College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati. His positive impact as a teacher is

evident in the achievements of his former students, as many hold positions in professional

orchestras, military bands and at universities. To complement his teaching, Collins’ original

trumpet materials, methods, and pedagogy blog have become widely accepted, capture his

professional insights, and present unique and artistically-rewarding trumpet studies. The

combination of Collins’ storied orchestral career and success as a teacher and publisher further

solidifies the importance of his unwavering artistic dedication.

The information provided by the survey portion of this project provides a first-hand

perspective on Philip Collins as a musician, teacher and colleague. The results further describe

major facets of his career, and illustrate not just his positive impact as an orchestral artist, but also

his influence as a teacher.

This treatise represents the first substantial research completed on Philip Collins, and it

covers a wide scope of his artistic career. Future avenues for continued research on Collins are

possible and can include cataloguing his recordings with the National Arts Centre Orchestra and

Eastman Wind Ensemble, as well as learning more about the professional artistic successes within

his immediate family. Since Collins is actively teaching and composing trumpet materials,

additional study on his future publications can be completed and catalogued. This researcher also

believes an audio recording with representative examples of Collins’ artistry would be a valuable

future project.



Title: In The Singing Style

Author/Editor: Philip Collins

Publisher: Queen City Brass Publications; Manduca Music Publication

Year: 1982

Catalogue Number: N/A (QCBP); 00101 (MMP)

Instrumentation: Trumpet; Treble clef instruments

Publication Type: Etude book/Compilation

Style: Lyrical; Cantabile; Expressivo

Composers: American-folk; J.S. Bach; Beethoven; Berlioz; Bliss; Brahms;

Bruch; Donizetti; Dvorak; Gounod; Grieg; Handel; Lehar; Mahler:
Mascagni; Massenet; Mendelssohn; Puccini; Rachmaninoff; Raff;
Ravel; Rossini; Saint-Saens; Schubert; Shostakovich; Tchaikovsky;
‘Traditional’; Verdi; Wagner; Weber

Arranger/Editor: Philip Collins

Notes: In The Singing Style contains 47 melodies and songs selected from
standard orchestral and opera repertoire. The selections are lyrical
in style and intended to further develop expressive style(s).
Additionally, the material presented will help enhance artistic
sensitivity, phrasing and endurance. The author notes the melodies
can provide motivation for more expressive playing, and serve as a
positive relief from one’s daily practice routine. The selections vary
in difficulty and can be utilized by musicians of all levels.

Title: Trumpet I, Pops Orchestra: 138 Original Compositions in the Style
of the Pops Repertoire

Author: Philip Collins

Publisher: Collinsnotes Publications

Catalogue Number: N/A

Year: 1995-2006

Instrumentation: Trumpet

Publication Type: Etude book

Style: Various pops orchestra styles

Composer: Philip Collins

Notes: Pops Orchestra: 138 Original Compositions in the Style of the Pops
Repertoire features etudes composed by Philip Collins between
1995 and 2006. The etudes are either technical or lyrical and are
influenced by the various styles present in the pops orchestra realm.
The name of each etude relates to the material and or style, and the
descriptions written by Collins provide an artistic depiction,
pedagogical purpose, or a related memory from his experience. The
etudes are not organized progressively and cover a varying range of
difficulty. The book can be approached by intermediate to advanced
trumpet players.

Title: 100 Trumpetudes: Performers’ Show Prep

Author: Philip Collins

Publisher: Collinsnotes Publications

Year: 2007

Catalogue Number: N/A

Instrumentation: Trumpet

Publication Type: Etude book

Style: Various orchestral and pops-styled etudes

Composer: Philip Collins

Notes: 100 Trumpetudes: Performers’ Show Prep contains 100 etudes in a

variety of styles common in orchestral, pops, and showtune
repertoire. Each etude is ‘named’ with a descriptor to give an idea
of the material and or style. Additionally. Collins provides short
comments at the top and bottom of each page to further provide
artistic direction. The etudes contrast in style, challenge most all
aspects of trumpet performance and range in difficulty from
moderate to advanced.

Title: Piccolo Trumpet Studies

Author: Philip Collins

Publisher: Collinsnotes Publications

Catalogue Number: N/A

Year: 2012

Instrumentation: Piccolo Trumpet

Publication Type: Complete method; Etude book

Style: Lyrical and technical

Composer: Philip Collins

Notes: Piccolo Trumpet Studies is a complete method for piccolo trumpet.

The first section of the book is an in-depth discussion on Collins’
thoughts on piccolo trumpet performance and practice. Topics
include breathing, sound, intonation, trills, transposition, the fourth
valve, mouthpiece, styles, listening and observing, and ‘a timeless
one-sentence lesson’. Next, there are 9 piccolo warm-up studies (to
be transposed) to encourage focus on sound, intonation, articulation
and ease. The largest section of the book features 106 short to
medium length etudes. Each etude is numbered and named to aid
with interpretation and purpose. To provide a variety of artistic
challenges, they appear in a variety of styles and keys. The etudes
are organized in a progressive manner and are approachable by
beginner to advanced piccolo trumpet players.

Title: Classic Style: A Collection of Favorites from
the Classical Repertoire

Author: Philip Collins

Publisher: Collinsnotes Publications

Catalogue Number: N/A

Year: 2018

Instrumentation: Trumpet

Publication Type: Etude book

Style: Orchestral; Melodic

Composers: Albinoni; J.S. Bach; Beethoven; Bellini; Bizet; Borodin; Brahms;

Chopin; Collins; Debussy; Delibes; Donizetti; Dvořák; Elgar;
Faure; Gastaldon; Gershwin; Gluck; Gounod; Grieg; Höhne;
Handel; Lange; Leoncavallo; Mahler; Mendelssohn; W.A. Mozart;
Mussorgsky; Offenbach; Paradis; Ponchielli; Puccini;
Rachmaninoff; Purcell; Ravel; Respighi; Rimsky-Korsakov; Saint-
Saëns; Satie; Schubert; Schumann; Suppé; Tchaikovsky; Thomas;
Verdi; Vivaldi; Wieniawski

Arranger/Editor: Philip Collins

Notes: Classic Style: A Collection of Favorites from the Classical

Repertoire features selections from 47 different composers. The 109
etudes originate as non-trumpet melodies from orchestral and
operatic genre and span the Baroque through early-20th Century.
The book is useful for developing various melodic styles associated
with different composers, tone, and endurance. The book is not
organized in a progressive manner, and the difficulty is associated
with lyrical performance skills and endurance. The book can be
approached by early-intermediate through advanced trumpet

Title: All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name

Composers: James Ellor (Diadem); William Shrubsole (Miles Lane);

Oliver Holden (Coronation)

Publisher: Queen City Brass Publications; Manduca Music Publications

Catalogue Number: N/A (QCBP); 30301 (MMP)

Year: 1981

Instrumentation: 3 trumpets; piano or organ

Publication Type: Trumpet Trio

Style: Hymn/Sacred

Arranger: Philip Collins

Notes: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name is an arrangement for three
trumpets with piano or organ accompaniment.

Title: Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart

Composer: E. H. Plumptre

Publisher: Queen City Brass Publications; Manduca Music Publications

Catalogue Number: N/A (QCBP); 30302(MMP)

Year: 1981

Instrumentation: 6 trumpets; piano or organ

Publication Type: Trumpet sextet

Style: Hymn/Sacred

Arranger: Philip Collins

Notes: Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart is an arrangement for six trumpets with

piano or organ accompaniment. The work can also be performed by
three trumpets, and does not exceed a written A above the staff.



Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)

(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Albéniz, Isaac Iberia (complete) May 11 & 12, 1997

(López-Cobos) 1998
CD: 2CD 80470

Bartók, Béla Concerto for Orchestra May 1 & 2, 2005

(Järvi) 2006
CD: CD 80618

Beethoven, L. V. Symphony No. 3, ‘Eroica’ October 1980

in Eb Major, Op. 55 1981
(Gielen) LP: D-VCL 9007
LP: D-VCL 39007

Beethoven, L. V. Wellington’s Victory, Op. 91 September 10, 1982

(Kunzel) 1983
CD: CD 80079
CD: CD 80640

Berg, Alban Lulu Suite September 2 & 4, 1981

(Gielen) 1983
LP: D-VCL 9042
CD: MCD 10024

Berlioz, Hector Symphonie Fantastique, Op. 14 October 8 & 10, 2000

(Järvi) 2001
CD: SACD 60587

Bizet, Georges Carmen Suite October 1 & 2, 1989

(López-Cobos) 1990
CD: CD 80224

Bizet, Georges L’arlesienne Suite, No. 1 October 1 & 2, 1989

(López-Cobos) 1990
CD: CD 80224

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Bizet, Georges Symphony No. 1 in C Major October 1 & 2, 1989

(López-Cobos) 1990
CD: CD 80224

Britten, Benjamin Four Sea Interludes from January 22 & 23, 2006
Peter Grimes, Op. 33A 2006
(Järvi) CD: CD 80660
CD: SACD 60660

Britten, Benjamin The Young Person’s Guide to January 22 & 23, 2006
The Orchestra, Op. 34 2006 & 2009
(Järvi) CD: CD 80660
CD: CD 80743
CD: SACD 60660

Bruckner, Anton Symphony No. 4 “Romantic” February 10 & 11, 1990

in E-flat Major (1874 version) 1990
(López-Cobos) CD: CD 80244
CD: DIDX 007710

Bruckner, Anton Symphony No. 6 in A Major February 3 & 4, 1991

(López-Cobos) 1991
CD: CD 80264

Bruckner, Anton Symphony No. 7 in E Major January 22 & 23, 1989

(López-Cobos) 1989
CD: CD 80188

Bruckner, Anton Symphony No. 8 in C Minor March 14 & 15, 1993

(1890 version) 1993
(López-Cobos) CD: CD 80343

Bruckner, Anton Symphony No. 9 in D Minor January 27, 1992

(López-Cobos) CD: CD 80299

Busoni, Ferruccio Turandot Suite, Op. 41 October 7, 1983

(Gielen) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9072
CD: MCD 10019

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Busoni, Ferruccio Two studies for “Dokter Faust” April 5, 1983

(Gielen) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9072
CD: MCD 10019

Brubeck, Dave Orchestral Suite from January 21 & 26, 1997

Joy in the Morning 1997
(López-Cobos) CD: CD 80462

Carter, Elloit Piano Concerto October 5 & 6, 1985

(Gielen) 1986
LP: NW 347
CD: NW 347-2

Carter, Elloit Variations for Orchestra October 22, 1985

(Gielen) 1986
LP: NW 347
CD: NW 347-2

Coleman, Charles Streetscape September 14 & 15, 2003;

(Järvi) November 1, 2003
CD: CSOM 945

Debussy, Claude Berceuse Héroïque January 25 & 26, 2004;

(Järvi) February 22 & 23, 2004
CD: CD 80617

Debussy, Claude Ibéria from “Images” for Orchestra March 18 & 19, 2001
(López-Cobos) 2001
CD: CD 80574

Debussy, Claude La Mer January 25 & 26, 2004;

(Järvi) February 22 & 23, 2004
CD: CD 80617

Debussy, Claude Nocturnes January 25 & 26, 2004;

(Järvi) February 22 & 23, 2004
CD: CD 80617

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

de Falla, Manuel Homenajes January 31; February 1, 1987

(López-Cobos) 1987
CD: CD 80149
CD: CD 82017

de Falla, Manuel Interlue & Spanish Dance January 31, 1987;

from ‘La Vida Breve’ February 1, 1987
(López-Cobos) 1987
CD: CD 80149
CD: CD 82017

de Falla, Manuel La Vida Breve March 1 & 2, 1992

(López-Cobos) 1992
CD: CD 80317

de Falla, Manuel The Three-Cornered Hat January 31, 1987;

(López-Cobos) February 1, 1987
CD: CD 80149
CD: CD 82017

Dukas, Paul Fanfare to La Peri January 31, 1999;

(López-Cobos) February 1, 1999
CD: CD 80515
CD: CD 80515-SA

Dukas, Paul La Peri January 31, 1999;

(López-Cobos) February 1, 1999
CD: CD 80515
CD: CD 80515-SA

Dukas, Paul Symphony in C January 31; February 1, 1999

(López-Cobos) 2000
CD: CD 80515
CD: CD 80515-SA

Dukas, Paul The Sorcerer’s Apprentice January 31; February 1,1999

(López-Cobos) 2000
CD: CD 80515
CD: CD 80515-SA

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Dvořák, Antonín Symphony No. 9 in E minor March 13 & 14, 2005

From the New World, Op. 95 2005
(Järvi) CD: CD 80616

Elgar, Sir Edward Variations on an Original Theme January 22 & 23, 2006
Op. 36, Enigma 2006
(Järvi) CD: CD 80660
CD: SACD 60660

Franck, César Le Chasseur Maudit April 2 & 3, 1990

(López-Cobos) 1990
CD: CD 80247

Franck, César Symphony in D Minor April 2 & 3, 1990

(López-Cobos) 1990
CD: CD 80247

Gershwin, George An American in Paris January 5, 1981

(Kunzel) 1981
LP: DG 10058
CD: CD 80058
CD: CD 80445
CD: SACD 60646

Gershwin, George Rhapsody in Blue January 5, 1981

(Kunzel) 1981
(as Cincinnati Pops Orchestra) LP: DG 10058
CD: CD 80058
CD: CD 80445
CD: SACD 60646

Holand, Jonathan Bailey Halcyon Sun May 6 & 7, 2005

(Järvi) 2010
CD: CSOM 945

Coleman, Charles Streetscape April 30; May 2, 2004

(Järvi) 2010
CD: CSOM 945

Hovhaness, Alan Mysterious Mountain January 21 & 26, 1997

Symphony No. 2, Op. 132, Revised 1997
(López-Cobos) CD: CD 80462

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Liszt, Franz Battle of the Huns September 10, 1982

(Kunzel) 1983
CD: CD 80079
CD: CD 80640

Liszt, Franz Hungarian March to September 10, 1982

the Assault 1983
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80079
CD: CD 80640

Lutosławski, Witold Concerto for Orchestra May 1 & 2, 2005

(Järvi) 2006
CD: CD 80618

Lutosławski, Witold Fanfare for Louisville May 1 & 2, 2005

(Järvi) 2006
CD: CD 80618

Mahler, Gustav Das Lied von der Erde 1978

(Susskind) 1980
LP: QCE 31117
CD: CDX 5138

Mahler, Gustav Symphony No. 3 January 18 & 19, 1998

(López-Cobos) 1998
CD: 2CD 80481

Mahler, Gustav Symphony No. 9 May 5 & 6, 1996

(López-Cobos) 1997
CD: 2CD 80426

Mahler, Gustav Symphony No. 10 February 6 & 7, 2000

Mazzetti, Remo Jr. (1997 version) (López-Cobos) 2000
CD: CD 80565

Martinů, Bohuslav Symphony No. 2 March 13 & 14, 2005

(Järvi) 2005
CD: CD 80616

Mendelssohn, Felix Midsummer Night’s Dream, selections 1978

(Susskind) 1978
CD: CDX 5138

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Mendelssohn, Felix Piano Concerto No. 2 March 1980

in D Minor, Op. 40 1984
(Nelson) LP: VCL 9071

Nielsen, Carl Symphony No. 5, Op. 50 January 25 & 26, 2004;

(Järvi) February 22 & 23, 2004
CD: CD 80615

Pann, Carter Slalom January 31; February 1, 2003

(Järvi) 2010
CD: CSOM 945

Prokofiev, Sergei Romeo and Juliet Suite No. 1, Op. 64A November 17 & 18, 2002;
(Järvi) February 9 & 10, 2003
CD: CD 80597
CD: SACD 60597

Prokofiev, Sergei Romeo and Juliet Suite No. 2, Op. 64B November 17 & 18, 2002;
(Järvi) February 9 & 10, 2003
CD: CD 80597
CD: SACD 60597

Prokofiev, Sergei Romeo and Juliet Suite No. 3, Op. 101 November 17 & 18, 2002;
(Järvi) February 9 &10, 2003
CD: CD 80597
CD: SACD 60597

Puts, Kevin Network March 10 & 12, 2005

(Järvi) 2010
CD: CSOM 945

Rachmaninoff, S. Dances from Aleko April 30; May 1, 2006

(Järvi) 2007
CD: CD 80670

Rachmaninoff, S. Scherzo April 30; May 1, 2006

(Järvi) 2007
CD: CD 80670

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Rachmaninoff, S. Symphony No. 2 in E minor, Op. 27 April 30; May 1, 2000

(López-Cobos) 2001
CD: CD 80543

Rachmaninoff, S. Symphony No. 2 in E minor, Op. 27 April 30; May 1, 2006

(Järvi) 2007
CD: CD 80670

Ravel, Maurice Alborada Del Gracioso March 12 & 13, 1988

(López-Cobos) 1988
CD: CD 80171

Ravel, Maurice Boléro March 12 & 13, 1988

(López-Cobos) 1988
CD: CD 80171

Ravel, Maurice Boléro 2003

(Järvi) 2004
CD: CD 80601

Ravel, Maurice La Valse March 12 & 13, 1988

(López-Cobos) 1988
CD: CD 80171

Ravel, Maurice La Valse 2003

(Järvi) 2004
CD: CD 80601

Ravel, Maurice Rhapsodie Espangnole March 12 & 13, 1988

(López-Cobos) 1988
CD: CD 80171

Ravel, Maurice Suite No. 2 from Daphnis et Chloé 2003

(Järvi) 2004
CD: CD 80601

Ravel, Maurice Valses Nobles Et Sentimentales March 12 & 13, 1988

(López-Cobos) 1988
CD: CD 80171

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Respighi, Ottorino Brazilian Impressions May 2 & 3, 1993

(López-Cobos) 1994
CD: CD 80356

Respighi, Ottorino Church Windows May 2 & 3, 1993

(López-Cobos) 1994
CD: CD 80356

Respighi, Ottorino Fountains of Rome May 4 & 5, 1999

(López-Cobos) 2000
CD: CD 80505

Respighi, Ottorino Metamorphoseon Modi XII May 4 & 5, 1999

(López-Cobos) 2000
CD: CD 80505

Respighi, Ottorino Pines of Rome May 4 & 5, 1999

(López-Cobos) 2000
CD: CD 80505

Respighi, Ottorino Roman Festivals May 2 & 3, 1993

(López-Cobos) 1994
CD: CD 80356

Rossini, Gioachino La Cenerentola, Overture October 26, 1976

(Schippers) 1978/1986
LP: QTV 34716
CD: MCD 10045

Rossini, Gioachino La Gazza Ladra, Overture October 26, 1976

(Schippers) 1978/1986
LP: QTV 34716
CD: MCD 10045

Rossini, Gioachino Semiramide, Overture October 26, 1976

(Schippers) 1978/1986
LP: QTV 34716
CD: MCD 10045

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Rossini, Gioachino Stabat Mater 1975

(Schippers) 1976
LP: QTV-S 34634
CD: VU 9017

Rossini, Gioachino Tancredi, Overture October 26, 1976

(Schippers) 1978/1986
LP: QTV 34716
CD: MCD 10045

Rossini, Gioachino William Tell, Overture October 26, 1976

(Schippers) 1978/1986
LP: QTV 34716
CD: MCD 10045

Rouse, Steve Into the Light January 21 & 26, 1997

(López-Cobos) 1997
CD: CD 80462

Sallinen, Aulis Symphony No. 8, Op. 81 January 20 & 22, 2005

“Autumnal Fragments” 2011
(Järvi) CD: CSOM 946

Salonen, Esa-Pekka Gambit April 28 & 30, 2005

(Järvi) 2011
CD: CSOM 946

Schumann, Robert Konzertstück in F Major, Op. 86 March 1980

(Nelson) 1984
LP: VCL 9071

Schubert, Franz Symphony No. 8 in B Minor 1976

(Schippers) 1978
LP: QCE 31114
CD: CDX 5138

Schubert, Franz Symphony No. 9 in C Major 1976

(Schippers) 1978/1987
LP: QTV-S 34681
CD: MWCD 7161
CD: CDX 5140

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Shostakovich, D. Symphony No. 1 in F minor, Op. 10 February 1979

(Susskind) 1981
LP: VCL 9003
CDX: 5139

Shostakovich, D. Symphony No. 1 in F minor, Op. 10 September 24 & 25, 2000

(López-Cobos) 2001
CD: CD 80572

Shostakovich, D. Symphony No. 9 in F, Op. 70 February 1979

(Susskind) 1981
LP: VCL 9003
CDX: 5139

Shostakovich, D. Symphony No. 15 in A, September 24 & 25, 2000

Op. 141 2001
(López-Cobos) CD: CD 80572

Sibelius, Jean Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op. 43 December 1 & 2, 2001

(Järvi) 2002
CD: CD 80585
CD: SACD 60585

Strauss, Richard Burleske for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 11 October 2 & 3, 1994
(López-Cobos) 1995
CD: CD 80371

Strauss, Richard Dance of the Seven Veils May 1976

from “Salome”, Op. 54 1977
(Schippers) LP: QTV-S 34666
CD: MFCD 811
CD: CDX 5140

Strauss, Richard Death and Transfiguration, Op. 24 January 21 & 26, 1997
(López-Cobos) 1997
CD: CD 80462

Strauss, Richard Don Juan, Op. 20 May 1976

(Schippers) 1977
LP: QTV-S 34666
CD: MFCD 811
CD: CDX 5140

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Strauss, Richard Festival Prelude for October 2 & 3, 1994

Organ & Orchestra, Op. 61 1995
(López-Cobos) CD: CD 80371

Strauss, Richard First Waltz Sequence from May 1976

“Der Rosenkavalier” 1977
(Schippers) LP: QTV-S 34666
CD: MFCD 811
CD: CDX 5140

Strauss, Richard Salome’s Dance October 2 & 3, 1994

(The Dance of the Seven Veils) 1995
(López-Cobos) CD: CD 80371

Strauss, Richard Suite from Der Rosenkavalier October 2 & 3 1994

(López-Cobos) 1995
CD: CD 80371

Strauss, Richard Till Eulenspiegel, Op. 28 May 1976

(Schippers) 1977
LP: QTV-S 34666
CD: MFCD 811
CD: CDX 5140

Strauss, Richard Tod und Verklärung, Op. 24 1984

(Gielen) 1984
CD: RRC 1034

Stravinsky, Igor Petrouchka (1947 version) March 24 & 25, 2002

(Järvi) 2003
CD: CD 80587

Stravinsky, Igor The Firebird Suite (1919 version) March 24 & 25, 2002
(Järvi) 2003
CD: CD 80587
CD: SACD 60587

Stravinsky, Igor The Rite of Spring January 25 & 26, 2004;

(Le Sacre du Printemps) February 22 & 23, 2004
(Järvi) 2004
CD: CD 80615
CD: SACD 60615

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Sumera, Lepo Symphony No. 6 September 20 & 21, 2002

(Järvi) 2011
CD: CSOM 946

Tchaikovsky, P. I. “1812” Overture, Op. 49 September 6 & 8, 1978

(Kunzel) 1979/1984/2004
LP: DG 10041
CD: CD 80041
CD: SACD 60646

Tchaikovsky, P. I. Capriccio Italien, Op. 45 September 6 & 8, 1978

(Kunzel) 1979/1984/2004
LP: DG 10041
CD: CD 80041
CD: SACD 60646

Tchaikovsky, P. I. Cossack Dance from “Mazeppa” September 6 & 8, 1978

(Kunzel) 1979/1984/2004
LP: DG 10041
CD: CD 80041
CD: SACD 60646

Tchaikovsky, P. I. Piano Concerto No. 2 1981

(Susskind) 1982
LP: VCL 9011
CDX: 5139

Tubin, Eduard Symphony No. 5 in B minor December 1 & 2, 2001

(Järvi) 2002
CD: CD 80585
CD: SACD 60585

Turina, Joaquín Danzas Fantásticas, Op. 22 March 18 & 19, 2001

(López-Cobos) 2001
CD: CD 80574
CD: SACD 60574

Turina, Joaquín La Procesión Del Rocío, Op. 9 March 18 & 19, 2001
(López-Cobos) 2001
CD: CD 80574
CD: SACD 60574

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Turina, Joaquín Sinfonía Sevillana, Op. 23 March 18 & 19, 2001

(López-Cobos) 2001
CD: CD 80574
CD: SACD 60574

Villa-Lobos, Heitor Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4 April 23 & 24, 1995

(López-Cobos) 1995
CD: CD 80393

Villa-Lobos, Heitor Bachianas Brasileiras No. 8 April 23 & 24, 1995

(López-Cobos) 1995
CD: CD 80393

Wagner, Richard Die Fliegende Holländer: Overture August 23, 1994

(López-Cobos) 1994
CD: CD 80379

Wagner, Richard Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: March 1994

Act 1, Prelude 1994
(López-Cobos) CD: CD 80379

Wagner, Richard Faust: Overture March 1994

(López-Cobos) 1994
CD: CD 80379

Wagner, Richard Rienzi: Overture March 1994

(López-Cobos) 1994
CD: CD 80379

Wagner, Richard Tannhäuser: Overture March 1994

(López-Cobos) 1994
CD: CD 80379

Wagner, Richard Tristan und Isolde: March 1994

Prelude and Liebestod 1994
(López-Cobos) CD: CD 80379



Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)

(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

de Abreu, Zequinha Tico Tico No Fuba June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Adam, Adolphe Grand Pas de dux from March 1, 2004

Act II, Giselle 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80625

Addinsell, Richard Warsaw Concerto from Suicide Squadron September 6, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1988
CD: CD 80175

Addison, John Overture to Sleuth October 23 & 24, 1988

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80189

Ahlert, Fred & I’ll Get By (As Long As I Have You) March 8, 1999
Turk, Roy (Kunzel) 2000
Price, J. (arr.) CD: CD 80532

Albéniz, Isaac Fête-Dieu À Séville September 17, 1985;

Stokowski, L. (Transcr.) (Kunzel) May 11, 1986
CD: CD 80128
CD RE: CD 80338

Alder, Richard & Overture to Damn Yankees September 9, 1996;

Ross, Jerry (Kunzel) February 8; September 8, 1997
Kunzel, Erich (arr.) 1998
CD: CD 80468

Alford, Kenneth Colonel Bogey March September 6, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1988
CD: CD 80175
Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Allen, Peter & Love Theme from Flashdance December 15 & 16, 1990
Bacharach, Burt & (Kunzel) 1991
Cross, Christopher CD: CD 80243
Warnaar, Brad (arr.)

Anderson, Leroy A Trumpeter’s Lillaby September 11 & 12, 1989

Severinsen, Doc (soloist) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80223

Anderson, Leroy Concerto for Piano September 14, 1992

and Orchestra in C major 1993
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80112

Anderson, Leroy Sleigh Ride April 9, 1989;

(Kunzel) September 12, 1989;
December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Anderson, Leroy (arr.) The Irish Washerwoman March 12, 2001;

(Kunzel) September 9, 2001
CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Anderson, Leroy (arr.) The Last Rose of Summer March 12, 2001;
(Kunzel) September 9, 2001
CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Anka, Paul March from The Longest Day September 6, 1987;

Hayman, Richard (arr.) (Kunzel) September 13, 1988
CD: CD 80175

Arkin, Alan & Banana Boat Song April 12 & 13, 1992
Carey, Bob & (Kunzel) 1992
Darling, Erik CD: CD 80292
Sebesky, Don (arr.)

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Arlen, Harold & Blue in the Night April 19 & 20, 2002
Mercer, Johnny (Kunzel) 2003
Newsome, Tommy (arr.) CD: CD 80592

Arlen, Harold & Get Happy March 8, 1999

Koehler, Ted (Kunzel) 2000
Price, J. (arr.) CD: CD 80532
Sandke, Randy (soloist)

Arlen, Harold & Over The Rainbow from December 10 & 11, 1994
Harburg, E. Y. The Wizard of Oz 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Arnold, David Finale from Dragonheart June 2 & 3; September 3, 1996

(Kunzel) 1997
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Arnold, David Main Title from Godzilla June 7, 1999

Price, Joe (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80535

Arnold, David Suite from June 2 & 3, 1996;

Dodd, Nicholas (arr.) Independence Day September 3, 1996
(Kunzel) 1997
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Asher, Kenny & Rainbow Connection from December 15 & 16, 1991
Williams, Paul The Muppet Movie 1992
Norris, Lee (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80245

Ashman, Howard & Suite from Aladdin October 15, 1994;

Menken, Alan & (Kunzel) February 1, 1995
Rice, Tim 1995
CD: CD 80381

Ashman, Howard & Suite from Beauty and the Beast October 15, 1994;
Menken, Alan (Kunzel) February 1, 1995
CD: CD 80381

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Ashman, Howard & Suite from The Little Mermaid October 15, 1994;
Menken, Alan (Kunzel) February 1, 1995
CD: CD 80381

Auber, Daniel François Fra Diavolo September 17 & 22, 1985

(Kunzel) 1986
CD: CD 80116

Axton, Hoyt Joy to the World February 28, 1993;

Beck, Crafton (arr.) (Kunzel) March 1, 1993
CD: CD 80315

Aznavour, Charles Yesterday, When I was Young June 3, 1991

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

Bach, J. S. Chaconne September 11 & 12, 1989

Fazzi, Christopher (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80223

Bach, J. S. Little Fugue in G Minor September 17, 1985;

Stokowski, L. (Transcr.) (Kunzel) May 11, 1986
CD: CD 80128
CD RE: CD 80338

Bach, J. S. Napoli-Canzone Napolitana September 11 & 12, 1989

Kunzel, Erich (arr.) Con Variazioni 1990
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80223

Bach, J. S. Toccata & Fugue in D Minor September 17, 1985;

Stokowski, L. (Transcr.) (Kunzel) May 11, 1986
CD: CD 80128
CD RE: CD 80338

Bacharach, Burt & Beware of the Blob from The Blob October 23, 2000
Mack, David (Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Bacharach, Burt & Theme from The Man Who April 9, 1989
David, Hal Shot Liberty Valance 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80191

Backer, Billy & I’d Like to Teach The World To Sing December 15 & 16, 1991
Davis, Billy & (Kunzel) 1992
Greenway, R. CD: CD 80245
Knight, Eric (arr.)

Badalamenti, Angelo Love Theme from Cousins December 15 & 16, 1990
(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80243

Badalamenti, Angelo Waltz from Cousins December 15 & 16, 1990

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80243

Badami, Bob & End Title from The Rock June 7, 1999
Glennie-Smith, Nick & (Kunzel) 2000
Zimmer, Hans CD: CD 80535
Reineke, Steven (arr.)

Ball, Ernest R. & A Little Bit of Heaven March 12; September 9, 2001
Brennan, J. Kiern (Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80571

Barnet, Charlie Skyliner April 19 & 20, 2002

Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) 2003
CD: CD 80592

Barroso, Ary Brazil June 4, 1990

Russell, Bob (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Barry, John All Time High from Octopussy September 10, 1990
Raine, Nic (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Barry, John End Title from The Black Hole September 11 & 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) October 16, 1989
CD: CD 80231

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Barry, John From Russia With Love September 10, 1990

Raine, Nic (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Barry, John Theme from Midnight Cowboy December 13 & 14, 1992
Hayman, Richard (arr.) (Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80319

Barry, John Themes from Dances with Wolves December 13 & 14, 1992
(Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80319

Basie, Count Jumpin’ at the Woodside April 19 & 20, 2002

Price, Joseph (arr.) (Kunzel) 2003
CD: CD 80592

Beal, Joseph & Jingle Bell Rock December 11 & 12, 1999
Boothe, James Ross (Kunzel) 2006
Reineke, Steven (arr.) CD: CD 80538

Beck, Crafton (arr.) & Square Dance Hootenanny! June 3, 1991

Patterson, Paul (arr.) (Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

Beethoven, L. V. Turkish March from “Ruins of Athens” October/November 1977

(Kunzel) 1978
LP: TV 34715
LP: TVS 34715

Bellstedt, Herman Napoli-Canzone Napolitana September 11 & 12, 1989

Fazzi, Christopher (arr.) Con Variazioni 1990
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80223

Bergman, Alan & Nice ‘N’ Easy March 8, 1999

Bergman, Marilyn & (Kunzel) 2000
Spence, Lew CD: CD 80532

Berlin, Irving Blue Skies December 10 & 11, 1994

(Kunzel) 1995
CD: CD 80366

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Berlin, Irving Cheek to Cheek from Top Hat December 10 & 11, 1994
(Kunzel) 1995
CD: CD 80366

Berlin, Irving Let Yourself Go! March 8, 1999

Price, J. (orch.) (Kunzel) 2000
Sandke, Randy (soloist) CD: CD 80532

Berlin, Irving Let’s Face The Music And Dance March 8, 1999
Stephenson, J. III (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80532

Berlin, Irving Puttin’ on the Ritz from December 10 & 11, 1994
Puttin’ on the Ritz 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Berlioz, Hector March to the Scaffold from October 23 & 24, 1988
Symphonie Fantastique 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80189

Berlioz, Hector Pandemonium from October 23 & 24, 1988

The Damnation of Faust 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80189

Berlioz, Hector Rákóczy March October/November 1977

(Kunzel) 1978
LP: TV 34715
LP: TVS 34715

Berlioz, Hector Rákóczy March from September 9 & 17, 1985;

The Damnation of Faust May 11; September 15, 1986;
(Kunzel) November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Berlioz, Hector Roman Carnival Overture May 10 & 11, 2003

(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80595

Bernie, Ben & String of Pearls April 19 & 20, 2002

Casey, Kenneth (Kunzel) 2003
Price, Joseph (arr.) CD: CD 80592

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Bernstein, Elmer End Title / “The Hero” September 9, 1996;

from The Babe February 8, 1997;
(Kunzel) September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Bernstein, Elmer Prelude from December 13 & 14, 1992

The Ten Commandments 1993
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80319

Bernstein, Elmer The Magnificent Seven September 15 & 16, 1986

(Kunzel) 1986
LP: DG 10141
CD: CD 80141
CD: SACD 60141

Bernstein, Elmer Theme from The Sons April 9, 1989

of Katie Elder 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80191

Bernstein, Steven (arr.) Walking in the Air April 9; September 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Bizet, Georges A Carmen Fantasy for Trumpet September 11 & 12, 1989
Proto, Frank (arr.) and Orchestra 1990
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80223

Bizet, Georges Dance Bohemienne from September 3 & 13, 1980

La Jolie Fille de Perth 1983
(Kunzel) LP: D-VCL 9019
CD: MWCD 7127

Bizet, Georges Farandole from L’Arlesienne September 14 & 15, 1987

Suite No. 2 1988
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80170

Bizet, Georges Marche from La Jolie Fille de Perth September 3 & 13, 1980
(Kunzel) 1983
LP: D-VCL 9019
CD: MWCD 7127

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Borodin, Alexander Polovtsian Dances from Prince Igor April 11, 2005
(Kunzel) 2006
CD: CD 80657

Boublil, Alain & Suite from Les Misérables, musical September 14, 1998
Schönberg, Claude-Michel (Kunzel) 1999
CD: CD 80498

Boublil, Alain & Suite from Miss Saigon, musical September 14, 1998
Schönberg, Claude-Michel (Kunzel) 1999
CD: CD 80498

Bowman, Euday 12th Street Rag May 5, 1985; September 6, 1987;

(Kunzel) March 12; December 17, 1990
CD: CD 80112

Bradtke, Hans & Summer Wind March 8, 1999

Mayer, Henry & (Kunzel) 2000
Meier, Heinz & CD: CD 80532
Mercer, Johnny
Reineke, Steven (arr.)

Broughton, Bruce End Title from The Boy September 11 & 12, 1989;
Who Could Fly October 16, 1989
(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80231

Broughton, Bruce Suite from Moonwalker September 11 & 12, 1989;

(Kunzel) October 16, 1989
CD: CD 80231

Broughton, Bruce Themes from Silverado September 15 & 16, 1986

(Kunzel) 1986
LP: DG 10141
CD: CD 80141
CD: SACD 60141

Brown, Nacio Herb & Singin’ in the Rain from December 10 & 11, 1994
Freed, Arthur Hollywood Review of 1929 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Brown, Nacio Herb & You Are My Lucky Star March 8, 1999
Freed, Arthur (Kunzel) 2000
Riddle, Nelson (arr.) & CD: CD 80532
Stephenson, J. III (arr.)
Sandke, Randy (soloist)

Brubeck, Christopher (arr.) Old Dan Tucker June 3, 1991

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

Brumley, Albert I’ll Fly Away February 28; March 1, 1993

Hall, O.D (arr.) & (Kunzel) 1993
Krogstad, Bob (arr.) CD: CD 80315

Bryant, Boudleaux & Rocky Top June 3, 1991

Bryant, Felice (Kunzel) 1991
McGurty, Mark (arr.) CD: CD 80263

Buffet, Jimmy Margaritaville April 12 & 13, 1992

Bambridge, Johnny (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80292

Burke, Johnny & What’s New March 8, 1999

Haggart, Bob (Kunzel) 2000
Riddle, Nelson (arr.) CD: CD 80532

Burwell, Carter Robert and Mary from Rob Roy June 2 & 3, 1996;
(Kunzel) September 9, 1996;
February 8, 1997;
May 20 & 21, 1997
CD: CD 80440

Capizzi, Leonard & The Monster Mash October 23, 2000

Pickett, Bobby (Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Carlos, Wendy & Opening from The Shining October 23, 2000
Elkind, Rachel (Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Carmichael, Hoagy Georgia On My Mind June 8, 1992

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80304

Carmichael, Hoagy I’ll Get Along Without March 8, 1999

Price, J. (orch.) You Very Well 2000
Sandke, Randy (soloist) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80532

Carmichael, Hoagy Stardust June 8, 1992

Sebesky, Don (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80304

Carr, Michael & South of the Border June 4, 1990

Kennedy, Jimmy (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Carr, Wynona “The Ball Game” from Cobb September 9, 1996;

Price, Joe (arr.) (Kunzel) February 8; September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Catalani, Alfredo Ebben?… Ne Andrò Lontano March 12, 1990

from Diva 1990
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80221

Chabrier, Emmanuel España September 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
CASS: D-VCS 9081
LP: D-VCL 9081

Chabrier, Emmanuel España September 14 & 15, 1987

(Kunzel) 1988
CD: CD 80170

Chaplin, Charlie Smile from Modern Times December 13 & 14, 1992
Beck, Crafton (arr.) (Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80319

Charlap, Mark & I Won’t Grow Up from Peter Pan December 15 & 16, 1991
Leigh, Carolyn (Kunzel) 1992
Beck, Craftom (arr.) CD: CD 80245

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Chopin, Frédéric Finale: Grand Valsae Brilliante, Op. 18 March 1, 2004

Dragon, Carmen (arr.) from Les Sylphides 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Churchill, Frank & Medley from Snow White and December 18, 1988
Morey, Larry the Seven Dwarfs 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80196

Churchill, Frank & Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? December 15 & 16, 1991
Ronell, Ann from Silly Symphonies 1992
Bishop, David (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80245

Churchill, Frank & Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? December 18, 1988
Ronell, Ann from Tree Little Pigs 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80196

Clarke, Jeremiah Trumpet Voluntary in D Major September 11 & 12, 1989

Fazzi, Christopher (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80223

Coates, Eric & (By the) Sleepy Lagoon April 12 & 13, 1992
Lawrence, Jack (Kunzel) 1992
Sebesky, Don (arr.) CD: CD 80292
Collins, Philip (soloist)

Cobert, Robert Love Theme from The Winds September 6, 1987;

of War/War and Remembrance September 13, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80175

Cohan, George Over There September 6, 1987;

Bennett, Robert R. (arr.) (Kunzel) September 13, 1988
CD: CD 80175

Colahan, Arthur & Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ra March 12, 2001;

Shannon, James R. (That’s an Irish Lullaby) September 9, 2001
Reineke, Stephen (arr.) (Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Cole, Nat King & Straighten Up and Fly Right April 19 & 20, 2002
Mills, Irving (Kunzel) 2003
Lieb, Dick (arr.) CD: CD 80592

Coleman, Cy & Give a Man Enough Rope from September 14, 1998
Comden, Betty& The Will Rogers Follies, musical 1999
Green, Adolph (Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Coleman, Cy & Hookers’ Ball from September 14, 1998

Gasman, Ira The Life, musical 1999
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Coleman, Cy & You’re Nothing Without Me from September 14, 1998

Zippel, David City of Angels, musical 1999
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Conrad, Con & The Continental from December 10 & 11, 1994
Magidson, Herbert The Gay Divorcee 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Conti, Bill End Credits from September 9, 1996;

Rookie of the Year February 8, 1997;
(Kunzel) September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Conti, Bill For Your Eyes Only September 10, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Conti, Bill Music from The Right Stuff September 15 & 26, 1986;
(Kunzel) November 24, 1986;
May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146

Conti, Bill Theme from Rocky May 10, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 14, 1987
CD: CD 80168

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Copland, Aaron An Outdoor Overture September 22, 1985;

(Kunzel) September 15 & 16, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80117

Copland, Aaron Appalachian Spring September 11, 1989;

(Kunzel) September 9, 1991;
November 1, 1993;
June 6, 1994; October 29, 1995
CD: CD 80339

Copland, Aaron Billy the Kid September 11, 1989;

(Kunzel) September 9, 1991;
November 1, 1993;
June 6, 1994; October 29, 1995
CD: CD 80339

Copland, Aaron Ceremonial Fanfare September 22, 1985;

(Kunzel) September 15 & 16, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80117

Copland, Aaron Fanfare for the Common Man September 11, 1989;
(Kunzel) September 9, 1991;
November 1, 1993;
June 6, 1994; October 29, 1995
CD: CD 80339

Copland, Aaron Fanfare for the Common Man May 10 & 11, 2003
(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80595

Copland, Aaron John Henry: A Railroad Ballad September 22, 1985;

for Orchestra September 15 &16, 1986;
(Kunzel) November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80117

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Copland, Aaron Jubilee Variations September 22, 1985;

(Kunzel) September 15 & 16, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80117

Copland, Aaron Lincoln Portrait September 22, 1985;

(Kunzel) September 15 & 16, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80117

Copland, Aaron Old American Songs, Set 1 September 22, 1985;

(Kunzel) September 15 &16, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80117

Copland, Aaron Quiet City September 11, 1989;

Collins, Philip (soloist) (Kunzel) September 9, 1991; November 1, 1993;
June 6, 1994; October 29, 1995
CD: CD 80339

Copland, Aaron Rodeo September 11, 1989;

(Kunzel) September 9, 1991; November 1, 1993;
June 6, 1994; October 29, 1995
CD: CD 80339

Copland, Aaron The Promise of Living September 22, 1985;

from The Tender Land September 15 & 16, 1986;
(Kunzel) November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80117

Courage, Alexander Star Trek: Main Theme November 21, 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: DG 10094
CD: CD 80094
CD: CD 80383

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Courage, Alexander The Menagerie: Suite September 17, 1984

(original plot for the TV show Star Trek) 1984
(Kunzel) LP: DG 10106
CD: CD 80106
CD: CD 80383

Cropper, Steve & (Sittin’on the) Dock of the Bay April 12 & 13, 1992
Redding, Otis (Kunzel) 1992
Sebesky, Don (arr.) CD: CD 80292

Cross, Christopher Sailing April 12 & 13, 1992

Sebesky, Don (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80292

Darling, Denver & Choo Choo Ch’boogie April 19 & 20, 2002
Gabler, Milt & (Kunzel) 2003
Horton, Vaughn CD: CD 80592
Reineke, Steven (arr.)

Davis, Katherine & Little Drummer Boy December 11 & 12, 1999
Onorati, Henry & (Kunzel) 2006
Simeone, Harry CD: CD 80538
Wendel, Robert (arr.)

Davis, Mac & Sing (Sing a Song) / I Believe in Music December 15 & 16, 1991
Raposo, Joe (Kunzel) 1992
Hayman, Richard (arr.) CD: CD 80245

Debaney, John End Credits June 2 & 3, 1996;

Dechter, Brad (arr.) from Cutthroat Island Sepember 3, 1996
(Kunzel) 1997
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

DeBello, John Theme from Attack of October 23, 2000

the Killer Tomatoes 2002
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Debussy, Claude Clair de Lune September 17, 1985;

Stokowski, L. (Transcr.) (Kunzel) May 11, 1986
CD: CD 80128
CD RE: CD 80338

Debussy, Claude Fêtes from Nocturnes May 10 & 11, 2003

(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80595

Debussy, Claude La Cathédrale Engloutie September 17, 1985;

Stokowski, L. (Transcr.) (Kunzel) May 11, 1986
CD: CD 80128
CD RE: CD 80338

DeLange, Eddie & String of Pearls April 19 & 20, 2002

Gray, Jerry (Kunzel) 2003
Price, Joseph (arr.) CD: CD 80592

Delibes, Léo Airs De Danse from “Lakmé” September 3 & 13, 1980
from “Faust” 1983
(Kunzel) LP: D-VCL 9019
CD: MWCD 7127

Delibes, Léo Cortège de Bacchus from Act III, Sylvia March 1, 2004
from Les Sylphides 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Delibes, Léo Dance of the Nubian Slave Girls September 3 & 13, 1980
from “Faust” 1983
(Kunzel) LP: D-VCL 9019
CD: MWCD 7127

Delibes, Léo Procession of Bacchus October/November 1977

from “Sylvia” 1978
(Kunzel) LP: TV 34715
LP: TVS 34715

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Delibes, Leó Waltz from Act I from Coppélia March 1, 2004

(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80625

Denver, John Calypso April 12 & 13, 1992

Beck, Crafton (arr.) & (Kunzel) 1992
McGurty, Mark (arr.) CD: CD 80292

Denver, John Take Me Home Country Roads June 3, 1991

Knight, Eric (arr.) (Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

DeSylva, B. G. & Avalon April 19 & 20, 2002

Jolson, Al & (Kunzel) 2003
Rose, Vincent CD: CD 80592
Sebesky, Don (arr.)

Diamond, Neil Selections from April 12 & 13, 1992

Holdridge, Lee (arr.) Jonathan Livingston Seagull 1992
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80292

Dietz, Howard & That’s Entertainment! from December 10 & 11, 1994
Schwartz, Arthur The Bandwagon 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Dietz, Howard & You and The Night and The Music March 8, 1999
Schwartz, Arthur (Kunzel) 2000
Stephenson, J. III (arr.) CD: CD 80532

Dodd, Jimmie Mickey Mouse March December 18, 1988

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80196

Doyle, Patrick Opening and Closing November 1; December 12, 1993;

Titles from Henry V January 16, 1994
(Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80342

Dragon, Carmen (arr.) Christmas Waltz April 9; September 12, 1989;

(Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Dragon, Carmen (arr.) Deck The Halls April 9; September 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Dragon, Carmen (arr.) God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen April 9; September 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Dragon, Carmen (arr.) O Tannenbaum April 9; September 12, 1989;

(Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Dragon, Carmen (arr.) The First Noel April 9; September 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Dragon, Cameron (arr.) Turkey in The Straw June 3, 1991

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

Dubin, Al & 42nd Street from 42nd Street December 10 & 11, 1994
Warren, Harry (Kunzel) 1995
CD: CD 80366

Dubin, Al & Lullaby of Broadway from December 10 & 11, 1994

Warren, Harry Gold Diggers of 1935 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Dubin, Al & September in The Rain March 8, 1999

Warren, Harry (Kunzel) 2000
Price, J. (arr.) CD: CD 80532

Dukas, Paul Fanfare to La Péri March 1, 2004

(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Dukas, Paul The Sorcerer’s Apprentice May 4; June 1 & 2, 1985

(Kunzel) 1985
CD: CD 80115

Duncan, Robert Celtic Angels March 12, 2001;

(Kunzel) September 9, 2001
CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Dvořák, Antonín “Song to the Moon” from Rusalka March 12, 1990
(Driving Miss Daisy) 1990
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80221

Ebb, Fred & Gimme Love from September 14, 1998

Kander, John Kiss of the Spider Woman, musical 1999
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Edelman, Randy Finale from Dragonheart June 2 & 3, 1996;

Price, Joe (arr.) (Kunzel) September 3, 1996
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Edelman, Randy Main Theme from Gettysbug June 2 & 3, 1996;

(Kunzel) September 3, 1996
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Edelman, Randy Main Title from Angels in the Outfield September 9, 1996;
Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) February 8, 1997;
September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Edelman, Randy Reunion and Finale June 2 & 3, 1996;

from Gettysburg September 9, 1996;
(Kunzel) February 8, 1997;
May 20 & 21, 1997
CD: CD 80440

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Edelman, Randy & Theme from Mission Impossible June 2 & 3, 1996;
Jones, Trevor (Kunzel) September 3, 1996
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Eidelman, Cliff End Title from Star Trek VI: October 29, 1995
The Undiscovered Country 1996
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80383

Elfman, Danny Crime Spree from Dick Tracy September 10, 1990
(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Elfman, Danny Main Theme from Dick Tracy September 10, 1990
(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Efman, Danny Main Titles from November 1; December 12, 1993;

Beetlejuice January 16, 1994
(Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80342

Elfman, Danny Suite from Batman September 11 & 12, 1989;

(Kunzel) October 16, 1989
CD: CD 80231

Elfman, Danny The Legend Lives / End Theme October 23, 2000
from Sleepy Hollow 2002
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Elfman, Danny Theme from Tales from the Crypt October 23, 2000
(Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Elfman, Danny Themes from Beetlejuice October 23, 2000

(Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Elfman, Danny This is Halloween from October 23, 2000

Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas 2002
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80580

Elfman, Danny Woe, The Darkman, Woe! September 10, 1990

from Darkman 1990
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80251

Elgar, Edward Sir Nimrod from Enigma Variations May 10 & 11, 2003
(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80595

Elgar, Edward Sir Pomp and Circumstance October/November 1977

March No. 1 in D Major 1978
(Kunzel) LP: TV 34715
LP: TVS 34715

Elgar, Edward Sir Pomp & Circumstance September 9 & 17, 1985;
March No. 1 May 11; September 15, 1986;
(Kunzel) November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Eliscu, Edward Carioca June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Ellington, Duke & It Don’t Mean a Thing April 19 & 20, 2002
Mills, Irvnig (If It Ain’t Got That Swing) 2003
Tyzik, Jeff (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80592

Enesco, George Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1 September 14 & 15, 1987

in A Major, Op. 11 1988
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80170

Evans, Dale Prelude from Duel in the Sun April 9, 1989

Newsom, Tommu (arr.) (Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Evans, Ray & Silver Bells December 11 & 12, 1999

Livingston, Jay (Kunzel) 2006
Reineke Steven (arr.) CD: CD 80538

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Everly, Jack (arr.) & A Piper Celebration March 12, 2001;

Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) September 9, 2001
CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Everly, Jack (arr.) & Steps from the Highlands March 12, 2001;
Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) September 9, 2001
CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Fain, Sammy March of the Cards from December 18, 1988

Alice in Wonderland 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80196

de Falla, Manuel Ritual Fire Dance September 14 & 15, 1987

(Kunzel) 1988
CD: CD 80170

de Falla, Manuel Spanish Dance from March 1, 2004

La Vida Breve, Act II Tableau I 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Faltermeyer, Harold Theme from Goldfinger September 10, 1990

Cunliffe, Bill (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Fiedel, Brad Theme from Terminator November 1, 1993;

(Kunzel) December 12, 1993;
January 16, 1994
CD: CD 80342

Fielding, Jerry Theme from The Wild Bunch April 9, 1989

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Fields, Dorothy & A Fine Romance from Swing Time December 10 & 11, 1994
Kern, Jerome The Gay Divorcee 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Flaherty, Stephen Ragtime from Ragtime, musical September 14, 1998

(Kunzel) 1999
CD: CD 80498

Fogerty, John Centerfield September 9, 1996;

Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) February 8, 1997;
September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Forrest, George & The Grand Waltz from September 14, 1998
Wright, Robert Grand Hotel, musical 1999
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Fučík, Julius Entry of the Gladiators October/November 1977

(Thunder and Blazes March) 1978
(Kunzel) LP: TV 34715
LP: TVS 34715

Fučík, Julius Entry of the Gladiators September 9 & 17, 1985;

(Kunzel) May 11; September 15, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Gabler, Milt & Love June 8, 1992

Kaempfert, Bert (Kunzel) 1992
Newsom, Tommy (arr.) CD: CD 80304
Severinsen, Doc (soloist)

Gannon, Kim & I’ll Be Home for Christmas December 11 & 12, 1999
Kent, Walter & (Kunzel) 2006
Ram, Burce CD: CD 80538
Wendel, Robert (arr.)

Garner, Erroll Misty June 8, 1992

Bambridge, John (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80304

Geld, Gary & Walk Him Up from Purlie February 28; March 1, 1993
Joell, Peter (Kunzel) 1993
Beck, Crafton (arr.) CD: CD 80315

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Gershwin, George Blue Monday May 18, 20 & 21, 1997

(World Premiere Recording) 1998
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80434

Gershwin, George Catfish Row: Symphonic Suite September 17, 1985

from “Porgy & Bess” 1987
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80086
CD: CD 80445

Gershwin, George Concerto in F September 17, 1984;

(Kunzel) May 5, 1985;
November 22-24, 1987
CD: CD 80166
CD: CD 80445

Gershwin, George Cuban Overture September 14, 1992

(Kunzel) 1998
CD: CD 80445

Gershwin, George Foggy Day/Strike Up the Band unknown

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34749

Gershwin, George “I Got Rhythm” Variations September 17, 1984;

(Kunzel) May 5, 1985;
November 22-24, 1987
CD: CD 80166
CD: CD 80445

Gershwin, George Mexican Dance November 1, 1993

(Kunzel) 1998
CD: CD 80445

Gershwin, George Nice Work if You Can Get It unknown

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34749

Gershwin, George O Land of Mine May 20, 1997

(world premiere) 1998
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80445

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Gershwin, George Our Love is Here to Stay/ unknown

Love Walked In 1979
(Kunzel) LP: TV 34749

Gershwin, George Overture to: Girl Crazy unknown

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34749

Gershwin, George Overture to: Of Thee I Sing unknown

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34749

Gershwin, George Overture to: Oh, Kay! unknown

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34749

Gershwin, George Overture to: Tiptoes unknown

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34749

Gershwin, George Porgy and Bess February 28, 1993

(selections from Acts I, II & III) 1998
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80434

Gershwin, George Rhapsody in Blue September 17, 1984;

(Original 1924 Version) May 5, 1985;
(Kunzel; Cincinnati Jazz Orchestra) November 22-24, 1987
CD: CD 80166
CD: CD 80445

Gershwin, George “Rialto Ripples” Rag September 17, 1984;

(Kunzel) May 5, 1985;
November 22-24, 1987
CD: CD 80166
CD: CD 80445

Gershwin, George Second Rhapsody for Piano September 14, 1992

and Orchestra 1993
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80112

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Gershwin, George Someone to Watch Over Me June 8, 1992

Bambridge, John (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80304

Gershwin, George & They Can’t Take That Away December 10 & 11, 1994
Gershwin, Ira from Me from Shall We Dance 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Gershwin, George Walking the Dog October 29, 1995

(Kunzel) 1998
CD: CD 80445

Glickman, Fred & Mule Train from Mule Train April 9, 1989
Heath, Hy & (Kunzel) 1989
Lange, Johnny CD: CD 80191
Newsom, Tommy (arr.)

Gliére, Reinhold Russian Sailor’s Dance from March 1, 2004

Act I, The Red Poppy 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Glinka, Mikhail Overture to Russlan and Ludmilla April 11, 2005

(Kunzel) 2006
CD: CD 80657

Gold, Ernest Theme from Exodus May 10, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 14, 1987
CD: CD 80168

Gold, Julie From a Distance February 28, 1993;

Beck, Crafton (arr.) (Kunzel) March 1, 1993
CD: CD 80315

Goldenthal, Elliot Suite from Batman Forever June 2 & 3, 1996;

Snyder, David (arr.) (Kunzel) September 3, 1996
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Goldsmith, Jerry A Busy Man from Star Trek V: September 11 & 12, 1989;
The Final Frontier October 16, 1989
(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80231
CD: CD 80383

Goldsmith, Jerry Alien: Closing Title September 17, 1984

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: DG 10106
CD: CD 80106

Goldsmith, Jerry Badge of Honor / L.A. Confidential June 7, 1999

Price, Joe (arr.) from L.A. Confidential 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80535

Goldsmith, Jerry End Title from Explorers September 11 & 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) October 16, 1989
CD: CD 80231

Goldsmith, Jerry End Title from Twilight Zone: The Movie October 16, 1989
(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80231
CD: CD 80495

Goldsmith, Jerry It’s A Long Road from Rambo September 10, 1990
(First Blood Part Two) 1990
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80251

Goldsmith, Jerry Love Theme from Forever Young June 2 & 3, 1996;
Courage, Alexander (arr.) (Kunzel) September 9, 1996;
February 8, 1997;
May 20 & 21, 1997
CD: CD 80440

Goldsmith, Jerry Main Theme from Rudy June 2 & 3, 1996;

Courage, Alexander (arr.) (Kunzel) September 9, 1996;
February 8, 1997;
May 20 & 21, 1997
CD: CD 80440

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Goldsmith, Jerry Main Theme from October 29, 1995

Star Trek: The Next Generation 1996
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80383

Goldsmith, Jerry Main Theme from Star Trek: Voyager October 29, 1995
(Kunzel) 1996
CD: CD 80383

Goldsmith, Jerry Mail Title / The Parachutes June 7, 1999

Price, Joe (arr.) from Air Force 1 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80535

Goldsmith, Jerry Main Titles from Total Recall November 1, 1993;

(Kunzel) December 12, 1993;
January 16, 1994
CD: CD 80342

Goldsmith, Jerry Star Trek: Main Theme September 17, 1984

(The Movie) 1984
(Kunzel) LP: DG 10106
CD: CD 80106
CD: CD 80383

Goldsmith, Jerry The Carousel from The Haunting October 23, 2000
(Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Goldsmith, Jerry The Generals’ March September 6, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1988
CD: CD 80175

Goldsmith, Jerry The Klingon Battle from September 15 & 26, 1986;
Star Trek I: The Motion Picture November 24, 1986;
(Kunzel) May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146
CD: CD 80383

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Goldsmith, Jerry The Remora from Executive Decision June 2 & 3, 1996;
(Kunzel) September 3, 1996
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Goldsmith, Jerry The Sand Volcano from June 7, 1999

Reineke, Steven (arr.) The Mummy 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80535

Goodwin, Benny & Flying Home April 19 & 20, 2002

Hampton, Lionel (Kunzel) 2003
Price, Joseph (arr.) CD: CD 80592

Goodwin, Benny & Stompin’ at the Savoy April 19 & 20, 2002
Sampson, Edgar & (Kunzel) 2003
Webb, Chick CD: CD 80592
Price, Joseph (arr.)

Goodwin, Ronald Main Theme from The Battle September 6, 1987;

of Britain September 13, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80175

Gordan, Irving Unforgettable June 8, 1992

Bambridge, John (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80304

Gottschalk, Louis & Grand Tarantelle May 5, 1985; September 6, 1987;

Kay, Hershy (Kunzel) March 12; December 17, 1990
CD: CD 80112

Gould, Morton American Salute September 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9081

Gould, Morton Interplay May 5, 1985; September 6, 1987;

(American Concertette March 12; December 17, 1990
for Piano & Orchestra) 1993
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80112

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Gounod, Charles-François Funeral March of a Marionette October 23 & 24, 1988

(Theme from Alfred Hitchcock Presents) 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80189

Grieg, Edvard In The Hall of The Mountain King October 23 & 24, 1988
from Peer Gynt 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80189

Grofe, Ferdé Grand Canyon Suite June 4, 1983;

(Kunzel) May 5, 1985;
September 17, 1985
CD: CD 80086

Grusin, Dave New Hampshire Hornpipe April 12 & 13, 1992

Beck, Crafton (arr.) & from On Golden Pond 1992
Comeione, Matthew (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80292

Guaraldi, Vince & Christmastime Is Here from December 11 & 12, 1999
Mendelson, Lee A Charlie Brown Christmas 2006
Healey, Bruce (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80538

Halvorsen, Johan Entry March of the Boyers September 14 & 15, 1987
(Kunzel) 1988
CD: CD 80170

Hamlisch, Melvin Love Theme from Cousins December 15 & 16, 1990
(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80243

Hamlisch, Melvin The Way We Were December 15 & 16, 1990

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80243

Hamlisch, Melvin Through The Eyes of Love December 15 & 16, 1990
from Ice Castles 1991
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80243

Hanley, James F. Zing Went The Strings (Of My Heart) March 8, 1999
Stephenson, J. III (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80532

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Hansen, Howard Bold Island Suite September 8, 2004

(world premiere recording) 2005
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80649

Hansen, Howard Fanfare for the Signal Corp September 8, 2004

(Kunzel) 2005
CD: CD 80649

Hansen, Howard Suite from Merry Mount September 8, 2004

(Kunzel) 2005
CD: CD 80649

Hansen, Howard Symphony No. 2, Op. 30, September 8, 2004

“Romantic” 2005
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80649

Hardiman, Ronan Celtic dream from March 12; September 9, 2001

Price, Joseph D. (arr.) Lord of the Dance 2002
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Hardiman, Ronan Cry of the Celts from March 12; September 9, 2001
Price, Joseph D. (arr.) Lord of the Dance 2002
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Harline, Leigh When you Wish Upon a Star December 18, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80196

Hart, Lorenz & Lover, from Love Me Tonight December 10 & 11, 1994
Rodgers, Richard (Kunzel) 1995
CD: CD 80366

Hayes, Isaac Theme from Shaft September 10, 1990

Kunzel, Erich (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Hayman, Richard (arr.) American Folk Sing Along June 3, 1991

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Hayman, Richard (arr.) Armed Forces Medley September 6, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1988
CD: CD 80175

Hayman, Richard (arr.) Carol of the Bells April 9, 1989;

(Kunzel) September 12, 1989;
December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Hayman, Richard March Medley September 9 & 17, 1985;

(Kunzel) May 11, 1986;
September 15, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Hayman, Richard Pops Hoe-Down October/November 1977

(Kunzel) 1978
LP: TV 34714

Hayman, Richard Pops Hoedown September 15 & 16, 1986

(Kunzel) 1986
LP: DG 10141
CD: CD 80141
CD: SACD 60141

Hayman, Richard Theme from Goldfinger May 10; September 14, 1987
(Kunzel) 1987
CD: CD 80168

Hayman, Richard Theme from Goldfinger September 10, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Hayman, Richard Western Medley September 15 & 16, 1986

(Kunzel) 1986
LP: DG 10141
CD: CD 80141
CD: SACD 60141

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Hayman, Richard (arr.) When The Saints Go Marching In September 9 & 17, 1985;
(Kunzel) May 11, 1986;
September 15, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Healey, Bruce (arr.) A-B-C Song December 15 & 16, 1991

(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80245

Healey, Bruce (arr.) Chicken Reel June 3, 1991

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

Healey, Bruce (arr.) Holiday Favorites April 9, 1989;

(Kunzel) September 12, 1989;
December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Healey, Bruce (arr.) Mother Goose Medley December 15 & 16, 1991
(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80245

Healey, Bruce (arr.) Oh, Susanna June 3, 1991

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

Healey, Bruce (arr.) Old MacDonald Had A Farm June 3, 1991

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

Henley, Larry & Wind Beneath My Wings June 8, 1992

Silber, Jeff (Kunzel) 1992
Newsom, Tommy (arr.) CD: CD 80304
Severinsen, Doc (soloist)

Henson, Jim & The Muppet Show Theme December 15 & 16, 1991
Pottle, Sam (Kunzel) 1992
Healey, Bruce (arr.) CD: CD 80245

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Herbert, Victor American Fantasia October/November 1977

(Kunzel) 1978
LP: TV 34714

Herbert, Victor Festival March October/November 1977

(Kunzel) 1978
LP: TV 34715

Herman, Jerry We Need a Little Christmas December 11 & 12, 1999

Wendel, Robert (arr.) from Mame 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80538

Hermann, Ralph (arr.) Winter Wonderland April 9; September 12, 1989;

(Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Hernández, Rafael El Cumbanchero June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Hérold, Louis Joseph Zampa September 17 & 22, 1985

(Kunzel) 1986
CD: CD 80116

Herrmann, Bernard Outer Space from September 11, 12 & 16, 1989
The Day the Earth Stood Still 1990
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80231

Herrmann, Bernard Overture from November 1, 1993;

The Seventh Voyage December 12, 1993;
of Sinbad January 16, 1994
(Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80342

Herrmann, Bernard Sleigh Ride from The Devil October 23 & 24, 1988
and Daniel Webster 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80189

Hilliard, Bob & It’s A Small World December 18, 1988

Fain, Sammy (Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80196

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Hirschfelder, David Main Title from Elizabeth June 7, 1999

Stephenson, J. III (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80535

Holdridge, Lee Love Came for Me from Splash April 12 & 13, 1992
(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80292

Holdridge, Lee Main Theme from The Beastmaster September 11 & 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) October 16, 1989
CD: CD 80231

Holdridge, Lee Main Titles from November 1, 1993;

Wizards and Warriors December 12, 1993;
(Kunzel) January 16, 1994
CD: CD 80342

Holdridge, Lee Theme from The Great Whales April 12 & 13, 1992
(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80292

Horner, James Back to Titanic from Titanic June 7, 1999

Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80535

Horner, James Dedicatino and Windsong from June 7, 1999

Price, Joe (arr.) Mighty Joe Young 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80535

Horner, James End Credits June 2 & 3; September 3, 1996

from Braveheart 1997
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Horner, James Epilogue & End Credits from September 15 & 26, 1986;
Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan November 24, 1986;
(Kunzel) May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146
CD: CD 80383

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Horner, James & If We Hold On Together December 15 & 16, 1991

Jennings, Will from The Land Before Time 1992
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80245

Horner, James Main Theme from Star Trek III October 29, 1995
The Search for Spock 1996
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80383

Horner, James Main Themes from Willow November 1, 1993;

(Kunzel) December 12, 1993;
January 16, 1994
CD: CD 80342

Horner, James Main Title from Star Trek II, September 15 & 26, 1986;
The Wrath of Khan November 24, 1986;
(Kunzel) May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146
CD: CD 80383

Horner, James Main Title from The Mask of Zorro June 7, 1999
Price, Joe (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80535

Horner, James Music from Cocoon September 15 & 26, 1986;

(Kunzel) November 24, 1986;
May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146

Horner, James Selections from Field of Dreams September 9, 1996;

(Kunzel) February 8, 1997;
September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Horner, James Suite from Jumanji June 2 & 3, 1996;

Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) September 3, 1996
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Horner, James Themes from Apollo 13 June 2 & 3, 1996;

Price, Joe (arr.) (Kunzel) September 3, 1996
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Horner, James To The Rescue and November 1, 1993;

End Titles from The Rocketeer December 12, 1993;
(Kunzel) January 16, 1994
CD: CD 80342

Howard, James Newton Theme from Grand Canyon December 13 & 14, 1992
(Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80319

Hubbard, Jerry & Westbound and Down from June 3, 1991

Feller, Dick Smokey and the Bandit 1991
Beck, Crafton (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80263

Ibert, Jacques Divertissement November 4, 1991

(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80294

Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Procession of the Sadar from April 11, 2005

Caucasian Sketches 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80657

Ireland, John Epic March September 9 & 17, 1985;

(Kunzel) May 11, 1986;
September 15, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Järnefelt, Armas Praeludium September 14 & 15, 1987

(Kunzel) 1988
CD: CD 80170

Jarre, Maurice End Title from Ghost December 15 & 16, 1990
(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80243

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Jarre, Maurice Tara’s Theme from May 10, 1987;

Gone With the Wind September 14, 1987
(Kunzel) 1987
CD: CD 80168

Jarre, Maurice Theme from Lawrence of Arabia May 10, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 14, 1987
CD: CD 80168

Jobim, Antônio Carlos Desafinado June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Jobim, Antônio Carlos Sailing April 12 & 13, 1992

Beck, Crafton (arr.) & (Kunzel) 1992
Spanler, Julie (arr.) CD: CD 80292

Jobim, Antônio Carlos The Girl from Ipanema June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

John, Elton & Suite from The Lion King October 15, 1994;
Rice, Tim & (Kunzel) February 1, 1995
Zimmer Hans 1995
CD: CD 80381

Jones, Stan Ghost Riders in the Sky from April 9, 1989

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) Ghost Riders in the Sky 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80191

Joplin, Scott Maple Leaf Rag May 5, 1985; September 6, 1987;

(Kunzel) March 12; December 17, 1990
CD: CD 80112

Joplin, Scott The Entertainer May 5, 1985; September 6, 1987;

(Kunzel) March 12; December 17, 1990
CD: CD 80112

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Kabalevsky, Dmitri Galop from The Comedians, Op. 26 March 1, 2004

(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Kálmán, Emmerich Overture fo Countless Mariza February 19 & 20, 2000

(Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80547

Kamen, Michael Main Titles from November 1, 1993;

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves December 12, 1993;
(Kunzel) January 16, 1994
CD: CD 80342

Kamen, Michael Theme from Lethal Weapon September 10, 1990

Cunliffe, Bill (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Kaper, Bronislaw Main Title from Mutiny on December 13 & 14, 1992
McGurty, Mark (arr.) The Bounty 1993
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80319

Kern, Jerome Mark Twain: Portrait for Orchestra October/November 1977

(Kunzel) 1978
LP: TV 34714

Key, Francis Scott & The Star-Spangled Banner September 9, 1996;

Smith, John Stafford (Kunzel) February 8, 1997;
September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Khachaturian, Aram Love Theme from Spartacus April 11, 2005

(Kunzel) 2006
CD: CD 80657

Khachaturian, Aram Sabre Dance September 14 & 15, 1987

(Kunzel) 1988
CD: CD 80170

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Khachaturian, Aram Sabre Dance from Gayane March 1, 2004

(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Kingsley, Gershan & Baroque Hoedown (Theme from December 18, 1988
Perrey, Jean Jacques Disney’s Main Street Electrical Parade) 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80196

Kleinsinger, George Tubby the Tuba 1978

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TC 1623

Korngold, Erich W. Overture from Captain Blood May 10, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 14, 1987
CD: CD 80168

Kunzel, Erich & Horray for the Cincinnati Reds September 9, 1996;
Reineke, Steven (Kunzel) February 8; September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Lanner, Josef Hofball-Tänze Walzer February 19 & 20, 2000

(Court Ball Waltzes), Op. 161 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80547

Lara, Agustín Granada June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Larson, Jonathan Seasons of Love from Rent, musical September 14, 1998
(Kunzel) 1999
CD: CD 80498

Lecuona, Ernesto Siboney June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Legrand, Michael “I Will Wait for You” from December 13 & 14, 1992
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg 1993
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80319

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Legrand, Michael Theme from May 10, 1987;

The Summer of 42’ September 14, 1987
(Kunzel) 1987
CD: CD 80168

Lehár, Franz Ballsirenen Waltzer February 19 & 20, 2000

(Siren of the Dance Waltzes) 2000
from The Merry Widow CD: CD 80547

Lehár, Franz Gold and Silver Waltzes February 19 & 20, 2000
(Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80547

Leigh, Caroline & Young At Heart December 15 & 16, 1991

Richards, Johnny (Kunzel) 1992
Newsom, Tommy (arr.) CD: CD 80245

Lennon, John & All You Need is Love September 10, 2000;
McCartney, Paul (Kunzel) December 7 & 9, 2000
Martin, George (arr.) 2001
CD: CD 80540
CD: SACD 60540

Lennon, John & Eleanor Rigby (orchestral version) September 10, 2000;
McCartney, Paul (Kunzel) December 7 & 9, 2000
Reineke, Steven (arr.) 2001
CD: CD 80540
CD: SACD 60540

Lennon, John & Hey Jude September 10, 2000;

McCartney, Paul (Kunzel) December 7 & 9, 2000
Jackman, Andrew Pryce (arr.) 2001
CD: CD 80540
CD: SACD 60540

Lennon, John & Let it Be September 10, 2000;

McCartney, Paul (Kunzel) December 7 & 9, 2000
Jackman, Andrew Pryce (arr.) 2001
CD: CD 80540
CD: SACD 60540

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Lennon, John & Michelle September 10, 2000;

McCartney, Paul (Kunzel) December 7 & 9, 2000
Hart, Paul (arr.) 2001
CD: CD 80540
CD: SACD 60540

Lennon, John & Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da September 10, 2000;

McCartney, Paul (Kunzel) December 7 & 9, 2000
Reineke, Steven (arr.) 2001
CD: CD 80540
CD: SACD 60540

Lennon, John & Penny Lane September 10, 2000;

McCartney, Paul (Kunzel) December 7 & 9, 2000
Reineke, Steven (arr.) 2001
Collins, Philip (soloist) CD: CD 80540
CD: SACD 60540

Lennon, John & Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band September 10, 2000;
McCartney, Paul (Kunzel) December 7 & 9, 2000
Reineke, Steven (arr.) 2001
CD: CD 80540
CD: SACD 60540

Lennon, John & The Long and Winding Road September 10, 2000;
McCartney, Paul (Kunzel) December 7 & 9, 2000
Hart, Paul (arr.) 2001
CD: CD 80540
CD: SACD 60540

Lennon, John & Yesterday September 10, 2000;

McCartney, Paul (Kunzel) December 7 & 9, 2000
Reineke, Steven (arr.) 2001
CD: CD 80540
CD: SACD 60540

Lerner, Alan Jay & Selections from Brigadoon September/November 1993

Loewe, Frederick (Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80375

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Lerner, Alan Jay & Selections from Camelot September/November 1993

Loewe, Frederick (Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80375

Lerner, Alan Jay & Selections from Gigi September/November 1993

Loewe, Frederick (Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80375

Lerner, Alan Jay & Selections from My Fair Lady September/November 1993
Loewe, Frederick (Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80375

Lerner, Alan Jay & Selections from September/November 1993

Loewe, Frederick Paint Your Wagon 1994
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80375

Liszt, Franz Friska from Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 March 12, 1990
(Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?) 1990
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80221

Liszt, Franz Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 September 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9081

Liszt, Franz Symphonic Poem No. 3: Les Preludes May 4, 1985;

(Kunzel) June 1 & 2, 1985
CD: CD 80115

MacKenzie, Leonard & Chiquita Banana Song June 4, 1990

Wirges, William (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

MacLellan, Gene & Put Your Hand in the Hand / February 28, 1993;
Traditional He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands March 1, 1993
Krogstad, Bob (arr.) (Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80315

Maltby, Richard Jr. & Cross the Line from Big, musical September 14, 1998
Shire, David (Kunzel) 1999
CD: CD 80498

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Mancina, Mark He Lives in You from September 14, 1998

The Lion King, musical 1999
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Mancina, Mark Main Title from Speed June 2 & 3, 1996;

Snyder, David (arr.) (Kunzel) September 3, 1996
CD: CD 80437

Mancina, Mark The House Visit from Twister June 2 & 3, 1996;
Fowler, Bruce (orch.) & (Kunzel) September 3, 1996
Moriarty, Y. S. (orch.) 1997
CD: CD 80437

Mancini, Henry Arctic Whale Hunt from September 13 & 16, 1988
The White Dawn 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry Baby Elephant Walk from Hatari September 13 & 16, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry Drummers Delight September 13 & 16, 1988

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry Finale from Victor/Victoria September 13 & 16, 1988

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry It Had Better Be Tonight from September 13 & 16, 1988
The Pink Panther 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry March from The Great Waldo Pepper September 13 & 16, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry March with Mancini September 13 & 16, 1988

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Mancini, Henry Punch and Judy from Charade September 13 & 16, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry Strings on Fire! September 13 & 16, 1988

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry Symphonic Soul September 13 & 16, 1988

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry The Cowboy from Sunset April 9, 1989

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Mancini, Henry Theme from Breakfast at Tiffany’s September 13 & 16, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry Theme from Hatari September 13 & 16, 1988

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry Theme from Lifeforce September 15 & 26, 1986;

(Kunzel) November 24, 1986;
May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146

Mancini, Henry Theme from Mr. Lucky September 13 & 16, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry Theme from Oklahoma Crude April 9, 1989

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Mancini, Henry Theme from Peter Gunn September 13 & 16, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Mancini, Henry Theme from The Pink Panther September 13 & 16, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Mancini, Henry Theme from The Thorn Birds September 13 & 16, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80183

Manilow, Barry Copacabana June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Mann, Barry On Broadway from September 14, 1998

Smoky Joes Café, musical 1999
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Marquina, Pascual España Cañi June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Marshal, Jack Theme from The Munsters October 23, 2000

(Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Massenet, Jules Aragonaise from “Le Cid” September 3 & 13, 1980
(Kunzel) 1983
LP: D-VCL 9019
CD: MWCD 7127

Massenet, Jules Casilliane from “Le Cid” September 3 & 13, 1980
(Kunzel) 1983
LP: D-VCL 9019
CD: MWCD 7127

McCarthy, Dennis End Title from October 29, 1995

Star Trek: Generations 1996
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80383

McCarthy, Dennis Main Theme from October 29, 1995

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 1996
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80383

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

McCartney, Paul Live and Let Die September 10, 1990

Newsome, Tommy (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

McKennit, Loreena The Mummers’ Dance March 12, 2001;

Price, Joseph D. (arr.) (Kunzel) September 9, 2001
CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Menken, Alan Colors of the Wind June 2 & 3, 1996;

Reineke, Steven (arr.) from Pocahontas September 9, 1996;
(Kunzel) February 8; May 20 & 21, 1997
CD: CD 80440

Menken, Alan Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid April 12 & 13, 1992
(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80292

Mercer, Johnny & On The Atchison, Topeka and December 10 & 11, 1994
Warren, Harry the Santa Fe from The Harvey Girls 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Meyerbeer, Giacomo Cornonation March from October/November 1977

Act IV of “Le Prophète” 1977
(Kunzel) LP: TV 34715

Minkus, Léon Grand Pas de Deux from March 1, 2004

McDermott, William (orch.) Act III, Don Quixote 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Mitchell, Sidney & Sugar (That Sugar Baby O’Mine) April 19 & 20, 2002
Pinkard, Edna & (Kunzel) 2003
Pinkhard, Maceo CD: CD 80592
Reineke, Steven (arr.)

Mizzy, Vic Theme from The Adams Family October 23, 2000
(Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Monterde, Bernardo B. La Virgin de la Macarena June 4, 1990

Severinsen, Doc (soloist) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Moroder, Giorgio Flashdance… What A Feeling December 15 & 16, 1990

Sebesky, Don (arr.) from Flashdance 1991
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80243

Moroder, Giorgio Love Theme from Flashdance December 15 & 16, 1990
Bernstein, Stephen (arr.) (Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80243

Moross, Jerome Big Country September 15 & 16, 1986

(Kunzel) 1986
LP: DG 10141
CD: CD 80141
CD: SACD 60141

Morricone, Ennio Act of Faith from Bugsy June 2 & 3, 1996;

Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) September 9, 1996;
February 8, 1997;
May 20 & 21, 1997
CD: CD 80440

Morricone, Ennio Al Capone from The Untouchables September 10, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Morricone, Ennio Main Theme from The Untouchables September 10, 1990
(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Morricone, Ennio Theme from The Good, The Bad April 9, 1989
and The Ugly 1989
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80191

Moss, Jeffrey People in Your Neighborhood December 15 & 16, 1991

Norris, Lee (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80245

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Mouret, Jean-Joseph Rondeau from Premiere Suite March 12, 1990

de Symphonies (How to Trot & 1990
Masterpiece Theatre) CD: CD 80221

Mussorgsky, Modest Night on Bald Mountain September 17, 1985;

Stokowski, L. (Transcr.) (Kunzel) May 11, 1986
CD: CD 80128
CD RE: CD 80338

Mussorgsky, Modest Night on Bald Mountain October 23 & 24, 1988

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80189

Mussorgsky, Modest Polonaise from Boris Godunov September 3 & 13, 1980
(Kunzel) 1983
LP: D-VCL 9019
CD: MWCD 7127

Mussorgsky, Modest Polonaise from Boris Godunov April 11, 2005

(Kunzel) 2006
CD: CD 80657

Newman, Alfred 20th Century Fox Fanfare May 10; September 14, 1987
(Kunzel) 1987
CD: CD 80168

Newman, Alfred How The West Was Won September 15 & 16, 1986
(Kunzel) 1986
LP: DG 10141
CD: CD 80141
CD: SACD 60141

Newman, Randy Suite from The Natural September 9, 1996;

(Kunzel) February 8; September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Newman, Randy The Time of Your Life from June 7, 1999

Beck, Crafton (arr.) A Bug’s Life 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80535

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) Hark! The Herald Angels Sing April 9; September 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Newsome, Tommy (arr.) Oh Come, All Ye Faithful April 9; September 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) The Christmas Song April 9; September 12, 1989;
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) (Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Norman, Marsha & Lily’s Eyes from September 14, 1998

Simon, Lucy The Secret Garden, musical 1999
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Norman, Monty James Bond Theme September 10, 1990

Raine, Nic (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

North, Alex End Title (The White Horse: into September 11 & 12, 1989;
the Sunset) from Dragonslayer October 16, 1989
(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80231

North, Alex Fanfare for 2001: A Space Odyssey December 13 & 14, 1992
Kunzel, Erich (arr.) (Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80319

Norworth, Jack & Selections from Field of Dreams September 9, 1996;

Tilzer, Albert von (Kunzel) February 8, 1997;
Reineke, Steven (arr.) September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Oddo, John (arr.) White Christmas April 9; September 12, 1989;

(Kunzel) December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Offenbach, Jacques American Eagle Waltz September 3 & 9, 1983

Collins, Philip (soloist) (Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9058
CD: MCD 10022

Offenbach, Jacques Barbe-Bleue June 1978

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34744

Offenbach, Jacques Can-Can from Orpheus in the Underworld March 1, 2004

(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80625

Offenbach, Jacques Concert Rondo in G Major September 3 & 9, 1983

for Cello and Orchestra 1984
(Kunzel) LP: D-VCL 9058
CD: MCD 10022

Offenbach, Jacques D’Ail-Les-Bains Valse September 3 & 9, 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9058
CD: MCD 10022

Offenbach, Jacques Gaîté Parisienne November 4, 1991

(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80294

Offenbach, Jacques Galop from Geneviève de Brabant November 4, 1991

(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80294

Offenbach, Jacques Galop from La Parisienne March 1, 2004

(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80625

Offenbach, Jacques Kakadu June 1978

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34744

Offenbach, Jacques L’Ile De Tulipatan June 1978

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34744

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Offenbach, Jacques La Belle Hélène June 1978

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34744

Offenbach, Jacques La Grande Duchess de Gérolstein June 1978

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34744

Offenbach, Jacques La Vie Parisienne June 1978

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34744

Offenbach, Jacques Les Belles Américaines November 4, 1991

(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80294

Offenbach, Jacques Orpheus in the Underworld June 1978

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TV 34744

Offenbach, Jacques Orpheus in the Underworld September 17 & 22, 1985

(Kunzel) 1986
CD: CD 80116

Offenbach, Jacques Overture to a Grand Orchestra September 3 & 9, 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9058
CD: MCD 10022

Offenbach, Jacques Schüler Polka September 3 & 9, 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9058
CD: MCD 10022

Oldfield, Mike Tubular Bells from The Exorcist October 23, 2000
(Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

de Oliveira, Chico Lambada June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Palmer, Christopher (arr.) Round-Up: Anthology of September 15 & 16, 1986

TV Western Themes 1986
(Kunzel) LP: DG 10141
CD: CD 80141
CD: SACD 60141

Parker, Ray Jr. Theme from Ghostbusters October 23, 2000

(Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Pearson, Johnny Sleepy Shores April 12 & 13, 1992

Beck, Crafton (arr.) & (Kunzel) 1992
McGurty, Mark (arr.) CD: CD 80292

Philips, Stu Battlestar Galactica: Main Theme September 17, 1984

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: DG 10106
CD: CD 80106

Pola, Edward & It’s The Most Wonderful Time December 11 & 12, 1999
Wyle, George of the Year 2006
Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80538

Poledouris, Basil Anvil of Crom from November 1; December 12, 1993;

Conan the Barbarian January 16, 1994
(Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80342

Poledouris, Basil Hymn to Red October November 1; December 12, 1993;

from The Hunt for January 16, 1994
Red October 1994
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80342

Poledouris, Basil Suite from Free Willy June 2 & 3; September 9, 1996;
(Kunzel) February 8; May 20 & 21, 1997
CD: CD 80440

Poledouris, Basil Theme from Lonesome Dove April 9, 1989

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Ponchielli, Amilcare Dance of the Hours from September 3 & 13, 1980
“La Gioconda” 1983
(Kunzel) LP: D-VCL 9019
CD: MWCD 7127

Portal, Otilio del & Sweet and Gentle June 4, 1990

Thorn, George (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Porter, Cole I’ve Got You Under My Skin March 8, 1999

Price, J. (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80532

Porter, Cole I’ve Got You Under My Skin December 10 & 11, 1994
Reineke, Steven (arr.) from Born to Dance 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Porter, Cole Night and Day March 8, 1999

Price, J. (orch.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80532

Porter, Cole What is This Thing Called Love? June 8, 1992

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80304

Previn, Andre Theme from Valley of the Dolls December 13 & 14, 1992
McGurty, Mark (arr.) (Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80319

Prince, Hughie & Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy December 10 & 11, 1994
Raye, Don from Buck Privates 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Price, Joseph D. (arr.) Irish Party in March 12; September 9, 2001

The Third Class from Titanic 2002
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Price, Joseph D. (arr.) Simple Gifts March 12; September 9, 2001

(Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Prokofiev, Sergei March from The Love April 11, 2005

for Three Orange, Op. 33A 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80657

Prokofiev, Sergei Peter and the Wolf 1978

(Kunzel) 1979
LP: TC 1623

Proto, Frank (arr.) Go Tell it on the Mountain April 9, 1989;

(Kunzel) September 12, 1989;
December 17 & 18, 1989
CD: CD 80226

Puccini, Giacomo In Quelle Trine Morbide from October 15, 1990

Manon Lescaut, Act II 1991
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80260

Puccini, Giacomo Medley of Famous Tenor Arias September 11 & 12, 1989
Fazzi, Christopher (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80223

Puccini, Giacomo Nessun Dorma! from Turandot March 12, 1990

(The Witches of Eastwick) 1990
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80221

Puccini, Giacomo Nessun Dorma! from Turandot October 15, 1990

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80260

Puccini, Giacomo O Mio Babbino Caro from Gianni Schicchi March 12, 1990
(A Room With a View) 1990
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80221

Puccini, Giacomo O Mio Babbino Carofrom Gianni Schicchi October 15, 1990
(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80260

Puccini, Giacomo Selections from La Bohème October 15, 1990

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80260

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Puccini, Giacomo Selections from Madama Butterfly October 15, 1990

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80260

Puccini, Giacomo Selections from Tosca October 15, 1990

(Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80260

Puccini, Giacomo Un Bel Dì from Madama Butterfly March 12, 1990

from Gianni Schicchi 1990
(My Geisha) CD: CD 80221

Pugni, Cesare Finale No. 8 from Pas de Quatre March 1, 2004

McDermott, William (orch.) (Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Rabin, Trevor Main Title from Armageddon June 7, 1999

Price, Joe (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80535

Rachmaninoff, Sergei Excerpts from Piano Concerto No. 2 March 12, 1990
(Brief Encounter & more) 1990
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80221

Rachmaninoff, Sergei Prelude Op. 3 No. 2 in C-sharp Minor September 17, 1985;
Stokowski, L. (Transcr.) (Kunzel) May 11, 1986
CD: CD 80128
CD RE: CD 80338

Rainger, Ralph & Thanks for the Memory from December 10 & 11, 1994
Robin, Leo The Big Broadcast of 1938 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80366

Raskin, David The Bad and the Beautiful June 8, 1992

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80304

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Reineke, Steven Casey at the Bat September 9, 1996;

(An American Narrative Tale) February 8, 1997;
(Kunzel) September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Reineke, Steven (arr.) Danny Boy March 12, 2001;

(Kunzel) September 9, 2001
CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Respighi, Ottorino Pines of the Appiano Way May 10 & 11, 2003
from The Pines of Rome 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80595

Reznicek, Emil von Donna Diana September 17 & 22, 1985

(Kunzel) 1986
CD: CD 80116

Riddle, Nelson (arr.) Brother John March 8, 1999

Price, J. (orch.) (Kunzel) 2000
Sandke, Randy (soloist) CD: CD 80532

Riddle, Nelson Route 66 March 8, 1999

Stephenson, J. III (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80532

Rimsky-Korsakov, N. Capriccio Espagnol, Op. 34 April 11, 2005

(Kunzel) 2006
CD: CD 80657

Rimsky-Korsakov, N. Dance of the Tumblers from September 3 & 13, 1980

The Snow Maiden 1983
(Kunzel) LP: D-VCL 9019
CD: MWCD 7127

Rimsky-Korsakov, N. Dance of the Tumblers from May 4, 1985;

The Snow Maiden June 1 & 2, 1985
(Kunzel) 1985
CD: CD 80115

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Rimsky-Korsakov, N. Mlada: Procession of the Nobles May 4, 1985;

(Kunzel) June 1 & 2, 1985
CD: CD 80115

Rimsky-Korsakov, N. The Flight of The Bumblebee September 11 & 12, 1989

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80223

Rio, Chuck Tequila June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Rodgers, Richard & Carousel (Orchestral Suite) September 8 & 9, 1991

Hammerstein, Oscar II (Kunzel) 1992
Walter, Paul (arr.) CD: CD 80278

Rodgers, Richard & Cinderella Waltz from Cinderella September 8 & 9, 1991
Hammerstein, Oscar II (Kunzel) 1992
Bennett, Robert R. (arr.) CD: CD 80278

Rodgers, Richard Five Selections from Victory at the Sea September 6, 1987;
Bennett, Robert R. (arr.) (Kunzel) September 13, 1988
CD: CD 80175

Rodgers, Richard & Flower Drum Song September 8 & 9, 1991

Hammerstein, Oscar II (Orchestral Suite) 1992
Bennett, Robert R. (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80278

Rodgers, Richard & Oklahoma! (Orchestral Suite) September 8 & 9, 1991

Hammerstein, Oscar II (Kunzel) 1992
Bennett, Robert R. (arr.) CD: CD 80278

Rodgers, Richard Slaughter on Tenth Avenue October/November 1977

from On Your Toes 1978
(Kunzel) LP: TV 34714

Rodgers, Richard & South Pacific (Orchestral Suite) September 8 & 9, 1991
Hammerstein, Oscar II (Kunzel) 1992
Bennett, Robert R. (arr.) CD: CD 80278

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Rodgers, Richard & State Fair (Orchestral Suite) September 8 & 9, 1991
Hammerstein, Oscar II (Kunzel) 1992
Bourdon, Rosario (arr.) CD: CD 80278

Rodgers, Richard Suite from The Valiant Years September 6, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1988
CD: CD 80175

Rodgers, Richard The Carousel Waltz October/November 1977

(Kunzel) 1978
LP: TV 34714

Rodgers, Richard & The King and I (Orchestral Suite) September 8 & 9, 1991
Hammerstein, Oscar II (Kunzel) 1992
Bennett, Robert R. (arr.) CD: CD 80278

Rodgers, Richard & The Lady is A Tramp March 8, 1999

Hart, Lorenz (Kunzel) 2000
Reineke, Steven (arr.) CD: CD 80532

Rodgers, Richard & The Sound of Music December 13 & 14, 1987
Hammerstein, Oscar II (Kunzel) 1988
LP: DG 10162
CD: CD 80162

Rodgers, Richard & The Sound of Music (Orchestral Suite) September 8 & 9, 1991
Hammerstein, Oscar II (Kunzel) 1992
Bennett, Robert R. (arr.) CD: CD 80278

Rome, Harold Be Kind To Your Parents from Fanny December 15 & 16, 1991
(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80245

Roseman, Leonard Main Title from Star Trek IV, September 15 & 26, 1986;
The Voyage Home November 24, 1986;
(Kunzel) May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146
CD: CD 80383

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Rosenthal, Laurence Main Titles, Love Theme November 1, 1993;

and End Titles December 12, 1993;
from Clash of the Titans January 16, 1994
(Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80342

Rossini, Gioachino La Danza September 11 & 12, 1989

Kunzel, Erich (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80223

Rossini, Gioachino William Tell September 17 & 22, 1985

(Kunzel) 1986
CD: CD 80116

Rossini, Gioachino William Tell Overture (Finale) September 15 & 16, 1986
(Lone Ranger Theme) 1986
(Kunzel) LP: DG 10141
CD: CD 80141
CD: SACD 60141

Rota, Nino Theme from The Godfather December 13 & 14, 1992
McGurty, Mark (arr.) (Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80319

Rouse, Ervin T. Orange Blossom Special April 9, 1989

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Rózsa, Miklós Fanfare and Entry November 1, 1993;

of the Nobles from El Cid December 12, 1993;
(Kunzel) January 16, 1994
CD: CD 80342

Rózsa, Miklós Parade of the Charioteers from Ben-Hur May 10, 1987;
(Kunzel) September 14, 1987
CD: CD 80168

Rózsa, Miklós Prelude from Ben-Hur December 13 & 14, 1992

(Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80319

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Rózsa, Miklós Suite from Ben-Hur May 15 & 16, 2004 (Orchestra);
Robbin, Daniel (arr.) (Kunzel) October 22, 2004 (Choir)
CD: CD 80631

Rózsa, Miklós Suite from King of Kings May 15 & 16, 2004 (Orchestra);
Robbin, Daniel (arr.) (Kunzel) October 22, 2004 (Choir)
CD: CD 80631

Rózsa, Miklós Suite from Quo Vadis May 15 & 16, 2004 (Orchestra);
Palmer, Chris (compiled) (Kunzel) October 22, 2004 (Choir)
CD: CD 80631

Russell, Willy End Title from Shirley Valentine December 15 & 16, 1990
Palmer, Christopher (arr.) (Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80243

Safan, Craig Main Title from The Last Starfighter September 11 & 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) October 16, 1989
CD: CD 80231

Saint-Saëns, Camille Bacchanale from May 4; June 1 & 2, 1985

Samson and Delilah 1985
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80115

Saint-Saëns, Camille Bacchanale from May 10 & 11, 2003

Samson and Delilah 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80595

Saint-Saëns, Camille Danse Macabre October 23 & 24, 1988

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80189

Schifrin, Lao Theme from June 2 & 3, 1996;

Silvestri, Alan (arr.) Mission Impossible September 3, 1996
(Kunzel) 1997
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Schwartz, Stephen O Bless the Lord My Soul February 28; March 1, 1993
Beck, Crafton (arr.) from Godspell 1993
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80315

Schwartz, Stephen & When you Believe from June 7, 1999

Zimmer, Hans The Prince of Egypt 2000
Stephenson, J. III (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80535

Sherman, Richard & It’s A Small World December 18, 1988

Sherman, Robert (Kunzel) 1989
Whitcomb, Ken (arr.) CD: CD 80196

Sherman, Richard & Medley from Marry Poppins December 18, 1988
Sherman, Robert (Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80196

Sherman, Richard & Medley from The Jungle Book December 18, 1988
Sherman, Robert & (Kunzel) 1989
Terry Gilkyson CD: CD 80196

Shore, Howard May It Be & Themes from September 9 & 13, 2005
The Lord of the Rings: 2006
The Fellowship of the Ring CD: CD 80664
(Kunzel) CD: SACD 60664

Shore, Howard The Hornburg from September 9 & 13, 2005

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80664
CD: SACD 60664

Shore, Howard The Ride of the Rohirrim from September 9 & 13, 2005
The Lord of the Rings: 2006
The Return of the King CD: CD 80664
(Kunzel) CD: SACD 60664

Shostakovich, Dmitri Festive Overture, Op. 96 September 14 & 15, 1987

(Kunzel) 1988
CD: CD 80170

Shostakovich, Dmitri Festive Overture, Op. 96 May 10 & 11, 2003

(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80595

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Shostakovich, Dmitri Polka from The Golden Age, Op. 22 March 1, 2004
(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Sibelius, Jean Finlandia September 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
CASS: D-VCS 9081
LP: D-VCL 9081

Sieczynski, Rudolf Wien, Wien, run du Allein February 19 & 20, 2000
Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Vienna, City of My Dreams) 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80547

Silvestri, Alan Back to the Future September 15 & 26, 1986;

(Kunzel) November 24, 1986;
May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146

Silvestri, Alan End Credits from Contact June 7, 1999

Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80535

Silvestri, Alan End Credits from June 2 & 3, 1996;

Grumpier Old Men September 9, 1996;
(Kunzel) February 8; May 20 & 21, 1997
CD: CD 80440

Silvestri, Alan End Titles from The Abyss November 1, 1993;

(Kunzel) December 12, 1993;
January 16, 1994
CD: CD 80342

Simon, Paul Bridge Over Troubled Water February 28, 1993;

Neufeld, Don (arr.) (Kunzel) March 1, 1993
CD: CD 80315

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Skylar, Sunny & Bésame Mucho June 4, 1990

Velázquez, Consuelo (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Snow, Mark Threnody in X from The X-Files June 7, 1999

Price, Joe (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80535

Sondheim, Stephen Children Will Listen from September 14, 1998

Into the Woods, musical 1999
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Sondheim, Stephen Sooner or Later (I Always Get December 15 & 16, 1990
Newsom, Tommy (arr.) My Man) from Dick Tracy 1991
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80243

Sousa, John Philip La Reine de la Mer March 29, 1982

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Sousa, John Philip Myrrha Gavotte March 29, 1982

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Sousa, John Philip Peaches and Cream Foxtrot March 29, 1982
(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Sousa, John Philip Prelude to El Capitán March 29, 1982

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Sousa, John Philip Presidential Polonaise March 29, 1982

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Sousa, John Philip Semper Fidelis March 29, 1982

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Sousa, John Philip The Gliding Girl Tango March 29, 1982
(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Sousa, John Philip The High School Cadets March 29, 1982
(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Sousa, John Philip The National Game September 9, 1996;

Kunzel, Erich (orch.) (Kunzel) February 8, 1996;
September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468

Sousa, John Philip The Stars and Stripes Forever October/November 1977
(Kunzel) 1978
LP: TV 34714

Sousa, John Philip The Stars and Stripes Forever March 29, 1982
(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Sousa, John Philip The Stars and Stripes Forever September 9 & 17, 1985;
(Kunzel) May 11, 1986;
September 15, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Sousa, John Philip The Thunderer March 29, 1982

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Sousa, John Philip The Washington Post March 29, 1982

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Sousa, John Philip Waltz from “Désirée” March 29, 1982

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9063
CD: MCD 10005

Spivery, William Operator February 28; March 1, 1993

Shaw, Kirby (arr.) (Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80315

Staigers, Del (arr.) Carnival of Venice, September 11 & 12, 1989

Fazzi, Christopher (orch.) Fantasia Brillante 1990
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80223

Steiner, Max Casablanca Suite September 6, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1988
CD: CD 80175

Steiner, Max Tara’s Theme from Gone With the Wind May 10, 1987;
(Kunzel) September 14, 1987
CD: CD 80168

Stevens, Leith Prelude from War of the Worlds September 11 & 12, 1989;
(Kunzel) October 16, 1989
CD: CD 80231

Stolz, Robert Zwei Herzen im Dreivierteltakt February 19 & 20, 2000

Reinke, Steven (arr.) (Two Hears in Three-Quarter Time) 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80547

Sraus, Oscar Walzerträume (Waltz Dreams) February 19 & 20, 2000

Kunzel, Erich (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80547

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Strauss, Eduard Bahn Frei Polka, Op. 45 June 2 & 3, 1984

(Kunzel) 1985
LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Eduard Mit Dampf, Polka Schnell February 19 & 20, 2000
(At Full Steam, Fast Polka), Op. 70 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80547

Strauss, Eduard Non-Stop Fast Polka, Op. 112 November 4, 1991;

(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Jr. Artists Quadrille, Op. 201 November 4, 1991;

(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Jr. Auf de Jagd Polka, Op. 373 June 2 & 3, 1984
(Kunzel) 1985
LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Johann Jr. Banditen Galop, Op. 378 June 2 & 3, 1984
(Kunzel) 1985
LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Johann Jr. Champagne Polka, Op. 211 June 2 & 3, 1984
(Kunzel) 1985
LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Johann Jr. Chit-Chat Fast Polka, Op. 214 November 4, 1991;
(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Strauss, Johann Jr. Click-Clack Galop, Op. 466 November 4, 1991;

(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Jr. Egyptian March, Op. 335 November 4, 1991;

(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Jr. Emperor’s Waltzes, Op. 437 November 4, 1991;

(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Jr. Explosions Polka, Op. 43 June 2 & 3, 1984

(Kunzel) 1985
LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Johann Jr. Frühlingsstimmen Waltzer February 19 & 20, 2000

(Voices of Spring Waltzes) 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80547

Strauss, Johann Jr. Im Krapfenwad’l Polka, Op. 336 June 2 & 3, 1984
Kunzel, Erich (arr.) (Kunzel) 1985
LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Johann Jr. Im Sturmschritt, Polka Schnell February 19 & 20, 2000
(At the Double, Fast Polka), Op. 348 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80547

Strauss, Johann Jr. Jäger Polka (Huntsman Polka), Op. 229 February 19 & 20, 2000
Kunzel, Erich (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80547

Strauss, Johann Jr. Jubelfest March October/November 1977

(Kunzel) 1978
LP: TV 34715
LP: TVS 34715

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Strauss, Johann Jr. Jubilee Festival March, Op. 396 November 4, 1991;
(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Jr. Magic Bullets Fast Polka, Op. 326 November 4, 1991;
(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Jr. Nachtigall Polka February 19 & 20, 2000

(Nightingale Polka), Op. 222 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80547

Strauss, Johann Jr. On The Beautiful Blue Danube June 2 & 3, 1984
(from 2001: A Space Odyssey) 1984
(Kunzel) LP: DG 10098
LP: DG 10106
CD: CD 80098
CD: CD 80106

Strauss, Johann Jr. Overture to Die Fledermaus February 19 & 20, 2000
(Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80547

Strauss, Johann Jr. Overture to The Gypsy Baron February 19 & 20, 2000
(Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80547

Strauss, Johann Jr. Perpetual Motion, 257 November 4, 1991;

(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Jr. & Pizzicato Polka June 2 & 3, 1984

Strauss, Josef (Kunzel) 1985
LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Johann Jr. Rákóczy March October/November 1977

(Kunzel) 1978
LP: TV 34715

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Strauss, Johann Jr. Studenten Polka February 19 & 20, 2000

Kunzel, Erich (arr.) (Student’s Polka), Op. 263 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80547

Strauss, Johann Jr. Tales from the Vienna Woods June 2 & 3, 1984
Waltz, Op. 325 1985
(Kunzel) LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Johann Jr. Unter Donner und Blitz Polka June 2 & 3, 1984
(Kunzel) 1985
LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Johann Jr. Wiener Blut September 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
CASS: D-VCS 9081
LP: D-VCL 9081

Strauss, Johann Jr. Wine, Women and Song Waltzes, Op. 333 November 4, 1991;
(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Jr. Wiplash Polka, Op. 60 November 4, 1991;

(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Sr. Chinese Galop, Op. 20 November 4, 1991;

(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Johann Sr. Radetzky March, Op. 228 June 2 & 3, 1984
(Kunzel) 1985
LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Johann Sr. Radetzky March, Op. 228 February 19 & 20, 2000
(Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80547

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Strauss, Josef Chatterbox Fast Polka, Op. 245 November 4, 1991;

(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Josef Feuerfest Polka, Op. 69 June 2 & 3, 1984

(Kunzel) 1985
LP: DG 10098
CD: CD 80098

Strauss, Josef Jockey Fast Polka, Op. 278 November 4, 1991;

(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Josef Music of the Spheres Waltzes, Op. 235 November 4, 1991;
(Kunzel) November 2, 1992
CD: CD 80314

Strauss, Richard Introduction to Also Spracht Zarathustra September 17, 1984

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: DG 10106
CD: CD 80106

Stravinsky, Igor Finale from The Firebird March 1, 2004

(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80625

Strayhorn, Billy Lush Life June 8, 1992

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80304

Suk, Josef Towards A New Life, Op. 35c September 9 & 17, 1985;
(Kunzel) May 11; September 15, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Suppé, Franz von Light Cavalry September 17 & 22, 1985

(Kunzel) 1986
CD: CD 80116

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Suppé, Franz von Poet and Peasant September 17 & 22, 1985
(Kunzel) 1986
CD: CD 80116

Tatsuo, Takai Astro Boy March December 15 & 16, 1991

(Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80245

Tchaikovsky, P.E. 1812 Overture, Op. 49 September 22, 1998;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1999
CD: CD 80541
DVD-Audio: DVD-A 70541

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Capriccio Italien, Op. 45 September 22, 1998;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1999
CD: CD 80541
CD: SACD 60541
DVD-Audio: DVD-A 70541

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Coronation March for October/November 1977

Alexander III 1978
(Kunzel) LP: TV 34715

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Coronation March for September 9 & 17, 1985;

Czar Alexander III May 11, 1986;
(Kunzel) September 15, 1986
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Cossack Dance from Mazeppa September 22, 1998;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1999
CD: CD 80541
DVD-Audio: DVD-A 70541

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Hungarian Dance (Czardas) April 11, 2005

from Swan Lake 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80657

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Festival Coronation March September 22, 1998;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1999
CD: CD 80541
DVD-Audio: DVD-A 70541

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Garland Waltz from March 1, 2004

Act I, Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Marche Slave September 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: D-VCL 9081

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Marche Slave September 14 & 15, 1987

(Kunzel) 1988
CD: CD 80170

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Marche Slave September 22, 1998;

(Kunzel) September 13, 1999
CD: CD 80541
DVD-Audio: DVD-A 70541

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Nutcracker (favorite selections) September 11, 2006

(Kunzel) 2007
CD: CD 80674

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Polonaise from Eugene Onegin, Op. 24 September 22, 1998;
(Kunzel) September 13, 1999
CD: CD 80541
DVD-Audio: DVD-A 70541

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Russian Dance (Trepak) from April 11, 2005

The Nutcracker, Op. 71 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80657

Tchaikovsky, P.E Waltz from Act I, Swan Lake, Op. 20 March 1, 2004
(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80625

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Waltz from Eugene Onegin September 3 & 13, 1980
(Kunzel) 1983
LP: D-VCL 9019
CD: MWCD 7127

Tchaikovsky, P.E. Waltz from Eugene Onegin, Op. 24 September 22, 1998;
(Kunzel) September 13, 1999
CD: CD 80541
DVD-Audio: DVD-A 70541

Tchaikovsky, P. E. Waltz of the Flowers from March 1, 2004

Act II, The Nutcracker, Op. 71 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80625
CD: SACD 60625

Temperton, Rod Thriller (with SFX) October 23, 2000

(Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80580
CD: SACD 60580

Theodorakis, Mikis Theme from Zorba the Greek December 13 & 14, 1992
Beck, Crafton (arr.) (Kunzel) 1993
Patterson, Paul (arr.) CD: CD 80319

Tiomkin, Dimitri Buggy Ride from Duel in the Sun April 9, 1989
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Tiomkin, Dimitri Gunfight at the OK Corral September 15 & 16, 1986

(Kunzel) 1986
LP: DG 10141
CD: CD 80141

Tiomkin, Dimitri Prelude from Duel in the Sun April 9, 1989

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Tiomkin, Dimitri Prelude from Giant April 9, 1989

(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Tiomkin, Dimitri The I Love December 13 & 14, 1992

Beck, Crafton (arr.) & from Friendly Persuasion 1993
Palmer, Christopher (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80319

Torme, Mel & The Christmas Song December 11 & 12, 1999
Wells, Robert (Kunzel) 2006
Stephenson, James (arr.) CD: CD 80538

Traditional Amazing Grace February 28; March 1, 1993

Renzi, Mike (arr.) (Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80315

Traditional Amen! February 28; March 1, 1993

Healey, Bruce (arr.) (Kunzel) 1993
CD: CD 80315

Traditional Caroling Fun, Medley December 11 & 12, 1999

Healey, Bruce (arr.) (Kunzel) 2006
CD: CD 80538

Traditional & Cielito Lindo June 4, 1990

Fernandez, Carlos (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Traditional Honor, Honor / Do Lord February 28, 1993;

Krogstadt, Bob (arr.) (Kunzel) March 1, 1993
CD: CD 80315

Traditional Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho February 28, 1993;

Healey, Bruce (arr.) (Kunzel) March 1, 1993
CD: CD 80315

Traditional Mexican Hat Dance June 4, 1990

(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80235

Traditional Sea Chanteys April 12 & 13, 1992

Knight, Eric (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80292

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Traditional Sing with us of Christmas, Medley December 11 & 12, 1999

Healey, Bruce (arr.) (Kunzel) 2006
CD: CD 80538

Traditional Swing Low / Swing Down February 28, 1993;

Taylor, Steven (arr.) & (Kunzel) March 1, 1993
Hard, Don (arr.) 1993
CD: CD 80315

Trenet, Charles Beyond the Sea April 12 & 13, 1992

Sebesky, Don (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
CD: CD 80292

Vangelis Theme from Chariots of Fire May 10, 1987;

(Kunzel) September 14, 1987
CD: CD 80168

Various composers Cowboy Songs April 9, 1989

Brubeck, Christopher (arr.) (Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Various composers Disney Fantasy Medley December 18, 1988

Healey, Bruce (arr.) & (Kunzel) 1989
Whitcomb, Ken (arr.) CD: CD 80196

Various composers Medly of Famous Cartoon Themes December 15 & 16, 1991
Hayes, Jack (arr.) & (Kunzel) 1992
Healy, Bruce (arr.) & CD: CD 80245
Hill, J. (arr.)

Various composers Medley of TV Adventure Themes September 10, 1990

Hayman, Richard (arr.) (Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80251

Various composers Medley of TV Western Themes April 9, 1989

Hayman, Richard (arr.) (Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80191

Various composers TV Down on The Farm June 3, 1991

Healey, Bruce (arr.) (Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Verdi, Guiseppe Finale - Act III from Falstaff January 17 & 18, 1994
(Kunzel) 1995
CD: CD 80364

Verdi, Guiseppe Grand March from Act II, Aida May 10 & 11, 2003
(Kunzel) 2004
CD: CD 80595

Verdi, Guiseppe Selections from Aida January 17 & 18, 1994

(Kunzel) 1995
CD: CD 80364

Verdi, Guiseppe Selections from Il Trovatore January 17 & 18, 1994

(Kunzel) 1995
CD: CD 80364

Verdi, Guiseppe Selections from La Traviata January 17 & 18, 1994

(Kunzel) 1995
CD: CD 80364

Verdi, Guiseppe Selections from Rigoletto January 17 & 18, 1994

(Kunzel) 1995
CD: CD 80364

Verdi, Guiseppe Triumphal March from Act II October/November 1977

from Aida 1978
(Kunzel) LP: TV 34715
LP: TVS 34715

Verdi, Guiseppe “Va, Penziero” - Act III January 17 & 18, 1994
from Nabucco 1995
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80364

Wagner, Josef Franz Under The Double Eagle September 9 & 17, 1985;
(Kunzel) May 11; September 15, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Wagner, Richard Ride of the Valkyries September 14 & 15, 1987

(Kunzel) 1988
CD: CD 80170

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Waldteufel, Émile À Toi Waltz unknown

(Kunzel) 1983
CD: VU 9009

Waldteufel, Émile Bella Bocca Polka unknown

(Kunzel) 1983
CD: VU 9009

Waldteufel, Émile Bella Mazurka unknown

(Kunzel) 1983
CD: VU 9009

Waldteufel, Émile España Waltz unknown

(Kunzel) 1983
CD: VU 9009

Waldteufel, Émile Estudiantina Waltz unknown

Collins, Philip (soloist) (Kunzel) 1983
CD: VU 9009

Waldteufel, Émile Grande Vitesse Galop unknown

(Kunzel) 1983
CD: VU 9009

Waldteufel, Émile Les Sirènes Waltz unknown

(Kunzel) 1983
CD: VU 9009

Waldteufel, Émile Nuée d’Oiseaux Polka unknown

(Kunzel) 1983
CD: VU 9009

Warbeck. Stephen Main Title from Shakespeare In Love June 7, 1999

Price, Joe (arr.) (Kunzel) 2000
CD: CD 80535

Waxman, Franz The Bride of Frankenstein October 23 & 24, 1988

Bernstein, Steven (orch.) (Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80189

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Waxman, Franz The Furies Suite September 15 & 16, 1986

(Kunzel) 1986
LP: DG 10141
CD: CD 80141
CD: SACD 60141

Webber, Andrew Lloyd Any Dream Will Do from June 4 & 5, 1995
Reineke, Steven (arr.) Joseph and the Amazing 1996
Technicolor Dreamcoat CD: CD 80405

Webber, Andrew Lloyd Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina from Evita June 4 & 5, 1995
Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) 1996
CD: CD 80405

Webber, Andrew Lloyd Memory from Cats June 8, 1992

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80304

Webber, Andrew Lloyd Memory from Cats June 4 & 5, 1995

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) (Kunzel) 1996
CD: CD 80405

Webber, Andrew Lloyd Music of the Night from June 8, 1992

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) Phantom of the Opera 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80304

Webber, Andrew Lloyd Overture to The Phantom of The Opera October 23 & 24, 1988
(Kunzel) 1989
CD: CD 80189

Webber, Andrew Lloyd Selections from June 4 & 5, 1995

Beck, Crafton (arr.) Jesus Christ Superstar 1996
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80405

Webber, Andrew Lloyd Selections from Sunset Boulevard June 4 & 5, 1995
Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) 1996
CD: CD 80405

Webber, Andrew Lloyd Selections from The Phantom June 4 & 5, 1995
Beck, Crafton (arr.) of the Opera 1996
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80405

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Webber, Andrew Lloyd You Must Love Me from Evita June 2 & 3, 1996;
Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) September 9, 1996;
February 8, 1997;
May 20 & 21, 1997
CD: CD 80440

Weill, Kurt Speak Low June 8, 1992

Newsom, Tommy (arr.) (Kunzel) 1992
Severinsen, Doc (soloist) CD: CD 80304

Weinberger, Jaromír Fugue from May 4; June 1 & 2, 1985

Schwanda the Bagpiper 1985
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80115

Weinberger, Jaromír Polka from May 4, 1985;

Schwanda the Bagpiper June 1 & 2, 1985
(Kunzel) 1985
CD: CD 80115

Weinberger, Jaromír Polka and Fugue from May 10 & 11, 2003
Schwanda the Bagpiper 2004
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80595

Whelan, Bill The Countless Cathleen March 12, 2001;

from Riverdance on Broadway September 9, 2001
(Kunzel) 2002
CD: CD 80571
CD: SACD 60571

Wildhorn, Frank Into the Fire from September 14, 1998

The Scarlet Pimpernel, musical 1999
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Wildhorn, Frank This is the Moment from September 14, 1998

Jekyll & Hyde, musical 1999
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80498

Williams, Hank Hey, Good Lookin’ June 3, 1991

Reynolds, Dick (arr.) (Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80263

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Williams, John Across the Stars from Star Wars September 9 & 13, 2005
Episode II: Attack of the Clones 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80664
CD: SACD 60664

Williams, John Aunt Marge’s Walts from September 9 & 13, 2005
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80664
CD: SACD 60664

Williams, John Battle of the Heroes from Star Wars September 9 & 13, 2005
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80664
CD: SACD 60664

Williams, John Cantina Band September 11 & 12, 1989;

from Star Wars October 16, 1989
(Kunzel) 1990
CD: CD 80231

Williams, John Cantina Band from Star Wars September 9 & 13, 2005
Episode IV: A New Hope 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80664
CD: SACD 60664

Williams, John Close Encounters of the November 21, 1983

Third Kind: Main Theme 1984
(Kunzel) LP: DG 10094
CD: CD 80094
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John Dorinda Solo Flight February 8; September 8, 1997;

from Always June 21, 1998;
(Kunzel) September 13 & 14, 1998
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John Duel of the Fates from September 9 & 13, 2005
Star Wars Episode I: The Fantom Menace 2006
(Kunzel & Porco) CD: CD 80664
CD: SACD 60664

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Williams, John E.T.: The Bicycle Chase November 21, 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: DG 10094
CD: CD 80094
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John E.T.: The Departure November 21, 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: DG 10094
CD: CD 80094

Williams, John Escape from Venice from September 11, 1989

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade 1990
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80231
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John Harry’s Wondrous World from September 9 & 13, 2005
Harry Potter and the the Sorcerer’s Stone 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80664
CD: SACD 60664

Williams, John Hymn to The Fallen from February 8; September 8, 1997;

Saving Private Ryan June 21, 1998;
(Kunzel) September 13 & 14, 1998
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John Main Theme from Star Wars September 9 & 13, 2005
Episode IV: A New Hope 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80664
CD: SACD 60664

Williams, John Main Themes from Hook December 12, 1993

(Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80342
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John Main Themes from Jurassic Park November 1, 1993

(Kunzel) 1994
CD: CD 80342
CD: CD 80495

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Williams, John Main Title from Star Wars: June 7, 1999

The Phantom Menace / The Flag Parade 2000
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80535

Williams, John Main Title from February 8, 1997;

Price, Joseph (arr.) Sugarland Express September 8, 1997;
(Kunzel) June 21; September 13 & 14. 1998;
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John March from 1941 February 8, 1997;

(Kunzel) September 8, 1997;
June 21; September 13 & 14, 1998
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John Music from Space Camp September 15 & 26, 1986;
(Kunzel) November 24, 1986;
May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146

Williams, John Olympic Fanfare September 9 & 17, 1985;

(Kunzel) May 11, 1986;
September 15, 1986;
November 24, 1986
CD: CD 80122

Williams, John Parade of the Ewoks from September 15 & 26, 1986;
Return of the Jedi November 24, 1986;
(Kunzel) May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146

Williams, John Parade of the Slave Children from February 8, 1997;

Price, Joseph (arr.) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom September 8, 1997;
(Kunzel) June 21, 1998;
September 13 & 14, 1998
CD: CD 80495

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Williams, John Precious Moments from Home Alone December 11 & 12, 1999
Price, Joseph (arr.) (Kunzel) 2006
CD: CD 80538

Williams, John Princess Leia from Star Wars September 9 & 13, 2005
Episode IV: A New Hope 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80664
CD: SACD 60664

Williams, John Raiders of the Lost Ark: November 21, 1983

The Raiders’ March 1984
(Kunzel) LP: DG 10094
CD: CD 80094
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John Star Wars: Main Title November 21, 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: DG 10094
CD: CD 80094

Williams, John Star Wars: Throne Room & End Title September 17, 1984
(Kunzel) 1984
LP: DG 10106
CD: CD 80106

Williams, John Superman: Love Theme September 17, 1984

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: DG 10106
CD: CD 80106

Williams, John Superman: Theme November 21, 1983

(Kunzel) 1984
LP: DG 10094
CD: CD 80094

Williams, John The Chamber of Secrets from September 9 & 13, 2005
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80664
CD: SACD 60664

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Williams, John The Empire Strikes Back: November 21, 1983

The Imperial March 1984
(Kunzel) LP: DG 10094
CD: CD 80094

Williams, John The Imperial March from September 9 & 13, 2005
Star Wars Episode V: 2006
The Empire Strikes Back CD: CD 80664
(Kunzel) CD: SACD 60664

Williams, John The Long Road to Justice from Amistad February 8, 1997;
Collins, Philip (Soloist) (Kunzel) September 8, 1997;
June 21, 1998;
September 13 & 14, 1998
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John The Planet Krypton from Superman I September 15 & 26, 1986;
(Kunzel) November 24, 1986;
May 10, 1987
CD: CD 80146

Williams, John Theme from Jaws September 14, 1987

(Kunzel) 1987
CD: CD 80168
CD: CD 80495

Williams, John Toy Planes, Home and Hearth February 8, 1997;

from Empire of the Sun September 8, 1997;
(Kunzel) June 21, 1998;
September 13 & 14, 1998
CD: CD 80495

Williams, Paul Evergreen from A Star is Born December 15 & 16, 1990
Newsom, Tommy (arr.) (Kunzel) 1991
CD: CD 80243

Willson, Meredith It’s Beginning to Look a lot December 11 & 12, 1999
Reineke, Steven (arr.) like Christmas 2006
(Kunzel) CD: CD 80538

Composer Composition Album Recording Date(s)
(Conductor) Release Date
Album Information

Withers, Bill Lean on Me February 28, 1993;

Knight, Eric (arr.) (Kunzel) March 1, 1993
CD: CD 80315

Yeston, Maury Godspeed from Titanic, musical September 14, 1998

(Kunzel) 1999
CD: CD 80498

Yeston, Maury The Latest Rag from Titanic, musical September 14, 1998
(Kunzel) 1999
CD: CD 80498

Young, Victor Theme from Around The World December 13 & 14, 1992
Beck, Crafton (arr.) in 80 Days 1993
McGurty, Mark (arr.) (Kunzel) CD: CD 80319

Zimmer, Hans Roll Tide from June 2 & 3, 1996;

Reineke, Steven (arr.) Crimson Tide September 3, 1996
(Kunzel) 1997
CD: CD 80437
CD: CD 80437-DTS

Zimmer, Hans “The Final Game” from A League of Their Own September 9, 1996;
Reineke, Steven (arr.) (Kunzel) February 8, 1997;
September 8, 1997
CD: CD 80468



Composer Album Title Recording Date(s)

Composition Release Date
(Conductor) Album Information

French Recital Music for Trumpet

Douglas Lindsay – Trumpet (solo CD)

Tomasi, Henri Trio Pour Trois Trompettes 1995

CD: CD 32001

German and English Music of the Late Renaissance for Brass

The Eastman Brass Quintet

Ferrabosco, Alfonso II Four Note Pavan September 23 & 24, 1967

Gibbons, Orlando In Nomine 1968 or 1969
Holburn, Anthony Galliard LP: CE 31004
O’Koever, John Fantasie LP: TV 37071S
Scheidt, Samuel Benedicamus Domino CD: ACD 8154
Scheidt, Samuel Canzona Aechiopicam
Scheidt, Samuel Canzona Bergamasca
Scheidt, Samuel Canzona Gallicum
Scheidt, Samuel Galliard Battaglia
Scheidt, Samuel Wendet euch um irh Äderlein
Simmes, William Fantasie
Weelkes, Thomas As Wanton Birds
Weelkes, Thomas Death Hath Deprived Me
Weelkes, Thomas In The Pride of May
Weelkes, Thomas O Care, Thou Will Despatch Me
Weelkes, Thomas Sit Down and Sing

National Arts Centre Orchestra

Eckhardt-Gramatté, S.C. Triple Concerto for unknown

Bassoon, Clarinet and Trumpet 1976/1985/1999
(Bernardi) LP: CBC SM 272
CD: ACM 21
CD: PMB 303



Bb trumpet: Vincent Bach Stradivarius; medium-large bore

#37 bell; silver plated

C Trumpet: Vincent Bach Stradivarius; large bore

25H leadpipe; #229 bell; silver plated

D Trumpet: Yamaha

Eb Trumpet: Schilke; E 3-L (two bells)

A/Bb Piccolo Trumpet: Schilke; P5-4; silver plated

Cornet Bach

Rotary Trumpet: Monke C

Mouthpieces: Vincent Bach 1C, 24 throat, 24/symphonic backbore

(Bb/C trumpets)

Vincent Bach 7C and 7E (piccolo trumpet)

Mutes: Dennis Wick Aluminum Straight Mute:

For loud passages which require penetration, i.e. R. Strauss’ Ein
Heldenleben and O. Respighi’s Pines of Rome

Vincent Bach Black Plastic/Rubber Straight Mute:

For softer passages, i.e. B. Bartok’s Concerto for Orchestra, mvnt.
II, D. Shostakovich’s Piano Concerto, mvnt. II

Vincent Bach White Mercedes Model Straight Mute:

For even softer passages, i.e. C. Debussy’s La Mer opening solo

Vacchiano Aluminum Straight Mute:

For medium presence; not too loud but not to stuffy

Dennis Wick Adjustable Cup Mute:

For Enesco’s Legend, Arutunian’s Trumpet Concerto, and as an
option for Shostakovich’s Piano Concerto203 204

Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received July 10, 2018.
Collins, Philip. E-mail interview message to author. Received September 5, 2018.



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Date: 1/9/2018

To: John Kilgore


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Participant Information


Current and/or past positions(s):

Participant relationship to Philip Collins

How long have you known Philip Collins:

In what capacity did you interact with Philip Collins:

Philip Collins as a performer

Can you describe Philip Collins within the artistic workplace:

Can you describe Philip Collins as a colleague:

What single artistic characteristic would you ascribe to Philip Collins:

What aspect of Philip Collins’ performance legacy is most notable:

Is there a recording(s) of Philip Collins that stands out to you, or one that you would recommend:

What do you believe aided Philip Collins’ success as a professional trumpet player:

Is there an aspect of Philip Collins which influenced your career as a performer:

Philip Collins as an educator

Can you describe a typical lesson, or course of study, with Philip Collins:

In a few words, can you describe Philip Collins’ pedagogy:

Is there a unique characteristic to Philip Collins’ approach to teaching:

Is there an aspect of Philip Collins’ pedagogy that impacted you in a positive way:

Is there an aspect of Philip Collins’ pedagogy which influenced your pedagogy:

Do you, or have you, studied from Philip Collins’ published materials:

Supplementary Questions

Do you have an artistic or performance memory with Philip Collins:

Do you have a lesson memory with Philip Collins:

Is there a memorable story of Philip Collins that you wish to share:

Treatise Questions

Is there any portion of this survey you wish to omit?

Within the final treatise, do you wish to be quoted or remain anonymous?

In the final treatise Appendix, do you wish to have a copy of your survey included or excluded?


“A History of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.” Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. Web. May
4, 2018.

“About.” The Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra. Web. May 10, 2018.

“About Us – Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.” Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Web. May 1,


“Additional Conductors – Jesús López-Cobos.” Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. July 5, 2015.

Web. May 1, 2018.

Broiles, Karen; Broiles, Thresa; Mortenson, Gary. “Mel Broiles: Biography.” Windsongpress.
Web. March 28, 2018.

Collins, Philip. 100 Trumpetudes: Performers’ Show Prep. Cincinnati, Ohio: Collinsnotes
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John Kilgore is an ABD Doctoral Candidate in Trumpet Performance at Florida State

University (FSU) in Tallahassee, Florida and studies under Dr. Christopher Moore. At FSU,

Kilgore was a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the Trumpet Studio, where he taught applied

trumpet lessons and coached chamber music.

Currently, Kilgore serves as Principal Trumpet of the Boise Philharmonic in Boise, Idaho,

a position he has held since August 2017. Additionally, he performs as Principal Trumpet with the

Boise Philharmonic Brass Quintet, Boise Philharmonic Chamber Players, Ballet Idaho, and

frequently performs with the Boise Baroque Chamber Orchestra. As a commercial musician, he

regularly performs Principal Trumpet on productions including CINE Concerts, Disney Concerts

and on additional commercial music tours. Additionally, Kilgore has performed as guest-Principal

Trumpet of the Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra, and has performed with the West Virginia

Symphony and Lexington (KY) Philharmonic. As an educator, Kilgore is the Adjunct Professor

of Trumpet at Boise State University (BSU), a position he has held since January 2018. At BSU,

he teaches applied trumpet lessons and coaches chamber music. He also maintains a private

teaching studio of elementary, middle, and high school students.

A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Kilgore completed a Bachelor of Music degree at Ohio

University (studying under John Schlabach) and a Master of Music degree at the College-

Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati (studying under Alan Siebert and Philip



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