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Lesson 1: Technology

Creating Edmodo account

Edmodo is a Learning management system which looks almost similar to any social media
website such as Facebook but it has more additional learning features as below:

– Submit Exercises or Assignments

– Parents can monitor students’ progress

– Marks will also be compiled here

– Students may ask Questions in the group

– Discussion / Forum
1.1 Existing learning method
Generally, most of the schools in brunei still implement the
traditional way of chalk and talk Method to teach and learn
in class. For example, in one of our lesson, we usually just
keep quiet And just copy whatever the teacher wrote on the
board. That’s it. In other subject, we just read and Highlight
important terms in the textbook. So basically, we do this
every day and it’s hard for us to Wake up early and motivate
ourselves to be eager to come to school. Eventually, we
forced Ourselves to come to school just for the sake of
attendance and respect our parents.

2. Description of the proposed solution

Other than that, honestly, all this while we have been having
problem in learning certain subjects.

Some of the problems that we faced are:

• Difficult to visualize

• The lesson was too fast

• Less active

• Less interesting (prefer include video)


- Topic: The game is about ‘The Planets’, self-explanatory
- The Main Menu: It has two buttons (sprites) to click on which is, the ‘Start’ button and the ‘Credits’ button. It also has
a score bar on the top left corner. To go back to the ‘Main Menu’, click the green flag at the top right corner.
- Theme (Design/style): Vapourwave, retro and vibrant colours.
- Credits: Credits are made for some things (pictures, etc) that I DO NOT own at all. Other than that, I edited all the
backdrops, etc by using an application and programme.
- Questions: As you can see on the top, there’s a question which is ‘This planet orbits the sun, every how many years?’ +
in total, there’re 6 questions. All questions are not complicated, it’s basic and easy to understand.
- Sound effects: Unfortunately, music were not added due to technical problems but sounds effects were added. Sound
effects will be played whether you got the correct answer or even the wrong answer.
- Score: If you got the correct answer, you’ll get a score of 5 but if you got it wrong, you’ll get a score of nothing.
- Answers: Answers can be revealed by clicking on the cartoon character (Sailor Moon) and it’ll tell you the answer for
around 2 seconds only.

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