Sexual Reproduction In: Scientific Coaching Centre

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​ ​Scientific coaching centre ​ 3 


​Sexual reproduction in​ ​flowering plants
​ ​Functions of Corolla:- 
​ i) It provides colour and scent to attract pollinators 

​ ह Pollinators को attract करने के लए colour तथा scent दान करता है । 
ii) sometimes the base of corolla bears some secretory glands and secrets nectar. 
​Corolla का base secretory glands उ प न करता है जो nectar ा वत करता है । 
iii) They also provide protection to the plant  
​यह.Plant को सरु ा दान करता है । 
3)Androecium :- 
➔ It is the first essential whorl of flower 

​ हFlower का पहला essential whorl है । 
➔ Its unit is stamen 
इसका Unit Starman होता है । 
​ Functions of Androecium: 
​ It produces microspores i.e., pollen grains contacting male gametes within the another lobe
​यह microspores i.e,.pollen grainsउ प न करता है जो anther lobe के अंदरMale gamete contain करता है ।
4) Gynoecium (pistil)
➔ It is the second essential whorl of flower 
यह flower का दस ू रा essential whorl है ।   
➔ Its unit is carpel 
➔ इसका unit carpel है । 
​ ​ Function of gynoecium;  
It produces megaspores , fruits and seeds  
यह Megaspores, fruits तथा seeds. उ प न करता है । 
​ ​ ​Male Reproductive Unit​ ...
​ Stamen is the male reproductive unit and consists of the following two parts :- 
​ tarman एक Male reproductive unit है जो दो भाग से मलकर बना है :-   
i) Filament:​- It is a long slender stalk which may be joined or free 
​ यह एक लंबा ( Long) पतला ( Slender) stalk है जो Joined या free हो सकता है ।
​ ii) Anther :-​ It is a bilobed terminal structure  
​यह bilobed terminal संरचना है ।
​ ​Structure of anther 
● It is composed of two lobes separated by a tissue called connective tissue . 
यह दो Lobes का बना होता है जो connective tissue वारा वल गत (separate) रहते ह।  
● The anther is a tetragonal structure , consisting of four microsporangia, two in each of the lobes 
​ nther एक tetragonal संरचना है जो चार microsporangia का बना होता है । येक lobe म दोmicrosporangiaहोते ह। 
● Microsporangia(singular:Microsporangium) develop further and get transformed into pollen sacs. 
Microsporangia (singular:Microsporangium)का वकास होता है और जो आगे pollen sacs म पांत रत हो जाते ह।  
​ ​Sexual reproduction in​ ​flowering plants​ ​4

​ Fig: a)A typical Anther b) T.S. of an anther 

​ Structure of Microsporangium  
A typical microsporangium appears circular and is surrounded by four walls -  
​एक ा पक microsporangium circular दखता है और चार द वार (walls) से घरा होता है :- 
i) Epidermis :​- It is the outermost single layer of the cells  

​ ह cells का outermost single layer है ।. 
​Functions :​-It is protective in nature  
​यह protective nature का होता है । 
ii) Endothecium :​- It is the second layer with thick cells.  
​ यह thick cells का second layer है ।  
● It helps in dehiscence  

​ ह dehiscence म मदद करता है I 
● It is protective in nature  
​ यह protective nature का होता है   
iii) Middle layer :​- It is the third layer composed of 1-3 layers of cells. 

​ ह third layer है इसम cells के 1 से 3 layers होते हI  
​ ​ Function :- 
● It helps in dehiscence  
​यह dehiscence म मदद करता है I 
● It is protective in nature  
​ यह protective nature का होता है I 
iv) Tapetum :- It is the fourth and inner most layer of cell with dense cytoplasm and multi multinuclei . 
​ य
​ ह cell का fourth और innermost layer है I cell म घना cytoplasm तथा multinuclei होते ह   
​Sexual reproduction in​ ​flowering plants​ ​5
​ ​ Functions :- 
​It provides nourishment to the developing pollen grains  
​य​ ा वकासशील pollen grains को nourishment दान करता है I 
★ The centre of each microsporangium is filled with closely arranged similar cells called 
sporogenous cells. 
येक Microsporangium का क (center) closely arranged एक ह तरह क cells से भरा होता है ।इनcells को 
sporogenous cells कहते ह।    
★ At maturity , pollen sac is formed by fusion of two microsporangium in each lobe 
Maturity पर, येक lobe म दो Microsporangium के मलने से pollen sac बनता है |  

(c )
​ Fig: ​ ​( a) T.S.of a young anther​ ​(​b) Enlarged Sundar hai view of one microsporangium Showing wall layers 
​ ​© T.S. of mature dehisced anther with pollen grains 

​ ​Microsporogenesis  
● ​The process of formation of microspore from a pollen mother cell by meiosis is called  
​ ​ Pollen mother cell ​ के meiosis division स ​ े microspore ​ के नमाण क या को Microsporogenesis 

​ हते ह I 
● Each cell of the sporogenous tissue in a microsporangium acts as a potential pollen mother 
cell (PMC) or microspore mother cell. 
एक Microsporangium म sporogenous tissueक येक cell एक potential Pollen mother 
cell(PMC) या Microspore mother cell के प म काय करती है ।  
● PMC undergoes meiosis divisions to form cluster of four cells called ​ microspore tetrad  
PMC केmeiosis divisionsसे cells एक समह ू ( Cluster ) बनता है िजसे microspore tetrad कहते ह। 
● On maturity , the anther dehydrates and the microspores separate from each other to form 
pollen grains  
Maturityपर , antherके dehydration से microspores अलग-अलग ( separate)हो जाते ह िजससे Pollen 
grains बनते ह I

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