Proyecto Ingles Medicamentos

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Administración y Negocios

Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas


The War between High Medical Costs and Your Ailments

Course: English IV

Sectión: AE-610

Teacher: Cecilia García Aguayo

Name of group members:

 Olga González Toro

 Gilda Matamala Matamala

 Maria Paz González Toro

 Patricia Navarrete Gaete

Date: 04/10/19
Administración y Negocios
Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas


I. Introduction................................................................................................................3

II. Project.........................................................................................................................4

III. Worksheet one...........................................................................................................5

IV. Worksheet two...........................................................................................................7

V. Conclusion...............................................................................................................10

VI. Bibliography.............................................................................................................11


Administración y Negocios
Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas

I. Introduction

Chili is the second country in Latin America where medicines come at a high cost, as re
ported by the OECD.

Our country has the least pharmacies, so it's a worrying situation,

because the number of diseases and sufferers is increasing every day.
The collision of pharmacies is an important factor which does not allow the country's
middle and poor class manage to buy many times your complete prescriptions and so
do not finish your treatments.

We believe it is important to contribute ideas and help chronic patients, older adults,
children and chili in general. Creating a tool that makes it easy for you to buy your
medicines by just logging into a website, uploading your prescription and buying it from
fractional or complete way, also by calling and having your app on a mobile computer.

This project will allow many people who can't approach an-office or pharmacies to get
their medications on their doorstep and no matter what region it is.

Our project will allow patients in regions mainly to avoid going to practices, especially
where it is not nearby, make long lines, contemplate full mornings to be able to withdraw
your medications, pay excess for prescriptions and above all to be able to give the
opportunity to neighborhood pharmacies and other not-so-prestigious ones, increase
their income.

For the same reason for our project, associativity and working in conjunction with
distribution and distribution organizations is important, the delivery of the medicines will
be made at the buyers' homes, and according to the quantities, they need.

PROJECT - The War between High Medical Costs and Your Ailments.
Administración y Negocios
Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas

II. Project.


Indicadores Escala de Puntos Comentarios

Definen grupos Si (5pts) No (0 pts)

Distribuyen roles Si (5pts) No (0 pts)

Establecen problema Si (5pts) No (0 pts)

Establecen posibles productos o Si (5pts) No (0 pts)

servicios (solución)

Definen planificación Si (5pts) No (0 pts)

Definen implementación general Si (5pts) No (0 pts)

del proyecto

Cumplen con el tiempo establecido Si (5pts) No (0 pts)

Puntaje total 35

PROJECT - The War between High Medical Costs and Your Ailments.
Administración y Negocios
Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas

III. Worksheet one

Class and English – AE 610


Names and roles 1. Olga González Toro: Data Collection, Translation

2. Gilda Matamala Matamala: Translation and implementation


3. Maria Paz González Toro: Creator of the edea, application

and development

4. Patricia Navarrete Gaete: translation, planning

The whole group Works on the translation and review of

Note information.

(1 sentences) The War between High Medical Costs and Your Ailments.

Product/Service Website and drug purchase

Call Center

Virtual App


The implementation of our project will start with the informatio
n we have in relation to the health industry.

Implementation: We will advise ourselves to create an APP and Website,

which should be friendly and easy to use especially for our

PROJECT - The War between High Medical Costs and Your Ailments.
Administración y Negocios
Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas

potential customers, which correspond to seniors.

we know that there are many patients who cannot buy their c
omplete prescriptions and must leave their treatments
your prescription and quote with us the amounts of a drugacc
ording to your budget.

We as a company will be concerned with generating strategic
alliances with Rappi,Motoboy and Pedidos
ya, within the different communes of santiago and regions.
we will make agreements with the family pharmacies that ext
end in the country and are interested in participating in the bu
siness. in such a way to boost pharmacies
neighborhood and family. achieving higher sales
levels and supporting the appropriate community.

Search information from "neighborhood" pharmacies that we

can associate with, we don't want the big chains, given the
collusion they represent.

We will find out about companies that make the deliveries

(example moto boy) this to ensure the delivery of the

PROJECT - The War between High Medical Costs and Your Ailments.
Administración y Negocios
Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas

IV. Worksheet two


Indicadores Escala de Puntos Comentario
apreciación s
1. Cumplen con la portada solicitada Si No (0 pts)
2. Cumplen con el formato: tipo de Si No (0 pts)
letra, interlineado (5pts)
3. Cumplen con el número palabras Si No (0 pts)
requeridas (150/170) (5pts)
4. Cumplen con las partes de un Si No (0 pts)
informe: Introducción, desarrollo y (5pts)
5. Es una idea original comparada Si No (0 pts)
con el resto de la clase (5pts)
1. Se comprende el problema Si No (0 pts)
2. Se comprende la solución al Si No (0 pts)
problema (5pts)
3. Relacionan al producto o Si No (0 pts)
servicio con el problema (5pts)
4. Cumplen con el tiempo Si No (0 pts)
establecido (5pts)
Puntaje total 45

1. The idea has to be original compared to the rest of the class.

PROJECT - The War between High Medical Costs and Your Ailments.
Administración y Negocios
Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas

Our business idea is under the following premise:"The War between High Medical Costs 
and Your Ailments."

This is given that according to World Health Organization (OMS) statistics, twenty
six percent die from cancer, twenty seven percent from cardiovascular disease and
three percent diabetes, that is, more that half of our population diez from chronic
diseases. It is therefore important to address this problem at the country level.

2. They must explain the problem they choose to solve and how they plan to solve it

Chil is one of the countries where obtaining medicines have a high price for the collusion
of the large pharmacy chains and the medicines that are delivered by the state are not
enough, the system is completely precarious because of the long lines that adults have
to make elderly and chronically ill to obtain them.

The solution will be to partner as a company with neighborhood pharmacies where our
target audience will be able to obtain their medications at optimal prices and will have
the option of buying bio-equivalent products, which will be the first option of sale. In
addition, people can buy fractional remedies saving a large sum of money. This will be
carried out after the creation of an application and website, adapted to all types of
public, including people with visual disabilities, which is associated with shipping
companies such as motoboy, where people can send their prescriptions through of this
and the medicines will be delivered to the door of their houses, twenty four hours a day
throughout the year, saving long queues in public places and avoiding leaving their

3. They must explain the relation of the product or service with problem.

PROJECT - The War between High Medical Costs and Your Ailments.
Administración y Negocios
Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas

While it is true, our problem covers all people who suffer from a disease, we are focused
on those who cannot buy their medications due to lack of stock in the offices or
pharmacies, in which they are too sick and cannot leave their homes to buy them, those
who do not have enough time or money to acquire them, etc. For them the solution is
the creation of the website so you can upload your prescription or order the medications
you need without leaving your home or place where you are, as it will be delivered to
your home. In addition, you can purchase the amount you need at your fingertips.

V. Conclusion

Within the implementation of our website and business, it will be possible to meet a 
need not yet covered. making it eupthatity for patients to end up their medical treatments
and managing to buy the medications according to the economic budget that is

PROJECT - The War between High Medical Costs and Your Ailments.
Administración y Negocios
Ingeniería en Administración de Empresas

VI. Bibliography

PROJECT - The War between High Medical Costs and Your Ailments.

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