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Schools Negros Occidental Grade Level Grade 9 – Aluminun/

Division Silver/Antimony
DAILY School Learning Area Science
LESSON Teacher Quarter First
PLAN Teaching July 5, 2019 Time Allotment:
Date 1 Hour

I. Objectives
A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. how genetic information is organized in genes on chromosomes.
2. the different patterns of inheritance
B. Performance Standard: The learners should be able to conduct an information dissemination
activity on effective ways of taking care of the respiratory and circulatory
systems based on date gathered from the school or local health workers.
C. Learning Competency The learners should be able to explain the different patterns of Non-
Mendelian inheritance. S9LT-Id-29
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Explain the sex linked traits pattern of inheritance.
2. Solve problems related to sex linked traits.

D. Science Processes: Explaining, Solving

E. Value Focus: Creativity, Resourcefulness
II. Content 2. Heredity: Inheritance and Variation
2.2 Non Mendelian Inheritance: Sex-linked Traits

III. Learning Resources

A. Materials: Laptop, projector, power point, pictures, video
B. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pp. 7-9
2. Learner’s Materials pages pp. 38-42
3. Additional Materials from internet.
IV. Procedures

Elicit Have you seen a bald man? What about a bald woman? It appears that
gender matter for the other kinds of traits as well?
Engage Video clip:
Explore Do activity 5.
Using the family tree they have made, let them trace the inheritance of
baldness in the family.
Explain Answer Guide Questions.
Correct any misconceptions.
Elaborate Re-discuss the concept of sex linked traits. Emphasize the difference
between sex-limited traits and sex-influenced traits.

Evaluate Solve the following problem:

1. Hemophilia is a disease caused by a gene found on the X
chromosome. Therefore, it is referred to as a sex- linked disease. A
man with hemophilia marries a woman that is homozygous dominant for
that trait.
Make a key for the trait. XH =_____ Xh =______
Illustrate using a punnett square the probability that their children will
have the disease.
a. Identify the genotype of the male? Female?
B will any of the children have the disease?
c. Predict the probabilities of their children having the disease.
2. Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of two antigens
– antigen A and antigen B. the body’s ability to produce antigens is a
trait that is inherited. Using the information about inheritance of blood
type, answer the given problem.
A father of four children has blood type A. the mother has blood type O.
a. predict the possible blood types of their children.
b. explain why two of their children have blood type A while the other
have blood type O.

V. Remarks
VI. Reflection

Prepared by:

Science Coordinator

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