ĐÁP ÁN CẤP ĐỘ 4 (2019)

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2019 AMC

2019 AMC Intermediate Solutions

Intermediate Solutions Division
Solutions – Intermediate
1. 20.19 − 19 = 1.19,
hence (D).

2. 40 minutes before 4.10 pm is 3.30 pm,

hence (A).

3. 7 × 1.8 = 12.6, which is closest to 13,

hence (D).

4. (Also S2)
The shaded triangle has base b = 6 m and perpendicular height h = 4 m.
1 1
Its area is A = bh = × 6 × 4 = 12 square metres,
2 2
hence (B).

5. One-eighth of the number is 200 ÷ 5 = 40, so eight-eighths of the number is 8 × 40 = 320,

hence (B).

6. (Also UP12, J11)

No row or column has repeated numbers, so these two squares can only have 3:

1 3
3 2 N

Then the remainder of the grid is easily filled in:

1 3 2
3 2 1
2 1 3

Then N = 1 and M = 3 so that M + N = 4,

hence (C).

7. (Also J12)
The parts of the paper either side of each fold will be the mirror image of each other.
Option (B) and no other has this property,
hence (B).

8. A square has 4 equal sides, so the squares have side 12.

Then the rectangle is 12 × 24, which has perimeter 2 × 12 + 2 × 24 = 72,
hence (B).

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9. (Also S8)
The pattern repeats 1, 4, 7, 4.
Since 1 + 4 + 7 + 4 = 16, each full cycle contributes 16, and then there is an additional
amount that is 0, 1, 1 + 4 = 5 or 1 + 4 + 7 = 12.
That is, the sum is of the form 16n, 16n + 1, 16n + 5 or 16n + 12. Of the numbers given,
only 65 = 16 × 4 + 1 can be written this way,
hence (E).

10. If d is the final digit, then we need 5910 + d to be divisible by 3. Since 5910 is divisible by
3, this means that we need d to be divisible by 3. So d can be 0, 3, 6 or 9, and there are
four possibilities for the final digit,
hence (D).

11. Since AC = CD, the triangle ACD is isosceles with ∠CAD = ∠CDA = 40◦ .
Then the line CA is a transversal of parallel lines BC and AD, forming alternate angles
∠ACB = ∠CAD = 40◦ .
Since AB = BC, ABC is isosceles with ∠BAC = ∠ACB = 40◦ . Then ∠ABC =
180◦ − 40◦ − 40◦ = 100◦ ,
hence (B).

12. (Also MP21, J17)

If the students were lined up in order, they would look something like this:


12 shorter than Alice 4 between 14 taller than Bob

Then the number of students in the class is 12 + 14 − 4 = 22,

hence (A).

13. Triangle AXB has equal height and twice the base of one of the equilateral triangles, so
it has area equal to two of the equilateral triangles. This is the area of the trapezium,
hence (C).

14. Of the 30 students, 24 are right-handed and 6 are left-handed.

Also, among these 30 students, 10 students are aged 15 and 20 students are aged 16.
Amongst the 6 left-handed students 1 is 15 years old and 5 are 15 yo 16 yo
16 years old. RH 9 15 24
We can complete the 2 × 2 table with this information, as LH 1 5 6
shown. Using this table, 9 out of 30 are right-handed and 15, 10 20
so the probability that a random choice will select one of these
9 3
is = ,
30 10
hence (C).

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Intermediate Solutions

15. The rollers don’t slip, so the distance (arc length) that all points on the perimeters of the
rollers travels is the same. In particular, for a point on the perimeter of the 21 cm roller
undergoing a full rotation, this distance is 21π cm.
21π 3
The circumference of the 14 cm roller is 14π cm so a point travelling 21π cm makes =
14π 2
revolutions, which is an angle of × 360◦ = 540◦ ,
hence (D).

16. (Also S13)

Alternative 1
If originally there were 7x apples in the box, then 3x were red and 4x were green. Now
there are 4x + 5 green apples, given as of the total number of apples of 7x + 5. Hence

4x + 5 = 5/8(7x + 5)
8(4x + 5) = 5(7x + 5)
32x + 40 = 35x + 25
15 = 3x

and so x = 5. So the total number of apples is now 7x + 5 = 35 + 5 = 40,

hence (D).
Alternative 2
The number of red apples doesn’t change. At the start of the apples are red, and at the
end these are of the apples.
So for every 3 red apples in the box, there are a total of 7 apples in the box at the start
and 8 apples at the end. There is an increase of 1 green apple for every 3 red apples.
Since the actual increase in green apples is 5, at the start the box contains 15 red apples
and 20 green apples, and at the end it contains 15 red apples and 25 green apples, for a
total of 40 apples,
hence (D).

17. Asha wants the first two numbers to add to a number that is 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 less than a
multiple of 7. That is, 6, 5, 4, 3 or 2 more than a multiple of 7. She can force this by
choosing 1 first, then any number chosen by Richy allows Asha to win.
If Asha chooses 2, 3, 4 or 5 first, then Richy can choose 5, 4, 3, or 2 so that the first two
numbers add to 7. No matter what Asha’s final choice is, the total of all three numbers is
not a multiple of 7 and Asha loses.
Consequently to guarantee a win, Asha’s only first choice is 1,
hence (A).

18. Alternative 1
The upper-right triangle has width (base) x + y and height y − x. So the three white
1 1 1 1
triangles have total area xy + xy + (x + y)(y − x) = xy + (y 2 − x2 ) and the blue
2 2 2 2
1 2 1 2 1 2 1
triangle has area y(x + y) − xy − (y − x ) = y − y + x = (x2 + y 2 ),
2 2
2 2 2 2
hence (E).

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Alternative 2

There are two congruent right-angled triangles with sides x, y and x2 + y 2 . Consequently

the shaded triangle has a right angle at the lowermost vertex. Then with base x2 + y 2
√ bh x2 + y 2
and height x2 + y 2 , it has area = ,
2 2
hence (E).

19. (Also UP24)

From the first two views, faces A , M and C are all adjacent to F .

The diagram shows the faces surrounding F in net form. C F

So in the row of cubes, the back of A is M , the back of M is A , and

the back of C is . However, from the opposite side, these will be in

reversed order, appearing as A M ,


hence (D).

20. Alternative 1
We can picture the five numbers V, W, X, Y, Z geometrically on the number line, since on
the number line, ‘average’ means ‘midpoint’.

7 12

Then XV = W X = 2Y X = 4ZX, so that ZV = 5ZX.

But ZV = 5, so ZX = 1 and the third number is X = 8,
hence (E).
Alternative 2
Suppose the second number is a. By working out the averages, the 5 numbers are
1 3 5 9
12, a, a + 6, a + 3, a+
2 4 8 2

5 9 1
Then a + = 7 so that a = 4 and the third number is a + 6 = 8,
8 2 2
hence (E).

21. Alternative 1
of the pool and the
In 8 hours, all 3 pipes fill the pool. Within that, the first pipe fills
8 1 8 1 2
second pipe fills = of the pool. So the third pipe fills 1 − − = of the pool.
24 3 21 3 7
The third pipe alone would take 8 ÷ = 28 hours to fill the pool,
hence (D).
Alternative 2
Consider many identical pools, with the pipes running for lcm(21, 24, 8) = 168 hours.
The first pipe fills 168 ÷ 21 = 8 pools, the second pipe fills 168 ÷ 24 = 7 pools, and all
three pipes together fill 168 ÷ 8 = 21 pools. Consequently, the third pipe fills 6 pools, so
that it fills one pool in 168 ÷ 6 = 28 hours,
hence (D).

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Intermediate Solutions

Alternative 3
Suppose the third pipe takes x hours to fill the pool, which has capacity V litres.
In litres per hour, the flow rates of the three pipes are , and , and their combined
21 24 x
flow rate is . Therefore
= + +
8 21 24 x
1 1 1 1
= + + (since V  0)
8 21 24 x
1 1 1 1 1
= − − =
x 8 21 24 28

Then x = 28,
hence (D).

22. (Also J23)

View the board from above, with the heights from front and right views marked outside
the grid as shown below.
For each square, the tallest the stack could be is the minimum of the two numbers shown
for its row and column. So the most cubes that could fit are given in the following grid:

0 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 2 2
0 1 1 1 1
0 1 3 2 3
0 1 3 2

This is 3 + 5 + 3 + 6 = 17 cubes,
hence (D).

23. (Also S21)

Alternative 1
Let d be the distance from home at which Manny gets a flat tyre, in kilometres, and let
H, W and F be the total time taken in minutes using each of the three strategies listed.
Since he can ride or walk the total distance of 8 km in 24 min or 104 min, respectively, each
kilometre takes him 3 minutes or 13 minutes. Therefore

ride, walk home, drive: H = 3d + 13d + 12 = 16d + 12

ride, walk to work: W = 3d + 13(8 − d) = 104 − 10d
ride, fix, ride: F = 24 + 20 = 44

The graph shows the total time for each strategy as a function of the distance d, with the
best overall strategy in bold. Thus, finding where the strategy should change amounts to
solving the equations H = F and W = F .

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H H=F : 16d + 12 = 44
16d = 32

44 F W = F : 104 − 10d = 44
W −10d = −60
? ? 8
d d=6

Therefore the strategies should change at distances of 2 km and 6 km from home,

hence (C).
Alternative 2
Each kilometre takes 12÷8 = 1.5 minutes driving, 24÷8 = 3 minutes cycling or 104÷8 = 13
minutes walking.
Comparing strategies (i) and (iii), strategy (iii) always takes exactly 24 + 20 = 44 minutes.
Suppose he has cycled 0 km when he has the flat tyre—it occurs outside his home. Then
strategy (i) takes 12 minutes, or is 32 minutes quicker. Each additional 1 km cycling
requires 3 minutes cycling and 13 minutes walking, or 16 minutes longer. So strategy (i)
will be quicker when the distance he has cycled is less than 2 km.
Comparing strategies (ii) and (iii), strategy (iii) still takes 44 minutes. Suppose he has 0 km
to go when he has the flat tyre—it occurs as he arrives. Then strategy (ii) is 20 minutes
quicker. For each 1 km he has to walk, he has 3 minutes less cycling but 13 minutes more
walking, so strategy (ii) takes 10 minutes longer. So strategy (ii) will be quicker when he
has less than 2 km to go.
So the two points Manny changes strategy are 2 km from home and 2 km from work. These
points are 4 km apart,
hence (C).

24. Alternative 1
Label each triangle with 3 numbers representing its 3 edges. The number for an edge is the
length of the corresponding arc, measured in twelfth-circles. This means that a triangle is
represented by 3 numbers that add to 12.

Second edge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 count
1 1,1,10 1,2,9 1,3,8 1,4,7 1,5,6 1,6,5 1,7,4 1,8,3 1,9,2 9
First 2 2,2,8 2,3,7 2,4,6 2,5,5 2,6,4 2,7,3 6
edge 3 3,3,6 3,4,5 3,5,4 3
4 4,4,4 1

Note that in each label we have chosen to start with the first edge (and possibly the second
edge) the shortest so that we don’t create any triangles that are just rotations of another.
In this table there are 9 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 19 labels, so that there are 19 possible triangles,
hence (C).

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Alternative 2
If we count different rotations of the one triangle as different, the number of triangles
12 × 11 × 10
is 12
3 = = 220. However this counts every triangle multiple times. The
equilateral triangle is counted 4 times, and all others are counted 12 times.
220 − 4
That is, the number of non-equilateral triangles is = 18. Including the equilateral
triangle gives 19 triangles,
hence (C).

25. (Also S22) 1 π/2 1

Each 90◦ turn of the coin moves it from one corner to the next.
1 π
Its circumference is 2π cm so its centre will move × 2π = cm.
4 2
That is, the start and finish points of this 90◦ roll are as illustrated.
From this diagram, the side of the square is 2 + ,
hence (E).

26. (Also J27)

Alternative 1
We first count the unstable numbers for which none of the digits match their position.
Since the first digit cannot be 0 or 1, the second digit cannot be 2 and the third digit
cannot be 3, there are 8 × 9 × 9 = 648 unstable 3-digit numbers.
In total there are 9 × 10 × 10 = 900 three-digit numbers, so there are 900 − 648 = 252
stable 3-digit numbers,
hence (252).
Alternative 2
The stable numbers from 100 to 999 are:

• 100 numbers with first digit 1: 100, . . . , 199

• 80 numbers with first digit from {2, . . . , 9}, with second digit 2 and with any third
• 72 numbers with first digit from {2, . . . , 9}, with second digit from {3, . . . , 9} and with
third digit 3

In total there are 100 + 80 + 72 = 252 stable numbers,

hence (252).

27. (Also J28)

Consider first the numbers that leave remainder 0 in each division. These are the multiples
of lcm{15, 27} = 135. Including 0 for now, these are 135n for n = 0, 1, . . . , 7, so there are
8 of these, the largest being 945.
The numbers that leave a remainder of 1 in each division are 1 more than the previous
numbers, so there are 8 of these. The numbers that leave a remainder of 2 in each division
are 1 more than these, so there are 8. This continues up to numbers that leave a remainder
of 14 in each division.
In all 15 × 8 = 120 numbers out of {0, 1, . . . , 1000} work, but when we exclude 0 we are
left with 119 numbers,
hence (119).

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28. (Also S26)

Let the two digits be a and b. Then 10a + b = (a + 2)(b + 2).
Then 0 = (a + 2)(b + 2) − 10a − b = ab + b − 8a + 4 = (a + 1)(b − 8) + 12 so that
(a + 1)(8 − b) = 12. Since a and b are digits, this factorisation of 12 has two positive
factors. Checking factorisations, there are 4 solutions:
a+1 1 2 3 4 6 12
8−b 12 6 4 3 2 1
a 0 1 2 3 5 11
b −4 2 4 5 6 7
10a + b — 12 24 35 56 —
The sum of these 4 solutions is 12 + 24 + 35 + 56 = 127,
hence (127).

29. (Also J30)

Alternative 1
Consider listing all natural numbers but deleting those with a digit 0.
In the numbers 1 to 99, delete 10, 20, 30, . . . , 90 (9 numbers), keeping 90 numbers.
In the numbers 100 to 199, delete 100, . . . , 109 and then 110, 120, 130, . . . , 190 (19 numbers),
keeping 81 numbers. (Alternatively, we want numbers 1xy where each digit x and y has 9
possibilities, giving 81 possibilities.)
Each ‘century’ 200 to 299, 300 to 399, etc. has the same pattern, keeping 81 numbers.
So in 1 to 999 there are 90 + 81 × 9 = 819 numbers kept.
In the next century 1000 to 1099, all numbers are deleted.
Then subsequent centuries 1100 to 1199, 1200 to 1299, etc. follow the same pattern seen
previously, keeping 81 numbers.
So up to 1299 there are 819 + 2 × 81 = 981 numbers. The next two groups of 9 numbers
are 1311–1319 and 1321–1329, so that 1329 is the 999th number kept. Then the 1000th
number kept is 1331,
hence (331).
Alternative 2
Consider the units digit. This repeats in a 9-digit cycle 1, 2, 3, . . . , 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, . . .. Since
1000 ÷ 9 = 111 r1, the last digit is 1.
Now consider the tens digit. The first 9 numbers have no tens digit, and then the tens
digit repeats in the 81-step cycle:
1, 1, . . . , 1, 2, 2, . . . , 2, 3, 3, . . . , 3, . . . , 9, 9, . . . 9
9 9 9 9

Since (1000 − 9) ÷ 81 = 12 r19, the 1000th tens digit equals the 19th, which is 3.
Finally, the hundreds digit follows a similar principle. The first 81 numbers have no
hundreds digit. Then there is a 729-step cycle:
1, 1, . . . , 1, 2, 2, . . . , 2, 3, 3, . . . , 3, . . . , 9, 9, . . . 9
81 81 81 81

Since (1000 − 81) ÷ 729 = 1 r190, the 1000th hundreds digit equals the 190th, which is 3.
In all, the last three digits are 331,
hence (331).

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Intermediate Solutions

30. We can represent a path for Antony by a sequence of letters R (right), D (down) and L
(left), where R and L constitute a move by half the width of a brick. From the diagram we
can see that such a sequence must start and end with R and contain 18 Ds. Furthermore,
since there are more rows than half-bricks in each row, there must be some Ls involved
in the sequence. If two or more consecutive moves to the left or right are used, then this
ultimately makes the path longer than necessary, hence all Rs and Ls should be separated
by a single D. Therefore any shortest path is represented by a sequence of 17 Rs and 2 Ls
in the odd positions, and 18 Ds in the even positions. We can ignore the Ds and consider
only the subsequence of the Rs and Ls in the 19 odd positions.
With the exception of the mortar at the start and finish of the path, the mortar at the left
and right edges of the wall are dead ends for Antony and so won’t appear in a quickest
route. Therefore the subsequence of Rs and Ls must start and finish with RR, but cannot
start with RRLL or finish with LLRR. These are the only restrictions on the legitimate
subsequences. Given that two Rs are placed at either end, there are 15 remaining places
to put the first L and 14 places to put the second L. However, this double-counts the
total possibilities, since the order of the Ls is irrelevant, hence there are 15 × 14 ÷ 2 = 105
ways to place the Ls; the remaining places are all Rs. Finally, we must subtract the two
forbidden sequences RRLL . . . and . . . LLRR, so there are 103 shortest paths for Antony
in total,
hence (103).

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