Background Belief Essay

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Elizabeth Hoffman

Background Belief Essay

The question of who I am was the first question I read, but the last one to be

answered. I am an indecisive, young adult who is, as most twenty two year olds,

actively piecing together who I want to be. I think it is important to appreciate and

acknowledge the characteristics of the people that raised you, while taking a step back

to reflect on what I want and who I want to be. In regards to the essay, I am an active

person who enjoys working towards a goal with others; I am a people person who

enjoys quality time and conversations with others. As someone who was raised in faith I

am thankful that I can make that a part of my beliefs and values. My beliefs and morals

were most likely shaped directly by my parents and teachers. However, I know other

people in my life played a role, but my parents and teachers were the most consistent.

Growing up in a Cathloic school I was quickly molded into someone with mature beliefs

and morals. In my opinion, the highest of morals can be instilled in someone from a

young age, but in order for them to remain prominent the individual needs to experience

life first. In the summer of 2019 I went on a trip that gave me the ability to discover

which morals I wanted to hold onto as I ventured out without any of my support system.

Love, health, and emotional well-being are some of the values I find most rewarding. I

think these can speak for themselves, but wrapped up into one they represent a

genuine person. A genuine person is also known to be a kind and thoughtful person,

which is someone I would love to be. On the contrary, wealth, power, and physical
appearance are some of the least important values that I could have. I believe kind and

thoughtful people do not need any of these in order to positively impact others. A person

who has wealth and power can easily become obsessed with gaining more assets,

which is something I have zero interest in. I do not need excessive control and

resources to be happy, I'd rather have great relationships and my health than have a

yacht. Health as a belief could be considered a strength and weakness depending on

the circumstances. It will inspire me to advocate for the best possible care for my

patients and to educate them on ways to improve their quality of life. However, if a

patient is not focused on taking care of themselves I think my belief of health could

challenge me to accept the patient’s lifestyle. The belief that mental health is just as

important as physical health can help me to treat my patients as people with real

struggles, rather than a diagnosis. My areas of strength appear to be kindness, love,

honesty, and teamwork; moreover, I am quite pleased with these strengths. I take pride

in being a teamplayer and someone who can be trusted. Graduate school is mostly

considered an independent sport, but my classmates and I will work as a team in order

for us all to graduate. Even after graduate school, the clinic will be an interprofessional

work place which creates a teamwork mindset in order to advocate for our patients. In

conclusion, knowing my strengths and values will allow me to consciously think about

them when I face a dilemma. If I am able to reflect on myself, I can be actively working

to solve a problem with my strengths in mind. Further, if I am able to know myself I will

be able to acknowledge my coworkers strengths and values to work as a cohesive

team. I understand that not every situation will be in my control, but I am confident that I

will be able to trust myself and know I am in this position to help others.

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