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JANUARY 16, 2011 FINAL $1.50



Loughner’s ticking time bomb
Alleged gunman eluded father, kept sinister plot in motion
from their school days. “It was
AND MICHAEL R. BLOOD a high- just kind of weird.”
24 POINTS AS ASSOCIATED PRESS school pot- Giffords had The encounter epitomizes
her breath-
ing tube
Loughner’s final hours as he
TUCSON, Ariz. — He wan- buddy, ran became increasingly unhinged,
LOUISVILLE, dered through the dark streets away from removed on culminating, authorities say,
Saturday and
78-55, of his hometown, meandering his father
doctors may
with him opening fire on a
from one store to another on a into a cac- crowd of people at an event for
PAGE 1C furious all-night excursion as tus-dotted
soon know
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Six
if she can
he prepared what authorities desert and people were killed and 13 were
AP AP speak,
say were the final steps in tak- updated his wounded amid a barrage of bul-
Loughner Giffords Page 3A.
ing revenge on a world from MySpace lets from a Glock 19.

STEELERS, PACKERS WIN which he’d become progres-

sively alienated.
Jared Loughner checked into
profile to say, “Goodbye friends.”
Michelle Martinez ran into
Loughner during his rambling
his way through the group
rather than walk around them,
offering a deep, distant “What’s
Officials do not know what
pushed the 22-year-old mental-
ly disturbed loner over the
PITTSBURGH OUTLASTS a down-and-out motel. He picked odyssey. She and some friends up?” He then quickened his edge, but interviews, records
up photos showing him holding a were hanging out in the neigh- pace and disappeared into the and a police chronology re-
BALTIMORE, 31-24, Glock 19 while wearing only a borhood when a sullen figure darkness. leased Friday provide a fuller
WHILE GREEN BAY RIPS bright red G-string. He bought emerged from the darkness in a “I had a feeling he was think- picture of his movements that
ammunition on one of three trips black hooded sweatshirt and ing about something,” said
ATLANTA, 48-21, PAGE 7C to two different Walmarts. startled them. Loughner picked Martinez, who knew Loughner See LOUGHNER, Page 4A

New leg up in bidding process

Local companies may get a larger advantage
over out-of-town firms when bidding on city
jobs under a plan being considered by the
Waterbury Board of Aldermen. PAGE 1B
From Russia with opportunity
Tatiana Petrova of the Bolshoi Ballet staged
auditions at Westover School in Middlebury
for pre-professional dancers who hope to
attend the Russian ballet program. PAGE 1B

Heart Gallery at local theaters

View photos of children up for adoption as
“Fiddler on the Roof” arrives at Waterbury’s
Palace Theater. Torrington’s Warner Theatre
will host the Heart Gallery in March. PAGE 1E


State Sen. Kevin Witkos is urging lawmakers Tim Floyd Jr. , left, stars as Bynum and Shakye Gaskins as Harold Loomis during Friday’s rehearsal for the play ‘Joe Turner’s Come
to give school officials the right to expel and Gone’ at the Waterbury Arts Magnet School in Waterbury. Use of the N-word could get the play shelved, but the public will have
a chance to weigh in on the controversy during a meeting at the school on Tuesday night.
students who are convicted of violent sex
crimes away from school grounds. PAGE 5A
Teens prefer positive spin on slur, ABOUT THE PLAY
“Joe Turner’s Come and

OPINION OF THE DAY: “What’s more dangerous to

your health — a wind turbine in the woods or a “soccer mom”
but school chief wants play halted Gone” is set in a Pittsburgh
boarding house in 1911. It cen-
ters on Harold Loomis, a re-
cently freed man who tries to
racing to drop off or pick up her kids at day care? I had one fly halls of Wa- and the N-word have been radi- overcome the scars of being
out in front of me in Burlington, racing to get to Harwinton to REPUBLICAN-AMERICAN terbury cally different. forced to work on a chain
pick up her kids.” — Ronald F. Roy, Harwinton. Arts Mag- They find themselves at op- gang for seven years. The
WATERBURY net School, posite ends of a controversy seemingly hospitable room-
READ THE FULL LETTER ON PAGE 11A rowing up in a the mall over Snead’s demand for a halt

ing house seethes with ten-
white Detroit neigh- and the to a WAMS play that includes sion and distrust in the
borhood in the street. several uses of the offensive presence of the tormented
1950s and ‘60s, “We have racial term. The Board of Edu- stranger. Loomis is looking for
David Snead was spat at on the kind of left cation is expected to settle the
WEB EXTRAS way to school, shot at with a
BB-gun and repeatedly called
RA archive
that time,”
matter after hearing from the
public at a meeting starting at
the wife he left behind, believ-
ing she can help reclaim his
identity. But through encoun-
TO DAY AT R E P -A M .CO M the N-word.
said. “We 6:30 p.m. at WAMS on Tuesday. ters with other boarding
>>HOT DEAL At least 30 people already Today, 17-year-old Jhevaun have kind of turned this word The play in question is “Joe house residents, he realizes
have bought a full day of skiing, snowboarding or Gordan of Waterbury said, he into a positive thing.” Turner’s Come and Gone,” by what he really seeks is his
and other youngsters often use Snead, now Waterbury’s acclaimed African-American rightful place in a new world.
snow tubing at Woodbury Ski Area ($84 value) for just phrases like “You my (N- school superintendent, and playwright August Wilson. It’s
$28. There’s still time to jump on this Deal of the Day. Source: African American Lit-
word),” or “That’s my (N- Gordan are both black, but
erature Book Club,
>>HOOP ZONE SHOTS Photo gallery of the Litchfield- word)” to identify friends in the their experiences with racism See N-WORD, Page 4A
Wamogo boys basketball game in the Hoop Zone.

28 Mostly sunny and


Low 2
seasonably cold. Frigid
tonight. Page 12A
Man sued after he fools investor
Accent 8E Editorials 10-11A Public record 2A
with phantom Porsche race car
Annie’sMailbox 7E Engagements 5E Real estate transfers 5D BY ALIA MALIK Kisco, N.Y., with a mutual ac-
Anniversaries 5E Health 5E Social Moments 6E REPUBLICAN-AMERICAN quaintance who introduced
them, to hammer out an agree-
A&E 1E Horoscope 7E Sports 1-8C
NAUGATUCK — Keith Gog- ment. Goggin would pony up
Around the towns 4B House of the week 1D Stocks 9B gin is not a Porsche guy. The 42- $250,000 to buy the car and
Arts Beat 5E Jumble 2F Sudoku 2F year-old Manhattan options Burkman would arrange to re-
Book reviews 4E Letters 9A Television 2F trader describes himself as store it to mint condition. Burk-
Business 10B Lottery 2A Weddings 5E more of an “American-hotrod- man would resell the car and
muscle-car guy.” But when bor- the two would split the profit.
Classified 9-12C Obituaries 6-8B
ough resident Paul Burkman Goggin would come out of the
Crossword 2F Pets 1F proposed that Goggin invest in deal $90,000 richer after Burk-
a vintage Porsche race car, man, who said he had already
86 pages. © 2011 The Sunday Republican Goggin was intrigued. found a buyer, sold the car. Paul Burkman of Naugatuck lured Keith Goggin of New York to
Established 1906, Waterbury, Connecticut
The sleek, sophisticated 1959 What happened next, accord- invest $250,000 to restore a Porsche race car and sell it to a
All rights reserved
Porsche 718 RS had actually ing to court records and inter- third party. Burkman enticed Goggin with this photo taken off a
Read today’s editions online been raced, Burkman insisted. views with Goggin, was “Flip British message board as part of the scam. The promised
6 34373 31950 8 at So in October 2009, the two met Porsche race car was actually a Porsche 718 replica made from
in a conference room in Mt. See PORSCHE, Page 4A Volkswagen parts by someone in England.

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