Industry Interview Report

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Industrial Visit Report (25%)

Date Submission:


Name: Nizamudin Bin Harun

Company: Formula Waja Logistics Sdn Bhd

Venue: Taman Rinting Sri Alam Johor

Position in Shipping agent

Date: 12 April 2020, (Microsoft Teams)

Interviewer: Thank you Mr Nizam for sparing your time for our interview session

Personnel : It’s okay I have a lot of time during this pandemic

Interviewer: Can we start the interview session?

Personnel : Yeah sure.

Interviewer: We also like to inform you that this interview will be recorded for our
documentation. It is okay with you?

Personnel : I am okay with that

Interviewer:Can you tell about your company

Personnel : Assalamualaikum wbt, my name is Nizamudin Bin Harun, iam 22 yrs old. I
stayed at bandar Sri Alam Johor and worked at formula Waja Sdn Bhd. So, I
would like to tell you about my company little bit. So my company named
formula Waja Sdn Bhd and was founded in 2005 until now. So the company has
been around for 14 years. I am working as the shipping agent and I worked as
part time. Before this as full time as I further my degree. My company is toward
the forwarding service, do visa and work permit service, transportation service
which is lorry but not a container. We got a few curtain side lorry and boxes
lorry. We also do a piling service for making a jetty also and supply fresh water
in logistic terms we called it as ‘bunkry’.

Interviewer: First of all can you introduce yourself Mr Nizam ?

Personnel : Assalamualaikum wbt. My name is Nizamudin Bin Harun. I worked as an
shipping agent. I am 22 years old and working at Formula Waja Logistics Sdn
Bhd at Taman Rinting Sri Alam Johor. So what is your next question?

Interviewer: How long have you been working there ?

Personnel : What ? can you repeat the question ?

Interviewer: How long have you been working there ?

Personnel : I have been working there 2019 until now which is one year. Exactly one year.

Interviewer: Next, what part of your job that you find most challenging ?

Personnel : The most challenging part that I have been thorough since I working is when a
cargo operator was killed when he and his vehicle collapsed into the sand on the
Lido Boulevard. Before this my company run a project but the project was
abandoned because the vehicle and the project were collapsed into the sea. So
that is the most challenging part in my job. That is also a big issue in Johor at that

Interviewer: So do your company loss so much cost regrading of that incident

Personnel : Yes. It was a big loss for my company. Which is we have to restart the project
back and we have to get back with supplier and do all back from A to Z.

Interviewer: Sorry to hear that. So this accident is the most challenging part of your job, is
there anything else?

Personnel : No. This one is the hardest and challenging part. Is that answering your question

Interviewer: Yes Mr. Nizam. Uh for this job you are doing as a part time or full time ?

Personnel : Before this I am doing it for a full time but since I am furthering my degree, so I
start to work as a part time. So, before this full time and now part time.

Interviewer: Okay, So how many hours do you works in your typical week ?

Personnel : If I work for a full time, In a day I work for 9 hours, so maybe around 42 hours
per week and if I work as a part time I only work around 20 hours to 25 hours per

Interviewer: Would you describe one of your typical work days ?

Personnel : One of my typical work days… that’s mean what every day I do ah ? when I
reach my office ?

Interviewer: Yes.

Personnel : First thing when I reached my office every day. I have been responsible to check
the email for the company so is there any order from the customer to enter the
ship to the port entrance or any problem regrading the ship or vessel that enter
the Malaysian sea. So I need to check everything Is there any problem or any
order I have to settle all the things so a particular time. For example if the
vessel from China want to enter the Malaysian sea, the other side must let us
know 48 hours before they reach the Malaysian sea. So I have to settle all the
documentation and I need to make an arrival notice and so on. If there no any
order, I need to check if there any problem. For example, the captain needs a
medicine because he is sick. So I need to go and buy the medicine and give to
him and yeah everything is by email so after I checked all my work, I must
consult with my manager on how to solve the problem properly because I am a
freshie one and I can’t do it by my own so I need to consult with him. So that is
my typical every job that I have to do. If I don’t have any job, I will help other
people to the visa/permit.

Interviewer: Mr, Nizam, you have been working since 2019 right ? do you love your job ?

Personnel : Yes , I do love my job because I have a good boos and very good manager and
my job is relaxed but adventure that’s why I love my job very much.

Interviewer: Other than that, is there any negative towards your surrounding ? I mean, when
you are going to work is there any negative vibe ?

Personnel : Negative vibe? Hmmm. I can say I job if you think the negativity than you will
see the negativity.

Interviewer: No! no! I mean is there any negative vibe in the work place

Personnel : oh! In my work place, I think don’t have, because all of my officemate is very
supportive, funny and open minded so I don’t have any negative issue with them

but sometimes the girls always like you know ‘onion.. cut cut onion, hahaha.. but
I don’t mind cause girls always be girls right ?

Interviewer: hahahaha.. are they give full cooperative with you ?

Personnel : yes. very very very full so much hahahaha... Yes they are very supportive and
cooperative and intelligent.

Interviewer: So everyone in the office expert in their job?

Personnel : The old one pro lah.. but the the new one we need to teach them how to do. The
things is simple but sometimes it complicated. It requires a pro skill but the pro
skill is when you deal with a port that full of logistician, if you can talk nicely ,
properly and they can understand so it will ease your job. Yea so you just need
to know how to speak. Am I answering your question ?

Interviewer: Yes you are answering us.

Personnel : good! good!

Interviewer: You have said before that you managed the ship to the port entrance, right? How
you manage the process and what type of shipping that you handle?

Personnel : For the type of shipping I handle the shipping other than the container ship such
as sand boat and others. For the handling, firstly before I manage the ship to the
port entrance, I must get an order from the shipper side because when I get the
order, then I can proceed with the preparation of the document so if there no
order, I can’t proceed with the preparation of the document, so once I get the
order, I prepared the document and the document that are required are K1 for the
export and import. Everything that require import and export it must require k1
form or k2 and you must have an arrival notice, the lease of cargo and
everything must send to the custom, marine department then immigration and
the health department. So, I need to submit the document that are required like
what I said, the K1,k2, the lease of cargo.. then their crew information, the sea
man book crew, the crew passport, everything we need to collect and submit all
to the authorities. I have 4 places need to go which is immigration, custom,
marine department and health department. So that I how I manage the port, once
I got the approval for the vessel to enter the port, I have to give an email to the

ship, to notice them that their ship can pass to enter the Malaysia sea than after
that the ship can enter the port. But before enter the port, they must anchor their
vessel at Pengerang. Do you know what is anchor?

Interviewer : No.

Personnel : Okay the anchorage area means that it is the area for ship to park. Like a parking
area but for the ship. So from Pasir Gudang I have to go by the charted boat to go
to the vessel at Pengerang and collect all the document that I have told you
before and submit all the things but a the vessel must anchor at the Pengerang

Interviewer: Wow it is very good in detailing and very interesting. So your company is more
towards the airfreight or forwarding.

Personnel : Mostly toward the forwarding .

Interviewer: For the next question, what is the pros and cons of your work?

Personnel :The pros and cons of my work.. hmm ok I can say for the pros of my work is I
can learn how the company operate itself . For example, I learnt how to manage
the ship to port entrance after that I also know how to make a quotation price for
a client and also regarding the visa and work permit. Yeah I learn how to manage
the things so that in future maybe I can open my own shipping company. Ok
about the cons for the job I got a limited time with my family because sometimes
I need to work extra time cause as we know the if the vessel wants to enter every
nation sea it was unpredictable so sometimes I have to work extra time and I got
a limited time with my family. I think that’s all the cons that I have.

Interviewer: So how did you deal with client?

Personnel :How I deal with client.. is that I just spoke politely with them, I be confident and I
will make sure before I want to speak about something I have a knowledge bout
the things that I want to say then I can deliver a correct information to my client
so that he/ she will be easy to work with me and of course he/she will continue
use my services. My key is spoke politely, be confident and make sure that I
know about the things that I want to say and must have a knowledge.

Interviewer: So you are good in making a good networking?

Personnel :So far Alhamdulillah , but not so good, I have to learn more. Cause I only work
for one year so have to learn more thing in this industry. I f you want to know in
this logistics industry, you have to study everything and it will never end cause
there will always something new that you have to learn.

Interviewer: Okay, So you said that in your cons that you cat manage your time with your
family much right ? how do you manage and organize your time for that ?
Between works, family and study.

Personnel :Firstly, before I organized time, I make sure I organized my work properly and I
am having a good planning about my work then I can organize my time after I
organized my work. What I want to do, what I have to do, where I have to go
and something like that, In my work, I can’t predict my work finish at what time
because there are many thing that I have to face to finish my task. For example
if I have to go to the places that I have told you right, ok, If I go to the
immigration, I passed but at the custom I didn’t passed , at that time the time
that I have organized is ruined right ? that’s why I told you that I cant my time
but I can organize my work first. So, before I am going to the 4 places, I have to
think which one is the easier so it will save my time without delay. I do organize
my work first than latter I can organize my time and I can go back at the office
hour and have more time with my family… spending time eating dalgona
hahaha. So that’s how I organize my time and work.

Personnel : So is there more question ?

Interviewer: No that’s all Thank you Mr.Nizam

Personnel : You are Welcome.


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