Lyceum of The Philippines - Davao: Junior College Department

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Km 11, LPU Town Center, CP Garcia Highway, Buhangin District, Davao City
1st Semester, A.Y. 2019-2020


First Monthly Examination Name: _____________________________
September 3-5, 2019
Grade Level & Section: ________________ Rating:
Computer Programming 1
Prepared by: Keenly Y. Pasion, LPT Date of Examination: _________________

General Direction
a) Strictly no cheating.
b) Write your answers on the provided sheet(s).
c) Minimize dodges.
d) Carefully read and follow instruction in each subtest.

I – Number System Conversion. Convert the following number in specified number system into other equivalent number
systems. Number systems are Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal. (3 pts each)

1. 10001111102
2. 26658
3. 205210
4. ABCDE16
5. 1110011102

II – Pseudocoding. Formulate an algorithm that will satisfy the following program definition/specifications.

6. Write an application that asks a user to enter three integers and will:
a. (5 pts) Display the lowest integer
b. (5 pts) Display the highest integer

7. (5 pts) Write an application that will ask 2 integers from the user. It will then display an appropriate message
whether which one is higher or the two numbers are equal.

8. (10 pts) Barnhill Fastener Company runs a small factory. The company employs workers who are paid one of three
hourly rates depending on skill level:
Skill Level Hourly Rate (Php)
1 765.00
2 900.00
3 990.00
Each factory worker might work any number of hours per week. Workers also participate at 3% of their gross pay.
Write a Java application that prompts the user for skill level and hours worked and displays the net take home pay
for a factory worker.

LPU-Davao is a subsidiary of Lyceum of the Philippines University

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