Structural Steelwork Connections

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Structural Steelwork Bolted end Plate Splice for Apex Connection

Connections Design Code: Designed By: Date:
B.S. 5950 Part 1 Engr. WBL 26-Jul-20


1. Bolted end plate splice for apex connection of pitched portal frame.

Section properties:
Designation d b t Length tf tw Grade r
Table 33 R1 356 mm x 171.5 mm x 51 mm UB - 11.50mm 7.40mm 50 355 N/mm²
Table 6 Steel Plate 610 mm x 200 mm x 20 mm - 43 265 N/mm²

Bending Moment, M = 262.00 kN-m
Axial load on Rafter, P = 49.00 kN (compression member)

356 x 171 x 51 UB 1 f s5
Grade 50 s4

y= 175 mm s1 = 230 mm
M s2 = 130 mm
s1 s3 = 80 mm
s4 = 65 mm
s2 s5 = 20 mm
d = 525 mm
s3 b = 200 mm
a = 100 mm
1 f s5 y = 175 mm
Hounch out of 5 y1 = 499 mm
356 x 171 x 51 UB y2 = 419 mm
Grade 50
y3 = 289 mm
y4 = 59 mm
b y5 = 6 mm
wx a y5

by y4 F4 f = 11.3 deg
y1 F3


by wy

End Plate Elevation

Distribution of Load:
By moment about top flange:

F1 = 123.69 kN i.e.: F1 =y1*( M - P*y*cos f) /(2(y1²+y2²+y3²+y4²))

F2 = 103.86 kN F2 = F1*y2/y1
F3 = 71.64 kN F3 = F1*y3/y2
F4 = 14.62 kN F4 = F1*y4/y3
Structural Steelwork Bolted end Plate Splice for Apex Connection
Connections Design Code: Designed By: Date:
B.S. 5950 Part 1 Engr. WBL 26-Jul-20


Reaction at bottom of flange of hounch, Fc = 675.68 kN-m

Beam Flange:
capacity of flange, P = 700.15 kN i.e.: P = ry*A
A = b*tw
compression on top of flange, Pc = 689.04 kN < P safe! i.e.: Pc = Fc / cosf
Bottom flange and haunch flange o.k. by inspection

End Plate:
Consider portion associated with bolt F1
end plate width, b = 200 mm
fillet weld around beam, aw = 6 mm
fillet weld around haunch flange, aw1 = 10 mm
center line of bolt to edge of weld to haunch flange, by = 43.5 mm i.e.: by = s4 - tf - w1
center line of bolt to edge of weld to haunch web, bx = 36.3 mm bx = (a - tw)/2 - w1

effective length of plate @ flange, wx = 75.4 mm i.e.: wx =(b - a)/2 + 0.7* bx

effective length of plate @ web, wy = 70.5 mm wy=s3/2 + 0.7*by

Assume "pin" support at the haunch flange.

i.e.: F1x = F1{(0.5*wx/by)/[(0.5*wx/by)+wy/bx]}
Bolt load supported by flange(plastic distrubution), F1x = 38.2 kN

Bolt load supported by web(plastic distrubution), F1y = 85.5 kN i.e.: F1y = F1 - F1x

Using "minimum thickness" design:

a. Plate supported from flange.
Mx = 1661.17 N-mm i.e.: Mx = F1x *by

Moment capacity, M = ry* wT²/4

thickhess, T = 18.2 mm

b. Plate supported beam.

My = 1551.90 N-mm i.e.: My = F1y * bx
T = 18.2 mm

use: 610 mm x 200 mm x 20 mm thk. End Plate

Classify bolts as non-pre loaded distance from center line of bolt to prying force = n
i.e.: n = 1.1*T*SQRT(b * ro/ry)
lesser edge distance, n = 46.4 mm ro = 590.00 N/mm²
plate supported from flange, nx = 46.4 mm b= 2 non pre-loaded bolts
prying force, Qx = 35.8 kN T = 20 mm
plate supported from web, ny = 46.4 mm Qx = Mx/nx
pring force, Qy = 33.43 kN

Prying force as plate supported from flange governs:

Bolt Load, P = 159.47 kN i.e.: P = F1+ Max(Qx,Qy)

Tension capacity of M22 General Grade HSFG Bolt, Pt = 113.8 kN < P, safe! i.e.: Pt = 0.7*Uf*At/1.1 Use:
Structural Steelwork Bolted end Plate Splice for Apex Connection
Connections Design Code: Designed By: Date:
B.S. 5950 Part 1 Engr. WBL 26-Jul-20


Uf = 590 N/mm² M22 HSFG
At = 303 mm² Bolts & Nuts

i.e.: P1x = F1{(0.25*wx/by)/[(0.25*wx/by)+wy/bx]}
Bolt load supported by flange (elastic distribution), P1x = 16.6 kN

Bolt load supported by web(elastic distribution), P1y = 107.05 kN i.e.: P1y = F1x - P1x

Elastic distribution governs design of web welds!

Effective length of weld, le = 80 mm i.e.: le =2*s3/2

Load per mm of weld = 1.34 kN/mm i.e.: P1y/le

6.6.5 Capacity of 10mm fillet weld = 1.51 kN/mm i.e.: 0.7*aw1*rw

Table 36 safe! rw = 215 N/mm²

For Bolt F2:

bx = 36.3 mm
by = 57 mm i.e.: by = d-(s1+s4)-y5
wx = 75.4 mm
wy = 79.90mm

Bolt Load supported by flange(plastic distribution) = 38.99 kN

Bolt load supported by web = 64.87 kN

Bolt supported by flange (elastic distribution) = 20.36 kN

Bolt supported by web = 83.51 kN

Plastic distribution governs design of flange web!

effective length of weld = 71.5 mm

load per mm of weld = 0.55 kN/mm safe!

Use 6 mm fillet welds capacity of 0.9 kN/mm weld end plate

By inspaction 6 mm fillet welds are adequate for other beam to end plate welds. to beam with
6 mm fillet
Web Haunch welds all
F1y = around and to
85.5 kN
haunch flange
and wed with
Load per mm of weld for web, P = 2.14 kN/mm i.e.: P = 2*F1y/s3 10 mm fillet
welds all
T = r y*t around.
tension capacity of web, T = 2.63 kN/mm > P safe!

Connection of flange to rafter flange

Use full strength butt weld for flange connection,
If rafter flange at this point is fully stressed, flange force, P = 700.15 kN i.e.: ry*A
Structural Steelwork Bolted end Plate Splice for Apex Connection
Connections Design Code: Designed By: Date:
B.S. 5950 Part 1 Engr. WBL 26-Jul-20


component of force perpendicular to rafter = 291.4 kN i.e.: P*tan(2f)

assumed stiff bearing length = flange thickness, tf = 11.50mm

Local "bearing" capacityof web = 315.24 kN safe! stiffeners not required

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