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Program Description:

"PLATECAP" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of determining the gross tension
and compression axial load capacities of single plates. The results of the calculations are presented in a
tabular format.

This program is a workbook consisting of two (2) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name Description

Doc This documentation sheet
Plate Axial Load Capacities Determine axial load capacities for single plates

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program follows the procedures and guidelines of the AISC 9th Edition Allowable Stress (ASD) Manual
2. This program assumes that the axial load, tension or compression, is distributed uniformly on the plate
gross cross-section.
3. The user may create "custom" tables by inputing the desired values of plate heights and plate thicknesses.
"PLATECAP.xls" Program
Version 1.2


Based on Gross Section Loaded in Either Tension or Compression

Fy = 50 ksi Fy = yield stress
Lc = 12.000 in. Lc = unbraced length for compressive buckling
K = 1.20 K = effective length factor for compression

Gross Uniform Tension Capacites for Single Plates (kips)

Plate Ht., Plate Thickness, tp (in.)
Hp (in.) 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2
5.5 61.9 82.5 103.1 123.8 144.4 165.0 206.3 247.5 288.8 330.0
7 78.8 105.0 131.3 157.5 183.8 210.0 262.5 315.0 367.5 420.0
9 101.3 135.0 168.8 202.5 236.3 270.0 337.5 405.0 472.5 540.0
10.5 118.1 157.5 196.9 236.3 275.6 315.0 393.8 472.5 551.3 630.0
13 146.3 195.0 243.8 292.5 341.3 390.0 487.5 585.0 682.5 780.0
15 168.8 225.0 281.3 337.5 393.8 450.0 562.5 675.0 787.5 900.0
18 202.5 270.0 337.5 405.0 472.5 540.0 675.0 810.0 945.0 1080.0
20.5 230.6 307.5 384.4 461.3 538.1 615.0 768.8 922.5 1076.3 1230.0
23.5 264.4 352.5 440.6 528.8 616.9 705.0 881.3 1057.5 1233.8 1410.0
26 292.5 390.0 487.5 585.0 682.5 780.0 975.0 1170.0 1365.0 1560.0
29 326.3 435.0 543.8 652.5 761.3 870.0 1087.5 1305.0 1522.5 1740.0
31.5 354.4 472.5 590.6 708.8 826.9 945.0 1181.3 1417.5 1653.8 1890.0

Gross tension capacity of plate: Rt = (Hp*tp)*Ft

where: Ft = 0.60*Fy

Gross Uniform Compression Capacites for Single Plates (kips)

Plate Ht., Plate Thickness, tp (in.)
Hp (in.) 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2
5.5 17.4 40.6 65.5 89.0 111.8 134.0 177.7 220.6 263.1 305.3
7 22.2 51.7 83.3 113.3 142.2 170.6 226.1 280.8 334.9 388.6
9 28.5 66.4 107.2 145.6 182.9 219.3 290.8 361.0 430.5 499.6
10.5 33.2 77.5 125.0 169.9 213.3 255.9 339.2 421.2 502.3 582.9
13 41.1 95.9 154.8 210.4 264.1 316.8 420.0 521.5 621.9 721.6
15 47.5 110.7 178.6 242.7 304.8 365.5 484.6 601.7 717.6 832.7
18 57.0 132.8 214.3 291.3 365.7 438.6 581.5 722.0 861.1 999.2
20.5 64.9 151.3 244.1 331.7 416.5 499.6 662.3 822.3 980.7 1138.0
23.5 74.4 173.4 279.8 380.3 477.5 572.7 759.2 942.6 1124.2 1304.5
26 82.3 191.9 309.6 420.7 528.3 633.6 840.0 1042.9 1243.8 1443.3
29 91.8 214.0 345.3 469.3 589.2 706.7 936.9 1163.2 1387.3 1609.8
31.5 99.7 232.5 375.0 509.7 640.0 767.6 1017.7 1263.5 1506.9 1748.6

Compression (buckling) capacity of plate: Rc = (Hp*tp)*Fa

where: r = tp/(SQRT(12)) (radius of gyration for minor axis of plate)
KL/r = K*Lc/r (slenderness ratio)
Cc = SQRT(2*p^2*29000/Fy)
If KL/r <= Cc then Fa = (1-(K*Lc/r )^2/(2*Cc^2))*Fy/(5/3+3*(K*Lc/r)/(8*Cc)-(K*Lc/r)^3/(8*Cc^3))
If KL/r > Cc then Fa = 12*p^2*29000/(23*(K*Lc/r)^2)

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