Sri Rezki - The Role of Red Dragon Fruit Peels Dyes in Detecting The Presence of Plaque On Teeth

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Pontianak International Health Conference (PIHC)

Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Pontianak



Sri Rezki1 and Jojok Heru Susatyo2

Department of Dental Nursing, Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Pontianak


Plaque is the cause of many dental and oral diseases, so plaque should clean regularly. Plaque is
invisible to seen direct, so to see plaque we need a staining tool commonly called disclosing
agent. The anthocyanins in dragon fruit have been investigated for their use as dyestuffs, for
food and other dyes. Researchers interested to research anthocyanins in red dragon fruit peel for
use as a disclosing agent on the teeth.
The purpose of this research is to know the role of dye powder and liquid from dragon fruit
peels in detecting the presence of plaque on the teeth. This research is a quasi experimental
research. The research did in the laboratory of Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak to get the dye
powder and extract of the red dragon fruit peels. Then the research continued to Integrated
Clinic Poltekkes Kemenkes pontianak. Red dragon fruit peels and JKG students are study
population, while sampling with purposive sampling technique.
Mean Index of plaques on coloring using a dye of red dragon fruit peel powder is 0.30 and using
a dye of red dragon fruit peel extract is 0.53. Mean Index of plaques on coloring using
disclosing agent is 25,6. Dyes from red dragon fruit peel ,powder and extract do not effectively
detect plaque exist on the teeth. Further research need to get a solid natural dyes such as
synthetic dyes, so the disclosing agent used is safer for health. Natural dyes are important
because these ingredients are smeared on the mouth and have the potential swallowed

Keywords: plak, red dragon peel fruit

Introduction main need of a good disclosing solution

Plaque is a general term used to is to selectively colorize the plaque so
describe a collection of various that it does not affect the area of teeth
microorganisms (mainly bacteria) and and the area around the clean teeth. The
saliva (Overman, 2000 cit. Panjaitan, coloring process is ease knowing a lot
2007). Plaque is a soft layer consisting of at least plaque attached to the teeth
of a collection of microorganisms that (Yuwono, 1991).The red dragon fruit
multiply on a matrix. Plaque was peels has natural anthocyanin yes.
present and firmly attach to the surface Anthocyanin is a dye of red color
of the untreated tooth (Pintauli and potentially become a natural dye that is
Hamada, 2008). Plaque can not be seen safer for health. The studies it has been
directly by the eye so that the required reported that red dragon fruit peel has a
plaque dyes used are disclosing solution high content of anthocyanin red
(Yuwono, 1991). Disclosing agent or pigment.
disclosing solution is a tool used to Anthocyanin dyes of red dragon
show plaque on a patient's teeth. The fruit peel has use as coloring agent, for

Pontianak International Health Conference (PIHC)
Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Pontianak

foods and other dyes. The importance of adhesive, one side attached to the tooth
disclosing agent to see the presence of surface, while the other surface is the
plaque on the teeth to preventive efforts side that attached the bacteria to the
in maintaining oral health, the tooth surface (Vera, 2010).
researchers is interesting to examine the After the acquired pellicle is
use anthocyanins on red dragon fruit formed, the bacteria begin to colonize
peel has used as a disclosing agent on with the pellicle. The first bacteria
the teeth. attached are Streptococcus species, that
are gram-positive bacteria such as
Literature Review Streptococcus sanguinis, Streptococcus
Plaque was first used in dentistry in mutans, and Actinomyces viscosus
1898 by G. V Black to mention a (Panjaitan, 2007).
pellicle mass of an organism present in Most of these bacteria come from
carious lesions. Plaque defined as a soft, the saliva flora that attached and interact
strong material that survives on the to the teeth surface. The Interactions
tooth surface and can not escape with include bacterial attachment to the tooth
water gargles, or as a soft mass whose surface, homotypic attachment between
concentration occurs from most of the the same bacterial cell, and heterotypic
bacterial variations together attached in attachment between different bacterial
an intermicrobial substance (Ramfjord, cells (Ritonga, 2005). The bacteria work
2000 cit. Ritonga, 2005).The dental together the colonization to developing
plaque composition consists of 80% process (Megananda et al, 2009).
water and 20% solids. From these solids The red dragon fruit has a very
there are organic, inorganic and interesting red color called anthocyanin.
microorganisms. Organic matter has Anthocyanins are the most important
protein (40-50%), carbohydrates (13- and most widespread dyes in plants.
18%) and fat (10-14%). While the (Tensiska, 2006).The content of
inorganic material consists of calcium, anthocyanin on the peel of white dragon
phosphate, fluoride, magnesium and fruit fresh is 0.08 ± 0.03 ppm; red
sodium (Panjaitan, 2007). dragon fruit peel of 0.56 ± 0.43 ppm
The process of formation of dental and red dragon fruit peel of 0.45 ± 0.26
plaque composed of three stages : the ppm.The anthocyanin content is lower
first stage is forming the layer acquired than anthocyanin levels in dragon fruit
pellicle, the second stage is bacterial peel powder where white dragon fruit
colonization, and the third stage is peel has anthocyanin content of 1.18 ±
maturation plaque (Megananda et al, 0.22 ppm; and red dragon fruit peel
2009). Plaque formation process begins TKBNM 1.27 ± 0.31 ppm and
with forms acquired pellicle where at TKBNSM 1.98 ± 0.13 ppm.(Samsuddin
this stage the tooth surface will be and Khoiruddin, 2008)
wrapped by glycoprotein pellicle. They
come from saliva, sulcular fluid, Method and Material
bacterial cell products, host, and debris Design
(Linda, 2011).
The particles are very easily This research is a quasi experimental
removed by brushing teeth but begin to research. The research was conducted in
re-form completely within minutes after August 2016 at laboratory of Poltekkes
the tooth surface is cleaned (Ritonga, Kemenkes Pontianak, to get the dye
2005). The particle acts like a two-sided

Pontianak International Health Conference (PIHC)
Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Pontianak

powder from dragon fruit peel and

extract of peel of dragon fruit peel.


The population in this study is

Dragon Fruit peel and JKG Poltekkes
Students Pontianak. Samples for dragon
fruit peel using purposive sampling
technique with dragon fruit peel criteria
using red dragon fruit peel in pontianak
city market, dragon fruit size 250-500 figure 2. Dragon red Fruit Peel
mg, picked in a state of mature and not Extract
rotten. Research subjects for JKG
students use random sampling Ethical clearance
technique and select 30 people This study was approved by the Ethics
Committee of Faculty of Dentistry,
Gajah Mada University, no
Method 00745/KKEP/FKG-UGM/EC/2016

How to Making red rowder from Data collection procedures

Red Dragon Fruit Plak Index (PHP-M)
1. red dragon fruit weighing 2 kg Personal Hygiene Performance-
washed, peeled, and cut using slicer Modified (PHP-M), Oral Index by
until sheet formed. Martin and Mepeel (1972), PHP-M
2. the sheets are then dried using examination uses index tooth and uses a
sunlight to dry to remove water for 2 disclosing agent.
day, that is then in the oven dryer at 80 o
3. The drying process is stopped when
it has reached water content <10%( 1
hours), then blended until smooth and

Figure 3. Plak Index (PHP-M)

The research subjects did a toothbrush.
After 1 hour, the tooth is checked
plaque index using dyes. Teeth
smearing begins from right and left
maxilla then continued to the teeth in
left and right mandible, buccal, labial,
palatal and lingual surface. Calculated
PHP-M index. The study was conducted
for 3 days.
figure 1. Dragon red Fruit Powder
Existing data is
How to Making red dragon fruit peel
1. PHP-M of red dragon fruit peel
extract, 500 gr red dragon fruit peel
powder (Y1),
sliced and then soaked with aquades
and citric acid 0.5% for 10 hours

Pontianak International Health Conference (PIHC)
Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Pontianak

2. PHP-M of red dragon fruit peel The probability of 0,000, indicates that
extract (Y2) and the mean plaque index of the three
3. PHP-M of disclossing agent as groups is different.
control (Y3). Tabel 4. test Post Hoc
Mean Diff
(I) dyes (J) dyes (I-J) Sig
Data Analysis
Data were analyzed using SPSS version Tukey disclosing powder 25,07 ,000
20. Tests for data normality were HSD extrak 25,30 ,000
conducted to the data distribution, and powder disclosing -25,07 ,000
descriptive and Anova Test. Extrak ,23 ,985
extra disclosing -25,30 ,000
Result powder -,23 ,985
Table1.Distribution of Plaque Index The mean Plaque Index using
Using Dyes Disclossing Agent, Powder disclosing agent compared with the use
And Extract Red Dragon Fruit Peel of powder and extract of red dragon
fruit peel proved significantly different.
The average plaque index using
N Mean Min Max
disclosing 30 25,60 13 42
powdered and extracts proved not to
powder 30 ,30 0 7
differ significantly
Extrack 30 ,53 0 14
The thin slices of red dragon fruit
The results showed that the dyes of the
peel soaked with aquadest and citric
powder and the extract of the red
acid 0.5% for 10 hours, resulting
dragon fruit peel can not dyes plaque
concentrated dark red liquid and not
slimy. The extract dyne when applied
to the tooth surface looks dye coloring.
Table 2. Homogeneity test of
When the mouthwash done, this liquid
dye dissolves in the water rinse, so it is
Statistic df1 df2 Sig. not attached to the plaque, this
47,4 8
,0 condition causes the dye can not detect
2 0 dental plaque.
25 7
The tooth surface with debris
attachment still looks very thin red
The test results show that all samples color. It can conclude that the dye of red
have the same variance. Probability dragon fruit peel extract can detecting
value of 0.00 that is smaller than 0.05. debris but it can not detect plaque on
the teeth.The dyes of red dragon fruit
Table 3. TesAnova peel extract is quite dark red, can color
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F
Sig. the liquid that will produce good color
Betwee emulsion, but if the peel of the hand,
12684,82 6342,41 210,69 ,00
1 0 0 The color will be lost if rinsed with
Within 8
running water.
2618,967 30,103 The Research of Simanjuntak
Groups 7
Total 15303,78 8 (2014) showed that the yield of red
9 9
dragon fruit peel extract was 62.68% (%
wet), meaning that from 1 gram of
liquid was make from 0.6268 gram of

Pontianak International Health Conference (PIHC)
Health Polytechnic of Health Ministry Pontianak

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