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1. Rubber disks are used to provide cushioning for equipment subjected to vibrations. The vibration analysis
indicates that the rubber disk should provide an effective spring constant of 600 Ib/in. Spacing
considerations dictate that the disk should be 0.5 in. tall. Take the rubber to have a Young's modulus of 400
a. Determine the desired diameter of the disk.
b. If the rubber strain is not to exceed 0.2, determine the maximum allowable compressive force.

2. Unlike cables attached to the deck center, cables attached to the sides of the deck also serve to resist
rotation of the deck about its long axis. We simplify the problem and approximate the cables as vertical, with
length L = 200 m and cross-sectional area 0.01 m2. The cables are attached at the edges of the 35 m wide
deck. Let the portion of the deck in question rotate by ф = 2°. Determine the resisting moment due to the
pair of cables. The effective modulus of steel cables is 165 GPa. Hint: the cables are already in tension, but the
additional force due to deck rotation on one cable is compressive and the other is tensile, with the pair of
additional forces causing the moment.

3. The aluminum rod is secured at the top and loaded as shown. The rod has an outer diameter of 1.25 in. and a
wall thickness of 0.125 in.
a. Determine the maximum axial stress in the rod and indicate if it is tensile or compressive.
b. Determine the displacement of the rod midway between points Band C due to the loading.

10 de julio de 2020
4. A compound bar consisting of bronze, aluminum, and steel segments is loaded axially as shown in the figure.

a. Determine the maximum allowable value of P if the change in length of the bar is limited to 2 mm
and the working stresses prescribed in the table are not to be exceeded.

6. Solid circular bars of brass (Ebr = 100 GPa, νbr = 0.34) and aluminum (Eal = 70 GPa, νal = 0.33) having 200 mm
diameter are attached to a steel tube (Est = 210 GPa, νst = 0.3) of the same outer diameter, as shown in Figure.
For the loading shown determine:
a. The movement of the plate at C with respect to the plate at A.
b. The change in diameter of the brass cylinder.
i. The maximum inner diameter to the nearest millimeter in the steel tube if the factor of safety
with respect to failure due to yielding is to be at least 1.2. The yield stress for steel is 250 MPa
in tension.

10 de julio de 2020
7. A 1-m-long hollow rod is to transmit an axial force of 60 kN. Figure shows that the inner diameter of the rod
must be 15 mm to fit existing attachments. The elongation of the rod is limited to 2.0 mm. The shaft can be
made of titanium alloy or aluminum. The modulus of elasticity E, the allowable normal stress σallow, and the
density γ for the two materials is given in Table. Determine the minimum outer diameter to the nearest
millimeter of the lightest rod that can be used for transmitting the axial force.

8. Three steel bars A, B, and C (E = 200 GPa) have lengths LA = 4 m, LB = 3 m, and LC = 2 m, as shown in Figure. All
bars have the same cross-sectional area of 500 mm2. Determine (a) the elongation in bar B; (b) the normal
stress in bar C.

9. Sca–ffolding hangs from a pair of steel cables as shown. Each cable has an effective area Ae = 0.119 in2, and an
effective modulus (accounting for untwisting) of psi. Determine the downward deflection of the scaffold at
the point where an additional load F0 = 1000 lb is applied. Take the tension along each cable to be constant,
even the right cable which wraps around the drum. Assume the scaffold is rigid relative to the cables.

10. Rigid bar ABCD is loaded and supported as shown in Figure. Bars (1) and (2) are unstressed before the load P
is applied. Bar (1) is made of bronze [E = 100 GPa] and has a crosssectional area of 520 mm2. Bar (2) is made of
aluminum [E = 70 GPa] and has a cross-sectional area of 960 mm2. After the load P is applied, the force in bar
(2) is found to be 25 kN (in tension). Determine: (a) the stresses in bars (1) and (2). (b) The vertical deflection
of point A. (c) the load P.

10 de julio de 2020
10 de julio de 2020

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