Presented By: Jayson S. Hernandez: Guidance Counselor I San Miguel National High School

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Presented by:

Guidance Counselor I
San Miguel National High School
At the end of the training, participants are
expected to:
 Explore general questions about a research
topic of interest.
 Provide the participants of essential
knowledge in basic guide in doing of action
 Direction: List down issues/problems (or topics like
motivation, personal experience, emotions, identity,
attraction, prejudice or interpersonal relations and
conflict, etc.) in your school, municipality or district as
many as you can. Then, rank 3 from all listed
issues/problems: 1 for severe; 2 for moderate; and 3
for mild. From the rank 1 or severe issue/problem,
think of general questions and write it down on your
activity sheet.
As the name suggests, action research is a
methodology which has the dual aims of action
and research...

 Action - to bring about change in some

community or organization or program
 Research - to increase understanding on the part
of the researcher or the client, or both (and
often some wider community)
 Action research is a form of investigation designed for
use by teachers to attempt to solve problems and
improve professional practices in their own
classrooms. It involves systematic observations and
data collection which can be then used by the
practitioner-researcher in reflection, decision-making
and the development of more effective classroom
strategies (Parsons and Brown ,2002).
 Action research is a natural part of teaching. Teachers
are continually observing students, collecting data and
changing practices to improve student learning and the
classroom and school environment. Action research
provides a framework that guides the energies of
teachers toward a better understanding of why, when,
and how students become better learners (A. Christine
Miller, 2007).
 Action Research is the study of a social situation with a
view of improving the quality of action within it. It aims
to feed practical judgment in concrete situations, and
the validity of the theories or hypotheses it generates
depends not so much on scientific tests of truth, as on
their usefulness in helping people to act more
intelligently and skillfully. In action research theories
are not validated independently and then applied to
practice. They are validated through practice (John
Elliott, 1991).
 Stephen Kemmis has developed a simple model of
the cyclical nature of the typical action research
process. Each cycle has four steps: plan, act,
observe, reflect.
Simple Action Research Model
By Stephen Kemmis
 Gerald Susman (1983) gives a somewhat more elaborate
listing. He distinguishes five phases to be conducted within each
research cycle. Initially, a problem is identified and data is
collected for a more detailed diagnosis. This is followed by a
collective postulation of several possible solutions, from which a
single plan of action emerges and is implemented. Data on the
results of the intervention are collected and analyzed, and the
findings are interpreted in light of how successful the action has
been. At this point, the problem is re-assessed and the process
begins another cycle. This process continues until the problem is
Detailed Action Research Model
By Gerald Susman
1. Selecting an area or focus
 Identifying an area of interest
 Focus on students
 Look at both immediate and cumulative effects
2. Collecting data
 Collect existing archival data
 Use additional multiple data sources
 Collect data regularly
 Promote collective ownership of data
 Monitor data collection
3. Organizing data
 Count instances, events, and artifacts
 Display data in tables and charts
 Arrange data by classroom, grade level, and school
 Organize for analysis
4. Analyzing and interpreting data
 Analyze and question the data as a professional collective
 Decide what can be celebrated and what needs attention
 Determine priority area(s) for action
4.5 Studying the professional literature
 Identify professional literature that relates to or matches the
 Gather research reports, research syntheses, articles,
videotapes, etc.
 Analyze and interpret these materials for understanding and
 Determine the most promising actions
5. Taking action
 Combine data analysis with that from professional
 Select best options for action
 Craft short- and long-term action plans
 Implement some actions immediately
 Assess implementation of selected actions
 It is concern to improve quality of human action and
 The focus is on the immediate concern to practitioners.
 Action research is collaborative. It implies a shared
community of discourse between insiders and
outsiders and those practitioners are not merely
treated as clients but as co-investigators.
 It is conducted in a natural setting where the problem
is encountered.
 Action research is participatory in nature. Those
affected participate in research and implementation of
preferred solutions.
 It focuses on the case or a single unit. Action research
examines a single case and a sample population, for
instance, the classroom or the school.
 There is no attempt to control setting variables.
 The problem, aims, and methodology may shift as
inquiry proceeds. Action research does not consider
problems as fixed.
 Action research is evaluative-reflective.
 Action research is methodologically eclectic-innovative.
 It is scientific. By stating problems, formulate action
hypotheses the action researcher exercises rigorous
scientific principle of procedures.
 Usefulness or utility value should be shared among the
 Dialogue and discourse-based nature. In action research
understanding can only be achieved through unconstrained
dialogue with project participants.
 Action research is critical. Critique is pivotal aspects of the
process and an important step towards understanding
interpretation and emancipation.
 Action research is emancipatory. It attempts to give
participants greater autonomy through collective reflection.
1. Field Notes
 Advantages: simple, ongoing, personal, aide-memoire
 Disadvantages: subjective, needs practice
 Uses: specific issue, case study, general impression
2. Audiotape Recording
 Advantages: versatile, accurate, provides ample data
 Disadvantages: transcription difficult, time-consuming,
often inhibiting
 Uses: detailed evidence, diagnostic
3. Diaries
 Advantages: provides researcher/participants'
 Disadvantages: subjective
 Uses: diagnostic, triangulation
4. Interviews and Discussions
 Advantages: can be teacher-student, observer-student,
 Disadvantages: time-consuming
 Uses: specific, in-depth information
5. Videotape Recordings
 Advantages: visual, comprehensive
 Disadvantages: awkward and expensive; can be
 Uses: visual material, diagnostic
6. Questionnaires
 Advantages: highly specific; easy to administer;
 Disadvantages: time-consuming to analyze; problem of
"right" answers
 Uses: specific information; feedback
7. Sociometry
 Advantages: easy to administer; provides guide to
 Disadvantages: can threaten isolated students
 Uses: analyzes social relationships
8. Documentary Evidence
 Advantages: illuminative
 Disadvantages: difficult to obtain; time-consuming
 Uses: provides context and information
9. Slide/tape, Video Stills, & Photography
 Advantages: illuminative; promotes discussion
 Disadvantages: difficult to obtain; expensive
 Uses: illustrates critical incidents
10. Case Study
 Advantages: accurate; representative; uses range of
 Disadvantages: time-consuming
 Uses: comprehensive overview of an issue; publishable
Cover Page
 Clearly printed name and/or logo of the school
 Title of the Action Research – Pyramid style
 Name of Researcher
 Date of Submission
Table of Contents
 Correct pagination
 Appendices for tables and graphs
 References
I Abstract – summary of the study with this following
information: Title of research, problems, subject of
the study, locale/school, respondents (if any), data
gathering tools, statistical technique used, and
II Introduction (Situation – with baseline data which
were the basis of the identified problems)
III Statement of the Problem – questions should be
IV Conceptual Frame work

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Independent Variable – intervention applied to solve the problems.

Dependent Variable – a variable affected or expected to be affected

by the independent variable
V Brief Review of Literature
 Relevant research and how it applies to your problem.
VI Methodology (Plan of Action)
 Design – what kind of research
 Locale – school, district + grade or year
 Date when the study is conducted
 Respondents – teachers, principals, parents, pupils,
guidance counselor, etc.
 Strategy/ies used to collect the data
 Data Collected
 Statistical Tools – frequency, mean, regression, ANOVA,
VII Findings and Discussion (Interpretation and
Analysis of Data Collected)
 Describe how you interpreted the data you
collected. Include raw data (can be number in table
format quotes, etc.)
VIII Conclusions
 What are your over-all conclusions? (Relate this
back to your research question/problem and to the
relevant research).
IX Recommendations
 This includes your suggestions to utilize the
interventions in larger population, other school,
district or division, and other school year.
X References
Prepared by:
District Supervisor

Checked and Reviewed by:

Division Checking Committee

_________________ AGNES R. BERNARDO

EPS (concerned subject area) EPS – Research & Evaluation

Recommending Approval:
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (Sec.)
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (Elem.)

Schools Division Superintendent
Title: Family, Individual, Community and School
(FICS) Analysis of Students-At-Risk of Dropping
Out (SARDO):
Groundwork for San Miguel National High School's
Dropout Reduction Program (DORP) for School Year
2013- 2014

 Researcher: Rosauro A. Villanueva

 Abstract:
This study entitled “Family, Individual, Community, and
School (FICS) Analysis of Students-at-Risk of Dropping Out
(SARDO): Groundwork for San Miguel National High School’s
Drop-Out Reduction Program (DORP) for School Year 2013-
2014” was conducted to determine the factors that
influenced the students at risk of dropping out and assess if
the interventions initiated by the school authorities have
been effective in addressing the needs and concerns of the
students. The investigation utilized the Family, Individual,
Community, and School (FICS) Analysis to identify the
SARDOs and for the evaluation of the School-Initiated
Intervention (SII), SWOT analysis was used.
 Of the 128 identified SARDOs, majority are males across
Grade/Year levels outnumbering the females by a 1:5 ratio.
The most number of male SARDOs are Grade VII while the
most number of female SARDOs are Grade VIII. Based on the
FICS analysis, across all Grade/Year levels, 62.0 percent of
the cases are individual-related followed by family-related
cases at 32.0 per cent then community-related cases at 4.0
per cent and the least among these, school-related cases at
2.0 per cent. The most frequent individual-related reason is
lack of interest in one’s studies while the least frequent
reasons are the presence of unhealthy recreational facilities
near the school campus and lack of parental interest in their
child’s education.
 With respect to the school-initiated intervention utilized for
each SARDO, the most frequent is consultation with the
parents and also, regular monitoring of the student. The
SWOT analysis of the School-Initiated Interventions (SII)
implied that these are helpful and useful to the SARDO on a
case-to-case basis if the school authorities and the parents
collaborate consistently toward the common goal of helping
and supporting him. Further fine tuning of the Guidance
and Counseling program is recommended as well as
sourcing out financial support from potential benefactors
for the enhancement and upgrading of its activities and

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