Assignment Brief - Matlab and Simulink Signal Flow Exercise 2020

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ONCAMPUS Assignment Brief

Academic Year 2019-20

Programme International Year One Engineering

Module Mathematical Tools & Concepts

Assessment title Matlab and Simulink signal flow exercise

Deadline date 30/07/20

Weighting This assessment counts for 25% of your overall grade for this module

Pass mark 40%

Assignment summary A series of computer-based exercises have been designed to assess your
practical and analytical skills, ability to perform set tasks, analyses and
interpretation of results and your ability to communicate information in a
logical, structured and coherent manner.

Please read this document carefully. It includes the learning outcomes,

assignment task, information about plagiarism and marking criteria.
Submission of work

For group assignments, only one copy should be submitted to Turnitin. The
front page of the assignment must include the full name and CEG number
of all group members.

Feedback will also be communicated back to you via your tutor. They will
confirm the timescale in which you will receive your feedback.

Important details
Module learning outcomes
1. Examine, analyse and evaluate mathematical expressions involving vectors, matrices,
trigonometric and polynomial functions using real and complex numbers.
2. Use pre-determined procedures to solve problems involving vectors, matrices, trigonometric
and polynomial functions using real and complex numbers.
3. Use directed formats and styles to communicate mathematical problems and solutions, and
simulation and modelling results for academic, specialist and non-specialist audiences.
4. Solve engineering problems in modelling and simulation using Matlab and Simulink.

This assignment requires you to demonstrate that you can:

1. Have a sound knowledge and conceptual understanding that covers essential aspects of the
subject matter dealt with in the module.
2. Show that they can use judgement to apply the correct tools and technique in order to solve
3. Ability to demonstrate display methods/answers clearly.
4. The ability to work competently and independently e.g. manage their own learning and make
use of appropriate resources.

Assignment purpose:
To provide you with the fundamentals of how to express problems in the form of signal flow diagrams.
These are then used to demonstrate the process of modelling, such problems and determining solutions
by simulation.

Your will be marked against the following criteria:

1. Planning: Describe the planning process of the given assignment, e.g. task allocation, group
cohesion, meeting minutes and files management. (10%)
2. Presentation: Preparing the report in a professional manner, e.g. includes readability, report
structure and appendices. (20%)
3. Exercise: Success completion the given tasks i.e. section 1-3 (70%) based on series of
score/ranking i.e. excellent, good, average, poor and not completed.

Assignment instructions:
You should ensure that all aspects of your work are present with appropriately accurate English and
you need submit your work before the suggested deadline. Otherwise, there will be penalty for late
submission. If you are unsure of what is expected of you please speak to your tutor.

We expect all submitted work to be your own words (apart from in-text quotations), written in a style
that reflects your English language level. If you copy other people’s work and present it as your own,
this is called plagiarism and is a serious academic offence.

The full details of our policy on academic misconduct can be found at the back of the Programme

You must complete a coursework submission sheet and attach this to the front of your assignment.
Submissions without this sheet may be rejected and may result in a mark of 0 being awarded for this

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The Assessment of the Matlab and Simulink exercise will be via the submission of two group reports to
Turnitin site, i.e. one for Matlab and one for Simulink. Each report constitutes a 25% component of your
module score. There will be a penalty on the final score of your report (e.g. marks capped at 40%) for late
or no submission, plagiarism or cheating.
The reports will be constructed by using this MS Word document as a report template.

Assessment Criteria for each report

A group report must have contributions from each member of the group. It should include the following:-

i. A Title/Covering Page on the front page of the assignment.

ii. Page numbered pages throughout and a formatted contents page with page numbers for each
iii. Clear section headings for each part of the exercise.
iv. A short explanation of what script was run and what the observed result obtained was. In term of
Matlab’s code, comments should be included.
v. A discussion of how each exercise was approached. Including any justification of how and why a
certain approach was taken and what parameters were used and what results were observed.
vi. Titled Appendices for each group member that shows the work that group member completed,
e.g. contains the complete documented source code for each section with result pictures (for
MATLAB) or explained signal flow graph screen capture with results pictures (for Simulink).
vii. A management section that gives a breakdown of how the workload was distributed between the
group members. Any group meetings must also be documented.
viii. In the event that there is a lack of contribution from any team members, the assessor(s) reserve
the right to re-distribute marks to those team members who have made the effort.

Each report will be marked accordingly to:

i. Planning (e.g. group cohesion and meeting minutes) – 10 marks
ii. Exercise documentation (e.g. software listings, explanation of functionality, procedure, results and
discussion) – 70 marks
iii. Presentation (e.g. readability, report structure and appendices) – 20 marks

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The MATLAB and Simulink laboratory is organised as a group based exercise. There is a maximum of 5
members in a group. Each individual within the group must complete all parts of the exercise, but only
required to present one set of data in the main body of the report. However, all results obtained from
members of the group must be attached in the Appendix. In addition, each group must identify a member
for each of the following roles:

Chair Person (C)

This individual is responsible for the recording of decisions and collaborations and prepares the project
management section containing the group’s minutes.

Report Collator and Editor (R)

This individual is responsible for the formatting, collation and editing of the reports. And the person is
also responsible for the submission of reports to Turnitin.

Other group roles

Every member of the group must complete the whole work. Each member must assist in producing and
preparing one or more sections of the reports.

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SIMULINK (Section 1−3)
(Submission deadline: 4pm 13th December 2019)

Question 1
Section 1.1

The Simulink Browser will appear and look like this:

Use the File option in the Simulink Library Browser to create a new Simulink Model, sim0.mdl, and store
it in the folder g:\IY1ENG_Simulink

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A Simulink model window should open looking like this:

The model can be run by pressing the 'Play' button.

Congratulations you have run your first Simulink model!

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Section 1.2
Instructions: Calculate an Equation Simulink.

Modify the sim0.mdl model, by adding Maths blocks and Constant source blocks, to calculate the

10^(ln(sqrt( (5^2)+ (25*4/3)))

save the model as sim1.mdl and a snapshot of the result as sim1. jpg.

Section 1.3
Instructions: Simulink and signals.

The following models demonstrate the ability to calculate and mix signals.

Open the following Simulink Guide A at Section 1 Familiarisation Exercise and create and run the
Simulink model described. Save the model as sim2.mdl and a take a screen capture of a typical output
plot and save it in a word document as sim2.doc.

Collate files sim1.mdl, sim1.jpg, sim2.mdl, and sim2.doc into your Group Report as Simulink Section 1.

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Question 2
Section 2.1
Instructions: Modelling Dynamics Starting with ordinary differential equations.

The key to the solving of dynamical equations as simulations is integration. By having the ability to
integrate an arbitrary input signal and simultaneously produce its integrated output for use in the
simulation allows signal flow representations of systems to be modelled.

Create a new Simulink model file, sim3.mdl, and use the File option in the Simulink Library Browser to
save the Simulink Model as sim3.mdl in the folder g:\IY1ENG_Simulink.

The Simulink model to be made should look like this

Run the model by pressing the 'Play' button.

Save the plots from the oscilloscope windows, Scope, Scope1, Scope2 and Scope3, by printing the
oscilloscope figures to jpeg files sim3Sc.jpg, sim3Sc1.jpg, sim3Sc2.jpg and sim3Sc3.jpg for submission.

Collate files sim3.mdl, sim3Sc.jpg, sim3Sc1.jpg, sim3Sc2.jpg and sim3Sc3.jpg into your Group Report
as Simulink Section 2.1.

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Section 2.2
Instructions: Effect of initial conditions on solutions to dynamics problems.

In Simulink Model, sim3.mdl, select the Sine Wave Simulink block and open it by double clicking on it.

A parameter window should appear that looks like this:

Notice that the Phase of the sine wave is set to start at a specified initial angle in Radians.

Add small amounts, for example 0.1, to the Phase parameter and rerun the simulation. Notice that by
this means a value of initial Phase can be found that causes the output of the Scope3 block to return to
zero for a moment at running time 10s.

Capture the oscilloscope block results for this situation by printing the oscilloscope figures to jpeg files
sim310.jpg, sim311.jpg, sim312.jpg and sim313.jpg for submission.

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Connect the Signal Builder Block instead of the Sine Wave block and save the simulation as model file
sim321.mdl for submission.

Capture the oscilloscope block results for this situation by printing the oscilloscope figures to jpeg files
sim3210.jpg, sim3211.jpg, sim3212.jpg and sim3213.jpg for submission.

Collate files sim310.jpg, sim311.jpg, sim312.jpg and sim313.jpg as well as files sim321.mdl, sim3210.jpg,
sim3211.jpg, sim3212.jpg and sim3213.jpg into your Group Report as Simulink Section 2.2.

Section 2.3

Instructions: Simulation of a simple pendulum.

Open the following Simulink Guide A at Section 2 Create a simple Simulink Simulation System and
create and run the Simulink model described. The Matlab script used here is Section2_0.m.

Collate the model as Section2_1.mdl and take a screen captures of typical output plots, document and
save them into your Group Report as Simulink Section 2.3.

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Question 3
Instructions: Projectile Modelling.

This aim of this section is to investigate the path of a projectile given an initial speed and to maximise its
horizontal distance of travel.

The detail of the how to model and simulate this problem is described in Simulink Guide A at Section 3
Maximising the Range of a Projectile.

At the end of the exercises the following files should be collated into your Group Report as Simulink
Section 3.

The Simulink model files (.mdl) and Matlab script (.m), if the second method of initial condition
assignment is used, and Snapshots of XY plot for projectile trajectory for the two different heights and
two different Simulink implementations.

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Marking criteria

Excellent (1.0) Good (0.8) Adequate (0.6) Partially Adequate (0.4) Unsatisfactory (0.2) Fail (0.0)
Planning (10%) Numerous evidences Many evidences of Some evidences of Some evidences of team Little evidences of No evidences of
Team cohesion e.g. of team working team working team working working documented. team working team working
team working documented. documented. documented. Activities were poorly documented. documented. No
meeting minutes and Activities were very Activities were well Activities were presented. Activities were attempt of activities
task allocation well presented. presented. presented. poorly presented. presented.
Presentation1 (10%) The report is very The report is very The report is The report is not well The report is poorly The report is very
Readability and use well written and well written and adequately written written and not easy for written and hard for poorly written and
of language easy for reader to easy to follow. Minor and easy for reader reader to follow. Major reader to follow. very hard for reader
follow. or no improvement to follow. Some improvement required. Major improvement to follow. Significant
required. improvement required. improvement
required. required.
Presentation2 (10%) The report is very The report is well The report is The report is not well The report is poorly The report is very
Report structure and well structured and structured and adequately structured and structured and poorly structured
organisation organised. All organised. Majority structured and organised. Some of the organised. Majority and organised.
required content are of the content are organised. Majority content are clearly of the content are Nearly all or majority
clearly documented clearly documented of the content are documented, and not clearly the content are not
and referenced. and referenced. clearly documented referenced, but with documented and clearly documented
and referenced, but many missing. referenced and referenced.
with some missing.
Question 1 (20%) Knowledge goes well Knowledge goes Knowledge is an Most of the knowledge Largely factually Content is
Technical content, beyond that beyond lecture even mix of that comes from the lecture incorrect, with no inaccurate, or copied
results and provided in the handouts, with taken from the handouts. Very little effort to research directly from the
discussion lecture handouts. minor references to handouts, and effort to research the the topics. Answer lecture notes. The
Technical content is the slides. Technical knowledge that is topic. Content is around given doesn't answer question has not
factually correct with content is 80 % guessed at. Technical 40-50 % correct, but the question. been answered.
no errors, and correct, and content is 60% doesn't always answer
answers the addresses the accurate, but does the question.
question well. question. not always answer
the question.
Some knowledge is
Question 2 (20%) Knowledge goes well Knowledge goes Knowledge is an Most of the knowledge Largely factually Content is
Technical content, beyond that beyond lecture even mix of that comes from the lecture incorrect, with no inaccurate, or copied
results and provided in the handouts, with taken from the handouts. Very little effort to research directly from the
discussion lecture handouts. minor references to handouts, and effort to research the the topics. Answer lecture notes. The
Technical content is the slides. Technical knowledge that is topic. Content is around given doesn't answer question has not
factually correct with content is 80 % guessed at. Technical 40-50 % correct, but the question. been answered.
no errors, and correct, and content is 60% doesn't always answer
answers the addresses the accurate, but does the question.
question well. question. not always answer
the question.
Some knowledge is
Question 3 (20%) Knowledge goes well Knowledge goes Knowledge is an Most of the knowledge Largely factually Content is
Technical content, beyond that beyond lecture even mix of that comes from the lecture incorrect, with no inaccurate, or copied
results and provided in the handouts, with taken from the handouts. Very little effort to research directly from the
discussion lecture handouts. minor references to handouts, and effort to research the the topics. Answer lecture notes. The
Technical content is the slides. Technical knowledge that is topic. Content is around given doesn't answer question has not
factually correct with content is 80 % guessed at. Technical 40-50 % correct, but the question. been answered.
no errors, and correct, and content is 60% doesn't always answer
answers the addresses the accurate, but does the question.
question well. question. not always answer
the question.
Some knowledge is
Appendix (10%) Technical content is Technical content is Technical content is Technical content is 40- Largely factually Content is
Group members factually correct with 80 % correct, and 60 % correct, and 50 % correct, and incorrect, but the inaccurate, and the
contribution e.g. no errors, and required files were required files were required files were required files were required files were
appendices and file required files were submitted on time. submitted on time. submitted on time. submitted on time. either late or not
management submitted on time. submitted.

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