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Requirements for Sales FINALS

2020 Summer Online Class of Atty. MCT

I. Answer all the Assignments and Seat works found in Topics 5 to 10 of the Outline in
the LMS. Deadline for submission will be on July 27, 2020 until 3:00pm. You may
submit any time before such date. Extra 10points will be given to those who will
submit before July 27, 2020. The extra points will be credited to your Final Project
which is part of the 30% of your grade.

II. Finals Coverage: Topic 5 to Topic 10. Exam Schedule: class 5:20-7PM July 23; class
7-8:40pm July 24. Exam consists of 50MCQ items. PLEASE SECURE internet
connectivity. Time limit: 1 hour and 30 mins, open for 5hrs. You can find the FINAL
Exam at the General section at the LMS. No second taking of exam except for
justifiable reasons. FINALS EXAM has a password which will be announced.


1. Research, study and draft a COMPLETE CONTRACT of:
a. Sale with a Right of Repurchase
b. Real Estate Mortgage
c. Pledge
d. Chattel Mortgage
e. Contract of Agency or Special Power of Attorney
2. Create your own terms and conditions; For REM, CM, Pledge, you may narrate the
principal contracts involved
3. Each contract must be complete and must have at least basic parts, among others:
a. Complete Name of Parties, Address, Citizenship (use any of your names)
b. Details of the property involved (REM, CM, Pledge), for Agency, any obligation
will do
c. Obligations of the Parties
d. Liabilities of the parties
e. Whereas clauses
f. Place a Dragnet Clause (REM, CM)
g. Remedies of parties in case of breach
h. Other contents you may need to include
4. The contracts shall either be:
a. written in a word format, the file of which shall be uploaded or attached in the
LMS upon submitting the project or
b. written directly as plain text in the LMS in which case, no need to attach a file
5. Each contract shall be a minimum 1,300 words maximum of 1,800
6. The Total score for the project is 75pts.
7. The grouping is generated automatically/randomly. For convenience, you can find
your group name and group members below:


Canencia Auja Araneta Ginoo Gadrinab
Genon Famor Cairo Golisao Labagday
Lacerna Mallari Claro Sevilleno Tabor
Masada Morata Montecillo Ubas
Ondoy Rodrigo Tirol Yaun

8. Members must make the project at home using any online platform. For your safety,
meet and discuss with your group members only through online means.
9. How to submit: The submission of the project should be done individually, meaning
all the members of each group must submit one and the same or identical project as
with his or her group members to the LMS.
10. Indicate the group no. and group members at the last portion of every contract.
11. Note, the project will be graded by group.
12. Deadline for submission of the Project: July 27, 2020 until 7:00pm. No extensions
These FINALS INSTRUCTIONS, are also found at the LMS

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