Spring 9

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Annex 6B – Producing a Geological Map

1. Plotting strike and dip of lithology and fracture/joints in Google Earth
• Keeping Google Earth aligned to North, overlay stereo-net using image overlay tool and resize it accordingly.
• To plot strike and dip for a particular location, stereo-net is made to lie over that particular location in such a
way that the location placemark lies at its centre.
• Using the “Add path” tool, plot strike and dip as per the geological information collected.

Strike and dip is plotted for all the locations which help in interpreting rock layers and their disposition in the field
(Figure A.6). A geological map is prepared by collating all the additional information together with strike and dip for
rocks, using the step described below.

Figure A.6: Plotting strike and dip

2. Interpolating lithology and structural data to produce a map

• Rock layers are delineated using “Add polygon” tool in Google Earth, taking into account the lithological
information together with their plotted strike and dip.
• Assign colours to polygons as per lithology, mark fractures/joints with a particular colour to distinguish them from
the strike and dip of rocks (Figure A.7).

Protocol for Reviving Springs in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: A Practitioner’s Manual

Figure A.7: Geological map

Fracture/joint observatoins
Lithology outcrop observations
Phyllitic schist layer


Annex 7: Developing a Cross Section of the Springshed Using Google Earth

1. Obtaining a 2-D profile of the springshed from Google Earth
• The geological map prepared in Step-4A, is used as a base to produce a cross section for any particular spring
and its springshed.
• Draw a profile line using the “add path” tool in Google Earth for the identified springshed, this will help build an
elevation profile for it (Figure A.8).

Figure A.8: Process of adding a path to generate a 2-D profile

• After saving the profile line, an option asking for ‘show elevation profile’ is available on the right click dropdown.
The elevation profile of the desired profile (section) line is generated, this helps produce the cross section of the
springshed (Figure A.9).

Figure A.9: Generating an elevation profile from the profile created

Protocol for Reviving Springs in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: A Practitioner’s Manual

2 Preparing a cross section of the springshed using designing software

• Using CorelDRAW, trace out the complete profile by adding all the geological observations to it at their
respective locations.
• Once all the information and observations are in the profile, the cross section is ready (Figure A.10) for
developing further into a 3-D conceptual layout.

Figure A.10: Preparing a complete cross section of the springshed using CorelDRAW

Fracture observations Spring location Fracture observations

Dip of the rock


Protocol for Reviving Springs in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: A Practitioner’s Manual

© ICIMOD 2018
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
GPO Box 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel +977 1 5275222 Fax +977 1 5275238
Email info@icimod.org Web www.icimod.org

ISBN 978 92 9115 606 1


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