2010-07-26 Steering Commitee Minutes

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South Philly Food Co-op

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

Monday, July 26, 2010

1. Subcommittee update
• Outreach – Alison
 Outreach meeting went well, they’re ready to elect a chair
next week (2 interested parties)
• Alison will serve as ICL until someone more
permanent steps up. Better not to bring another
person from Outreach to Steering, upping the
 Logo contest
• Laura works at Samuel and Sons, has connections
with food so has 2-3 gift certificates to raffle off at
the Doo Wop Car Show – one of these can be a
prize for the Logo Contest – perhaps that and a
 Website
• Website is up and running
 Brochure
• 3rd draft tomorrow (27th) for release at Doo Wop Car
 Press release
• In progress.
 “Will make presentation based on FAQs
• Speakers Bureau” being formed within Outreach (5-
6 people to do presentations)

Will take pictures at Doo Wop Car Show to personalize materials

Marsha suggested going to influential people around town – Faranese,

DiCicco, Dougherty – for free printing

• Legal/Finance – Cassie
o Based on Cassie’s draft budget, finance will come up with
fundraising ideas
o Looking into: Banks, Incorporation, Interim Treasurer, Approval
system for Spending
o Next meeing is Tues (27th)
David pointed out that we can’t “borrow” a lawyer from within the group,
need a disinterested party, someone getting compensated.

2. Finalize and approve survey

Will get rid of questions 7, 12, 13, and use them on a survey of
potential members later
Will add address, name, email for potential volunteers

3. Timeline (30 - 40)

• Subcommittee to review rtimeline, Jamie, marsha, folks from the other

o Will present to us at the end of august

• Flesh out, pick out benchmarks befor emoving forward

4. Other notes (15)

o All Committee Party

 Marsha may have a space (!!)
o Doo Wop Car Show & Festival
 Sunday, August 1, Noon – 5pm
 $2 a raffle ticket
 Cassie will donate 3 Phillies Tickets
 Cassie will fill 4-6 slot. Rose is a maybe for same slot.

o Access to SC Google Group for non committee members

 Alison will email inactive members, then remove from Google

Next meeting
August 9th, 6:30 PM at Maria’s house, 1617 S 11th Street

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